This is me right now…
Ha! It’s been a great week but a long week, so I’m happy to see Friday!
Tonight is our kids’ school’s family Valentine’s Dance and tomorrow, the big kids have their last basketball games of the season. We’re ready for the weekend over here!
Today, just like every Friday, I’m linking up with my friends Erika, Andrea and Narci and sharing my favorite things. Happy Friday friends!
When I did my Sleep Number post on Tuesday, I forgot to mention this one cool part about having a Sleep Number, so I thought I would make it a Friday Favorite (and then I promise to stop talking about mattresses!).
Your Sleep Number Mattress comes with Sleep IQ technology that lets you know how you sleep each night. If you download the app and program it to your bed, then the next morning, on your phone, you can see the quality of your sleep. Basically, this is already changing my life because as you probably already know, I do not get enough sleep…but now, my phone is telling me that every morning. I MUST FIX THIS.
I’m probably never going to give up my early rising, but I should probably be going to bed earlier each night to make up the difference. Looking at my Sleep IQ every morning has started motivating me to make sleeping more of a priority…because my Sleep IQ score is low. Okay, here are my results from this week so you can see what I’m talking about. You are going to laugh and probably scold me for Monday night…so after you read it, please let me explain!
Um, so it took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to fall asleep and I only had 2 hours and 31 minutes of restful sleep? What the heck?!?! I had a meeting on Monday night that ran really late, so I rushed home and got into bed as fast as I could (knowing I was already up waaaaay past my bedtime). But what happened? My brain was still going 90 mph from my meeting, so I started tossing and turning thinking to myself “you are going to be so tired in the morning, go to sleep!”, but that only made it worse. I woke up on Tuesday morning and felt terrible then my Sleep IQ app showed me this and it made me laugh out loud. I felt as bad as the score. That night, I really made an effort to get a better night of sleep…
…and it only took me one minute to fall asleep. Bahahahahaha! That made me laugh so hard! I basically passed out that night but as you can see…my restful sleep was much higher and so was my IQ score that night. It was an 80 instead of a 25 like the night before. And then on Wednesday night…
…I did okay too! So, this new little app is making me really conscious about my lack of sleep. Who knows, maybe it will turn me into a 7 or 8 hour a night-er????
Okay, I’m thinking Blogilates is my favorite person on YouTube for workouts. I love her music, I love how upbeat she is and I love her actual workouts too! This week I tried her Abs, Butt and Thighs workout and was so sore the next day! It’s a 30 minute workout which is great because I rarely have more than 30 minutes. If you’ve tried any of her other workouts, let me know which ones are your faves!
So far, I’ve tried:
Blogilates Abs, Butt and Thighs
Fitness Blender No Equipment Upper Body Workout with Cardio Kickboxing Intervals
Yoga By Candace’s Power Yoga
Fitness Blender Cardio & Total Body Workout
Blogilates Total Body Pilates
I need your help with #3 today!
I need some sort of calendar app to use for my family. I will always use an actual calendar to write stuff down in because I prefer paper and just enjoy that process BUT I would also like to use an app on my phone that Andrew can also access that gives us notifications and such. We need a family-style app where we can input everyone’s schedules and keep it all straight. What should I use??? Help!
Another favorite of mine this week is the new Matilda Jane collection for February PLUS the easy new online ordering system. #amen
So, one of the most common questions I get is about my girls’ clothes and the answer is almost always MATILDA JANE. I love it because it wears so well (I wash but don’t dry it), every collection builds on the ones before, so Kensington can still wear leggings from last spring with clothes from this spring because they all kind of just go together, and the outfits are so cute that the girls just look put together even if they’re only wearing a simple top and leggings. Love it! If you’ve ordered before, then you know it’s kind of tricky but as of this month, all you do is go directly to your “Jane’s” own personal site and you can order right there. So simple! Andrea connected me with Kat Kempson (our Jane) years ago and I love supporting this mama of two because she is so sweet and works so hard. If you don’t already have a Jane, you can visit Kat’s website here. Here are my littlest girls in two new outfits from this February collection…
They’re happy about the fun spring prints and colors! MJ is always a favorite of ours!!!
Speaking of fun spring colors, check out my new dress…
Isn’t it fun?!?! I wore it to church the other day and loved it! For the price, I think it’s a very high quality. It’s lined, the fabric is nice and thick (not sheer at all) and I love the tie sleeves on it too…
…aren’t the sleeves cute?!? I wore my coat over it for winter, but I’ll still be wearing it in the summer too (with sandals!). It also comes in a pale pink too but I liked the bold magenta the best 🙂 . My leopard heels are forever old but these are cute too HERE. My watch is HERE and my bracelet is HERE.
And wrapping up my favorites this week…
…my Valentine’s Breakfast for Kids.
We started this tradition several years ago and my kiddos look forward to it every Valentine’s Day. To see the full menu, click HERE.
Happy Friday!
Leslie Z. says
Okay, so I’m not an expert but in college, my friends and I used Google Calendar. We were all in the same classes and wanted one location to find all of our assignment due dates. These calendars link to your iPhone, so everything will be right there on your phone within the calendar app. You can specify who is able to make changes to the calendar, and who has access to it. Try that one! Have a super weekend!
Erinn L says
I love the google calendar for iPhone as well. My husband, mother in law (who watches our baby) and I are all linked on the “kids” calendar so we can all see and edit events pertaining to child care. Then my husband and I have a “family” calendar where we put parties, when he needs to leave early for work one day, etc and just the two of us see that and edit it. And then I have my own calendars for “work” and “personal” like meeting a friend for lunch that only I see. It’s nice because if you get an invite for something in your gmail you can automatically choose to link it to the calendar of your choice. Any calendar shared with someone else will automatically notify them when something is changed or updated. And you can color code each calendar ? Oh and obviously it all shows up on your Apple Watch. It’s the best and super easy to figure out how to set it all up and invite others to edit.
Donna says
I love the new Matilda Jane prints your girls are wearing! So cute. So glad to hear it is easier to order…that’s why I’ve never picked anything up for my girl. How do you find the sizing runs?
Mix and Match Mama says
So far, I feel like this batch is true to size!!
Erika Slaughter says
I’m telling you-that app would have the opposite effect on me. I might not even feel tired but after seeing my restless night I’d have myself thinking about how exhausted I am. And I’m a Google calendar girl. 🙂
Erica says
Google calendar is amazing!
Lindsay says
Use Time Tree! You can both access the same calendar as well as make severs calendars, if needed.
Carly M says
Google calendars are great and have a million ways you can organize and color code Happy Friday!
Amy says
Hi Shay! I also have four kids and have been using the Cozi calendar for years probably 5 years ( It is easy to use, has lots of great features, and is shareable. One of the great features I love is the ability to enter kids’ sports schedules and see them all together – for instance you can enter all the practices and games for a particular child’s basketball team and save it as a schedule, which can then be shared with others (like grandparents). You can also send reminders about appointments, keep a menu schedule, grocery lists, etc. I pay for Cozi Gold which provides additional features, but even at the basic level I think it is a great way to stay organized.
Angela Stark says
We use Cozi and LOVE it!! It’s not only a family calendar but has shopping lists that everyone can access so when they run out of things they add to it with themselves. Don’t know what we would do without it!!!
Sarah says
That app is amazing! Though, I’m not sure I’d want to know!! I’m pretty much the world’s most restless sleeper and it’s probably why I’m always tired. My biggest thing is if one of my kid’s wake up (which is often), I have a very hard time getting back to sleep. I’m pretty sure I get deep sleep from 10-12:30 or so and then it’s all downhill from there.
I don’t have an answer on the app, but if you find one, please share!!
Have a great weekend!!
Kristi A. says
I use the Google Calendar app, even though I also use a paper planner. You can choose who to share the calendar with and allow them to make changes (or not). You can also set up email reminders and notifications to your phone, which I find really helpful. I color code each of my daughter’s activities on Google Calendar. Yep, total nerd here. ?
KimW says
It makes me smile to see the happy in Ashby and Madeley!!!!
Jenny says
I don’t find Google calendar as user friendly as I’d like for it to be–I guess that’s why I don’t use it like I should. My husband swears by it, but I’m an old-fashioned, write-it-all-down kind of gal.
Danielle says
Love your blog…we use the Cozi Family calendar…changed my life
Katie Finch says
Absolutely LOVE that dress!!! <3 <3 <3
Samantha says
We use Cozi and love it! It’s accessible to whichever family members you allow. You can set reminders etc and it has an interactive shopping list that my husband can add to. We’ve used it for several years and couldn’t function without it.
Beth says
Our entire family (including my parents!) is synced on Google calendar. My husband plugs in the events/schedules and we can see each other’s schedule. It’s perfect with older children!
Sheaffer Sims says
*Your sleep number scores make me tired. I’m pretty sure if we’d downloaded the App I would have received a big fat F for last night’s sleep. My eyes are soooooooooo swollen and puffy this morning. *I laughed out loud that your app told you to “use your bed only for sleep and intimacy”. Thanks for the tip! *The pink dress is darling! Love those cute little sleeves!
Bethany says
Hi Shay, I could not live without our calendar. It’s called Tiny calendar and is amazing. It’s color coded and synchs everything to my husbands and my phones. It’s truly life changing. This is the only planner I use on the daily and have been using it for 5 years. It’s the best out there. Have a blessed Friday.
Marissa says
You should use this great app called “Cozi Family Organizer”. You can set it up to do so many wonderful things and when you add activities, it adds it to the family calendar. It’s color coded and can be synced with husband and wife, you both see the activities.
Rachel Brown says
Hi Shay! Love your Friday favorites. What color nail polish do you have on in the picture with you wearing the pretty magenta dress? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
OPI’s Mod About You 🙂
Dustie Day says
One of my friends swears by the Cozi Family Organizer. She has 3 very active kiddos and they both work. Love the MJ collection and that pink dress is beautiful. It is true to size?
Stephanie Zapata says
I LOVE about girls outfits. So adorable!
Sleepwise MegaX, Plexus’s omega, was a game changer for me. I started taking it while I was pregnant and goodness gracious I slept like a ROCK the whole 7 months! To me that’s when I knew it was working. I wouldn’t even wake up to go to the bathroom-that’s how great I was sleeping. I still take it now but my 8 month old thinks she’s still a newborn and likes to wake up multiple times a night. The great thing about MegaX as well is I can fall right back asleep too after I’m up with her. No tossing and turning-trying to “will” myself to sleep. Obviously, omegas have other great benefits as well, but as a tired mama and who needs her sleep it’s been a God send. I know you’ve shared that you take a few Plexus products before so maybe order a bottle in your next shipment. ?
Have a great weekend!!
Stephanie Zapata says
*all the
Silly phone
Becca Hefley says
We’ve used Cozi as our calendar app for the past couple years and LOVE it! We just have the basic version but there is an ungraded one you can pay for. I love that my husband no longer asks what the plans are because he just checks the app!
Kari B says
I also use Google Calendar and LOVE it!
JL says
Check out the Cozi app… will transform your life organizationally!!! My hubby and kids use it and we all always know what’s happening, who’s supposed to be where & when!! It’s color coded & a breeze to use!!! My kids are much older than yours but I’m positive you & your hubby will love it!!
Kate says
We love the Cozi App!!
Elizabeth says
I love Matilda Jane women’s clothes! They look cute, but feel like sweats, can’t beat that!
Stacia says
Cozi is awesome. I love you can print up a weekly or monthly calendar to stick on the fridge. Also love my two teens know how to use it so they add their own events and the entire family knows what’s going on. It’s been awesome.
Megan says
I was a write itin a planner gal for years. Then I tried every single calendar app out there and hated every single one. Then a friend introduced my to the PocketLife app and I love it! Check it out if you haven’t.
Narci Dreffs says
We have used cozi and google calendar before, and they both worked out great! Love that Pink dress on you!! So cute!
Kristal Mantyh says
We use the Cozi app and it’s great!!
Christi says
I’ve used google calendar for years. I have it color coded for each person as well as one for general family and important dates. People think it’s amazing that I Renner their anniversary or birthday but it’s my calendar, I just have it repeat every year! I have it on my computer, iPad and iPhone. I recently got an echo dot to have Alexa help my family put things on the calendar as well as the shopping list so Alexa hooks up with it too. I use a family paper calendar and my planner but it certainly helps to have the app ready when leaving a doctor’s appointment to just put it on the calendar and not have to keep track of a little card!
Katie says
Google Calendar. I have the app on my iPhone, my husband accesses it on his galaxy and his computer. We have a family One and he has a separate work one. It’s super easy to use and edi becuse, well if it wasn’t… I would not use it ?
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
I’m interested in this Cozi app too after reading through the comments. Ashby and Madeley are so adorable in those MJ outfit pictures, they look ready for spring!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Laura says
We have started using the free time tree app. It syncs to both of our phones and we can immediately see when an event is added. You can also use various colors for different types of events which we like!
Julie says
Another vote for Cozi here!! It’s so easy to use with multiple family members. I also love that it has a grocery list that syncs, so multiple people can add things to it and then if one person stops at the store on the way home, they can grab anything that other family members were thinking about during the day!
Jill kaufmann says
Love that you have been sharing a YouTube workout each Friday!
Miranda says
We use the google calendar. It links right to your phone. No extra app needed. Just create a google calendar (from your gmail) and title it family calendar. Then when you go to add anything on your iPhone calendar, select the family calendar in the drop down instead of your phones home calendar and it shows up on both your phones 🙂
Jamie says
Shay, I absolutely LOVE that dress! Do you mind me asking what size you ordered? Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
A 2!!
Chelsea says
Love your dress… A pop of Pink is always so much fun 🙂 Happy Friday
Diane says
We used to use Cozi but my husband didn’t really like it so we just use the family calendar on our iPhones now. I really liked that I could color code everybody on Cozi but he wanted one central place where he can find everything.
Kristen Curington says
For workouts try! Todd is the best and the nicest guy!!!! His workouts are no equipment needed and only 20 min!!! He’s also a Christian and really sets the tone for a mind right attitude!
Abby slaton says
I love google calendar. You can give each person a different color and choose which people you want to share. So you could add a family one to share with your husband and have say ones for each kid that only you see.
Paige Gill says
Love the dress! Curious….is it true to size? I am also excited about trying some of Blogilates workouts!
Mix and Match Mama says
Nicole in WI says
I am sure you will hear this multiple times, but my family uses Cozi. Since we are a blended family, it helps keep all the adults on the same page with everyone’s calendars. There are a couple things I wish they would update – but overall I find the apps very easy to use and I like that I can set reminder for family members.
Jennifer says
Love that dress!!! It works great with those shoes!
Have a good weekend!
Stacey says
I agree with the others… The Cozi family app works great for our family. I love that you can use it on your phone as an app as well as log on to the website on your normal computers to log things which depending on the schedule makes it easier. My husband wasn’t on board but after about a week he loved it!
Kathryn says
I love google calendar! I swear it has even helped my marriage because my husband and I share one and both have the apps on our phones so we both always know what’s going on! Instead of telling him multiple times what was going on or which kid he was picking up, etc (what he was interpreting at times as nagging ?), he now just looks at the calendar and can find out there! Basically if it’s not in our calendar, it doesn’t exist in our world! It’s so helpful especially as your kids get older and become involved in more and more activities!
Sarah Lewis says
Are those your new closet/bathroom floors in your dress picture?! I mean, the dress is fab but loving the floors too! Happy Friday!
Mix and Match Mama says
Nope, that’s my daughters’ closet ;).
Danielle Rigg says
We use Cozi. We tried Google Calendar but not a user friendly and doesn’t have all the great features. We love the shopping list. You can add throughout the day when you think of things – whoever does the shopping opens up the app and all info. is there. I love you can color code everyone and all family members even grandparents, etc. can have access to the calendar.
Maria says
The cozi app is amazing it helps with reminders and can organize the whole family. As wells as has shopping list and other very helpful stuff.
Karah Stracener says
You now have me wanting a sleep number mattress just so I can see how good of a sleep I’m getting. Haha. I’m also a huge fan of MJ. It’s all my girls wear because the clothes are so soft and cute and I love how they mix and match. My daughter has been wearing size 4 for 3 seasons. I can’t say enough good things about Matilda Jane. I love that pink dress on you. I might have to go order it for myself. I always look forward to your Friday favorites!!
Kathy says
Love the dress does it run true to size?
Mix and Match Mama says
Gwen says
We use COZI. I love that I can add items to the shopping list and my husband can check it when he goes to the store.
Meagan Ruse says
“…sleep and intimacy only” Shay ???
Bobbie says
I went to Whittier College with Cassey (Blogilates)…she is fabulous and has so much energy! It has been really fun to watch her rise to fame ;-). She posts lots of quick little exercises on Instagram and Facebook and I love how she is all about positive body image!
Natalie Clark says
Thanks for sharing your favorite workouts! Fridays are my days that I have nothing planned, so it usually takes a little motivation to get myself in the gym. I was debating whether to go today because I need to get lots done before my little gets out of school. I will be doing the Yoga Blogilates or the Abs, Butt and Thigh one at home!! Woo hoo! Bonus, I don’t have to leave the house!
Haley says
Google Calendar is so easy!!
Laura Leuzinger says
We love Matilda Jane and i love seeing your girls in it!! ?
Stephanie Stanley says
Cozi app! It’s the best!
Becky Cowen says
We have used google calendar for years and love it! You can have several calendars (personal, shared, kids stuff, trips, etc.) and can choose how can see and edit each. For instance, my husband has his own that only he can edit but it is shared with me so I can see what his plans are. I do all my meal planning on it. It’s great to have everything in one place. It is also great for trips! I put all of our info into the calendar (flights, hotel reservations, tours, etc.) and it also allows you to link a google map, attach documents, and add notes to each entry. And I share the calendar with whoever is going on the trip with us. It’s great!
Lindsay says
Cozi! You can share calendars and lists. It will also text you reminders which somehow to me is more useful. I don’t pay as much attention to my notifications as I do text messages 🙂 We’ve used it for years and it’s so useful.
sarah joelson says
We use google calendar and works great for our family. I highly recommend!
Christy says
We use the cozi app and love it! I also use it as a running list to keep track of groceries of household items that I’ll need so I won’t forget when I’m out shopping the next time.
Kerrie says
I really like the Cozi app. It has made a big difference for my family. Perfect for coordinating our schedules with the kid’s schedules. And I love the grocery list feature. I am the queen of forgetting my list, but rarely forget my phone – so I always have my list with me now. Any member can add items as well. So if my husband is out of his favorite protein bar or something silly like that, all I have to say now is “did you put it on the list?” and he knows that he has to wait until the next store run. No more special trips.
I got my sister into it too. Her kids are older and responsible for adding their own sporting schedules and personal items they need to the grocery list. But it isn’t uncommon for my sister to go the store and “puppy” be on the list 3 or 4 times. So if you have jokesters in the family, you might want to limit who has access to the list. LOL!
Buffy Frazier says
Google calendar is a god send, we have several calendars linked up. Our school system even uses google calendar.
Angela Ellingson says
Love that pink dress on you! So pretty! And you are making me want a Sleep Number! 😉 How did you know it was time for a new mattress? We’ve had ours for about 11 years!
Megan Butler says
Okay you look HOT in that magenta dress!!!! Seriously love it. And your girls always look precious.
Mallory says
You can use the calendar app that comes on your iPhone. You just need to set up a new calendar (we do one for the whole family), but I’m sure you could make one for each kid and color code it. Then, share it with your husband and you will both see it and have access to add events. Only downside – you have to accept events added by someone else so you’ll need to check your calendar frequently.
Michelle P says
Assuming you both use iPhones- you can do a shared calendar on the Apple iPhone app! My husband and I both share our calendars and put EVERYTHING in there. You don’t need to use google or anything else, simply Apple!
Leslie H says
We use a shared calendar on our iPhones. So easy! You just have to set up a family one and it syncs with the calendars on everyone’s phones.
Lindsay Gauche says
Hi Shay! Google calendar is AMAZING!! It links right to your iphone and you can link calendars with friends so you can see their schedules too! My friends and I all use this and couldn’t live without it! You can set it up to send you notifications right on your phone or email them to you. My phone sends me a notification 30 mins before the event starts. It also tells you how long it will take you to get there with the current traffic conditions which is amazing!! I hope this helps 🙂
Kaleigh says
I’m a paper girl too! I still keep my regular planner, but my husband is not a paper guy so we I use the Apple Calendar that comes standard on your iPhone. We set up a family calendar and it’s awesome! We get a notification when someone adds something and an approval message. That way we don’t miss something! We can set up alerts and the best part is it automatically syncs to my Apple watch and all our other devices: iPads, computers, etc and we don’t have to download any new apps! It’s been a life savor and we now have several friends that are hooked! 🙂
alyssa says
I’m like you, and prefer a paper calendar, so I don’t use a calendar app (but I probably should). I LOVE my EC Life Planner, and I know you do, too. I’m thinking she should make a calendar app similar to the planner! It would be SO fun!
Susan Angvall says
I am so surprised nobody has mention the apple calendar app iCal. We have a family calendar set up and it syncs not only to my husbands phone, but also my kids so no more what time is soccer practice, where is the birthday party…they all have access. It will recognize events in emails and ask if you want to add to your calendar. So when the birthday party invitation comes in via email you just click add to my calendar and all important info is store in the calendar, when, where, etc. Love it!
Kerry Dorman says
I don’t go anywhere without my erin condren planner (I like to see it all mapped out in front of me and be able to “touch” it) but with busy schedules and syncing up with the husband and grandparents it sounds like I might try the Cozi app. I have used google calendar in the past and its nice too.
Oh, I would be in trouble if we had girls, those MJ clothes are precious! I love the women’s clothes, they are some of my favorite pieces in my closet.
Tricia says
We use the Hub App as a family calendar – tried it out with the free version and went ahead bought the full version farily quickly. We love it.
Stephanie Forbes says
We use the app Cozi for a family calendar. We love it! Each person that has a device can add to it too, so as the kids get older, they can see the calendar too (or see it on the iPad). There is a free version and pay version, I recommend doing the pay version, there are more reminders and options. There so many cool things within the app too. Grocery lists, recipe section, to do lists, etc that each person can add too, so you can make sure that everyone gets what they want!
Felicia Nguyen says
I use Cozi and it’s awesome for my husband and I
Erin Miller says
I’m going to give a shout out to the Cozi app!
Karen says
Google. You can share it and create reminders
Kelly says
My husband has been trying to convince me to get a sleep number bed, but I’m worried. I’m worried bc since it’s electric, in the long run it wouldn’t be good for our bodies (cancer causing, etc). We just finally got pregnant (just under 12 weeks) after 5 years of infertility, so I’m also afraid that the (electric) sleep number bed would also not be good for the baby. What’s your thought? I’m going to have to look into this bc the app you just showed on your blog is just so neat!!! My husband complains he doesn’t get a well rested sleep bc our bed was purchased about 7 years ago and a memory foam – he’s 6’4 and about 240 pounds.
Vanessa H says
I just use the calendar (iCloud) on my iPhone, and made a shared calendar. I’ve invited / shared with the kiddo and her dad, so that they can see what’s going on. You set reminders (up to two), etc. Works great for us! For other events that I don’t need / want shared I just don’t place them on that calendar. But the great thing is I can see EVERYTHING on my calendar, it’s just color coded to note what is what.
Carolyn says
My question is… how and why are you up at 415am? Is this how you gain some “me-time” for your reading and coffee in the morning? And have you talked before about how you will yourself out of bed at that time (bc it must be hard!) I’d love to hear more about this!
I’m relatively new to your blog- and love it! Thank you. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! I’ve talked about this a bunch!! I wake up early to work. This way, I can get several hours in before my kids wake up :).
Maryann says
We’ve used Cozi for years, and absolutely love it! Our kids are older now and can see the calendar on their phones, I can input multiple sports schedules, with recurring practices, etc. and we can all see it in one place, share with Grandparents by printing it out… I also print out our weekly calendar and hang it for us all to see. I pay for the upgraded Cozi Gold, but the basic is very useful as well. I love being able to have our entire calendar with me at all times. You can also send messages to your family or a msg that there was an addition to the calendar. It’s terrific!
Faith says
I have a random question that has nothing to do with today’s post 🙂 I just read your skincare post and wondered if you’d be willing to share your dermatologist? I’m in Collin County and wanting to change derms (and one who did microderm and chemical peels would kill two birds with one stone)! I’m super fair and a redhead! I had a place removed on stomach (plus my mom had malignant melanoma in her 30’s), so you’ve motivated me to get back to my regular skin checks! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Totally Faith! Just email me!
Megan Palik says
We LOVE the Cozi app too! Syncs with my husbands phone and my organizing planning OCD loves all the color coding and even though I love the good ole’ plain paper calendar in the kitchen at home, my husband never ooks at it so it’s been great to put reminders and events in the app so he’s always in the know and I don’t have to remember to remind him!!! #busymomdontgottimeforthat
Megan Palik says
*never looks
Mandy says
Google Calendar works for me. I color code and set reminders notifications. One of my favorite aspects is that I can type in the location and Google maps takes me there.
It is user friendly and has search available to reschedule yearly appointments.
Holly says
Cozi app is the BEST family calendar!
AG says
We love the Cozi Calendar app in our family !!
Tina Culver says
I love the Errands app by Yoctoville! You create categories and add reminders, even years in advance. I use it for EVERYTHING, including my business. Each task can have a check off list or notes. Plus you can “star” things to put them on your focus list.
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
Girl, you better get more sleep! I pretty much function if I don’t get 7 hours, so I try my hardest to squeeze it in. And I want so badly to train myself to wake up early like you do, but I just can’t do it! I’ve always been a night owl!
Erin says
Just ordered the magenta dress. Can’t wait to try it on. Leopard pumps will be a must.
Corbie says
So…we are totally getting a Sleep Number bed and the Cozi app now! LOL! I love reading all the comments and getting so much info! Have a great weekend Shay!
Tiffany says
We use the Cozi app also( ❤️it )…along with a very large chalkboard calendar…because I have to write things!
Debbie says
Hi Shay! I was wondering if you ever style clothes other than Nordstrom? I don’t like how they got involved in politics. Stores should stay neutral.
Mix and Match Mama says
Sure! My go-to stores where I primarily shop are Loft, J Crew, Gap, Athleta and Nordstrom.
Lizzie @ This Happy Life says
We use the Cozi app and it works great! Love that new dress, that color looks great on you!
Cristin says
Another Google Family. I am able to use the google calendar though Outlook at my office, use google calendar on my laptop, and on my phone there is an app. I am able to sync my personal schedule, the kid schedule, our school uses google, so if an event changes, they change the calendar and it updates on my phone/calendar!!, hubbies work schedule and his personal schedule. It really is an amazing tool. You can add in different layers and turn them on or off. Also, if you get an email invtie with a date and time, it will auto ask you if you want to add it to your calendar. Hotel reservations, airline reservations, etc all link automatically, too. I keep one layer for all of my client’s travel arrangements too. It is seriously the best one out there…and its free. But I would pay a lot for it!! Oh, and it also allows me to have an hour by hour preview of the day on my phone’s home screen as well as a week at a glance and month at a glance through the widgets.
Carolyn says
Google calendar is easy and awesome! Love it!
Cindy Rabe says
Google Calender
Kim says
We’ve used Cozi for years! I’ve never payed for the Gold version and it has worked very well for our family. And not only is the calendar part great, we’ve also loved the journal portion as well. We take a picture of our day and write a quick blurb, and it’s kept in chronological order. We started that right after my oldest was born so it’s been fun to look back over the years and have everything in one place!
Emily Tate says
My family uses the cozi app! You can sync your calendars and add to a group grocery list!
Darla says
We use Cozi and love it… we all have it in our phones. You each have access to the same calendar and updates show up on everyone’s app (or desktop). Each person is assigned a different color. It has helped us so much!!! We subscribe to the premium version so we have multiple reminders, can email schedule changes, etc…
Kimberly Yee says
We are an Apple family and I set up a Family Share Calendar in ical. I add all basketball games, dentist appointments, and other family related scheduling things onto it. I can set notifications and alerts as needed. I can then pick and chose what needs to go into the family share calendar, my own work calendar and my own personal calendar all with their own color in ical.
Adrienne says
Another vote for the Cozi family calendar! Each member of family is color coded, and it’s so easy to use. On Sunday nights the app emails you your schedule for the upcoming week. The list feature.. I keep one for each store I frequent and keep a running list that can then be texted. Can’t live without it!
Michelle Nordstrom says
We use whatever the calendar is that came on the iPhone. My hubby and daughter are synced to it so whenever I add something, it is synced to their phones also. Initially I had to send them invitations to follow. Love it, no more ” I didn’t know” !
Kelli says
Hi Shay-LOVE your Friday favorites! And love your hair! Can you tell me what products and styling tools you use to get that look? As far as calendars go, Cozi (upgraded version) is the best! I love the interactive grocery list and the ability to look at everybody’s schedule quickly and easily. Been using it for 4+ years and have never had a problem.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve done a post on hair products! Here it is: 🙂
Sue Ringquist says
Icalendar with everyone color coded. Alerts ( up to 2). I have my trash & recycle schedule even on it. I also need it on paper but love iCloud links to my computers, iPads, iPhones and my husband’s Apple Watch . All the alerts pop up on all the devices . Between that and all the alarms I have set on my iPhone I can actually remember what, where, etc…
Abby Kreibich says
We just use the calendar app on the iPhone! It’s simple, you don’t need another app, you can color code calendars for categories, share with others, set alerts at different times (e.g. 9am the day of an event, the day prior as a reminder, or none at all), and you can set events for recurring (e.g. therapies/practice/etc. can all be set for the same time each week and set to end on a specific date or not end at all). Plus you can get the calendar and the alerts on your phone, Apple Watch, and computers ?
Dana says
We also use the Cozi calendar and it has been a life saver for me. I always say if it’s not in my Cozi then I’m sure to forget the activity! One of the best features is if your kids school or sports teams has an online calendar (like Google or TeamSnap, etc.) you can actually import that calendar into your Cozi calendar. I also use the shopping list feature when i’m grocery shopping. I like that I can check off the items as I shop. Now that my 3 kids are teens and have their own phones they all have the app and can add their activities themselves. And I added my mom as part of our circle so that she has access to our calendar and doesn’t have ask me every day – “So what are the kids up to today???” I have used google calendars a little, but much prefer Cozi. I haven’t had a hard copy calendar since 2011 when I started using Cozi. It changed my life!
Kate says
Cozi is great! Single Mama, with two girls who attend different schools and play multiple sports/ instruments, etc. Add in different youth groups at church, and it gets kinda crazy! We each have our own colored dot, and I have a different colored dot for family activities. Helps my oldest to look at the color, and know if something is negotiable or not! She is also able to update her events for me as things change w/ school, games etc.
Ashleigh says
I used to use the Cozi app years ago then went to paper planner. I think I might revert back to Cozi as well to have it all on my phone. It’s user friendly and you can even give everyone in your family a different color! I didn’t read the previous comments so if someone already mentioned the colors sorry for the repetition. I love it though!! Also, while we’re on the topic of Matilda you personally own any of their pants?!! Thanks!! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
I do not own any of their pants but I know Andrea loves them!
sarah says
Shay – I am not sure if it’s just my email being goofy or not….but wanted to mention that I never received this blog post from Friday in my email….and I normally do. (I don’t think I ever got Wednesday’s post either.) I also follow you on bloglovin and didn’t see the post there either. Not sure if this happened to other people too (or just me ;->),….but thought I would mention it! I just enjoy receiving and reading all your posts ….and am sad when I don’t get them. :->
Kristen says
I did a couple of blogilates arm videos while I was on the stair climber at the gym. They were great! Although I’m sure I looked like the crazy lady watching a video, moving my arms all over, and trying not to fall off! ?? Thanks for the recommendation!
Jodi C. says
As a teacher in McKinney – our campus became “Google-certified” and I was SURE that was a signal for me to immediately have my family convert from our Cozi app to Google. However, we have been using Cozi now for about five years and I just haven’t converted! My kiddos are 15 and 12. They are masters of Cozi and it keeps us all organized. Like you, I have a paper calendar/work-related events are on it and we hang a dry-erase calendar by our garage entry…so really, we have three calendars going. However, the ease of Cozi (and we just use the free version) is greatness. I MAY try and convert us to Google over the summer – but honestly – if it is working, why?!? Right? We also use the “List” feature of Cozi a lot as well…We keep an ongoing list of needed groceries – toiletries, etc…and the kids know if it is not in Cozi – it won’t be purchased. For a Sunday smirk – I will tell you the title of some of our current lists: “Jack’s Parent-Passenger Drive Time” (We have to clock 30 hours of driving with him before the big license…) “Gifts for Julia” (all of us have one and it is used for all occasions like V-Day, Mother’s Day, b-day, etc), “Steve’s House List” (ongoing projects around the house and dimensions of items he wants to keep an eye out for), “Jack’s Green Cord Hours” (high school volunteer-tracking), “Books Needed for Classroom” (I have several books I have found and I need to complete the series or trilogy – so this helps when I am in Half Price or ANYWHERE!), Sunday Dinners (Each week after church, we rotate taking turns picking our meal and we have a challenge of not picking the same place twice within one calendar year), and more…Now that I have rambled and reviewed – it sounds like I am pitching the LIST feature more than the calendar! HAHAHA 🙂 Short answer? COZI.
Sherri says
So totally random question..what do you use for a stain remover? Especially on the matilda Jane clothes? I feel like I’m always soaking things in oxyclean but I’m looking for something else. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
I mean…nothing fancy. I use Shout. Just something basic!
Stephanie says
Another vote for google calendar. My calendar has all our family stuff. My teen daughter has a google calendar & I just add her to stuff she needs to know about – same with my husbands outlook calendar.
Meredith Scheerle says
You should try the app Curago. The mother of one of my students created the app and I think it’s great for sharing calendars and lists.
Erin Simpson says
I love love love my sleep, and I get a little anxious if I’m not getting at least 7 hours a night. I am also a morning person and like to get up early so for me it’s really important that I go to bed earlier. Several years ago I started having every week (typically Monday night) a “catch-up night.” On Mondays we bath our kids earlier, eat a little earlier, and put our kids to bed earlier. I am IN BED by 8:00. I start reading and after a couple of pages I am OUT (so apparently my body really needs and looks forward to the catch-up night – ha!). My husband understands my need for a catch-up night so if the kids are having a hard time going to bed etc. he will stay up and help them and let me sleep. Just an idea that might work for you. 🙂
Ashley Van Dam says
I was away last week so I’m just catching up. Once you find a family app that works, can you share?? I need one badly!!
Also…. Now I’m wishing we got a sleep number. That’s really neat!!
Holly Hopkins says
Google Calendar!!! I’m linked up with my hubby It links to my ipad, iphone, and apple watch and to my hubbies android phone! When I put in the address of where I am going it tells me if traffic is heavy or light and how long it will take to get there. I also can set reminders and it buzzes my watch. I also use a face on my watch that shows my next event on it. Love it!
I also have a shop bando agenda & a dry erase calendar on the side of our fridge! This keeps us ALL organized.
Mary says
Another vote for Cozi, we have used it over a year and love it!