It’s one of our favorite nights of the year…Jammy Cocoa Christmas.
If you don’t know what that is, here you go…
Fun, right?! This is something we talk about year around, so it’s always so special when the big night actually arrives.
This year, we did this on Monday night…
After dinner, we quickly showered and got into our pajamas and were ready to roll!
I LOVE how much Andrew Shull LOVES Christmas too. He makes it so fun for our family!! We’re all loaded in the car and headed to Starbucks.
That unicorn blanket that Kensington is wearing keeps me laughing all the time. Hahahaha! Here they are placing their orders. The two big girls ordered peppermint hot cocoa, Smith ordered regular and then they each got a cookie/cake pop/etc to eat too.
Madeley totally “gets” Christmas this year. Last year, we had only been home two months and everything was so new to her…but this year, she is totally into the holidays. This girl can even sing some Christmas songs 🙂 . It MELTS MY HEART!
Starbucks in our pjs for the win!
Oh Smith. Sigh. We’re all waiting for our drinks to be made 🙂 .
Getting back into the car and ready to hit the road!
I’ve been enjoying their “Joy” tea this holiday season. It was perfect for the drive around town.
We listened to carols and looked at lights for about an hour. I cherish these memories so very much. I looooove my little family!!
And then right before bed, it started storming…and since we’re suckers, we let them sleep on the floor in our room 🙂 . They love doing this, and truth be told, I enjoy it too because I know I’m going to blink and this stage is over.
One more thing, last year, at the end of my Jammy Cocoa Christmas post, I talked about how I faked my happiness the entire night because…well, my heart wasn’t in it. Earlier that day, we had received some devastating news about Manda and mentally/emotionally, I just wasn’t there…so I faked it for my family. I just wanted to mention this again this year because I know many of you might be faking it this Christmas, and I want you to know that I love you and am praying for you. Right now, I’m praying for all of you “fakers” out there. My heart aches for you because even though this is a joyous time of year for many, it’s a hard time for some. I love you guys. xo
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Jammy cocoa day sounds like a day every kid needs in December. You’re so creative with your celebrations!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
R. Firestone says
I’m a “faker” this year – I spent February-June taking care of my mom – sadly she passed away in early June. My heart is so heavy this year and to be honest, I just wish all the Christmas “stuff” would just go away. I know next year will be better, but I am really struggling this year.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m praying for you right now. I am so sorry. xo
Kelly says
Prayers for you R. Firestone
Ralinn says
Prayers and hugs.
AMY says
I’m faking it this Christmas, too. My dad died in July and my marriage is a mess. I just really wish my daddy was here to help me fix it. He would know what to do. I want my sons, 19 and 15, to have a good Christmas and I’m trying. I just don’t have it in me.
Mix and Match Mama says
Praying for you, Amy. I’m so sorry. xo
Lindsey calcote says
Not sure if you’re a Christian or not but please KNOW God is with you. He wants restoration for your marriage even more than you do. And your dad is rejoicing at the Lords side. Don’t be sad for him. You’ll have my continued prayers this season.
Melanie says
Praying for you R. Firestone. I can’t imagine what you’re going through but know there are people thinking of you!
Amy Heinl says
I love your cherished family traditions. They are priceless and something your children will never forget. I do things with my family that my family has done over the generations
Sarah says
Shay you are so sweet to mention those who may be going through a hard time. Thank you for that!! 🙂
Jammy Cocoa Christmas should seriously be a national holiday adopted by all families!!! I think I mentioned on a previous comment that we’ve been doing this!! It’s so fun!! Also, love that your hubby is super into it! Mine is, too, haha. Sometimes more so than me!
Happy holidays!!
Sheaffer Sims says
I love that your kids sleep on the floor in your room. Carter would NEVER. He doesn’t even like to sleep in our bed…says it’s too hot. But he would love us to sleep in his room every single night. 🙂
Erika Slaughter says
Speaking of Madeley and her singing, she sang Jingle Bells like a BOSS in my car yesterday! I was impressed!
Elspeth Mizner says
I love reading about your family traditions. I remember reading your post last year about faking it. I hope this year there was real
Narci Dreffs says
What a fun family tradition!! Kensington’s unicorn blanket made me smile! So cute!
KimW says
Aww this is a fun tradition and we continue to do this with my kids who are now teenagers! We make our cocoa at home, though, and we bring some of our homemade holiday cookies! Even though my kids are 16 and 14, they don’t complain and we try to do this a few times in December! Love your last paragraph about the fakers… such a good reminder.
Diane VandenPlas * Snowflakes & Coffeecakes says
We love this tradition too! Homemade cocoa and homemade holiday cookies, pajamas, and load everyone up for a fun evening! Thanks for the reminder…the holidays are so hard for so many, and we are blessed!
Kristine G. says
I really appreciate your comment about those of us who are “faking” it this Xmas. My mom passed away of cancer the day before Thanksgiving so I am definitely one of those “fakers” this year. I’m not sure how we’ll get through the holiday season without her. Still doesn’t seem real at times. My kids are 5 & 8, and last night my daughter and I cried and hugged each other in bed because we miss her so much. Needless to say, I haven’t done any Xmas shopping and we don’t have a tree up, but I managed to have the Elf show up this morning so there’s that.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m stopping to pray for you right now, Kristine. I’m so sorry. xo
Lindsey calcote says
Hang on Kristine. You’re not alone. The Lord is with you always even when you can’t feel it. Every step you’ll take can draw you closer to Him. I’m not sure if you’re a Christian but this Christian is praying for you tonight. There will be more Christmases with happier feelings.
Stephanie Doiron says
I love this tradition of yours and we plan to start our own Jammy Cocoa Christmas tradition this year with our 2 and 5 year old girls. They will love it! I need the deets on that unicorn blanket for my unicorn obsessed 5 year old!! Where is it from?
Mix and Match Mama says
I don’t know? She received it for a birthday gift.
Bre says
I believe it’s from Justice, maybe check there?
Misty says
It’s from Justice!
Emily says
Justice has them online! 🙂
Kristi says
You can get them at
Dawn Lewis says
The unicorn Snuggie is from justice! So far they’ve been a hit! I purchased one for my daughters birthday and when I saw how much she loved hers, I had to get them as gifts for friends and family as well. I believe they’re still available since I placed my nieces order just last night! Happy holidays all!
Shay, I’m so glad Kensington loves hers as much as Carley does!
Kelly says
So very kind of you to remember those who are in pain this Christmas. My sister’s tragedy was th loss of her only child in an accident. Only 21 years old – it feels like we’re going to be faking for the next lifetime or two. Thank you for your happy posts of your beautiful family. Hug them each a little closer today xoxo
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m just so sorry for your family, Kelly. xo
Kelly says
Thank you Shay ?
Lindsey calcote says
Praying for you and your sister tonight. Sometimes there aren’t words. Only the name of Jesus. His strength will see y’all through.
Kelly says
Thank you so much for your prayers and words of encouragement Lindsey.
Michelle says
Definitely a faker this year…my mom passed away very unexpectedly and way too young over the summer. I definitely appreciate your comments about faking it…I’m in my early 30s and at this point I feel like most people cannot relate. It’s good to know someone out there gets it!
Mix and Match Mama says
Praying for you, Michelle. xo
Lindsey calcote says
Praying for you tonight Michelle.
Natalie Hoover says
Hi Shay.. it looks like so much fun . I love your post so very much I wanted you to know this. I get teary eyed on certain ones and laugh at others and just overall love them..have a great day sweet friend…?
Kayla Rahn says
Thank you for praying for those who are ‘faking it’ this year. I am one of them…my husband passed away unexpectedly in July when I was 7 months pregnant with our second baby. I now have a 2.5 year old and 3 month old and this season is so very hard.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Kayla! My heart breaks for your family. Praying for you this morning. xo
Cheryl says
Kayla, prayers for you and your children during such a difficult time. I can’t imagine the sorrow you must feel! I pray for the Lord’s comfort, love, and peace to surround you and carry you ❤️
Jenn says
Oh Kayla. I have no words….but please know that I am praying for you.
Lindsey calcote says
Praying for you tonight Kayla. There will be happier Christmases ahead. This isn’t the end of your story. Jesus heals.
Cathy Edwards says
You are the sweetest.
Laura says
It can’t be said enough – thank you for mentioning the fakers. My grandma who raised me, so really my mom, passed completely unexpectedly in September. I live away so I hold it together well most days but the stupidest things bring the tears and I am dreading Christmas so much. Shopping was her favorite so Santa is a bit out of control this year. Thank you though for acknowledging that it isn’t always easy!
Lindsey calcote says
Praying for you Laura.
sydnee says
This looks like so much fun! I don’t know if my 11 yo boy would be willing to go out in PJs anymore…they grow up so fast!
Design by Sydnee | A Lifestyle Blog ?
kellie carrara says
We are doing cocoa and carols in cars this weekend! Yay! As much as I LOVE Christmas, I cannot listen to I’ll Be Home For Christmas…it makes me miss my family too much who live far away. Tho we do see them throughout the year, it’s just a sad reminder I’m not with THEM during the season (and they always made it so special for ME growing up). But…I do have my own little family and LOTS of friends to celebrate with.
Susan says
I just love your family, you guys are just the cutest and have such great traditions!
Jennie says
Thank you for that last paragraph! I faked it last year after my mama died from a long struggle with ovarian cancer, and so far this year the holidays have me weepy again. We mamas have to keep our chins up, though, right? So faking it for my kids again! 🙂 Much love to your sweet family.
Morgan Godbold says
Thank you for the reminder and prayers for the “fakers”. This is totally me this year. I’m normally very into Christmas time. I play music in November, decorate in November and can’t get enough of this joyful season. But, in August my fiance passed away suddenly… We loved this time of year so much our wedding day would be this Saturday December 9th. This season will be hard for sure and I just feel like I’m going through the motions. I’m thankful for friends and family that have kept me distracted but it has still been very hard.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Morgan, I’m so sorry. Praying for you today. xo
Erin H says
Definitely in the fake it ’til you make it camp this year. My father passed away (at the age of 63) unexpectedly this past April. I keep waiting for that day that I feel “normal” again. Add in some infertility treatment failures and well, I’m a ball of fun. ha. I do think the busy time of the season does help as a distraction… it’s a struggle sometimes to do the things, but it actually helps to do the things. Reading thru the comments here and praying for you and all the others who’ve lost a loved one. I’m sure they would all want us to keep faking the holiday joy until it feels real again!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so sorry, Erin. Praying for you today. xo
Ralinn says
For those of you who are faking this year, I am lifting you up to our mighty Lord. Blessings, virtual hugs and prayers.
Jill Willingham says
Your post warmed my heart so much, Shay! I have been going through a tough time and your post just made me fill up with tears this am. Thank you!!!!
Courtney says
Love this tradition of yours, Shay! I’ll be thinking about those ‘fakers’ out there this season, my heart goes out to each and every one of them.
Jen says
Totally random… but what do you put in the tea? Milk or just sugar?
Mix and Match Mama says
Honey 🙂
Shannon says
Would love to see a video of Miss Madeley singing carols! 😉
Paula Hawthorne says
First Christmas without their Momma/Wife/daughter/sister/friend. Praying for Amanda’s family & friends.
I love this tradition. We do it as well. Never a name to it, but did it.
Jennifer Maynard says
We have started this tradition too and I always print off a scavenger hunt for the kids so they can look for different kinds of lights.
Alexis deZayas says
Stopping to pray for all of those in your comments who are “faking” it. That was great of you to acknowledge them again this year. Merry Christmas Shay!
Caroline says
Your children are very lucky to have someone who really takes the time to interact with them, and make things so special.
I am going through horrible morning sickness right now with my first! (So much fun!) please send some prayers my way for some relief! But I will still try to embrace Jesus’ Birthday and the wonderful time of year <3
Your blog is such a fun way to start my day- keep up the good work
Sable Staller says
Thanks for sharing, Shay! I’m 24 and my dad passed away almost 2 years ago from cancer. My mom and I having been faking every holiday since and it is TOUGH. Thank you for the prayers!
Lindsey calcote says
It won’t Always be so hard. Sending prayers your way tonight
Julie says
Love your holiday traditions. You have to post Madely singing a holiday song for us. That little girl makes my day!
Emmy Burke says
Yesssss! would be the best video evaaaa. shes so darn cute!!!!
Angela Ellingson says
Looking forward to our Janmu Cocoa Christmas! Also taking a few moments to pray for the “fakers” right now. I just read through the comments and my heart just aches for all of you who are experiencing such immense loss.
Linda Henderson says
Thank you for sharing this fun and happy family outing. I always enjoy Mix and Match Mama but I love the holiday posts. It adds to my Christmas spirit and makes me feel inspired.
SAM says
Christmas 2015 & 16- I was a “ faker”. My husband of 23 years passed in Nov ‘ 15, so I was a faker for the sake of our 2 boys. Boy, oh boy, that was a hard job. This year, with passing time, I am finding the joy of the holiday season again, and I feel my boys – the same. That is a blessing. Thank you, Shay, for recognizing not everyone is happy & bright during Christmas. You are simply an unselfish, kind soul.
Rebecca Brittain says
This is a great tradition with your sweet little ones and I agree, in a flash this stage will be over. Cherish every moment of the magic they feel for Christmas and for wanting to be close to you & Andrew. Slumber party on the floor every now and then is totally fun!
-Rebecca @
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Kensington’s blanket is the best!! If I was behind her in Starbucks there’s no way I wouldn’t be laughing. So cute! And I love that y’all do this!! It is the sweetest little tradition that you know they are going to end up passing on to their families. And you are so sweet to remember all the people hurting right now and having to fake it through Christmas. I know how hard it was for y’all last year with Manda. xoxo That Inspired Chick
Mary Jane McNeill says
All of these “fakers” are bringing tears to my eyes. Strength to all of you to carry on. I am praying for you all RIGHT NOW. Love.
Karen says
We are doing this on Saturday night! Thank you thank you for the idea!!
And you are just the sweetest for mentioning the fakers! I’m joining you in prayer…
Peggy says
The holidays are hard this year. It’s the first without both my parents. My dad passed away 11/15/16 and my mom passed away 2/7/2017. It’s been a hard year for my family. My mom was “my person”. My dad was a holy man full of grace. Miss them both so much.
PS-love your posts!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I love you, Peggy! Praying for you!
Kristin Tate says
I love your heart. I’ve prayed for every listed comment, they have touched my heart.
Bree R says
Thank you for praying for those of us ‘faking it’ this year. My husband and I just suffered our 3rd miscarriage in a row (this time at almost 20 weeks) and this one was just really hurts. I will also be praying for everybody having a hard time this holiday season.
Lindsey calcote says
Prayers for you Bree. Prayers that the Lord delivers you peace this Christmas. Don’t give up.
Tara says
My sister in law passed away in January after after a long courageous battle with cancer. Her story reminded me of your friend Amanda.
She loved Christmas and her family and friends
will definitely be trying to fake it this year. She would want it for her children.
Thanks for the prayers .
Tara says
*Manda. Sorry for the typo
Mary Vigil says
Thank you for keeping things real. I’m a faker this year, and it is so hard!! Your posts provide the inspiration I need to keep things as normal and traditional as I can for my family. I pray that one year, I won’t be faking it and can again enjoy the spirit of the holiday! Merry Christmas.
Carole says
I feel like a video of Madeley singing Christmas Carols is a must share for your readers!!
Lindsay says
i love your blog, and i love that you pray for your readers! My boyfriends sister passed of cancer this fall at age 35, and we are in the “faker” stage for sure. It’s so hard, but i pray with time it will get easier, the firsts will be the worst. thank you!
Lisa D says
Praying for all those experiencing loss and sadness. Love from Colorado.
Brittany says
If you’re a tea drinker, try their royal English breakfast tea latte and sub gingerbread syrup for the classic. My FAV holiday drink!!
Liz Thorson says
Counting my blessings after reading the heartbreak so many “fakers” are enduring. I am so sorry for each and every one of you. My hope for you all is that you can find a sliver of JOY this Christmas season and that you will feel peace in your heart because someone who loves you knows you are hurting and will spend some time with you, listening and comforting you.❤️?❤️
Cheryl Cramer says
Last year I had to fake it also but I found that while faking it I actually had moments of true joy. I was so happy that I did fake it and not just give up. Hugs and blessings to all of you who are faking it this year. Watch for the joy in the moments…it will sneak in when you least expect it.
Wrap yourself it the love of the season. The real reason for the season is Jesus. He is the best and only present we really need.
Kelly says
I love this tradition! We do something similar with our now teenage sons ( not the jammie part:). We get the hot drinks and drive around looking at the lights. Several years ago they started counting the reindeer in the light displays trying to break last years record:). It makes it a little more interesting for them, I guess. And thank you for recognizing that Christmas can be a hard season for many people. Praying for those who are struggling this year.
Erin W says
Just wanted to say that I’m praying for all of the other commenters today. My heart breaks for each of you!! Thank you for sharing. Hugs and Prayers from Erin in Georgia.
Brooke Richardson says
Okay I need to hear Madeley sing a Christmas song stat!
Beth says
So many comments brought tears to my eyes. But what an honest reminder for me to be extremely grateful for every blessing in my life. I will be praying that God can bring comfort to all those who are hurting and forced to fake it this Christmas.
gail says
Bless you for thinking of us “fakers” ! I lost my dad last month, and even though he was 90 years old, I am filled with grief. I guess you never stop being “daddy’s little girl”. I will continue to pray for all the people who need strength this holiday season.
Lauren says
Thank you for posting this. Four years ago, I miscarried a baby 3 days after Christmas. The following Christmas was very hard and I had to “fake it” for my two young boys. The following year I was finally able to get pregnant again. Our beautiful baby girl was born at Christmas!!!! So now we get to celebrate her. She is a perfect reminder of God’s promises to us.
Lindsey calcote says
What a nice story of praise!!
Michele says
I feel like I’ve been faking Christmas for the last three years. My mom died in March of 2015. I am single, no children, and honestly the holidays are something that I want to sleep through. I have had a very tough time and to be completely real, I shouldn’t even be here. I tried to take my life in July 2015. I lost my Mom, my best friend and I had a severe falling out, and it was my birthday. I only made it thru because of the Lord’s great love. I know I have a testimony and I know that my Mom doesn’t want me to be this sad, but it’s hard. I read your post with tears streaming down my face because I would give ANYTHING to have what you have. I know your family isn’t perfect, but it certainly seems that way to an outsider. Thank you for sharing your wonderful holiday traditions. They bring a smile to my face. I thank the Lord for you Shay, Erica Slaughter, and both of your bogs. You really bring a light into a dark place, don’t ever underestimate what your blog can do. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so sorry, Michele. I’m stopping to pray for you right now. xo
Michele says
Thank you Shay. You are a blessing. Truly.
Lindsey calcote says
Oh Michelle my heart breaks for you!!! I love Shay and erikas blogs too but what they have may not be what the Lord has planned for you!! I pray for your peace and joy to come. In whatever way God has planned for you. You’re not alone. Christ is with you. Seek Him. Sending you all my prayers tonight.
Michele says
Thank you Lindsey. So very much.
Heather S says
Praying for all of those faking it this year. May 2018 bring comfort and joy to all.
Jennifer says
Thank you, Shay, for remembering those who are hurting this year. I remember reading this post last year and how my heart hurt for you – never imagining the year I was getting ready to face myself. I lost my oldest son in March of this year (he was 22, ready to graduate college, and headed to medical school). To describe it as shock is an understatement. We are devastated. Christmas is the last thing on my mind, but I have two sons still at home; they’ve lost so much already – they can’t lose their sense of family traditions, too. I am faking it as I never imagined I would. Your blog is a wonderful place to come and hide from the real world. Bless you and your willingness to share your life.
Alison Coffey says
I’m faking it too this year. My mom just passed away on Sunday. She was my everything and my children thought she hung the moon. I feel like all of our Christmases will be hard from here on out. I’d appreciate the prayers and thank you for thinking of the fakers out there !
Julie says
What a fun tradition!
Laura Christophe says
Just love this and your whole blog! So many fun ideas to start with my own little and growing family! ❤️
Liza says
Thank you for this, Shay. I am a bit lost this year- struggling in a tough marriage but wanting to protect my beautiful daughter’s childhood. I find myself torn between “faking it” and just surrendering to how I am feeling. I am praying for strength, clarity, and peace in 2018. Thank you for always sharing your highlight reel, but also periodically keeping it real. Happy Holidays to your beautiful family.
Lizzie @ This Happy Life says
I love this tradition and it’s now part of ours too. I can’t go without mentioning that I’m praying for everyone hurting this season, I am reading these comments and I can’t help the tears from falling. God Bless.
Briana says
I love Jammy Cocoa Christmas! One day, I hope to make this a tradition with my future family 🙂
Briana |
Megan says
Love your traditions! And thank you for the “faker” comment. That’s me this year, my ownly brother and sibling (he was 24) passed away 2 months ago suddenly, and i just can’t do life right now. reading all of these comments makes me tear up and realize how hard the holidays are for some.
Kate says
I want to do hot cocoa for a cozy Christmas night with my daughter but she’s only 2 1/2…how old is old enough for a hot drink I wonder? ? advice?
Erin Port says
Your last paragraph made me tear up because this Christmas more than ever I am remembering those that are grieving this year. We lost a beloved 10 year old little lady early this summer and I am thinking and praying for her family so often this season knowing how challenging it must be to do all the “firsts” without her. We do Christmas Jammie Cocoa night and we have it in our advent calendar to do later this month. Last year my entire extended family went into Starbucks with our matching jimmies and people took photos – ha! We were a sight! xoxo ERIN
Christina says
Such a fun tradition! My Grandparents use to take me to do this too as a kid 🙂 We’re taking our daughter this year for the first time. She’s only 1, so it’s more for us this year, but it counts!
Felicia Nguyen says
I will confess this year “I am a FAKER” too. I am going through the motion for my 4 kids but my heart is not..i lost my mom
June 16, 2017 (she passed away all of sudden) and on September 3, 2017 i lost my dad…less than 3 months ..we buried my dad on the mark of my moms 3month.. my parents LOVE CHRISTMAS bc all of us (they had 9 children’s) and grandkids (54 total) would be Home and they go all out decorating and etc. so this Christmas is really hard for me..knowing it’s the first Christmas they aren’t here. I do ask for MANY MANY PRAYERS!!
Thank you Shay for sharing this story
Mix and Match Mama says
Praying right now, Felicia. I am just so sorry for your losses. xo
michelle says
mamas !!! no more faking! it’s important for our children to understand that pain and suffering are a real part of life….jesus walked TOWARD the pain and suffering, because he knew that the pain was necessary for the rising! I encourage each one of you to share the pain with your children…show them why we need jesus. show them that pain and suffering are ok because they are a conduit for jesus to work in our lives. love to all you mamas out there!!!!
Rebecca says
I love your blog and the truth/realness you share! Last year I really related to your faker comment. We were in the
midst of a long adoption journey with no child in sight. I was tired of the waiting and struggling through the holiday. This year we are celebrating with our 9 month old son! We were matched wit him just a few weeks in to the new year. Its amazing how much life can change in a year. Your blog has been such an encouragement to me! I am praying for everyone struggling through Christmas this year.
Ashala J says
You are just the sweetest thing ever. Your blog is my only must read. Merry Christmas! Love and support to all the “fakers” out there.
Loni says
Shay – When you said you’re praying for the “fakers” out there, it literally warmed my heart. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one who is actually praying for my well being. I suffer from depression and anxiety since I’m 15 (I’m 29 now) and some years I am doing better than others. For the past 9 months I have been really having a difficult time. Thank you so much for having me in your prayers. xo
Mix and Match Mama says
Praying for you right now, Loni.
Allie says
I’m also faking it this Christmas. I suffered a miscarriage over the summer and just am not really as into christmas as I normally would be. My heart is sad, even though I’m trying to portray that I am excited for Christmas. Thank you for being honest and thoughtful of how your readers might be feeling. I actually shared your blog post with a friend who is also faking it this Christmas!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so sorry, Allie. I’m praying for you right now. xo