Oh my goodness, today our sweet baby of the family is SEVEN YEARS OLD!!!
Madeley James, how are you seven?!
I remember THIS DAY HERE like it was YESTERDAY!!! We were sitting in the grass waiting for Ashby’s tennis lesson to be finished and she was obsessed with my cup and straw. She had only been home about two weeks and I COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF HER!
She was the baby we never knew we always needed.
She grew up so quickly though…
Madeley has never had a bad day. She is joy. She is spunk. She is funny, sweet, smart, happy and has filled a place in our family that was perfectly designed for HER!
Madeley is spontaneous, delightful, wants everyone to be having a great time…she wants to laugh and to see you laugh.
You are joy, Madeley James. J-O-Y.
And now, you’re seven.
For Madeley’s birthday this year, Erika and I wanted to do something super fun and B-I-G for her and Britty since they basically spend their entire lives watching/following/sitting/waiting for their big siblings to do all the fun things (and watching all six of their big siblings go on special trips!). So, we’re off on a little birthday trip of our own today! I’m sure you can all guess where we’re going…but to see loads of pics of the birthday girl as she has the most magical birthday ever, follow along on both @mixandmatchmama and @mixandmatchtravelagency this week on Instagram. We are so excited because…she has no idea 🙂 .
Happy Birthday to our sweet Madeley James! You are most definitely the exclamation point at the end of our family. We are so forever thankful we get to spend our days with you.
Oh and wait!
Since the Besties are out of town this week…
…the boys are BACK with PART TWO of their podcast!
And yes, they discuss the infamous matching tattoos.
And the daily grocery shopping.
And more super funny, kind of inappropriate (did he say ‘cresting’?!) stuff that only two guys married to us with hot mics in front of them might say 🙂 .
We hope you love them just as much this time too!
You can listen to the episode HERE or on your favorite podcast platform (iTunes, Spotify, etc).
I’ll see you on Instagram today, but I’ll be back here TOMORROW too! x
Sheaffer Sims says
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEET GIRL! WE LOVE YOU BIG!!! I can hardly wait to see videos of her finding out where y’all are headed!!!!
Elspeth says
Happy birthday sweet Madeley!! Have the best time away!
Jodie Kingsbury says
Happy Birthday Madeley!!! Hope you all have a wonderful time on your girls trip.
Can’t wait to hear the rest of the podcast.
Jane says
Eeeekkk!! Happy Birthday, sweet Madeley! Have the most magical day!
SS says
Happy Lucky 7th Birthday, Miss M!!!! We hope you have a GREAT Day!!!
Jami says
If you’re going where I think you may be going, this is a perfect time with the huge new release today. Would love to hear some real life examples of how it works and if it really saves you time and if it’s worth it.
Rachel Shafer says
She exudes personality even through photos – Happy Birthday Madeley!
Laci Murray says
Happy Birthday Madeley! She is pure joy through every picture you post!
Kacey says
Ohh my goodness, I’m teary. How sweet! Wishing Madeley a very happy 7th birthday! And a surprise trip to Disney??!?!?!! AHHHHHH that’s so exciting!!! That’s what really got me. Knowing how special that is going to make her feel, ahh I can’t handle it <3
Alison says
Happy Birthday, Madeley! I hope you have the best time at Disney!
Kate says
How is your baby 7!!? Happy birthday sweet Madeley!!! Your joy shines through even on the internet ❤️
Bethany says
Happy Birthday to Madeley!??
SC says
Happy, Happy, Sweet 7, Madeley!!
Christina says
She’s adorable! Love the spunk! Happy 7th Birthday Madeley!
Kacy M says
Happy birthday!!
Leanne Gilchrist says
Madeley is SEVEN already!?? Oh! I look at the pictures of her over the years and I just see her blossoming and blooming and radiating! Shay, thank you so much for sharing tiny bit of your Madeley with us. She’s the best~~If I’m having a bad day, I know Madeley will make me smile! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Madeley! I bet she’d be so excited to see all of these comments wishing her a happy birthday just to her, from all around the nation!