Happy happy BOOK DAY, friends!
I am so excited because today, I have our APRIL BOOK REVIEW! Four books, very different genres, one I didn’t love, three I did love and one whose author I got to hang out with this month 🙂 . You could say that this is my most special book review to date!
Grab your (insert…what do you guys drink this time of year…I don’t know…coffee…tea…La Croix?!) and settle in.
Today’s book review is just in time for vacation season!
The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry
Um, I did not enjoy this book.
When I finished the last page, I felt yucky inside. And sad. And kind of moody.
I haven’t disliked a book this much in a long time. #glowingbookreviewsbyshay
So, you guys, this one came highly recommended. What is wrong with you? Bahahaha! Seriously, what’s wrong with me because I did not enjoy it.
This fictitious little story sounds so promising…it’s about three lifelong best friends and their spouses and…there is a death. Sounds like the making of a good mystery, right? Wrong. This death leads to suspects, questions, theories, turmoil…and a lot of heaviness about children that my heart just did not enjoy. I found this book really sad and when it was over, void of hope. I don’t know…yuck. I just didn’t love any of the main characters, I felt terrible for most of the children, I couldn’t see a real “point” to this story and the ending was SO FLAT. I did not like this one. If you did, I would love to know why.
This next book I read this month…
A Minute to Think by Juliet Funt was a real winner though 🙂 .
I heard about this book on a podcast and immediately bought it. This book would fall into the self-help/motivational/encouraging/time management genre. I flew through this book and loved it so much that I gave a copy to everyone on my team. This is all about making time for what’s really important in life, creating white space each day so that you can think, grow, relax, have peace even in the middle of all the #busyness we so enjoy here in the US. One of my team members told me that two pages in, she put the book down and went outside and made a bonfire with her kids to roast s’mores. Living life. This book really encouraged me to live life. It also shared tools, tips and tricks for incorporating small, incremental spaces in my day to stop and take a breather/go for a walk, read a book, sit outside…my busy Type-A Enneagram 8 self really loved this one.
Speaking of love…
The Restaurant by Pamela Kelley was so cheesy cute, and I’m thrilled it’s the first in a series of books. THRILLED. You guys all know how much I adore Elin Hilderbrand’s cute little chick lit novels about life on Nantucket…but…unfortunately, her last few books have not been my speed. #helloghosts My heart was lacking a good old fashioned chick lit novel and this one fit the bill. This book is about three grown women who move back to Nantucket to take over the restaurant their grandmother left them in her will. There are love stories, delicious food references, magical settings, the charming restaurant…all the warm fuzzies I love when I read a book. Grab this one if you just want a book that makes you happy. It might not be super deep or compelling, but boy, it was relaxing and delightful. Loved. It.
And finally, speaking of love…
The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth,
Oh let me just squeal and throw this in there too…
…I have read every single one of Sally’s novels and (you can go back here to verify this!) loved them all. When we were at dinner (look at me eating dinner with a fancy famous author!), I asked her what genre she thought her books were in…because it’s always hard for me to pinpoint it. She laughed and said they’re a little suspenseful about complicated families. Bingo. That’s what it is. Her books are not “scary”. I don’t love scary. Her books aren’t gory. I don’t love gory. Her books are all just a little suspenseful where you’re wanting to know how it happened/who done it the whole way through, but they go much deeper than that with a host of complicated characters typically related to each other.
Just read the title of this book…doesn’t it scream “complicated family relationships!”. 😉
This novel here is about an older, wealthy doctor whose wife is in a nursing home suffering from early onset dementia…so she’s alive…and he’s about to remarry a women about the age of his two daughters. Hello?! I was sucked right into this novel and finished it within two days. I could not put it down!! You will love the characters, love the “angle” things take…you won’t see some twists, you’ll relate to some turns. You’ll love it. Please pay close to attention to the acknowledgement section at the end though. Sweet Sally gives a HUGE shout out to my sweet friend Meagan Ruse for offering some personal tales that she was able to use as inspiration for portions of this book. How. Cool. Is. That?! Everyone PLEASE READ THIS NOVEL 🙂 !
That wraps up my Book Review this month!
I’m taking the day off…maybe a few days off…but don’t worry, I’ll be back here in blog world each and every day this week. Pop on over to IG to see what I’m up to!
Also, don’t forget…
To see the complete list of books I read in 2015 (all 63 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2016 (all 62 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2017 (all 62 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2018 (all 61 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2019 (all 54 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2020 (all 54 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2021 (all 59 of them), click here.
That wraps up Book Day! I’ll see you tomorrow! xx
Susan Jeffries says
Thank you! I love your book reviews! I just got our local library app and have also been listening to books while I drive! I feel like my life is transformed. lol. I am picking up Sally’s new book and will be suggesting it for our book club May selection!
Jami says
Great review! Do you suggest we read the Sally Hempworth books in order or can they be read as stand-alones?
Mix and Match Mama says
They are all stand alones, so you can read them in any order!
Rebecca Prevatte says
Thank you for this! I was just Googling the order! It is my goal to read more so I’ve been looking through all of your book reviews and picking 🙂
Katie says
I love your book reviews! I think you would love meet me in the margins!
Beth Knecht says
Just added A Minute to Think to my “Books to Read” list!!
Elspeth says
I always love book review days!! So many great finds! Have a great week!
Heather H says
Have you read With love from London? I am reading it now and am really enjoying.
Jennifer Goodwin says
I read Sally’s book as well and loved it. I always pre-order her books so that I can get them the day they release. I’m still reading my April books, but another book I read this week was the new Fiona Ferris book- those Francophile books that you and I both love. It was an easy and fun read!
Sharon says
Hi Shay! This is off-topic but what phone do you have and do you like it? I need a new one asap : ( You always give good advice : ) Have a blessed week!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh gosh, it’s an iPhone 11, maybe? It’s not the newest one. It’s whatever Andrew hands me and tells me to start using. Hahaha!
Sharon says
Love that!!! That’s what happens to me!!! Thanks!
Joanne says
I really enjoyed The Restaurant too! It’s such a cute book as are most of Nancy Thayer’s books since they are mostly set on Nantucket too.
Julie says
Yay, I just started ‘The Younger Wife’ last night. So far, it sucked me right in. I really do love her writing and her characters! I just finished ‘The Golden Couple’ which I thought was AH-mazing. It’s kind of the same genre…complicated beautiful wealthy family, mystery, but not scary. I highly recommend it for the next time you’re in the mood for suspense. I also loved ‘The Book of Lost Names’ which I got off many comments from your other book reviews. It was kind of along the lines of all the Heather Morris books. But ‘Book of Lost Names’ might just be my VERY favorite of the year. Enjoy some time off!
Lisa D says
I’m reading a book you previously read and recommended, Thirty Million Words, Building A Child’s Brain by Dr. Dana Suskind. There’s a lot to ponder in this book! My daughter finished it and loved the concepts, she is a Mama of a 2-year old and expecting her second child this summer so perfect timing to “get” the 30 million words going! I can recommend a few books: The Keeper of Happy Endings by Barbara Davis; The Secret of Snow by Viola Shipman, (I loved all books by Viola Shipman); Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel which is sci-fi and weird but in a good way.
Amy Heinl says
I second Viola Shipman…all are excellent
Dana P says
You got me back into the gym and I guess you’ve helped me become a reader again! I think I‘ve read 3 books in the last 3 weeks. ?? A really good one I want to try next is by Phylicia Masonheimer called Good Church Stories. It’s a coffee table book about people’s testimonies of suffering and how the Church surrounded them and poured into them, something we’ve witnessed firsthand! She has a great IG account too if you haven’t heard of her, I just started following. She’s a theologian and really engaging.
Shavon says
I’m so glad this was today’s post! I haven’t read all week because I made a poor book selection. I’m inspired again and have some great books to delve into. Thank you!!
Kayla Bruce says
Love book review days! I’d highly recommend Richard Osman’s series of mysteries. I, too, do not like scary or gory but do like some intrigue and good characters, so these murder mysteries are literally right up my alley. Just finished the first one called Thursday Murder Club, and then The Man Who Died Twice is also out. So unique and so good.
Kristen says
I agree! I just finished the Thursday Murder Club and loved it! I haven’t read the sequel yet but can totally see it becoming a movie. I think I read that Netflix bought the rights?
Molly says
I adored both of these books. Just the most delightful characters. Especially good to read after coming off of a “heavy” book.
Sara says
Love this review, can’t wait to start Sally’s book! I’m keeping your grandmother in my thoughts, and I hope she is feeling better.
Kim says
Shay I was so excited for you and your girl tribe when Sally (can I call her Sally? Lol) came to your town, I could feel the excitement and it just made me happy for you all! I can’t wait to read her new novel The Younger Wife, I love all of her books as well! I just finished The Honey Don’t List by Christina Lauren, very cute! I’m starting The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett today, enjoy your days off! ?
Sheaffer Sims says
WELL. LISTEN. I’ve been busy, but my Sally Hepworth book has arrived, and I’m hoping by next month I will have READ A BOOK. If I have, then I will leave my very own book review in the comments section of your book review. GET EXCITED. And keep me in your prayers. Please and thank you.
Mix and Match Mama says
SHEAFFER!!!! You and Sally talking about books might have been the highlight of my night. I mean…you’re reading a book! It only took an intimate dinner with a famous author to get you there, but heck, you’re doing it! I wonder what John Grisham is doing next week…dinner with us at Harvest, perhaps?
Deana Anderson says
I actually chuckled when you posted the picture of you all with Sally. I said out loud “who is Shaeffer kidding, she’s not going to read that book in her hand”. I am rooting Shaeffer on however!!!
Meagan Ruse says
Sheaffer, when you finish it, let’s all go out a celebrate! I’m so excited for you! I nearly spit out my martini when you told Sally you were going to read one of her books. Haha!
Sally Hepworth says
This is legitimately one of the highlights of my career. Sheaffer is going to read a BOOK. I’m actually kind of nervous. The stakes are so high. Will it be the first and last book she reads? I guess we’ll see …
Kristen Chaney says
LOVE Sally Hepworth books! What is your order of her books from most favorite to least favorite?
Mix and Match Mama says
That would be impossible to name. Start with this one and move backwards or start with the first one and move forwards. They’re all great!
Kelsey Gillaspy says
I love your book reviews! And everything else you post. Haha. You should read The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi. She’s so smart and gives great advice on how to “lazy genius” anything in your life. (Be a genius about the things that matter to you and lazy about the things that don’t.) She also has a new book coming out soon called The Lazy Genius Kitchen. Have a wonderful day!
Lori Keller says
Do you think the self help book would be good for both sexes, or was it geared more toward women? I have a very type-A successful adult child that could use some guidance in finding a little balance.
Did you ever read Meet Cute? It seems like it would be right up your alley.
Mix and Match Mama says
Hmmmmm…I think it does lean more towards mom/wife life but I could be thinking of it through my own lens.
Maria says
Shay, I hear ya! I adore Elin Hilderbrand but these ghost stories need to stop! Ugh, I believe the next book Hotel Nantucket also features ghosts! She did mention on Instagram that there will be another novella called Summer of 89. I’m looking forward to that one.
Check out Jamie Brenner’s Summer Longing. I really enjoyed it. She was recommended by Elin Hilderbrand. Her writing reminds me of old Elin books.
Also, recommend by Elin, Meg Mitchell Moore. The Islanders and Two Truths and a Lie. I really enjoyed them both. Beach reads with a little more plot similar to Mary Kay Andrews. I’m looking forward to her summer book Vacationland.
Have you heard of the new Jane Green book Sister Starlight? I just started it. Reminds me of Daisy Jones and the Six. Jane was on the podcast “Moms Don’t have time to read books”(which I highly recommend!) and said this book features Talitha Getty of the Getty oil family. I don’t recall reading a book that incorporated a real person as one of the characters. I’m intrigued.
Melinda Bridge says
I am reading The Young Wife now…I couldn’t put it down to go to bed last night! If you like The Restaurant, you might enjoy Pamela Kelly’s The Nantucket Inn series. I have read them before, but started rereading them on our Disney cruise.
Nicole says
Ugh The Best of Friends is one of the very few books I did not finish reading. Glad to know I didn’t miss out.
Picking up The Restaurant asap! Blue bistro is one of my favorite Elin books!
If you haven’t read it My Husbands Wife by Jane Corey is a great twists and turns story!
Happy reading
Danielle says
What is your favorite Sally Hepworth novel?
Mix and Match Mama says
Well that’s too hard to name. They’re all fabulous and stand alone. If you haven’t read any of them, then I suggest starting with the first one and moving forward or staring with this one and moving backwards. Enjoy!
Jeanne says
I just finished Lessons in Chemistry and it has been my favorite book this year. It’s chick lit with a little substance- checks all the boxes!
Janice says
100% agree on this – definitely my favorite book of the year. Totally fell in love with the dog 🙂
Jayne says
I really liked Lessons in Chemistry too – funny and with more depth than I was expecting.
Meagan Ruse says
Hey remember when Sally Hepworth thanked me in her book? Seriously-I can’t get over it! Meeting her was such a dream.
Mix and Match Mama says
RIGHT?!?! I still get chills when I think about it!
Katie says
I just finished Woman on Fire and it was fantastic!! I looked forward to getting to read it in any small bit of time I could find and am sad it’s over.
I just started With Love From London and the author described it as a cozy escape read and I can’t wait to dive in after reading the reviews.
The other books I read and enjoyed this month were The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post, Only When It’s Us, Musical Chairs, and the Love Hypothesis
Susanne says
Listening to The Younger Wife right now and enjoying it! Great narration too! Also reading a physical copy of Secrets of a charmed Life for my book club and loving it. Read it years ago and loved it then too!
Meaghan P. says
I just finished Abby Jimenez’s newest book, Part of Your World. I finished it in a day! It was so good. I love all her books, and this one did not disappoint!
Holly says
I just finished Elissa Sussman’s Funny You Should Ask and it was really good. It’s about a girl in her mid twenties who goes out to interview an actor on the brink of playing James Bond. A lot of things happen the weekend of the interview and then they go about their own lives for the next ten years. The book picks up when they have reason to reconnect years later. I read it in two days and was thoroughly entertained!
I also read Wish You Were Here and listened to Katie Couric’s book. Both were great and I wouldn’t have picked them up without reading the reviews here – thank you!
If anyone is looking for a great summer read with some depth, I would recommend Sea Wife by Amity Gage and / or Float Plan by Trish Dollar. They were both really good, take place in warm climates and at sea, but have real depth. So good!!
Dana says
I read The Restaurant this month also and LOVED IT! Can’t wait to read Christmas at the Restaurant! I was going to go read it immediately but thought maybe I should wait til the holidays but I don’t know if I can hold out…maybe Christmas in July? ?
I’m reading Becoming Mrs. Lewis now and enjoying it so far! Have fun on your trip!
Sally Hepworth says
Shay, it was such a dream to come to McKinney and meet y’all (see what I did there)? You and your friends were just so lovely and generous and it was the highlight of my tour. I’m so glad you enjoyed the book, and I’m on tenterhooks to see what Sheaffer thinks!
Mix and Match Mama says
There aren’t even enough words…it was magical…it was such an honor. xx
Kristen says
Have you read Summer at the Cape by Raeann Thayne? I enjoyed reading it and thought I would pass along!!
Taylor says
I’m currently reading Katie Couric’s memoir and I’m really enjoying it! I’ve always enjoyed the Today show so it has been fun to get some behind the scenes info.
Mix and Match Mama says
I loved the one too! She certainly didn’t hold back!
Jami says
I’ve read several of Lucinda Berry’s books and I read a quote from her that she doesn’t write happy books. I don’t remember all the exact specifics of that book and while it definitely wasn’t something that I just couldn’t wait to read each night, it did make me think. I have 2 boys.. a teen and a pre-teen and I work at a high school.. and the mental health of our teens are so fragile right now. It reminded me that you never know what people are going through
Alyssa says
Love your book reviews!!!
The book Invincible Summer by Daven McQueen is on that has stuck with me for months now. I highly recommend!!!! It’s a newer book about a biracial boy who spends his summer in Alabama with his aunt and uncle. It’s a quick read but one that you won’t forget for a long time. You won’t regret it!
Amy says
If your looking for ideas on book posts, I would love a top 3 or top 10 list in each genre. What do you think?
Cheryl says
Hi Shay!
This is off topic but related to reading…I just read the sweet feature on Ashby in the Scottish Rite mailer I received today! What a blessing she is to this world and what a gift her medical team has been. It was an honor donating to the birthday fundraiser to help support such a wonderful medical facility.
I pray that God will continue to provide and cover you and your family ♥️
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwwww! thank you!!!! xx
Emily says
Would love to know what Megan’s tales were that contributed to the younger wife! Maybe you could get her to share sometime!
Kristen says
Yes, I would love to know! Haha!
Mary says
I know I’ve said this before but you need to read Denise Hunter!! I’m serious. Start with her Nantucket books and then the Maine series. You will love them!
Rosa Dunn says
I’m currently reading The Off Limits Rule by Sarah Adam’s. Super cute chick lit read for this time of year.
susan says
recommending the kitchen front by jennifer ryan…love love love!
Sam Van Gorp says
The Push by Ashley Audrain. Highly recommend!
Aparna says
Hello! Love BRD! I read 3 good books in April…2 based on your rec. The last flight and Running wild, enjoyed both…also read the Paris apartment, was a good fast read. Currently reading Becoming Mrs Lewis, but it’s going SLOW, not enjoying as much as I thought I would as usually your recs are a hit for me…may be it’s just me? Anyone else who found it a drag? Can’t wait to read The Younger wife…I love sally Hepworth, thanks to you!
Jayne says
I love Sally Hepworth’s books! The Younger Wife was so good. The gaslighting is next level-whew!
NancyS says
Love your book reviews …. And just finished one that you may like. Red Thread of Fate by Lyn Liao Butler is about Tam and Tony Kwan. They just received the letter confirming that they can adopt a 3 year old boy from China when Tony is unexpectedly killed in an accident. Tam finds out, then, that she’s been named guardian of the 5 year old daughter of Tony’s cousin, Mia, who was also killed in the accident. There are lots of secrets to be revealed, of course, and it was a very interesting story!
Sherry Finkelstein says
Love your book reviews and have read many of them! Here are two I’ve just read I wanted to mention to you. The first is “The Last Thing He Told Me” by Laura Dave – a non-scary thriller/mystery I got very wrapped up in. The second is a World WarII Paris historical novel..a little unlike others I’ve read, “Until Leaves Fall in Paris” by Sarah Sundin. This book pulled me in and once I was in, I couldn’t stop. Whether you review them or not, I hope you’ll take a look at these and see if you might like them. Also, have you looked at any of Cara Black’s Paris mysteries? She has a series of Aimee Leduc Mysteries where she has written one novel for each arrondissment in Paris. The main character, Aimee Leduc, has inherited her father’s detective agency in Paris and she solves mysteries there. Having lived in Paris, we loved these and it felt as though Aimee became part of our family!! Happy reading!! Love your blog and following your sweet little family!
Lorrie T says
Hi Shay, I always look at your book reviews and have read quite a few of your recommendations. Thank you for doing this. I just read a book you may like. Book Lovers by Emily Henry.( It’s mostly PG with a little R in it. ) The author did a great job of making you love each character for who they are.
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s actually on my Kindle right now!!