Happy Tuesday, friends!! It’s my JULY BOOK REVIEW!!!!
Ladies, this month’s review is HUGE. It’s also probably going to ruffle some feathers too. I LOVED several books (like Top Three loved!), and I didn’t love some others. Let’s all brace ourselves for me potentially upsetting you 😉 .
Before we get to that though…
I mean, there are really no words. I am so incredibly thankful and blessed to have Erika in my life. The very best moments of my life? She was there. The very worst? She was there for me too. She was in the room with my family when I came out of the OR after having babies. She was the first person I sent pictures to of precious little girls in China I wanted to bring home. She sees the every day me. The dirty, cranky, tired, busy, moody version of me and yet, she still comes back the next day. I am so thankful for a friend who loves me for all of me (even the yucky parts).
I could sit here all day telling you funny stories about the two of us, but I’ll just share one. You all know that I have a proclivity for vomiting (disgusting but unfortunately, true). Have I told you about the time she was holding my hair back on the side of the road while I was throwing up? (Bless her, I bet she’s seen my throw up at least 100 times.) Well, I was sick on the side of the road (sigh), and she was there kneeling beside me holding my hair back (a frequent occurrence in this relationship). After I was done and she helped me get cleaned up, we drove to our destination where I chatted with someone I didn’t know very well for quite a few minutes before looking down and realizing there was a maxi pad stuck to my pants. Yeah. She couldn’t find napkins in the car, but she found a pad and had used that to help me clean myself off and then stuck it to my pants and forgot. Bahahaha! That my friends, is true friendship 😉 . I love you so much, Erika Slaughter! I thank the Lord every single day for YOU!!!!
Now, on to today’s BOOK REVIEW! Thanks to your suggestions, I have been hitting it out of the park this summer with great books. Make sure you go back and catch both my MAY BOOK REVIEW and JUNE BOOK REVIEW where I have many, many other great recommendations this season all from YOU!!
In July though, I read EIGHT BOOKS all based on your recommendations. A few of them, I LOVED…and a few, not so much.
Here we go…
An Island Summer by Jenny Hale
This novel was cute. I thought it started off a bit slow but then picked up speed. It’s very “Hallmark” which I know many of you, like me, love to read…especially during the summer. This is a story about a young woman and her bestie who move one summer from New York City to an island off of North Carolina to live in her recently deceased grandpa’s beach house. It has all the charm you expect from a beach book. It’s very PG, very easy to read…just super simple, a little predictable and adorable. The main character has a relationship with an older gentleman which is a little odd (he thinks she’s an old movie actress), but other than that, it checked all of my beach book boxes. Of course, there is a love story because…all hallmarky books must have one 😉 .
Next up…
Something Wilder by Christina Lauren
This writing duo’s books are always hit or miss for me. Some of their books, I really love…and others, not so much. I think this new one here would fall somewhere in the middle. It was okay. I read it really quickly buuuuut if I’m being honest, it was a bit far-fetched for me. This is the story of two people who reconnect years after college as they set out to “hunt treasure” in Utah. I just felt that this book lacked enough backstory. They were apparently each other’s “greatest loves” but yet, we didn’t really get into the meat of that. There is one chapter at the beginning that talks about it, but moving forward, it’s just “assumed” and never really explained. I also thought the big conflict at the end was very anticlimactic as it was resolved. I don’t know….this one fell flat. I will say that this writing duo does tend to write more R-rated novels but this one here felt very PG to me, so if you’ve always wanted to read one of their books but that part has held you back, go for this one. I would love to know what you guys thought of this novel. It was just okay. Not great, not bad…just fine.
My third book this month…
The German Wife by Kelly Rimmer
So, you guys know that I absolutely LOVED Rimmer’s novel The Things We Cannot Say. It was my FAVORITE BOOK OF 2019, so, I’m always excited to read other novels she writes (and typically really like them). I thought her latest one here was just okay. Sigh. Anyone else? I thought it was suuuuuper interesting but also kind of…I don’t know…odd too, maybe?
Rimmer writes books that are HARD to read. They’re historical fiction based on true events/ideas/people and often contain really hard things to read. This one talks in depth about the Holocaust as one of the main characters lived through it as a German. I think it’s really essential to read hard things sometimes, so that’s not the part that I didn’t love. I was a bit confused about why there was a need for the second main character in this novel. This book toggles back and forth between two women (the German wife) and then another woman (Lizzie) who lived during the same time but in West Texas through the Dust Bowl. I guess I never really thought the book needed her storyline. Am I crazy here? Her story was hard and brutal and could have been a story of its own…but I wasn’t connected to her in the same story with the German wife. I thought her character was unnecessary. The plotline was just a bit weak for me overall. I believe the main theme is about forgiveness, changing and moving on…buuuuuuuut I also think that the author is also writing about a Nazi officer who gets to live a free life in the United States after the war and even though she clearly explains why he was an officer and that he didn’t want to be one…ick. That just felt ick to me.
I would really love someone to tell me I’m not crazy about this novel. It was didn’t sit well with me. Some parts I was really into and other parts, I was not loving.
Okay, this next novel…
The No-Show by Beth O’Leary
I rarely quit books these days but this one, I quit three times, but I am SO HAPPY THAT I FINISHED IT! One of my friends texted me that I should read this one and that she loved it, so even though I kept quitting, I kept thinking “surely Erin wouldn’t have me read a book that’s bad”, so I kept going and LOVED IT! You guys, it’s twisty. I was super confused and annoyed but now that I know the ending, I really want to read it again because it’s just so clever! I do not want to give anything away, so I’m going to be a bit vague, but this quirky, British novel is about three very different women. I think you’ll be confused at the beginning but trust me, it all makes sense. This one was just clever and original. In a world of “typical chick lit books”, it’s hard to stand out, but this one totally did! Two big thumbs up.
Speaking of which…
Nora Goes Off Script by Anabel Monaghan
I absolutely LOVED this novel!!! I will be recommending this book to EVERYONE! It for sure could wind up in my TOP THREE this year! This novel is adorable!! This is about Nora, a single mom who sells her movie script based on her recent divorce to a production company…and they want to shoot a few days in her yard (where a pivotal part of the script takes place). I loved Nora. I loved her sass. I loved her parenting. I loved her daily schedule and routines. She was so likeable. Add to Nora a hot Hollywood actor playing her ex-husband…and you can only imagine the adorableness that this novel delivers. If you’re looking for my favorite book of the summer, this one here just might be it. Read it! It’s just HAPPINESS AND CHARM!
This next novel was a recommendation from so many of YOU…
The Bungalow by Sarah Jio
Okay, I really liked this one! This is yet another historical fiction novel set during WWII except this one is set in Bora Bora. This one isn’t nearly as graphic or detailed as the last one though. This is the story of a nurse who, during WWII, heads to the Pacific with other nurses to take care of the US troops based there in Bora Bora. You know…she has her life back at home (a fiancé, a family with certain expectations of her) and yet finds a whole new life there on the island when her eyes are opened to a larger cause and of course, a handsome soldier. This books starts and ends with present day life, so you get a nice well-rounded picture of the character and a tidy ending (I love a tidy ending!). I always say I don’t love historical fiction and yet, I really do love books like this one! It’s the perfect amount of “meaty” and “light” which (considering the context) made it feel easy to read. I liked it a lot!
Book #7 this month was probably the MOST recommended from you guys last month…
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
Okay. Whew. Here we go.
You guys.
I didn’t love this book.
(Insert me hiding my eyes and cringing right now.)
I know that it’s the most talked about book of the year. I know that everyone loves it. I know that you’re all mad at me right now. BUT I JUST DIDN’T LOVE IT.
(Please don’t hate me.)
Here’s the deal, for me, this novel had a lot of potential. I thought the character was interesting. I thought the whole plot was original. (At the end of one chapter I audibly gasped as I did.not.see.that.coming.) I loved the relationships between the very different characters and thought they were each unique and yet they all worked really well together. I loved all of the rowing tidbits woven throughout the book. I loved Mad. I even tolerated the dog (even though that was a wee bit too far-fetched for me). Here’s what I didn’t love. I didn’t love that one of the author’s main themes in this book was to belittle anyone with faith. I am okay with characters who are atheist. I’m not okay with the constant putting down and diminishing people who have faith in anything. (Because let’s be clear, it takes a whollllle lot of faith to not believe in God.) That idea was not just referenced but woven throughout the entire book and completely off-putting to me because it felt less like the actual character’s opinion and more like the author making a point as often as she could via the character. I found it disrespectful to anyone of faith to continue to read about it over and over again when it wasn’t even pertinent to the plot.
So, yeah…I didn’t enjoy this one.
(And now I wait and cringe for you to tell me I’m wrong. 😉 ).
Whew! I did wrap up this month though on a HIGH with…
The Bodyguard by Katherine Center
Book #8 was SO ADORABLE!!! Friends, I always really like this author’s novels, but this one here was my absolute favorite! I could not put it down and read it in less than 48 hours! This is about a bodyguard who is sent to protect a famous Hollywood actor. Yup. The bodyguard is a woman. Is it a bit predictable? Sure. Is it happy and fun? YES! There is a bit of suspense, some great supporting characters, a cute ranch, a complicated family dynamic and a flawed yet lovable main character. I could not have loved this one more. Everyone read this book this month! Two HUGE thumbs up!!!
Okay. What do you think? Eight novels…some I loved and others, I did not. I am really interested in your comments today!
What do I read next? I would love to wrap up this summer on a high! Please share your latest suggestions!!
Also, don’t forget…
To see the complete list of books I read in 2015 (all 63 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2016 (all 62 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2017 (all 62 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2018 (all 61 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2019 (all 54 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2020 (all 54 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2021 (all 59 of them), click here.
That wraps up Book Day! Sending you all so much love on this Tuesday! I’ll see all of you back here tomorrow! xx
Laura says
Have you read the Guncle yet? I think you’d love it!
julie says
I agree. The “Guncle” was FABULOUS. Just the most amazing take on what being a parent means. LOVED IT.
Kit says
Completely agree!!! One of my best books of the year!!
Deb says
Laugh out loud funny
Patti says
I loved Guncle. Unique and characters were so lovable.
Shelley Holden says
Love this! I liked Lessons in Chemistry but thought it was quirky.. I agree with your take too -about the faith. LOVED The Bodyguard! Just loved it! Read Gilt by Jamie Brenner…I think you will like it.
Patti says
I so agree with you in the negativity of faith in God. I stopped reading half way through as a result.
Kristen Thompson says
Yay I’m glad you liked The Bungalow! I am currently reading The Bodyguard and liking it too! I just finished the third “American royals”novel, The Rivals and really liked it too. I thought it was better than the second one. Thanks as always for sharing your book reviews!
Amy says
Hi Kristen, would you say the American Royal novels would be PG (no sex or language)? Thank you.
Stacia says
Yep! Totally PG
Erika Slaughter says
Bahahahha! I’d completely forgotten about that story! I learned some things about you that day- Shay should always be traveling with some wipes and a change of clothes-kind of like when you’re traveling with a baby. 😂😂 And Shay gets a certain seat in the van always. 😂😂 You learned just what a resourceful friend I am. 😂😂Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Love YOU, friend!! 😘😘😘😘
Mix and Match Mama says
I just lol! it is like traveling with a baby! I have bladder control issues too which only adds to your point. Bahahaha! Love YOU!
Stephanie Parisotto says
I always look forward to your monthly book reviews and have read several of your recommendations! For next month, I would suggest Every summer after or one Italian summer! I really enjoyed both! Happy reading!
Mix and Match Mama says
I read both and LOVED THEM!!!!!
Susan Jeffries says
I love your book reviews!! After my Dad’s passing, I could not read anything for a long time. But several months ago my friend and I started a book club and reading has been a huge part of my helming process. I look forward to your suggestions each month! I recently read and loved…Every Summer After, The Silent Patent, The House Across the Lake and One Italian Summer. I am reading Lessons in Chemistry now and feel the same way you do about it. Thanks for the fun!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so encouraged that you started a book club! I just love that!! Sending you so much love!
Elspeth says
I’m adding some of these to my reading list! Thanks for sharing!
Christi says
I read Lessons in Chemistry after one friend couldn’t get into it and one who raved about it. I’m a woman of faith but I did enjoy the book. Of course, it was a lot! I took her spiritual beliefs as her being part of her profession but honestly I didn’t think much about it throughout the book. As a Christian, I didn’t take it that I couldn’t believe. However, the part about the priest did raise my eyebrows a lot!
I enjoyed how the difference between men/women was shared. But mostly I just enjoyed how humorous she made the science.
Of course, this is not me pushing this book on anybody especially because when it’s the kind of book that depends on the readers mindset when they begin reading it. I needed humor when I started reading it so it filled that need.
Ann says
I agree with you, Christi. I really enjoyed the book and would hope, if it was real life (😉), that the priest would keep reading / studying and that the Lord would reveal Himself to him in a new way, helping him through his faith crisis, leading him to a zeal he had never had and a confidence that his beliefs were founded on truth that he would then share with others.
It’s good for me to think this through more as it is my book club’s August read and we have ladies of all faith (and non faith) backgrounds in the group. 😊
Jamie says
I agree. I really liked Lessons in Chemistry. I feel like it was more of a commentary about life for women in the 1950’s, and I found the story quirky and compelling. Not every book is going to align with your personal story/beliefs but that’s why we read- to explore stories different from our own 🙂 As a Christian I wasn’t offended. I also just want to say that there is a differentiation between anti- faith and anti-RELIGON for a lot of people, and I can understand that too. Just my thoughts!
Josie says
Have you read The Royals Next Door? You’ll love it!
Keisha Dawson says
This was a great one!!!
Holly says
Thank you so much for recommending Becoming Mrs. Lewis. I gifted the book to my mother and she loved it and Through the Wardrobe. In fact she says that they are some of her favorite books ever. I would never have found them without your review – much appreciated!
Mix and Match Mama says
I still think it’s one of the best books I’ve read all year!!!!
Cindi says
YES!! Becoming Mrs. Lewis was SO good- I couldn’t put it down! And I never would’ve read it if Shay hadn’t recommended it! Thanks, Shay!
Laura says
One of my absolute favorites this year!!
Lauren says
Thank you so much for your honest review on Lessons in Chemistry. I clicked over and read some of the other reviews on the book and yikes! As someone who is Catholic, I am pretty sure that book is not for me. It sounds like it is pretty anti-Catholicism without it even pertaining to the plot line… it’s just negative for no reason. Not my cup of tea. Thanks for the heads up!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes, the book has an anti-faith theme but she realllllly drives home the point with Catholicism.
Midge says
For what it’s worth, I am also Catholic and didn’t think it was bashing religion at all. I really enjoyed the book. The book takes place in the 1960s which is undoubtedly a much different time. The main character is under estimated (simply for being a woman folk) and also is a little quirky that she puts a strong emphasis on what she can see/prove.
If anything, being that the book was written in 2020 when a lot of “Christians” were eschewing science, the author may have gone with a heavy hand on the chemistry. L
Sara says
I totally agree with you. The character’s doubting of Christianity wasn’t the point of the book at all. It was that she wanted to be a scientist, not a lady scientist, and how much she had to go through to just be that. I like to read books where the characters have different viewpoints and don’t just echo back all my thoughts and feelings. Her scientific interpretation didn’t bother me at all. I didn’t feel like it was pushing an agenda except maybe to think for yourself.
Eileen says
Totally agree. I’m Catholic and I didn’t get a negative vibe at all, nor did I feel offended in any way. I loved this book.
Heather says
I understand where you are coming from regarding Lessons in Chemistry. While I did love the book, I was a bit taken aback by all of the references regarding faith. I had a hard time recommending this book to anyone because I did feel the lack of faith references were taken too far. I get where the character is coming from, being a scientist, but yes it did not have to be so in our faces.
Emily Cappello says
More Than You’ll Ever Know by Katie Gutierrez! One of the best books I’ve read this year (and this is coming from a librarian!).
Kelli says
Yes!!! I was going to suggest this one! I was so intrigued by how this could happen that I couldn’t put it down!!
Angie says
Loved this book as well!
Elisabeth Stiltner says
I absolutely agreed with your review on Lessons in Chemistry and could not finish it because of that! The author definitely had an agenda and as a Christian I could not and would not support it by reading the book.
ML says
Totally agree on The No Show — such big twists! Really loved it in the end. Beth O’Leary’s other book (The Switch) is also super cute!
Jeanie says
You should check out sunshineandbooksblog.com. Lots of really good recommendations there. She is a school librarian and avid reader.
I agree with you. I’m not interested in a book that demeans my faith. It just wouldn’t feel like something I would want to devote time to absorbing in my brain. 🤷♀️
K.K. says
Of course, a favorite post!!! I haven’t read any of your eight yet, but I’m going to have to read some soon. Especially intrigued by the annoying, confusing one that is super unique!!
And oh my goodness about the Erika story. That’s a great friend. And also pretty hilarious! Happy birthday to her!
Brandi Carson says
Whewwww….I couldn’t wait for your review this month. I read “The Bungalow” too and loved it. I also read “Something Wilder”. It was cute. I’m currently reading “Part of Your World” by Abby Jiminez and there have been times when I’ve laughed out loud (even shaking the bed while hubby was asleep). I’m glad you’re honest in your book reviews. We have similar likes so after reading your “Chemistry” review I went and took it off my holds list!!! Thanks Shay!!!
Kelsey says
Such great recommendations, I’ll have to check some of these out! I also quit the No Show, so perhaps I should revisit it! Do you (or your readers) have any suggestions for books about parenting young girls? Thanks for another great roundup today!
Brenda Thompson says
Thank you for your honest and candid reviews! I have not read any of these books! Recently I read a book I loved, “This Tender Land” by William Kent Krueger. It is just a really great story about life, hardship, survival, and friendship, told through the eyes of a 12 year old run away boy during the depression. It is long but so many things happen along the way so I never found that it was dragging on. I read another book by this author, Ordinary Grace, which was also great.
Sherri says
I loved Ordinary Grace and highly recommended it.
Cyndi W. says
Same here with Ordinary Grace. Will read this one.
Andee says
This Tender Land is one of my all time favorite books. Such a good one!
Carole says
Reading The No Show right now, and seriously yesterday was trying to decide if I wanted to finish, so thank you for this timely review! I will keep going!! Also putting The Bodyguard on my list!! Love love book review day!!
Julie says
I haven’t even heard of the books you didn’t like, so no shaming here-lol!! One of my favorites so far this year, (besides ‘The Paper Palace’ which I know you read) is’The Last House on the Street”/ Chamberlain. I think I got this from your reader comments and I loved it! It’s definitely not a light read, so maybe save it for when you’re in a more serious mood? But SO good and it falls in the category of historical fiction/modern day story. I have the new “class mom” book on my to-read list…”Tween Spirit.” And it won’t be out until Oct, but I cannot cannot wait for Jodi Picoult’s new novel ‘Mad Honey!’
Becky says
I agree with you about Lessons in Chemistry! I think you would like A Shoe Story by Jane Rosen.
Deb says
I recommend that one too!
Kristine G. says
Always look forward to your book reviews! I recently finished Viola Davis’ book Finding Me. It was AMAZING! Highly recommend! I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Now I want to watch all her shows and movies! Ha
Jeanne says
Yes, Finding Me was very good. If you like memoirs, I highly recommend Finding Freedom by Erin French. It is a beautifully written book.
Jennibell says
Honda Kotb did a great interview with her on her podcast Making Space.
Taylor R says
Thank you so much for your review. I had heard about the love for Lessons in Chemistry, but your review helped me take it off my list. NOT interested. I appreciate you and love your book posts (and all your other content too 🙂 )
Taylor R says
P.S. Have your read The Lincoln Highway ???
Starts out a tiny bit slow… but one of the only books I have gasped out loud in. Twice!! Definitely toward the top of my favs list.
Brandi says
I just read Finlay Donovan is Killing It by Elle Cosimano and loved it! Single mom who is overheard talking about her new book plot and is mistaken for a serial killer…it is hilarious! I can’t wait to read the 2nd in the series. Would definitely recommend it!
Mandy says
I loved this one too!! So fun to listen to on audio!
Dawn says
I’ve put Lessons in Chemistry aside because although the writing was interesting I just wasn’t getting into it (and I had a few other books that were waiting for me to read that I thought were much more appealing). Now, I’m not sure if I want to go back to it.
Joanne says
I did read both Something Wilder and The Bungalow this past month as well and enjoyed them both (though Something Wilder is not my fav. book by the duo either). I really enjoyed The Summer of No Attachments; which read like Hallmark movie to me for sure and while you keep saying you don’t like historical fiction I really enjoyed Quinn’s latest novel The Diamond Eye– about a young, female Russian sniper that gets sent to America on a goodwill tour after she has over 300 confirmed kills under her belt. There were lots of intriguing side storylines included too that kept the book well- paced.
Melanie says
Look forward to your book reviews every month! Thank you for sharing! Can’t remember if you’ve read The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell, but that was a great one! Just finished Counterfeit too, and it was good as well, especially if you’re in to handbags.
Tammy says
Loved Sam Hell. We read it for our book club and it was a big hit with everyone!
Kristine says
Same here! I picked it for book club and everyone loved it!
Stephanie Harris says
Remarkable Bright Creatures. Shelby Van Pelt
A delightful book about an incredible octopus and the cleaning lady. You may not know where it is going but it gets there just fine.
Diane says
I loved Remarkable Bright creatures too….a wonderful book💙
Deb says
I also loved RemarkablyBright creatures
Patti says
I loved that book too. Such wonderful warm characters. I have a new appreciation of octopi now.
Robin says
Loved Remarkably Bright Creatures so much! I very highly recommend!
Cassie D says
I loved Remarkably Bright Creatures, too! I read and then listened to it within the same month! 💙
Monica says
I always love your book reviews – BUT – the maxi pad on your pants is what I found the most riveting today! I needed a good laugh! Thanks!
Jenny B. says
Love the book reviews, but can’t get over the maxi pad story!!! Laughing tears here in my office! Cheers to amazing girlfriends!
Ashley R says
Shay, once again you nailed it! Book review day is my FAVORITE, and I swear it’s because we have the exact same literary palette! Couldn’t agree with you more about Lessons in Chemistry. 2 out of 5 stars for me; your review was far more eloquent than mine being all that I could muster saying was, “I just didn’t love it.” LOL Thank you for taking the time to review what you read; I rely more on your recommendations than both Reese and Jenna Hagar – we’re far more in sync than those book clubs.
Cherie says
I didn’t care for Lessons in Chemistry either. I just flat out thought it was sad. The main characters’ situations were sad and I felt sorry for the little girl. I get that scientists typically are not Christians but that makes me sad, too. Definitely would not recommend this book to any of my friends. I did enjoy The Bodyguard, however!
AJ says
Is The Bodyguard as well as Nora Goes Off Script in the PG range or more R rated?
Mix and Match Mama says
More PG!!
AJ says
Thank you so much for the info! Adding both to my list as I need light & happy right now!
Kelli says
My favs from my month of reading were When Crickets Cry by a Charles Martin, A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backman, More Than You’ll Ever Know by Katie Gutierrez, and Bright Burning Things by Lisa Harding. I absolutely loved Nora Goes Off Script! My first thought after finishing was to tell you about it 😂❤️
Sheila says
You described An Island Summer perfectly. Cute, quick beach read! My favorite read of last month was The Brighter the Light by Mary Ellen Taylor.
Colleen says
I totally agree with you about Lessons in Chemistry! The author was really trying to push her agenda through the main character, and it was totally unnecessary. Thanks for all your recommendations! All of my TBR stack are suggestions from your book reviews 🙂
Caitlin LeMaster says
Love the review! I have added a few to my list. Have you read Book Lovers yet? That seems like one you may like. It felt very Hallmark-y. I read it all on our overnight flight to England… Oops! I should have slept.. lol!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!!! I read that one in May! It’s so cute!!!!
Tara says
I know you like the Class Mom books by Laurie Gelman. The fourth one, Smells Like Tween Spirit is out this week! As a teacher I have enjoyed reading those novels around the beginning of the school year for the past 3 years, so I will be starting this one very soon!
Tricia says
I am reading “The Bodyguard” right now and am LOVING it!!! I just finished “Surviving Savannah” (by Patti Callahan) and loved it, so that may be one you can try soon. 🙂
Marti says
I totally agree with you about Lessons in Chemistry! I’ve heard so many people rave about this book, but it also did not sit well with me for the same reasons. 🙁 Because of my strong Christian beliefs, I would not recommend it to anyone.
Kasey says
Rarely do I DNF a book, but Lessons in Chemistry was that book for me! The faith issues as well as the very strong agenda (wasn’t necessarily a bad agenda it was just soooo evident) and I didn’t love the story. Honestly the dog was my favorite part! I was so surprised that this was so beloved!
Alison says
Read your book review while I’m waiting for an oil change. I legit laughed out loud in the customer lounge when I read your story about Erika. 😂 Aside, have you read In Five Years by Rebecca Serle? I read it last month and it was a book that stuck with me. It’s not your usual chick-lit and it might make you cry, but I loved the thought-provoking story.
Kerri says
I just started The German Wife last night!
Kim says
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time! I didn’t want it to end and when I went back and read your review you said the same thing lol. I picked it up on a whim and couldn’t put it down.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!!! That one is so good!!
Tiffany says
I love your book reviews!
My favorite read of the summer so far is a kids lit book- The Blackbird Girls. It’s told through three different perspectives during the Chernobyl disaster and WWII. I also loved The Sun Does Shine (true story of an innocent man on death row) and once There Were Wolves.
Sherry Kenney says
Also did not love Lessons in Chemistry. You’re not alone!
Ashley says
I felt the exact same way about lessons in chemistry. I liked the story and I would have liked the book more had she not input her opinions on God. You are definitely not alone in feeling this way. And the priests secret in the end!! I kind of felt the same a few places in Something Wilder as well. It just wasn’t necessary to add to either story.
Laci Murray says
Happy Birthday Erika!
Kim says
I was not a fan of Lessons in Chemistry. I wanted to throw the book across the room several times. Glad I wasn’t alone because it’s gotten so much buzz.
Erin says
Have you read anything by Abby Jimenez? I’m reading Part of Your World right now – highly recommend!
Stacy says
I have started and stoped the no show three times!!! I guess I need to pick it up and finish it, I have a friend who texted me that she loved the book too! I’ll pick it back up again! The bodyguard is my favorite book of the summer it just is the absolute perfect summer read. Thank you for reviewing lessons in chemistry there has been something holding me back from picking it up and that must of been why! Currently reading the boardwalk bookshop by Susan Mallery it’s enjoyable I’ve never read anything by her before
Mandy says
Totally agree on Lessons in Chemistry! If you haven’t read ‘Every Summer After’ then RUN! Do not walk, and read that book. You won’t be sorry!
Mix and Match Mama says
One of the BEST BOOKS I’VE READ in a long time!
Ashley Cook says
Have you read The Rose Code or Alice Network?
They were absolutely amazing!
Aynsley says
I have read some very good books this summer! I would recommend One Italian Summer. I just finished The It Girl by Ruth Ware and it was one of my favorite murder mysteries of all time ! The other good novels by her I thought were great are In a Dark Dark Wood and One by One, a ski murder mystery. Finally i really like the author Kate White, and i don’t see her on many of the book lists people put out. She was the editor of Cosmo magazine and writes fun sassy mysteries. She wrote THe Second Husband this summer and it was so so good !
Kara says
I also love Kate White! I stumbled across her books years ago and have enjoyed every one! The Second Husband kept me guessing.
Amber Vance says
My favorite post!! Nora Goes off Script was sooo good! And I totally agree with you on Something Wilder. It wasn’t one of my favs by Christina Lauren. I just finished Under the Magnolias by TI Lewis and it was so good!
Shari Grady says
I look forward to your book reviews and have read so many of your recommendations. I just finished These Impossible Things, and loved it..
Janet says
My TBR pile just got bigger. Motion sickness is awful. I get it bad. I despise being sick. I recently have started taking prescription Zofran. Game changer. Dramamine had quit working.
Tracy says
I super enjoyed Love and Saffron by Kim Fay. Check it out!
Patti says
I loved this too. Such a good story of friendship regardless of age and what it means to truly be there for someone.
Lisa Klein says
So happy to hear that you loved Nora Goes Off Script!! I have it downloaded for my flight from SFO-Boston tomorrow!!
Carolina says
I just finished The Book of Longings: A Novel by Sue Monk. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend. I could not put it down
The Book of Longings is an inspiring, unforgettable account of one woman’s bold struggle to realize the passion and potential inside her, while living in a time, place and culture devised to silence her …(one of the reviews).
Cynthia says
I also loved The Book of Longings. So original and different from what I typically read.
Sarah says
Beartown is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time!
Kelly says
You need to read “A Shoe Story!” I got the recommendation from Elin Hildebrand’s Instagram and if she loves it, then you know it is good! Cutest rom com I’ve read in a long time!
Sarah says
I really enjoyed The Bodyguard as well – a nice quick and pretty light read 🙂
I know Katherine Center’s “What You Wish For” wasn’t necessarily your favorite, but if you like her books in general you might want to check out “Happiness is for Beginners.” That’s the book where Duncan is first introduced, but it focuses on his sister Helen as the main character. It’s cute!
Mollie says
Added a few more books to my reading list! Just finished The Marvelous Lives of Marjorie Post. Historical fiction based on the life of Marjorie Merriweather Post – sole heir of the Post Cereal company.
Mary says
Oh! Just picked that for book club! I heard it was great! Did you like it? Thanks!
Sarah says
I loved this one so much!! Also the Tobacco Wives was an excellent read too
Debbie says
Try A Shoe Story by Jane Rosen
Alexandra says
I’m so excited to read “Nora Goes Off Script”!! I read another review that described the book as “This is what the movie “Home Again” with Reese Witherspoon wishes it could have been.” Bought it immediately! Can’t wait to read more of your summer recs!
Jennifer says
Love book review day! Thank you for them!
I also LOVED The Bodyguard and I’m also glad I stuck it out with The No Show! It was so good! If you loved The Bodyguard, I recommend Happiness for Beginners also by Katherine Center. It’s my favorite!
I quit Lessons in Chemistry, it was disappointing after all the hype,
Can’t wait to read Nora Goes Off Script!
Laura says
I consider myself a Christian and a scientist and I didn’t get that offended or put off by the Lessons in Chemistry storyline. It’s going to take a lot more than a book club book to shake my faith! Anytime I read something that doesn’t gel with my views I try to look past that to the other storylines. I was captivated enough with the 60’s female scientist and rowing info that I just let the anti faith part be a background story that I didn’t pay much attention too. I think maybe the author was trying to make the main character so polarizing opposite to what was considered “normal” at that time.
Merideth says
Looking forward to reading Nora Goes Off Script and The Bodyguard! I recently discovered Sariah Wilson’s books, many of which are on Kindle Unlimited. They’re clean romances that are laugh out loud hilarious! Highly recommend!
Kara says
Yes on Sariah Wilson! I think Shay would love The Roommaid!
Pamela says
Nora Goes Offscript is my favorite book so far this year!!!!! Loved it!
Lizzie says
Love all your book reviews! Is The Bodyguard based on the movie with Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s not! Same name, more fun 🙂 !
Lindsey says
I’m a huge Christina Lauren fan but I have to agree with you – Something Wilder was way too far-fetched for me. I read it fast too but just didn’t love it!
I quit Lessons in Chemistry .. I couldn’t do it. You’re not crazy.. it was not my cup of tea either!
I CANNOT wait to read Nora Goes Off Script! I’ve been waiting for it to free up at my local library – can’t wait to devour it when I get my hands on it!
Thanks for another awesome book review!
Tricia Amend says
I agree with your review of Lessons in Chemistry. I love your book reviews and look forward to reading them and all the comments each month. Thank you!
Heather says
Have you read Everything Sad is Untrue? This book rack to me and the best possible way!
Heather says
Voice texting isn’t my friend! Have you read Everything Sad is Untrue? This book wrecked me in the best possible way!
Patti M says
Read “The Lies I Tell” by Julie Clark,
Gripping, Fast read!
Mary says
Honestly I’m so elated that you didn’t love “Lessons in Chemistry!” I thought it was just me!! I found it very sad Also, after years in HR so many things were just hard to believe?? I loved SixThirty but really didn’t care for this novel at all.I’m glad so many people did though!
Susan Davis Dike says
LOVE book review day! So many great recommendations from both you and your followers. Just read The Good Sister which you reviewed in April. So good, couldn’t put it down!
Ryan C says
I loved The Good Sister! Such interesting twists! I audibled it, loved the readers changemon tone and delivery for each character.
Kathy Wood says
I read Lessons in Chemistry also this month and didn’t care for that either. I didn’t like that it seemed to be an ongoing theme. I finished due to the original story line but I wouldn’t recommend this book. I agree with you.
Nicole Phillips says
I found Lessons in Chemistry whiny and it just dragged for me. I was annoyed by her faith point of views, but it didn’t make me dislike the story. I was just annoyed and actually quit it several times.
Excited to read some of your other suggestions!
Ashley says
Shay you summed up my entire thoughts on Lessons in Chemistry! I am a pharmacist so definitely have a background in chemistry and a woman of faith. I know the two are intertwined and could NOT get past the author’s personal
agenda. Wanted to love it but just could not.
Kim Fox says
I completely agree about Leasons in Chemistry for all the same reasons!! I almost quit the book several times. I’ve actually read several books recently that put down Christianity, and it makes me sad.
Have you read Big Lies in a Little Town? It was a slow start for me, but I ended up loving it! I think you would, too!
Bridget says
Totally agree with you about the no show. The ending and how it all came together was worth the struggle to read it. I love all of Beth O’Leary’s books and they are great. Definitely recommend you read her other ones, if you haven’t already. Sarah Jio wrote To London with Love and it was fantastic!! Cute setting in London and a great story about a mother and daughter.
I recommend 37 seconds by Stephanie Arnold. It is about a woman who thought she was going to die during childbirth, and she was right. She suffered an AFE, a rare complication that is often fatal. Here story and what she aaa when she flatlined is incredible. My aunt passed away last year from an AFE, so it was a difficult read, but one that brings peace about what’s next ❤️
Cathy Miller says
You should read anything Colleen Hoover! She is great!
Ryan C says
Hey Shay!
Wow! 8 books this month!!? I don’t know how you do it! I had 2 weeks off and still only read 3 😳
I love this review! I love Katherine Center and Christina Lauren books. My aunt mentioned The Bungalow to me…you did all my heavy lifting, now I know which books to get asap! Bummer about Kelly Rimmer, as I love her too! My library is about 50 deep of books not read 😬 but anyone who knows me, knows that I love collecting books since being introduced to you 🤣 I’m excited to read The Bodyguard, The Bungalow, and definitely Nora Goes Off Script, I’m purchasing those now! And thank you for being honest with your dislike about Lessons in Chemistry, I’m not fond of books that insult faith either.
Thanks again for your vested time in this part of your life, it’s a highlight for me…and CONGRATS on your 15 year blog-iversary ❤️
Aparna says
Hello shay, can’t wait to read Nora goes off script & The bodyguard…I read some good books last month, top one being The book of Lost names…just loved it! Also loved The younger wife. I thought Every summer after was quite similar to a Christina Zlauren book, forgetting the name…but preferred that over this.
Maggie says
Shay! You know what would be awesome? If you made a master list of all of the books you’ve reviewed that are more on the PG side. I know you try to mention it in your reviews, but a full master list for reference would be so helpful. ☺️
Katee says
You NEED to read an Amy Harmon novel!!!! She is the best author and not super well known! I recommend What the Wind Knows or Unknown Beloved! ❤️
Cyndi W. says
I loved A Long Petal of the Sea Isabelle Allende. Based on history of Spain and the refugees who were able to live in Chile. Educational and beautiful. PG rated.
Rhonda says
How do you keep track of the books you have read? Good old fashioned spreadsheet or do you use some type of app?
Mix and Match Mama says
I have a “note” on my phone where I keep a running list with notes on each book.
DeeAnn says
Love your book reviews! As you round out your summer, two fun reads are Counterfeit and The Guncle.
I also loved the Bodyguard and Nora Goes off Script! Your reviews were spot on.
Thanks for helping to add to my list of books each month!
Kris says
Read every summer after and ugly love. I read both recently and loved them so so much n.
Erin says
Oh tha k goodness you wound up liking The No Show book! I thought it was so clever in the end so whew! Big sigh of relief that you didn’t hate the one book ive ever recommended to you LOL!
Mix and Match Mama says
Girl, I knew you wouldn’t lead me astray!! 😉
Elisa says
If you enjoyed the no show you should try some of her other books. Her first book – the flat share is very good as is the switch.
Kasi says
Didn’t love lessons in chemistry either. And for me it really didn’t have anything to do with faith, I just thought it was boring! Yes the main character was done well but for me it was kind of like Eleanor Oliphant, I just need more plot twists I guess!
Amanda Drugan says
LOVE your book reviews! Have you read a The Royal We? It’s long but really good!
Mix and Match Mama says
I absolutely loved that book!!!
Tanya says
Question is actually for Kensington, looking for tween girl book recommendations to give as a gift.
Mix and Match Mama says
Her favorite series to date has been The Hunger Games!
JoAnne L says
The Library Book by Susan Orlean. Its about the 1986 Los Angeles Central Library fire, one of the worst fires in US History. Didn’t hear about it? That same week was Chernobyl which grabbed all the headlines. The book is about the fire, but also the library. What is a library and who works at the library. Its a really interesting peak into a world that supports the love of books.
Alison says
Isabel Allende’s latest novel Violeta is fantastic. And if you haven’t read A Long Petal of the Sea that’s another great Isabel Allende book (I’m a huge Isabel Allende fan!). Also, Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr is amazing, a true must-read! On a much lighter note I just finished Hotel Nantucket — super cute!
Tracy says
Loved ‘Beautiful World, Where are You’
Stephanie Snyder says
I totally agree with your take on Lessons in Chemistry. I almost quit it about 400 different times. But then I thought, this is what the enemy does. He plants seeds of doubt that he hopes will grow regarding faith. So I kept reading because my faith is strong and the author’s position being so anti-Christian/religion was so blatantly uninformed. The generalizations and stereotypes can only come from someone with little to no experience with actual believers, and I began to pity her. So, all in all, I am glad I finished it. It was often unpredictable, but I found none of the characters truly likeable, except maybe Mad, but also I was sad for her in the sense of being brought up without the ability to imagine or believe in anything other than “scientific evidence.”
On another note, Every Summer After was such a great read I started on my lunch break and finished the same evening!!!
Kelli says
Ok, I already commented last week, but I just finished The Roughest Draft by Emily Wibberley and wanted to recommend it if you could squeeze another one in this month. A great summer to fall transition book too! It was perfect and kept me coming back any chance I had!
Jan Brown says
Three of my favorites for the year include Nora Goes Off Script, the Bodyguard, and Something Wilder. If you haven’t read Lease on Love by Falon Ballard , I highly recommend that one too. I plan to go back and look at your monthly reviews.
Laura says
Re: Lessons in Chemistry, there are so many books out there that weave in heavy Christian themes totally unnecessary to the plot. Or that just flat out assume their readership is 100% Christian when they’re dispensing non-religious advice and throw Christian overtones onto that advice (again, unnecessarily). As an agnostic, I still enjoy many of them! This needs to work both ways. Agree that denigrating religion is offensive, but Chemistry didn’t come across that way to me at all. Definitely shouldn’t serve as solo criterion to take a book out of your TBR pile.
Sheila DeSpirito says
I know I’m late to the party as far as posting a book I read and loved, but highly recommend Black Cake. I could be totally wrong but, I think you would love it. Especially since you love to bake. Have you ever tried a Black Cake? With all your travels have you been to the Caribbean? That’s where the Black Cake is known and loved and made.
I love all your book reviews and like everyone else look forward to your reviews each month