Hey, hey Tuesday!
Well, I’ve had a lot of questions lately over cleaning up/organizing/purging/getting your house in order.
Maybe we’re all in that weird place between those New Year’s Resolutions and Spring Cleaning…but it’s been a very popular “can you please blog about” request…
I always know you guys are “my people” but reading questions like this just confirms that we really are kindred spirits.
Thus, today is Tidying Up Tuesday 🙂 .
I have read (AND LOVED!) probably the same books you have on cleaning and organizing like Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up or Ruth Soukup’s Unstuffed. I’m here for allllllll of the books filled with ideas and inspirations to get me cleaning and organizing. You guys also know this about me, cleaning and purging out my home is what relaxes me. Hard day? I want to clean. I’m really sad? Give me a junk drawer to organize. One of the HARDEST parts about our home being destroyed and then rebuilt in 2020 was all I wanted to do was clean my house to cope with the stress…but said house was under construction and therefore, I couldn’t clean it.
Sooooo…why am I sharing this today? Because I think the older I get, the more I learn about myself, my motives, my strengths and weaknesses and my current approach is working much better for me than back in the day when I did something else. So, I thought I’d share in case you want to try it too (or want to contribute to my ideas!).
Right now, instead of setting aside a massive amount of time to “purge/clean/declutter”, I just do small things that take no longer than five minutes.
I used to try and set aside all of this time to “tackle my closet” or whatever, but that didn’t work well for me because, where is this magical time I’m supposed to find? Instead, I wouldn’t find this time and the clutter would weigh on me, and I would be hard on myself for “not doing it”.
Not good for me.
Instead now, I make a list on my phone (of course!) of smaller things and then try to do one every day…BUT…I set my watch timer for five minutes, and that’s it. I only do it for five minutes and then move on. This works so well for me because it’s easy to find an extra five minutes and then, I’m always shocked at how productive I can be in such a short amount of focused time.
Thus, here is an abbreviated version of my list should you want to try this (in no particular order, I just write them down and complete them as I think of things):
- Clean my makeup brushes.
- Throw out old papers, coloring books, broken pencils in the craft drawer.
- Clean out under the kitchen sink
- Clean out under my bathroom sink
- Clean out pantry
- Clean out fridge
- One at a time, tackle each drawer in my closet (undies, workout clothes, swimsuits…not all at once, one drawer at a time)
- Clean the microwave
- Spray down the inside of the oven
- Clean out pet supply area
- Clean out trunk of car
- Toss broken items/trash/anything random that is junk from the kids’ play room
- Clean out files on my desk
- Clean off bedside table
- Clean out purse
- Toss empty bottles in shower
And on, and on, and on.
I mean, you see what I do here? My list is longer and more specific to my house, but anytime I see something around my house or think of something that I *should* do around my house, I add it to my list. I personally get SO MUCH MORE ACCOMPLISHED in the smaller five minute increments. Plus bonus, my kiddos have their set daily chores (laundry, making their bed, setting the table, walking dogs, etc), but this helps me help them keep their spaces more organized too. They also get overwhelmed if I say “go clean out your closet” versus me saying “go clean out your top drawer”. That’s a smaller, more manageable task that they can/will actually do right then.
So, that’s my random Tidying Up Tuesday idea for you 🙂 .
I am always SO CURIOUS about how you spring clean/purge your house. If you have any additional “five minute” ideas, please share those too!
I’m going to answer a few more questions before I head out. You guys, there are SO MANY and many are broad/vague, so if you have specifics, that would help me GREATLY.
Agh! Well, okay, I have a lot of closets (coat, my closet, kids’ closets, laundry room, etc) and try to edit them as often as I can. I try really hard not to be sentimental. I also try really hard to think “what’s the worst thing that would happen if I donated/tossed this item?”. Almost always, the worst thing that would happen is that I would have to buy it again. How often does that happen? I seriously CANNOT remember the last time I had to buy something because I had donated it. If I haven’t used it in the last 12 months, it’s probably a great indicator that I don’t need to hold on to it.
I would love specifics! I received a lot of questions like this one, so if you are one of those people and have specific questions like “how do you organize your pantry?” or whatever, I can totally do entire blog posts on that kind of question.
Here’s the deal with toys…my home used to have a million of them, they were everywhere and I thought “oh my word, I’m surrounded by toys”…and then I blinked, and they’re all gone. I know the toy phase is suffocating sometimes, but I cannot stress to you enough, it’s temporary. I always found that having bins with lids was the perfect answer to where to put toys. Even if you are just stacking the bins places, being able to scoop them up, put them in a bin and cover that with a lid, geez, that helps. We had bins in our primary bedroom, the family room, the kitchen, their rooms…just bins to make things “go away” when it was time to clean up. I will say that my mom, who is an interior designer, used to always tell me when I complained about toys being all over my house that “your house should look like kids live there”. Wise words. You’re raising a family. It’s okay if your house looks like you are.
I can’t wait to read your ideas/suggestions/thoughts! If you think of other ways I can share more specifics on other Tuesdays, just let me know below.
Now, is it a coincidence that today is about cleaning and organizing…and I have a cocktail recipe to share with you?????
Yes…but isn’t that perfect timing?! You can see it HERE. Have a wonderful day! xx
Laura says
My FAVORITE organizing book (and I’ve read quite a few!) is Decluttering at the Speed of Life by Dana K. White. Easy read that totally will motivate you to do more of those 5 min tasks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Looking that up right now!
Marie says
Me too! That sounds like my kind of cleaning. I learned when I hurt my back a couple of years ago and the recovery is “slow”. I could not dig in and clean the whole house at one try. I found that I could do short (very short) time periods so I would pick a task and complete it. The rest will be for another day! It actually worked pretty good and I still find myself tacking small things rather than trying to do it all at once.
Jinjer says
Yes!!! That’s the best. And her decluttering website and videos. Life changing.
Elspeth Mizner says
There’s nothing more satisfying that doing a good clean out of spaces! Thanks for sharing today, love the idea of 5 minute tasks!
Joanne says
Yep, that toy clutter was crazy… but they’re all gone now! In fact I feel like our “play room” needs a new focus. They don’t even use it for video game playing anymore.
Erika Slaughter says
I’d suggest a big major home remodel for anyone looking to organize their life. It forces you to do it!! 😬😳😂
Mix and Match Mama says
I just lol!
Alana says
This gets me in the mood to organize again! My husband always complains that he can’t find things because I’m always finding better places to put them 😂 also, I’m sure you’ve talked about this, but I must have missed it… is The Bestie Breakdown coming back?! Tuesday’s were always the best for that reason!
Mix and Match Mama says
We were just discussing that yesterday! Stay tuned…we’re not “done” yet!
Kelly M Sites says
Every Monday when I sit down at my desk in my office at work, I FIRST start by cleaning out my purse. YEP. Easy, and it brings me joy. I feel so on my game. I dump it all out on my desk- get rid of stuff, tidy, clean my phone with a Clorox wipe, clean the bottom of my purse with the same wipe, clean out my wallet, and organize, and put it all back in. It’s fast and ONE THING I can do to start my week off right.
Mix and Match Mama says
BRILLIANT! I love this idea!
Erika says
I always tidy up my car while pumping gas. I empty my trash can (the Lusso brand on Amazon is the best!) and keep armor all wipes so I can wipe down my dash area while stuck at bridge openings, car pool waiting, etc. I keep one of those organizing square fabric bins in the car to corral small items, car activities, etc.
having a messy car really stresses me out.
Mix and Match Mama says
Beth Valenta says
I love that you say one drawer at a time! I always get overwhelmed with clothes drawers, so this is helpful. I am great at laundy…I make sure I do a load before I leave for work in the morning, and dry when I get home and fold to stay on top of it. I laughed at my husband organizing all spices in our pantry by abc order, but ya know what? I don’t waste time looking now.
Michele says
Ok, this has NOTHING to do with your post today but as I was perusing the TJ fearless flyer it had Shay Shull all over it. LOL! Lots of spicy! Just wanted to throw that out there. 🙂 Have a great day Shay and thanks for being a super encouragement to me. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Well now I have to go STAT!!!!
Laura says
I needed this reminder!!! My kids and I can get so overwhelmed, esp since we’re redoing their bedroom right now. Little at a time – one drawer, not the whole dresser…Perfect!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Years of practice lead me to this revelation. It was too daunting and therefore, they wouldn’t do it/do it well. It works much better in small bits.
Lisa D says
For many years I’ve done a quick clean up/throw away on a specific day of the week. For example, this year I’ve designated Tuesday for “10 things on Tuesday” and I make a decision on 10 things — throw away, keep, donate, give to friends or family. It’s easy and takes very little time to make a decision on my clutter. Other years I’ve designated Friday for “5 things on Friday”. Having a very specific number of items to deal with on a specific day of the week works really well for me. I’ve also set a timer for 15 minutes to do a certain task. There’s something about having a limited time allotted that motives me to get things done!
Laura says
I love your alliteration! And I bet that naming it, and giving it a fun name, ups your motivation to actually do it! I’ll give that a try!
Dianna says
Whenever I order groceries, right before they come, I take five minutes and clean out the refrigerator. I get rid of anything that might be old, etc. to make room for the new stuff! It makes me happy not to mix old food with the new food.
sandi says
Great post! I’ve already looked up the Decluttering at the speed of Life book and put it on hold at the library, googled the car trash can mentioned (lusso brand it’s the same one in my husband’s car) because a messy car is a big no. Everything leaves my car at the end of the day except the phone charger 🙂 Clutter is not a huge problem and I probably focus on it more than I should, I just don’t like extra stuff. I always tell the kids, there are 1,440 minutes in a day… setting a timer for ten and doing something you don’t like is not hard. That is so much easier than realizing after emptying every cabinet in the kitchen that you really don’t have the energy to wipe down, pair down, organize and put it all back.
Anne says
Five minutes . . . Clean out unnecessary emails or photos on your phone.
Courtney C says
Ok, but seriously. What are your ruthless clothes closet purge strategies? More items “bring me joy” than will fit in my space. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I go through my closet about once a month. If there are items in there that I really don’t think I need to keep but can’t seem to part with, I’ll put them in a bag out in my garage. If I don’t go back to that bag for them after 6-ish months, I donate.
Courtney C says
Great idea! I live in the PNW so there are some very seasonal sections of my wardrobe — heavy sweaters for winter or shorts for summer. As a result, it can be hard to purge “summer” clothes in winter, for example. This might be a good way to address the “but what if I need it later” quandary. Thank you!
Sheaffer says
Okay, you’ve inspired me. I’m going to take 5 minutes today and clean out our kitchen utensil drawer. Things keep getting stuck, and I know we don’t use everything. Time to get rid of some stuff!
Shelby says
Would love to know how you organize jewelry and where you keep it. I’m limited on space in my closet and bathroom and struggling!
Nancy says
One of the best pieces of advice I’ve gotten from was when Andrew Shull said he does one chore a day, on his list or something along those lines. I’ve used that and it works wonders!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!!! I’m so happy that was helpful!
Melissa says
I bought a new trash can that has a lid on it for the corner of our garage. I put a regular trash bag in it, and then anytime I find something to donate, it goes in there. Kid complains an article of clothing is too small? Trash bag. Toys or games we don’t play anymore? Trash bag. Then, when the bag is full, I pull it out and tie it up like it’s trash, and drop it by the Salvation Army on my next errand. I don’t want to see a pile of stuff, so this disguises it until it’s ready to go. Easiest way I’ve found to do something with stuff to be donated, and motivates you to quickly purge stuff if you have a place for it to go immediately, but doesn’t actually require you to take it anywhere until the bag is full.
Mix and Match Mama says
Looooove this!!!
Kim taylor says
10 minutes matter. #10minutesmatter. I set aside 10 min and clean a drawer or 2 or a space in my closet, pantry, kitchen cabinet. I keep a large basket of donation items in a spare bedroom and when it is filled up- I take it to the local donation center in our town.
Kristal Strong says
I love your tips and tricks, but this made my heart smile so big. Thank you for sharing these words:
“your house should look like kids live there”. Wise words. You’re raising a family. It’s okay if your house looks like you are.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes, yes and yes.