Happy Monday, friends!
Guess what?
Today, instead of hearing from me, you’re going to hear from…
…this guy right here 🙂 .
(This picture adequately sums us up. We really like each other…A LOT…we’re always up for a good time…and always laughing.)
Every single year, when I reach out and ask you guys what you want more of here in blog world, the #1 answer without a doubt is…
It’s not even a competition 🙂 . You guys love Mr. Shull too and want more of him in this little space.
This year, so many of you not only wanted more Andrew, you wanted to read more about WHAT ANDREW EATS. Weird? Some might think so, but I realize that over the years, I’ve mentioned a smattering of details around his diet (and we’re only using that word in its truest form…what he consumes each day, not a ‘restrictive plan’) which have lead to many questions.
You know how when you take your kids to the zoo and you’re watching the lions from a distance and there’s that placard that says Species: Lion, Native to: Africa, Diet: Smaller Mammals? I feel like you guys are often at the zoo when you visit this space and Andrew is that wild animal in the background that you only get basic facts about from time to time. His placard would read Species: 42 year old human male, Native to: Missouri (but he’s now lived in Texas equally as long and refers to himself as a Texan), Diet: Read below 🙂 .
You ladies had a lot of questions, so I kindly asked him to take some photographs of his food (bless him, he set timers on his phone to remember) and write up a little about why he eats what he eats.
So here you go…this is Andrew’s very own post explaining WHAT HE EATS…
Good morning MMM people! I always like to start by saying thank you for being so kind to our family, and more specifically my wife. She truly loves being a part of your world and loves, loves, loves meeting and talking with each and every one of you.
Shay asked me to guest post today and go over “what I eat”……BORING I know, but nevertheless, she is super hot so I don’t argue! HA!
Now here come the disclaimers!
- I am not a nutritionist, food expert, fitness guru. I don’t pretend to be, so you should you take what I say as the gospel truth.
- I do not diet. Diet is a 4 letter word in my opinion. To me, diet means restriction and is a short term fix. The “starve yourself and eat nothing” diets always fail and are short term solutions creating long term problems. And in the end…..you always gain back the weight. However, being calorie deficient in a healthy way will create lasting weight loss.
- You have to live life, and have no regrets! If you fall off the wagon one day, that is okay! I am all about letting the bear out of the cage and letting him go crazy. I know for sure though I don’t want to blow my Tuesday lunch with pizza. I am going to save my moments of true enjoyment for a weekend. Also on vacation, its a free for all for the most part, especially in Europe, but I may keep it more tame on a beach vacation, but for obvious reasons.
- Everyone is different. What works for me, may not work for you. We all have different body types and different ways of processing carbohydrates, protein, and fat. I repeat, what works for me, may not work for you. I also have the ability to eat the same thing all the time. And for those who know me, I can literally eat all of these meals in less than 5 min, which may not be healthy, but my meals are super short.
- I am eating to maintain and retain lean muscle mass. I am not trying to gain muscle (grow out of my clothes). I am also not trying to lose weight, muscle or otherwise. It is a delicate balance, but one I have found I can maintain.
- You can’t outwork an unhealthy/unclean eating lifestyle. It doesn’t work. I have read this in more places that I can count. 80-85% of the way you look is how, what, and when you consume food.
I changed my eating habits about 12 years ago. I lost a ton of weight when I left football, 285 down to 240. But what I realized, even though the scale read that number, I felt sluggish and soft. and I didn’t really understand why. So, I went and saw a nutritionist and started researching. I am not going to bore everyone with the in’s and out’s of the why I eat what I eat but feel free to comment with questions and I will try to respond. Right now I am sitting at 225-230 lbs. Funny thing about “how much we weigh question”, I don’t weigh myself. I just don’t see the point. I have maintained my current weight for years, but in reality even if I ended up being 240, I could care a less. If I am strong, not gaining size, and still have a flexing 6 pack I could care a less. That weight number on a scale can, has, and will always drive people mad. Don’t fall into that trap!
Andrew’s simple rules.
(Again these are mine, you don’t have to follow them, these are just my personal choices).
- Always try to eat lean proteins. 96/4 ground beef, white meat chicken or turkey, fish, egg whites.
- No simple carbohydrates (carbs). Questions on simple and complex carbs? Google it. And limited/no carbs after 3pm. I try to consume the majority of my carbs before noon.
- Alcohol. No beer (unless you are at Oktoberfest HA!), and try to limit cocktails with sugar. If I want a sweeter drink I would supplement with lime juice, or a non-sugar sweetener. The beer is easy because I really don’t like beer. However, I do like an espresso martini, so I do break this rule on occasion.
- HAVE A PLAN. Pre-plan your lunch and dinners. Shay has hundreds of recipes that are healthy and taste great. I eat them for dinner every.single.night, so if you are looking for a plan, start with her!
- I don’t want to go more than 3-3.5 hours without food. I want my body to see food as energy to burn, not food to store. For me following this regime, keeps the hangry away and keeps my body knowing that it doesn’t need to store my food because in another 3-3.5 hours more is coming.
- When eating out, educate yourself on restaurants and where they hide unhealthy items. Salad dressings are a killer. Chicken Fajitas….why do they sizzle? They add oil and sometimes butter on top of the grilled chicken. Always ask for the dressing on the side, and without the butter/oil on the fajitas. Little things like this add up. And for fried food….the only thing I let slide on this is sweet potato fries. Breaded and fried are deal killers for me, unless I am eating fish and chips in a London pub. Pan-seared or fried is not a norm but I am a sucker for a crab cake.
Here we go in order of the day:
Post lifting, pre cardio protein shake. 50 grams of protein.
Breakfast. 10 egg whites scrambled (no salt or pepper, nothing added), 4 pieces of turkey bacon, and 2 Van’s gluten free waffles one with one tablespoon of Justin’s almond butter, one with a table spoon of natural honey. Then, a scoop each of glutamine and BCAA in my Gatorade zero to aid in post workout recovery.
Lunch #1. I take 99% all white ground chicken form it to a patty, drizzle olive oil, and sprinkle on top one tablespoon of gluten free breadcrumbs and cook in the air fryer. I rotate my one cup of greens between broccoli, green beans, and asparagus. Sometimes depending on my energy, I might add some brown rice or sweet potato in just my morning lunch.
Lunch #2. Rinse and repeat again with the same thing as above.
Dinner…whatever the MMM makes for the family. Shay is always great about accommodating my habits. Lighter cheese on a section or splitting the pasta and the protein. This is our Sunday night taco dinner (above). I just add a few jalapeño Fritos because who can resist those.
(No photo) Optional pre-bed snack: 8 egg whites scrambled. Only do this occasionally when maybe we have had a super early dinner.
Optional lunch #2/afternoon meal: 8 egg white scrambled with 2 pieces of turkey bacon
Below are other optional lunches:
Sometimes, we’ll grab something from our favorite burger joint. I will get a grilled chicken on a lettuce wrap with sweet potato fries.
Or homemade carb cakes and green beans
Or Grilled Salmon and sweet potato fries
Favorite lunch on Nantucket. Caesar salad, no dressing with fish and a crab cake.
Friday night splurge. Charcuterie board from Cadillac Pizza Pub…
Caesar salad no dressing and double grilled chicken and then…
…cauliflower crust pizza.
Favorite Vacation Splurge. Schnitzel, red cabbage, and potatoes.
Emergency snack, sporting event snack or travel. Protein bar and almond butter
Alcohol. Remember stick to the basics. This is Tequila, sparkling water, and lime (your basic Ranch Water). On Nantucket Shay and I love some Rose, but for the most part I will have a drink mixed with sparkling water or straight up.
I want to leave you with a thought to ponder. In 1950 smoking cigarettes was not considered to be detrimental to your health, but now we know that your chances of cancer and lung disease, (among many others) are greatly increased by smoking cigarettes. That is why the number of people who use tobacco is down 68% from 1950. While some still use tobacco products, they are doing so at their own risk given the education we have today. Even in my boring insurance business tobacco users pay 3-10x in life insurance than the average non-smoker. There is a reason why!
Considering this, why do we look at eating unhealthy differently? Heart disease (the number one killer of Americans), diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and cholesterol are MAJOR killers. Some of these, not all, can be controlled, or at the least improved with a healthy eating lifestyle. With the knowledge we now have, use that knowledge to improve your health! Do this for you, do this for your family. Life is short enough as it is, don’t speed up the clock.
Thank you for letting me share! I end this again admitting I am no expert, nutritionist, health guru. This works for me, and may or may not work for you. Feel free to comment if you have any questions and I will do my best to help!
Elspeth says
Such an interesting post! Thanks for sharing Andrew!
Nicole says
Shay, can you share yours next?!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! The last time I shared it was last February. You can see that one here too: https://mixandmatchmama.com/2022/02/lets-look-what-we-eat-in-a-week/
Nicole says
Andrew, what are your top fave dinners? I typically like to avoid carbs too, but my family does not! And if you go out, do you have a typical drink limit you stick to?
Mix and Match Mama says
Every meal Shay makes is pretty protein packed! My all time favorite is her meatloaf, but everything you see her post… I eat! For instance, on a pasta meal she might separate the noodles from the protein, but really everything she shows I approve!
Sheaffer says
Oh, to have Andrew’s discipline. And now I want crab cakes for breakfast.
Kathy says
Same here!!!
CKH says
I love this so much! Yes we should normalize healthy eating! Talk about it, share it, encourage it! Be an advocate for your children’s care- yes to that also. But also advocate for your own health.
Katherine Darlington says
My curiosity comes from hearing Erika on the bestie breakdown when she once said she looked at a menu and thought “there’s nothing on here Andrew Shull would eat.”
Erika Slaughter says
I’m positive I meant there was nothing healthy on the menu. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Erika Slaughter, you know how this works! A ranch water or two on the beach, and I am calling for the Nachos/Tacos!😂😂
Laura says
Thank you! I am six weeks into a health change journey. My goal is to lower my Lp(a) cholesterol level, not lose weight even so I have. Now that we know better about tobacco use, and other unhealthy things, we can do better!
Mix and Match Mama says
Good for you, Laura!!!
Constance Le says
Wow! How disciplined! Thanks for sharing. That’s a lot of egg whites in one day! What happens to the egg yolks? 😅
Mix and Match Mama says
Years ago, I would save them for other recipes, but now, we discard them. There were just too many to use.
Leah says
Egg yolks have so many nutrients, though! It’s been debunked that they’re bad for you, and that’s a lot of waste.
Mix and Match Mama says
Egg white versus whole egg.
Egg White. Whole Egg
Calories. 18 71
Protein 4 grams 6 grams
Fat 0 grams 5 grams
Cholesterol 0 grams 186 mg
So with my breakfast that would be 50 grams of fat and 1860 grams of Cholesterol. Not to get all serious and all, but my grandpa died of a heart attack at 63, so the whole egg (and I love a whole egg) isn’t something I can eat on a regular basis.
Marian says
Have you thought about buying egg whites in a carton? They have measurements on how much to use that equals one egg white. That’s a lot of waste by discarding all those yolks almost every day.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes but he doesn’t like the quality of egg carton eggs. He’s super picky about his egg quality…
Amber says
Thanks so much for the post! I always love to see what other people eat, especially if they are active/healthy people. It’s also a great reminder that I really don’t eat enough protein…
Dana P says
This is fun, thanks guys! I find it funny that I always forget how similar Andrew and my husband are, especially with the eating the same thing part. I would die of boredom! 😆 I do have a question-does Andrew notice that his metabolism has slowed down at all? My husband has noticed a big difference in his now that he’s 46. He used to be able to eat anything and now it catches up to him very quickly.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m going to leave this here and ask Andrew to answer later today!
Mix and Match Mama says
I haven’t noticed it yet, but I am sure it is coming around the corner….along with hair loss, more wrinkles, and vision loss. 😂😂.
Chrissy says
What happens to all of the egg yolks?!
Mix and Match Mama says
He tosses them.
Erin says
Shay – very random, but what Turkey bacon do you recommend? The one from TJs?
Mix and Match Mama says
We almost always use Butterball!
Natalie says
Butterball is the best. Good turkey burgers too. A recipe that I love for breakfast is ground turkey, egg whites, and salsa (mix together on skillet) and add a little cheese. Yummy
Alicia says
Thanks Andrew for the insight into your meals!! Can you tell me how many ounces of chicken your burgers are? Thanks!!
Mix and Match Mama says
8 ounces.
Amy Azza says
Thank you so much for sharing Andrew. What you said about heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure.. it’s all so true. Thank you for posting the pictures of what you eat, too, that was very helpful! I want to be here as long as possible for my family and I need to stick to all the tips you mentioned. I don’t drink alcohol but I eat way too much sugar and make way too many excuses.
Josie says
How many eggs does he eat in a week? And why just the egg whites? Cholesterol reasons? Thanks for sharing!
Mix and Match Mama says
10 in the morning, maybe 8 before bed. Usually about 8 dozen. And correct fat content and Cholesterol.
Mal says
Wow that’s some highly disciplined eating. But out of curiosity, why no seasoning? Surely some pepper on your eggs wouldn’t cause any harm. Don’t you miss having some junk in your life? Do the kids have to follow such rigidity or are they allowed to be kids and eat a variety of food? Hopefully they don’t develop a poor relationship with food.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m going to have Andrew come back and answer these questions too. Our family at home eats gluten-free since Kensington has Celiac. Outside of that though, they consume a normal amount of “normal junk food”. I’m pretty positive all four are stuffed with Easter candy right this minute.
Mix and Match Mama says
Pepper is no big deal, I just don’t take the time to add it. I do add pepper to the greens. Of course I would love to eat the good stuff all the time, and occasionally I will partake. I would say I try to eat clean 80-90% of the time. We educate the kids on healthy choices, but we let them be kids! Keep in mind this post was only about what I eat (42 year old aging male 😂), not the kids.
Mix and Match Mama says
Pepper is no big deal, I just don’t take the time to add it. I do add pepper to the greens. Of course I would love to eat the good stuff all the time, and occasionally I will partake. I would say I try to eat clean 80-90% of the time. We educate the kids on healthy choices, but we let them be kids! Keep in mind this post was only about what I eat (42 year old aging male 😂), not the kids.
Lauren Harrelson says
OK my main question is how to you guys afford all those EGGS! HA!
Beth says
Ha ha! Yes, the high price of eggs are killing me! Heck, groceries in general are so expensive lately. Sigh!
Keryn Dias says
The ground chicken burger, how long in the air fryer and at what temperature? Thanks.
Mix and Match Mama says
18 minutes, 390 degrees.
Arika says
You need to get some backyard chickens! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Our HOA won’t allow it! I would love that though!!
Arika says
How long does that chicken patty cook in the air fryer, and at what temp? I’d love to try it!
Beth Valenta says
I love these little Andrew posts. Great advice and such discipline!
Danielle says
I have a few questions …
1) Where are your gold heeled sandals from in the top photo? Super cute!
2) Does Andrew buy egg whites in a carton, or crack/separate fresh eggs for each meal?
3) Would Andrew recommend any of his supplements for a female, or typically just for the guys?
Mix and Match Mama says
1: I bought those last year during Nordstrom’s Anniversary Sale!
2: He cracks them for each meal.
3: Let’s ask him! He’ll come back today and comment.
Thank YOU!
Mix and Match Mama says
Separate rest brown eggs, and I like Glutamine. I find it helps with recovery. Also a good multi-vitamin, vitamin D, and a probiotic.
sandi says
Now I know why it seems you are always at the grocery store! When our oldest is home from college (oh to have the metabolism of a 20 year old boy) he eats 6-8 scrambled eggs daily. Between that and the girls baking, I thought we consumed a lot of eggs. Our family has several allergies, gluten/dairy and some that just feel yucky after eating out so most of our meals are home made with real food, not processed. After a day of clean eating I need a bowl of ice cream 🙂
Michelle Pittman says
Cadillac Pizza does have THE BEST cauliflower crust! The first time I got it I swore they messed up my order, but of course they didn’t….it’s just that good!
Monica says
Andrew has expanded from just that plain ole chicken breast!! Times are changing! Jokes aside – these are super helpful for me & my family! Its so hard to think of what to eat meal after meal & I never thought to use ground chicken!
Leslie Heffernan says
Thank you for the post…:quick question, do you buy the egg whites pre made in carton or take them out of the eggs and toss the yolks?
Shelly Nutt says
That was really interesting… I’ve never thought about eating more often to train my body not to store calories. Quick question, why do you eat almond butter rather than peanut butter?
Mix and Match Mama says
Nutritionally they are about the same, just make sure you look at the label. Don’t buy anything with added sugar. I love PB. I love AB. I am just a creature of habit.
Lauren says
“The “starve yourself and eat nothing” diets always fail and are short term solutions creating long term problems. And in the end…..you always gain back the weight.” Thank you for saying this! From 2018-2010 I lost 60 pounds (doing WW and not eating enough food), Covid hit and now in 2023 I have gained those 60 pounds back plus 20 pounds. Dieting doesn’t work long term and I wish more people knew that!
andrea says
Does Andrew eat any fruit? what are his thoughts on fruit? same for nuts (almonds, etc)
Mix and Match Mama says
When I first met with my nutritionist many years ago, he had me do a food exercise. I only ate 2 bananas, at breakfast, lunch, dinner. By 6 pm that night I was having hunger pains, and I was so jittery. Like legit my hands were shaking. My body does weird things with the Glucose/Fructose that fruit offers. I steer clear of it all together. Not saying it is bad, but a very bad option for me. As far as almonds go I love them! Everything in moderation!
Meagan says
Gosh, I’m not a fan of fruit myself, only occasionally a green apple or something. But lordy, I think everyone would shake if all they had in a day was 6 bananas 😉 but especially if you are the size you are & working out.
andrea says
thank you for the response!!! i agree, everything in moderation 🙂
WhittyWife (Lindsay) says
I feel like you’ve mentioned Andrew having some sort of IBS or gastro issue (maybe similar to K?). I also have IBS, and I’m curious if part of his eating plan is due to that. Are there specific meats, veggies, or complex carbs that Andrew avoids due to that? Is it just gluten that affects him? Does he take a certain supplement to help?
Or am I mistaken and he doesn’t have gastro issues? Haha! I could be remembering wrong.
Mix and Match Mama says
I thought I did. Had a scope and colonoscopy at 30 and again at 40. Both were clean and clear of IBS, Celiac, ….etc. I thought I had celiac or something, but nope. It ended up just being a minor burn from stomach acid. Finally went away!
Kara says
Brown or white eggs?! And I agree-I can’t eat liquid eggs out of a carton 🥴
Mix and Match Mama says
Brown, have no idea why. 😂😂
Anne says
How do you (Andrew) feel about smoothies as a meal or snack?
Mix and Match Mama says
I need solid food. I tend to feel hungry on just liquid.
K.K. says
Ah, this is great, Andrew! Thanks for the encouragement at the end as well!
I do the no carbs after a certain time in the afternoon as well. Game changer for me. 🙂
Michele says
Do you not eat any sugar, also? I know they say sugar causes inflamation in our bodies. How about your birthday cakes last week?
Mix and Match Mama says
Not really. But I will occasionally. The Bananas Foster desert (my favorite) at Eddie V’s here in DFW knocked me off the wagon last Thursday. But everything in moderation. We shared it as a table.
For my birthday I got handed a piece of cake, ate 2 bites, and then made sure I got it out of arms reach. I don’t crave sugar, but I am a human being, and it does taste good! But again, everything in moderation. A bite here and there isn’t going to kill anyone. It’s eating the whole cake that will get you. 😂
Melissa says
Hey, I have a few follow-up questions: how often do you drink alcohol and what is your take on intermittent fasting and is that something that you practice? Thanks.
Mix and Match Mama says
Every day starting at 12….JUST JOKING!!!!!!😂😂😂😂
Some people love the fasting, but I mention for me it’s not in the gameplan.
Sara Fehrenbacher says
Okay Shulls, given that you are gfree at home and also love high protein/low carb foods… check out this pizza crust! My children follow the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to manage health issues that they have, and this pizza cost is our fav. It’s made of chicken! Zero Carb Lyfe. I linked it below!
Alex says
I’m so impressed with Andrew’s discipline. I’m just curious about the plain eggs. Preference? Just being cautious of salt? I personally could eat eggs with every meal if I can put everything-but-the-bagel seasoning on them!!! Ha! Thanks for sharing
Mason Jessica says
Love this post!! Going to try the air fryer chicken burger!!
Corbie says
Loved this post, I am a 48 year old female and just started carb cycling through the week. Low, Med, High, Low, Low, Med High…. I am a creature of habit too so I have a meal plan that I follow each day so its easy. I noticed our diets have similar items and I am so excited for the chicken burger! I bought an airfryer way back in the day from Shays post about your chicken breasts that you would make at work! I still use that recipe! I buy egg whites in the carton and you’re right- they don’t taste amazing. I think I am going to try it your way and not feel guilty about the yolk. Anyway- I have seen the scale MOVE since cycling- I didn’t need to lose weight per se but wanted to tighten up. I have lost weight and toned up and now I am so motivated by how I feel that I think I will keep this up long term. Thank you again for this post Shay and Andrew! Motivating and helpful!!
Jamie Jennings says
Egg prices must be less in Texas! Lol (or you’ve got some hens you never blog about, haha)
Mix and Match Mama says
I just looked today when I bought them and they were $4.99 a dozen. $40 a week for a weeks worth of breakfast and snacks seems like a good deal, no?
Laura Nailor says
I want to know if Shay and Andrew really eat the ranch tacos! Ha! They have become a family favorite of ours and I love them too but know they are not good with all of that ranch dressing and cheese! If you don’t, any suggestions of how to make them healthier? Thanks!
Janet says
I know Mr. Shull drinks coffee, what is his “go to” for coffee? Black? 1/2 &1/2? How many coffee drinks per day? I always enjoy new ideas for healthy eating and coffeeing;)
Mix and Match Mama says
Grande Americano in a Venti cup with 3 Stevia.👍🏻👍🏻 And then 2 Nespresso’s at least during the day….and then sometimes another Americano at an evening sporting event, like now at Smith’s crew practice!
Olivia says
Ok so I’m curious about the egg whites. Is there a reason for using the whites from the egg vs buying the liquid egg whites in the carton? I’ve used the liquid egg whites so I need to know if I shouldn’t be 😃.
Also, pretty sure Andrew goes to my gym. I’ll never say anything though because I hate bothering people in the gym and am usually rushing myself in the AM.
Mix and Match Mama says
Not science to this at all, but I like cracking and separating. To me it seems more fresh, and I know exactly how many I am eating.
Next time say hello!!
jennibell says
Great post — thank you for sharing :). Lots of good stuff here to ponder. Thanks for answering all the questions.
Marie Wyatt says
This is great! Next in this series we need a “what Andrew eats when it’s a travel day.”
Jessica says
Thanks for the post! I like your analogy about cigarettes and tobacco. I’ve heard that alcohol is about to have a “cigarette moment.” You seem very informed and careful about what you put in your body for health reasons, I’m surprised you drink alcohol. No shame, just curious your position on alcohol and the health effects from moderate or even light drinking. Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
I 100% agree. We know right now consuming alcohol has very little health benefits. As I have mentioned, everything in moderation, and extreme restriction is not healthy. If I follow a healthy meal plan 80-90% of the time, for me, a few drinks on the weekend is something I can live with!
Kimberly M. says
Thank you to Andrew for the super helpful post! I’m also 42- and am just starting my health journey. I’ve got a long way to go but need to start somewhere.
My question is a little different but still related. I also have heart disease in my family so I’m wondering if there are any yearly tests you do to keep track of your numbers? Cholesterol, blood sugar, etc. just the standard tests at a physical that doctor recommends or anything extra? My dr is watching my A1C closely bc of having gestational diabetes with my boys and also family history.
Thanks again Andrew and Shay!
Mix and Match Mama says
Great question. I meant to include this in the post. I do bloodwork every 6 months. I started doing this about 5 years ago. Right now the only thing I am watching very closely is my kidney function. My orthopedic doctor advised me to take Aleve for my back. I have dialed it back to one a day versus one morning/night. Normal creatinine is 0.7 to 1.3 mg. Mine was 1.25mg in the last round. My back fusion may need to happen sooner rather than later if I can’t get that down. Getting regular bloodwork is very important!
Kimberly M. says
Thanks so much for the reply! Blood work is super important and I am going every 6 months as well!
polly pover says
What do you do with the yolks:)!!
Mary says
What are your thoughts on dairy and calcium intake? As I get older, I am concerned about osteoporosis and want to maintain strong bones.
Stpeh says
Ok, with all the eggs consumed I need to know what kind of pan you use? I need a tried and true good one!
Mix and Match Mama says
Always, always, always this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GVX4YDC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
Paula says
Great post. I personally like more of a variety daily. But it is finding what works, enjoy eating & willing to sacrifice seem to be the success.
I hate y’all can’t have chickens with as many eggs y’all eat. The taste is truly different.
It’s really nice how you all accommodate one another and don’t seem to make it a big deal doing so. It’s more of a lifestyle and not a chore. That attitude is huge! We can complicate things by our overall attitude.
Recently, a month ago, I eliminated complex carbs, and I am BLOWN away. I have ached for YEARS. Thought it was my Crossfit years and aging (I am 46). I am SHOCKED. I am not generally not aching all over. Food can definitely be medicine or the enemy, like heart disease, diabetes, etc.
Jordan Schoen says
Can I ask what brand these green beans are?! I love that “style” of green bean but I never see them in the store! Thanks in advance! I love your blog and have been reading since I was in college and now have three kids of my own and you’ve influenced many areas of how I run a home and raise my family! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Those are Italian Style green beans. Green Giant I think!?
Nicole Klaver says
Shay, does Andrew ever try to change your eating habits or encourage you to eat this, not that? Haha! Just curious! Also, what is your opinion on organic? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Never! One of Andrew’s best qualities is that he only worries about himself. I think that’s what makes him such a good employer/volunteer/etc. He really just works his hardest at whatever it is and doesn’t worry about what others are doing. I think there is definitely a place for “organic” foods especially foods where you eat the outside (so a bell pepper versus a banana).
Nicole says
Do you get organic eggs, protein? Etc? It’s so expensive! Do you think it’s worth it? Thanks!
Lyndsey says
Has Andrew ever tracked his macros, trying to eat a certain amount of protein/carbs/fat? When it comes to Cadillac pizza night, since he ate the salad first, would he stick to just one or two slices of pizza? I oddly love these types of posts! We are a nosy bunch, ha!
Lea Ansamaa says
Interesting post, thank you! Your diet seem so different from ours in Finland and my question is – do you ever eat berries? In Finland it is a huge thing – we eat blueberries, rasberries, strawberries every day like 3 times (usually instead of fruit). They are of cource freezed. Do you eat berries? How about oatmeal? Normally our breakfast has oatmeal, berries and cottage cheese. 🙂
It is so wonderful to see cultural and other differencies, so that´s why I am a huge fan of your family! <3
Crissy says
Do you drink coffee?
Angela Banae says
I love this post and getting to see all the details of Andrew’s meals and the reasons behind his healthy choices! Would Andrew be able to share any tips on how he ate to put on weight, back when he played football? We have two boys and our oldest is a senior and he is so lean and has a hard time keeping weight on, especially with track season and all of the sprinting he is doing right now. We are increasing his protein dramatically, but wondering how to add more calories to his diet? Any tips would be great!! Thank you guys for always sharing your life with us!!!