Hey, hey Wednesday!
Over the weekend, I had an epiphany of sorts. As it’s been well documented here in blog world, my name is Shay and I am a “sports mom”…
…we bounce from sport…
…to sport…
…to sport…
…all week long (but especially on the weekend!).
This last Saturday, as I went from rowing to soccer, I arrived, parked, opened up my trunk…
…saw the randomness that is the life of a sports mom (or dad or grandma or whomever the lucky adult is!) and thought two things:
First, I should really write down a list of my “must haves” for game day and secondly, where the heck is my sunscreen?
Thus, today’s post was born 🙂 .
Here is my official…
As self-explanatory as this list may seem, I’ll go ahead and break it down (I mean, you’re here, you might as well read about each item, right?! 😉 ).
Chairs just make or break an outdoor sporting event. Showing up to a field or court without a chair will have your feet and back paying big time come Monday. Not only do Andrew and I love our chairs, Mades loves her little one too…
…this pic here is two years old. Madeley James has carried this little butterfly chair to approximately 4,639 games over the last two years. Having a chair for everyone is always a must on game day!
If you’ll notice in my trunk, you can see at least one blanket, but there are in fact, two. These are my “emergency” blankets that I keep with me year around. They’re not fancy, just random blankets from around my house that I’ve repurposed for the car. They keep you warm during chilly games, give you something to sit on should the bleachers be too hard and provide a space on the ground for kiddos to spread out during big sibling games. The key is to have blankets that wash and dry easily.
I mean, of course. Always bring more than you think. We like to bring them in this type of Yeti as they don’t spill and stay cold all day.
I love any sort of trail mix snack myself, but my kids love Skinny Pop, beef jerky, crackers and of course, healthy things like Sour Patch Kids. Andrew always brings this…
…without fail. Hangry fans at youth sports is really never a good idea.
Over the years, I’ve seen a wide variety of fans (some even go with large blocks of ice!), but a standard fan for a bit of cool air on a very steamy Texas day is a must.
For you, your player, another parent…nothing drives me to Advil faster than the inside of a volleyball tournament where it’s nothing but whistles and thumping balls for hours on end.
If you watched me empty out my purse last week, then you know I keep no less than 110 Band-Aids with me at all time 😉 .
Madeley and Ashby each have “fun bags”. This is what they call the random bags by our backdoor filled with little sister goodness. They take their fun bags just about everywhere. Dinner at a restaurant? Fun bag. Long car ride? Fun bag. A Saturday filled with sports? Fun bag. If you have little siblings attending, I have found over the years that (depending on the location) everything from sidewalk chalk to bubbles, crayons, coloring books, stickers, necklace/bracelet making bead kits, even scooters and small bikes are great to take along for the day.
Welcome to 2023, friends. Some places love to only take cards and other places like to only take cash. It truly is a crapshoot each and every time. At our kids’ middle school? You use an app unless you’re going to the concession stand where it’s either cash or card depending on which parent is working that night. Every single time I approach a youth sporting event, I carry both because I never know which will be accepted for admittance/concessions/etc.
Sometimes, when I head out to games, it’s early morning or late afternoon, and while driving, I don’t need sunglasses…but it never fails that while sitting in my chair, the sun will be shining directly into my eyes like a message from the Lord. Bring your sunglasses.
Any old spray bottle filled with water is cheap entertainment for kids during hot games (bonus, it cools them off!), plus, it can cool off your player too.
And finally, the thing I had forgotten on Saturday and thus, the catalyst for this post. My sunburned chest and right leg will agree. #sigh Bring lots and lots of sunscreen no matter the weather.
And that is my list!
I’m positive I’ve left awesome ideas off! Please, please, please comment and share! xx
Shauna says
Tissues, hand sanitizer & bug spray 🙂
Lauren says
We call our fun bags our “church backpacks” since our church doesn’t have a nursery for young kids. Either way, similar stuff! Coloring books, stickers, magnetic puzzles, etc. We grab them when we go out to eat too and it’s so easy to have everything you need already in there. I’d love a post about “what’s inside the fun bags”!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh I love that idea!!
Elizabeth says
Yes, I would also love to see a “what’s in the fun bags” post!!
Elspeth Mizner says
Such great advice! Love the ideas of fun bags!
Sheaffer says
Great checklist!
LeAnn says
Baby wipes/hand wipes
SS says
YES for sure!!!!!
Laura Benninger says
“Shining directly into my eyes like a message from the Lord” 😂 thanks for sharing these tips!
Alicia says
We live in the midwest, so we have very different weather. I ALWAYS have rain gear in the car and hats and gloves… all year long. Cold rain is the worst to stand in!
Mix and Match Mama says
Great tip!!
Dana P says
We needed this list! This past soccer season we had a lot to learn as the weather in town was normal, but the fields by the lake are frigid. 🥶 It caught up to us several times! Apparently I needed the explanations as well because when I read cash and cards, I thought y’all were serving up rounds of poker! 😆
Mix and Match Mama says
Bahahaha! Well, if you get bored by the game, you could always play a round 😉 .
Jen says
We definitely keep a couple of old towels in the car…inevitably it will start raining during a soccer game and mud in my car drives me crazy!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! Great tip!!
Selena says
Great list! I would include HandiWipes/some hand cleansing cloth and hand sanitizer. There isn’t always somewhere to wash hands near the concession stand.
Mix and Match Mama says
YES!!!!! Great one!
Erin Howe says
Thanks for sharing… we just entered our multiple sports era so having all the things for every type of situation is now necessary!
Erin H says
I’ve started keeping a baseball hat in the car bc never fails the sun will be right in my eyes where the sunglasses don’t help. And for my now 4-year old, she always expects a ring pop at a baseball game. Ha!
Debbie says
LOVE this list….even as a “Mimi”, we have the chairs, but also, for those indoor basketball games, the bleach seats can literally SAVE your back! 🙂
Zoraya says
Hi Shay, we have been mostly a soccer family but have also done gymnastics and hockey and in all cases, we have always needed some instant ice pack. Even if you don’t needed for your kiddos, somebody in the team will need it one way or another. So we keep it with our first aid bag that we bring to games.
Mix and Match Mama says
Love it!
Allison says
Different sizes of ziplock bags filled with ice from a cooler is a good substitute if you’re in a pinch!
Laura Farmer says
Maybe bug spray or bug bracelets too.
KG says
My favorite accessory is a wagon to carry all of that stuff for me 🤪. Also, this Arizona baseball mom loves a good pop-up tent because a lot of fields we play at don’t have great shade cover.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!!! Andrew has one of those pop up wagons, and we use it too! Great idea!
Lori Whittington says
We also bring a wagon and even a pop up tent (think Easy up) if we will be there for most of the day. Liven that travel softball and baseball season life over here! 🙂
Anne says
A book!!! I’ve never been to anything so boring as a swim meet. Wait, wait, wait some more. Finally it’s time for their race and it’s over in two minutes. Then go back to your chair and start the waiting game all over again.
sandi says
Yes, Anne, a BOOK! We’ve done so many sports but with swim there is always down time between heats. Extra goggles are a must too because someone always has a strap that breaks.
A few “next level” items: activated charcoal bean bags that you can put in sweaty shoes to help with the stink, extra deodorant, clean, dry clothes for the ride home.
A cute “don’t make me use my (fill in the blank – soccer/volleyball/hockey) mom voice” sticker for your water bottle. And most importantly, grace and patience directed towards the refs.
Lisa D says
More water bottles than you think! Someone will need it.
Nikki L Steigerwald says
We currently have Snow Gear in the car for all our baseball games! But I think Bleacher Seats are a must too – we never know if there will be a spot to watch in a chair.
Jacki says
Sports mom here too!! A pop up tent (SE coast girl – usually hot more often than cool), wagon, cooling towels you can throw in the cooler, and a portable phone charger – if your sport uses any sort of an app like Game Changer, you know what I am talking about! I also keep a travel pack of Norwex clothes – one for surfaces needing cleaned, another for bodies – they only need water to work! This is a great list and my car always looks as random.
SS says
If we had it we would always keep extra gear in the car as well. I played sports… one time I only packed one basketball shoe. I don’t remember if I borrowed or my mom had an extra pair (like the year before) in the car. We would also keep shorts, sweatpants, sweatshirts and shorts. Someone else mentioned living up north, the weather is crazy in the fall and spring, so better to be prepared for it all.
Mostly just bring a good attitude… one team will win and one will lose…. but as long as the kids tried their best that’s all we can ask them to do!!! I would tell them sometimes you best will beat someone and sometimes someone else’s best will beat you, but all I ask is do YOUR BEST!! (I am going to copyright that!)
Kristin says
I have a mom sports backpack that i take with me to all the games. don’t forget pads/tampons for teen girls/injuries. great ideas above. we also travel with tents and wagons to make it easier to schlep all the above stuff to fields.
Katie says
We have 2 kiddos in travel softball/baseball. I have a “GO Bag” that is essentially a pop up hamper that stays in my car at all times. It has 2 extra blankets, a sweatshirt for everyone ( we live in the Midwest), sunscreen, Tylenol, bugspray,personal hygiene items and 2 umbrellas. This way every single weekend i am not repacking all those items i just need to bring drinks/snacks and then i just add what i want to take up to the game with me in my bogg bag and then leave the rest in the car for incase. I am now known on the teams as the mom who has everything! LOL.
Heidi says
Great list – I’m going to refill and my reorganize my car now! How do you schlep all this stuff – in a giant tote you keep in the car and lug that to the side lines? I struggle with filling up a tote, and then emptying it and its trash and refilling it again after each day. Thanks for sharing the great tips!
Carlie says
I also bring hand sanitizer, a portable phone charger, and big golf umbrellas (if you need shade and there isn’t any). Great post!
Meg says
Here in CT: hand warmers!
Cori says
My kids play at least one outdoor sport (football, baseball, track, soccer). In the Midwest, you never know what the weather will be, so I always keep kitchen size garbage bags in my car. You can use them to hold child’s wet gear/shoes, etc. OR, I’ve been known to spread the garbage bag on the car seat (and/or open up the bag and slip over the back rest) so when they hop in the seat doesn’t get muddy or wet.
Danielle Rigg says
Tent if there long for like tournaments, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, allergy meds, bio-freeze, portable battery charger for cell phone, hand warmers (for cold days), bug spray, paper towels, I could go on and on LOL
I keep everything in a big sports bag and just have to grab that. One thing that is the best is a sports wagon. You fit everything into it and do not have to carry anything.
Terry says
Excellent list and suggestions! I always had a book, and still travel that way. I also kept a roll of plastic trash bags for muddy cleats, gear, etc. Towels or blankets are super smart to have – also in the event of wet or muddy gear. I’m way past you ladies, my son is 38, but Sports Moms are a breed and we figured it out! And when it is all over, you will miss it terribly for a long while.
Bethany says
What about a post on car organization. I know you keep you car pretty clean but what about for the rest of us.😅
Kristi says
This is sort of random but has your son read the book ‘The Boys In The Boat’ by Daniel James Brown? It’s the true story of the 1936 Berlin Olympics and the USA rowing team. I think he would love it! Maybe you could listen to it on the way to rowing competitions!
Laurie Major says
We’ve been through thousands of hours at ballparks and for the 12+ hour days the Yeti chair has been the most comfortable and best for backs and hips. :). I have also had a sleeping bag in my car for games that got unexpectedly cold. It was initially a funny gift but has turned out to be a life saver.
Debbie Hibbert says
When I used to attend the games my nephews played in I always took an umbrella. Shields you from rain (which we have an abundance of in Oregon), AND, from the sun!
Jes says
I’m convinced that Shay’s “comments section” is the best thing on the internet. Between book recommendations, beauty pro-tips (hello QVC Beauty Book I learned about in this ‘lil corner of the internet) and daily life hacks like this… YES! 100. Keep it up everyone!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Jes! I couldn’t agree with you more!!! I live off of these comments. I cannot even imagine my world without these tips, advice, encouragement and humor.