Happy happy Monday, friends!
Okay, the kids are still home from school (I know, right?!), but they go back tomorrow. Yes, I’ll miss them terribly, but at the same time, dang it’s hard to work with four kids at home asking me where the Nutella is. (Um, it’s where it’s been every day for the 10½ years we’ve lived here.) I like to start the year off “normal”, but when your kids go back to school on January 9th, I guess that means you start mid-January “normal” instead 😉 .
Today, I’m going to hopefully not “word vomit” too much (terrible phrase, accurate description though) as I launch myself into this new year of blogging. In August, I will have had this little blog 17 years which BLOWS MY MIND. Want to know what blows my mind even more? I love it more today than ever before. I don’t exactly understand how one can do the same job day in and day out for 17 years and still get so freaking excited to do it the next day except for THE PEOPLE. You guys are my people. You are why I’m excited. Without a doubt, one hundred percent, you are my people and you make me happy to sit down every day and work.
I have taken you guys with me on many journeys over the last 16½ years. A few roads I’ve traveled alone (and honestly, they were much harder without your love, support and prayers attached), but most of them have been traveled with all of you.
Over the last 18 months though, I’ve accidentally been on a journey and then quite purposely pursued the journey and well, I’ve kind of “nerded out” (is that even a thing?) on this topic and basically my husband and kids have reached their threshold of hearing about my new passion and have asked that I now speak to you guys about it instead of only them. #blessthem
So what’s the deal? The deal is, the Lord put a stirring on my heart about 18 months ago for a new chapter. This has happened truly only one other time over the last 17 years. I just felt God telling me that it was time to “do something different” (not replace anything-heavens no, I love blogging and my travel agency!). Me being me, I felt the Lord stirring my heart and instantly thought I needed another job. (I can’t help myself. I always think “working more” must be the answer.) At first, I thought it was to write a book. Awww, easy! I have an agent already and connections in publishing. I shall write a book. Yeah well everyone should say “God bless her sweet agent” because I started and stopped like 45 different books. I had zero passion, so it wasn’t a book I was supposed to write.
At one point, I decided to run another marathon, but 15 miles in one day and not spending that time with my kids on a Saturday morning, I was like “What the heck am I doing? This isn’t how I want to spend my time.”.
Then, I thought “awww, I need to create a product”. You know my sweet friend Austin who created Tom and Sheri’s Iron in a Bottle? I’ve blogged about that amazing product so many times, and so I started down that path asking him questions and working with “his people” to create a product of my own…and then Austin died. Yeah. Austin died. At 39. It’s still really hard for me to type those words, but last winter, he passed away suddenly. I continued on the path but as you can imagine, I quickly realized that I didn’t have a lot of passion to begin with and with Austin’s passing, I just really didn’t want to go down that road any longer. I tried to muster enthusiasm for several months, but I could just tell the Holy Spirit was not sending me that way.
So, that’s me…praying and “working” on what God is stirring in my heart (because heaven forbid I just let God “do his thing”…nope, I have to micromanage the heck out of it).
And then around the beginning of the holiday season, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Looking back to the start of the year up until that point, I had slowly become *obsessed* with a new topic. I couldn’t read enough books or listen to enough podcasts on it. I was talking incessantly to my family about it. I was even saying foolish things like “If I had the time, I would go back and get a masters degree in this topic” (let’s be clear, I currently DO NOT have the time), but I made a list of all the things that influenced me in 2023 alone. There are dozens of things written down, and each one of them happened independently, organically, and over the stretch of the year between my almost 98 year old grandfather passing away in January to the latter part of the year when I stood in that little room inside the ER with my 48 year old friend’s body. You guys, I have really, really become passionate on the topic of health and wellness especially in women.
I feel very, very certain that I don’t need another job (thank goodness!) or a new project (whew!)…what I need is to be very clear and specific with my own audience about my goals for us here every single day. I want us, all of us, to get up every day and improve our quality of life.
I do NOT have the answers, but the more I dig into my own health, diet, exercise routine, sleep routine, supplements, stress management, daily walk with God, the more I see that I have glossed over some very bad habits and ignored some real signs (hello, I got a hysterectomy at 38!), listened to a lot of doctors just because they had MD on their name tag and not because I was well informed or that it was the best decision for me and my family and in the process, not improved my quality of life.
So, moving forward, it’s going to be THE SAME OLD SHAY over here. Tomorrow, I have a travel post, there will be Friday Favorites and book reviews and truly, unless you read this post, you probably won’t notice that I’ve changed what I’m doing…but instead of changing myself quietly at home with my family, I want to share the resources with you in case you need to change a few things too. This year, I’m going to talk more about the new things I’m doing with my diet, exercise routine, activities I’m enjoying, I’m going to introduce you to the podcasts I’m listening to, the books I’m reading (but perhaps didn’t make my book reviews because honestly, I just didn’t want to “get into it” last year). I’m done “not getting into it”.
I read your emails. I see your DMs. We’re all tired and exhausted and running on fumes and the internet and TV and social media want us all consumed/scared/alarmed/sad/unfulfilled, but here in my little space, I want us to be friends that work together to improve our quality of life. Moving forward, even if it’s a cocktail recipe or random facts about my kids, I’m going to be sharing it through my own lens of “how to improve the women in this community’s life”. Whether that’s improving your ability to entertain people in your home or organize your fridge or maybe lower that cholesterol, that’s my goal now. I started this blog when I was 25 years old and now, I’m staring down 50. I want this next chapter to not “accidentally” be inspiring, I want you all to know that I’m getting up every day to try and inspire you.
I want women to come here and leave feeling uplifted.
We’re not perfect, and we’re going to have hard days, but looking back over 2023, I lost someone to mental illness, I lost someone way too early to something *probably* avoidable (because really, 48 year old moms with Brussels sprouts in the oven, playing cards on the floor with their 11 year old should not just die all of a sudden), and I lost someone who lived on his own and had a very full, healthy, mentally clear and physically capable life up until the very end…and I want that particular life for all of us. Whether we get it or not, it certainly can’t hurt to consciously strive for it.
I *accidentally* fell into this “job” with zero training, a whole lot of ignorance, a dash of arrogance, stupidity, false assumptions and over the years, you guys have continued to stick around despite my lack of a business plan. Thank you. Thank you SO much! Basically this is a whole post about how nothing has changed at all in blog world, but I’ve revamped a lot in my personal life and this year, I’m going to sprinkle that in from time to time to hopefully inspire you to make any changes/tweaks/improvements in your own life in whatever way you see fit. That’s it.
I’m done.
Thank you to the four people that actually read the whole thing.
I’ll see you tomorrow for “normal” content. 😉 xx
Our beautiful photos by the amazing B. Faith Photography
Laura says
Love it!! Can’t wait to hear more in the coming year.
Michalina V Peterson says
Thank you for always sharing your life with us, I am inspired daily by you, and look forward to continue reading your blog and following you while also learning to live more intentionally.
Amy Tucker says
Love this Shay! You have already been an inspiration in my life and I’m making some big changes too! I can’t wait to see what new insight you give us! Thanks for being YOU!
Kim Rose says
I love reading your blog EVERYDAY! Thank you for what you do! 🩷
Kari Bazan says
Thank you for your candor. 💕 Right there with you getting curious and serious about my health-it’s fun and a little daunting, right?!! Excited to learn with and from you, too. Thank you for being in this little corner of the internet!
Faith Heimbrodt says
Great post and I look forward to 2024 and what you’re bringing.
Norita Drake says
Silly girl! MOST of us read it and are glad we did!
Pam Zercher says
Yes, Nora! MOST of us read it! 😍 Because we love Shay and the sweet blessing she is to our lives, we’ll continue to read and listen and share 🫶🏻
Terri Furlong says
Good to know even people with seemingly perfect lives still have things they want to work on. Sprinkle away! Can’t wait!
Susan says
Love this! I read the whole thing. Looking forward to your ideas in 2024!
Traci Rivard says
Can’t wait! Loved your blog already! But now I’m even more excited!
Rebecca Davis says
I read it, sitting in sunny South Africa, and I am already inspired! Cannot wait to read what you have in store.
Katie says
I’m so excited about the “new” content!
Julee says
I think you should read The Galveston Diet by Dr Mary Claire Haver. It is also about women’s health and dealing with changes that come with perimenpause and menopause. She is all over YouTube as well. Based on your new “obsession,” I think you would find her content fascinating.
Carissa says
Good morning! I’m going to try to be more intentional about writing here more often as this is a place that continually gets me back to feeling grounded, back to me, back to a sense of security resting in truth and with a focus on what matters when my head is spinning and all the world is trying to get my attention, espousing their values.
Read the whole thing 🙂 and the emotion and word that came to mind after reading this is “love.” So much love behind all that you wrote. It is heartbreaking to read of how much sorrow and pain the past year held and your using all of that to positively influence others is beautiful. Thank you for starting my day off in such a warm and embracing way Shay and I look forward to all the content this year! xo
Brandi says
I’m excited for the changes to come! I would love to find a natural and healthy way to increase my energy!
Dawn Timmons says
I’m certain I will be in the company of more than four people who read to the end today. We are here for all of it and thank you for the way you choose to use this platform to inspire us each and every day. You absolutely do! Your family pictures are beautiful and your passion is contagious. Loss has a way of helping us to live with purposeful intention and being more present in other people’s presence. I always look forward to reading your blog. I am really looking forward to seeing this increased passion even more this year. Thank you, Shay! We appreciate you.
DK says
Love this approach and way of thinking, thank you for sharing.
Ali Steele says
Wellness is a topic I’m very interested in and I’ve read your blog for years. I’m so excited! Thank you!!!
Natalie says
Aw yay, I’m super pumped about this! I love how your posts are so uplifting and fun and can’t wait to see (or read) this “new” edition. You’re an inspiration and God is using you BIG time. ❤️
Sarah nienhuis says
I’m literally have tears rolling down my cheeks reading this. From the bottom of your readers’ hearts….Thank You.
Kelly Franks says
Me too! I need this in my life. Turning 40 has been eye opening and also a slap in the face that my time is not mine and I want to be the best version of myself for me and everyone around me. I want to be the Grandma jumping on the trampoline with my grandkids and also be active for my own children.
Shauna says
So excited for this new view of the blog! ❤️
Kelly Sites says
I have read your blog for YEARS. I am doing the same things you are and I am here fir the info. Especially the podcasts and books. Can’t wait.
Jordan says
Love this!!! I am sure you have but if you haven’t read “Outlived” it has changed my whole view on health and wellness in 2023. I am so excited about this for you and is your readers!
laura says
I am about halfway through this book and it’s SO good. I swear I ordered it after Shay recommended it, maybe on IG?
Jenn Workman says
Jordan, my book club just chose this for our next book! I am excited to read it.
Jordan says
Ohhh that would be a great book club book. So much to talk about than your typical book club book!
Amy Divita says
I love this and thank you. I cannot wait!
Elspeth says
Love this for you Shay!! So sorry about your losses this year. I too lost people close to be unexpected at the end of the year. I’m looking forward to learning more from you this year! Thank you for being so open with your readers. Happy 2024!
Kim Bacon says
That’s so great, Shay 🙂 Looking forward to journeying with you!
Dana P says
Ha! I’m intrigued to find what you’ve found. Truthfully, I was always into the health and wellness stuff and then one day I realized that it was holding me as a prisoner and that was the opposite of healthy. And moreover, a lot of what I was hearing and weighed down by had zero evidence to back it up or was actually dangerous. One of the things I always liked about your blog is that it didn’t focus on those things! 😂 But now I’m really wondering what you’ve found and can’t wait to stay tuned to hear more. I’ve dipped my toe back in a bit too because I think I was throwing the baby out with the bathwater. And it’s always so good to have you back!
Carrie Martens says
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!
Bev says
Happy New Year! I’m staring down 70 this year 😱 and very eager to learn more about staying my healthiest. Thank you for sharing this new passion with all your reader friends!
(Very sorry for the losses you suffered in 2023.)
Elizabeth says
Thank you for showing up everyday. I’m currently walking an annoying and complicated health journey that is most likely going to end with a hysterectomy (I just turned 34) and this post (plus your posts about your hysterectomy) are giving me the courage and strength I need to be my own advocate
Stephanie says
YES!!! I love this. I’ve been working hard on my health and overall wellness and decided this is my year to really shine and dig in. I cannot wait for these posts!
Mary says
I’ve been reading your blog since you lived in the rental house and love waking up to it everyday. I’m even more excited to go on a health journey with you. Can’t wait to see what you have in store this year!
Laura says
I’m in! And yes, we’re DONE not talking about it.
Rhoda W says
I 100% agree with this comment! Looking forward to you health insights Shay!!
Emilee says
Thank you for sharing your heart! All I want in the world is to be a healthy, active mom/wife for my children and husband. Looking forward to this content!
polly pover says
I read the whole thing! Shay, I applaud you for evolving, learning, growing and wanting to share that journey!! Quite simply, you don’t have to—you could continue as you have in terms of your blog—you would be fine, “we” would be fine! But, you choose not to! That is an illustration of your genuineness (is that even a word?), but I think you know what I mean. Best to you and your beautiful family!
Laura says
Aww, I love this. I don’t think you need to be hesitant to share that at all! I think it’s a wonderful thing to write about. Even my least “crunchy” friends are starting to buy organic, limit plastic around food, buy natural deodorant, and think about what else they need to improve their health. The Blue Zones show on Netflix talked about incorporating active living into daily life instead of separately, and I thought about how you write often about just living an active life on the whole! As women and moms it is SO tempting and easy to put our health last, but like you said here, it’s so important for our families that we look out for our own health too. Any simple easy changes you can suggest for adding into busy mom life would be great! Looking forward to reading along 2024 with you!!!
Beth Knecht says
I love this so much, Shay! The “health” of our lifestyles is so, so important. In a world that is so often saying do more, we need to focus on slowing down and being intentional about who we are and what we are putting into our bodies!
Unfortunately in trying to advocate for my son to get the proper medical care he needed I nearly lost my own life. Sleeping 3 hours a night and listening to a baby scream bloody murder for months is not healthy at all. I did everything I could do until my body had enough and started shutting down. It’s not lost on me that God gave me the resilience and perseverance to keep pressing on and he’s helping heal me now. I’m so, so passionate about doing what’s best for our bodies and chose “nourish” as my word of the year! Can’t wait to follow along!
Dustie Day says
I love this so much!!!! 2023 was a strange year with random health issues and no medical explanation as to why for me. I love that you’ll be sharing this on your blog.
Pamela G says
Thank you SO much for this!! Love you
Evelyn G says
Hi Shay,
First of all, Happy New Year. I’ve been reading your blog for some many years. Before you added your two precious baby girls. I read every single blog post, follow you on different platforms as well. My point is, this post. This is exactly what I need in my life. This gives me hope and a new outlook/outlet from a mom, normal person who we can all relate. I look forward to reading and applying small changes to my life with you and the rest of the Mix and Match Mama Family.
Katie Stewart says
I really don’t have any other words other than GOOD FOR YOU!
Can’t wait to read.
Erika Slaughter says
Shay! I’m excited to see this new you in blog world! I’ve heard for years that turning forty changes us. I’ve kind of believed it over the last couple months but reading this makes me think it changed you too. 😉 Looking forward to it!
Robin Firestone says
I’m looking forward to hearing/reading your post on health and wellness!
Amy Williams says
Grace says
Shay, I first came across your blog about ten years ago, but I was in a different season and would just stop by for your recipes. This past year, your blog post has been part of my morning routine and quiet time. During this last break, I would just like to read some of your old posts from years before. This past year in my life has brought about a lot of change, but one of the things I enjoy most about your blog is all the helpful advice and experiences you share. I am also looking down 50, too, and this health and wellness journey is something I, too, have been taking more seriously. There was a line in your post
“I want us, all of us, to get up every day and improve our quality of life.” I felt that and appreciate that and completely agree with you. I look forward to what comes ahead of your blog this year. Thank you so much for sharing.
Marla says
You are simply put …the BEST. Thank you !
Katie says
I am excited to come along for the ride! I’ve noticed over the year that you have been more intentional on how much daily work you put into your health and it is t just luck or genetics.
Kara says
I am excited for these new tidbits of health/improved quality of life! Turning 40 a few months ago has absolutely sent me into a health kick of wanting to make the most of my life! Thanks for including us!! 🙂
Courtney says
Thank you for being intentional with us, Shay. I am indeed one of the, more than four, people who read this to the end. I am in a season of life in which I’ve neglected my own health to care for three extra children in a crisis situation. I read your blog every morning. So, I’m very thankful that you’re writing from a lens of intentionality. Grateful for you.
Jessica says
Yes! I love this. There is so much in this world that is scary, hard and isolating. I love the community you have built here, Shay. I love that this can be safe space where we can lift each other up and inspire one another to be better in so many different ways.
Ani Martinez says
So excited to follow along this year! Always looking for new perspectives and points of view – can’t wait to read what you have learned along the way.
Lauri Wertz says
I’m here for it!
Cassie says
Wow! Hi! This resonated with me so much! I’m a long time reader and only occasional commenter from Tulsa Ok! If you thought OKC was a hidden gem, you should come to Tulsa!
Anyway, that’s not why I felt the pull to comment. I fell into a second job about 5 years ago with coaching women (and an occasionally men!) to better health. It started as a macro counting approach but has turned into so much more! Teaching women that NOTHING is off limits, they can enjoy food, finding confidence and balance and all the things. And recently – women age 45-70 have become my most common clients! It’s amazing how it’s never too late and when you put health (and prioritize yourself even a little) the forefront, your whole life changes!
Wow! That was long! But I’m on ig @themacrocounselor and I would love to talk or be a resource or anything in between!
Lots of good vibes and love from Tulsa!
Lynn Helms says
I LOVED this post! I can’t wait to read what you have in store for us readers! With so much garbage in this world your blog is about bettering yourself and being the light for others. You truly are a blessing to me and my family! I hope 2024 is a great year for you and your family.
Lisa D says
Shay, I read the whole thing 😉 and I think you are onto something wonderful and do-able in your blog community. I’ve got a few years on you, well it’s more than “a few”, and I’m struggling with trying to figure out wellness. Thank you for what you are doing for the women in your blog world! It will trickle down to the men and women and children and friends in our lives so be prepared for some awesome days ahead! As my best friend says “you go girl!”.
Cara says
I couldn’t love this more!
Katrina Goodman says
I read the whole thing! I got a little misty eyed. You are doing a great job with your slice of the internet & I know you will continue to do great things!
Kristin says
Oooh, I am excited! I am 57, and aging well is definitely a big goal! I want to enjoy my life and I don’t want to be a burden on our children. I am looking forward to this!
Peyton Cline says
Thank you for sharing your wellness tips with us! I am inspired by your zeal for exercise, healthy eating, and energy among other things, so I for one am ecstatic you will be sharing how we can apply your health and wellness information to our daily lives. You are a blessing to this community!
Natalie says
Love this and I’m here for all the health and wellness…lowering the cholesterol… yep. At almost 51…everything changes. Looking forward to it!
Ashlea says
Shay I am so excited for this! I recently discovered I have a small aneurysm and super low blood pressure at 38! So I’ve been starting a similar journey but honestly don’t know where to start. I’m excited to go on this journey here with you!!
Taylor says
Super excited about this! I’d love to read more from you on this topic. Since you’re a reader, you might really enjoy a book I’m currently reading called “the gospel of wellness” by Rina Raphael! Check it out. I’m so into it.
Kristin M says
Looking forward to seeing these posts for sure. Thank you for sharing all that with us.
These photos are just so special too! What a beautiful family!
Sally says
I’m a long time reader who has never commented. So maybe this year I’ll try to comment from time to time. Thanks for all your inspiring posts. As a 36 year old Christian wife, mom, and business owner I think they are all uplifting! Looking forward to the health posts added in.
Amy says
Yes! This has become an interest of mine too and I can’t wait to hear all you’ve found and incorporated into your daily living!
Here’s to 2024!
Erin Howe says
Shay! That you for sharing your heart! Bring on all the wellness and improvement. I am a 35 year old stay at home mom to 3 boys and in the last few months have realized if I want to keep up with them and do well by them as their mom I have to change my habits. Can’t wait for 2024! Here’s to a great year for all!
Debbie says
LOVE IT!!!! Can’t wait. Happy New Year and the best in 2024
Jodie Kingsbury says
Oh, I love this so much. I’ve been looking for this type of stuff but didn’t want all the product pushing diet companies etc.
I look forward to reading your posts about health and wellness.
Thank you,
Sara says
I feel we are so blessed that God has put this upon your heart! He already has made you an instrument of joy and laughter in a world all to besotted with evil. I am not a mother, but yet I am drawn to your blog because it brings joy, happiness and promise for a bright future into my life. Thank you for that! I can not wait to see what is in store in this setting over the next year! I am excited to learn and focus more on women’s health, a too often forgotten or neglected aspect of our lives! Thank you.
Stephanie says
Shay, I love your blog but never comment. 😀 I’m excited for your new focus & to learn from you. I turned 50 last year & my biggest goal is to age well!
Marie C says
I read the whole thing! And I’m so excited about it!
Jess says
Oh, I’m excited! Love your content already and have been on my own health and wellness journey. I’ve been seeking inspiration here and there a lot on TikTok. But even more excited to get inspiration from you! I am a long time reader and love how your blog has evolved over the years. Can’t wait to see what this new year brings! Thank you for your daily inspirations!
Michele says
How wonderful Shay! I am so out of shape spiritually, mentally, and physically. I feel like I need an overhaul. 2024 will be that year! Thank you for sharing your lives with us. You are so loved.
NiCole says
I am very sorry for the passing of your friends and family this year. I am excited about your new chapter and can’t wait to learn more.
Jennifer says
This was exactly what I needed to see this on this gloomy Houston morning. I’m turning 52 this year and that’s a hard number to say because I’m not sure how it happened. My body is changing all the time and I have been looking for ways to stay inspired to get on my tread everyday and push myself to do more to make the improvements I feel i need (even though i don’t even know what I need). I could not be more excited to travel this journey with you and your suggestions. I love your blog and am so happy my dear friend shared it with me ages ago.
Nicole says
You know I’m over here so excited and can’t wait to hear!!! Like, what is your current work out routine and are you still drinking coffee?! 😂
Laci says
Love this and love your heart. Can’t wait to hear about the new things !!
Lyssy in the City says
Last year my word was “Live”. I wanted to live life to the fullest and focus on health/wellness so I could live a long life.
Jenna says
I loved this post so much. I am so excited about what is to come!
Krista says
Although I hate the way that this idea came to be, I love this idea and I can’t wait to see what’s ahead!
Abby says
Can’t wait!!!
Elizabeth says
I am so excited for this new chapter. I am approaching 70 :~0 just to say it scares me. I want to live the best life I can until I am 90 or after. I like to think I eat healthy and do the right things but of course I don’t. I look forward to learning more and joining this move to a healthy community.
Lisa says
So excited!! Thank you for everything you do!!
Shellie Boss says
Looking forward to the new content. XOXO
Paige says
I found your blog when I became a SAHM 11 years ago to my newborn baby girl. Every day you have always been positive, joy-filled, inspiring and most importantly shared Christ. I look forward to evolving and growing with you!!
Faith says
Based on the comments, I’m pretty sure more than 4 people read today’s blog. I am here for it! Turning 50 last year and realizing I haven’t been taking care of myself like I once did, I know I need to get back on track. But there is so much information and so many products out there that it can be overwhelming. Thanks for sharing your heart and as always encouraging us!
Courtney says
I love your blog. It is the only one I follow. You are a ray of sunshine and I love your positive outlook on life. You are such an inspiration! Thank you!!
Melissa Ware says
Shay, while I appreciate your desire to share health and wellness tips and healthy lifestyle info., I canNOT understand how you can include alcohol suggestions/recipes and imply that this in any way positively enhances a healthy lifestyle. Please educate yourself on the statistics associated with consumption of alcohol and the negative impact it has on individuals, families, relationships, overall health and our entire culture! This lifestyle choice of yours completely baffles me and doesn’t seem consistent with your desire to be a positive influence for others.
Mix and Match Mama says
If that was your only takeaway from today’s post, I think you missed my heart. I am fully going to share who I am as a person and that might/perhaps/could/should/maybe will change the older I get, the more I learn/read/grow, but for now, yeah, I’m going to share all the changes I’ve made (some very small and some big) but also be my authentic self. My authentic self is saying “if you are trying to better yourself and grow as a person this year by wanting to entertain more and include more social gatherings in your home, I could very well have a great cocktail recipe to make that easier and less intimidating for you this year”. Growth/change/health looks different for different people in different scenarios.
Heather says
MelanieL says
I am so here for this!! I was so interested in this post that I’ll have to go back and look through all the amazing photos here in a second…
I’ve been on a similar path this year, eating more mindfully, moving my body more and seeing my “glass half full” most days!! My daughter and I started walking together every night over the spring and summer (we never missed a day!) as a way to bond even further before she left for college, then she was gone and I had nothing better to do so I’ve kept it up and I’ve never felt better!!
You’ve always made me feel really good when I leave your blog, I’ve gained so many tips about life and living and nodded my head in agreement a lot too. You’ve always been an inspiration so I know whatever you have in store for us will continue to be inspiring. Welcome back, you’ve been missed! 🙂
Marina says
Absolutely love this! All of this! Thank you!
Sara KD says
This post quickly took my breath away! This year I’ll be 50 (with stage 4 cancer history) so I will be looking forward to every word, idea, inspiration and togetherness you will bring to 2024!
Christie Rogers says
Thank you for diving into a topic most of us (all ages) don’t “have time” to consider and we make so many excuses. Personal experience as I have watched what simple vitamin deficiencies can do and how difficult it can be to get the answers…it’s not just take a pill. Also, being on the “old” spectrum I am watching my friends who allowed inactivity and poor habits take control and now they aren’t enjoying their retirement. Go for it Shay. We all need to become aware
Tracy says
Bring on the cholesterol lowering tips! One area I can’t seem to get under control.
Highly recommend adding The Body Revelation by Alisa Keeton to your reading list if you haven’t already gone through it. So good!
Beth says
Same here!
Kathleen L. says
I read it all the way through and am looking forward to reading more. Happy and healthy 2024!
Stacy says
I am so excited for what’s to come!! As I inch closer to 40 I want and need my health to become priority! So thankful you are going to share all your insights and encouragement!💛
Sherry Lowe says
Love this! You’ve even inspired your old mom for the new year. Looking forward to applying some new ideas to my lifestyle. Love you Sweetie and I’m still not sure you shouldn’t write that book.😂🥰😂
Elisabeth Hogue says
Yes! I’m here for it! I’ve been on a bit of the same journey over the last year too, stemming from a Celiac disease diagnosis at 47 and friends that have died or received horrible diagnosis in their 40s. I’m mad at myself for not asking “why” over the years. Why do I feel bad when I eat this, instead of just not eating that anymore? Praying for you as you use your platform to help others!
Edna says
Looking forward to read about your lifestyle changes in the future. Let’s all begin to do more for our health/wellness and longevity by eating better, exercising more, increasing our brain cells by learning new things, keeping a regular sleep routine, socializing, living in the moment, managing stress, etc.
Susan S says
I am 51, have an autoimmune disease, have made it trough the Big M, and let me tell you the joint pain is real at this age. This is an answered prayer for me. I know when you do something, you do it 100%. I am very excited that you are taking this road to help your followers. We are so blessed to have you in our daily lives.
Denise Hunter says
Thank you so much for sharing! Love your blog and all that you share. Thanks for making this a great place to visit every day.
Paula McKaughan says
Shay, thank you doesn’t feel like enough, but thank you! I appreciate you sharing your life with us, and I look forward to coming here each and every day. I started the Bible Recap last year, and I fizzled out quick. But, I’m back this year and I just feel like my heart is in a much better place! I know it’s only day8, but I already feel closer to the Lord and I’m excited for 2024! So, Thank You!! xoxo, Paula
Yolanda McLean says
I’m excited to follow along!
Leanne says
I love this!! Something we all need to focus more on!
Sarah says
Excited for 2024! Thank you for blogging and sharing your tips with us!
Kay says
This is a great way to start off 2024-thank you! One of the many reasons I love your blog is that you always seem to be on the same page as I am, somehow! My father in law’s wife has been deteriorating for years now, and it’s incredibly sad for us all to watch. She has a very low quality of life right now and my father in law truly misses “doing life” with her. In addition, with shows like the “Blue Zone” and “You are what you eat” (you should watch-it is FASCINATING and right up your alley with this new passion!) it’s hard not to contemplate at around 50 HOW we all want to be in those senior years. So, I’m inspired by your willingness to share with us all. I’ve always been a big believer that we eat can determine so much about how we end up living our lives. And I think especially in America, we overlook this basic fact so many times a day.
Excited for the new content and thanks for being you!
Kelly says
I started off reading this thinking…”oh no! Another blogger going to substack and wanting us to be paid subscribers” lol. I’ve been reading your blog for the past decade and it’s always such a bright spot and I’m always amazed there’s never any negativity no matter what hard things may be going on in your personal life. Excited for this new content! Thank you for getting up each morning and writing! I always look forward to it. Happy 2024!
Rachel Kazmier says
Thank you and ME TOO! I, at 48, and staring even more closer to 50 than you. I have a 110 mile thru hike the end of June to prep for. It’s the TMB, google it, then look into it! I am not a moderator for the main TMB Facebook group and also starting to look into my what’s next after a career in teaching. Something travel related it has to be, that’s my passion. Anywho….my goal is to be both physically and mentally ready. I love healthy food and just restarted my keto journey. I’m also severely limiting the red wine. Making it more of a treat than a daily occurrence. I am excited to follow your health journey!
Erin Blum says
You do you, Shay!! Those that matter will stick around! <3
Mary Hall says
I’m excited to hear more about wellness. I need all the tips you can give!
Rachel Kazmier says
I AM a moderator. Ugh fat fingers!
Katie Tullis says
I LOVE THIS! I can tell you have a passion for it, and I’m excited for this! My hubby and I started working out and developing a healthier lifestyle after I had a total colectomy last January, so I can’t wait to read more ways to better myself! Happy New Year to a better us!
Elizabeth says
Reading your blog made me balance my hormones. I only wish I had done it 10 years earlier. Last year, I went down a wellness hole and started eliminating and adding foods at a wellness clinic. It was eye opening how much better I felt. There was even a week of all vegetarian meals. I’m excited for all the stuff you’re bringing this year.
Em says
Excited for another year with you and some new fun sprinkled in! Thanks for taking us along for the ride! 🙂
Monica Nickoli says
Thank you so much Shay!! Can’t wait and I’m ready too!😊
Aimee says
Thank God for you Shay! And . . . perfect timing, speaking as a woman in mid life who would love to share this sometimes lonely and bumpy journey :). Thank you and Bless you and your sweet family.
Sue Jones says
I love this post. I’m excited to see what 2024 holds for all of us. I have been reading your blog since before you adopted Ashby. I love your heart. Thank you for this blog because it provides so much inspiration. I’m 65 years old and sometimes I think why do I spend my time reading blogs about younger ladies? LOL. But I get so much joy and love from it. I wish you well on this new journey. No doubt you will knock it out of the park!!!
Melissa says
You are, for sure, and encourager and I’m so thankful for you and your blog. Looking forward to you sharing your insights on living an abundant, purposeful life.
Linnea says
You inspire me all the time and I look forward to your blog posts everyday. Can’t wait to see what you share with us in 2024!!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
YES YES YES!! This is wonderful! I think the more we learn about how pretty much everything affects our health, it’s hard not to incorporate all of that knowledge into our lives because we now know better. Cannot wait for this content!!!
Julie says
Looking forward to this!!! Thank you for doing this!
Miranda B. says
You are a light in my day and I am so excited that you are listening to the Lord and allowing yourself to shine even brighter in this space!
Angela Banae says
Kendra W says
Shay- I am thrilled to be reading this! You have inspired me daily. Whether that was to adopt (we have adopted two kiddos) travel more, (we do that too!) try new recipes and so on. I look forward to learning from you. Our pastor said yesterday “If you can’t change it and God has allowed it then find out how to prosper in it.” I thought of you when he said it. You always seem to show up ready to make each day better no matter the circumstances. 🤍
Maryellen says
I love your plan Shay. I am turning 65 in October and believe me, I don’t know how that happened. HA HA
It has taught me to enjoy each minute of life. Not to sweat the small stuff. Err on the side of being positive.
Grow my faith. Enjoy “my people”. Give my cats that extra squeeze. And always have a heart full of gratitude.
Tintin says
Thank you Shay! It’s easy to feel through cyberspace that you really care about us! And if your goal is to uplift me every time I read you blog you have really succeeded! I can’t wait for 2024 to start, it will be a blast!
Patty says
Yes. This!
Audrey Grone says
Wow, I am emotional! I cannot wait for you to share this new chapter with us and you really do inspire us every. single. day. (more than you know). I have been with you for 10+ years and I am so excited for this. Thank you for sharing, and thank you God!
Alison says
Thank YOU, Shay, for showing up just to give us a daily dose of happiness and inspiration. Even amidst a path of loss, grief, and doubt (I know those kinds of years, they’re hard ones to get through). Your little corner on the web is so fun and you are such a delight to so many women. I hope 2024 proves to be exactly what you’re setting out to pave!
Leslie S says
Excited for the new content. My word for this year is Restore. It’s been too long since I’ve focused on my health and wellness, feeling that push strongly this year. Equally feeling a push toward connections and relationships. Looking forward to the new content!!
Gwen says
Oh, you knew Austin! Tom and Sheri have been friends of ours since TCU days and our kids went to school together in their younger years. We did Moms in Touch together and were heartbroken.
Looking forward to your “new” posts. I am always telling my girls, “well, my friend Shay says this” or “my friend Shay had this great recipe”, or “my friend Shay told me about these great yoga pants”. Silly me. LOL
Ashley Kuczynski says
I’m SO EXCITED about this “new” content and here for it! 👏🏻🎉❤️
Montana says
So amazing! I am also on my own health and wellness journey as I’m 6 months sober and into my recovery journey! Can’t wait to hear more.
Kelli Smith says
I am “one of the four people” who read to the end of your post! And I am so very excited to hear what you will share. Thank you for being such a positive force for good. 🙂
Jen C says
This is amazing and I am here for it! Whatever path you take, I will be your follower from day 1! I’ve been feeling the same way in regards to my health. I ask doctors questions and I get ignored. I’ve tried so many doctors and it’s always the same thing. It’s so frustrating!
Kristen says
Excited to read your content on this subject. Two recent docs I just watched on Netflix really opened my eyes on wellness. “You are what you eat” and “Blue Zones” . Have you watched these?
Happy 2024!
K.K. says
Yes, yes, yes, Shay!!
Dana says
Love this and can’t wait to see what’s ahead! I love your content and even though we don’t “know” each other except through this format I fully trust you and know you would never lead any of us astray! I feel like you are a trusted friend who is sharing something you’ve learned about, a new recipe, a fun fashion choice and/or anything you’d share with your friends and I’m here to benefit from that too!! I’m so sorry for the losses you’ve had to endure this past year, may God bring you comfort and peace. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!
Tina Boothe says
I’ve been reading your blog and watching your family grow for many years, close to the entirety. And I’ll tell you, I’ve never been more excited to hear this. I too now that I’m 48, and trying to absorb and digest all I can about health and what we can do to best enjoy the years we have left. I’m looking forward to the knowledge you share with us!!
Addy R. says
This is great, Shay! One thing that comes to mind is I’ve always found a disconnect with your focus on health in so many ways but your publishing and endorsing of drinking. Just as you’ve lost people, I am beginning to lose people to the grips of alcoholism. Our society pushes drinking so much and its accessibility and pervasiveness is incredible. For many people, it is used as a balm for hard feelings. I don’t feel there is a defensible case for it being healthy or good for our bodies at all. Just a thought I wanted to share! I appreciate your blog content and used many Shay recipes for hosting family over the holiday season… Thank You!
Mix and Match Mama says
Let’s be super clear, I am just a person working on herself over here encouraging everyone else to work on themselves (in whatever capacity that might be). I am not telling anyone what to do, just being intentional about sharing what I’m doing. I do not have a negative relationship with alcohol, so my own life includes it at times. I want to be authentic and pretending like I’m anything else wouldn’t be who I am. If people do have a negative relationship with any of the things I do in my life, they should focus inward and make those changes. I would encourage that greatly.
Kristin Lyngaas says
Can’t wait! 🙏🩷🙌
Stacie says
I absolutely love your new journey and cannot wait to read about ways to improve…. well just about anything. Over the past several years I have really done a deep dive into growing my own food (I even started a gardening blog), so I know what’s going onto our dinner plates, trying to find the perfect supplements to really improve my health when necessary, etc, doing yoga to reduce stress, etc. In a world full of stress, chemicals, and toxins we all need to lean on each other to share information on daily health, wellness and life! Love this path your blog will be taking Shay!
Tracy says
I love coming here and hearing your ideas, can’t wait to read the health updates! I’m always looking for practical ways with a family to improve my health. 🙂
Kelli says
You should follow Just Ingredients on Instagram. I’ve learned so much from her!
Kara says
Love it and on the same trajectory! Will definitely be here to continue to follow you and appreciate your vulnerability and strength to share for the greater good.
Shawnna Griffin says
Hey girl- Ooh this is going to be so cool!! I just can’t wait to see what you come up with. This is so exciting! Love ya!!
Kindal says
I love, love, love this! As a Type A workaholic, I worked myself into developing Rheumatoid Arthritis. I worked with a functional medicine doctor, which helped a lot, but I backslid a bit this last year with some stressful situations that occurred. I am dedicated to making tweaks to my health and lifestyle in 2024! Can’t wait to hear about all of the things you have been implementing!
Libby says
I love this so much! Thank you, Shay! Looking forward to your 2024 posts❤️
Stephanie Snyder says
YES! My goal this year is to simplify, but with the intent of improving qualify of life, wellness and health overall for myself and my family. This is amazing and inspiring, and I love that you are going with what you feel called by God to pursue. So many bloggers focus on what you “Must have” and “Must buy” and those are all well and good and fun, but to really focus on improving quality of life over quantity of things, and make your life and those around you better, is such a purposeful way to use this space. Thank you. I also pray for you and your family and friends, especially those who lost their life too soon and in unfathomable ways. I pray for God’s hand to continue to guide you in this space and that your words are able to improve women’s lives all over the world. Thanks, Shay and Happy New Year!
Clare B says
Amy time we are together in person, you never cease to inspire me! Whether it’s how you love your family so well, manage your time or handle our TA business like a true boss – I am always inspired by you! Your heart for God is what shines through all of it! I am so looking forward to diving deeper with you this year!
Clare Butler says
Amy time we are together in person, you never cease to inspire me! Whether it’s how you love your family so well, manage your time or handle our TA business like a true boss – I am always inspired by you! Your heart for God is what shines through all of it! I am so looking forward to diving deeper with you this year!
Wanda says
I am a new subscriber to your blog but I have been following you on facebook for a while. I love your whole site. I’ve tried some recipes definitely read a lot of book recommendations as well! It is such a well-rounded blog and so full of love from your community. I recently joined the Bible Re-cap on your instagram and it’s been a great way to start the year.
I am 72 years old, I am a mother, grand-mother and a great grand-mother (I know right?!!)! I’ve done some writing and during the pandemic like many of us I picked up some paint brushes and have been painting ever since, loving it. I also started a non-profit organization (with the help of my sons) when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 to encourage women on the same path. I also work one day a week.
And yet…
This past December I felt that God wants more of me but not sure what that is. Like you I put a couple of ideas out there but just not sure what it is yet but I know it’s something.
Your blog was very encouraging to me to keep praying and seeking and looking forward to your new segment on women’s health. Glad I found you.
Kaelyn says
Thank you for this! I have tears flowing down my face. I cant wait to read more this coming year on your inspiration and thoughts and just being you! At 51 I feel like I have lost that spunk and have just sort of lived all these years. I want to feel passion for living and you sure make it sound fun. I love your words and love for the Lord. Thank you
Tara says
Love this. I’m a 47 year old mom of 3 who feels like I’m burning the candle at both ends all day, every day. Between work, kids (2 of which are teenagers!), and marriage, I can’t keep my head afloat, and I’m trying like heck to make my health a real priority. I appreciate you taking the time to do it and look forward to seeing what you share.
Martie in FL says
I’m here for it! Thank you for all you do to make “your little corner of the internet” a positive and uplifting space that I enjoy visiting every day.
God bless you, Shay and Happy New Year!
Keisha Dawson says
Shay, I cannot wait for you to share what you are learning. I am on this journey with myself and working hard to figure out all things faith, food, exercise, mental clarity, and relationships. I can’t get enough of all of those things. Many blessings to you for always sharing your heart!
Ranisa Brletich says
Yes! Yes! Yes! I am in. All in. LOVE it
Robyn Beers says
I love this! I cannot wait to hear more from you and better myself because of you! Happy New Year!
Elizabeth says
Excited for this new season and all that you’ll be “sprinkling in”.
Melissa says
Thank you, Shay! I appreciate your thoughtful approach and look forward to learning more with you.
Alexa miller says
Hi! I am so excited to continue reading your blog as you dive into some health topics. I think you’re amazing! I remember years ago, you mentioned that you had cancer the same time as your grandpa did and I’m wondering if you will talk more about that this year as well. I think it could be helpful for so many people. I’m curious what doctors do to follow up with you and how that changed your perspective on health. God bless you all in 2024.
Laura Holmes says
I’m so sorry for the challenges you faced in 2023. I’m so ready for a fresh, healthy start this year as well. It’s time for change. I can feel it. Looking forward to what you have to share! Here’s to a happy, healthy 2024!
Kristen R says
Thank you! Thank you for showing up and caring about all of us who adore you, your family, your blog! I’m excited about this!
Lauren says
I love this so much! I have also been on a similar journey after losing someone suddenly and have been seeing a functional medicine doctor…something that me 5 years ago would’ve scoffed at. I can’t wait to continue reading and diving into resources you share! God Bless you and your precious family. Xo
Heather Smith says
Oh my golly, Shay! Cannot wait to see what you have in store for you self and all of us here- your friends! Here’s to healthy and happy 2024 for all!
Julianna says
Here for this! Interested to hear your thoughts on the sauna if you are using that as part of your routine. I remember there being one in your new home gym!
Gina Mitchell says
I am happy to go on this new, but same adventure with you!! Happy new year, Shay!
Christine says
I’ve been on a similar journey the last part of 2023 myself, so I look forward to joining you in this!
Beth says
Sounds like an excellent plan, but I’m relieved that you’ll still be posting your book reviews! Thank you for all you do.
Alison says
Love this!! I have been reading and loving your blog for so many years, I can’t even remember how long. You’re such an inspiration, and I am thankful for YOU and your motivation! I am excited to see what is to come! 🙂
Ellie says
This is exactly what I needed today, THANK YOU!
Shari says
Can’t wait for the new version of the same Shay we all love! Reading your blog is the highlight of my day, every day, keep going! You’re impacting more people than you know!
Paula says
I’m so excited to see what 2024 brings for this wonderful space you’ve created. The only blog I’ve come back to over and over for 10+ years now. I really appreciate your positivity, variety of topics, transparency and fun spirit.
Gracie says
Shay, I started reading your blog a little over 10 years ago, right as I was becoming a first time mom. To this day, your words are frequently some of the very first that I read in the morning and I am so thankful for your vulnerability and honesty as you’ve shared your life with this world. I am so excited for you!! And to keep learning from you! This might sound strange but I feel like you’re the big sister I never had but always needed ❤️ Cheering you on!! And thank you again!
Shanna Schmidt says
Yes, please go there!! I have also experienced the loss of young healthy lives and find myself obsessed with the ‘why’ behind these heartbreaking tragedies. I rarely (maybe once) have commented on your blog posts, but this one resonated with me. I agree, health needs to be prioritized and I strongly believe in functional well-being over solely relying on western medicine (pharmaceutical answers).
Marie Le says
Thank you for being so vulnerable. I’m so sorry for your losses in 2023.
You have such a great outlook on life!
Your family photos are so beautiful. Looking forward to your revamped blogs this year. 🙂
Paula says
You are literally THE ONLY blog I follow, and I will continue to after reading your heartfelt new year message.
Angela Banae says
Oh, Shay! Thank you for sharing all of this with us, your blog family. As I read this, I went through lots of emotions. First, I began to worry that you were not going to blog anymore and legit started to panic. Because it’s what many others have said… daily, I come here to read your words and be encouraged to be a better me. You are such a BRIGHT spot on the internet and this blog is part of so many of our lives! I am so grateful that you share life with us, encouraging us, being so real and for ALL of the tips you share about fashion, home, family, health, recipes, travels… all of it is so good. Thank you! Then, as you begin to write and share about your past year, and all that you’ve been through, tears started to fall. I am so sorry you’ve gone through so much with the passing of your grandfather and two close friends. That is so incredibly hard. In the past two years, I’ve lost all three of my parents (my dad, then my mom, and in July, my stepdad). I turned 50 in September and to feel like an orphan with no living parents has been so hard. I blogged on my Facebook page about Joy and Grief at Christmas. My heart hurts for what you’ve gone through because I’ve struggled with this grief. Yet, in all of this, Jesus has shown me how much His love can heal and help me. I am so excited to see what God is stirring in you, Shay. I love your transparency and I know that God is going to do amazing new things for you in this new year. Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” As you continue this blog (and all the praise hands went up), we look forward to the new ideas and tips you will share on how to improve our quality of life. And I’m so happy you’ll continue to share what your family is up to, more delicious recipes, great fashion finds you found for you/ your hubby/ and the kids, your travel tips, and more! All of it is so appreciated by us readers! You are shining bright and influencing so many of us, which trickles down to our families and friends. Thank you, Shay, and blessings to you and your family in this new year of 2024!
Anna says
Thanks for your vulnerability and for writing about your process to get to this place. It’s made me reflect, on this Monday morning, about things in my life that I’ve been trying to “force” even though I lack passion for them. 🙂
Sarah says
I’m so excited you’re taking us with you on this new adventure. Thanks for sharing with us! 🙂
Happy 2024!
Cyndie says
I love your new commitment to share and to inspire your readers. Could you send a link for your first blog post? ‘’Knowing” you today I’d love to read your first few posts.
Mix and Match Mama says
I am working on getting my “archives” widget back on my sidebar so you can see every post. It was up there for years and years but “broke” in the fall, so I need a new one.
Lauren says
So excited for what is to come! I’ve been reading your blog for over 10 years and I’ve learned so much for you and so excited to learn so much more.
Mary says
I love love love this idea! As someone who is turing 50 this year, I put my physical and mental health as a main goal for this year. I feel like the 40+ age group is left out of the health and wellness information. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.
Karen says
So happy to see a change in content. Something more meaningful instead of the superficial spending money/ buying from certain sites/ influencer type posts. I hope it works for you and everyone who reads. Get away from the commercialism and consuming and buying. Refreshing.
Lauren says
While reading this post, I said “heck yes!!” out loud! I think getting back to an overall “well” version of ourselves is exactly what this world needs. I am really looking forward to this, and I think you’re the perfect person to do it!
Traci M says
And this is why we love you and keep coming back!!! Can’t wait to see what all God lays on your heart to share!!
Renee says
Yes!!! There are so many pressing wellness topics that could use some conversation nowadays. I would love if you cover anything related to iron deficiency. It’s such an important topic, but largely goes undiagnosed until it’s really affected the person.
Amy Heinl says
Loved this post and very much looking forward to your new perspectives 2024. 2023 was on of the hardest years I have had and it sounds like yours had periods of that as well. I told my friends that 2023 was the year of barely surviving and for me….
2024 is the year of restore! Your goal for your blog sounds like it will fit in perfectly for that so thank you for that.
P.S. I went back to school later in life but with kiddos still at home. It was hectic and hard at times but I absolutely loved it. It was so different than my undergraduate degree. We were all adults, in our careers, with some real life experiences under our belt. The discussions were so much richer full of thought provoking perspectives. I always liked school and college…but I loved loved grad school. I got my MBA with an emphasis in Servant Leadership….don’t be afraid to dip your tie in and go for it. It was such a good thing for my son to see than you are never to old to learn.
Sheaffer says
Um. I’m laughing at the stark differences between your start to the new year and mine. Hoping some of your energy and passion for health and wellness rubs off on me! 🙂
Melissa says
I have read your blog every day for the last several years. I rarely commented and this year, plan to change that. Thank you for this post! It is so inspiring. I too have felt that desire to “do something” and hope to make changes this year. I look forward to following along and can’t wait to read what you have to share!
natalie says
Can. NOT. Wait!!
Olga Alvarez says
Shay, I am sorry to hear of your losses in 2023. I am looking forward to seeing you “get into it” as you say. Best wishes to you and yours in 2024!
Deb says
💕can’t wait!
Jl says
I LOVE this!! And I can’t wait for this “new” content!
Angie says
I read the whole thing!!! You inspire me so much!! I am a fellow mama of four, and I cannot wait to see what you will share with us this year 🙂
Carrie says
So many comments on this post! I wanted to be sure to add mine too and that I am all in with you in 2024. I am here for it. Like so many others have commented, yours is the only blog I read. It’s my favorite way to start the day. I have gotten so much inspiration, ideas and happy feels from reading. Thank you for all that you do and for sharing you and your family with us!
Shelby Ratterman says
I love this SO much and I’m so excited for you (and us 🤣). I have been a blog reader for at least 11 years and I still LOVE reading your blog daily!
Bridget says
I can’t help but comment on this. I have also lost people this last year, young and older for various reasons. What stands out the most were the deaths associated with mental health. I lost 3 people to mental health this last year and 2 of them were because they did not feel accepted in their ability to love who they wanted. How can we let that keep happening. We have to focus on how mental health is far more important than who someone falls in love with. I once was a devout Christian, and would still title myself as a Christian, but instead of one who tended to judge, I want to be one who loves. Who accepts and opens my home and heart to all of my friends and my childrens friends. Healing runs deep, there is so much to learn and so much room to grow. I love thinking of the atoning sacrifices the Savior made for each of us.. While I absolutely want to continue to work on my physical and spiritual health, I have become very very mindful of my mental health and those around me. Life is to be enjoyed, not endured.
Kelly Gerhardt says
Happy New Year! I love this post! I think we all need to share with each other what is working for us! Thank you for your resources and sharing your life with all of us!
Aileen says
Hi Shay,
I love this and I’m so excited about this content. One thing that has been top of mind for me lately (as I near 38!) is longevity – how can I foster the right mindset, habits, practices etc. that will help me stay healthy and strong 20,30,40 years from now? I want to have a very active, strong and healthy quality of life so that I can be a big part of the lives of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Thanks for this, excited to follow along this year!
Kelly Menou says
Im 31 now, and week-daily for the last 10+ years, you HAVE improved my quality of life. We wouldn’t all still be here if you didn’t 😉
Janet Teeter says
Shay, I’ve been a nurse for 30 years, and over the last couple of years I’ve come to the realization that working in a hospital does NOT actually help people in the way I had hoped when I first became a nurse. The healthcare system is centered on medicating or treating (via surgery), with very little attention on prevention, and being truly healthy in a holistic, total life way. I am so glad you are shining a light on being healthy! Praying God blesses your new found focus on this very exciting subject:)
Karina Coffer says
Thank you for being so open with us. I have actually had a similar stirring inside of me. I want to learn something new and take care of my menopausal body better. I don’t believe in resolutions, so I made a few attainable goals for 2024. I am excited to follow along!! You have our support!
Valerie Patton says
I love this! I am so proud of you for allowing God to lead you to a new way of inspiring and informing women. You have the platform to make a difference and I wish you EVERY blessing!
Amanda Peterson says
Life is too short, Shay! Good on you. We need to start asking ourselves, if not now, when? Take the trip, jump the bridge, ride the motorcycle, do the thing, because we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Thanks for being a friend and inspiring so many of us with your words!
Julie says
Love this!!!! Can’t wait to following along! Thank you for following God’s direction and inspiring this community of women!
Lori Sawyer says
I read Outlive as my last book of 2023 and it was so informative/motivatinng/inspiring. I am definitely on a longevity/healthspan quest so I’m very interested in this topic!
Shawna says
I love this A LOT! I, too, spent a good amount of 2023 on the journey of health and wellness for myself and family. We are trying much more holistic natural remedies and routines and seeing very positive results. I can’t get enough of reading, learning, and listening on this topic. Here for this!
Karen says
Oh Shay I love this for you! And for me! Because I will be reading ALL of what you write on the topic! I have recently had a wake-up call and 2024 is being dedicated to my health and wellness. SO happy to hear this news today.
Donna C says
And this is why you are my most favorite, inspiring and motivational blogger I follow! I had already decided to take control of my health this year and reading this today is like a sign from God that he’s sending me help to go with me on this journey! I look so forward each day to reading your blog but now am excited for all your tips and good advice to help me!
Denise M. says
As much as I like all of the above comments (except the ones condemning you for consuming alcohol), I love the way Smith is looking at Madeley in your photos. You can truly see the love he has for her!
Raquel Whatley says
Thank you for sharing your heart Shay. I appreciate you and love reading your blog. Happy New Year.. I pray the Lord will bless you and comfort you.
Libby says
I’ve been reading your posts since sweet Ashby came into your lives and I have always felt uplifted and inspired by reading your posts but I am excited to learn more about your passion as I too have lost people way way too young. I thank you for making this page so welcoming and helping to empower women along the way!
Cindy says
I’m definitely interested in quality of life conversations. I’m looking forward to your new content! That said, I’m struggling with the fine line between taking care of our bodies so that we can be present and equipped to do all the “good works God has prepared in advance for us to walk in”, and, adding a day to our lives. After losing my father-in-law unexpectedly this fall, my husband and I have been doing a deep dive into the sovereignty of God and our choices. Where we land is it there are several scriptures that talk about how our days are numbered. We also know we’re not supposed to put the Lord our God to the test. Still, Scripture is clear that we cannot add a single day to our lives. I would just caution this with things like the book “Outlived”. I do think we can and should improve our quality of life; I don’t think we can extend our life. And I think that’s important for that poor widower (and his daughter) to know as he is grieving the loss of his wife.
Kerry says
I’m so excited to read this new content. I’m excited to learn and share with others. I applaud you and am so happy you’re in my life. xoxo Kerry
Kimbrough says
You’re closer to 40 than 50? Don’t fret your years away. Live for today, as tomorrow is never ever promised.
Liz Thorson says
Dearest Shay, you are such a gift to all of your people, let alone all of your family and friends who know and love you! I’ve loved your posts since Kensington was a little one and treasure you for so many reasons!
Your post today was heartbreaking and uplifting. I am so sorry for all of the losses you have faced this past year. Bless your generous heart.
Here’s to 2024 and the journeys we all take individually and together. Your posts will be wonderful and inspiring, I know! ❤️
Lynn T says
Hi Shay~. I read through your blog today and I am so grateful that I found your blog two years and started following you. I think I found you through Catherine. I love reading your blog each day and often times I order things you link..whether it’s a top, shoes, black cocoa and packing cubes. I am 10 years older than you so my kids are at a different stage of life than yours…but I often find something that I can take away from your posts. I am going to try and do the Bible Recap this year, but I haven’t received the study guide through your link on Amazon yet! That is one of the ways that I want to better myself this year. I look forward to reading your posts every day and again so grateful for this space.
Margaret says
Wow so many comments which shows how many of your readers are looking for information, advice, help to be healhier. I laughed out loud when you said your kids and Andrew were sick of hearing about it because I could relate! Not sure where the exact point that I tunred the page to learn more about our health,wellness, medical chocies etc but over the years of raising 4 kids there have been too many times where what the Dr told me to give my child or do with my child to cure something just did NOT sit right with my gut – I just knew there had to be a better way. And 9 out of 10 times there was and still is! I feel today so many of all ages and especially children today have lost the ability to critically think or are not being taught how too, but instead just follow along without deep thought, without weighng risk versus reward, without researching other options, etc.
I think your new intention of wellness will be very well recieved by your readers! And we love all of your current content and excited to see that continue too including a new cocktail recipe or anything else you choose to share. It is going to be a great 2024 and so happy you still love to blog and share your life with us.
Cwhit says
I am excited to hear what you have to share! Your blog is such a bright spot on the internet and I always look forward to reading it. Your zest for life is inspiring!
One thing I’ve loved this past year is the “Yuka” app. It lets you scan skincare products and food and gives it a rating based on ingredients. And shows you the purpose and why behind what ingredients are used and if there’s better alternatives.
Excited to read about what you’re learning!
And yes- I agree with your post today. While I’m so thankful for modern medicine and healthcare, I think so much of the medical world does such a dis-service to women especially, just bandaging problems instead of getting to the root causes.
Sarah says
You are just the best. Thats all. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Sarah says
Love this!!! ALL of it! Well worth the read! Also, your family pictures are amazing!!
Jaren Dubois says
Will be happily following along as always! Love everything you share!
Jeanne says
It’s obvious that you give 100% to everyone & everything in your life. I’m so excited to be invited to your MasterClass! Thank you!
Kelly Bonner says
Your blog is a bright spot in my day! ❤️🙏🏻
Just curious if you regret your hysterectomy?
Mix and Match Mama says
I do not regret it one bit, but I do really wonder why my body got to that point without more intervention. We can’t go backwards, so I don’t spend a lot of time looking that direction, but I wish 23 year old Shay or 24 year old Shay or 25 year old Shay who wasn’t having great periods and really, really struggling to get pregnant would have had someone stop me and said let’s look at lifestyle interventions before we just start filling you with drugs and doing IUI after IUI. Post-babies, I wish someone would have addressed the “same” period issues with me. I just wonder if mine could have been avoided. It was unavoidable at 38, but could I have done something different at 28? I’ll never know, but I’m more aware now.
Lorie says
Everyone said it so eloquently, but I will add my thanks that you are willing to tackle this topic in 2024. There is obviously an overwhelming need for, and interest in, ways that we can take steps to improve our mental and physical health. As I was reading your post (yes, all of it!), I was filled with hope that I will find some answers or inspiration for issues I’ve been having. If you are able to help one of us, or many of us, what a difference you will have made! I look forward to your “normal” posts and especially your new content this year. You are always a bright spot!
Tiffany says
I read the whole thing 😊! Love your new lens! I started following Dr. Mary Claire on IG. She specializes in perimenopause/menopause. & she’s from Texas too! I also got her book and have learned so much from her.
Jessica says
Happy New Year! I am so excited for these new posts and of course, your regular posts. I started listening to Everyday Wellness based on your recommendation and have learned so much from her and her guests. I’ve read her book now, Will Cole’s book on gut health, Gabrielle Lyon’s book Forever Strong and Kelly Leveque’s book. I’m seeing a functional medicine doctor now because my hormones are so low. It all started from your blog! I can’t wait to learn even more. Do you listen to the Candace Cameron Bure Podcast? Her new season is going to be on Health and Wellness. Her first season was with Tara-Leigh Cobble-just fyi since you do the Bible Recap. Thanks for all the work put into your blog!
Victoria Lee Van Beek says
So excited for this!!! Thank you for always sharing from your heart. I appreciate and cherish YOU and ALL of your blogs and the connections you make with your audience. LOOK at the more than 4 people that read all the way through your message today. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!
Kristy Moore says
Okay Shay, first off by the amount of comments that have been posted today I’d say you have a heck of a lot more than 4 readers who made it to the end! lol
I was shouting Yes! Yes! Yes! Throughout this entire post! This is exactly where I am too in life. As a woman in her (gulp!) near mid-40s I’m trying to navigate the fun of being pre-menopausal, living purposefully for Christ, and navigating a new relationship in a spiritually fulfilling and healthy way. I’m so glad to walk alongside you as you share your own wisdom!
I’d love to share someone who is also in this stage of life and has recently down a ton of research on optimizing women’s health through the development of a supplement. It’s truly been life changing for me! Check out Inner Wellth on Instagram and on the web. Her supplements an d knowledge are game changers!
Happy New Year to you and your sweet little family!
Gentry Blackwood says
I am in the same journey as well and sooooo excited to hear your thoughts on health & wellness and what you’ve learned!
Cristina says
LOVE This! I think you will get a kick out of this. I have been in a mommy book club for 18 1/2 yrs since my friend and I became moms and the format has changed as we have. It used to be an indulgent dinner out complete with a trip to a bookstore. Now, it’s evolved thanks in part to the pandemic into 5-7 mile walks on average discovering new trails near us. Well, other than the book we read, guess what was the topic? How we can learn more about functional medicine since we both are not happy with our PCPs and feel like we are missing some things that could truly improve our health. We both are in decent shape but like you we have lost loved ones too soon. I can’t wait to share your blog and learn alongside you and hope you cover functional medicine along the way too! Sorry for the word vomiting! Happy new year!
Nicole DiDonato says
The timing of your post is eerie!! this topic has been on my mind too. Looking forward to the content 🙂
Noelle says
I’m excited for the new posts and what this looks like. I have being reading your blog for years and have always left inspired! Thank you for building this community!
Ashley Rodriguez says
Shay! I have had a very similar experience!! I am a school nurse and somehow ended up going down a rabbit hole of health and wellness this last summer. I wasn’t looking for it, but I strongly feel God has laid it in my lap. My family is tired of me talking about it too-lol! Now I’m running wellness challenges at my school and have realized how PASSIONATE I am about encouraging the health of others-mainly women! Can’t wait to follow along!
Emily says
SHAY!! Sprinkle away! We all make each other better. HERE.FOR.IT.
Lindsay D. says
I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your friend Austin. My younger brother died two weeks ago today and he was also 39. My brother had a heart attack training for the Miami marathon. Fitness and nutrition were his life and it’s just so hard to believe.
I look forward to the new content for the next year. After my brothers passing I want to pay more attention to my health and wellness.
Thanks for sharing so much of your life with all of us! I really do consider you a friend even though we’ve never met. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Lindsay, I am so sorry. Oh goodness, I am sorry. I am just devastated for your family. Stopping to pray for you all right now.
Lindsay D says
Thank you! ❤️
Susan says
I appreciate everything about you, Shay, but especially your thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness of sharing your life, of caring for us, and of bringing new ideas into an already phenomenal space. (IMO, the people who wrote about alcohol have absolutely no right to tell you how to run your blog or your life for that matter.) I adore your blog and look forward to both continuing content as well as new content. I am a very social person and find comfort in checking in on “my friend” Shay each day, and doing so on my own schedule no less! If I need a lift, you are there. Thank you! You are always a place I can go for a smile, a laugh, and a great idea. Happy 2024!
Nadine says
I wish I could ‘like’ this post. I look forward to hearing more. And thank you for putting it out there that you constantly get up every day and do things for your health. I look forward to hearing more!
Tija Brown says
Love this!!! Sending this comment in support of you, your content, and what you give to so many women by putting yourself out there. I’ve followed your blog for years and love it!!! Thank you!!! Looking forward to the content!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU for being a part of this community! I am so grateful for YOU!
Kathy says
You’ve had quite the year filled with loss, sadness, contemplation and many blessings. I so appreciate you sharing your life with us. May I suggest you listen to Anderson Cooper’s podcast, which addresses loss and grief with insight and compassion. It is wonderful.
Angela Ellingson says
Wow, I’m so excited for this! Yes, yes, yes! Thank you for including us! I’m currently taking a nervous system healing course and doing a gentle liver detox.
I’m so sorry for your immense losses this past year. I also attended/planned 5 family funerals in 6 months.
Ashley says
I’m one of the four (I promise you it was much more than four that stuck around though, haha!) and so glad to be here, Shay. I’m so thankful a dear blogger friend of mine shared your blog with me last year and I’ve been visiting ever since. I can tell you that you’ve been inspiring me, and so many other ladies, with your blog posts already. I have no doubt that will continue with what God has laid on your heart. Speaking of which, thank you for sharing your heart here in this post and all of the other ones as well. It truly shines through each time! I hope to be as good of a blogger as you are someday, friend!
Wishing you the absolute brightest 2024! 🙂
Make Life Marvelous
Randi Jo Rooks says
Wonderful!!! I wonder if you are into Texas’s own Rowe Casa yet …. girl . You gotta check out their products if you haven’t !!!! 💕 all the best