If you saw Instagram yesterday then you know that we are off on our family’s summer vacation this week in GORGEOUS Northern Ireland. We are already having the BEST TIME!! I can’t wait to discover more as the week unfolds.
Okay, while we enjoy our Saturday across the pond, I have some fun SUMMER SATURDAY things just for you.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for spending your weekend here with me!
I hate to play favorites, buuuuut this is a VERY common question I get when people are heading to Nantucket, so when forced to choose…I always answer Slip 14 when asked “Where’s the best place to get clam chowder on the island?”. You guys, it’s delish!
So many Summer Saturday SALES today…
50% OFF SUMMER SHORTS (such a great variety!!)
50% OFF SUMMER TOPS (oh so cute!)
I get asked a lot about other Intermittent Fasting resources (outside of my FAVORITE!). THIS BOOK was one of the very first ones I read, and it’s still a resource I use frequently. She has a podcast as well, and I find her VERY relatable and down to Earth!
Ask Andrew Shull what his very favorite lunchtime spot is EVER and without a doubt, he’ll answer CLAUDETTE’S!
This cute (and tiny!) little sandwich shop sits on the furthest eastern end of the island in Sconset and is now run by Claudette’s son, Will. We have been going for years and just could not love it more. They make their sandwiches fresh, they have delicious daily baked goods, and in my opinion, some of the best breakfast bites should you arrive early enough in the day. We LOVE Claudette’s!
We take our lunch and head to the beach 🙂 .
Antiqua, baby!! You guys, this is SUCH a popular Caribbean spot right now!
I love seeing pics of my clients happy, smiling and oh so enjoying their vacations. Don’t you want to look this happy and refreshed too?! Whether it’s Northern Ireland or Antigua (or any place in between!), we want to send you there! Reach out to us HERE for more information on how we can help you get on vacation too!
Speaking of vacations, I better go enjoy mine! I will see you guys back here on Monday though. In the meantime, HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND! XX
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
Sandwiches are our favorite beach lunch and it’s so funny how they taste amazing while at the beach haha!!!
Addy J Robinson says
Oh my goodness!! My sister has lived in Northern Ireland for 15 years after meeting a NI boy ❤️ they have had my beautiful nieces there and love it! I’m sure you will hit all the major sites. I do always recommend a double decker bus tour of Belfast. It’s a great way to see the city and I appreciate how open they are in sharing about The Troubles. I don’t think it’s something Americans tend to know a lot about (I didn’t), and they’re far more open in speaking about it than the US is about some of our past issues.
Elspeth says
Have a great vacation!! Looks so fun!
Katie Stewart says
The clam chowder looks amazing and the fresh sandwiches sound like a dream. But honestly, I would live on soups and sandwiches if the rest of my family would allow!
Enjoy Ireland! 🍀
Courtney Cammarano says
Love Delay Don’t Deny — it was also my intro to IF. Her follow up book, Fast Feast Repeat, is also a great resource and has a ton more of the science behind why IF is so beneficial. She’s a former teacher and is gifted at explaining the science and making it easy to understand.