Oh my goodness, it’s just one of my most favorite days of the year and right now, I have all the happy feels.
I hope whether you stay in tonight or head out to see the festive fun, you have a wonderful, wonderful October 31st.
This Halloween season has just come and gone way too fast. It has been such a blessing to once again share it with you.
Today isn’t just one of my favorite holidays, it’s also one of my favorite blog posts. It’s my OCTOBER BOOK REVIEW!
There is a very nice variety today for you too…
Let’s dive in starting with…
Book #1:
Madwoman by Chelsea Bieker
As many of you know, this was our OCTOBER BOOK CLUB pick! If you have read this book, please head to THIS POST to discuss. If you haven’t read this book, let me give you a few deets and also encourage you NOT to read the Book Club post as it does contain spoilers.
Curious about Madwoman by Chelsea Bieker? Here is my little summary should you also want to dive in:
I gave this novel four stars when I reviewed it because what it lacked in suspense (it’s really not the thriller it appears to be in the synopsis), it made up for in twists and turns that kept me wanting to flip page after page after page.
When the lead character’s sweet little life in the ‘burbs with her husband and small kids gets turned upside down after receiving a letter in the mail from a mom she’s been running from since childhood, the psychological rollercoaster begins.
Please be aware that one of the major themes in this novel is domestic and child abuse, so if you’re sensitive or triggered by that content, you probably want to skip this read.
If you are ready to read a book where you think you know the ending but are totally surprised in the end, this novel is for you!
The next book I read this month was…
Book #2:
Be Ready When the Luck Happens by Ina Garten
Oh friends, I loved this memoir. In fact, I’ve yet to talk to anyone who’s read it that hasn’t loved it. When I tapped my Kindle and realized it was over, I was legit sad because I could have kept reading. I loved everything about this book. I loved her honesty and vulnerability. I loved how raw and real she got about her childhood, her marriage, her struggles…all of it. I thought she was funny and light while also being sensitive and profound. I loved the recipes sprinkled throughout and the photos as well. It was all so personal.
Goodness, this could be one of my favorite books of the year…it was THAT good.
Whether or not you’ve purchased her cookbooks or have watched her cooking shows, I think you’ll find this book inspiring. Reading about her 60+ year marriage to Jeffery in itself was worth the purchase of this memoir. It’s just inspiring and yet filled with humility. I could not put it down. I give this one two huge thumbs up!
Book #3:
Loving Your Epic Small Life by Fiona Ferris
I have mentioned Fiona Ferris several times on my blog this year alone. She writes some of my favorite Francophile books as well as these books on living your best life. In August, I shared an entire post based on her book 100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life, so needless to say, I was thrilled to dive into this book this month.
This book, Loving Your Epic Small Life, was a longer, meatier version of the 100 Ways book, and I adored it. From ways to structure your day to your closets and home organization, making sure your calendar and even holidays reflect “an epic small life”, I could not put this down. These are just practical, simple and inspiring ways to make your life, the life you have today, seem a bit more elevated, special and epic.
If you want to be encouraged and inspired and head into this holiday season feeling in control of your life instead of your life and crazy schedule controlling you, I highly, highly recommend this one!
And finally…
Book #4:
All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker
Well, I should have made this one of our Book Club reads for the year. I am VERY mad at myself that I didn’t.
First of all, it feels like everyyyyyyone is currently reading it (EVERYONE!) and second of all, there is just way too much I want to talk about and discuss with all of you. I want to get into the nitty gritty and minute details of this novel and D-I-S-C-U-S-S, but this is a book review and here, there are no spoilers (I won’t publish them in the comment section either!), so just know, I’m kicking myself right now.
In a very broad and brief nutshell, this is the fictional story of two young teens and one of them goes missing…and that’s just the beginning. This book progresses from there and continues throughout their young adulthood into later in life. It’s really a story about survival. Surviving trauma. Surviving being a kid. Surviving heartbreak. There are oh so many twists and turns, so many unexpectant moments (I swear, you will gasp more than once)…it was really, really, really good and this one can easily be in my Top Three Books of 2024. I loved it.
I will say though…that my one and only complaint is the length of this one. For the love, it’s long. Real long. Now, it wasn’t long and “boring”…but it was just long and by the end, I really needed it to wrap up so that I could move on my with life. Speaking of “wrapping up”, I did appreciate the ending as it left me satisfied and not with more questions.
You guys, this is a really good one. I hope you all read it!
Okay, if you want to read along with us in November (we would love it!!), please check out this book and be ready for our Book Club meeting on November 22nd…
…Tell Me Everything by Elizabeth Strout.
If you want to look back at all of the books and reviews from this year, you can check out THIS PAGE HERE and see a very detailed list of every book and links to their reviews from 2024.
In the meantime, per tradition, I will read a few holiday books in November so that when I review them at the end of the month, you will have one or two new Christmas-y books to read in December. If you have any suggestions, please comment and share!
Happy Halloween, friends! I just truly hope you all have the BEST day! If you’re looking for a festive Halloween post, I also have THIS POST today too!
I will be back here tomorrow because…
Amen and Merry Christmas 😉 . xx
Laura says
Shay, I loved Ina’s memoir too! I have long admired her effervescence and warmth from her shows and IG content. Knowing the backstory of her difficult childhood makes her achievements and outlook so much more impressive. I loved the story of the resilience of their marriage too. So good!
Elspeth says
I really want to read Ina’s book and the French one sounds so good too!
Thanks for sharing!
Susan Jeffries says
I just added All the Colors of the Dark to my kindle! Everyone loves it! We are reading When She Returned this month and I love it so far! Book Clubs are one of my favorite things(:
Sheaffer says
I have heard such amazing things about the Ina Garten book. Will I read it? No. Still, I love that everybody is loving it. I need Netflix to do a documentary so I can tune in. 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ll just tell you about it over lunch. You will love my verbal description 😉 .
Katherine says
Just ordered Loving Your Small Epic Life and am excited to start. Our book club is currently reading Here and One Moment by Liane Moriarty and I’m loving it. I’m not usually a memoir reader but it sounds like Ina Gartner might be worth reading since there are so many positive reviews!
Stacy says
I loved all the colors of the dark, it was so long I agree like wrap it 100 pages sooner would have been better! It’s deep and complex and has you seeing how they each chose a different way to do good .
Jami Romano says
I have to read the Ina Memoir asap! Loved the review per usual 🙂
Dana P says
I LOVE Ina Garten and want to read that book! Thanks for the recommendation.
Deb says
I love Ina Garten – going to order her book!
Natalie Alvarado says
I need some new book ideas! 📚 I love this post every month!
Kay says
Yay! I love book review day. I am also reading that Fiona Ferris book and I LOVE It! I use her books to read a chapter at a time each morning during quiet time, and I find this the perfect book for that.
I promise no spoiler alerts here-but I just finished ‘Tell Me Everything’ and I want to thank you because I LOVED IT. I loved every single word. I’ve heard of Elizabeth Strout, of course, but for some reason?, I just never ever picked up one of her books? So I can confirm you can definitely read this one as a stand alone. It was beautifully written and the characters and their stories are so powerful. I am just so appreciative that you picked this as you introduced me to a whole new world here, and I will definitely be picking up her other books now too.
Happy Halloween to you and your family! Hoping your kids get lots of sweet and sour candy for you! 😉
Amy D. says
Happy Halloween to you and your family. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Robin says
I loved All the Colors of The Dark. Might be one of my favorites of all time. Happy to hear you felt the same. I am recommending it to all my fellow readers.
Deb says
I adored Ina’s book and have loved her shows too! The French food descriptions have me craving a trip to Paris. All the Colors is on my.list and I’ve heard good and blah about it but I liked the author’s other books.
Brittany Swain says
Have you read Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison or In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren? They are both on my list for this Christmas season!
Julie says
Merry Halloween!! 👻 🎄!! Have a great day! 🎃
Melissa says
I’m currently reading Carrie Soto is Back from your list but will definitely be checking out Ina’s book after. Love book review days!
K.K. says
Ooh, I wish you could talk about that other book too!! 🙂 You’ve peaked my interest!!
I started the November read already, and I’m really curious as to where the story will go.
And yes – on to Christmas! I’m secretly hoping that the book club book announced at the end of November will be a holiday one.
Tiffany says
I loved All the colors of the Dark (and agree that it was too long!). Have you read We Begin at the End by the same author? I liked it even better. Currently reading, and loving, God of the Woods. Need to read your Nov book club book next! & I love Barefoot Contessa recipes, so now want to read her memoir.
Lisa says
I read All the Colors of the Dark and I think it may be my favorite book I’ve ever read. I loved the 2-3 pages per chapter format. I felt like every chapter ended with a cliffhanger and thats saying something given there were hundreds of chapters haha. It was so so good, and the main characters were so likable, and the twist, I gasped! Loved the ending too, like you said – it was tied up beautifully. Ugh, loved it!!
Marisa Patel says
I have not had any time to read lately but I will put Ina’s book on my Kindle for future reading, thanks for the review.
Laura says
I read Ina’s book also and really enjoyed it. I was surprised how impulsive she was about major decisions in her life. But obviously it’s worked well for her. But what an interesting life she’s lead.
Leslie says
I loved All the colors of the dark too! It was one of those books that I thought about the characters long after I was done reading it! Ina’s memoir is up next for me!!
Ginger says
The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife is SO good!
Mare says
I have yet to read Ina’s memoir but you have encouraged me! I absolutely love everything about Ina from her shows to her demeanor to her cookbooks. She just seems to live a peaceful, powerful life. Happy Halloween and Happy Diwali to those celebrating the Light in us all.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh you must read it!!
Erika Slaughter says
I’m STILL not finished with All the Colors of the Dark…gotta keep going!
Laura says
I really struggled to get thru All The Colors in the Dark. To me it was very sad and dark book. I agree with is being Long. I did appreciate the ending wrapping everything up
Laura says
Yay!! I have a question for you. Maybe you have a post about this already? I feel like I tried so many things this year to get into the fall mood (hot apple cider, reading fall-ish and spooky books, leaf peeping, pumpkins on the porch, etc.) and it never really felt like fall to me. I’m excited for the Christmas season but don’t want to “miss” it – I want to really feel like I’m in the mood!! Any ideas for how to more deeply soak it in?!
Mix and Match Mama says
Was your weather “off”? I always find it harder to get into the fall mood when my weather is acting like a different season. I also think it sounds (based on your comment) like you did many fall “things”. It came, you gave it your best effort and now, on to Christmas. I would just focus on what excites you about the next season and keep movin’ on. Some seasons are just more blah than others. I have a feeling this next one though is going to be extra fun for you! xx
Laura says
Thank you! Last week was definitely warmer (upper 80s)… well, regardless, I’ll be here & ready for ALL the Christmas content coming up 🙂
Christi McAnally says
I was planning to recommend All the Colors of the Dark to you. I also enjoyed it and plan to nominate it for our Bookclub in 2025. One of my friends is finding it a little slow getting started but I encouraged her to keep at it. Just last night I began The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store. As for Christmas books I’m planning to read The Mistletoe Mystery by Nita Prose, author of The Maid. The Holiday Honeymoon Switch by Julia McKay looks super cute. Happy Halloween!
Lisa D says
I really enjoyed The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store as well!
Lindsey Smith says
Thanks for the recommendations!!
Richelle says
I listened to All the Colors of the Dark on Audible. I usually listen to Audible books on 1.5x speed but towards the end of this one I bumped it up to 2x speed because, like you, I just needed it to be over. I liked it but definitely felt like it could have been edited down.
Julie Lienemann says
I did Ina’s memoir on Audible and it was such a treat to listen to her tell her story!
Jessica says
These are my favorite posts each month! Can’t wait to add some of these to my Want to Read shelf!
Kristen says
I never dreamed I would be here leaving a comment that I love book review days, but here we are – I LOVE book review days!! So thankful you’ve encouraged me to read, Shay! This month I read the Jojo Moyes series Me Before You/After You/Still Me and loved them. Then I read The Women. Wow. Definitely the best book I’ve read this year!! I made my second attempt at the Beatriz Willliams book, Her Last Flight, and I just cannot get into it. All The Colors of the Dark is up next on my Kindle and I’m looking forward to it! Thanks for a treasure trove of book reviews for me to pick from!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness, this just makes me so HAPPY!!!
diana h lewis-zeidner says
did you do the winner of the Louis Vuttion giveaway yet?? Its 70 dgrees in NYC way too warm for Halloween!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s on tomorrow’s blog post!
Cole Strohl says
I just finished listening to Ina’s book and it was such a joy to hear her narrate her story! I agree – I didn’t want it to end!!!
Robin says
Ina’s book is in my pile to read. Adding the other three now! This is my most favorite post of the month!! 💕💕💕
Holly C. says
Oh I need a new book to read… thank you!
Jessica says
Yay! Book review day! I read Fast Like a Girl after you recommended it and I really liked it. Question for you- do you do any of the longer fasts like 17 hrs, 24 hrs, or 36 hrs?
This month I listened to Fourth Wing and Iron Flame. I wasn’t sure I’d like them because I usually don’t do fantasy, but my bff convinced me to and I loved them!
I also listened to At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities by Heather Webber and loved it. It was the perfect fall book. I loved the characters. It was just a sweet read and I liked the narrator.
Mix and Match Mama says
I think the longest I’ve done is 18 hours and that’s just because my schedule meant that I ate dinner earlier than normal one night and lunch later than normal the next day. I really do it for digestive rest and to give my body time to recover between meals, so I don’t personally feel like (at this point) anything long would be beneficial to me.
Nova says
I too love Heather Webber and at the coffee shop of curiosities!
Kelsey says
Hi Shay! Did you know that Elin Hilderbrand has a podcast? She recently had on Ina Garten to discuss her memoir and it was such a great listen! I want to read her book asap, thanks for sharing your monthly reads!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!!! I need to listen!
Amanda says
I listened to Ina on Audible and to hear her tell her story was just divine! I love her.
All the Colors of the Dark was amazing. Did you read his book We Begin at the End? Also very good.
~B~ says
I’m adding the Fiona Ferris books to my to-do list to start the new year! It sounds like they will be such a great way to ring in a new year! Looove the book reviews and finding so many great recommendations from you and other readers of your blog! Yay! Tomorrow is 11/1 and so excited to kick off the holiday season! Enjoy decorating! 🙂
Erin says
I didn’t think you were going to read All the Colors of the Dark since it had been a while since I mentioned it to you, but im so glad you did! It’s probably one of the best books I’ve ever read. Patch and Saint will stay with me a long time!
Inas book is our next book club read and jm looking more forward to it now!
Mix and Match Mama says
It took me a minute to get mentally geared up for it, but I’m so happy that I did!!
Colleen says
So glad you read All the Colors of the Dark! It’s sooo good! I spent a good 20 minutes trying to explain it all to my hubby 😂
Happy Halloween! 🎃 Looking forward to starting 🎄🎄 season!
Mix and Match Mama says
Please come explain it to Andrew too! 😉
Kathy Wood says
I currently have All The Colors of the Dark and I have been on page 63 forever and keep asking myself do I need to keep going. I look at my Kindle and I haven’t picked it up. I’m going to keep trying since your review is so high. Maybe I’m not in the “meat” of it yet.
Mix and Match Mama says
If you’re not inclined to keep reading, I would move on. This book is LONG, and who wants to spend their time reading something they’re not really invested in? It’s a great book, but it sounds like it’s not for you, so if it were me, I’d put it down and pick something up that makes me want to read.
sandi says
The books I read this past month were good but not great.
My Magnolia Summer by Victoria Benton Frank (daughter of Dorothea)
The Breakaway by Jennifer Weiner cute story but got rated R pretty early
The Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan
My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She is Sorry by Frederick Backman (A Man Called Ove)
I am currently reading The Littlest Library by Poppy Alexander and it is really cute so far. Based on the recommendations above, I will certainly look for Ina Garten’s book which sounds fascinating.
D Jackson says
Oh how I love book review day!! I am adding Ina’s memoir to my list!! I love watching her cooking shows so I’m sure I will love her book!! Thanks for the review and recommendation!! Happy Halloween!!
Amy Heinl says
I read Welcome to Beach Town by Susan Wiggs. The story evolves around a class valedictorian who while giving her commencement speech reveals a secret that breaks open and nearly destroys the town. She ends up fleeing abroad till a personal tragedy forces her to return home where she struggles as does the town to rebuild their futures where joy and redemption may be possible. It was a page turning story with such rich characters and a perfect way to finish off a summer of good beach reads.
Katie Compton says
I’ve got some Christmas books for you! BUT since I get about 75% of my book recommendations from you, there is a high chance you’ve read these, ha! So I apologize if there is nothing new here:
-The Asheville Christmas Cabin series- Hope Holloway and Cecelia Scott- I’ve got the 4th one on my list for this season!
-Faking Christmas- Kerry Winfrey
-The Holiday Swap- Maggie Knox
-Snowed in For Christmas- Sarah Morgan
These have been some of my favorites the past few holiday seasons! Happy November 1st!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU!!!!! Thank you, thank you!
Katie Compton says
You are so welcome! Hope you find something from the list to try. I really loved the Asheville Cabin series- sisters, Blue Ridge mountain setting, The Biltmore, a little mystery, a little love, lots of holiday feels. They are short reads, but so sweet and cozy.
Sheila DeSpirito DeSpirito says
I’m not sure if anyone has recommended the following book… I haven’t read thru the readers post yet. Please put on your reading list, “The Love Elixir Of Augusta Stern”Lynda Cohen Loigman
I loved it! Great story with older protagonist.
Darcy says
I’m listening to Ina’s memoir on Audible and would recommend that as well to anyone who likes to listen. It is lovely! (She narrates.)
Kay says
Shay-thank you for talking about ‘All the Colors of the Dark.’ I just finished it (after not being able to put it down for a few days, thankfully work is slow right now!). It was amazing. Now I am really and truly stuck between “The Frozen River” and this one for best book of the year. I think it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. Totally and completely agree with your assessment that it is “long but not boring!” A few times, I really needed it to move faster, but honestly, I loved it all and am so happy I read it.
I am looking forward to your Christmas recommendations!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so happy you read it too! I am still thinking about it.
Mary Jacques says
Consider reading Christmas at the Little Paris Hotel, by Rebecca Raisin, if you haven’t already! It has so many of the elements you love in books!
Stephanie says
I read All The Colors of the Dark in July. I loved it so then I read his other book We Begin at the End. Let me just say it is a toss up which book I love more! We Begin at the End was SO GOOD!!! Audible gasps, tears. It was engaging! You can’t help but root for them!