Happy happy Wednesday, friends!
Guess what?! It’s the 22nd which means…
…it’s time for BOOK CLUB #12!
It’s our first BOOK CLUB OF 2025!
I don’t know about you, but I have missed our time together chatting books (it’s been over a month!), so I’m extra, extra pumped about today.
Just to recap before we begin…
Here are the books we discussed in 2024 along with my own personal “star ratings”…
The Last Love Note by Emma Grey 4 STARS
The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon 5 STARS
The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins 3 STARS
The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin 3 STARS
Darling Girls by Sally Hepworth 4 STARS
The Paris Novel by Ruth Reichl 2 STARS
Swan Song by Elin Hilderbrand 3 STARS
Husbands & Lovers by Beatriz Williams 3 STARS
By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult 4 STARS
Madwoman by Chelsea Bieker 4 STARS
Tell Me Everything by Elizabeth Strout 2 STARS
If you want to check out any of these Book Club posts, they are all HERE!
Before we get to today’s book, let’s revisit the “rules” of Shay’s Book Club:
Here are the details:
1: On the 22nd of each month, I will share a BONUS blog post that is only about the book we read together that month. So, if it falls on a weekend, look for it that day, if it falls on a Tuesday, expect a food post, a normal lifestyle post AND third post just for the book review discussion.
2: I picked the 22nd because I want this post to come out BEFORE our normal monthly BOOK REVIEW POSTS. I will still share my normal monthly book reviews (where I average 4 to 6 books a month) at the end of each month. I will reference said “book of the month”, but I will not be reviewing it on that post, I will be linking back to the BOOK CLUB POST. Why? Because I want all of the content about the one specific book club book in one spot instead of spread out over multiple spots.
3: Each month at the end of the Book Club blog post, I will share what the book will be for the following month. This will give everyone one month to read this one particular book.
4: Let’s be real, I’m going to try to pick new/popular/relevant books every month, but I’m also going to pick books that speak to me. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them with me. I’m going to *try* and make the books different genres each month. I would love for us to read a variety of fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, chick lit, thrillers, etc this year. That’s the *goal*.
5: What are the rules of the book club? I know a lot of book clubs have rules and perhaps I’ll add some as we go, but basically, if you want to read along with us, we’d love to have you and on the 22nd we’ll dive a little deeper in the comment section here about that one particular book. Easy as that! That post is the one place where we’ll discuss the book so that all thoughts/opinions/questions/etc can be in one location.
6: In this blog post and in the comment section, WE WILL BE DISCUSSING SPOILERS. If you are interested in reading this book, you might not want to read below this line. In JANUARY’S BOOK REVIEW later this month, I will give a quick recap and let you know if I recommend the book or not, so if you haven’t read it, you might want to wait until that official BOOK REVIEW because there will be no spoilers and based on that, you can decide whether or not to read the book. Anything below this though will include spoilers as everyone commenting here has already read the book.
Make sense?
Here we go!
This month’s novel was…
…The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry!
I mean, wow!
We came out of the gate STRONG in 2025.
I was almost bummed that I loved this book so much because now that I’ve rated it 5 STARS, the bar has been set extraordinarily high.
Personally, I’m going to be shocked if any of you did not like this book because I LOVED IT!
Here are my thoughts:
1: I loved every character. I loved Hazel, I loved Harry, I loved Kelty…I loved Dorothy. I just loved everyone and thought they all equally contributed to the plot in a really beautiful way.
2: I mean, did you see it coming that Dorothy was Flora? I did not see that coming, and I LOVED IT!!!
3: I really ruled out Imogene as a suspect after Hazel stopped by for tea. I thought that was an unexpected twist (meeting the culprit in advance).
4: I really loved the Peggy and Wren storyline. Honestly, I could have had more of that. That could have almost been a bonus book just unwrapping their lives and relationship.
5: You know I need/want/desire/appreciate a tidy ending, so I was happy to have the “two years later” at the end. Even though the story wrapped up nicely, that addition at the end really helped me put this book and these characters to bed.
6: I thought the entire plot was really original. I loved how it toggled between the two different time periods, I loved Bridie and her cozy cottage, I was sucked into the book shop and her home in London…every detail was perfectly attended to in this novel. It just checked every single box and then some.
Back in January 2022, the very first book I read of that year was also by this author. I read Becoming Mrs. Lewis and loved it so much that it ended up being my FOURTH FAVORITE BOOK OF THE YEAR! (I read so many amazing books in 2022, that I ended up with a Top Five instead of a Top Three.) Needless to say, I clearly like this author and should read more. If you’ve read her other books, please tell me which one I should read next.
I am so excited that we kicked off 2025 with this one! Five BIG stars from me! I can’t wait to hear what you thought about it too in the comment section below.
Now, next month, I’m *hoping* that we’ll end up checking two boxes with this next book…
…Brooke Shields Is Not Allowed to Get Old by Brooke Shields
I’m hoping this checks both the “memoir” box and the “wellness” box for us. Either way, I feel certain that when we meet again on February 22nd, this book will give us something to discuss.
Thank you, thank you for kicking off your 2025 reading with me again! I’m so blessed by it.
Please head to the comment section to share your thoughts on this book today!
Have the best day, friends! xx
Kristen Thompson says
Yay book club is back!! I am so excited for your book review because I am in need of some recommendations haha! I just read ALL of Abby Jiminez’s books and they were sooo good that now nothing is appealing to me! I really liked this book!! It was the first book in a long time that I was totally shocked by the “mystery”!! I had zero clue that Dorothy would be Flora! It did feel a tiny bit long and drawn out to me in some parts so that’s why I would give it 4 stars but I really liked it a lot!!
Elspeth says
I’m working my way through this book now! Can’t wait to hear people’s thoughts!
Addy Robinson says
YES I LOVED this book!! I have recommended it to so many people. It was so beautiful and creative.
I hope Barnaby got some great counseling?! HA! I appreciated that the author wasn’t lazy in writing Barnaby as “bad” or having done anything wrong, really… relationships can just not work out.
I love the next pick! I was on the fence about it but think it will be great. I will probably listen to it because I love when an actor who can do audiobooks well reads their own writing.
Brandi says
I loved this one! I was totally surprised by Dorothy being Flora. And I was glad Hazel ended up with Harry- I wasn’t a fan of the fiancé.
Laura Grillo says
I really enjoyed this book! I gave it 4.5 stars only because I found the revelation about Dorothy/Flora to be surprising but it felt like it happened too fast. I found it hard to believe that she would have zero recollection about her name, Hazel’s name etc when she had been 6 years old at the time of her kidnapping. It felt especially far-fetched considering she had made her work all about children like her. Regardless, I really liked it for all the reasons you mentioned in your review. I also really appreciated that it was a slightly older book and I was able to support my local library versus having to buy it!
Lisa N says
I too felt 6 was older for the story… napping at six when playing woud be more fun and not remembering her past at all. Loved the book!!
When Hazel told Dorothy “I’ll be wearing a red coat, how will I know you and she replied, I’ll find you”,I was pretty sure it was her. Then when her hat shadowed her face I knew! Perfect way a movie would play it, which I would love to see.
And Bridie’s cottage was from The Holiday in my mind😊
jennifer says
I am sorry to be the one who absolutely did not enjoy this book. If I read Whisper Wood one more time, I thought I would lose it! Towards the end of the story, I felt the author just kept repeating those words because she needed to get her word quota for the day! Ha! It felt tedious, redundant, and boring. Several times, I put this book down vowing not to finish it, But I kept hoping it would get better. Did anyone else feel this way?
Brittany says
I didn’t enjoy it either. I found it to be very boring, and I couldn’t wait for it to end. 🙁
Charise says
YES!! I gave this book 1 star because it utterly bored me. I got about halfway through and just needed to know what happened so I skipped to almost the end to see how it ended.
Susan says
Me too! I thought this one was pretty boring and repetitive. I skipped over the middle third and just read the end and didn’t feel like I missed very much. At least the cover was pretty!
I tried reading another book by this author just to give her work another shot. But I found it pretty boring too. Oh well!
Lisa says
I’m with you Jennifer. I keep trying to finish it, but I can’t get into it. Boring and redundant are the words that came to my mind too. Life’s too short to read boring books so I’m just going to bury it and call it done. It’s always amazing to me how different we all are when it comes to likes and dislikes of books!
Kay says
Shay, I love 99.9% of your book recommendations and will basically read and enjoy whatever you tell me! But like, Jennifer, this particular one was a miss for me. (I did finish it!) Then I looked back and realized I had only given ‘Becoming Mrs. Lewis’ one star, so maybe it’s just something we me and this particular author! I agree the story was original. And I loved the characters, and their cottage and the twists. But like Jennifer, I found (especially at the end) that the writing went downhill a bit and it was repetitive. I’m so glad I read it, but definitely not one of my favorites from book club. I’m excited to read Brooke’s memoir next!
Jessica says
Me! I just could not get into it. I liked it, but it wasn’t a book I felt I had to come back to anytime I put it down. I finished it thinking the ending would just make it for me. But no. It was just okay for me.
Christina says
I loved this book too! I did not see Dot as Flora and was surprised at that. The book was so well done, I didn’t want to put it down. Great book to kick of 2025 book club!!
Kelly Menou says
Fully agree with your review! I loved the sisters and how they had their own adventures to carry them through.
It made me get outside with my girls and turn our pond into a starry lake and pretend to be forest animals on an adventure walk with them:) They’re 5 and 4!
I’m so glad you chose this book!
Lindsey says
I listened to this on audio (because it was available at the library),which I typically don’t enjoy as much, but it was such a lovely surprise when I hit play and Cynthia Erivo started reading to me! She has the most beautiful voice and I think I enjoyed this book more because of it. While the mystery was revealed suddenly, the end then did drag on a bit for me, and became quite repetitive at times. I enjoyed it up to that point though, so would give it 4 stars! It was a great pick and a great way to start the new year!
Michelle H. says
What a great way to start the 2025 book club. I loved the book. It did feel like it was drawn out in some places. I didn’t expect Dot to be Flora. That was definitely a surprise. I wouldn’t mind reading other books by this author. Can’t wait to see what other books are in store for us this year.
Michelle says
I loved this book! I agree with all of your points you made about it! Such a good one! Looking forward to next month’s book!
S Steckler says
I enjoyed the writing style, plot twists, and learning about Operation Pied Piper. I liked the different story lines and how they came together, although the Hazel/Harry and Peggy/Wren dynamics seemed too similar: serious girl is freed by fun-loving handsome childhood friend that reappears in her life. The other part that really (irrationally) irritated me was the mention of Flora’s lisp as a child. Sometimes she had it, sometimes she didn’t, sometimes they mentioned it, sometimes they didn’t. I think it was meant to be endearing but I didn’t think it added anything to the storyline and it just did not work for me. Could have wrapped up a bit quicker as we made our way to the final chapters, but overall a great pick! Hoping I can get Brooke Shields’ book from the library before the February discussion.
K.K. says
One of my very favorite posts!!! Loved it as well!!!
Sheila DeSpirito says
I loved this book and read it about a little over a year ago. I love all her books. I gave it five stars.
Also a awesome book I’ve read by Patti is,
Once Upon A Wardrobe. If you love C. S. Lewis book, The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe, you will love Patti’s book. After all this time, I still think about this book. I believe it’s a favorite of mine, by Patti.
If you read it I hope you love it as much as I love it.
Deb says
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I liked this a lot and I feel there was a major clue as to Dorothy/Flora at some point. But I’ve read 2 books since then so I can’t recall. The characters were likable this time and the plot engaging. Excellent start to the book group year!
Mikayla Amsden says
I really enjoyed this book! It had so many great elements. I loved the romance, the mystery, the family ties, the story telling, the war time elements. I did not see the twist coming with who her sister turned out to be and how she survived! This was 4 stars from me 🙂
Jessica says
I have been looking forward to this review! I liked the book and would recommend it to others, but it was such a slow burn that at times I felt myself thinking, “just wrap this up already.” Ha! For that reason, I gave it 4 starts, but I really did like the plot and the story. There were a lot of characters to keep up with, and I kept having to go back for a reminder of who some of them were. I, personally, could have done without the Peggy/Wren storyline. It felt a bit…unnecessary(?) for the overarching storyline. All in all though, I really enjoyed the book and also liked how it wrapped up neatly at the end without feeling too contrived. I have never really been a historical fiction reader, but I may become one now.
stacy says
I thought this book was absolutely charming! I thought it captured the heartache and hope of the World War II era. And I loved feeling like I was transported to a time when stories meant safety for children caught up in the horrors of war. It also resonated with me as my own nanny was part of Operation Pied Piper. Flora and Hazel’s journey brought back stories I had heard growing up. I loved this one!
Alyssa Norman says
Oh man I haven’t loved a book this much since The Giver of Stars. SUCH an amazing book to start the year with! I needed a book while I waited for The Briar Club to become available again through my library and MAN I’m so glad I started this one. It was the type of book where I wanted to text everyone I knew after I finished it to tell them to read it! I finished it about a week ago and I was counting down the days until you’re review to see what you thought!
Now I may have to find others from this author!
Amy says
While this started off a bit slow for me, I found that I could not put it down as it went along! It’s been a long time since I’ve read a historical fiction book that I gave 4 stars to! I agree with you that I loved all of the characters: Hazel, Flora/Dot, Kelty, Harry, Bridie, their mom, and even her bookstore co-workers! Great way to kick off my 2025 reading journey!
Brooke says
I was also surprised that Dorothy was Flora. I wasn’t expecting that. Overall, for me I only gave this book 3 or 3.5 stars because I thought it felt slow and way drawn out. I’m glad I stuck it out though because I did like the ending. I’m glad I read it but it wasn’t one of my favorites ever!
Mary says
Loved this book! Everything was so good. Did not see Dorothy as being Flora! Loved that twist!
Excited to read Brooke Sheilds book!
Paige says
It will be hard to top this one!! I loved it!! Can’t wait to dive into February’s read.
Have you ever read Surviving Savannah? Another great one by PCH. It’s so good!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I have not! Thank you for the rec!!
Bethany says
I read Surviving Savannah last year as well and thought it was good too! Becoming Mrs. Lewis and Flora Lee are my favorite by her so far <3 She has a new one coming out in March that i've pre-ordered 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Well, I’m looking that up right now!
Susan S says
Loved this one! I have already recommended it to many other people. I loved Becoming Mrs. Lewis as well. I hope to read her other books now.
Jessica says
I read this on the plane en route to vacation with friends (we all left our kids home with grandparents). I was missing my little one, which made the storyline of her yearning for her little sister so much more beautiful. I teared up a few times at various spots of the book. So so beautifully written! I also downloaded the audiobook and listened to a bit of it – Cynthia Erivo narrates, ahhh! (I loved Becoming Mrs Lewis as well – it was what I read in my early days of breastfeeding/pumping after my daughter was born)
Leticia says
I gave this book 4 stars, only because some of the chapters were too long for me! I wanted to read ahead to motivate me to keep going. Saying that, I really enjoyed the plot, that the current date was the 60s, the surprise of Dot being Flora, and how the author handled Dot’s memory ‘black out’ and how she stayed Dot. I was afraid she’d make her become Flora and disregard the past 20 years.
I also enjoyed Peggy and Wren’s side story.
Thank you for getting me to read books outside of my usual genre!
Kerri S says
I agree with everything you mentioned! Including more of Peggy and Wren. I remember reading the ending and thinking wait what happened with them, so I really appreciated the “2 Years Later” being the last chapter! I have already passed the book onto my friend!
Emily G says
I loved it too!!! I think it would be a great movie!
Kacie says
I loved this book and also give it 5 stars. I was surprised by Dorothy being Flora…. I thought for sure it had to do with Peggy and her family. Loved the true mystery to it!
Susan D says
I’m a big fan of Patti Callahan Henry and look forward to reading her latest novel.
Jessica says
I’m so glad book club is back. I really, really missed it in December. Although I totally understand why we didn’t have a December book.
I think I’m in the minority here. For me the book had all the right things to be incredible but I just fell short for me. I never felt compelled to pick it back up after I put it down. I powered through, hoping it would wrap up in a redeeming way, but…. no. It was certainly a fine book, but I never felt that “oh I love this book” moment I was hoping for.
Jenn says
Loved, loved, loved this book. Starting off this year like last year with a book that knocked it out of the park . I was shocked with the outcome of who Flora was. It was a 5 star book for me too. The character of Hazel was lovely. The hope she had all the years of finding her sister was relentless and it shaped the other relationships in her life.
Susanne says
I loved this book so much when I read it last year that I picked it for my own book club as well. Like you I thought everyone would absolutely love it and was shocked when some did not. It’s always interesting to me to see how different people perceive the same book. I was mesmerized from the very start and absolutely had to know what happened! But other people said it was long and drawn out and so boring. I will never understand that!🤷♀️ I really enjoy Patti Callahan Henry’s books and my plan is to read Surviving Savannah next.
Margaret says
I read this one quite awhile ago and was looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts. I liked it, Maybe didn’t love it as much as you but really enjoyed it. I find it fascinating how we all can read the same book and have some love it and some hate it. Everytime I finish a book I go to Amazon and read the reviews that are the opposite of what I thought – so if I loved it, I read the worst reviews etc – It is so interesting to see. Anyway I love reading and always enjoy any book posts. Have a happy weekend.
Debbie Alsip says
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Historical fiction pulls me in like no other genre. The WII era is my favorite, and I have been interested in the Pied Piper operation for some time. Throw in London, and I’m a happy camper. I found it believable that Dot was one of the missing children. I think trauma does a number on the brain and protects children in a way that allows details to blur. I tried to read Becoming Mrs. Lewis years ago and hated it. Now I’m going to give it another try.
Laura says
Everything you said – yes! I loved this book too.
Lauri Youngblood says
This was my favorite book of 2023.
Bethany says
I’m SO glad you read this and loved it! I read it in 2024 and it was my #2 book of the year! The characters, storylines, mystery, settings, it was all so lovely and surprising and heartfelt. Its one of those books i’ll probably read again.
A book to recommend: Beyond that, the Sea. By Laura Spence-Ash
Christi says
I also loved this book! I nominated it for our book club and our group just adored it. Excellent first pick of 2025!
Tera Marr says
I really enjoyed this book! Like the others I felt it was a bit drawn out in places. But overall really liked it!
Kaitlyn says
I loved this book and have recommended it to so many already! I have read several historical fiction books about WWII but had really never learned much about Operation Pied Piper! There were many twists that I didn’t see coming, as well.