Happy happy BOOK DAY!
You guys, it’s our first BOOK REVIEW OF 2025!
This is now our 11th year to read books together (ELEVEN!), and I still get just as excited today as I did 11 years ago chatting books with all of you. If it weren’t for this community, there is simply no way I would have read this many books, this diversity of books, found so many of these authors, titles and favorite reads. I am so grateful.
Before we get to my JANUARY BOOK REVIEW, let’s RECAP!
Here were my Top 3 Favorite Books of 2024…
#3: The God of the Woods by Liz Moore
#2: The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon
#1: The Women by Kristin Hannah
You can read about all 58 books I read last year (the highs and the lows), see reviews and get all of the details in ONE PLACE. I highly recommend all three of those books for your 2025 along with so many more referenced in this post.
Now, on to my JANUARY 2025 reads!
This month, I read SIX books to kick off our year.
One is a memoir written by a Park Avenue doorman.
One is a book with practical ways and ideas on how to savor winter.
Three are chick lit-ish (all a little unique).
And one I gave five stars in our Book Club 🙂 .
Guess what?
When has that happened before?
Here we go…
Book #1 this month was:
The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry
As many of you know, this was our JANUARY BOOK CLUB pick! If you have read this book, please head to THIS POST to discuss. If you haven’t read this book, let me give you a few deets and also encourage you NOT to read the Book Club post as it does contain spoilers.
Curious about this one? Here is my review (without spoilers):
You guys, I LOVED this story.
I am so so happy that it was the first book I read this year because it was an easy FIVE STARS for me.
If you’re looking for a story about family and love, about persevering and never giving up on each other…a book with twists and turns and charming settings and characters you’ll really love, here you go.
This story takes place mostly in Britain (with a little Cape Cod thrown in there too!)and toggles between the 1940s and 1960s. In the height of WWII, children are called to leave London and live with families outside of the city. This is about two young sisters sent to live away from their mother during the London bombings. While they’re away, the older sister shares fictitious stories she makes up with the younger one in order to transport the little girl to a place far away from war and sadness. At one point, the younger sister goes missing…and fast forward 20 years when the older sister opens a new book that has just been released which is all about her fictitious story.
Talk about a mic drop.
This book deals with all the highs and lows of war…it’s the story of friendship and family and finding answers at all cost.
I just really loved this novel and highly recommend it. It was an excellent first read for 2025.
Book #2:
Is She Really Going Out With Him? by Sophie Cousens
I *think* this is my third novel to read by Sophie Cousens. I liked the other two okay but neither were very remarkable. I even mentioned in one of the previous book reviews that she seems like an author I would love, but for whatever reason, I just hadn’t connected with the books…until now 🙂 . You guys, I thought this one was adorable!
This is the fictitious story of a divorced mom who lives in Bath, England. She’s a journalist working for a local paper that needs to freshen up her work before she gets canned…so she and her colleague/nemesis decide to both date two different ways and write about it for the paper. He will only date using online apps, and she will only date men her kids pick out for her that they meet/know in real life.
This is the perfect little romcom. It’s a little like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and I loved it. It was funny, charming, sweet and oh so easy to read. I finally found a Cousens book I love!
Speaking of love…
Book #3:
How to End a Love Story by Yulin Kuang
You guys, I really, really liked this one too!
Let me be clear, this romcom, light hearted, easy to read chick lit novel does deal with suicide. If that is a trigger for you, please know that upfront. Please also know that this book is, in my opinion, rated R, so please be aware of that too.
Even though the premise has a heavy topic that runs through it, the overall theme of the book is light and happy.
This is about two screenwriters from New Jersey who graduated high school together and then didn’t see each other until years later when they were both hired to be writers on the same new sitcom. There is a major major reason why they should not be working together based on what happened at the end of high school (I won’t spoil it here), but alas, they are.
Even though this book is a work of fiction, I loved learning about screenwriters and their process on new TV shows. I thought both main characters were likable, I thought the story was very light while also being quite heavy…but in a good way. In my opinion, the theme of this novel was accepting yourself and being “good enough” for yourself so that you can open up for others to love you. Very well written. Another great read.
And then…
Book #4:
Building Material by Stephen Bruno
I also LOVED this one too! I’m not even sure how I stumbled on this memoir, but it was on my list, and I read it this month. You guys, I found this entire book fascinating.
The author was for many many years a doorman on Park Avenue. If you’re like me and have ever wondered about the people living in those gorgeous buildings in New York City, he gives you not just a peek into his life opening the door but their lives too.
I flew through this book and was sad to see it end. I must have referenced it at least 20 times while in NYC over the weekend. I loved it.
Book #5:
You Are Here by David Nicholls
I was listening to Shannon Ables’ podcast a few weeks ago when I heard her share this novel. She doesn’t often read and/or share fictional books to read, so I was immediately interested. This book was yet another BIG WIN!
This is the story of two adults, both divorced and both in their late 30s/early 40s, who go on a little getaway with a few mutual friends for a walking trip through Britain. Over the course of the days as they walk from town to town (stopping each night in hotels and staying in little villages), everyone drops out for one reason or another, and it’s just these two left. He’s a teacher, she’s a copyeditor and as they walk they fall in love.
How should I put this? This is a very “adult” chick lit in the sense that it’s not really light and frivolous…their conversations are meatier and meaningful. As much as I love easy to read little romcoms, this one is more rom and less com, and I was so, so sad when it was over. Truly, my only complaint was that I needed a few more chapters. This one is not rated R (that’s not what I mean by “adult”), it’s just a really sweet read between these two people both trying to start over while also trying to be content where they are…and finding love along the way. Truly, I loved this one.
And finally…
Book #6:
Cozy Up by Jennifer Melville
A huge THANK YOU to Kay, one of my favorite blog readers, for suggesting this author to me at the end of last year. I AM OBSESSED!
This is the first of many Jennifer Melville books in my future. She read very much like Fiona Ferris and was the perfect addition to my quiet time every morning. She has authored many books, but I started with this one here which is all about savoring winter. She includes simple ideas and ways to really enjoy this season. She shares a few personal anecdotes and resources for making it cozy and warm and everything you need from winter.
I truly loved it and think you will too.
And that’s our FIRST BOOK REVIEW of 2025! I hope you found something today to read this next month.
Don’t forget…
To see the complete list of books I read in 2015 (all 63 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2016 (all 62 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2017 (all 62 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2018 (all 61 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2019 (all 54 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2020 (all 54 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2021 (all 59 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2022 (all 60 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2023 (all 51 of them), click here.
To see the complete list of books I read in 2024 (all 58 of them), click here.
If you want to stay current on all of the books I’m reading in 2025, THIS PAGE HERE is where I keep the books, authors and reviews each month.
We would love, love to have you join us in February for our BOOK CLUB! Next month, we are reading…
…Brooke Shields Is Not Allowed to Get Old by Brooke Shields and discussing it on February 22nd.
Okay, what should I read next? I would love any and all recs and suggestions!
I hope you all have a wonderful day! I’m already excited about the comment section below 😉 .
Eileen says
You have to read The Three Lives of Cate Kay by Kate Fagan, It was a 5 star read for me. So, so good. I also really loved More or Less Maddy by Lisa Genova. I couldn’t put it down and finished in 2 days.
Elspeth says
I’m in the middle of the book club pick now and I’m loving it!! Great suggestions as always!
Bethany Gable says
Beneath the Scarlet Sky!
Mary Anne Duke says
Yes, so good!
Lisa D says
I love book review days! I’ve gotten terrific recommendations here.
I read 7 books this month — we’ve had cold and snowy days so there’s been more time to read, which I love! Two books I recommend:
The Last of the Moon Girls by Barbara Davis
Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty
Just a note about “R” rated books… I made a decision a few years ago that I don’t need to read them. Call me old fashioned. There are so many great books to read that it’s an easy choice to pick books that don’t give “all the details”.
Yolanda McLean says
Thank you for the reminder on Here One Moment, just put it on hold with the library.
I feel the very same way about “R” rated books. I’m so glad when someone mentions that it’s “R” rated because I don’t even bother.
Pam Zercher says
I 💯agree with your comment about R rated books. I so appreciate Shay rating the books she’s read so we know what we’re buying. There’s so many books to read. I just want to waste my 1) time and 2) money reading one I won’t finish 😉
Kelli says
Oh this was a great list! I had read a few and added the others to my holds!
I read one this month and instantly thought to share it with you. I searched to see if you had read it before and you hadn’t read that specific book from the author, but another. “My Four Seasons in France”, a memoir by Janine Marsh. It’s the sweetest. Since reading it a few weeks ago, I had my husband read it, we both started learning French on Duolingo, he sends me daily real estate listings in the French countryside, and I bought the physical copy of the book for my shelf. We are obsessed! 😅❤️🇫🇷
Mix and Match Mama says
I am looking it up right now, Kelli!! Thank you!!
Laura says
I love her books. She has a podcast that I also listen to.
LeAnn says
I’ve gotten several good reads from your lists. Recently I’ve read some really good ones but they are not light reads! Beartown, All the Colors of the Dark and Local Woman Missing.
Marcie says
One of my favorite days of the month! Love your book reviews! Can’t wait to check these out. Especially the memoir. Thanks!
Ashley D says
Great reviews this month! So for January I have read two (almost 3) books.
1. First Lie Wins (by Ashley Elston): All I can say is WOW! This book had me guessing until the very end, and I had no idea how it was going to turn out. I also loved her writing style. This is a must read in my opinion- I gave it 5 STARS!
2. The Bodyguard (by Katherine Center): This book has a cute storyline and makes you want to cheer for the characters all the way through. It has a little bit of a twist as the main female character is the bodyguard! Was it a little predictable? Yes, but I still enjoyed it and recommend this author!
3. Counting Miracles (by Nicolas Sparks): A friend gifted me this book for Christmas, and I believe it is his newest release. I have about 100 pages left, but honestly it is just okay. There are times where I am enjoying the storyline and other times where it seems to drag on. There are two different storylines that he toggles back and forth between, so I am curious to see how he weaves them together in the end.
Mix and Match Mama says
First Lie Wins is SO GOOD!!!!!
Melanie says
I felt the same way about Counting Miracles. It definitely drags through parts. The ending does tie it all together but I had to skim to get to end. Not his best…
Kay says
Yay! I’m so happy to hear you liked ‘Cozy Up!’ Like you, I absolutely adore Fiona Ferris and I was running out of her books to read! So when I stumbled on Melville, I was so happy, I just now started another of hers, ‘Glow Up’ which is so cute as well.
And thanks for the shoutout! As a Boston native who adores everything Southern, I have connected to your blog from the very beginning. Reading it brings me such happiness every morning. Your shout out made my day!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Kay, I’m so grateful for YOU!! Your participation in this community blesses me more than you know.
Jennifer Melville says
You made my day (: Thank you so much for recommending Cozy Up! I’m so happy to hear you are enjoying my books.
Alyssa says
Ok- I’ll have to try Cozy Up. I’m REALLY struggling this winter and was just telling my husband how I need to just snap out of it and find the joy in this season ( you know, winter after Christmas 🤣).
Happy Tuesday!
Sheaffer says
I look forward to tomorrow’s post. 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
I just snorted.
Megan says
I have a running list of books to read or listen to in my Libby app and when I read your description of You Are Here, I immediately went to add it to my list and I already have it on hold. I have approximately 17 weeks to wait to listen to it but I am excited now.
Hanna Humphreys says
I recently listed to “Tom Lake” by Ann Patchett. The audiobook is voiced by Meryl Streep which is what originally drew me to it. I highly recommend whether you read or listen to it! It’s kind of the definition of “cozy” in a book. Set on a cherry orchard in Michigan and follows the main character, her three daughters, her husband, and her ex. I loved loved loved it!
Yolanda McLean says
I believe that something may be wrong with me. I hated “Tom Lake”, I listened to it for a book club and others loved it. I continue to read reviews of people loving it, maybe it wasn’t the time for me.
K.K. says
Favorite day – yes!! 🙂
I happened upon a book (that is not at all new), The Antelope in the Living Room by Melanie Shankle, who I didn’t know of from her apparently very well-known blog, Big Mama (where have I been, I guess?). Anyway, it was just a funny commentary about marriage throughout life. It was a light read. If anyone’s looking for something that will make you laugh and is light-hearted, I think this might do it.
Mix and Match Mama says
I have read that one! It is so so good! All of Melanie’s books are really good. I’m so happy you found her!
Ashley G says
Melanie has a podcast with another author that you might enjoy. The bigboo cast. It’s great! She also has a new book coming out in February. Here Be Dragons.
Her favorite of mine is Nobody’s Cuter than You.
But I love them all.
Marti Detrick says
Melanie and her friend Sophie have a very enjoyable podcast “Big Boo Cast.” I highly recommend it!
Yolanda McLean says
Love Big Boo!
Lori says
I love Melanie’s books too. She has a new book coming out in February!
Taylor says
I am currently reading The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters and I can already tell it’s going to be a favorite of the year. I also read Go as a River by Shelley Read and it earned a top spot in my favorites from last year. Both cover serious topics but they are beautifully written.
Jessica Shobe says
I loved The Berry Pickers
Ashley says
Taylor I loved both of those!
sandi says
Six good book recommendations… what a great way to begin the year! Here are the last few books I read:
Hello Stranger / Catherine Center (I liked this one)
Between Husbands and Friends / Nancy Thayer (published in 1999 her newer books are so much better)
Yours Truly / Abby Jimenez (Abby rarely disappoints and this one was good too)
One Star Romance / Laura Hankin (cute and hallmarky)
I am currently reading The Color of Water by James McBride. On hold at the library are Ina Garten’s book and the Rom-Commers by Katherine Center.
Can’t wait to see what others are reading!
Karah Stracener says
Book Review is always my favorite day!! I love that you started off January with a bang. I can’t wait to add some of these to my TBR. I always love a good autobiography/memoir. I read Melania (Melania Trump book) this month. Even if your not a fan it was fascinating to me; her childhood, her work ethic, and a little peek inside their life at The White House.
Leigh says
I’ve also had 2 5 star reads to start out 2025 and I haven’t had one in months! PS I Hate You – definitely rated R, but such a unique premise and I just couldn’t put it down. It seems like a “you” book. The other is Four Weekends and a Funeral – also a unique premise and such a quick read – more PG 13. Starting Is She Really . . . today and putting the others on my list.
Nicole Wilder says
These all sound so good, going to put all of them on my want to read list! And the one for next month, too, been wanting to read her book. Thanks for the great reviews! 🤩
Kristen says
I just read the best book- ” Count the Ways” by Joyce Maynard. It’s from 2021 but I never read it. The sequel came out too that I need to read- ” How the Light gets In” . I think you would really enjoy them.
Gail says
I just finished the Last Exchange by Charles Martin and I could not put it down. I LOVED it on so many levels. Some of his books are a little slow for me, but not this one. If you liked American Dirt and Where The Crawdads Sing, I think you would love this book too.
Mary Anne Duke says
Oh my goodness….this book was so good. Different from his other books I felt.
The ending was not what I expected.
Detroit Duchess says
I will get caught up on Book Club. I’m reading Madwoman next!
Caroline says
I am currently reading “All Fours” by Miranda July and it is one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read. Really unique writing style and refreshing perspective on aging/marriage/identity. Very sexually explicit but it really does enhance the story. (I hate books that gave gratuitously graphic sex scenes that don’t drive the plot).
MelanieL says
Yay, book review day! I immediately placed a hold at my library for You Are Here, it seems quite popular based on the amount of holds put on it!! I’m currently reading My Hygge Home and it’s just what I needed this lovely January. 🙂
Elizabeth says
Three great bookclub books that have a lot to discuss are: All the Colors of the Dark (which was my favorite book of 2024), Here One Moment, and More or Less Maddy. All were really good and fast reads because they are engaging stories that suck you in!
Sheri says
I LOVED All the Colors of the Dark! Then I read another by Chris Whitaker, We Begin at the End, and may like it even more! He’s an amazing author.
Brooke says
This is always my favorite post of the month! For my husband maybe not so much because our Amazon cart is always full of even more books on this day based on your recommendations 😜.
I really enjoyed More or Less Maddy by Lisa Genova. It portrays what it is like being “in the head” of someone who suffers from Bi-Polar Disorder. It gave me more empathy and compassion for those who suffer with mental illness. I also just finished The Stolen Queen by Fiona Davis. Loved it!
LaVon Parker says
Thank you so much for the list! One of my first 2025 reads was ‘ The Women of Chateau La Fayette’ by Stephanie Dray. It was wonderful. Well written, I had a hard time putting it down. …AND I learned so much too. She’s written other historical fiction also, which I have on my list along with your suggestion, Shay.
Jessica Shobe says
My favorite day! Such good recommendations. I’ve added several to my list. I started this year with The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. I usually listen to it 2-3 times a year. It’s such a good reminder to slow down. I’m also reading I Surrender All by Priscilla Shirer. She’s been on the Candace Cameron Bure podcast discussing this book. She’s just wonderful. I’m listening to Onyx Storm by Rebecca Yartos that was just released. It’s the only fantasy series I’ve ever tried and enjoyed.
Stephanie says
I can’t remember if you read this one in 2024, but I recommend you read The Measure by Nikki Erlick. It’s so good and will make you think about it long after you’ve finished reading it.
Jennifer Melville says
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for including my little book Cozy Up! in your list. I’m sooo flattered and happy to hear that you enjoyed it. xoxo
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU for stopping by and saying hello. I absolutely adored it and cannot wait to read more. xx
Connie says
I wish I could read as much as you! My daughter does, she just turned 19 years old. The only book I’ve read so far this year is So Into You by Kathleen Fuller. I liked it! It was predictable but I enjoyed it! I’m now just starting The Au Pair Affair by Tessa Bailey. I just grabbed these in the new section of our local library. I do have a long list of books you suggest as well. My goal is to read a book or two a month. Thank you for your fabulous blog. I enjoy it and have for years now! 😘
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU so much for being a part of our community. I am so blessed by it! xx
Dana says
My favorite blog post day!! I love hearing about what you have read and getting ideas from all the comments to add to my always growing TBR list!! I just finished Beneath a Scarlet Sky…it was so good!! Thanks for the great reviews to all of us readers!!
Yolanda McLean says
I have enjoyed The Measure and Becoming Mrs. Lewis and others this month, but these two have stuck with me. I just finished Becoming Mrs. Lewis yesterday and I miss it so much. I fear no other book will live up to it.
Patrice Bennett says
Ohhh! I LOVE book day!
Can’t leave a recommendation because I mostly read yours!!! 😁
Alison Coogan says
I always look forward to reading your reviews! I think you might enjoy I Hope This Finds You Well by Natalie Sue. I’m finishing it now and have liked it a lot.
Kristy Moore says
First off….how can we be in your 11th year of book club?!?!! I remember when you first announced that you were going to start reading more and start a book club. There’s no way that was more than 3 years ago…LOL
Now, I’m lucky if I read 10 books a year, but it’s because of your recommendations and reviews that I’eve completed so many fantastic reads! Your number one pick of 2024 is my first read of the year and so far I’m loving it! (even if it’ll take me 2 months to finish!)
Looking forward to the rest of your reviews this year! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Time is just flying by, right?! It’s crazy how fast it’s going. xx
Patricia Angeli says
I think you for this list. I have added most to my library hold list..makes me giddy. Held off on You are Here since I have One Day here from the library. I could not find Cozy Up at my library what? I’ll see what they do for me. My two contributions are my favorite from 2024 The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell!! This month was a memoir & not for everyone but sister of the late Nora Ephron (creator of You’ve Got Mail” Delia Ephron called ” Left on 10th” about finding love after loss & an incredibly harrowing health journey. Just wow!! Happy Reading everyone!!
Patricia Angeli says
I thank you for this list. I have added most to my library hold list..makes me giddy. Held off on You are Here since I have One Day here from the library. I could not find Cozy Up at my library what? I’ll see what they do for me. My two contributions are my favorite from 2024 The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell!! This month was a memoir & not for everyone but sister of the late Nora Ephron (creator of You’ve Got Mail” Delia Ephron called ” Left on 10th” about finding love after loss & an incredibly harrowing health journey. Just wow!! Happy Reading everyone!!
Laura says
I loved Is She Really Going Out With Him? too! 100% on the similarities to How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and I also thought that there were deeper layers woven in that you wouldn’t expect from the cover and title. The neighbor and the hedge got me teary!
Valerie Stults says
Love your book reviews!! Just added them to my Goodreads!!! I’m reading A Flickr in the Dark. Is a suspense murder mystery! Also reading Shelterwood by Lisa Wingate!!! I’ll let you know how it turns out. I loved Lisa Wingste’s Nefore We Were Yours!!
MS says
Circling back to this post as I just finished “The Night We Lost Him” by Laura Dave. It has been a minute for me that I have really read an amazing book. This is so great! Same author as “The Last Thing He Told Me”.