Happy Thursday, friends!
Wow, yesterday’s blog posts were really, really special to me. I’m so thankful to so many of you for sharing your prayer requests and allowing this community and me to pray over you and your families. It’s just truly such a blessing to do life with all of you.
Alrighty, I’m pausing the Australian vacay recaps to share the deets from our wintery weekend in New York City.
Visiting the Big Apple in January or February has always been a bucket list destination for Andrew and me, and with him taking the year off from snowboarding, we decided to strike while the iron was hot.
The best part about this trip?
You guys, it was just the most amazing thing to see him walking MILES when just this last June, our family was stopping every five minutes in Northern Ireland so that he could sit. That is not an exaggeration…those tours we took in Northern Ireland were painful for him and very slow for us…so this new and improved post-spinal fusion version of my husband is just the biggest blessing.
Okay, I’m going to *try* and make this recap brief…
Andrew and I left Dallas on Thursday and were at our hotel around 3:30ish. Winter views make me happy!
We dropped off our bags and headed out to walk a bit. As much as I LOVED taking the little girls in December, it was so very nice to be there with minimal crowds.
My TURTLENECK DRESS is only $33 and comes in other colors…
…I love that it’s ribbed!
We stopped by the hotel bar before heading out. There is a lot of irony in this photo one week later.
Spoiler alert: my left hand there should have stuck with cold beverages the rest of the trip.
My favorite guy.
We had dinner at Papillon the first night. So festive, right?
And so so delish!
We went to bed early and slept in which was glorious. The next morning, we had our morning Bible time, went to the gym and then got ready for the day…
…and then we were off! It was cold, we had Starbucks, and we walked from Central Park all the way down to Chelsea Market.
I love you, New York. I even love super busy Times Square.
We arrived at Chelsea Market to explore and look around…
…we wanted to try a bite, so we shared this amazing German sausage dog, and it made my heart oh very happy.
After the market, we walked to…
…The Churchill for lunch.
We have been to a lot of taverns (we love pub food!), and this one here is now one of our very favorites! The atmosphere alone was fantastic!
And the food was really good too 🙂 .
From here, we walked all the way back up to Central Park…
…we stopped and popped in places along the way. We just really enjoyed being outside, all bundled up in the winter in NYC.
Later that night, we changed and this time took a car to…
…The Fleur Room. You guys, THE VIEWS!!!!
I mean, does that ever get old?! I could look at that all day long. A cityscape is my favorite “view”.
Just so stunning.
Sorry but I couldn’t stop taking pics (and apparently I can’t stop showing you either).
All details…
…after walking all day long, it was just so nice to sit and take it all in.
When we were done with our aperitif time, we took a car to dinner…
…at David Burke Tavern which was happy, fun, delicious and a cozy place to have a good meal.
Love this guy.
The next morning is when things went awry…
I’m going to go ahead and skip a lot of the gross details, but they delivered coffee to my room and when I went to pour the carafe into the cup, the lid was not secured, and I sustained a second degree burn. Thankfully, we were able to connect with my dermatologist, and after he looked it over via pictures, he called in a prescription and told us how to care for it until we were back home. He was unsure about me just going to the ER because he wanted me to see a doctor who specializes in burns, so he made me an appointment for Monday morning.
Fast forward two trips to the pharmacy and an amazing husband who helped me get it bandaged…I didn’t want to just sit around and be miserable all day, so we headed out to try and salvage things.
We walked to Jasper’s for a very delicious lunch!
That truly might have been the best breakfast burrito I’ve ever had (and you know I’ve had PLENTY!).
After we ate, we walked to Broadway because we had tickets to see…
…MJ The Musical!
My 12 year old heart was OH SO HAPPY!!!
We had great seats and were ready for the show!
He was not a huge fan of Michael Jackson growing up. He is though, a great husband who suffered through the music for his wife 😉 .
I loved the music, I loved the dancing…it was just FUN to watch.
After the show, we decided to just walk and enjoy our last bits of winter in New York…
…just oh so pretty!
We wrapped up our night at another rooftop restaurant called the Darling Rooftop.
It was a wonderful wintery weekend in NYC!
I hope you have the BEST BEST day! I have a little Valentine’s recipe today as well…that includes Nutella. Make sure you check that one out HERE.
I’ll see you tomorrow! xx
Elspeth says
What a fun and relaxing getaway! So glad you got to enjoy NYC in the winter!
Addy J Robinson says
oh my gosh, Shay, burns are so uniquely painful. I’m so sorry!! I had my curling iron wand’s cord catch on a bathroom cabinet and fall through my palm and it was excruciating for several days. I hope it’s feeling better!!
Sheaffer says
What a fun little getaway!!! I’ve only been twice (once all the way back in high school and once for our girl’s trip), and I would love to go back!
TRaci M says
Looks like you had a great trip! ( minus the burn- so sorry that happened and hope you are healing). Makes me wanna take a trip with the hubby!!
SS says
Shay!! Great Pix!!!
My hubby is the same way about MJ. Our kiddo on the other hand LOVES MJ music like momma!!! We even play Just Dance MJ!! It is so much fun to do dances like MJ….we dance, sing, and laugh nothing better!!!
Kristen says
Oh no , that’s horrible that it happened-how could the top not be secured!!!! At least you powered through!! Burns are painful!!!
What hotel did you guys stay at?
Talia says
We saw MJ the Musical in Pittsburgh and it was fantastic! The dancing! The music! It was so entertaining. So glad you enjoyed yourself minus the mishap. Take good care of yourself!
Heather says
Talia- the Benedum is our home theater, we hold season passes. Isn’t it just breathtaking?!
Jessica says
I’m so, so sorry about your hand. Wishing you speeding healing.
NYC is just magical in the winter time.
Laci says
I am so sorry about your hand!! You must be one tough cookie, I can’t imagine that pain!
K.K. says
NYC is magical in the winter! I usually travel every January for a work training event in that area, and I always look forward to it. I love those views, and I absolutely LOVE that Andrew is doing so great and walking like that.
I don’t really want to always live in an urban area (though I do, just here in TX), the idea of being in a walkable city is really appealing.
Hoping that burn is healing quickly!
Mel says
aperitif. Fancy lol
Hope your hand is healing well
JB says
What a trooper to keep going with that burn! And, how nice that you were able to speak to your dermatologist.
Mix and Match Mama says
I know? Who knew I would end up needing to use that “emergency line” doctors have when you call after hours?!
Beth Valenta says
What a fun little trip! Just seeing the pics of Chelsea Market brings me joy. NYC is on my top 3 long weekend spots. I love to see it all. All those pubs are so cute. Thanks for sharing and I hope your hand is on the mend.
Elizabeth says
I went to the MJ show in December and LOVED it!!! Like seriously, LOVED IT! I was not a huge fan of him before the show and we picked it on a whim but I thought the show was SO FUN! I would love to see it again.
Josie says
I’m so sorry about your burn. Curious if you reported the incident to the hotel and they took any responsibility for it?
Mix and Match Mama says
I didn’t at first because it was an accident, but the burn is so severe that I did just because as the burn doctor put it “they shouldn’t be serving coffee that if accidentally spilled causes second degree burns”. I’ve since let them know just so that it doesn’t happen to anyone else. I’ve received several pieces of communications from them letting me know they have made adjustments on the temperature of the coffee.
Keisha Dawson says
What a wonderful weekend away with your hubby! I hope to take this trip with mine someday! I pray your hand is healing!
Lesley Price says
What hotel did you stay at?
Mix and Match Mama says
I mean, I love this hotel and will stay there again, so I hate to even say it. It was an accident for sure and those things happen.
Kristen says
Can you give me at least the area , did you stay in Tribecca, Uptown, Downtown, Times square. I love hearing about the different areas everyone stays in NYC and why 🙂 I try and change it up everytime in go to NYC !
Mix and Match Mama says
Of course! We were on Central Park South, so pretty central.
Heidi says
I am so sorry about your burn. I had a severe burn injury as a kid and had many surgeries. Back in the 80s, my mom had me drink aloe vera juice, and I promise you, it really does help your body heal from the inside out! It tastes horrible just to warn you, but it works wonders!
Mix and Match Mama says
I am not opposed to this! Thank you for sharing!
Kara says
Can you post what shoes you wore? I am going next month and I am STRESSED about my shoe situation. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I wore good old Sorel boots. They are so comfy and SO WARM! They’re easy to walk around in too.
Erika Slaughter says
Just thinking about your burn makes my hand hurt!
Paige says
God bless you and your hand!!! Burns HURT!! Praying for you!! New York is so fun!! I’ve only been once in Spring. I would love to see it @ Christmas!!
sc says
What a lovely winter getaway! You are the kindest soul, to power/shine through all kinds of adversities! I love following you!
Andrea Conrad says
Sounds like a fun trip! The best part was hearing about how Andrew is now able to walk without pain! Very thankful he is feeling better 🙂
Sarina says
What a fun trip! For those not local and looking to come to NYC in the winter – it’s also Broadway week so 50% off tickets!
There is also another broadway week in August/September!
Heather says
I love how you are always to turn lemons into lemonade. So many people would have just sulked or cancelled the rest of their trip but you kept on going! Love NYC in the winter, so glad it did not disappoint!
Lisa says
I love NYC! Looks like a fabulous weekend, minus the burn. I’m so sorry that happened. The pain of a burn lasts so long! You’re a trooper to carry on and enjoy the rest of your time.
Okie Mama says
What a fun weekend getaway! Praying your hand heals quickly. I just wanted to comment that you are absolutely rocking that darker hair color. Your makeup looks natural and beautiful.
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwww, well that is very very sweet. Thank YOU!
Rita says
So sorry about your burn, hope it is healing. I’m with Andrew on MJ music. NYC is beautiful at night, thanks for sharing.
Jeanne says
Just now catching up with the past two days and oh my goodness! I can’t imagine the pain you experienced in that accident! As someone else said, you are a trooper! There’s a vitamin supplement I’ve used in the past that my dr recommended after surgery called Wound Vite. It’s on Amazon & good for any kind of skin healing/scars. It really made a difference in my healing.
As far as NYC, we love it every time we go. Our daughter lives there & it’s so nice to be in the city with someone who knows their way around. Chelsea Market is very cool & also has great tacos:)
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, thank you for the rec!!
Anne says
Can we have a moment with the “before” photo of your left hand? Your ring is spectacular!!
Mix and Match Mama says
My hand looks pretty good in that picture too. That’s all I see when I look at it. (Insert my sad face!)
~B~ says
I’m so sorry about your burn, Shay! Burns are so painful and as someone who at one time worked with some, I am thankful you were able to get in right away to a specialist. Thank you for the recap of NYC! Somewhere I have never been and so hope to get to. I just want to go with someone like yourself who knows where to go and how to get around so I can take it all in! 🙂 Take care, Shay, prayers for your healing.
Arika says
One of the things I always appreciate about you Shay, is your positive attitude. Many people would let that incident ruin a trip, or would throw around blame. I know how excruciating it must have been, how disappointing, but your strength in powering through and staying positive, making the best of situations beyond your control is inspiring. And what a great example you set to your kids as well. You can’t control things that happen, but you can control your response to them. Happy Friday, and thanks for putting positive energy out into the world!
Mix and Match Mama says
That is VERY kind of you to say. Thank you. xx
Kelly Franks says
We went to NYC, just me and my husband, February 2022. It was perfect. We walked around and just enjoyed the city. The highlight was the Chelsea Food Market Food tour per your recommendation. We even had the same tour guide that you did on your girl’s trip. I think I could live in NYC full time.
Mix and Match Mama says
Isn’t she amazing?! We still talk about her all the time. I’m so happy you used her too!
Lindsay Strause says
I was in NYC on Saturday for the afternoon Wicked show. We were just blocks away. I took my mom to see MJ last spring we loved it!