Things to do when it’s 106 outside…
1. Go swimming with our friends
Smith and Nixon are going to be best buddies (or else they’ll run on some political ticket together…every time I type their names, it sounds like I should be voting for president and vp).
2. Nap with the blanket over your head
For the last week or so, Kensington has been sleeping with the blanket over her head. Someone please explain? My guess is that it keeps the light out.
3. Go to the Red Sox/Ranger game with your dad
We were so excited to go!! We love to see our Red Sox play. When my dad got us our tickets, I knew it was going to be a great day because the game was on August 13 and we were on row 13 behind home plate. Yes, it was still a balmy 92 degrees at 11:00 PM when the game went into 11 innings but we didn’t care.
Aubrey says
SUMMER LOVIN'! I love two kiddos in big kid car seats, I love the pool, I love hot temperatures, I love baseball. This western Oklahoma-raised girl (where the temps are routinely in triple digits for weeks on end) loves SUMMER.
Alas, as I type this comment, it is 57 degrees here. 🙁
Christina says
Love this post…it makes me want to just jump in the pool…your kiddos are so gorgeous…and the blog updates keep me going when it is 106 outside and I am still feeling yucky…