Today at Stroller Strides, we had several new girls in class, so the instructor asked us to go around and say one thing about ourselves others wouldn’t know. Well…girl number one had a hidden tattoo and girl number two has 3 kidneys! How do you follow that? I immediately started racking my brain. Ugg…since I’m chatty Cathy and blog all the time, most people know all my business! I have very few secrets.
When it was Rachel’s turn, she couldn’t think of anything, so I reminded her that she once told me in confidence that she had waited tables at Golden Corral (a low point in her life…whether she knows it or not…that’s low) and then Helen has more food issues than a one year old, so that was a no brainer…anyway, my answer was lame because I couldn’t handle the pressure of all the good answers (seriously, three kidneys…come on!).
Since this morning, I’ve been reflecting on some random things people might not know about me (I’m going to have a better answer if ever asked again), and here are some random facts (still not as good as extra organs but it’s all I’ve got).
1. I love reading magazines. Yes, I love reading books too but magazines are my favorite. I subscribe to several and when they come in the mail, I get giddy with excitement.
2. When I was 12, my mom made me get my ears pierced. She said I was being wimpy and proceeded to drag me to Claire’s to have them pierced (she’ll deny the dragging part but I remember being dragged). Well, well, well, turns out I LOVED having my ears pierced and proceeded to do it several more times. I have 2 holes in one ear and 4 in another. Before I turned 30, I always told myself I would get at least one (or two) more holes in my right ear so that I would have 6 total in one ear (my mom is now going to try and drag me away from Claire’s now…I know it), so we’ll see. I don’t wear them all the time…just when I’m in the mood. Maybe you’ll see me with some fresh holes soon.
3. I hate tuna fish. Yuck. Hate it.
4. Andrew and I met while living in different states, got engaged while living in different states, and spent the first 5 months of our marriage living in different states. Then we spent 2 years working together and were NEVER apart. We’ve definitely run the gamut in our marriage. (Right now, we have the perfect balance. Live in the same state, he works, I stay home :)).
5. I get extremely sea sick. I get sick just looking at a boat. I practically get sick in the bathtub. If you ever invite me out to the lake to get on a boat, I will pass. Trust me, you want me to pass.
6. I have to watch at least 20 minutes of TV before I fall asleep at night.. It doesn’t matter if it’s 9:15 pm or 1:00 am when I get home…I can’t go to sleep without watching a little TV.
7. My friends all go to consignment sales. I went once. I almost passed out. There are soooooo many people pushing and fighting for clothes. Oh my gosh! It was awful. My friends don’t ask anymore. They know I will be breathing into a paper bag at the thought.
8. I saved money all through college (working two part-time jobs as a babysitter and for my dad’s business) in order to buy a car when I graduated. Well, silly me, I fell in love with a poor boy who wanted to marry me yet had no money to take me on a honeymoon, so we spent my car money on our honeymoon. Don’t worry, a few years later he made it up to me and bought me my new car :).
9. When I was 22, I got married and my cousin Brooke was my maid of honor (because no one is more like a sister to me than her). The day before my wedding, she was playing high school soft ball and as she was day dreaming in the outfield about how beautiful she was going to look in her bridesmaid dress, a ball smacked her square in the face…so she walked down the aisle with a huge black eye and tons of makeup. Oh Brooke…on Wednesday, she turns 22 :). Below are the pictures of her birthday party this past weekend.
Me and our newest addition Miss Paisley
the birthday girl and her Aunt Sherry (my mama)
Me, Brooke and Casey
She stood here for three minutes while I said “smile” and this was the best I got. Pitiful!
Smith on the other hand, is all smiles.
On our way home
That’s all you need to know about me!
Sheaffer, Chris, Scout, and baby Carter says
3 kidneys IS pretty good. But…..Rachel worked at Golden Corral? What the heck? Now, that's really somethin. 🙂
Jenna Vineyard says
Tell me more! Tell me more!
The New Family says
Seriously Shay…I thought we were friends?? Way to throw me under the bus! You failed to mention that I lived in the world's smallest town…what's a girl to do? 🙂
Aubrey says
Oh Shay! Three kidneys — how does that even happen?! Golden Corral — did she get to ring the bell?!
I would have no idea what to share in that situation. I have nothing interesting to share. A dirty confession that I love math? My home town doesn't have a stop light? I've lived in four countries? My kids were born in Europe? None of that can compete with Golden Corral or tres kidneys. 🙂
To date, I count precisely two things that are different about you and me.
#1: You like German food, I don't.
#2: You get sea sick, I don't.
Ashley says
Nice! Seriously though, how do you aquire 3 kidneys? That is very interesting. Most people, even my VERY closest friends and even some of my family don't know that I was a jr. Dallas Cowboys cheerleader or that I worked at Hooters for about a year!
Mom says
I must defend myself, and tell the complete story of the ear piercing. It was not like I was insisting Shay wear earrings,she was already doing that, it was just that she was wearing the hugh clip on earrings of her Mimi's generation. I thought it would be better if she could wear the smaller age appropiate earrings her friends were wearing. Now she is the trend setter I use to aspire to be. Love you sweetie, and I do think 5 holes is more than enough!