Some pictures of the man of our house from today…
First thing this morning, he watched a little Bubble Guppies and had milk with Nilla Wafers. Please don’t judge me…he had a Poptart about 20 minutes later…still don’t judge me :).
He was all smiles taking Kensington to school.
She was smiles too!
Then it was off to see the pediatrician for our 2 year well visit. Hanging out in his undies waiting for the doc.
He took approximately 1,089 pictures of our feet. He kept saying “look at our feet Mommy”.
That’s it. Now he’s napping. It must be nice to be the man of our house!
Ashley says
Please don't ever tell Abby what you serve for breakfast at your house. She will probably run away from home to live with you 😉
Sheaffer, Chris, Scout, and baby Carter says
I love him. Love. Him.