Last night on TV, Sean had a one on one date…last night in real life, he had a one on fifteen date with me and some of my friends. What a good sport he is! At the beginning of the season, I asked if he would come to my house the night of his first one on one date with Emily and watch the episode with me and my friends…he did not let me down. He took a ton of pictures and answered most of their questions (some of these girls asked some in depth, no comment kind of questions!). Thank you so much Sean! I’m always so proud to show off my little brother :).
Me, Sean and my friends
Sean’s biggest fans! After everyone left, the babysitter brought the kiddos home (you can’t have two toddlers at your watch party!). Sean wanted to stay around and surprise them. They squealed and jumped in his arms immediately. They love their Uncle Seanie!
Sheaffer, Chris, Scout, and baby Carter says
I mean, COME ON. That one of Sean and the kids is soooooooo sweet!
He was such a good sport last night, and I had a great time. Go Team Sean!
Christy {SparklesandSpinach} says
Awww, that is SO nice that he did that!!! Sean & Emily make the perfect couple in my opinion. Crossing my fingers for him!!!!
julia rose says
new followahhh here!! still in shock you're sean's sister- he's definitely my favorite thus far! is it bad i'm hoping he wins, but then hoping he doesn't because that means emily didn't snag him away?!?!
happy tuesday!
Ali G says
I found your blog a little bit ago! Love your recipes & enjoying following Seans journey! He really seems so down to earth & such a great guy! He & Emily look perfect together!I hope it all works out! 🙂
Ava says
Sean has been one of my favorites this season. He seems like such a great guy as do you and your family!! So it was nice to see more of him and Emily on last night's ep.
Hope thing went/still go well for the two of them!
Jessica says
Can I just say I LOVE your brother on the Bachelorette? He is the sweetest, most genuine, and might I add cutest guy on there! It appears that he & Emily have a great connection & I really hope it makes it all the way to the end!
Kudos to your parents for raising such a nice young man!
Rachael says
your brother is a rock star and emily would be crazy not to pick him! if he isn't her final pick at the end, he needs to be the next bachelor!
Anonymous says
It's wild that I even stumbled upon your blog, and I would kick myself if I didn't post anything! You and your brother remind me so much of me and my brother… it just warms my heart! You should know that your brother's genuine, faith-filled, caring outlook on life and love has proved to me that there are good guys out there! And, for that, I want to say thank you (even if it's by commenting on his sister's blog). 🙂
Alyssa @ Life of bLyss says
Shay, this is adorable.
Your brother is too dreamy… I just wrote a post coveting his perfection.
Too much?
ANYWAY, I'm so glad I found your blog and linked to you in today's post over at 🙂 Keep up the cute posts, girly!
Kristin says
now that reality steve gave out your blog, you are going to have lots of newbie followers 🙂
Jennifer says
Sean is sweet! I hope he makes the cut!! I really like him. And if he didn't 🙁 He won't be lonely long.
Jodi says
Sean is by far my FAVE! I really hope he is the one (if it is meant to be).