One of the best pieces of mom advice I’ve ever received came from one of my besties Andrea…she told me that her mom always encourages her to be a yes mom. That means, you say yes most of the time when your kids ask you to do stuff (even when it’s most likely not what you want to be doing). Like when they ask you to read them a book (and you are in the middle of balancing your checkbook), when they ask if they can dump out the pasta jar and count the dry noodles (and you only think about the dry pasta everywhere), when they ask if they can paint (and let’s face it…is there ever a good time for toddlers to paint?!)…so, I’m not always a yes mom but I try to be.
Yesterday, was one of those moments. After going to the gym, up to Andrew’s office and a few other errands, the kids asked me if they could jump around in the rain and splash in mud puddles. Normal Shay was like “oh gosh no!” but I remembered my yes mom mode and agreed. And I’m sure glad I did…
Their Lovie had just bought them new umbrellas the day before, so it was the perfect time for rain and mud puddles.
When we came inside and dried off, they asked if I would pop up their tent while they watched Bubble Guppies. I said yes.
She hung out in front of the tent…
While Smith (who only wanted to wear his undies) cuddled up inside the tent.
After tent time, they asked if they could skip their naps. I said no. I’m not always a yes mom. 😉
Aubs says
Love this!! Being a yes mom certainly isn't always convenient but I sooo believe that those times we say yes are so much of what our kiddos will look back at and remember!! Looks like y'all had fun!! 🙂
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
I think of Andrea all the time too and try to pull back on some of my "oh that will make a big mess" or "I don't really want to do that" tendencies. I'm always happy afterwards when I've said yes to the fun stuff. They are definitely memory makers!
Lauren says
I love this! I struggle with being a "yes" mom too because I'm a neat freak and like things in order and not messy which just doesn't mesh with having small children! I have to remind myself that sadly, one day I will have an empty house and I can have it as neat and mess free as I want…I'll probably miss the messes!
What is it about boys, forts or tents and just undies?? Parker does the same thing! 🙂
oneblessedmommy910 says
What a wonderful piece of advice! I am certainly going to work on being a yes mom!
Narci D says
Good job, mommy! I bet they had a blast! Love their sweet faces! 🙂
The Bryan Family says
saying "yes" can be really hard, because my kids think once I've said yes before it should be yes everytime they ask that same question. But I have had to learn to put away the not so important things or things that can wait to cherish those memories with my kiddos and enjoy the moment – and NOT stress out. They love it too.
Amber Massey says
Great advice! Ill be remembering this, for sure:) sweet kiddos!! I need to see these two, soon!
Alice says
I am so glad you said YES to letting them play in the rain. That is one of my kids favorite things to do! And they love jumping on the trampoline in the rain too, which I let them do as long as their is NO lightning.
But I totally agree with you about saying a big fat no to skipping naps! LOL!
Look at how cute they are with their little umbrellas! I used to LOVE playing in the rain. And that's GREAT advice, I'll have to remember that!
Jen says
My little guy is about to turn 1 so he isn't asking me a million questions yet, but I'll def. remember this advice and try to be a yes mom! So cute.
Michelle says
I love the idea of being a yes mom! I don't have kids yet, but when I do, I will definitely remember this piece of advice!
Anonymous says
This is great advise! Can't wait to use it some day, very positive and happy way of living.
Karen Peterson says
It looks like they had so much fun!
Mix and Match Mama says
I've had several comments today about mine and my husband's income…I love chatting with you gals as friends…but I wouldn't discuss my income with my friends, so I'm not going to discuss it here either. Both Andrew and I have our own businesses and work really hard…that's all anyone (besides the IRS) needs to know. 🙂
Aubrey says
What a fun day! I bet Kensington and Smith will ask to look at those pictures a hundred times over the next year. Because let's face it, ya'll don't get much rain in Texas. (That yellow winter grass kind of made me homesick…here my yard is emerald green year-round.)
I always think that I should say yes as often as possible to my kids now because their requests are so simple and full of fun. Something tells me their requests will be more worrying 10 years down the road and that I won't say yes quite as frequently… 🙂
CMae says
What a great post! I'm not a mom (yet) haha being a teacher can be such great birth control I tell ya, but I think what you wrote here today is such a great reminder for life in general–say yes to more! 🙂
Alice says
I can't believe that people are asking your incomes. That is crazy!!!!
If I had a question about using you as a travel agent, how do I go about contacting you?
Anonymous says
Shay – I love reading your blog. Your kids are absolutely adorable. I wish I were more like you. I would give anything to be organized, but I am one of the most unorganized people on the face of the planet. I was wondering where you got the white shelf type things your kids toys are stored in. I need something like that to try to organize my son's playroom. Seriously, if you lived near me I would pay you to come help me organize my house. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
You can contact me for travel at Thanks!
JenniferW says
Yes! Great advice–and so fun for the kids. We had one of those moments when my son was 2. We went to Ice at the Gaylord National and the fountain made a huge puddle on the ground inside the hotel. Ethan and my nephew had a blast playing in the puddle, while all of the other kids who walked by and wanted to join in the fun were told 'no'. Probably not my best mommy moment (his feet got soaked and it was really cold outside) but such a great memory!
By the way…I fell in love with Sean during Emily's season…then in between, I found you and have loved your blog (and Shaeffer's)…and I must say, watching Sean on the Bachelor, I have fallen in love with him all over again (in that I'm married and have kids, so not really in love, but you know…kind of way–think you and Michael Buble). Anyway, no one is perfect, but my goodness it's hard to watch and not think 'wow, he's the perfect guy'…wish they had shown more of you though!
JenniferW says
Just read the comments…people seriously ask you about your income? Interesting…I wouldn't ask my closest friends about that…but anyway.
You moderate the comments posted to your blog…just curious, do you get many comments that you wouldn'.t want posted? I can't imagine anyone being less than complimentary of you and your family…but then again, apparently you have people ask about your income.
JenniferW says
Yes! Great advice–and so fun for the kids. We had one of those moments when my son was 2. We went to Ice at the Gaylord National and the fountain made a huge puddle on the ground inside the hotel. Ethan and my nephew had a blast playing in the puddle, while all of the other kids who walked by and wanted to join in the fun were told 'no'. Probably not my best mommy moment (his feet got soaked and it was really cold outside) but such a great memory!
By the way…I fell in love with Sean during Emily's season…then in between, I found you and have loved your blog (and Shaeffer's)…and I must say, watching Sean on the Bachelor, I have fallen in love with him all over again (in that I'm married and have kids, so not really in love, but you know…kind of way–think you and Michael Buble). Anyway, no one is perfect, but my goodness it's hard to watch and not think 'wow, he's the perfect guy'…wish they had shown more of you though!
Mix and Match Mama says
So far, everyone has been really friendly on both of my blogs (and I've been blogging 6 years now). Other than people blurting out who they think won the show, I haven't had to delete any other comments…until the income comments today.
Anonymous says
Do you ever look at There is a picture of your brother on there today in the Star Tracks photos. I love The Bachelor and am gong to really enjoy watching this season.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! I look at all the time. Isn't it fun?! And to the person who left me a comment clarifying their income question…thank you so much for the explanation. I really appreciate you coming back to clarify. For some reason, I had several questions of that nature today. Thanks for taking the time to clarify yours. Have a great night everyone!
Anonymous says
I love that your kids still look Clean in those photos – even though they are having a blast in the rain! My brothers would have literally been covered with mud!
It was so cute to see them in "downtime" mode as well – movies, tents, and forts are important memories to hold on to.
God bless
mel @ the larson lingo says
I love the "Yes" mom concept. I did that one day last year & need to do it more often! Kate & Claire have that pink Old Navy dress & wore it on Monday 🙂
erin. says
Love the playing in the puddles photos- so much fun!! And, totally admire you for being up at 4:30am to post this! Enjoy your weekend!
Annette {One Perfect Room} says
What a great post and great reminder! One of my goals this year is not to sweat the small stuff when it comes to parenting. I think being a yes mom will be a good addition to help me try and achieve that.
Claire says
What precious memories! I used to love puddlejumping as a child!