I’ve decided to take one picture a day in 2013 to document my life…sometimes, it will be a picture of my kids…sometimes, it will be a picture of an object…just something a day to remind me of that day in 2013. If you want to keep up daily, follow me on Instagram at mixandmatchmama. Every week, I’ll document the last 7 days here on the blog and at the end of the year, I’ll have 52 posts with all of my days. I told you…2013 is going to be my year ;).
Day 1: the year started off with my kiddos
Day 2: me and K in our jammies
Day 3: Kansas State played in the Fiesta Bowl…had to wear my purple that day!
Day 4: Date night with my family (one of these days, I’ll take a picture with Andrew!)
Day 5: Spending time with my family…I love my dad!
Day 6: Heading to church
Day 7: My brother stars in the Bachelor tonight! Who would have thought 18 months ago when Andrew and I were submitting his name for the Bachelorette that we would end up here…I am so proud of him.
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
FUN!!!!!!!!! Love your denim shirt, skinnies, and your bubble necklace! SO cute!
CaitCoak says
Love your Day 5 outfit 🙂
Aubs says
Great idea!! I finally ended up getting an instagram account and its been fun following your pics each day! =)
Alice says
Yay! Bachelor is FINALLY on tonight! Go Sean!!!
LC says
I'm a new follower! Your kids are adorable…can't wait to read more! Good luck to your brother! How exciting:)
Beesmama says
Love the picture idea! And I an loving your outfits-such a stylish mama!
Danielle Carroll says
Love your bubble necklace and overall outfit on Day 5! So cute!!
Christy {SparklesandSpinach} says
You are so darn pretty!!! So excited for tonight!!!!
mel @ the larson lingo says
I've been loving Shay Everyday!
And, tonight!!!! EEEKKKK!!!!
jen says
Sooooooo excited for tonight! You have a wonderful life! Love reading along! 🙂
margaret says
You know I used to love Sean but you may be turning into my favorite Lowe yet! This is such a fun idea!
Erin H. says
Love your blog and reading about your family and day to day life.
Your brother is genuine. Sean Lowe for President!
Krystin Carey says
Love this idea..your family is so precious!