Such truth there. I am really going to take this to heart in 2014 more than ever. I want to relish my kids. I will never have this year back. This is my one and only shot at 2014…I need to make the most of it. To see Andrea’s other two quotes, click here.
The second post that really stood out to me was Kelly’s post on being intentional. If you haven’t read it yet, you need to! Click here.
I know I shouldn’t be happy about Monday but I am. I’m ready for the New Year, a new beginning and the coziness of January.
If you missed our Pin-spired for the month, make sure you check it out here.
And don’t forget to check out What I’m Wearing at the top of my blog for daily pics of what I’m wearing and where it came from!
Happy Monday!
Alaleh says
Only you can make January sound so fun and cozy after the sadness of the holidays being over! I'm a 1st grade teacher so thanks for making my first morning back to work a little more enjoyable 🙂
Jodi says
I like the calmness and newness of a new year too. Just don't want to go back to work. Enjoy January!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
The hand picture. OH EM GEE. Sweet little Ashby needs to just come home already and get her hand in that pile!
And K watching Rachel Ray is AWESOME.
Tara G. says
We are having a painting in Paris birthday party here on Saturday. My neighbor is even bringing her cute little poodle for our photo booth! 🙂
Julie Connelly says
Like you, I was looking forward to today & getting back into our normal routine, but then the weather happened. The actual temp right now is -14 & feels like -39…yuck!!! Needless to say, both of my kids' schools have cancelled & it will be another day in pjs here in IL. I'm looking forward to more of your yummy recipes in Jan!!! 🙂
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
As always, such sweet snapshots of your everyday life. January is a time of fresh starts and I too crave the routine again. Just hate sending the kids back out the door to school. Here's to a great 2014!
Liz says
I love routine too! And I am glad you included Poppy in the post. I was wondering what happened to her. 🙂
Liz says
I love routine too! And I am glad you included Poppy in the post. I was wondering what happened to her. 🙂
Maureen W. (Maryland) says
I am so happy to be back to "normal" today, too! I think the excitement of the holidays helps us appreciate the "everyday". XOXO
PS – Andrew and Poppy always together? Adorable!!!
Kari Kirkland says
Shay, I wanted to thank you for the your Erin Condren post. I went online and immediately ordered one. I just got in and I have to say I am in LOVE! Thanks for the fun posts that help us mommies!
Kelly Stamps says
I love the whole "we are a team" thing!! That's an awesome way to approach family!
Y'all are the cutest!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
I'm totally with you on the getting back to our routine and some "normalcy" again! I love the holiday season, but by the end of it all, I'm more than ready for things to calm down a bit.
Love that photo of your husband bench pressing your kiddos! Too cute.
Sarah E @ says
I know what you mean about routine…it's nice to get back in a "groove." I loved Andrea's quotes so much. Happy new year!
Shelby says
Absolutely loved this post!! And I just love how much of a mini you Kensington is. 🙂 and love what she said about Ashby being part of your "go team" 🙂
Wendy says
This made me cry. "I can't wait until Ashby's hand is in there too". What a sweet girl you have!
Wendy says
This made me cry. "I can't wait until Ashby's hand is in there too". What a sweet girl you have!
Tab & Erika says
2 things….1. YOU love routine? haha! Just kidding! And…2. Kensington must even be teaching Ebby Lee about Paris. We talk about a lot of things, but Paris really isn't one of them. Ebby Lee was talking about Paris the other day. That's the only explanation!! 🙂 Thanks, Kensington!! We're calling her when they need geography help. You know I'll be useless!!
Kelli says
I love the "team" mentality that your family has! I just got married and my husband and I are trying to live like that too. I can't wait to have some little hands in that as well! I think that's what gets you through the hard times.
hillary says
Love this post! Didn't know you spoke French!! I'm a French teacher!!
Slightly Askew Designs says
TEAM SHULL!!! Can't wait for your littlest team member to officially be here. 🙂
Anonymous says
Do you go to the public library? You should see if your library has access to a free online language learning program. My favorite is Mango Languages, but there are other good programs. This is a good age for Kensington to just play and learn. I used to homeschool my kids, and when they were small I only had them use it about 15 minutes a day — only longer if they wanted.
mel @ the larson lingo says
"I can't wait until Ashby's hand is in there too". – K is such an amazing little girl!!!!! LOVE that.
I love the normal also, but after 2 weeks off of working and on vacation, this morning was Brutal! ha!
I also love New Year's resolutions. I do them & post them every year. I also pick a word of the year. I will be Working on my post later tonight while I watch JUAN PABLO 😉
klmoore23 says
Is part of your back to routine giving us the review of the new Bachelor season? Or should I head over to Sheaffer for the recap? Looks like it's going to be interesting!
Leslie says
Our family has a 10 year old Corgi named Popsicle, too! I've never heard of another dog with that name. Our son, who was 4 at the time, named him. His other choices were Toilet or Birdbath. We think Popsicle lucked out!
Jaren says
The quote from Andrea's blog made me tear up! So sweet. It doesn't take much lately being pregnant! My New Year's goal is Gratitude…thanks to your idea on one of your recent posts.
Anonymous says
Was just browsing your blog and to think that sweet Ashby's hand can go in that pile now and team Shull now has another member with them! What a blessing!