The last few months, I have been super inspired my by friend Erin (a.k.a. Blue Eyed Bride) and her monthly goals…so, I decided to come up with some of my own. I really want to sit back and enjoy this month. May was great but very exhausting. Between traveling, moving, working, totaling my car, swim lessons, dance, tee ball and everything in between, we left the month of May very tired. Very. Tired.
I told Andrew that I really want to make some changes around our house. I’m tired of being busy on the weekends…we need to relax more. I’m tired of looking at my phone on the weekends…I need to put it down more. I want to be outside, with my family, lovin’ on my friends and enjoying summer. So…I took a page out of Erin’s blog and wrote down some goals for myself.
Here you go friends…my June Goals…
1. Get my hair wet more often. As silly as this sounds…I should actually swim more when I’m at the pool with my kids. I realized this last summer when Smith (then only 3) told me that Ms. Karla was the most fun mom (out of my friends) because she got her hair wet. Ha! We’re always in the water with our kids but we’re not exactly always swimming…except for Karla…Karla is the mom doing cannonballs off of the side. I need to be more like Karla when I’m in the water with my kids…just more fun :).
2. Not look at my computer on Sundays. It’s one thing to be behind my computer when the weather is cold and my kids are napping, but when it’s sunny and warm out, I totally shouldn’t be doing that on Sundays. I need to be doing something else on Sundays…even if that’s just reading a book on the patio…I really should stop being at my desk on Sundays.
3. Read 2 books a month. I love, love, love to read but I rarely make time to read an actual book and not just a magazine. This month, I plan on reading two new books…I will report back in July on which books I read and what I think about them :).
4. Work on French with Kensington. Kensington love, love, love, loves when we work on our French together. She loves it! As silly (and very random) as this sounds…French is a skill I used to have mastered but because I don’t practice it enough, it’s lacking…speaking French with Kensington will help both of us!
5. Go to the local library at least twice. My kids love it when we go to the library, so I need to really try and take them more. It’s such a fun (and quiet) activity for all three of us.
6. Smith needs to nap…less. Shocking, right? We all know my kid loves his naps…but this summer, homeboy is going to nap less. I don’t want to look back on Smith’s life and think, “gee, he slept a lot while Kensington and I did fun stuff”. Nope! This June, Smith is still going to nap every day…but I’m not going to let him nap as long. Instead, we’re going to have fun.
There you have it. None of my goals are mind blowing or earth shattering…they’re just simple little goals to (hopefully) make our June the best it can be. What are your goals for June? I would love to know!! Leave me a comment and share!
And don’t forget…if your goal is to make a simple supper for your family every night this month, I have some great recipes up on Meal Planning Monday! Click here.
Natalie says
I agree with the reading and getting your hair wet! I don't have kiddos, but I do hate the I'm usually the girl at the pool saying, "Don't splash me!"
Tanya says
Great goals! I love number 1 – get your hair wet. About a year ago, I made a conscious decision to be more of a fun mom, more of a "yes" mom. Once your kids get older (and you get older too), it becomes to easy to sit on the sidelines. That is what I found myself doing as my kids got more independent. In the past year, I have "gotten my hair wet" and more – 4×4 driving in Mauritius, horseback riding in Windsor park, etc. I hope my kids will look back and remember a fun mom!
Tab & Erika says
I can't blame Smith. Karla is WAY fun!!
Katie says
This June, I am making it a goal to care LESS about fitness. Now, let me qualify. I get a touch fitness crazy and I am 20 weeks prego, this June I want to pick the walk with my son in the stroller that ends up at a park over the 5 AM spin class more. I love the "getting your hair wet" goal, that also sounds like a great plan to me! Love your blog, read it every day!
Blue-Eyed Bride says
Yay for goals and I love yours! Number one made me laugh and smile big. Sweet Smith! Ha!
Narci D says
These are great goals, and I am so, so proud of you! Now, maybe I should be getting my hair wet more often, too! ?
Eileen says
Totally agree with #1 and #2 – I am focusing on those two this summer as well. Love reading your blog – always helps me to focus on what's most important and simplifying our life.
Jennifer says
May left us exhausted too! Love your goals and I'm thinking about ours as well. Summer is short and sweet so I want to savor every minute. I'm going to try and keep our days simple, but fun. We spend a lot of time at the pool but to change it up a bit I'm letting each of my kids take a turn (once a week) to pick an outing for us. They are so excited that they get to plan where we end up on that given day, and that their siblings have to go along with it without complaint 😉
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Get the hair wet more goal is sooo good. However, I bet your hair looks fabulous when wet. I look like a wet dog. Straight as a board on the sides, super curly in the back. Yeah, I look a mess. Anyway, I want to get on board with this, so don't be surprised when I show up at the pool with a swimming cap.
Lindsay Llambes says
I love the idea of having goals each month, and your goals seem so reasonable. Great idea!
April Parrish says
These goals are a great idea for myself also! Thanks for sharing! Helps to put things in persepctive that our babies will not always be babies and we should enjoy these precious moments in the summer sun with them. I am also that Mom that doesn't get my hair wet enough, but that needs to change.
Have a great day!
Liz says
What a great post! I love the one about reading two books a month. I used to LOVE to read but have found more and more I just don't do it. I look at my phone, play on the Ipad. Anything but reading! What is happening to us? So, yes, reading is a great goal. I think I will join you in that. 🙂
Kim Kauffman says
Love your goals! You inspired me to do the same 🙂 My goals are basically to take the kids to do more fun things like the park (even though it's a pain because of nap times) and PUT MY PHONE DOWN 🙂 Happy Monday!
Laura says
Great post! I'm planning on getting my hair wet more with my kiddos this summer too 🙂 I bought that coconut conditioner you recommended. Silly question…do you put it on your dry hair before getting in the pool or do you wet your hair first? Thanks 🙂
teleana says
so agree with the pool comment. I am like that to especially if we have to go somewhere later. will we be getting a tour of your new house??
hannah says
Great post! My goals for the month are to wake up before my kids (your posts about early waking have encouraged this), blog twice a week, and go outside to play more. Especially before the temps hit triple digits here in Louisiana!
Amy Lynn says
Hey Shay, Can I make a post request? New house? 🙂 I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't wait to see it! Even if it's just glimpses of certain places and spaces. I can't believe you got unpacked so quickly…that must feel GREAT!
Slightly Askew Designs says
Such a great post and I'll echo everyone else about #1. Karla sets the bar high. Darn her. hahaha 🙂 says
I love this post!!! I need to get my hair wet too..LOL
I am reading a really great book, an easy read, but a lot of life lessons, I know the end is going to be heart breaking.. I am scared to finish LOL! it's called Me before you.. look it up!
please, please, can we get a sneak peak at the new house, we are all dying here!
Anna H. says
Love the goal of getting your hair wet! I think that's a great one! I am also trying to be more conscious of putting my phone down and finding more interesting things to do. 🙂 And totally random, but what is in your coffee mug in the pic? It looks delicious!
Christi says
I never thought of myself as that fun mom, but I'm the one who gets my hair wet! my babies are getting so old that the fun mom might be too embarrassing for them…we will see! I love pool time with my babes.
Amy Madill says
Thanks for this inspiration! I always have a list of goals going during the school year and I guess it just never occurred to me that I could also have goals in the summer too! Here is my post with my goals for June – thanks for the motivation! 🙂
Lana says
Your goals for June show so much thought – love them! I was always the mom who jumped in and did what my kids were doing – they still talk about it now. I love the idea of stepping away from the computer on Sunday – I might steal that one from you 🙂 Have a great week!
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
I'm with you on the hair wet thing….esp since I don't wash mine all that often! 😉 But the kids always go bananas with excitement when I jump all the way in!!!
Sarah says
So funny you mention getting your hair wet, just last night I thought the same thing. We've had a pool for 4 years and I can probably count one hand how many times I've been in it. Sad I know, so last night, while my husband took the kids swimming, instead of doing my usual and cleaning and putting things away, I got in my suit and swam. I thought they are only going to want me to swim with them for so long, need to take advantage. My son LOVED it. I will definitely be doing that more this summer!
Anonymous says
This was fun to read & a lesson to lots of us moms!!!
quick question. Do you have a house cleaner? my house is 3400sqft, and after I finish cleaning it with 4 kids, I just feel like I never have enough time to do as much 'fun' stuff as I want. How do you fix time in for laundry, cleaning etc? please help!
Maureen SIM says
I love the goal of not looking at your computer on Sunday! It's so true. I'm at my comp all day every day. What the heck do I need to do on a Sunday that can't wait 24 hours?
kelly says
Your goals are great! Can you share with us how you will teach Kensington French? I would love to do that with my daughter!
Mariela says
I love your June goals! number 1 is my goal for this summer too. I didn't realize this before. Thank you for the reminder 🙂
Laurie S says
Great goals and ideas! Your kids, family and friends will love having you "there" with them. And it's a great thing to take a day off (even the Lord rested).
I want to read more, do more crafts, and not run up and down stairs cleaning like a mad woman. I am scaling back my work hours, and I have no excuse not to.
Have a good day!
Christine Hicks says
Thanks for sharing your monthly goals! You have inspired me to do the same! Funny, I too am the mom in the pool but not splashing around. I have been on a magazine kick for oh, 1 year now. I love to read! Time to pick up a novel! My daughter wants to go to France some day. Better get going on learning French. Take care!
Michelle Ragsdale says
your goals are great!! my June goals are…#1 getting my kids out to play with other kids more…joined a play group already ;)…#2 saying "yes" to kids more, more like why not! I feel like i'm always working (I work from home) I want them to know about hard work, but also you can have fun! #3 more time with the hubby (no distractions allowed) #4 convince myself it is ok to take for myself there they are…must follow through now =)
Heather Forcey says
Love your goals. Mine are to stick to a summer schedule of teaching summer school in the morning and only working two days a week in the afternoon. I also want to visit my mom once a week. I also want to decorate my house in red, white and blue.
MorganizewithMe says
My FAVORITE is getting your hair wet. I'm that mom who is still doing hand stands in the pool. It's so good to play with your kids. Your goals are all great, very intentional. 🙂
Heather Leigh says
One of your books should be Emily Giffin's The One & Only! It's a girl named Shay ( she spelled it Shea and obviously wrong in her book) who lives In TX about an hour away from Dallas! She loves football though not baseball!! Great book!
Anonymous says
Just thinking if he takes a shorter nap – maybe he will go to sleep easier at night – and maybe sleep better and harder. ha. ?? I love naps though. I want to read more books, too!! Make sure to post the books!!! Thanks! Also…I went to the Red Sox/Braves games in Atlanta on Memorial Day. Our Braves lost…but me and my sister both thought of you. hahaha
Jenny @ says
Love these, Shay. Great goals!
Love the one about getting your hair wet. With kids that play together it's hard for me to often jump in with them.