It’s Friday! I’m so excited because after today, Kensington doesn’t have school for a week (woohoo!). I love having my kiddos home with me…especially this time of year :). Today, the Shull four are taking a quick road trip…lots of carols, Christmas movies and snacking in the car on our way up and our way back down. My favorite part of road trips are almost always that time we spend together in the car :).
If everyone could stop and pray for our sweet friend Manda, that would be greatly appreciated. Manda has had a really good week and for that, we are so grateful.
Our prayer specifically is that on Monday, when Manda goes for her scans, that the tumor has responded to the chemo and gotten smaller and that her doctors can review the scans and have an even better picture of how to proceed from here. Prayer works! And we need lots and lots of them!! Please pray for Manda this weekend and especially on Monday. Praying friends is one of my favorites :).
On Thursday, Kensington’s school had their annual Fun Run to raise money for their PTA and our sweet girl was so nervous! All week, she told me she was scared and nervous because she didn’t know if she could run that many laps and she thought she would be slow. Bless her sweet heart! She really didn’t want to run for an hour (who can blame her?!), so she walked most of it (with some insistence from her teacher…she really wanted to stand there), but I was so proud of her for overcoming something she didn’t want to do. She did her very best and made this mama’s heart really proud.
Last Friday, many of you shared your Christmas music obsession with me (apparently, I’m not the only one). So, I just wanted to remind you that my Shade of Shay on my favorite Christmas music post is here…I bet we share many of the same favorites :).
Am I the only one who watches TV Land? All of my favorite reruns are on TV Land, so I seem to have my DVR recording that channel often. They have been running promos for this new show called Younger coming out in January starring one of my very favorite Broadway actresses, Sutton Foster. The previews look so cute and I’m really excited for it to start. Am I alone? Has anyone else heard of this? I know I’m not the only one watch Friends reruns at night ;)!
On the foodie blog today is my yummy Chicken Florentine Enchiladas! Next week, when you need a break from turkey and dressing, you’re going to want to try this recipe!
And since last week was Holiday Dresses Week over here and this week is Holiday Party Shoe Week, I thought I’d end our Friday with some more cute holiday party shoes! All fun finds came from Nordstrom who asked me to review these sparkly goodies!
I’m still a big fan of my blush colored patent heels. They’re the perfect little neutral shoe to wear year around. And the great thing about patent leather is that you can wear it in yucky weather and they don’t get destroyed.
I received several comments from readers who have these pewter gold pumps and everyone seems to love them! They would look super cute with a sassy dress or a pair of black pants.
And I love me a Steve Madden shoe because they always, always, always fit true to size. I think these rhinestone pumps are just super fun.
This was the party shoe with the most feedback. Several of you already own a pair (available in black, silver and nude) and said they are really comfy. Comfy and pretty? Hello! That’s just perfection.
And let’s be real…we all truly appreciate, want and need the cozy slippers (for us and for gifts too). Sigh. I wish I had a pair on right this very second.
And if you’re looking for pajamas to go with those slippers, these are my very favorite. I plan on wearing them 24/7 when the weather turns really cold and I’m hibernating in my house with my new baby. For now, you will find me in them every day from 5:00 PM until 7:00 AM. #noshame
Happy Friday friends! On Monday, my Shade of Shay on some of our favorite Christmas traditions! See you then!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
I've never felt closer to Kensington than I do right this very second. And the name FUN Run doesn't even make sense.
Blue-Eyed Bride says
Well, it should come as no surprise that I love Sutton Foster, too! Sweet Kensington… I'd have been nervous, too!
Michele @ The Joyful Home says
I love those party shoes! But, I may love the pajamas and slippers even more 🙂
Erika Slaughter says
Hahahaha!!! Love Sheaffer's comment!!! She did GREAT!
Betsy Maddox says
Bless sweet Kinsington's heart. She is the sweetest thing. She should be so proud of herself!! 🙂
Betsy Maddox says
And I know her name isn't Kinsington!! What on earth?! Ha! KENSINGTON! 🙂
Charla Liedahl says
I love Sutton Foster too! If we had a girl she was going to be named Sutton Blythe. But God gave me two boys! Adore them!
kimm atwood says
I agree with sheaffer…there is no fun in run…lol…Olivia isn't a fan of it either and the pajamas…I puthem on everyday before dinner and it just makes me happy. Have a great road trip!!!!
Narci says
I am so proud of Kensingron for doing her run! Have a great trip, girl! I am thankful for you and your sweet family!
Haley @ Cupcakes and Sunshine says
SO excited about your Christmas traditions post! Christmas Eve jammies are always my favorite tradition!
Leigh says
I'm with Kensington. Running does not equal fun for me. Yay for that sweet baby making it through. I might whine if someone wanted me to run for an hour :). I love TV Land and that show does look good! Me and pajamas are great friends as I also have them on from 5pm to 6:30am every day.
Natalie Zambreski says
I can't wait to add your playlist to some of my favorites! 🙂
And still – those PJs. LOVE THEM.
Paula says
Who has time to run when learning French & baking is on her mind! I am with her!
Enjoy your road trip!
Stacy says
Wow, you all are missing the boat on the Fun Run. Seriously. It's never too early to teach our children to look outside themselves and participate for a good cause. Proud of her for having to be constantly told to keep going? I'd raise your standards a bit.
Mix and Match Mama says
Asking a 6 year old little girl to run in a circle for an hour is quite a lot. I'm very proud that my child (who has never shown any interest in running for an hour), dug down within herself and achieved this goal. My standards for my kids is to love them for who they are and show them grace. I'm not going to be one of those over-bearing parents that rob them of a childhood by putting unnecessary pressure on them to fulfill goals that satisfy the parents' overinflated ego. I'm proud of her regardless of the fact that she needed encouragement from others to finish.
Tracie Briggs says
There should be no standards to raise when it comes to a six-year old child. Being an elementary school teacher, i know that very few kids would have the stamina to run for an hour. They'd lose interest or exhaust themselves. So kudos to Kensington for participating and finishing the event. It was for a good cause and it's something she'll be able to remember and feel good about because she finished. Seems like a great learning experience to me.
Anonymous says
As a kindergarten teacher, at least at my school, it is known that it is a fun event to get the kids outside and do exactly what happened with Kensington….watch kids embrace something new. How wonderful and awesome must that sweet six year old feel having accomplished something she thought she couldn't do! Having "standards" and pushing your children to feel like failures if they aren't perfect is damaging. Thank you Shay for showing grace as a mother….it will have a huge impact on her entire life.
Lauren Truman says
Shay is brave enough to post such candid things about her life and her family. It takes courage to be real. You are questioning her positive outlook on this situation. You may choose to have a different outlook, but your comment is not uplifting or helpful. She is sharing about her daughter, her parenting approach and her moments of pride. As women, we need to encourage each other. You are completey welcome to your own opinion, but let's try and remember how candid Shay is being.
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (Phillipians 4:8) Shay, your outlook on sweet Kensington is worthy of praise. Thank you for sharing!
Kim Kauffman says
My 4 year old's pre-k class just had a "fun" run and it did not go well with her – from the bright yellow shirt she was supposed to wear ("I like pink, not yellow!") to the giant eagle that cheered (aka scared) them on…I'm not looking forward to next year. 🙂
Slightly Askew Designs says
PJs are my love language 😉
Anonymous says
Schaeffer's comment made me laugh! I have to share with you my thoughts about your Michael Buble Christmas CD. You had mentioned that you grew up in your family with the Carpenters as your Christmas music and then you said you want your childrens memories of Christmas music to be Michael Buble. & I really thought that was so interesting because I just assumed that people would like what they grew up with and I grew up with Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole ect. Anyway when I was at the store I saw the Michael Buble CD and on a whim I grabbed it cuz I just couldn't imagine what would make you choose him over the Christmas music you had grown up hearing.! Well, once I heard it, I knew exactly why you chose michael buble to be your chriztmas music of choice! Because it is perfect!!! Quintessential Christmas! And in my mind it is a replica of the Bing Crosby era. So I of course LOVE it! I had to tell you thank you cuz I love it! And this will be added to my family's repertoire of Christmas music!!!
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
LOVE those party shoes you're wearing!! I think you should throw a party just so I can come and wear sparkly shoes.
Chelsea Phelps says
I will be praying for Manda and that she receives good news at her appt on Monday! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog earlier this week and for praying for my family. I really appreciate it!
V @ X-tremely V says
Have fun on your road trip 🙂 I love a good road trip!
Prays have been said and will continue to do so.
We are so much alike on our Christmas music choices 🙂 Love the season!
And those sparkly shoes are perfect for an upcoming wedding I will be in!
V @ X-tremely V says
One more thing…I need to tune into that show! I love Hilary Duff!
Lana says
So glad your friend Manda had a good week – I've been keeping her in my prayers. And can I just say, running laps for an hour sounds intimidating to me too! Good for Kensington :)!
The Petersens says
Well I was going to comment on the awesomeness of a post with slippers, pjs and Christmas music, but now I'll say thanks for being so honest about Kensington's struggles during the run. So many would just post a perfect picture of their child and act like they completed the ONE HOUR run with no problems. Wishing you safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving!
Anonymous says
WAY TO GO, Kensington!!!!! That's really awesome. Shay, I had a dream last night that you guys were leaving today to go pick up Ashby!! (maybe I'm reading your blog a little too often! ha!)
Thanks for sharing your highlights!
P.S. I was cleaning out last night, and I ran across my old Buble Christmas CD! Score!! Thought of you!
Karen I.
Anonymous says
I am also a Lover of all things Christmas. Something about the music that stirs up great memories. Have you heard Idina Menzel's Christmas CD? Her duet with Michael Buble is fantastic.
Allison F says
Oof… Stacy… ouch. No biggy having your own opinions as we all do, but was that the most positive comment you could have come up with? I like the old-fashioned golden rule – If you can't say something nice…..
And I do just have to add that your readers, Shay, really appreciate how honest you are! Very refreshing!
Also, Michael Buble – I LOVE his Christmas cd, it just… I don't know… warms ya right up!
THANK YOU for the slipper and pj ideas, my family (including myself) will be receiving some! Also, I know you are a big fan of Nordstrom's, but I just wanted to share and recommend that Soma's cool nights collection is also AHHHHHMAZING!!!
Jaclyn G. Johnson says
Hi Shay – I've been praying daily for your friend Manda for a few weeks now since you shared her story w/us and asked us to do so. I will continue to pray for her and her family and hope that she gets a great report from the doctor on Monday! Also, kudos to you for being proud that your daughter FINISHED the run, nevermind how she did it or how much encouragement it took. I'm sure sweet Kensington was so proud of herself! Safe travels this weekend and thanks for continuing to share your life with us 🙂
Jenny Perez says
So glad that Manda had a great week. Praying that Monday's scan delivers the good news that the chemo is working and the tumor is shrinking. Good job Kensington! We had a similar experience with my 5 year old at her brother's "friends and family" x-country meet. I should have had an inkling my daughter and I had different expectations when she insisted on wearing a tutu and lots of costume jewelry to the meet. In the end, (after lots of encouragement) my little girl did participate and I was so proud of her!
Have a great weekend!
Queen In Between says
Manda is so lucky to have such a great support group. Will be praying for her. And poor sweet Kensington…glad she made it.
sarah mcclanahan says
Proud of your sweet Kensington!! I am not a runner & never have been & I don't think there is a FUN run 🙂 I've been praying for your friend Manda!!! I am a firm believer in prayer!!!!!
Jaren says
Always love your Friday faves! Hope you guys have a fun road trip and kudos to y'all for always making it a point to go visit them as often as you do even though they are far away!! I love road trips too!
I also love how professional you always are no matter what people say…that's grace! And hopefully people can remember that this is your "online scrapbook" and we just get to have fun checking it out. In the end, this is for you and your family.
Shelby says
Hi Shay,
I love reading your blog and following you on IG! You are an inspiration as a mom, wife, friend and Christian! Have you ever listened to the Alabama Christmas album? My mom, sis and I can never get enough of it;) The first song on the album, Santa Clause (I still believe in you), is one of my favorites! My kids love this album and love singing along to it;). Happy Holidays!
Anonymous says
Actually I'm kinda surprised that the fun run was that long?! That seems like way way too much for Kg. My son and his Kg class ran a quarter mile and it seemed appropriate, but he was still nervous too. Maybe you can give your school feedback. Not good to push kids too hard, IMO. Sweet, sweet girl! Bless you all!
Catrina Annette says
Shay, Can I just say, that at the very moment I want to jump up and defend you and say something equally as ugly in response to someone else's post, I read your response. It shows me to take a step back, take a deep breath and take another approach. There is a way to get your point accross in a tasteful manner. I appreciate this lesson of patience you have helped me with. Good job Kensington! And many continued prayers for Manda.
Megan says
My favorite part of this post is the very end!!!! Can't wait for you to hibernate and snuggle Ashby!!