Peppermint Cocoa Krispies Treats
Gingerbread Cupcakes with Egg Nog Cream Cheese Frosting
And for many more, you can click here to see my favorite Easy Christmas Desserts.
I really hope that when my kids are older and have left my nest, they look back with really fond memories of being in the kitchen with their mom. We laugh, we learn, we create, we use our imaginations and we bond. I know they are memories I will cherish forever and ever.
So, grab your kids, some fun sprinkles and a little patience and hit the kitchen with your kiddos this Christmas season. ‘Tis the season for fun family memories :).
And one last note, remember my Recipe Exchange Party last week? Well, you can find my recipe for Chicken and Broccoli Bites here and Narci’s recipe for Buffalo Chicken Dip here. I’ll try and post the other recipes as the weeks go by!
Have a great day!
Michele @ The Joyful Home says
Your kids will certainly remember this! Thanks for the ideas–next week is our big baking week!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Making the reindeer food this weekend! And I"m going to have to try those Gingerberad cupcakes!
Narci says
This made me tear up a little! Your kids are going to have such great memories of being in the kitchen with their mama!! Those pictures were so darn sweet!! ❤️
Erika Slaughter says
Yummy!! Looks like I'll be in all week! I should whip some of that yummy was up!
Dollie says
Those those peppermint cocoa krispies look very scrumptious! I also, second baking with kiddos is fun, lots of messes and giggles in the kitchen, makes lots of memories to never be forgotten!
Megan says
Shay, I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now and have really enjoyed your two cents on a wide range of topics. I love your easy yet helpful advice on everything and I enjoy watching your cute little family too. I have to tell you that I rarely make it to the mix and match mamma blog because I'm not the biggest fan of cooking/baking, nor am I that successful with it. That changed a few months ago when you posted the link to the sweet potato shepard's pie which I knew I HAD to eat. (Which meant I had to make it!) Luckily, even with homemade mashed sweet potatoes, the recipe was simple and delicious and I've made it several times since. Then last week, I was intrigued by your gingerbread cupcakes with eggnog cream cheese icing. I decided to make them for my holiday party this past weekend and they were a great success. I have to tell you, I almost didn't make it there with them because I was prepared to eat the entire batch of icing right off the spoon! SO DELICIOUS! Thanks for your inspiration and for helping this less than adept kitchen friend find her bearings! 🙂
Briana Runde says
YUM!!!! Thanks for sharing all these delicious ideas! I think we may have to spend the rest of the week in the kitchen. 🙂
Tracy says
I've always loved cooking with my kids. Now that they're teens they still enjoy cooking (they just don't need mom's help as much!). 🙂
Kari Maddox says
I think my kids might eat these bites! Going to try!
Meagan Ruse says
What special memories you are making with your kids! This is one of my favorite of your posts! Precious!
Slightly Askew Designs says
STOP!!! that first pic of K?!?!?! SO SO SO SWEET!!!! Love the memories you're making with your kids! 😉
Renae says
I so agree with you on having your kiddos help in the kitchen sometime-its a bit stresful sometime, but so worth it.I can't wait to try out those red velvet pancakes.
MAK says
Ok super random question, do you let your kiddos eat raw batter that has eggs in it? I've done it my whole life and prefer dough/batter over cooked anything but now that I have a two year old it makes you second guess things like that! Have you ever researched whether or not it's truly harmful or do you just throw caution to the wind and live on the wild side? 😉
Shesabigstar says
You do such a good job of this! I'm working on the patience factor of having my kids in the kitchen with me more often! 😉
Emily Scott says
Have you ever used a website to compile your recipes into a personal cookbook? I would love to do this for my sisters & mom using our special family recipes and I'm searching for the best site to use. Just wondering if you've heard of any great ones! So far "Tastebook" seems to be the best I've found…
Leigh says
I love seeing pictures of your kids in the kitchen with you! Your kids are building wonderful memories of being in the ktichen with their mom! I'm a baker and I love getting in the kitchen with my little helper. Recipe modification has become my life since my 3 year old was diagnosed with food allergies. I am thankful for his allergies (as odd as that sounds) because they forced me to think outside the original recipe. It's made me better.
Alison says
Holiday baking is so much fun, especially with the kids! I'm going to make the red velvet pancakes!
Aubrey says
Yes! Cooking with the kiddos is the best! Love all your photos of K and S in on the action!