1. Actually celebrate our 11th anniversary: Andrew and I are celebrating our 11th anniversary on March 13…and we are notorious for not doing anything special. Andrew and I just really like staying in, eating supper with our kiddos, and doing our normal thing on our anniversary. And since we don’t exchange gifts for holidays or occasions, our anniversary can really kind of get forgotten…but this year, our anniversary falls on a Friday, so we are going to go out on a date :).
2. Make appointments for everything and everyone: I pulled out my calendar and decided March is going to be the month of appointments. I need to take all three kids to the dentist, I need to go to the dentist, I need to make a dermatologist appointment (I’m getting skin checks twice a year now!), Smith still hasn’t had his five year well visit, Ashby needs to see the pediatrician again and Kensington and I need hair appointments. My goal for the month is to schedule it all and get it all done.
3. Invite 2 families over for dinner: We love having families over for dinner, so this month, I’m going to invite two different families at two different times to come have a meal with us in our home.
4. Go to the Perot with Smith: Smith has been asking to visit the Perot Museum…I need to get on this. That precious boy will be in kindergarten next year, so I need to soak in these sweet times right now.
5. Have a lazy spring break: I can tend to look at an occasion like Spring Break and fill it with lots of fun things to keep my kids really busy the entire week…but I don’t think that’s what Kensington wants. I think she wants to stay around the house and have a low-key week instead of go, go, go. I want to enjoy having my three kiddos home all week and have a lazy Spring Break.
That’s my March!
If you’re looking for any March goodies to make, you can see all of my fun St. Paddy’s Day treats here.
Don’t forget to check out my foodie blog today…
,,,my Blackberry Muffins are an easy after school snack, breakfast or little sweet treat for dessert.
Jen says
Yay for March goals!!! 🙂 I cannot believe that February is almost over.
P.S. I was sick for several days and I think I read your entire blog from beginning to now! It was so fun reading about your journey.
Erika Slaughter says
Good for you!! You guys deserve a date night!
Stacey says
I think setting monthly goals is such a great idea. It's so easy to let the days slip away without doing the things you want/need to do. I'm going to start this practice and put the paper front and center where I won't forget! Thanks for the great idea.
Lacey Peek says
I made my list of books that I want to reads very month for the next 6 months…reading The Husband's Secret right now and OMGGGG!!!! Love it!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Yay for date night. We will come over for dinner….and if you came me a basket of blackberry muffins to take home, I wouldn't be mad at ya.
Narci says
Yay! Sounds like you are going to have a great March!! Woohoo! 🙂
Michele @ The Joyful Home says
I admire you for setting goals and following up on them each month. I should make it a goal to start doing that 🙂 You and Smith will love the Perot- so fun for kids, but especially boys!
kimm atwood says
Yay for date night! And lazy spring breaks are the best!
Manon says
I am French girl and I fell in love with your blog and your family. You're such an inspiration. I am really organized just like you. I do not have kids yet, but it will be very soon.
I went to the USA for a semester when I was a student. I studied at the University of San Diego. I loved it !
If you need any help with your French, I'm your girl 🙂
Take care 🙂 XxX
Sara W says
Love the idea of setting monthly goals – helps the yearly ones become more manageable! Here in snowy Boston, I feel like our monthly goal should be to survive the 10 feet of snow outside, ha! My 5 and 2-year olds can barely see where they are going! Oh well, alllllllmost Sox season….. 🙂 Love reading about your family – you do such a wonderful job with your blog, I honestly look forward to it every morning! Your friends' blogs are AMAZING too and so much fun, too! I read them all whenever they post! 🙂
Paula says
I love goal setting! Organization makes me happy! 🙂
Lindy Brien says
I have really enjoyed reading your Shades of Shay and I was recently wondering about date nights 😉 We tend to under celebrate anniversaries too, ours was last week. I'm planning a date for this Friday and I think date nights are so important!! I figured that with Ashby's transition time you guys probably don't get much alone time or date nights yet, so good for you and Happy Anniversary!
P.S. The other Shade of Shay I am curious about is cleaning. I know you are super organized, do you have any sort of cleaning routine or do you have someone come and clean for you? I prefer the later 😉
Kelly @ The OK Momma says
Oh gosh. I saw "Derm" and read "Perm" for some reason on your notepad! My mind was RACING.
Derm. Derm makes much more sense. And everybody should be going twice a year to get checked – hurrah for prevention!
Dawn McCormick says
I would love to see a post on Perot. I really want to go and take the family.
She's a big star says
Shay, listen… I saw your list and thought 'Derm' said 'Perm' and you could probably feel me reaching through my computer, grabbing your face and saying "nooooo!!" Ha – so yeah, stick with the Derm not the Perm! 😉
Anonymous says
Your blog is the highlight of my morning. I always look forward to reading it!
Melissa says
All of those goals sound great! I'm all for planning low-key breaks…there is a time for big vacations, but sometimes the kiddos (and the mama) just need a break. And the blackberry muffins are definitely getting baked soon!!!
Elaine Welte says
Maybe it's b/c I just started a diet, but those muffins look delish! Enjoy your low key month!
Erin says
I pulled out March calendar and planned all my appointments too!! And YAY for a lazy March break
Slightly Askew Designs says
YAY for lazy Spring Breaks!!! Can't wait to hang with y'all during the week off! 🙂
Christy says
I love that you set monthly goals! I am trying to do the same in my house. 🙂 I love your blog as always!!!
Whitney {Whitney's Sweet Life} says
Love monthly goals! I have to do that or I feel so unorganized. Hah! And yay it's almost March! Which means springtime (hopefully)! Check out my springtime wish list! http://whitneyssweetlife.blogspot.com/?m=1
Natalie Zambreski says
I really should take a que from you and catch up on my appointments. I hate to admit how long it's been since I've visited the dentist! YIKES.
Kelli @ A Deeper Joy says
I loved the Perot and I don't even have any kids! :-p Enjoy Spring Break! I've long forgotten what those are 🙂
Sarah E @ theteacherswife.com says
I love the way you do your monthly goals – I have year goals, but plan to start setting more specific monthly ones so I can actually accomplish the yearly ones…if that makes sense? 🙂
Megan Godard says
I know you're doing the kids appointments this month, so don't forget about their eyes! I'm an optometrist and every kid should have an eye exam with an optometrist before kindergarten. The pediatrician screening doesn't count. Just an FYI since lots of parents don't think about it and lots of pediatricians say it's not needed, which is just crazy! If kids can't see properly they can't learn, plus, we need to make sure their little eyes are healthy. Happy March 🙂
Aubrey says
I'll trade you straight up for your March to-do list. My to-do list for the upcoming month currently spans six different excel spreadsheets (and counting). International moves are brutal!