Happy Friday!!
Along with my friends Andrea, Erika and Narci, I’m linking up and sharing my favorite things this Friday!
Well who knew that you guys were experts with chalkboards? (And bloody noses…you guys are experts about that too!) Last week, I asked for ideas on how to clean off my chalkboards and you guys offered up a wealth of suggestions in the comment section. The most popular recommendations were:
1. Magic Erasers (the #1 recommendation!)
2. Windex
3. Soda
4. Water and Vinegar
And then on Wednesday, I mentioned how Ashby gets bloody noses quite frequently and you offered up the suggestions on that too!
1. Humidifier
2. Vaseline inside the nostrils before bed
3. Saline nose spray
Thank you so much for the suggestions! I love this little blog community so much :). As for my quote…I wanted to erase my board with my Magic Eraser so you could see how well it worked but I didn’t have anything to really write on it, so I told Smith that he could pick a quote as I read them from my Pinterest board…and when I read him this one, he laughed and laughed and laughed! He thought this was the funniest quote :).
All right…another question. What do you guys think about the Fitbit? I have a few friends that love, love, love them…but they’re not cheap, so I really want to make sure they’re worth the investment before I buy one. I know that some days, I’m not as active as others…and I hear this is a really good way to gauge my activity…but I’d love to know the thoughts of you guys that might have one. Please comment with your Fitbit opinions!
Last week, I talked about Stella & Dot…and this week, my new bracelet arrived…
…I had the coordinates for Xi’an, China engraved on it. That’s where Ashby is from :).
Yesterday, I added this to my post later in the morning but in case you missed it…Loft is having their 40% Friends and Family sale right now! All three of these tops are now 40% off…
1. Blue Floral
3. Ikat Blouse
(I bought smalls in all three.)
I wish I could take credit for this…but Kensington taught her :). Andrew was not impressed.
And the other morning, I decided to make Cinnamon Roll Cups for my kiddos…
…and they were a HUGE hit! You should make these this weekend! Recipe here.
Happy Friday!!
Brittany Medland says
I just knew that video would be on your Friday Favorites! Haha. Happy Friday 🙂
Whitney Plunkett says
Haha your video was perfect (especially because I'm a baltimore girl.. Hehe sorry!) And when it comes to the Fitbit, I LOVE mine!!!! My friends/ family & I do challenges & it really motivates me & makes me aware of my steps! Yesterday I meeded 2,000 more steps to catch up to the person in first place so I went on a run after work (probably wouldn't have done that otherwise!!!!!) I say go ahead & get it!!! 🙂
Julie Connelly says
I have the FitBit One and absolutely LOVE it!!! I does help keep me accountable & I love seeing my step count thru out the day. I also really like that my phone gives me notifications to let me know how many more steps I need that day or that I have reached my goal for that day. Personally, if I was buying one right now I would go with one of the new ones like the Charge or Charge HR (I would LOOOOOVE to have this one ;)) Good Luck!!!!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
LOVE the coordinates bracelet. Almost as much as I love tacos. And you know that's a lot.
Dawn says
I love my Fitbit Zip! No bulky bracelet, and I can take it out of its clip and tuck it in my bra if needed. The only time I take it off is to shower. I credit it with helping me lose 30 pounds last year!
Elizabeth says
I agree about the Fitbit zip. Love that I can wear it clipped to my bra or my pant's pocket instead having to wear it on my wrist. It also helped me lose weight last year. It is very motivating! I would recommend it completely.
Fitbit is the best thing ever! Have had mine since February and I'm lost without it. You'll definitely push yourself harder with it. BTW love all your recipes! I've made at least 6 of them and all were great and have become repeats at our house 🙂
Narci says
That coffe quote is the best, and I need to run over to loft. Their tops are so cute this season!! See you soon!!
hannah friend says
You NEED a fit bit! As soon as you get one you'll wonder how you ever lived without 😉
Anonymous says
You should check into the Microsoft band! If you compare it to the Fitbit I think you'd find it a much better investment! Plus the apps available with the band are a bonus!
Tracy Peng says
Love my Fitbit Charge! (I had a clip-on one before and lost it in the mad rush of life, so I decided I needed one with a wristband and a display so I can see my step counts without needing to go to my iPhone or computer). The software for seeing your stats is really well done, lots of nice graphs if you like to see trends mapped out. I've definitely walked much more since getting it in January 🙂
Incidentally, I've been wondering about Ashby and her cultural identity since I'm half Chinese and grew up in the Midwest (but with my biological family raising me, which is totally different) where most people looked very different from myself. Maybe sometime you could post thoughts about ways of keeping her in touch with her birth culture so she doesn't feel alienated from those cultural roots when she's older? As children, we went to Chinese School every Saturday morning and learned rudimentary Chinese writing, language, and dance (there was a recital every year where we dressed in traditional clothing and performed the dances). If all your kids went to this kind of thing together (I know, not one more thing to add to the schedule !!!), it might be a nice bonding and cultural exchange kind of experience!
Mindy says
Happy Friday! I think you have a typo. You want to get a humidifier. The DEhumidifiers do the opposite of what you need. We run a dehumidifier in the basement in the summertime when it gets damp down there. I always ran a regular humidifier or vaporizer in my daughters room when she was younger (she is 10 now). It really does help put moisture back in the room and help with the nose bleeds and breathing in general. The saline nose spray also really helps. I used to get nose bleeds in college (up in the mountains where the air was super dry) and it really did help.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Slightly Askew Designs says
LOVE that coordinate bracelet! SO sweet!!!
Ashley Delaney says
I bought the Fitbit charge hr. Found the numbers it showed to be realllly inaccurate 🙁 I realllllly wanted to keep it but couldn't justify spending $150 for a product that coined extra steps when I was driving (like 200-400 steps in a 40 minute drive) and the heart rate was wayyyy off. I found the heart rate to be highly inaccurate too. I returned mine 🙁 I had such high hopes. Read reviews online from a couple different websites before you buy!!
Michelle says
I love my Fitbit flex. In my opinion the only negative is it can come off easily. I found something online called a Bitbelt. It is a small plastic belt type piece that fits on the bracelet. They come in lots of different colors and are very inexpensive. Have a lovely day!
Anonymous says
I bought a Jawbone bracelet and I love it! It does what the Fitbit does but when I compared the two the Jawbone got better customer reviews.
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I waited until the Fitbit Charge HR came out and I am so glad that I did!! It measures your heart rate too (which the others don't), so that even if you're doing a spinning class and not getting any steps, it sees that your heart rate is up and counts that for you. I love it!
Anonymous says
Wore my Fitbit over a year- it's a fad. You will find over time you know how many steps you take. It is motivating but I was a slave to charging it and checking it and beating it and out doing my "friends" on it. It is not cute on your arm. I had my charger die 2 times and Fitbit did replace it but the third time I was like I'm fine this is stupid. Also it's a pain at the pool. Not water proof only water resistant. My recommendation is eh no thanks.
Amy says
I love this comment! This is exactly how I feel. I wore mine for about 3 months. By then I knew my average steps and didn't find it useful. Plus, I hate how ugly it is. It doesn't work with any jewelry or cute outfits. Most of which are things you or Sheaffer post! ? It's a fad and I say don't give in to it!
Erika Slaughter says
Those little cups look delicious!! Your new Stella and Dot bracelets are CUTE!! And…I'm so glad you researched the chalkboard question. Good to know!
Anonymous says
Lara Bice says
I love love love my Fitbit! Tory Burch has darling bands too! They're expensive, but durable and so easy to use! I have broken one, and Fitbit replaced it right away 🙂 it's a great family fitness app, all my siblings and both our parents have them and it's fun to have a little friendly competition! 🙂
Marsha says
I have a Fitbit Zip and it's great! I didn't want the bracelet, as I didn't want to have to wear a particular "accessory" every day. The Zip is fantastic. The best suggestion I heard was to clip it to your bra. I clip mine in the front, in the middle, facing inward so the front profile is smoother and not noticeable at all under clothes. No need to remember to move the Zip if you change pants, etc! I'm not great with technical things, but the Fitbit was VERY easy to set up on my computer and on my phone. I love that I can track things on my phone. Makes everything very convenient and easy. Wonderful way to track my activity level! It's fun to see how many steps I've taken, and on many days explains why I'm so tired at bedtime! Busy mamas take a LOT of steps on a busy day, especially when running errands — haha! And despite what you might read from a few online comments if you do a search, my battery life has been great. Let us know what you decide.
Valerie Cox says
I got a Fitbit Flex for Christmas and love it! It's motivating to get my steps in for the day, and it's nice to see how many steps I'm getting and track my sleep patterns. I like the flex because it's not bulky and has the sleep option too. I take mine off for "fancy" occasions, and remembering to take it off in the shower hasn't been an issue. You can also get covers for it…Tory Burch makes some. Love Ashby and Kensington's video!!
Anonymous says
If you are looking to buy a Fitbit — look at Tory Burch. She has a stylish collection of them that would go perfect with your everyday bangles! You can wear it with your Stella and dot bracelets and it looks like you coordinated it!
Laci Murray says
I have the Fitbit Flex and love it. It is comfortable and doesn't bother me. It is neat to see how active you have been throughout the day. It monitors sleep etc. I do enjoy mine.
I also have two kids who suffer from extreme allergies, East TN kids, we have pollen like nobody's business. Humidifier was life changing. 🙂 Have a great weekend!!!
Karen R says
I thought about the FitBit as well, but after some research, I went with the Misfit Flash. You wear it on your wrist as a watch but you can also clip it to your shirt or pants pocket or even just put it in your pocket. It's water proof so great for swimming and comes in lots of colors. I've had it for about 2 weeks – I track my steps and love that it tracks my sleep as well. It was only about $38 on Amazon which I thought was a great price to try something out. I may switch to the FitBit HR at some point but wanted to make sure that having a fitness tracker was useful first. I highly recommend it as a starter!
Love the Stella and Dot bracelets….especially the anchor!
arayne says
I love my Fitbit flex! It keeps me motivated on the days where I really want to do nothing. All the girls at my work have one so we have some friendly competition going as well!
Candice Ibarra says
I have the Nike fuel band which is pretty much the same thing as the fit bit and I love it! If I had a suggestion for the fit bit I would say definitely get the bracelet version and not the one that clips on your waist!
Kelly @ The OK Momma says
Love my fitbit! I want to get the flex though because the one I had fell right off my wrist on Christmas – never to be seen again. It definitely held me accountable though! I found myself jogging in place before bed to hit my 10,000 steps many nights!
Love those chalkboard tips! We have a big one in our kitchen that I use to write our weekly menus on – it definitely needs a good cleaning!
Kim says
Just a quick comment on the nose bleeds—my coworker gets them (pretty severe) and she uses coconut oil instead of the Vaseline for applying with a Qtip to her nostrils. I believe it's cold pressed and it is the liquid variety (not solid). She swears it makes a difference!
Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam, and Dylan Too! says
The Cinnamon Roll Cups look SO good!!!
Lindsey Hiatt says
I LOVE my fitbit flex! It's waterproof, it tracks my water (keeps me accountable to drink enough throughout the day), and so much more. It's an easy and fun way to keep moving throughout the day! I also set alarms on it and that helps me get up. there is nothing more rewarding than feeling it vibrate when your reach your goals for the day!
Elaine Welte says
I love your "Ashby" S&D bracelet! I'm getting the anchor one for my MIL for Mother's Day since they live on a lake, and those muffins look delicious!
Bri Bliss says
I am a HUGE lover of my FitBit! It has really boosted my activity levels & held me accountable during my second pregnancy. My mom, sister, and aunt have them too, so we're always competing in challenges for extra motivation too!
Megan Steele says
Love my fitbit! I'm a first grade teacher I originally wanted to know how much I hopped around the school each day! It's really turned into a motivation! Each time you meet certain percentage of your goal it buzzes if it hasn't buzzed by lunch time I enjoy peeking at it which makes me more aware of taking those few extra steps through out the day! 🙂
Leslie says
I LOVE my Fitbit charge! I got it in Feb & it's a huge motivator for me to be more active. I have a daily goal of 10,000 steps so I push myself everyday to meet my goal (even when it's easier to lay on the couch all morning!) I only have to charge mine once a week. I just love it & I'm sure you will too!
I absolutely love your blog & your sweet family ❤️
Anonymous says
Check with your pediatrician about baseline in the nose. Anything that isn't water soluble inside the nose can be inhaled and build up in the lungs over time and cause lipoid pneumonia. Nasal saline or nasal gel are safer options.
megan.schimel says
Hi Shay! I think you should totally go for a Fitbit. I started with the Zip and it helped me realize just how inactive I was. It was a big wakeup call! After using the Zip for almost two years, my husband got me the Charge this past Christmas because I was thinking of upgrading to am armband version. I have to say…I'm not in love with it. I do love all the stats is shows in addition to steps (sleep, floors, etc. – things not tracked by the Zip), but I honestly don't think it's as accurate as the Zip. I have a looong commute 4 days per week…and it tracks steps while I'm driving. It's also a lot bulkier than I thought it would be. If I could return the Charge, I think I would go for the One because it's rechargeable (the Zip isn't…and I felt like I was blowing through batteries) and it tracks more than the Zip. Have fun picking out the right one for you!
Christy says
I love the bracelets! Super cute.
jennibell says
I love, love, love my Fitbit! My husband and I got them for Christmas and compete for number of steps, calories consumed, etc. I also like that it tracks my sleep. My kids all want one now to compete with their cousins who live in another state…..
Mama Of Boys says
Love it, our chalkboard in the playroom says 'be kind or go home'!!
Anonymous says
Jawbone up has really good bands!
Katelyn Magerko says
Check out the Tory Burch Fitbit bracelets! If that doesn't make up your mind I don't know what will!!!!!
Nick, Lindsey, and Anniston Kennedy says
I absolutely love my Fitbit Surge! It has GPS built in so when I go for a run, I don't have to wear an extra accessory. The sleep tracking is amazing too. I’ve found that I sleep better when I go to bed at a certain time. I have some friends who have the Fitbit Charge HR and love it as well.
Liz says
I wanted a Fitbit so badly, but returned it after 3 days! I realized that I know how active (or not) I am on any given day, and didn't need a gadget to tell me that. I also felt very stressed about having yet another device that needed charging, and checking on an app throughout each day. It actually gave me anxiety! I have enough things (laptop, blackberry, iphone) to worry about and vcertainly didn't need another. The sleep tracking feature was cool, but just confirmed what I already thought was happening. I think it's a trend that will phase out, and if you decide to get one keep the receipt for a few days…
Kenra says
Go buy a fitbit today! You will love it. It really makes you think about how inactive (or active!) you are. It has made me get up and get moving. I also track my calories and sleep. My daughter (8 years old) begs to wear it. I have the charge and love it! If you are already very active, it may not help. But I knew I needed to be more active and this gives me a reason to get up and move. Happy Friday!
jen lam says
If u put it on your wrist it will take the movement of your hands moving n not just your steps .So I put it on my ankle to take the movement of my steps only .
susy marie says
Ive had the FitBit for about 2 months now and i can't imagine not having it! Its amazing! I actually have that hot pink one in the picture, but i would suggest the black one. Only because you have to go on your phone overtime you want to see your steps, active mins etc. The black you just tap and the screen shows everything! GREAT investment! You won't be sorry!
Anonymous says
Hi Shay. I read your blog everyday, but don't comment very often. I have had a Fitbit one for over a year and I love it. I like that I can wear it under my clothes (clipped to my bra) or on my pocket. I sometimes use it to track my sleep and I like to keep track of my water intake on the app. I recently started doing competitions with some friends and find that very motivating to get my steps for the day. Cathy
Anonymous says
I wear my fitbit one every. single. day. I just clip it on my bra and never even think about it! I've heard too many people have issues with the fitbit you wear on your wrist, arms not swinging, clapping, etc. Highly recommend! Love your blog, you have the most gorgeous family! 🙂
Andrea Clark says
Our daughter suffered from horrible nosebleeds as well. Saline gels or sprays definitely help, as well as humidifiers, however if Ashby's nosebleeds continue, you may want to take her to an ENT to get checked. Our daughter's nasal passage was worn down to the point that it had to be cauterized in order to stop the nosebleeds.
Rebecca Jo says
That bracelet!!!!!!!!
Get a fitbit – don't pass go – don't collect $200 … just do it!!! You'll love it!
whizdoms says
I have a Polar Loop that I love. I feel like it has more capabilities than the Fitbit. I did have to get used to always wearing it, but it is water proof. I just put a watch on that arm too so that the Loop bracelet doesn't stand out. I have been doing a fitness challenge at work, and it helps me keep track of my minutes.
Anonymous says
I've had my FitBit for about two years now and I love it. It is just part of my daily routine like a watch. I didn't like always wearing a rubber bracelet so I invested in the Tory Burch FitBit bracelet. It's expensive, but I work in an office and it is much more appropriate for being dressed up.
Susanbrown says
I love my Fitbit!!
Kristina Ballasiotes says
I love my fitbit! Its nice to know how active I have been each day and also I have started parking farther away from places so I can get more steps.
Natalie Zambreski says
OMG – love the engraved bracelet! I got the necklace for Christmas from my husband (wedding anniversary date) and I wear it almost every day! I'm having my own Stella & Dot party in May and I am so excited!
Anonymous says
I have a fitbit and I love it. Its great for motivating you. They also have great customer service. I recently lost mine while out shopping and emailed them to see if they could track it or something. They couldn't. But they replaced it! I couldn't believe it. The benefit of the fitbit over the others is that so many have them and you can compete with your friends and family. If you want some fun motivation – I say go buy one today!
Kelsey Mann Peacock says
I recently wanted to purchase an activity tracker too and I was initially torn between the Fitbit HR & the Polar Loop. I did a bunch of research and talked to several friends who had one or the other and I ended up getting the Loop! It's cheaper (especially if you order it off Amazon) and the main thing I thought of for you when I saw your post is that the Loop is completely waterproof and the fitbit is resistant. As much as you all swim in the summer I think you would find the loop more conducive to your all's lifestyle! The fitbit supposedly tracks your heart rate but I've heard it's not that accurate. With the loop you can buy the heart rate strap which I'm going to do this summer for riding bikes, etc. Google the differences and see what you think but the loop just seems so much more Mom & summer friendly due to it's waterproof feature and it's way more price reasonable! I absolutely love my loop!
Melanie Lien says
I have a fitbit one. I am not crazy about it. My biggest complaint is that I'm 5'1. It uses an algorithm to figure out your stride. There isn't a way to calibrate your steps. I just get irritated because I can literally walk all day, just as much as my husband, he has 15,000 steps and it says I have like 6,000 when there is just no way. I walk 3 miles for exercise everyday plus normal life walking and my app will say that I have walked 3 miles for the whole day. Again, it may just be that I am OCD about it being accurate. It depends on what you want to accomplish with it I guess!
Deena says
You can manually put in your stride in the settings although if that doesn't work you should contact customer service. That sounds way too far off.
Kathleen Johnson says
I have the Fitbit Charge. I love it! The days you don't get in your workout, you're able to see how much more you need to do. I agree with the jogging in place comments-it happens more than I like to admit 🙂
Anonymous says
Could you please tell me where your brown sandals are from that you are wearing in the pic of the Stella and Dot bracelets?
Chelsea says
I am stopping by from the link-up.. I love the chalkboard 🙂 So cute
Chelsea @ thewilliamsjourney1.blogspot.com/
Mattie says
LOVE my Fitbit! I have a Flex. I think one of these days I'll buy a Charge or Charge HR, but probably not for a while. Their customer service is good too. My Flex stopped working after about 6 months (wouldn't hold a charge) and they just sent me a replacement. I didn't need a receipt or anything!
It's a great motivator if you're looking for that but also great for just tracking what you do if you don't need extra motivation. I just wish it looked prettier (dying for the Tory Burch gold bracelet one, but not willing to spend the money).
Gina says
I have a Fitbit one and love it. It really does help me reach my goals, My daughter told me about your blog recently. (I could be your mother). I've already made several of your delicious recipes and your children are just precious!! I look forward to your posts every day.
Elizabeth says
I love my Fitbit!! I put off buying it for months (because it is so expensive) and I wanted to make sure I really wanted it. I was so happy I bought mine! I love seeing how active I am and when I'm active. It was interesting to see when I thought I was being active how I wasn't as active as I thought! Some people complain that they are bulky or don't go with anything…but you get used to it on your wrist and if you get the flex you can change out the color of the band (you can't with the Fitbit Charge). If you have friends or family with a Fitbit, then it is fun to compete in challenges!!
Anonymous says
I bought the fitbit w/o the screen that shows your steps etc. I'm now going to go back and get the one where I can see all this AND the time so I don't have to wear a watch or use my smartphone to see how I'm doing. You can also get different colored bands to change it out with whatever you're wearing. I love the sleep recorder part of the band…I've found that if I get too much sleep….I'm more tired the next day!
tera says
I have a Fitbit Flex along with the Tory Burch wrap bracelet and Tory Burch pendant neclace that hold the Flex. I used to have a Zip and loved wearing it clipped to the front of my bra, but eventually wanted something that tracked more information and could be recharged. My husband has the Fitbit Charge HR and he loves it, but it is not my style 🙂
M + T = A
Natalie Clark says
That bracelet is so sweet! I love it! I also love my FitBit! I gave birth to my first baby in December and returned to work mid-March. I also coach, so I knew workouts would be few and far between when I returned to work. I got the FitBit right before I came back and have really loved it. I can't really workout during the week, and I used to be the workout queen, so the FitBit makes me feel like I am still getting something accomplished. I love that I can see how many steps I've taken and it motivates me to get up and get moving during the day. Plus, if I don't have the amount I want, I make myself take a walk around the neighborhood whereas before I might have crashed on the couch. Anyway, I love it!
Jen B! says
I'm going to be of the minority here, I did not enjoy wearing my fitbit. For starters, it's ugly, I don't want some rubber thing on my wrist, I just don't. Secondly, if you already know that some days are filled with less activity, why do you need a device to tell you…an expensive device at that. Furthermore, it becomes the topic of [almost] every conversation and quite frankly, no one really cares how many steps you have. You're an active woman, you make a conscious decision everyday to move and stay active (you have three kids, sometimes we have no choice with kids!!!), don't waste your money on the trendy rubber wrist band. Just my opinion…haha, and apparently a rather strong one at that!!! Put the money in a vacation fund, it'll be better spent that way, at least that's what I did with the money I got when I sold mine (they gave them to us at work…I gave it an honest try, but did not like it and sold it).
Cozyquilter.mom says
I have a misfit flash. It works the same way the Fitbit does and it is not very expensive. 35 dollars on Amazon right now. Has an app that you sync to that give you your steps and sleep patterns.
bprzy says
I borrowed a fitbit from my sister and I am so happy I did not purchase one w/my own $. I stay-at-home w/2 kids and another on the way. I run long distances, strength train, go for walk w/my kids, etc. I know I am active and my fitbit served no purpose. On days I wanted to be more 'lazy' I felt bad for hitting as many steps as I 'should' (which was rare w/chasing after kids).
However, my sister loves her fitbit, but she has a desk job and sits for most of the day. I know it motivates her to get out and run in the evening vs sitting on the couch watching tv.
Haylen says
I've had a fit bit for about two weeks now. I'm really loving it. I use it in conjunction with "my fitness pal" app on my iPhone to help me count calories and activity. I'm very much a girly girl, and thought that I would love to have the purple one. However, it rarely goes with any of my outfits, and also messes up groupings of bracelets that I usually want to wear. Tory Burch has recently come out with a bangle that houses the fit bit. Thus, you can wear it when you go out with friends or on a date night and it just looks like one of your regular bracelets. There are also lots of bracelets like this on eBay that are much cheaper then the Tory Burch version!
Ashley says
I have the Fitbit Charge HR (the one with the heart monitor built in). I like that the clasp is like a watch…my husband has almost lose his Fitbit several times because the clasp isn't very secure. I absolutely LOVE the Charge HR!…highly recommend it. I like that is syncs easily to both the Fitbit app and the My Fitness Pal app. (I used to have a Nike Fuelband, but had to get it replaced 3 times because it kept dying on me.)
Juliana Grace says
The Fitbits are awesome because they keep you so aware of how many steps you are getting and how much activity you are getting. I never go to sleep without 10,000 steps which is how much you are supposed to get and I thought it would be easy but no. It is hard. But it keeps me moving a lot more and I love it. I recommend the little clip on though because you can wear it with anything unlike the bracelet which might clash an outfit or ruin a fancy dress or something. You don't even realize it is on. It is great!
Lindsay D. says
We live in Colorado where there is little to no humidity, which can cause nosebleeds. My daughter's pediatrician has us use "Little Noses" or also called "Little Remedies" saline mist or drops. We also use a humidifier every night in all of our bedrooms.
Anonymous says
I had a Fitbit zip twice. The first time I lost it at Six Flags, got another, then lost it at my daughter's soccer game. While I was wearing it I was feeling fatigued but attributed it to over working. After I lost it the 2nd one, after a few days felt a lot better. I was wanting another one but then read an article that devices like that exposed you to EMF radiation. I loved it while I had it but the health consequences are too scary.
Olivia J says
I love my fitbit! I have the Charge, and I love that it acts as a watch. Plus, you can easily check your step count (instead of having to look at the app like with the One or Flex). However, as several people have mentioned, it doesn't always go with outfits or look super fancy. I have the black so it tends to go with a lot of what I wear, and I don't dress up fancy too often. Just so you know – with the charge you can't change out bands like with the Flex (since it has a digital display that shows step count, stairs climbed, calories burned, distance, etc.). I also really love how it keeps track of your sleep! It's nice to see how often I'm able to stick to my routine and get enough sleep. Plus – it has an alarm! It wakes me up (by vibrating) so that my husband doesn't hear my alarm if I wake up before him. Definitely recommend!
Lauren and Eddie says
LOVE my fitbit. Get the newest one. Mine is older and doesn't show steps, I have to look at the app. It is WONDERFUL and showed me how lazy I am. 😉
Melissa Joseph says
I LOVE and 100% recommend my fitbit! I have the fitbit one which I am very happy with but there are several less expensive options that work just as well. I would say the most important considerations when you choose one are how you want to wear it and whether or not you want a display screen. Mine clips to my pants or skirt, rather than going around my wrist. I find that it is far less subtle than the bracelets and I am less likely to damage it or get it wet. It does mean that I have to remember to take it off every day before things go into the wash though! The display screen makes it easy to check my steps any time, which is important to me. Not all versions have a display screen.
Every week my friends do a fitbit challenge using the fitbit app. We compete to get the most steps and it gets truly competitive. It is such a fun way to make sure we stay in good shape!
Kristi Mitchell says
I absolutely love my fitbit one. My goal is 10,000 steps each day (which isn't that hard if you use the treadmill). I lost mine once (still not sure how), and customer service replaced it free of charge. As for charging it, a charge lasts about a week, which is fantastic. I wear mine clipped to my pants or in my pants pocket.
Anonymous says
Was at the Loft today and saw that blue blouse. Remembered seeing it on your blog this morning and just HAD to have it! 🙂 love it!
Anonymous says
Hi Shay! This is a random question but I was wondering if you ever wear rompers? I love them but have a hard time finding a good selection. You have great taste and seem to know a lot of good places to shop so I was just wondering if you had any suggestions!
elijoh says
i am obsessed with my fitbit! i wore my fitbit one every single day for over 2 years and i just upgraded to the charge hr. i seriously love it. i agree with almost everything that's been said so far. it's great for motivation and very useful to see how active (or inactive) you are. but if you are already active and don't need it for motivation, you probably won't love it as much as i do. i love looking at the charts and stats every day and it really motivates me to get up and do more. plus competing with my friends is totally fun – the bustle article someone posted above is so true!
Meredith says
Love my Fitbit- I have had it almost a year, I will tell you the customer service is great to- in January mine, flex style, stopped charging- I called customer service on a Sunday and after a long hold they pulled up my account and sent me a new tracker and charger.i had it within 4 days. My husband has the charge hr I think it is a little more accurate and I love that it has a watch but flex is nice because if I am dressing up I just slip the flex tracker in my bra and it still works. Plus there are tons of cute options online for extra bands
Anonymous says
Hi Shay, I have a fitbit charge and love it! I wear mine everyday. I chose the charge over the regular fitbit because I wanted a watch. Its lightweight and the battery lasts for up to a week (sometimes longer). I also like how easy it is to track calories and the amount of water I've drank for the day. If there is a day that I am close to my 10,000 steps, i'll do laps around my house to meet my goal(s)! I love the surge and would highly recommend it. Have a great weekend!
Bethe @ Texas Lovely says
Thanks for the chalkboard recommendation! Also, I wanted you to know that a LONG time ago you talked about loading your dishwasher every night and unloading it every morning. I started that habit the very next day and it has STUCK. So, know that I think about you sometimes when I am loading my dishwasher at night, knowing that I will wake up to a clean kitchen with clean dishes! (Thanks for blogging… your posts are always so encouraging and upbeat.)
Kerry Dorman says
Sounds like everyone loves the Fitbit and most of my friends do too! I would consider myself pretty active, I had the Nike Fuel Band for a while (it's okay). But when the Fitbit came out, I thought I had to have one… I wore it maybe a week or two and stopped wearing it. I walk over 10,000 steps by lunch so I didn't need it for motivation so maybe that's why I ended up not liking it? I couldn't wear my regular bracelets and watch with it and personally, I don't think it keeps your steps accurately. For example, I was at the gym and walked 70 flights of stairs my Fitbit said I walked 4! I've heard the jawbone is awesome and if you have Nest in your home you can sync it to it.
elijoh says
ps, i charge my fitbit every time i take a shower. by doing this, it never runs out of battery at an inconvenient time.
Anonymous says
Please check with your doctor before using Vaseline in the nose. It is not recommended.
LIsa Perris says
Hello! I don't have a Fitbit but I have a Jawbone Up which is very similar. I love love love mine! It keeps me motivated and on track.
Hannah Schiro says
I have the Fitbit One and I love it. It came with a holder that can clip to your pants or bra. I like that it's on my body but not seen ( I work at a hospital and having it that way allows me to wear it at work). It also came with a special wristband to measure your sleep. I love that I get a weekly progress report sent to my phone. It also sends me a notice when the battery is low. I found it interesting to see how many steps I averaged in a typical day (when I work vs weekend vs regular active or inactive day). I was surprised by how high it was for work days and how some weekends were so low. It has motivated me to get up and go for walks or do short workouts during commercial breaks.
Anonymous says
For bloody noses put a piece of brown paper bag inside their mouth between their top lip and gum. It helps stop the bleeding. My sister and I always get bloody noses since we were little and this always helps.
Maryellen says
I have a fitbit and it has helped me see just how little I moved. I work in an office on the phone 8 hours a day and I was shocked how few steps I really take during the week. It has motivated me to purchase an exercise bike and I ride when I get home. It doesn't seem to record the exercise bike so well but it does fine with walking.
leighsclark says
I say skip the fitbit – you don't need any motivation, you have your routine and you do well working out. Go shopping and spend that cash on a new shirt or accessory!!
Haley Southey says
absolutely LOVE that Stella and Dot bracelet! I have an online class right now that I just registered for and my "textbook" requirement is a fitbit! I'm pretty excited about that requirement 🙂
Dana Rae says
I absolutely love my fitbit. Some days it's depressing because when I am focused on writing then I hardly move. My favorite part lately is I can do competitions with my girlfriends who also have fitbit. I never knew that 5 suburban moms could be so competitive, but some nights I pace my bedroom floor just to be the winner!
Jayvee says
I love my Fitbit flex. I would recommend a extra fastener on it to make sure it doesn't fall off. You can get them in fun colors too 🙂
Deena says
I also get nosebleeds and use saline spray twice a day. If you're looking for a great ENT in the area I highly recommend Dr. N. Mehendale (ENT Tex) who's excellent and also works with kids. I go to him when the nosebleeds happen too often and get it cauterized.
Love my Fitbit. We got the original trackers for our Anniversary a couple of years ago and found it really helped us to see where we could improve. We always park farther away from the door now and when shopping I look the store or mall for more exercise. The main thing is it makes us think of ways to incorporate more steps. I have the One now (dropped mine in water and they offered me 1/2 off a new one because they weren't making the old one anymore). I could see the wrist ones being easy to use and the Flex has cute colored bands so you could switch them out.
Anonymous says
FitBit One is the way to go…clips on your bra (or can go in your pants pocket), so you don't need to compromise style!
Lauren says
I LOVE my fitbit!!! I have exercised for years but it is truly the best way I have found to keep myself accountable. It helps you to realize which days you are less active and just how much more you need to move.
The challenges with family and friends are the best motivator to keep exercising throughout the week. I have been known to take my dog on a few extra walks in order to beat my friends in a challenge– whatever it takes to burn those extra calories! 🙂
I would definitely recommend it!
Anonymous says
I have a Jawbone UP which I absolutely love! It's very similar to a fitbit, but a little less expensive and syncs straight to your phone (you can't see any info from the band itself). I like this better than fitbit because the band is much thinner and more easily disguised with other bracelets and jewelry. I also use the meal tracking and sleep feature which I've found to really enjoy too.
Love reading your blog!
Hilary Young says
I love this blog more than coffee as well…. but please don't make me prove it;)
kristinwithani says
Had a FitBit. Returned it. Don't miss it. After two months I decided to check the battery area. It was all wet and starting to corrode. Makes sense. Sweat! So, it was nice and motivating to have it, I've read a lot of reviews that say they don't last long. I didn't want to deal with another Keurig mess. I don't love expensive products that don't last long.
Lauren says
Shay, a few others have mentioned it, but I would not recommend Vaseline or anything oil based inside the nose. Should be water based. Perhaps your pedi could recommend something — xoxo — you're doing great with your sweet family – love your blog!
Anonymous says
I LOVE my fitbit and have purchased them for family members as well. They have the best customer service (my mom has lost hers twice and they have replaced it) and it really makes you more aware of your activity level. I highly recommend one!
Rana Dissi says
I have the fitbit charge and love it. It definitely keeps me motivated to keep moving so that I hit my step goals each day. Also, Bed, Bath and Beyond will let you use a coupon when you buy from their store.
Maggie Mawn says
For the most part, I am a huge FitBit fan! I think it is great to have a rough idea of how active you are throughout the day and I do find it to be highly motivational. There are a few things to be careful of though. If you have an obsessive personality, having a FitBit may add a little bit of stress to your life. When I had my FitBit Flex, I was checking it obsessively throughout the day. Having it right there on your wrist makes it so easy to be constantly checking it. I became addicted to reaching my step goal for the day and would get really down on myself when I didn't. Also, and this is very surface, but the Flex looks horrible in pictures. I was so obsessed with tracking all my steps, that I didn't want to take it off. Now, I have pictures from work events, nights out, and special occasions where I am wearing my FitBit. It's just not that cute.
A few months ago, I lost my Flex and it was kind of a blessing in disguise. I knew I still wanted a FitBit, but I seriously weighed the pros and cons of the different types. I really didn't want to fork out a substantial amount of money again and I also wasn't sure that it was healthy for me to have the wristband. I decided to get the Zip and it was a great decision. Out of sight, out of mind has never been more true. I put my Zip on my pants in the morning and I check my steps at the end of the day. I subconsciously know I am wearing it so I do my best to be active, but I am not tapping on it throughout the day seeing where I am. Overall, I think FitBit is great, but I am much happier with my Zip than I was with my Flex!
Christin Northrop says
I absolutely love my Fitbit charge!!!! You must get one, especially if all your friends have one. The app is great and you can challenge your friends, which is super fun! I've had fine for about 3 months and just love it. Also it tracks your sleep which is more helpful than you think. The only thing is that with the charge you have to wear it in your wrist so it's not great for an arm party so maybe go with the Fitbit one that can clip on to your clothes!
Cassidy says
Hey Shay- which Fitbit did you decide to go with? I can't decide!
Mix and Match Mama says
I haven't decided which one to get yet??? I'm so torn!!