Home from vacation and at the grocery store on a Friday night. Reality is sometimes hard to jump back in to.
Playing outside after school with my beautiful kiddos!
He has been waiting a month to wear this shirt. 🙂
That’s my random Monday post for you. Don’t forget…
…I have your Meal Planning Monday today! Five simple suppers to make your week easy…because let’s face it, we don’t want to be fussing with complicated dinners, right? See them here.
And finally, please be praying for my sweet friend Manda today. As many of you know, Manda is battling cancer for the third time right now and she has some very important scans today that will determine how they proceed. Manda needs prayer.
We love you Manda!
Erika Slaughter says
Girl-you and me both. I still haven't figured that Snapchat out! One time I try it's a video and the next I can only take a picture!! Ahh, technology!
jen says
Prayers for Amanda and family! Cute pictures. Love your sweet blog.
Narci says
Aww!! So sweet!! Love that cozy picture of you and your precious kiddos in bed. 🙂
Regine Karpel says
Praying for Amanda
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Praying hard for Manda. Smith's shirt (and Smith IN his shirt)…SO cute. So sad I missed the girls dinner, and those bowls look amazing!
Linsley Schneider says
I love bed snuggles with my kids while we wait for Daddy when he works late. Praying for your friend, Shay!
Liz F. says
I have determined that I am way too old to learn snapchat! A fun site I am sure but not very user friendly. I find it completely mystifying! familyoffoley.wordpress.com
Love on the Lake says
Don't worry – my entire job centers around social media and Snapchat is DEFINITELY the trickiest, right there with Vine. Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram are the easiest and therefore – more my jam 😉
Amanda-Cupcake N Dreams says
It's crazy but snapchat is the current way my whole family (extended too!) communicates with each other these days haha we love it! It's so much fun seeing faces and places instead of just text. Also praying for your friend Manda today! http://www.cupcakendreams.com
Chasity Munn says
I tried snapchat and….I really just don't have time for one more thing! It sounds so fun though and my friends have a blast on it. Good luck at your first book signing. How fun is it to say that?!?
Tara Smith says
Prayers for Manda!
I love the flower Ashby made you!
Also curious if you could tell me where your pink shirt is from in your girls dinner photo??
Mix and Match Mama says
J Crew!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
Snapchat is so fun once you get the hang of it! I didn't understand it at first, but now I love it–and now my 55 year old mom has one too! What is your Snapchat name?
Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts
JJaz says
Cute pics! Happy Monday. Snapchat is fun, and a great way to document life! You and your kids will love the filters 🙂 Will you share your snapchat name with your blog readers?
Angela Ellingson says
I have barely started Instagram. Snapchat and Periscope? Huh? 😉 Lots of good randomness. Praying for sweet Manda. #MandaStrong
Three Gals and a Guy says
I love SnapChat! It's so fun once you get the hang of it! Please share your Snapchat username!! :)Loved all pics today!
Mix and Match Mama says
@mixandmatchmama of course! 😉
Jenny says
I'll be praying for Manda! And Snapchat… I had to google how to use it, and ended up just as confused as ever. My 13 year old is trying to teach me. 😛
Paula says
So glad you mentioned Manda. I literally was thinking I need to ask when I saw her picture. Prayers for hood results!
Kristina (Ms.Modify) says
The mellow, normal weeks are the best kind! Everyone's been telling me to get Snapchat…but I don't think I need another form of social media taking over my life!
I will definitely be praying for your friend!
Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} says
That is just so much cute in one post!!! And how you gonna post a pic of you in that darling pink top and not link us!!?? Spill it, Shull! 😉
Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld says
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand Snapchat! I've been on there for a couple of years and I never use it! No clue how!
Lisa says
Shay! Do not give up on Snapchat!!! You will have so much fun with it!! I'm older than you and if I can do it…you can do it! I have the best time with my girlfriends all across the country! #keeponsnapchattin
Megan says
Praying for Manda!
Queen In Between says
Shay I am cracking up! My 14 year old has been trying to explain Snapchat to me but I just do not get it..I'm snapchallenged too.
Happylife40 says
?? please God, let Manda have good results from her scans.
Maggie C. says
Ashby holding that flower is just precious! Where is your lavender shirt from in the girls dinner pic?! I'm in love with that color!
Aubrey says
Snapchat is hard! I've been snapping for almost a year and I'm pretty sure I still do it wrong. Maybe that's part of the fun? Smith's shirt, Ashby's eye, Kensington's permanent teeth…our babies are growing up!
Lauren Kreiling says
Thank you so much for coming to speak with our MOPs group yesterday! You are too cute and had so many great, yummy ideas. Thank you for sharing your testimony and gifts with our group!