It’s the first What’s Up Wednesday of 2017!!!
Once a month, my friends Mel, Sheaffer and I host this link up where we share some random and fun stuff that’s up with us today. If you blogged WUW too, make sure you link up at the bottom of the post! Every month, we answer these questions…
…in our What’s Up Wednesday posts!
So, let’s get started!
My Meal Planning Monday this week is a real winner! All five entree recipes are not only really simple but they’re insanely delish! My Sausage & Lentil Chili in particular has been a big hit lately. To see the whole meal plan, click HERE.
Yesterday, I blogged about how some of my friends went with me to Catherine’s LoweCo party. It was such a fun night and I’m going to be thinking about it for a long, long time!
3: What I’m loving:
Well…truth be told…I’m loving something I thought I never would…I’m making my kids lunches in advance. I know. #imsolame
Here’s the deal…I’m big on having a very peaceful house. I don’t like a lot of chaos, so one day I realized that I didn’t like those moments right when my kids get home from school because it’s just CRAZY, so I needed to do something to make it more peaceful for all of us. The thing is, everyone is hungry, everyone is throwing their stuff down on the counter, everyone has homework to do, I’m emptying lunchboxes, emptying backpacks, helping kids, feeding kids…it’s a mad house. So…I thought to myself…if I would just make all of their lunches and snacks for the week on Sunday afternoon, then this would eliminate one huge aspect of the crazy hour. So, in mid-December, I started doing just that…AND IT IS DELIGHTFUL. It’s funny how removing one thing from the madness can help so much. On Sunday afternoons, I’ve been making everyone’s lunches and snacks for the entire week and then that’s one less thing I have to mess with on a daily basis. I know it’s silly…but I am joyful every time I can just quickly empty out a backpack fill up a lunchbox and move on to something else. #youknowyoureamomwhenthisexcitesyou
I’m getting new floors and some cabinetry work done in my master closet right now, so my house looks like a tornado went through and dumped mine and Andrew’s clothes everywhere. We’re very type-a tidy people…so you know, we’re not used to see our stuff out everywhere. We built our house 2½ years ago and really, I can probably only count like 3 things I would change if I had to do it over again. I unfortunately disliked the carpet in my bedroom and master closet pretty quickly. We picked a different carpet for those two areas and we basically disliked them both from the beginning because they showed every little thing. Annnnd…with four kids and a dog, it did not take long to look gross. We replaced the carpet in our master a year and a half ago and are now conquering the closet. So, that’s what I’ve been up to…trying to find my clothes among the mess. They’re replacing the flooring and working on my shelves a bit too right now…so, I’m anxious to see it when it’s done.
Sweet Ashby has another procedure this week.
Did you know that we send more people to Walt Disney World in the fall and over Christmas than any other time of the year? So that means…right now, we are hoppin’ over at Mix and Match Travel Agency. It seems like every client has their heart set on going to Disney during the glory days of fall or during the holidays. If you’re thinking about it…now is the time to act! Things book up quickly during that season…and for good reason! It’s a spectacular time to visit WDW!!
If you are planning your 2017 vacation (or even 2018!), email us because we would love to help!
Scandal returns TOMORROW! I love this show and it has been off the air since like May…so, I’m super pumped for it to return tomorrow. #teamfitz #teamjakepeoplearegoingtocomment #imbracingmyselfnow #butijustlovefitzsomuch
Seriously…I know that I’ve posted a pic of One Tree Hill on every What’s Up Wednesday for like 8 years…but, I’m finally almost finished. #ineedmylifeback I was loving it through season six and then it got slllllllooooooowwwww for me in season 7 and I didn’t care about a single character or story line…but I’ve committed myself to this silly show and I’m going to finish. #goals 😉
And on Monday, it’s my January Book Review!! I’ve read a ton this month…so, we should have a lot to discuss. If you missed my 2016 Book Review (where I listed every book I read during the year and linked to my reviews), click HERE.
As soon as the holidays were over, I switched off my Christmas music and put it right back on my favorite every day music to listen to around my house…the French Cooking Music Radio on Pandora. I turn this on as soon as I wake up and turn it off right before bed. It’s just great music to have in the background of life (or One Tree Hill).
I most definitely have a uniform and this time of year, it’s a sweater with jeans. Every day.
So…because my closet is in disarray, I had to take a pic of this sweater at the gym…
…um, you need it. It’s called a sweater but it’s very thin and light (not itchy at all because you all know I HATE ITCHY SWEATERS WITH A PASSION LIKE NONE OTHER!). It fits loose in all the right places and I have been layering it with one of those tanks I always talk about. It’s easy to wear while taking care of two little girls all day and then I also can wear it at night too. It comes in four colors and I just bought the gray as well on Tuesday because…hello? It’s so comfy and soft that I feel like I’m wearing a sweatshirt around my house.
Ha! I was leaving the gym and walked past another mirror, so I took another picture. Since I have no mirror at home for the time being (because of the closet chaos), I’m having to get creative :).
And speaking of sweaters that I wear on rotation…
…this one is still 40% off right now! (And now, you’re all looking at my carpet and checking for spots, right?! Ha! There are LOTS of them!) And see…I wear the same booties with all my sweaters too 🙂 .
You know…family stuff. The kids have basketball, Kensington has a birthday party to attend, church…all of that kind of stuff. Is it Friday yet? Because I’m already ready.
Every Valentine’s, our kids’ school has a family Valentine’s dance…and Ashby Shull has owned it the last two years in a row. I mean…she walks into that dimly lit elementary gym and becomes this other person who dances like a mad woman until we drag her out at the end of the night. I cannot wait to do it again this year!
Eeeeks! I think that’s everything!!!
Bonus question this month: Who is your all-time favorite Bachelor?
I’m excited to read through these posts and see who everyone picks. So, we all know that Sheaffer recaps the Bachelor and Bachelorette every Wednesday after each episode. You can read her posts from this season HERE. Well based on reader comments, I think it’s safe to say that this season’s Bachelor might not be a fan favorite…so, we thought it would be fun to see who everyone loved the most as a Bachelor. I mean…the obvious choice for me is this guy…
…Sean Lowe…because I watched his season and his family looked so darn nice.
Just kidding.
I must say, even though he is my little brother, I think he was an excellent representation for the Bachelor and did an amazing job while on both the Bachelorette and Bachelor…
But he shines the most…
…in normal every day life as a husband/father/son/brother/brother-in-law/uncle and friend.
Buuuuuuuuut…because it would be totally lame to say my brother was my favorite Bachelor and leave it at that, I’m going to tell you who my other favorite is. Fun fact…I’ve told friends this for years, but back when Sean was on the Bachelorette/Bachelor, I would ask EVERYONE who their favorite Bachelor or Bachelorette was (and I would ask who their least favorite was too). I’m talking EVERYONE. I asked everyone from the lighting guys to the sound people to the makeup and hair team to the cameramen and producers and even Chris Harrison…who their favorites were and almost unanimously, they said the same two people that they liked and the same two they didn’t like. I will not reveal the two they didn’t like (every single person said the exact same girl)…but I will reveal who the majority said they loved the most because coincidentally, they were my two faves too! Other than my brother, my favorite Bachelor (and a big favorite of theirs too!) is…
Brad Womack.
Oh how I loved me some Brad Womack. And bonus…we got two seasons of him. I thought he was nice, sincere, chivalrous, charming, sweet and not bad to look at either. I have always liked him and you’ll be pleased to know back when I was asking people (2012 to 2014), he was a favorite of the crew too. Many of them said their favorite Bachelorette was the one who I loved the most. Ready? I loved watching this season…
…Jillian Harris. How fun was her season? Remember? They basically stayed in Canada during most of it. Ed left…Ed came back. I just remember her being ADORABLE during the entire season.
So, I heart Brad and Jillian…who do you love????
Okay! That’s What’s Up Wednesday today! If you blogged too, make sure you link up below.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!!
Toni :0) says
Loved Brad but hated he never picked one from all those women. That made me turn off the show for years and years. ??
Robin says
I loved Sean as Bachelor and thought he handled it all with as much grace as one can do in that situation! I also liked Andrew Firestone a lot! I’d have to say Trista and then Jillian for the Bachelorettes.
Erika Slaughter says
IOh my goodness! How did I forget about Ashby and her mad dancing skills? She OWNED that dance floor! And I completely agree with Toni…I wanted Brad to choose!!
Melissa says
Hi Shay, what size did you get in the jeans? The reviews are mixed and some say that they stretch out. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought a 25!
Susan Jeffries says
Thanks for the great recipes! I have made the sausage and lentil chili and the red beans and rice dish! My hubby loved both! I am trying the spinach tacos next week. Your recipes have taken away some of the stress of cooking for me! I have never really enjoyed cooking – so thanks!
Sarah says
Happy Wednesday!!
LOVE the lunch/snack idea! It’s chaotic over here too right after school and prepping snacks in advance is such a fantastic idea!! I have a goal next month to plan every single meal and snack for the entire crew, haha. I’m trying to cut down on food costs and eliminate randomly going out to eat. Only thing that stays is Starbucks as I’m a total addict, haha.
Hope you have a great day!!!
Kendra says
Loved Brad!! And Emily! Those two were beautiful together!
Lauren D says
My favorite bachelors were Sean, Ben and Jason. I actually felt bad for Brad. He was honest at the end of his first season by not picking anyone and then when DeAnna was the Bachelorette, she indicated she now understands why he picked no one and she should have done the same thing. Fast forward to Ben’s second season, and she and the other girl come on and give him grief again. Was totally not fair for him. Also, my favorite season to watch was Bob Guiney! That was the first season I watched so that might be why but I was hooked!
Favorite Bachelorette has to go to Ali! I love her!
Least favorite bachelors, no surprise here, Jake and Juan Pablo. Least favorite Bachelorette was Andi. Not for any reason other than I didn’t like her season. She seems like a nice person though.
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I cannot wait to see how your closet turns out! I think it’s fun to update a new house because everyone expects people to update older homes, but it’s just as fun to change things up in a new one too!
Dawn says
#TeamFitz all the way!! Cannot wait for Scandal.
And One Tree Hill is one of my all time favorite shows, it’s one that I miss now that I’ve watched it multiple times.
And I heart Brad Womack- he was definitely my favorite (besides Sean, of course!)
Can’t wait for the next book review!
Have a great day! 🙂
Summer says
Hi Shay,
Would you please post some school lunch snack ideas ! ?
Brooke says
While I don’t watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette (I know! I just can’t do it), I cannot answer that but I do remember watching some of your brother season, and I loved it! I just couldn’t watch from that point on 🙂
I was a huge One Tree Hill fan and watched it from beginning to end when it was on TV. I am currently re-watching it as well! I’m not nearly finished (Season 2 right now) but if I remember the season 6-7 transition, it’s where (I won’t give it away for others) two main characters leave and they jump ahead 4-5 years? If so, that season following ( I think season 7) was awful. And I was in college when it came out so anything angsty held my attention, but it was painful!
Gentry says
So much to comment on today 🙂 first, of course I have to shout out for being -#TeamJake!! I love him so much and think he’s such a gem! (Despite the whole murdering people thing- ha!) Sean was an awesome Bachelor but I have to say Jillian was my favorite bachelorette too! My girlfriends and I watched every Monday in college and we’d all try and imitate her outfits because she was so stylish and fun!!
Oh and I read Cancel the Wedding after your reccomendation and it’s now one of my favorite books- ever! So can’t wait to read your new recs 🙂
Sheaffer Sims says
Brad and Jillian! YES! I love following her on instagram and watching her instatories. Her baby (Leo) is PRECIOUS! And about packing lunches, the most I’ve ever done in advance is pack Carter’s lunch the night before…and when I do….I feel like I can conquer the freaking world the next morning! Thanks for linking to the recaps!
Lesley McFarland says
Hey Shay!!
Alright…whatcha got for lunches that keep allllll week! I despise lunch making. So I need allllllll the help!
Mix and Match Mama says
Pasta salads, wraps (with no dressing), salsa, hummus, trail mix, yogurt, chopped fruit, baby carrots…those have been my go-tos!! As for snacks, bagged cereal, granola bars and protein bars are what we’ve been doing!
Laci says
GREAT ideas!! Thank YOU!
jamie says
isn’t it SO SAD when favorite shows disappear for what seems like forever??!?! i totally forgot about {scandal}. i’ve been watching {the crown} and i’m almost done. i love playing music all day long. my family got me a few amazon echo dots for christmas so i stream music through those now and i heart it! i just added french cooking/cafe music to my amazon playlist! can i say that when i leave the house i play the {classical for pets} playlist for our dog? isn’t that silly? gosh, i love to read. i have a mini pile of books {irl and virtual} and i need to get on that. prayers for sweet ashby’s procedure and your tender mama’s heart.
Nicole says
Coincidentally, Sean and Emily are still my favorites! Both had class and morals. I love that both actually wrote books sharing their faith too! Standards have gone down hill since those two. #theyleftthebarhigh #apparentlytoohigh
Nicole says
Along with lunch ideas, can you share yours? You mentioned staying meatless during the day and would love more ideas! Thanks!
Megan says
I’m excited to read about everyone’s Bach favorites! I already had a post scheduled so I didn’t link up this time but it’s so hard to pick a favorite!
Holly says
I absolutely LOVED Dr. Travis Stork! Good thing I can still get a peek of him on The Doctors (swoon!)
Leslie says
Well honestly Sean was my favorite Bachelor! I think he made an incredible one. I was most impressed at how he continually showed his love for Jesus & he wasn’t a typical bachelor who messed around. He was/is a great witness for Jesus. That’s the thing that made him most attractive to me. He & Catherine are wonderful together & they are by far my favorite Bachelor couple.
KimW says
Yes! Sunday is my day to make several dinner meals for the week, get all of my work outfits and workout outfits together for the week, and I get several days of lunches packed to make my week go smoothly. I have two teenagers with busy schedules and this day of planning leaves us with way less stress and hurrying during the week! I also have my kids help to prep for the week to help them develop organizational skills!
Narci says
Oh, I did love Brad Womack! And Jillian is adorable!!! I follow her on IG, and her stories are the best! Also, I am loving Ashby and her dance floor moves! Can’t wait to hear about the dance this year!
Melissa says
#teamfitz all the way : )
Please do a post on how you do this make ahead lunch process. We have three kiddos-our oldest is in middle school and the middle is in elementary so we do two dismissals and two carlines. By the time we get home we are all hot, hungry and fussy…so I would love to at least make snacks ahead. Our kitchen island looks like a tornado has been through with all.the.things so I can totally relate!
Stacy says
I liked Brad but I loved Jason I was just so sure he was going to pick Molly!! And Jillian was the best !
Jennifer says
Hey Shay! Curious – what size is your sweater? Was reading the reviews and it looks like it runs a little bit big. Thanks 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
JAmie says
Loved Sean and the fact that he actually had morals! I too loved Brad-both times. When they recycled him as the bachelor again, I was legit happy. This season, I’m not a fan. I cover my face thru most of it. And what about Andrew Firestone!! Loved him too!
Paige Haring says
Sean, of course and Andrew Firestone! Now I’m dying to know the least favorites!!! You can’t just dangle that in front of us!!!!!
Casey says
Emily was my favorite bachelorette and and Sean was my fav Bachelor!
Sara Antic says
Please, please, please don’t tell me the most hated Bachelorette was Emily??? I think I would just cry. She seemed so sweet and sincere. I am thinking it may be Meredith? For the love I need to know!!! ?
Allison says
It has to be Deanna.
Lizzie @ This Happy Life says
Oh I need that black sweater!! We’re heading to Disney this fall and I cannot wait!
Bri says
I am SO curious who everyone said was their least favorite – especially their least favorite Bachelorette since everyone said the same person! I’m wondering if they were basing it off of ratings or their personality/how she treated everyone on set?? So curious!
Mix and Match Mama says
How she treated everyone on the set/personality…
Brooke Richardson says
Your bro was my favorite!!!!! Hands down!
Kelly says
I have to ask, have you reached the part in One Tree Hill with the heart transplant and the dog?!?! That was hands down the funniest and most ridiculous thing on the show EVER! Like….EVER. Hahaha!
Mix and Match Mama says
I have!!!!!!!
Jessica says
Hi there. What size do you have in the sweater. It says size done. Not sure??
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought xsmall!
Trina says
Sean was definitely by far THE best Bachelor ever… SO refreshing to watch a season with class and morals and sadly, so very rare. This season is pretty much the opposite of that. 🙁 As for Bachelorettes, I liked Emily too, and also Desiree.
Beth Miller says
#TeamFitz all the way!!! Loved Sean as the Bachelor! The most recent seasons have been some of my favorites. I loved Ben, and Kaitlyn was hilarious even though she “wiggled” openly on the show. Meredith was my least favorite. Still don’t know how she ended up as the Bachelorette!
Kelly says
Sean for the win! Such a gentleman with all that southern charm♡
Melissa says
Andrew Firestone all the way!
Casey says
I would loooove more details on making lunches early!! Seriously I hate making lunches! So are you putting them in containers early too? How do sandwiches hold up? My daughter uses a reusable container so it’s hard to make hers ahead of time and my son is 9 and eats like a teenager so his go in ziplock bags ha! Any tips you can give would be awesome!!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
Ah I didn’t pick a Bachelorette in my post, but honestly it would be hard for me to pick between Emily and Jojo. I liked them both!
heidi says
Oh I hope we get to see your new room!
OK. . Sean was my fav he was so classy.
But if I had to pick a few of my fav couples ryan & Trista for sure. I still remember the episode of ‘ who did she chose’ and praying it was Ryan.
I loved Emily season too.. just because she was so dang gorgeous lol
Jillian was my fav too.
April Parrish says
Yes, Sean was by far my favorite Bachelor–that’s how I stumbled across your blog also! I was searching for spoilers and your blogged just so happened to pop up and I began reading it…Everyday!!! It was a blessing to find your blog because you are always uplifting and not afraid to tell others about Jesus!
My second favorite also is Brad! I was so excited when he got a go at it for a 2nd time.
And my favorite Bachelorette was Emily!
Have a blessed day!
Elaine Welte says
Oh wait. I’m thinking Jake!!!! Gah, I hated him!
Amanda Wilson says
My favourite bachelor was Sean and a close second was Ben. My fave bachelorette was Jillian to I just love her and she is Canadian like me!! My fave girl on this season is from Canada to! It’s definately hard to love Nick his values just don’t match mine but I watch in hopes he falls in love and will be done with his playboy ways!!
Megan Butler says
Oh I did love Brad Womack!! And I’m loving your pre-prepared lunch and snack ideas. Those moments are always crazy!! I mean I get crazy when I’m hungry too!!!
Lisa says
In the picture of you in your closet, there is a sun hat on the shelf. Where did you get that?
Mix and Match Mama says
Nordstrom 🙂
Jen says
Hi shay! I love your leather jacket in the photo after the gym!! I figured it’s not still available since you didn’t share the details, but if it is, do you mind sharing where you got it? Thanks!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s not available any longer. It was from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.
Angie Tilberg says
I love the idea of lunch / snack planning on Sunday’s – I will definitely try it! Every night, I am so frustrated about making lunches because I am exhausted and have so many other things to accomplish before bed. This will help! Please write more about it! 😀 I would love to know how to keep everything fresh and still tasty thru the week!
Oh, and my favorite bachelor was Sean…I love he and Catherine’s love story!!!
Lisa Longoria says
Trista and Ashley H. Best bachelorettes ever!
Ari says
Hey Shay! Would you mind sharing your leather jacket and what brand/style/where you got your new black gym bag?:)
Elspeth Mizner says
I did not know you were a scandal fan?! It’s one of my favorite shows and im so happy it’s finally back on after being off for months!!! Can’t wait to see what happens!! I hope you are team fitz?!
jai says
Hi Shay! Any chance you’d be willing to share your gym bag? I’m on the lookout for a new one and just haven’t been able to find one I really want! Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s from Athleta!!
Kelly says
Hi Shay-Can you provide a link to the jacket you are wearing with the black sweater/shirt while leaving the gym? Thanks!
Heather Alley says
Soooooo glad I’m not the only one having a hard time getting through season 7 of One Tree Hill!!! How can they just rip Peyton and Luke away from us like that?!?!? I’m trying to power through but I’m just not feeling it anymore : (
Ash says
Hello!! Where is your jacket from(the one you are wearing with the black sweater)? Been looking for a leather jacket with minimal hardware and this seems to fit the bill!
Leslie says
Love your book reviews. Would you consider a bible review? Not bible studies or devotions but actual bibles. I am considering getting a new one and I’m trying to decide if I want a journaling bible with more space in the margins, how thick the pages need to be to prevent bleed through etc. cuteness is always a bonus as well. Does it need to be cute? Not really because I like having a zipper cover on it so I can zip up pens, highlighters and a small notebook or devotion book with it. So now I’m down a rabbit hole of cute covers. I’m putting way too much thought into this which makes me not want to get a new one! Anyway, opinions are welcome. ?
Mix and Match Mama says
My favorite Bible is the Life Application Study Bible in the New Living Translation 🙂 .
Jas says
Hi Shay!
Is the tank you were wearing under the black sweater a shifty type material? I have a few cotton tanks but the shirt i am wearing over them always gets stuck on the cotton tank and doesn’t move. I am looking for a tank to wear under things that will allow the other shirt to slide across and not get stuck. Sorry if this is confusing!
Mix and Match Mama says
I think I know what you’re saying. The tank doesn’t move. I put it on and it stays all day even if my other top is moving around.
Dorinda Doft says
My favorites were Sean and Emily. They were just so classy and not trashy like the latest bunch of bachelors and bachelorettes. I also like Desiree and Ben.
Sarah R says
I would love a post on the school lunches and snacks. Don’t know why this is my kryptonite. 🙂 BTW – I just ordered Sean’s book after seeing it in our church’s bookstore!
Marsha says
Favorite Bachelors: Brad Womack, Sean, Ben Higgins.
Least Favorite Bachelors: Lorenzo Borghese, Matt Grant, Juan Puablo
Favorite Bachelorettes: Trista, Ali, Emily, Des, Jillian
Least Favorite Bachelorette: Meredith
Carrie says
When you mentioned about the bento type lunch boxes awhile I ago I commented that I do that same Sunday big lunch making session. It takes a long time but is so worth it to have it done for the week! I use the Easy Lunch boxes and I color code for my girls as one does not like peppers, one likes radishes, etc. I use these-
I have learned that sandwiches should be early in the week as the bread gets stale and then as the week goes on I do things like homemade pizza roll ups, hardboiled eggs, turkey roll ups, breakfast for lunch (greek yogurt, homemade granola, mini pancakes, etc). Sometimes I throw in a thermos meal. I stack them in my basement fridge so I take them out in order.
I have never watched the bachelor, not a big reality tv fan.
We are contemplating on a September trip to Disney. Is that considered a busy time? Our girls start school the last week in August but we figure if you are going to pull them from school, they won’t miss a ton right in the beginning..
Courtney says
I am SO excited for your January book review. Have you ever read Scrappy Little Nobody by Anna Kendrick? It’s on my list to read next. I am so glad to hear you loved Jillian! She was my favorite Bachelorette, too. I also really liked Ashley, I thought she was very realistic and professional! Good luck to your kiddos this weekend! 🙂
Carrie says
Oh and I wanted to add- as far as snacks go. I actually make a common grab box in the pantry and fridge. Sometimes it lasts more then a week. So it is containers of snacks. In the fridge it is cheese, fruit, guacamole, etc. In the pantry it might be tortillas, freeze dried fruit, applesauce containers, raisins, trader joes cereal bars, etc. We do this for breakfast too. There is a fridge spot with a small container of milk to pour, cut up fruit, etc. Just trying to increase independence!
Brittany says
I loved Sean and legit prayed he would find his wife. I feel like he did a great job living out his faith and being real on tv. It was so refreshing to see someone with some morals. HA! I loved Brad. Ali and Emily were my favorite on the show but I love Jillian now that I follow her on social media.
ilianna says
Hi! Where is your redish leather jacket from? If it was in the post and I missed it I’m sorry!
Mix and Match Mama says
It was from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!
Sara says
I’m #teamfitz all the way. They’re meant to be. #stopfightingitteamjake So hard to choose just one Bachelor and Bachelorette. My fave Bachelors are Sean and Ben H and fave Bachelorettes are Ali, Jillian and Emily.
Courtney says
One tree hill was amazing up to season 6. Seasons 7-9 were a snooze fest. I don’t care about Quinn, clay, Julian, mouth, and that girl with the long brown hair with the eating/drug disorder. Can’t remember her name. I just want more Peyton and Lucas! But the CW loved to drag out shows, and that was the case with this show. My favorite bachelors/bachelorette were Brad, Jillian, Jason, and trista.
Angela Ellingson says
Sean was truly my favorite Bachelor! So genuine and the show is less creepy when the lead has high moral standards, haha! And that’s how I found you and I have been loving reading your blog every day since, so bonus! I’d say Desiree may be my favorite bachelorette – such a sweetheart. Bot gosh, Jillian was so cute and fun, too. Honestly, I’ve watched every season since Brad 1.0 and I’ve enjoyed them all. Also, I’m pretty confident to guess Juan Pablo is among the least faves, ha! And I LOVE Sheaffer’s recaps!
Rebecca says
I was in desperate need of a new Pandora station to listen to at work. I now have the French Cooking playlist in the background and I LOVE it!
Additionally, I loved Sean as the bachelor. He was my top pick in Emily’s season so I was pumped he was back as the bachelor!
chrissy says
Pretty please can you leave us a clue or some nod to the most disliked lady bach!?!? Ooooh my mind is racing!!! Dying to know!
Melissa says
Me too! I want to know. I was thinking maybe Emily was high maintenance, but I really liked her so I hope its not her.
Julie says
I’m a new follower and have been popping in and out the past few weeks. I love your meal plan ideas, it helps me shake things up a bit on our routine!
Tara Beckstedt says
Will you post your lunch and snack ideas? Would love to start doing this and need some inspiration. Love your blog and recipes!!!!
annie @ Home of Malones says
Okay, I have to know what you pack and how you do a weeks worth of lunches on Sunday. It’s total crazy time for us too and I only have two kids! I would love your tricks and what you do to pack ahead!
Laci says
Sean was def my FAVE for Bachelor but second place would be Jason…boy that turned out to be the most DRAMATIC EPISODE EVER. WOWZA!!! Favorite girls would be Emily and Ali. Loved both of them! Jillian was awesome too. That sweater is fabulous!
Kayla B says
Currently reading (actually, listening on Audible cause I can listen while doing dishes, cooking, etc.) Cancel the Wedding, based on your recommendation. I am lovinggg it so far, and I can’t wait to hear how it ends. Makes getting my own work done quite difficult! My only frustration– she doesn’t describe the food that they are eating! That’s such an important part of learning about a new place. I’m always bummed when she skips right over the meals. Sigh. It’s great, though.
I also *loved* The Royal We, which you suggested from 2015. And the Audible narrator for it is by far my favorite I’ve ever heard. Thanks for the recommendations!
Bethany - Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl says
So fun! Okay, so why are there crutches in the background of the pic with you, Sean, and Chris Harrison! ha ha
And I’m dying to know what you’re packing for the kiddos a week in advance. Please share! #imsolametoo Have a great day! =)
Courtney says
Would you be willing to do a post about how you go about doing the lunches in Sunday in advance? Just the practicality of it- what kinds of things you make to keep things staying fresh (both for lunches and snacks), how you store it all (do you have multiple lunch boxes for each kid?) etc. I have founr kiddos as well and would love to make lunches in advance but struggle to keep food tasting fresh. Thanks ?
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
Oh I’m just so excited to have my beloved Fitz back in my life again tomorrow. I sure hope they end up together when all is said and done!
And I know I’ve told you this a million and one times, but I just heart your musical tastes so much. I really think that we are music soulmates. Haha.
Shelby says
I can remember the final rose ceremony between Sean and Catherine like it was yesterday! I never had any interest in watching the show and I happened to have friends over the night of the finale and I just remember watching the last bit of it when Sean proposed to Catherine. I instantly thought that they made a perfect match and I hadn’t even watched a previous episode of them! I’ve been hooked to the show ever since and more so hooked on following Sean and Catherine’s love story. Great couple and great family! Little Samuel is such a ham!
You’re such a rockstar mom, Shay! Your kiddos are so blessed to have you. I love hearing all your guys stories!
And as always, prayers for sweet Ashby are coming your way! God bless that little soul.
Shelby G
Jennifer says
Great post! Just curious about the lunches– what kind of lunch bag/box do your kids use? I have young kids and am always looking for new ideas about what to pack for lunch/how to pack it, etc. Would you ever consider including that in a post? Thank you so much!
Mari says
Hi Shay! Since you mentioned your closet mirror– I love it and am looking for something similar. Where did you get yours?
Mix and Match Mama says
Hemisphere’s Furniture 🙂
Julie Painter says
Please do a post on how you grocery shop for/meal prep/actually prepare all those lunches and snacks. I have got to get better at that and I know your strategies would be game changers!
Ashley says
I had to comment because I am totally #teamfitz and until today you are they only person who has ever agreed! I mean I think Jake is a total hottie but there is just something about Fitz I just love so much! Love your adorable family so much! Thanks for sharing!
Kristen Pitstick says
Trista is my favorite girl!!! She is my sorority sister and she is one of the nicest, sweetest people I have ever met. 🙂
My favorite boy’s are Sean and Brad! Love them Texas boys 🙂
KC says
My favorite bachelor was Sean and my favorite bachelorette was a tie between Trista and Emily 🙂
Janet says
Praying for Ashby’s upcoming procedure, and peace for your heart in all of this. Also, i think you might like “Karrin Allyson” station on Pandora, it’s tres French??
Melissa says
Now I’m dying to know who the least liked were! I enjoyed Sean and Brad too! Brad seemed so nice and he got such a bad rap!
Jenn says
Brad and Farmer Chris. Loved them. Emily was my favorite bachlorette. Her style was the best!
Karen Shireman says
I love French Cafe Radio on Pandora also!!!
Kelly Bonner says
I always tell people hands down your brother is my favorite bachelor! He seems so genuine & stayed true to his Christian beliefs. As a fellow Christian I loved that!
Renee says
Can you please share how and what you make for lunches and snacks all week? Are you concerned about it spoiling after four to five days? This sounds like a life saver.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m going to post a little about it tomorrow!
Kristy says
Favorites are: Andrew Firestone and Trista and Emily 🙂 Loved those seasons!
Robin says
I loved Sean as the Bachelor and was impressed with how he handled all the madness with such grace! My next favorite would definitely be Andrew Firestone! I enjoyed Trista as Bachelorette and also Desiree and Jillian.
Danielle Rigg says
If you like Sophia Bush in One Tree Hill, she is amazing in Chicago PD on NBC.
Holly Hopkins says
Sean was my fav. And I loved watching Emily’s season because all 3 guys were so great at the end.
AJ says
Season 7 of One Tree Hill was one of the best IMO. I disliked Peyton and Lucas as a couple and I LOVE Naley so this season was absolutely fantastic for them. They are a great storyline so that’s I wanted out of a season.
I tried the making lunches on Sunday thing when I was a nanny. I found the kids didn’t like the type of things that would keep in the fridge all week. Making them the evening before worked well for me and them. I could pack what they wanted to eat and it would still be fresh.
Jen says
I am adding to the requests for the week-ahead lunch planning! I can’t figure how that would work. Don’t things get soggy/stale? How do you store all the parts all week long? Please do a post all about this! I actually do lunches the morning-of and that has got. to. stop. Chaos!!
Jen says
Oh, and I haven’t watched every single season but Sean is definitely my favorite Bachelor. Bachelorette, I really liked Ali! I didn’t see Jillian’s season but I wish I had. I also like Kaitlyn – she’s flawed but quirkly and hilarous.
Christina McCoy says
Hi Shay! Such a fan of your blog ?
Do you wear socks with these gray booties? If so which ones? I can’t seem to find a little sock that doesn’t slip off my foot and stay hidden ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Nope. I never wear socks with booties because the socks drive me CRAZY! 😉
Elizabeth says
Hi Shay! Love WUW! The jeans you linked are adorable! Are they somewhat higher wasted? I’m kind of digging that right now! Ha! What size do you generally get in jeans, I’m thinking I’m right around your size!! Thanks so much!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I would call them a mid-rise…and a comfy one at that!! I bought them in a 25.
Amanda says
I loved reading this post! I laughed out loud a couple of times! I hope you’ll show us your closet updates when you’re done!
Danielle Rigg says
I forgot to ask…What size is the black sweater? I see it runs big. I NEED a new comfy black sweater.
Prayers for Ashby and the family. She is such a strong, brave little girl ❤️ ?
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought it in xs!
Kayla Parker says
Emily Maynard for sure!! I loved watching her season. I also loved Ali Fedotowsky’s season…I was in love with the baseball player that she picked! (But then they broke up)
And for the bachelor, that’s such an obvious choice…SEAN!!! Me and my mom were rooting for him from day one. I love his faith, morals, and how much he loves his family. And, I discovered his awesome sister and now I’m reading her blog every day 😉
Lindsey Stromberg says
We are just starting the building process and would LOVE to know some of the things you love about you home and the best decisions you made while building. This is our first build and I just have so many ideas but would love some seasoned advice! Thanks so much!
erica werner says
I LOVE your necklace in the v-neck black sweater at the gym. Where did you get it?
Mix and Match Mama says
Stella & Dot!!
Carly says
I am obviously now REALLY wanting to know who they all said the least favorites are and definitely speculating in my head! Please, oh please, say that they also loved Jesse Palmer! I just couldn’t deal if he was a jerk in real life 😉
Bethany says
That is seriously how you looking leaving the gym?!?! #amazing #jealous
Tricia says
Ryan Sutter. Hands down. He was my favorite in the beginning and no one has topped him since!
Debbie Lang says
Where did you get your gym bag?
Mix and Match Mama says
Athleta 🙂
Jaren says
It’s funny you asked about favorites for The Bachelor. We were just talking about this at work this week! My friend and I are both Sean fans of course! To this day, he stands out for having the best all-around good character, and he brought such a great conservative tone to the show that season. And now I know why..cause he obviously comes from great people 🙂