Hey, hey, hey! I’m back and I’ve missed you!
I had no idea when the calendar was moving from February to March that I would take a two week blogging break, but it happened. Over the last two weeks, I’ve spent a lot of time with my sweet family, we went on a wonderful spring break trip, we came back just in time for little Miss Ashby to have surgical procedure number seven and Andrew and I have celebrated our anniversary. It’s been a full two weeks.
Today, I’m joining four of my very best friends to honor and bless some special women out there. Sheaffer, Erika, Andrea, Narci and I would like to bless some ladies who are currently battling cancer with a cozy blardigan in honor of Manda. Our sweet friend loved cuddling up in her blardigan on days when she was at home, at the hospital when she was receiving chemo and many other times in-between. So, in honor of her, we wanted to give away 10 blardigans to 10 women who are also battling cancer. We’re making this easy on you today, comment on any of our five blogs today and either nominate yourself or a friend and that’s your entry. Ten random entries will be selected and the winners announced on Friday. One entry per person please.
In the coming months, we plan on honoring our sweet friend in many ways. Manda would have hated all of the fuss about her (she would have been so apologetic about her death causing us grief), but she would have LOVED that other women would be blessed in honor of her. She was all about blessing others.
Now, if you want to be blessed…you should really watch her celebration of life service HERE. I’m telling you…YOU WILL BE BLESSED BY IT. It was such an amazing service, full of determination, hope, joy and love that can only come from having a personal relationship with Christ. It is inspiring.
You can also watch the video tribute that includes Manda herself sharing the gospel of Jesus HERE and the slideshow presentation that was shown at her visitation and before and after her celebration of life service HERE.
Now, if you want to bless her family personally, there are two easy ways to do that. First, a Go Fund Me page has been set up in her honor HERE and second, you can purchase a Manda Strong t-shirt HERE where the proceeds all go to Manda’s sweet family.
So, lots of blessings on a Monday! Blardigans (don’t forget to enter/nominate someone in the comment section), a life-changing service to watch, and practical ways to support this precious family.
Now, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention one other special thing today on this March 13…
…thirteen years ago today, I married this man right here. Thirteen has always been my favorite number (that’s why we were married on the 13th), so I love the fact that as of today, we’ve been married 13 years. There’s no one on this earth I love more than Andrew Shull. I’ve forever thankful to be his bride.
We celebrated our anniversary last night with dinner. With each passing year, I love him more and more.
Happy Monday friends. Your prayers, love, support, emails, comments and messages have meant more to me than you’ll ever know. I’m so thankful for each and every one of you.
Sanna says
I would like to nominate my friend’s thirteen year old daughter (almost fourteen). Her name is Fauve and she has been battling Leukemia with Philadelphia Syndrome (which is a more agressive form of Leukemia). She has been fighting for a year and five months now. Often, her blood levels are too low to receive chemo, and when she does receive chemo, it makes her very ill, not only physically, but also mentally. A month ago she broke her hip, on top of everything else she is going through. This girl so needs something positive to happen in her young life. She often has rashes all over her body from the chemo, so I think a soft Blardigan would be so good for her. I would love to bring a smile to this girl’s face. She is also at that age where clothes and hair and fitting in are a big deal. Teenage years can be so confusing and are difficult enough without having to battle a beast like cancer. Praying for strength and love for everyone going through this cruel disease. Shay, and friends: thank you so much for the opportunity to make this girl smile. Even if she doesn’t get picked, I still am so grateful for the opportunity in Manda’s honor.
sandra peterson says
I would like to nominate my amazing and strong sister, Linda.
Patricia Padilla says
I would like to nominate a dear friend of my family, Rosie. Rosie is battling cancer and could really use a nice blardigan. Thank you for honoring your friend and blessing ten wonderful women who are battling cancer. God Bless you.
Nicole says
Happy Anniversary! I would like to nominate my sweet older sister Michele. She is battling stage four cancer and deserves it so much. Thank you for all you do. Xoxo
Mary Schimke says
What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful friend! It would be an honor to pass on Manda’s story with the comfort of the blardigan to my friend, Jackie, who is battling ovarian cancer for the sixth time. Her faith in the Lord and his plan reminds me so much of your dear Manda. Keeping her family and all of you in my prayers in the days to come.
Karen says
I’d like to nominate my friend Shawn whose faith and positivity has been such an inspiration to me!
Angela Tuchscherer says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend Susan. She is battling breast cancer for the 2nd time and it has spread to other places this time.
Alessandra Hunt says
I want to nominate my cousin Daniela. She is beautiful inside and out and while battling this awful disease has made her goal to help other fighting the same fight!
Sarah Hobbs says
I would look to nominate my late friend April’s mother Nena who is battling breast cancer. April was a part of my small group bible study that was started for women struggling with infertility and miscarriage. She passed away suddenly last year and her mother has been battling breast cancer through her death. I would love to bless her with this!
Morgan Rosser says
I would like to nominate my friend Megan’s mother who is bravely battling cancer.
Ursula Everett says
My sweet and absolutely beautiful friend, Brigida. She has been battling brain cancer and just completed radiation therapy and this week will have her follow up scan. She is a momma to a one year old and lost another a baby shortly after the diagnosis. She is a woman of SUCH STRONG faith.
Emily says
I would like to nominate my friend Liz, who is a single mom to two sons. She also lives with her elderly father (while battling breast cancer and dealing with chemo and it’s awful side effects) AND works full time as a teacher. She’s an amazing woman who deserves something just for her. ❤
Sheaffer Sims says
Love honoring Manda with you! And Happy Anniversary!
Holly Breton says
I would like to nominate a friend in town and fellow cheer coach who is fighting the fight of her life- my nomination goes to Tracy Flynn. She is always the first to give the shirt off her back for anyone else in need; I would love to bless her with this gift and show her that we would all do anything for her in return.
ELizabeth says
Glad to hear ya’ll are back! Have been praying for her sweet family, so inspirational!
Xo, Elizabeth
Erika Slaughter says
So thankful to call you friend. XO
Emma @ from my little pink couch says
What a wonderful idea!!!!!
& Happy Anniversary!!!
Jalana Jennings says
Would love for my friend Susan Roebuck to win. She is battling her 2nd round of breast cancer after having both breast removed the 1st time.
Mallory Walsh says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend Shelby Hall. Today is Shelby’s 32nd birthday, and as I’m typing she is driving to Columbia,MO for her 4th round of Chemo. She will be going through18 rounds of chemo and then undergo surgery to have her breasts removed. 32!! Just doesn’t seem fair, but then again what cancer is. Shelby is a kindergarten teacher and on the last day, of the previous Christmas break, she found out that there was a chance she had breast cancer. Like most all cancer patients, she had to wait almost 2 weeks to get her results. On January 3rd, the doctors confirmed Shelby was diagnosed with Stage 2a breast cancer. Because of the nature and aggressiveness of her cancer, Shelby had to take the rest of the semester off from teaching and is now not only physically fighting for her life, but the mental part has been a whole other battle. I watched your sweet friends service and was moved and brought to tears on so many occasions. What a beautiful life she served. I would love for my sweet dear friend, Shelby Hall to be honored for this giveaway. Blessings. Mallory
Bryn says
I would like to nominate my mom Becky, she’s currently battling stage 4 melanoma. Her faith and courage astound me!
I was so sorry to hear about your friend Shay!
Kenda Kennedy says
I would like to nominate my Aunt Becky Curtis (Bryn’s mother) We are praying hard for miracles to beat this cancer!
Debbie Hibbert says
I would like to nominate my friend Amy. For the past 16 months she has been battling colon cancer. Except for the possibility of a miracle her diagnosis is terminal. She has three kids at home, one with special needs, so she’s hoping and praying for a couple of more years with her kids … which is where that miracle would come in handy! I’d love for Amy to be blessed with a blardigan – her little body gets so cold.
Jennifer Broyer says
I would like to nominate my aunt Mary who has been battling breast cancer for 10 years now. She recently got news that it has spread to her brain.
jamie says
welcome back, shay! happy anniversary. i look forward to photos from your fun spring break! and i hope ashby is feeling well after her procedure. and i missed your book review! and oh golly gosh. manda’s service. my heart is exploding and my eyes are filling with tears just thinking about it. i have watched the entire service three times. the first time i stood in my kitchen at the end, with my face in my hands just sobbing. i had cried the entire service. i was just so overwhelmed with all that i had heard and seen. i did not even know what to do with all i was feeling. i watched it a second time. the third time i took notes. and i have not stopped thinking about it. faith over fear is running through my spirit. her sweet voice reading scripture is in my spirit. the praise and worship singing was so important to see because it showed unbelievers that even in deep sadness He is to be worshipped and praised. i could go on and on. and knowing that you and all her sweet friends were there just made it more emotional. i am so thankful for manda and her life testimony.
have a beautiful monday.
Tina zimney says
I would like to nominate my friends sister who is battling breast cancer. She just found out chemo didn’t shrink her tumors so she is trying to get on a trial chemo. Her name is Tammy. She has 3 sweet boys
Brandi Eversole says
I would like to nominate my mom
Sonya McKnight
Mary Van Heule says
What a wonderful tribute! I would like to nominate my mom, Donna Jackson. She battled breast cancer 18 years ago and beat it. She was diagnosed with a new breast cancer this past fall and has been receiving radiation and chemo. She still keeps her grandchildren and never complains! She deserves a little something!
Mary Keveren says
I nominate my Aunt Judi. She is the most wonderful, amazing woman and I cannot imagine my life without her! She battled breastfeeding cancer almost 20 years ago and just last year it came back as bone cancer. She is a fighter and knows God has amazing things in store for her. I am constantly in awe of her faith and trust in Jesus during these trying times.
Melinda says
I would like to nominate my friend Julie who is battling breastfeeding cancer. She has 2 young children and is the leader of our local ministries to the community at our church. It would be wonderful to be able to bless her with one of these beautiful sweaters as she has given and cared for so many.
Kristen Walters says
I would like to nominated my cousin Janet who was just recently diagnosed with cancer and has a very long hard battle in front of her. She is a very strong, courageous woman who is inspiring all of us with her strength.
Happy 13th Anniversary to you and Andrew!!!
Jenna says
I’m nominating my friend Katie. She’s a young mom with a sweet little boy. She’s just completed the first step of her treatment plan and still has more to come. This would keep her snug and warm, and let her know she has people cheering for her on this journey.
Heather Hernandez says
I’d like to nominate my sweet cousin Shannon who is battling breast cancer. She’s in her 30s and has three sweet kiddos preschool to elementary age. She just finished round 2 of chemo and has at least a year left of treatment! This would be a blessing for her!
Sagari says
I’d like to nominate my 26 year old highschool friend Rochelle Upreti, who (here in Canada) has started a long battle against ovarian cancer. She is being super brave after being dumped shortly after being diagnosed because of her diagnosis. How horrible is that eh?
Check out her new blog on her journey with cancer & maybe if anyone can show her some love, please do!
Sarina Vinci says
I would like to nominate my aunt who has been battling colon cancer for the last 4 years.
Kara says
I would like to nominate both friend and secretary at the school I teach at…Cathy. This is her second battle with cancer. She first had breast cancer about 8 years ago and now has it in her foot and another area. She is currently undergoing treatment. She still works and keeps a positive attitude. Amazing woman and positive attitude.
Julie says
I would like to nominate Lindsay Whitney, the Children’s Ministry Director of East Lake Road Alliance Church in Erie, PA. She began battling breast cancer (with surgery and chemo) last summer only to find out early this year that her cancer has returned. She’s fighting a huge battle now at Cleveland Clinic, being driven daily so that she can be with her three young children. I think a blardigan in Manda’s memory would warm her heart and encourage her to keep going and persevering and trusting in God’s love and plan, as Manda did.
Beth Bowling says
I am awaiting results of a lung CT to determine what cancer I have. I either have “plain old renal” cancer and will lose a kidney. Or I have urothelial cancer and will lose a lot more depending on if and how much it has spread. I am a single mom of two-16 daughter and 10 son. It is going to be a long road fighting this alone as my mom is going thru Alzheimer’s as well.
Ricki DiCola says
I would to nominate my neighbor, Brenda Kuhn. She is fighting for a long time cervical cancer. She is having a rough time now as the cancer has spread. The blardigan would keep her warm in all the prayers that are surrounding her. What a wonderful tribute to your friend Manda!
Meagan Ruse says
Love this????
Emily says
I would like to nominate my “second mom”, Christina, who just recently underwent a double mastectomy in hopes that it would help remove the cancer from her body. She is still waiting on other tests, and her faith is stronger than ever <3
Tiffany Douglas says
I would love to nominate my husband’s Aunt Barbie! She is the sweetest soul ever but is currently battling colon cancer and going through chemotherapy. This woman is such a blessing in my life. She spent ever single day with me when my son was in the NICU two years ago. She gives so much for everyone else and she deserves the world. We are very lucky to have her in our lives.
Dennise Domingue says
I would like to nominate Sequoia White. She is a brave girl battling non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Her mother is tirelessly spending every moment with her in the hospital. Any comfort to them would be wonderful.
Lauren Ecklof says
My mom Melinda Hause! She has remained so positive through out her battle with pancreatic cancer. She has inspired us all! ??
Mandi Gomez says
I would like to nominate my Aunt Jennifer who is currently battling breast cancer. She has one more chemo treatment and she will be done with her 2nd round of chemo then she has radiation treatments for 6 weeks. Throughout this whole time she has remained so strong in her faith and has been an inspiration to all around her. I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet friend Manda. You and your friends are so sweet to honor her and bless others in memory of her.
Kelly Tiblier says
This is a beautiful tribute to your friend, Manda. I have a dear friend battling a rare form of sarcoma and would love to gift this to her. She’s just about to start her second round of chemo. She’s a warrior and a mom and is going to win this battle!
Kara says
Such an awesome tribute from you girls! And Happy Anniversary to you two! Your wedding was so special and I will never forget it! Love you guys!
Jennifer Holland says
I would like to nominate my
Children’s preschool director during her health journey in battling cancer. Recently, we did a flash mob dance for her birthday before a round of treatment began and she was so happy! Loved getting to see her fave for the first time
In a bit , too! I also made a fun video to send to her which you can see below ?
Narci Dreffs says
Love you and so thankful to call you friend! Happy Anniversary! Xo
Amanda says
I would like to nominate my friend Stephanie Newsome. She recently found out she has brain cancer and is currently undergoing chemo. She is a mother to 5 children (3 are adopted through foster care) her husband is a pastor and they truly have giving their hearts to others. She would be so deserving of this!!!
Kimm says
I would like to nominate my amazing aunt Marlene. My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer 25 years ago. She was so young, had three young children, and she fought the cancer hard , went through chemo and she was cancer free it was amazing. Once she hit the 5 year mark we all breathed a bit easier. She lived her life and you would have never known she ever had cancer. Theee years ago it reared its ugly head again, and she fought it hard again, the treatments were a little harder but she she fought hard, she is a fighter ! She did her treatments and got a clean bill of health. We were all so thankful. Well a few months ago I got a call from my mom that crushed me and our family,.. her cancer was back and now spread to her liver. So here my aunt is battling cancer for a third time, we know there is no cure and that it’s terminal but she is currently in a trial, fighting hard, refusing to give up. She is in pain ever day and it sucks. Her fight and strong spirit is such an inspiration to us. And I can’t think of anyone who deserves a little something special more than her
Linda Noble says
What a beautiful way to honor your friend Manda. I would like to nominate my sweet wonderful mama who means the world to me. She is bravely fighting lung cancer and inspires me everyday with how strong and courageous she is. She is always cold especially at chemo. I just know she would be so comforted in Manda’s spirit wearing a blardgian. Thank you.
Shaunna Dawson says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend and workout partner, Adel Hunter. Adel is currently battling breast cancer. She has undergone a mastectomy, radiation, and has just recently begun her chemo treatments. She is so strong and determined, and her faith in Jesus has never waiverd. She’s a momma to a senior in high school and two junior high boys–As well as 2 grown children. She has been so strong for her boys, and has done her best to still be at every football game, basketball game, national honor society functions, college day, track meets, and many other activities her boys participate in. I’d love for her to receive this sweet blessing in honor of Amanda. Thank y’all so much for doing this?
Shannon says
I would like to nominate my mom. She had a brain tumor in the fall of 2015 and then in the fall of 2016 was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is battling through treatments now. She’s a fighter!
Kristen Hardison says
I want to nominate my sweet friend Alison Hill. She is the guidance counselor at the elementary school where we teach and she is amazing! She is a wife and mom of two little boys. She would be such a perfect person to honor as she has had such an inspiring testimony as she has fought cancer this last year! I hope she wins!
Erin Backman says
I would like to nominate my cousin Maryam. She is fighting an extremely aggressive form of cervical cancer. She is so very strong and brave, but I know a little comfort would go a long way. Thank you!
Kerry Dorman says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend Lauren Labeth. She was recently diagnosed and is blogging her experience at oceanandfire.wordpress.com. Lauren is a Christian that works for Deaconess Adoption (a Christian adoption program). Her and her husband are you currently have no children. She would love LOVE love a blardigan (not only for the comfort but she would get a kick out of owning something by that name ?). But what would bring her more comfort would be your prayers. So couple a blardigan with prayers and she would be comforted times 100. Thanks for doing this giveaway, your sweet friend has surely brought glory to God through her “fire”. Happy Monday and welcome back, I’ve missed reading your blog.
Melanie Franks says
I would like to nominate Charity Sexton
Jennifer Lechuga says
I would like to nominate my Aunt, Irma who beat breast cancer a couple of years ago but unfortunately it has come back with a vengeance and has now spread all over her body. She is strong and brave. She is no longer at her home due to complications but she is fighting and keeping strong in her faith. What a sweet blessing this would be!
Anna Penn for Scotti says
I would like to nominate my Mother and best friend. She is battling Stage 2 lung cancer. She had surgery last week to remove the affected lung and is now looking onto chemo. I would love to be able to surprise my momma with this gift.
Stephie Chipp says
I would like to nominate my friend Marci. She was diagnosed with breast cancer recently. She has two daughters 4 and 7. We volunteer together running our community soccer and tball program, considering what she has been going through she has still been completely dedicated to helping get the spring season off the ground.
Ashely Harris says
My beautiful sister in law who has suffered from brain cancer for 10 years, has 2 children whom she has cared for while undergoing chemo and radiation, and did I mention she is a single mama. Because of the chemo her balance is off and so she just fell and broke her foot and will have surgery this week. What a beautiful way to honor manda and those currently suffering from cancer. Thanks!
Rachel Conatser says
What a great idea! I know your friend would be so proud! I would like to nominate one of my best friends who was recently diagnosed with an aggressive stage 4 inflammatory breast cancer. She is only 32 years old and has two small children. She has always been such a huge inspiration to me. She grew up in foster care her whole life because her family are all drug addicts. But she never let her past define who she is. She is a nurse and her and her husband raise their children in a Godly home. Watching her go through this has strengthen my faith so much because she has given God the glory through all of it! She has so much faith in the Lord and is so positive and continues to put everyone else in front of herself even though she has this terrible illness. She has 4 more rounds of chemo and then surgery to remove both breasts, both ovaries and lymph nodes. She will then have to have radiation and possibly more chemo after that. I know she would love to have one of these but if not, she would love your prayers! Thank you!
Amy Calvo says
I would like to nominate Maureen Shane. To say she is Wonder Woman is an understatement. She is going through chemo right now for the 3rd time. Each time she has never complained, always looking to help others and be there for everyone else. She never wanted anyone to know she was sick because she didn’t want anyone to worry. She is the proud mother of 3 daughters who have been by her side throughout it all! The one thing that always inspires me is how she presents herself. No matter how she is feeling she is always dressed to the 9’s and I think she would love the blardigan, especially during chemo. Thank you for doing this. I have been thinking about you all and praying for Manda. I know what it feels like to lose a best friend to cancer. I lost mine in July and there is no greater pain. But I have faith that she is at peace and no longer suffering.
Cayla says
I would love to nominate my sweet mother in law, who’s been battling bladder cancer. She has specifically been asking for something comfortable to help keep her arms warm, so I know she would love this. Thank you so much for honoring Manda by doing this giveaway.
Lindsay says
I’d like to nominate my sister, Julia. She was diagnosed with leukemiaat the age of 21, 6 weeks after getting married, and has been battling it for the last 15 months.
Jennifer Campbell says
Hi. I would like to nominate my cousin Shawna Shaffer. This is her second battle with cancer. She first has thyroid cancer at the age of 17 and now at the age of 34 she is battling breast cancer. She is a single mama of 3 amazing boys. I would love for her to receive this amazing blardigan blessing as something to help her feel cozy on those hard days. She has been as positive as can be -trying to be the strong one for all. It would be nice to make her feel special.
Blessings, Jennifer Campbell
Karlene says
My friend’s Mama, Mary S. who is battling cancer and currently struggling with the chemo treatments.
Betsy says
I would like to nominate my friend, Jessica, a young mother of two sweet girls who found out almost a year ago she would begin her battle with stage 4 colon cancer. Through it all, she continues to be positive and happy. She is an inspiration to all who know her. Thank you for this generous opportunity to make someone so deserving smile! 🙂
Tiffany Nagy says
I would like to nominate my cousin Mary Teresa. After losing her mom to lung cancer a few years ago, Mary received the news that she has cancer in several places of her body. She recently fell and broke her femur and had to have surgery on top of this. She is now in the hospital recovering from surgery and will then move to rehab all while battling cancer. She is a fighter. She is determined. She is a mother of two and a wife to her high school sweetheart. Sending cards and flowers is something I do often since we live over 3 hours away and I can’t always go visit. But gifting her a blardigan in Manda’s honor would be amazing. What better comfy cozy thing to keep her warm in the hospital and rehab and then once she’s home as well.
Thank You
Mallory Boggs says
Paige Lanzi, my wonderful cousin, who is now fighting lymphoma cancer for the second time. This second time around is hitting her and her sweet family especially hard. Knowing she could find some comfort on her hard chemo days would make us all feel a little more at peace.
Pray For Irene says
My Mom is currently battling leukemia. My Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer in April 2014. We lost him in March 2015. My Mom started getting sick a few months later. And received her diagnosis in September 2016. It has been a tough road. But my Mom is a fighter. So glad I have her. So honored to take care of my parents during this stage of life. I’m only in my 30s…so it’s hard to see my parents like this. They were always my rocks. But my Mom has such strong faith. On the days, when I feel like I can’t go anymore…God is holding us up. Sending me words of encouragement. Giving my Mom strength.
Laura says
I’d like to nominate my sweet momma who’s been battling Pancreatic Cancer since 2015. She fought tremendously hard to be with my sister on her wedding day last May and now is fighting to be with me on my wedding day this June. We would be honored to celebrate her strength through Manda’s comfort. ?
Emily Palmer says
I am nominating my best friend, Colene. She is a 47 year old mother of two, non-smoker, who has just been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. She is getting ready to begin the fight of her life. We are heartbroken but holding onto faith. I would love for her to win a cozy blardigan to wrap up in while she goes through treatments. Thanks in advance and welcome back!
Jamienne Price says
I would love to nominate my friend Nichole who recently adopted a little boy and shortly after that found out she has cancer and is now fighting that! She brings the word mom to a whole new level. She is so inspiring to me!
Chasity says
I would love to nominate a good friend of mine, Jodi Pipes. She is such a fighter! She is such a giver and truly has a heart of gold!
Kyle Hinson says
I am nominating Karn Rutalante. She is a mom friend as we both have 2nd graders. She was 5 years in remission from breast cancer when it returned and is now in her breast, liver, brain and more areas. Terminal. So very sad. Thank you for your generousity!
Sarah Meister says
I would like to nominate my Momma. She went in beginning of January for what they thought was anxiety only to find out she had a brain tumor. Within 24 hrs she had surgery and theb found out 3 days later it was stage 4. She is currently going through chemo and radiation. But she has no time for pity. She worries abt her kids and 9 grandbabies, two were born yesterday! She invites every one of her nurses and doctors to church in hopes they come to Jesus. She’s amazing. So Trina Bish is my nomination.
Meredith Hollowell says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend Leslie Ann (L.A.) who is just beginning her battle with breast cancer. She is a wonderful single mom whose daughter is her whole world. L.A. is a beautiful singer, as well!
Carolyn Brown says
Mary Bechtel. She is so sweet and strong!
Lynne S. says
I’d like to honor my mom who was diagnosed with blood cancer 7 years ago. Since then she has lost her 95 year old mother and 50 yea old brother to the same blood cancer. She is a source of strength to me and my four siblings and would love to cozy up with a blardigan just as sweet Amanda did.
Thanks for such a thoughtful giveaway!
Jennifer Conroy says
I would like to nominate one of my good friends who is currently battling metastatic breast cancer. She is just 38yrs old with 2 small children. Recently they found another mass at the base of her spine. They are still waiting on results but this news has broken her once fierce spirit. A small blessing like this in Manda’s honor would be the ray of light she needs at such a dark time!
Chelsey Stump says
It is truly inspiring to witness how you and your friends are continuing to celebrate Manda’s life, courage, and love for Jesus!
I would like to nominate my aunt, Ellen, who is currently battling cancer for the third time. Several years ago, she successfully defeated breast cancer, but two years ago was diagnosed with lung cancer. After successful radiation and chemo, our family believed she was in the clear, until a nagging pain in her ribs revealed more spots on her lungs. Last week, she received encouraging news from the doctor that the tumors are shrinking, though her journey is far from over as she continues frequent chemo treatments. She is lucky to have a loving husband and two sons and daughter-in-laws nearby, though it is hard to hear the stories of her struggle from across the country (she lives in California, while we live in Georgia and her other siblings are in West Virginia…).
Amanda Santos says
So glad you are back! I would like to nominate my Mother-in-law Damaris who is currently battling colon cancer.
Melinda Andrade says
Blessings to you all!! I would like to nominate my grandmother, Shirley. She is battling melanoma right now. She is still as joyful and fun loving as ever but I know she would appreciate the comfort on her tough days. Thank you!! ❤
Sarah Towe says
Would love to gift a blardigan for my college roommate who is pregnant with her first child! So glad you’re back, I’ve missed your blog!
Megan says
I am 41 and have breast cancer. I’m starting 6 weeks of radiation on Wednesday, and would love to win a beautiful blardigan. Thinking of you as you mourn your sweet friend Manda.
Shannon says
I would like to nominate my Aunt Joyce who is battling leukemia. She never buys herself anything new and I would love to wrap her in some blardigan love. ❤️
Jill berry says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend Lindsay katrosh! She’s currently in remission after a courageous breast cancer battle, having a double masectomy. She a momma to 2 little ones and 3rd grade teacher to 23! Her recent tumor markers number came back high so I pray everyday that they go down. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful giveaway!
Lisa McCullar says
My friend Julie, and I work together at Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta. She is an amazing person, with a sweet spirit and always a smile. This year has been extremely hard as she has lost her mom and her dad and now having to go through chemo again after her breast cancer has come back for the 3rd time. I know she would love it.
Amber Januse says
I would like to nominate my loving and inspiring friend, Denise❤️ She inspires me daily as she battles brain cancer. Her testimony is heart touching and her faithful is unshakeable! God is awesome ❤️
Heather M says
I would like to nominate the sweet lady who cared for my son (daycare provider)…Barbara! She is battling breast cancer. She is going to dominate this fight! 🙂
Amber says
My name is Amber-I’ve been a reader of your blog for over a year now and feel like I know you personally! LOL! What a great way to honor your friend Manda! I would like to nominate a friend of mine that is battling Cystic Fibrosis. I know you said cancer, but I wanted to put her in the contest because she’s so deserving! She is 23 years old and full of life. She received a double lung transplant last April and is currently in ICU at Duke Medical Center where is body is trying to reject her new lungs. Even if I don’t win this contest, just life her name up in your prayers. Her name is Libby Hankins. God Bless
Abby slaton says
I would like to nominate my friend Shannon who is battling breast cancer. She is 32 and has a 1 and 4 year old.
Amy Heard says
I want to nominate my friends 13 year old niece, Cailin. Cailin was diagnosed with stage 4 Osteosarcoma in September, on her 13th Birthday. She has undergone numerous surgeries, And has been through many rounds of chemo. Unfortunately the chemo isn’t working. They are praying for a miracle. I know she would LOVE this blardigan!
Erin Buddie says
I would like to nominate my mother, Karen. She was recently diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma and is currently undergoing immunotherapy treatments. A little over 3 years ago, my stepdad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and she has never stopped the fight and is vigilant in helping him stay healthy and he is doing well! She underwent a preventative scan a few months ago and the NHL was discovered. She never loses her positive attitude and relies on her faith and her family!
Katherine says
I would like to nominate Karen, a family friend who has been battling lung cancer for almost five years. Her unwavering faith has kept her focused on God’s blessings and she continues to be a shining light in everyone’s life around her.
Cheryl Yeary says
Thank you for this opportunity. If my name is picked, I would be giving this to my friend Karin who is battling cancer for the second time with strength, determination and courage.
Emily Thrasher says
My friend Merri was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago. After surgery and chemo, her breast cancer was gone. At her 2 month post cancer scan, there was a blip on her liver, not big enough for biopsy. Two months later, it was big enough to biopsy and she was diagnosed with liver cancer late last year. She underwent a liver resection right before Thanksgiving and is currently in her chemo routine. This blarigan would be such a blessing to her!
Ellie Stefanic says
I’m deeply sorry to hear about your sweet friend Manda. You have all been sharing her memory and honoring her in the sweetest and most inspiring ways. Thank you for honoring others with this wonderful treat! I would like to nominate my Aunt Carm. She survived breast cancer 34 years ago when she was in her early 30s (and treatment was even more gut wrenching than today) to only have it come back this past December in full force. I’m actually on my way to sit with her during chemo, and hopefully boost her spirits with some pictures of my babies. xo
Emily Urban says
I would like to nominate my best friend, Jen Dunn , who is bravely fighting breast cancer each day as she continues to be a wife, and a mother to three young boys. She is amazing!
Natalie Clark says
I love seeing y’all’s love for Manda. It’s such a good reminder of how important girlfriends are. I’d love to nominate my sweet oldest sister for the blardigan! She is currently battling breast cancer at 34. She just finished her first four rounds of the most intense chemo, and starts this week on another for 12 weeks straight. I hope and pray we are all there for her in the way y’all were there for Manda. It takes a village to get through this, especially with three little ones at home.
Her name is Katie Castillejos by the way.
Melissa says
I would like to nominate my Mom. She has been batteling stage 4 lung cancer since September 2015. She is the strongest woman I know and rarely complains! I am so thankful for the advances in cancer medicine which is giving us more time together as a family.
Katelyn Cundiff says
I’m nominating Julia Gardner. She is soon-to-be a Leukemia survivor! She was diagnosed with Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on August 15, 2015, just seven weeks into her new marriage. Julia would look great in a new blardigan as she finishes up her maintenance cycles. They are counting down the days to December 18th!
Tracy Doubts says
I would like to nominate my mom who is battling Lymphoma. Continued prayers for Manda’s family and friends. Happy Anniversary Shay and Andrew!
Cherry says
I’d like to nominate my dear older friend, Elsie. Her lymphoma has recently returned. The way she shared the news with me was, “I need you to get those river cards coming again.” Last time I prayed for her through this, I’d send her a postcard at least weekly, with prayers and love. I think a blardigan, would be a wonderful daily/hourly reminder of God’s love & other’s prayers surrounding & enfolding her! Thank you Shay & friends! I will be praying for all who receive these sweet gifts in Manda’s name & memory!
Maureen says
So glad that you took a break to be with your sweet family…and so glad you’re back! I’ve missed pulling up your blog each day.
SUCH a generous blessing that you & your friends are offering…I would like to nominate my cousin, Molly Williams, who is fighting stage 3 breast cancer. Incidentally, she too has her own hashtag…#mollystrong! And purple is her fight color. ?
Beth in Ohio says
I want to nominate my aunt Anita – she was just diagnosed with esophageal cancer on March 1 and I’m taking her to her first chemotherapy on Monday March 20th. She’s brave in the face of the diagnosis.
Jenn says
I’d like to nominate my sister’s best friend Erin who is currently battling breast cancer at the age of 31. She will have her third chemo treatment this week.
Rachel P says
I would love to nominate my sweet friend Jessica Douglas (https://www.gofundme.com/en-jessica-shaw-douglas). She is a fighter, and like Manda, had her leg amputated to prevent the spread of this cancer. She’s from Nashville, but her and her husband are now out at MD Anderson for the time being. I would love to bless her with this giveaway! No One Fights Alone #StandWithJess
Melissa Lerg says
I would like to nominate my mother in law, Alison, she is battling leukemia and in a clinical trial at NIH in Maryland! It would be perfect for her chemo days!!
Libby says
I’d like to nominate my dear friend Kelli. At 26, right before Christmas she was 7 months pregnant with her first baby and found out that she had an aggressive form of lymphoma. She was rushed down to a bigger city, had an emergent c section at the high risk OB hospital and immediately transferred to a larger hospital. She had many complications, thankfully most of which have calmed down by now. She is about to go in for her 5th round of in patient chemo out of 6 and has been so strong through all of it. Baby is doing great and she pushing through this trying time. My heart hearts for all of you, especially Manda’s husband and sweet kiddos.
Stephanie Brach says
I am nominating my friend Cindy. She is battling breast cancer for the second time. In the last six months, Cindy has undergone chemo, radiation and is prepping for surgery. A month ago, her husband of over 25 years died suddenly of a massive heart attack. Cindy is an amazing, inspiration to all of her friends.
Charise says
I’d like to nominate my cousin, Hannah. She is 16 and has been battling Leukemia for almost 2 years now. She’s missed out on so much that a young woman her age shouldn’t have to miss out on…school, getting her license, hanging out with friends, etc. The chemo they’ve had her on has made her feel so sick and not like herself at all. She is also battling dead tissue in her hips from steroids they had her on and will be undergoing a hip replacement next week.
Jen says
You ladies are incredible and I just know that Manda is so proud to call you all her friends. My sister’s good friend was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer at the beginning of this year when she went to the doctor thinking she had come down with the flu. Her cancer has already metastasized to a few other organs including her lungs. Jenna is one brave woman and she is fighting with all of her might! She has a support group just like you ladies gave to Manda. The kicker is that Jenna has two babies. Her little boy is three and her baby girl just turned one over the weekend. She’s been married to her awesome husband for five years and together they have created so many memories for their children but they deserve to have years and years of fun together like they always thought they would. I know Jenna would love to be blessed with a blardigan, although she would probably think somebody else was more deserving. It’s cold in Minnesota and her weekly chemothearpy appointments are long. I know that the blardigan would not only keep her warm but also allow her to be wrapped up in love. After all, nobody should have to fight this terrible disease alone!
Ashlan Clements says
I would like to nominate my sister-in-law’s sister-in law! Her name is Denise Willis and she’s battling breast cancer. She is a mom to 4 kiddos and very inspiring!
Candy Hunstable says
I would like to nominate my daughter in laws best friend Emily Sassenhagen. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at 24 years young. She is now 33 years. She just got out of hospital ICU which she was there for 2 weeks. Cancer is back ? She is a mom to two precious children and has a wonderful husband. She is the sweetest person and she loves Jesus!! She is made Brave
Misty Prachyl says
My beautiful friend Meagan Gould has been battling an aggressive form of breast cancer since 2012. This is her third round with it and it has spread to her lungs. She is 33 and has a 7 year old son and a supportive family that adores her. Just recently she has decided since the chemo makes her so severely ill she is going to go a different route. I know she could use a little pick me up!!!
Kelsey Howard says
I nominate my beautiful grandma. Currently barreling cancer and on hospice. She would love something like this to cozy up with in Minnesota!
Kelsey Howard says
Heather Crow says
I would like to nominate my sister-in-law Allison. Always positive and strong. Always inspiring!
Angela says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend Denise Perkins. She has stage IV breast ca with 4 children. She and her husband KNOW the Lord is in control and God isn’t done with their story yet! I’d love to bless her in this way!
Paige says
My dear friend Cathy is fighting breast cancer. She has been through so much and managed to keep her faith through it all. I would love to present her with this blardigan to comfort her during chemo. My friend Shawna is also fighting colon cancer. She is mama to a college aged and high school kids. She is fierce and has shared God’s love through it all. A blardigan may keep her warm through her treatments. Cancer sucks for everyone.
Sue says
I have nobody to nominate me so I need to nominate myself. Been fighting a rare lymphoma for 14 years. I have been getting radiation and light treatments 3 times a week for 14 years and insurance doesn’t cover many of the costs. I’ve never missed a day of work and many people don’t even know I fight this beast. It Would mean the world to me to have this cozy blardigan as it would push me to keep going when I want to give up the fight. Thanks for being so sweet and for your generosity. Love following your family.
Amanda says
I would like to nominate a fellow police wife, Janet Guess, who is in her 3rd (and most likely final) battle with cancer. She’s battled 3 types of cancer and this type it has spread over the majority of her body. She is such a fun-spirited and caring woman and I would love to show her some support and also give her an amazing blardigan to cozy up with.
Lisa Motoyasu says
I would like to nominate my MIL!! ?
Nicki Glenn says
I nominate my friend Emily who was diagnosed with Leukemia just last week. She is currently undergoing 7 days of 24 hour per day Chemo at Emory in Atlanta. She is mom to two kiddos and is a house parent at a ranch for children.
Kelly says
I would like to nominate my friend and coworker Patti. She is an amazing woman and nurse. We work with oncology patients and she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Patti is a light to all who are around her. Her laugh and smile is infectious! She is so selfless and always is doing thoughtful things for others especially our patients. An example would be that we had a patient that we had to get to get out of bed and walk. To help motivate him, she got him light up shoes. This patient now asks nurses to go on walks with him. It small things like that which Patti is able to show her heart to our patients. She will be going to radiation for 6 weeks and I think it would be a such blessing for her to have the blardigan to keep her warm in the cold hospital.
Beth Miller says
One of my “other mothers” is battling stage three breast cancer right now. She would love a Blardigan for chemo!
Julie Lienemann says
I’d like to nominate my sister’s mama. We share the same dad, but different mom’s, and her mom is battling breast cancer for a second time.
Natalie says
I would like to nominate my beautiful friend Suzanne Stitt. Thank you.
Ruthmary Muir says
I think my neighbor, Gina Deutscher, would love to have a blardigan. She is battling breast cancer. I know our other sweet neighbor is washing her hair for her because she cannot lift her arms right now after surgery.
Alisha says
I’d like to nominate my friend Elma. She is an amazing mom to 4 year old twins (Lucas and Logan) and their little sister Samantha. However, Elma is not the one with cancer- Logan is. Her husband was recently medically discharged from the Air Force and Elma had just started working full time for the first time since the boys were born. 3 days after starting her new job they learned that Logan had been diagnosed with Leukemia. Our “JMom” group (more like a sisterhood since we all have twins within months of each other) has rallied around her to give her all the love and support that we can even. Spreading the word, starting a gofund me, sending cards and notes, etc. I hope that by sharing a small part of Elma’s story that more prayers and love will come their way. #loganstrongjmoms
Kasey Brown says
I would like to nominate a very special second grade teacher who is battling breast cancer and also awaiting the arrival of her first grand baby- Mrs Cheri Adair!
Kelly W says
I would like to nominate Joanne…she’s the mama of 3 of my current students and one alum. She is tackling her cancer head on and with as much courage and joy as possible!
Megan Thomas says
My super strong aunt and Godmother, Emily, is my nominee for this gift. She is fighting lymphoma with every ounce of strength that she has (which is a lot) to watch her grand babies grow and watch her babies be their amazing parents. Chemo is a difficult thing to submit your body too and I am in awe of her faith, strength, and positivity every day. There is little that we can do for the amazing patients who endure this treatment, but I would love for her to have one of these soft, warm blardigans to feel just a little more comfortable during treatment. Thank you and I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. What a great way to honor her.
LeAnne Ray says
I want to nominate my best friend who is battling breast cancer. She has fought so much due to her youngest needing intense surgery at only 2-weeks old and now she is battling this. She lives a state away from me and I hate I cannot be there to give her a hug.
Suellen Long says
I’m not sure who to choose. I have 2 special women that are battling this disease and both have been for years. One is a grandmother of 4 precious little grand babies (Donnett Smith) and the other is a Mother of 2 precious boys (Lisa Cobble). One is like my second Mama and the other a friend since birth. Both battling different types, in different ways, but both so courageous and strong in The Lord. This disease has touched my family many times over and my prayers are with each and every person experiencing it now. God Bless!
Lauren Westhoff says
I would like to nominate a dear friend who is battling lymphoma, Ashley Moore. She is a wife, mother, teacher, and friend to many. She has been blogging about her journey in hopes to reach out and help others who are going through the same thing and more importantly giving glory to God, our only healer, who is helping her get through all of this.
Chloe stewart says
My sweet friend Jessica who has breast cancer. She went through 8 weeks of chemo and now 6 weeks of daily radiation. She had 3 kids under the age of 9. She is a fighter !
Megan Schmoll says
I’ve been praying for you and all of those who loved Manda. Thank you for sharing her story. I would like to nominate my sweet mamma, Margaret Bell, who has been battling Stage IV breast cancer for over two years now. She’s a preacher’s wife (my dad!), a half marathon runner, a yoga teacher, a do-gooder with a heart for the vulnerable, and the very best mom anyone could ever ask for. I’m sure she would LOVE a blardigan for her treatment days. Thank you! xoxo
Christie says
My mom, shoes just starting her battle with breast cancer. Thank you!
Christie says
Who’s, not shoes.
Brianne Adams says
I would like to nominate a little girl in our community named Tatum.
Lydia W. says
I would love to nominate my sweet friend Gayla. She is a loving Christian mom of two littles, wife, sister, and friend. She is now in the midst of chemotherapy treatment for ovarian cancer. I know this gift would bless her so much!
Crystal McDonald says
This is such a special tribute. I love this.
I would like to nominate my husband’s cousin, Kellie Daly. Kellie Lawrence Daly, is in the fight of her life against stage 4 colon cancer. Kellie is only in her mid- 30’s and is the mom of three young children. Prior to her diagnosis, she was busy being a stay-at-home mom and working on the side as a professional photographer. Kellie has the best attitude and is convinced that God is with her and blesses her every day! We are praying non-stop for her. She has been hospitalized the last few weeks from infection that they cannot find and chemo is being halted. She would be so blessed by a blardigan and especially your prayers!
Carly M says
We have missed you! What a nice way to honor your dear friend.
While I don’t have a direct entry, I would love everyone to remember all of the caretakers who hold the hands of these brave individuals, especially parents of their young kiddos. I will be returning prayers for all the nominees above.
Happy anniversary! Lucky 13, best year yet! Glad you’re back
Amber Petz says
A sweet sweet friend who is battling for the 3rd time. 4 kiddos at home and an awesome spirit she is taking the last bit of heartbreaking news like a true warrior.
Laura says
I would love to nominate my friend and coworker Erin who after years of taking care of her son’so health problems recently found out her skin problems are related to a cancer. She is always looking out for others and deserves something special while taking the first steps on this scary journey.
Carrie Thomas says
I would like to nominate Jennifer Smith who will have her 6th round of chemo tomorrow. She is such an inspiring woman. If anyone is interested in following her journey, look up Dancing Storyteller on Facebook. She is so faithful and strong.
Alisha says
PS- Happy Anniversary! 13 years- wow! We will be celebrating 10 years this October 🙂
Melia says
I would like to nominate my mom. She recently was diagnosed with breast cancer and has really been struggling through chemo and radiation. She could really use a pick me up.
Michele Merkel says
I would like to nominate my cousin/sister Kathy. She is currently battling leukemia and has been in the hospital for chemo and bone marrow pulls for the past almost 3 months. Growing up she lived in Florida but every summer her sister and she would come spend it with us. Recently life got in the way but we vowed to meet up every 2 years for a sister, cousin, aunt girls trip. The 2nd installment of this is may of 2017 so we are praying hard that she will be able to join us for tons of giggles and stories!
Courtney (Pease) Torres says
I would like to nominate Ashley Moore for the blardigan blessings. I went to high school with Ashley, and in my community when you attended the same high school you somehow are connected with everyone, even if you were never close friends (#smalltownperks). Ashley and I are friends on Facebook, and I learned about her diagnosis with Lymphoma just before Thanksgiving last year. I have followed along with her journey and prayed for her and her sweet family (husband, and two precious babies), because I just cannot imagine what they are all going through. But what I am most touched by is her faith. She never wavers from her faith and she continues to prove that each and every day. I cannot put into words the impact she has had on not only my life but every other life she touches. Take a look at her blog and you will see. In the midst of her toughest days, she is being a flashlight to Jesus. #teamashley #lesshairmorefaith https://mrsashleymoore.wordpress.com/
Kathy L says
I’ve read all of the comments so far, and my heart breaks for all these people suffering from different kinds of cancer. But…it is so encouraging to know how much they are loved. Manda’s ceremony was beautiful and her story/testimony is amazing. It is wonderful to know that you and your friends are blessing others in Manda’s honor.
Jill says
I would like to nominate my sister-in-law Tracey who is just starting to undergo her chemo treatments for breast cancer. God Bless and thank you.
Jennifer Creech says
I’d like to nominate my friend Jeanie, she fought breast cancer 4 years ago but is now battling kidney cancer. She has surgery this week.
Courtney says
I would like to nominate an old college friend of mine, Becca. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and just posted that it has spread to other parts of her body. The prognosis doesn’t look good but she is going to fight. She is a kindergarten teacher
Ashleigh Scozzafava says
What a wonderful way to honor Manda! I’d like to nominate Ashley Moore. Ashley is a young mother and teacher in Frisco. She has 2 beautiful children and is battling lymphoma. In 2 weeks she will begin her 6th round along with her bone marrow transplant. With this round Ashley will be in the hospital at least 23 days with only being able to see her two precious babies only a couple of times. Ashley has touched so many lives through her teaching. A Blardigan would keep her nice and warm in this long hospital stay.
Continued prayers for all of you ladies and Manda’s family.
Angie says
I would like to nominate my friend Jamie. She has a six month old at home and started going through chemo a few months ago. The hardest part right now is she isn’t even supposed to pick up her sweet baby girl.
Lori Whittington says
I would like to nominate my cousin Danielle Byington. She is a 42 year old mother of two adorable boys battling breast cancer. Thank you so much!! Welcome back! 🙂
Anna says
I would like to nominate a church friend, Mrs. Pam W. She is such a blessing to our church and to my family personally. She’s not received favorable news lately, after battling cancer for a year. Despite treatments and not feeling so well, she still shows up to church and Awanas and works and worships. It is truly amazing and inspiring. She touches so many lives and brings so much love to us all.
Cassie B says
I would like to nominate my mom, Cheryl…she beat colon cancer 10 years ago and is now battling breast cancer. In those 10 years in between she received a small intestine transplant. To say she is a fighter is an understatement…her courage and determination never cease to amaze me.
Lisa Fowler says
I would like to nominate my friend, Caroline, who is battling Uterine cancer. Not only is she fighting cancer, she is also dealing with MS…double trouble! Being a single mother, she has sacrificed so much of herself with such Grace, I would love nothing more than to see her Blessed with this gift. I know she would be honored to be the recipient of the Blardigan Blessing.
Tara Paulose says
Good morning! I would like
To nominate my cousin J. She is 34, a mother of two young girls under the age of 5, and is a nurse. She discovered a lump in her breast on a self exam and then found out that she had stage 2b cancer. She has now undergone 12 weeks of chemo like a rockstar and a total mastectomy. Afterwards we received the news that her chemo had not worked and that she has metastases to her liver and spine. She is so young with an incurable but hopefully treatable stage 4 cancer. We are trying to give her every single bit of encouragement possible. I actually thought about gifting her a blardigan during chemo but it was so expensive. This gift would be amazing for her. Thanks for the consideration!
Melissa Miley says
Hi! Thank you ladies for being a Light in this crazy world. I enjoy reading about your friendships but mainly how you live a life to honor and bring glory to Christ in all you do. I nominate my friend Ragan Brown! We adore your blogs, make Sephora trips together, love your recipes and enjoy life together. We have the privilege to encourage one another, pray for one another and support each other in good times (and not so good times!). Neither of us have a blardigan, but would love one. Thanks again for all you do!
Melissa Miley says
Shay, I’m sorry, but please don’t approve my comment. I misread instructions. My friend Ragan is not fighting cancer. I’m sorry! Of course, I want the winners to be ones who you all are trying to honor! My apologies!! 🙂
Jenny says
I’m praying for all of these nominees! It hurts my heart to hear of so many fighting this ugly disease. Bless you ladies, for wanting to bless them. Happy Anniversary to you and Andrew!
Lisa Richardson says
What an awesome way to honor your sweet Manda! I love this idea. I nominate my friend Trish McAfee. She too is young, only 35. Fighting breast cancer. She’s been through 16 rounds of chemo and a bi-lateral mastectomy. She’s had expanders and is awaiting her reconstruction surgery. She’s been such a role model and example of unwavering faith to every person she’s come in contact with. Thanks for the opportunity to bless her with one of my personal favorites❤️ I’m wearing my blardigan as I sit here typing.? Welcome back Shay and HAPPY 13th ANNIVERSARY!! May you be blessed with many more years together. XOXOXO
Debbie Peterson says
I would like to nominate my friend Lorrie Ausburn in Charlotte, NC who has cervical and uterine cancer. During the last months of treatment her father died and was not able to attend his funeral. She loves the Lord and keeps the Faith over Fear belief in her life. Lorrie is in her late 50′ and a mother of 2. A very big prayer warrior!
Sasha Reimer says
I would like to nominate my Mom Rowan. My mom found a lump as she was making my wedding dress this past Christmas. I have one brother and earlier this year she also made my
Sister in laws wedding dress with amazing pride and joy as she sewed! My Mom reminds me a lot of your friend. She never wants any fuss to surround her, she always wants people to know about Gods love, she adore her husband of almost 35 years and she is always so willing to love anyone in her path. It is such a joy to be her daughter and to come home from my honeymoon to hear that she has cancer shook my world. I am blessed beyond measure with a family far from perfect but so close to love! I would love to surprise her with this gift! Thanks for allowing us to walk this journey with you as you’ve gone through your friends battle!
Bridgette nichols says
You guys are amazing. Manda is smiling down from heaven in AWE as usual about her fight club. I would like to nominate a friend fighting her second battle cancer. Megan Slovak Gould. She is not only a friend of mine but a friend of Manda’s. Manda prayed for her so often as well. They both are from Ennis where Manda grew up. Hugs to you for continuing on Manda’s beautiful life. ?❤
Tiffany Burgermeister says
I’d like to nominate my friend Katie, who has been battling breast cancer since June of last year. She is a wife and mother of three young children and loved by all who know her.
MB Bruder says
I am a breast cancer survivor and feel so so blessed- I am one of the lucky ones. I would like to nominate my sweet friend Lauren who was not as lucky as me to have her’s diagnosed so early. She is currently undergoing her second type of chemo- all of this chemo needs to be done before they can perform the double mastectomy. Then lots of radiation after that surgery before she can have her reconstruction. She is so strong- never complains or says “why me.” She’s such a courageous and inspirational person who was there for me through all of my surgeries. We live in NJ where it’s freezing right now so a blardigan would be perfect for her.
Lisa says
I would love to nominate my aunt Lu. Her husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer over 18 months ago and was told he had limited months to live. As you see he has beat those odds and is still fighting but it is a daily battle and she has been by his side during all of this. Then a month ago she got told she has breast cancer. Now while taking care of her husband she will also be fighting her own battle. She is so strong to handling all of this.
Gwen says
My sister, Nelda Sullivan, who after winning over breast cancer in her 20s, has now in her 70s had surgery & chemo because of an early stage ovarian tumor. She is cancer free!
Gwen says
In her 60s! Sorry, sis. I know how old you are. Fat fingers
Sarah Lang says
I’d like to nominate Jill, my friend’s mother who is battling breast cancer.
Lindsay Webb says
I would like to nominate my friend Wendy Vereen Patterson who is currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. What a wonderful way to honor your friend’s memory… God bless you!
Emily says
I would like to nominate my friend Amy. She is battling breast cancer.
Kate says
I nominate Naomi Palazzo. I’m friends with her sister in law. Naomi was diagnosed with cancer while 22 weeks pregnant. https://www.gofundme.com/naomi-breast-cancer-while-pregnant
Lacey Hebert says
I am nominating my best friend, Kiki, who is currently undergoing chemo treatments for breast cancer. She would love this for her treatments and upcoming surgery recovery.
Claudia Stiles says
I would like to nominate Maggie Sue Spencer! This 13 yr old young lady has bravely battled leukemia.
Alaina Dawson says
Hello! I would like to nominate my mother in law Katherine Dawson. Katherine is currently receiving chemo for colon cancer. She is a Nurse Practitioner in Paliative medicine. This bump in the road has not stopped her. On her off chemo weeks she still works, sometimes going into the hospital wearing her chemo. Her neuropathy from the chemo I know bugs her but she never complains. Her dedication, love and compassion to her patients is above measureable and I dont know how she does it while batteling it herself. I know she would be so greatful of a blardigan! Thank you so much!
Betsy Kramer says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend, and new Mama, Rachelle. Rachelle found out that she has cancer just last week. Rachelle is a wonderful friend, and exemplary wife, and a precious mama to a sweet baby boy who came into this world with quite a bit of drama in December, spending a few weeks in the NICU with a few heart issues. I can’t quite think of anyone more deserving to cuddle up in a blardigan!
Karen Combs says
I’d like to nominate my dear friend, Lynn Fernandez. Our husbands are lifelong friends and we even delivered our babies across the hall from each other! She is in her second week of radiation and chemotherapy fighting tonsil cancer, I would love to give her a cozy blardigan to curl up in!
Lynda Roberts says
I would Like to nominate my best friend and sister Sandy Poston . Until 2 weeks ago she was given a clean bill of health by 3 different doctor’s who all said that she has bronchitis. She felt like something else was going on and thank god got a 4th opinion. She has stage 4 lung cancer that has went to the brain. We are all in this fight with her . However she has this calmness about her that she says her faith has washed her in. She is the strongest one of us all.
Anne Perez says
I nominate my mom’s friend Keri. She was recently diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She’s a kindergarten teacher and the mother of three young girls and she is living with so much grace right now through this all. She has become a beacon of hope and inspiration to all that know her and she totally deserves this. Her tumors are shrinking and she knows it’s Jesus that is healing her. Thank you for this opportunity and God bless all the ladies nominated!!
Jen says
I would like to nominate my childhood best friend, Cassie. She is 32 years old and currently going through chemo treatment for breast cancer. Throughout her diagnosis and start of treatment, up until now, her faith has been so strong and beautiful. I know she would love a new cozy cardigan to snuggle up in!
Wendy Walker says
Welcome back, Shay! Continuing to pray for you and Manda’s family during this difficult time. I would like to nominate my friend, Krista Zerbe wo is currently battling stage 4 colon/liver cancer. She is so positive and such an inspiration to everyone who is blessed to know her! God bless you and your friends for doing this-thank you . xoxo
Amber McMillan says
I would like to nominate Alesia Wright. She is my high school drill team director and is battling colon cancer. She has been such a huge influence not only on me, but on so many other girls. Lifting prayers for all those who are fighting the beast called cancer.
Alex E says
I’d like to nominate my sister Vicky who two years ago thought she’d get her headaches checked out by her doctor and found out she had brain cancer and 2-5 years to live. With a loving husband and two small children, 3 and 5, she certainly has a lot to live for and has battled her tumour with strength and positivity.
Julianne C Pasco says
My dear friend Laura Chaale.
Angela Ellingson says
So happy you are back! This is such a sweet idea. I nominate my husband’s cousin Jamie Terry White. She battling cancer on her tongue and just had surgery last week.
Kelly Schenk says
I would like to nominate my sister Jill. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2014 and had a double mastectomy, chemo and radiation treatments. In 2016, the cancer came back and is now in her liver and bone. She is so faithful in her battle and is my inspiration, as I was also recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I would love for her to have a Blardigan to snuggle up in!
Kim K says
I would like to nominate sweet Carol.
Sarah Grady says
I would like to nominate one of my mom’s best friends, who was like a second mom to me growing up. Her name is Carla and she’s battling leukemia.
Erin says
I would love to nominate my husbands cousin, Nikki (34 years old)who was diagnosed with a rare form of Uterine Cancer in November (Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma) . She had a hysterectomy before Thanksgiving and in early February had her ovaries removed. She is such a fighter and an inspiration to all who fight cancer and even to those who aren’t. While she has cancer, that is not who she is. She is a nurse, a mom of twin 16 year boys and a 5th grade boy. She is a fighter, and her strength is an inspiration to us all. In January she lost her mom very unexpectedly and is fighting for justice for her. She has had some really crappy things happen in her life but she continues to be the backbone to her family. After her surgery in February, the doctors think they have the cancer removed, Her scan last week was clear in most areas, and the spots in her lungs are diminishing in size and some nodules appear gone. Prayers do work!! She still has a long road, but she is on the road to recovery and being a PEACH!
Morgan Homan says
I would like to nominate my dear friend, Christine Kimball. Christine was diagnosed with a very rare form of sarcoma in her foot just a month after giving birth to her third daughter. Very quickly, she underwent a series of surgeries to remove the tumors and basically as much of her foot as possible while maintaining function. She has been on total bedrest for 9 weeks and is now preparing to begin an aggressive radiation cycle in the coming weeks.
Through her recovery, she has been able to nurse and care for her newborn while her husband, a pastor, and our community have been able to assist with her older daughters, as the hardest part of this whole ordeal for her has been not being able to truly care for her family. Christine has exemplified grace and faith through this trial, and praise God, as of now she will keep her foot! It is very cold in Columbus, Ohio this time of year and as she stays in bed or travels to the hospital for radiation, I know she would enjoy a cozy blardigan to help keep her comfortable.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear friend and am rejoicing with you that she is at Home. Praise God.
Joy Krupka says
I’d like to nominate my friend Joanne…she’s battling very aggressive breast cancer.
Kayla B says
This post and these tributes are all so sweet and so heartbreaking <3 Glad you are back to blogging– I have missed reading every morning as I drink my green breakfast smoothie. Happy Golden Anniversary!
Holly H. says
The secretary at my school (I’m a high school math teacher) is battling pancreatic cancer. She is absolutely the heart and joy of our school! She blesses every person she comes in contact with – in fact, she was the first person I met when I interviewed here 5 years ago and I remember thinking “if everyone else at this place is as kind and joyful as Mrs. Brandon, then this will be a great place to work.” She has a long road ahead of her and a cozy blardigan to snuggle in during treatments and recovery would be an amazing blessing!
Meagan says
This was a beautiful, honoring post of your friend. So thankful we have hope in Jesus and that this life isn’t the end! I would like to nominate my sister’s future mother-in-law, Kimberly Wellborn, who is battling cancer, yet is still sassy and passionate about life. She’s a wonderful wife, mom, Mimi, friend.
Molly Price says
I would like to nominate Danielle El-Jor, my best friends girlfriend, who just found out her stage 3 lymphoma is back. Danielle is only 22 years old and has already battled this once. She’s about to start three rounds of chemo and then will undergo a stem cell transplant so I know she would LOVE to snuggle up with a blardigan :).
Lindsey Carr says
Nominating one of my best friends & one of the best women I know, Emily Spencer. Em was diagnosed with leukemian just last week & is currently having chemo. She has 5- & 1-year-old at home that she isn’t able to see during chemo, & a sweet husband & family that is surrounding her & taking care of everything.
Maddie Morris says
I would love to nominate my future mother in law Kimberly Wellborn! She was initially diagnosed with breast cancer in November of 2011. She has fought this battle with a type of perseverance that is unlike anything I have ever seen. Since her diagnosis in 2011 she has had invasive surgeries to try and remove it but as we all know cancer does not give up without a fight. Unfortunately her cancer has spread to the outside and inside linings of her lungs. She is currently on an experimental immunotherapy due to her body not responding to various types of chemotherapy. Her son and I are getting married at the beginning of June and we would love to bless her with this give away. However, if we are not chosen we would also covet your prayers for a full recovery along with the strength to get there! Thankfully we serve a powerful God that is the ultimate Healer and we are walking in faith for what is to come!
P.S. My sister and I are huge huge fans of your blog and enjoy everything you share with your readers! Thank you for the time and energy that you put forth in each blog post. It does not go unnoticed or unappreciated!!
Lynn says
I would like to nominate my friend Audrey who is a young mother battling cancer for the first time. She is beautiful and strong and brave. Her faith and determination is a true inspiration.
Alexis says
I would like to nominate a family friend, Tina, who is currently undergoing treatments for cancer journey #2. I can just hear her infectious laugh and loud “WOOHOO” if she were to win a cozy blardigan 🙂 #teamtina
Karen Blair says
I would like to nominate my friend of many years, Libby Weigard. She was diagnosed with leukemia this year. She’s and her husband live in Texas too and have two precious little ones. She radiates the joy of the Lord.
Jodi Guntle says
What a sweet way to honor others battling cancer. I would like to nominate my friend Rosie. She has been battling Leukemia for the past year. She has a 3 children, 10, 7, and 2. She was diagnosed shortly after her girl turned 1. She went through 9 rounds of the most intense chemo available only to be told at the end that it did not work. She is currently undergoing immunotherapy and then she will then need a bone marrow transplant. She is having to stay in San Francisco, 90 minutes from her home, in the hospital. It would be amazing for her to win a blardigan to wrap up in during her treatments.
Audrey says
What a huge heart you have. A beautiful tribute for your friend.
Emily Stewart says
I am nominating my wonderful mother in law, Susan Stewart, who is battling stage 4 breast cancer. She would love this cozy blardigan to get her through her treatment and some of the chilly mornings that come and go. She is the world’s greatest wife, mother, grandma, mother-in-law, and just person in general.
Elisa Johnson says
I would like to nominate my friend Diane. Diane retired last December after giving her life to helping people. She is so inspiring. She was diagnosed a few weeks ago with Bile Duct Cancer and started chemo last Thursday. She will have months of chemo and then have the mass removed. She is truly an amazing person!
NicoleT says
I’d like to nominate my friend Michelle who is currently fighting breast cancer. <3
Courtney C says
I would love to nominate my precious grandmother who is fighting ovarian cancer for the second time in 3 years.
Angela Eschete says
I would like to nominate my cousin Michelle. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in December of 2016. She is currently going through chemo and is kicking cancer in the butt.
Ali marshall says
Coworker was diagnosed this weekend with a brain tumor! Praying that the surgery goes well in a few days. I own some of these cardigans and I cannot think of a better gift as she faces this head on!
Jenny Garifalos says
I’d like to nominate my SIL Emily, who starts chemo this week and will attend her sister’s memorial service two weeks later. She has five children who shine brightly in her love and is just a good woman.
Cheryl says
Hi! I would like to nominate my grandmother, Carolyn. She is currently in the fight of her life and suffering from stage IV ovarian cancer. She loves to cuddle up in a large blanket during her weekly Monday morning chemo treatments. She is a fighter and such a strong lady. God bless!
Brenda Joy says
I would like to nominate my friend Robin. She had been fighting breast cancer but just found out this past week that it has returned. She is headed to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota this week to find out if it has spread and treatment from here. We’re sending tons of prayers as she like your friend Manda is incredibly positive!
Kimberly Sheppard says
What a precious idea! I would like to nominate a dear lady in our small group at church, Judy McCoy. She is a brave, faithful, battling lady. She has left her home here in Alabama to be placed on a clinical trial at MD Anderson. A blardigan would be a sweet “hug” of comfort and encouragement. Thank you for the opportunity to nominate this inspiring lady.
Cass says
I would like to nominate my friend Kiersten who is currently fighting ovarian cancer. She is just 30 years old so her diagnosis came as big shock. But she’s maintaining a positive attitude and still doing the things she loves: riding her bike and playing with her dog. I would love to be able to send her something cozy to wrap herself up in during treatments or to watch a movie. Thanks!
Melissa Lewis says
I would like to nominate my friend and coworker, Lauren McCoy. Lauren is a 27 year old wife and mother of a precious 1 year old boy. Lauren is a special education teacher to 4th grade students. Lauren was recently diagnosed with a very aggressive type of Breast Cancer. Lauren has already had a double mastectomy and is currently going through chemo and will have to do radiation as well. Lauren is a inspiration to us all and I would love for her to be connected with this great group of women struggling with the same thing.
Cristina Pennington says
I would like to nominate Renee McCombs. Mrs. McCombs was my substitute teach many times through out high school. She was always the sweetest, most kind, loving, but tough when she needed to me. She was diagnosed with cancer during my junior year and it made an impact on my whole school just like she did. Thankfully and through prayers she made it through and was back to subbing my seniors year. She would wear her wig proudly and still had that same sweet spirit. She has now been diagnosed with cancer again, this time it is also in her brain but, she’s fitting just like she did before. She will let you know she cannot do it without God. She always always always has a positive attitude and smile on her face. I am thankful for a substitute teacher who can make such an impact on the students she’s come into contact with. I believe she deserves to be honored.
Leah Crouse says
I would like to nominate my mother Cathy White. She has been battling an aggressive stomach cancer for the last 4 years! She has never wavered in her love for Jesus through this awful experience. She could use some extra cozy. ?
Robyn Rogers says
I’d love to nominate our friend Stephanie K. Brain tumor and now breast cancer. Prayers, please for her husband and 2 young kiddos. Gosh, these things are so hard to understand…..
Laura Cox says
My dear friend Nicole, who is a young 30yr old faithfully & mightily battling her diagnosis of stage 4 brain cancer
Emily Perry says
I would like to nominate my dear friend and co-worker Mary Beth Fee, who is battling colorectal cancer. She is starting a trial Duke, and has shows such strength during her battle.
Courtney says
I would like to nominate my friend Holly. She has 4 kiddos and is battling cancer for a third time. Our husbands work at a Christian camp up in the mtns of Colorado. So a blardigan could be put to good use year around up here! 🙂
Robin says
I would like to nominate my friend, Barb Bollon. She has inspired so many over the years as a teacher in a small town school district in Ohio. She has touched so many children and their families and they are trying to wrap her in love as she battles liver cancer.
Laura Cox says
A sweet church friend, Karen Hatcher, who has been battling ovarian cancer and several ongoing rounds of chemo. She has given so much to our church family, we pray we can come alongside her as she has with us as she continues this battle.
Ina says
What a nice way to honor your friend! I would like to nominate my dear friend, Heidi, who is fighting breast cancer. She got her diagnosis after her very first mammogram at age 40, and has been so incredibly strong. It would be so great to gift her this cuddly gift, as there are more procedures coming up for her this spring. Thank you.
Renee says
I’d like to nominate my mom who is currently battling Esophagus cancer. This would be amazing for her to use when she’s getting her chemo treatments.
Kate Koyak says
I would like to nominate Candice Taggert, my cousin in law’s sister. She’s in terrible pain and has decided to pass on surgery that would make her more comfortable so she can spend more time with her boys. I’m sure the blardigan would help with the chilly Midwest cold.
Jen says
I would like to nominate my mom who 4 weeks ago was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer that has spread to liver. I love my mom so much. Please pray for her and her to be comfortablable during this difficult time. Tham you.
Erica @ Whimsical September says
I would like to nominate my AOII sorority sister Haley, who is 31 and was diagnosed with breast cancer three months ago. She has a two year old and nine month old and also works full-time. She has two rounds of chemo under her belt and several more to go. I would jump up and down if she won this giveaway! She’s been such an encouragement to other people while she’s been going through this, and so many people have drawn closer to the Lord since her diagnosis. It’s incredible! Anyway, would love my friend Haley to win. <3
Samantha says
This is so very beautiful and so touching. I would love to nominate my mom, Rhonda. She has battled breast cancer twice now and is so very strong. Reading your blog and comments are such an inspiration!
Mollie Baker says
I am nominating a long time family friend and church secretary who has been battling Pancreatic Cancer for years now- Pam Gidenhagen. She has the kindest soul and is needing a boost of energy currently. I know the blardigan would boost her spirits.
Leslie Hull says
I would like to nominate my Mom, Sandra Hull. She has been a warrior woman battling ovarian cancer the last 2 1/2 years with my Dad (50 years of marriage) by her side every ate of the way. She never complains and takes each day, which has included some set backs, as a blessing. She loves living her life to its fullest, loving my sister and I, as well as our families beyond words. She is my hero each and every day.
Missy Bergquist says
I would like to nominate my friend Lexy who started her battle against breast cancer less then one month after loosing her mother to breast cancer. She is a rockstar.
Jen King says
I would like to nominate a fellow mom and friend, Laura Sarisky who is battling a brain tumor for the 3rd time. Thank you for honoring these women.
Rebecca Harper says
I would like to nominate my mom’s cousin, Donelda. 10 years ago, my mom was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma at age 46. We lived in a small-ish city at the time and the nearest place for treatment just happened to be 3 hours away, in the same city as Donelda. As soon Donelda and her husband heard about my mom’s diagnosis and impending treatments, they opened their home to all of our family and friends. My mom stayed in their guest room for 10 weeks that spring and they loved on her like nobody’s business. From wonderful home-cooked meals, to endless tea parties, to accompanying her to treatments, to just giving love and compassion, these two gave a little light during the darkest times of our family’s life. When my mom passed away a few months later, they were by our side through it all and have continued to stay by our side over the years. This past January, Donelda was diagnosed with cancer at age 67. She is currently in hospice care and is not expected to return home. I can never repay her for all the kindness, love, generosity and compassion that she showed to me and my family, but a cozy blardigan would be a great start.
Sandy Manning says
One of my son’s friends who is 25, yes 25, just had a double mastectomy and some lymph nodes removed. 25. Just how awful is that?! She had some of her eggs harvested and frozen in hopes later on she could still have children. This just happened so she is awaiting plans for further treatment. Her name is Bella and my son would love for her to be blessed with a blardigan.
Traci Darling says
I would like to nominate my friend Annette Dooley. She has been bravely battling stage 4 breast cancer for several years. She currently undergoes the gamma knife every 6 weeks to treat the multiple tumors in her brain and has chemo every week. She fights this with a smile on her face and continues to care for her two kids.
Beth says
I would like to nominate my friend, Laura, who is battling breast cancer for a second time. I am in awe of her positive attitude and her will to survive. Her greatest wish is to see her six year old daughter, Chloe, grow up and to continue her job as Mom. Her faith in God’s ability to heal her is amazing.
Cherise Procter says
I would like to nominate our sweet little friend, Aspen Awalt and her mom Shayla Awalt. Aspen just turned 7 years old this week and has been fighting Leukemia for a little over a year now. I know she and her mom spend countless, uncomfortable hours in hospitals and clinics.
I have been praying for you and your friends fervently this week, as well as Manda’s family. I lost one of my dearest friends in 2001 to very similar circumstances. I feel your pain, but also your peace as God holds you close and heals the brokenhearted.
Gina Williams says
This would be perfect for my best friend Julie Roos. She is battling Brain cancer. Thanks for being so generous.
Cherie Gatterman says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend Merideth. She was diagnosed with breast cancer right before Christmas. She underwent a lumpectomy and although she does not have to undergo Chemo, she does start radiation treatments next week. The treatments will be daily for 8 weeks and I know a boarding world be a blessing to her!
Ann Hammer says
I nominate my brave friend Courtney Mathis who is in the middle of chemo.
Emma Patterson says
I would like to nominate my friend keri who just had her brain tumor removed and is about to start chemo
Jinee Stewart says
Sweet Deloris Peek. I teach water aerobics and she is one of my members. She battled throat/tongue cancer and was clear for a couple years. After over a year a scan showed spots on her liver. She is an active 81 year old that helps others and keeps a very active life. She gets cold easily and this would be comfy and warm.
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
I’m so glad you’re back! Blogland is definitely not the same without you. I love that you guys are doing a giveaway to honor Manda’s memory. She was just as lucky to have you ladies as you were to have her. I know she’s in heaven smiling down on each and every one of you. I watched that video of her discussing her experiences with Jesus and the scriptures and she is so incredibly inspiring! What an amazing woman she was! It’s a wonderful thing that she is going to live on in each of you!
Happy anniversary!
Denise Grant says
I would like to nominate my friend Kim who is battling breast cancer. Her faith and positive attitude are uplifting and amazing!
Rachel says
I would like to nominate my friend’s aunt – my friend just found out her dear aunt has stage 4 colon cancer over the weekend. I would love to surprise and bless her with this gift to give to her aunt.
Alyson C says
Hi Shay,
I would like to nominate my mom and best friend, Debbie. She was just recently (two weeks ago) diagnosed with breast cancer. Our world has been turned upside down to say the least. Currently, I am sitting in a hospital waiting room waiting to see her when she wakes up from her lumpectomy. She’ll have to wait 3-4 weeks before starting treatment. We are hoping for radiation (sounds crazy to “hope” for radiation!) but ultimately the pathology reports will dictate next steps – either chemo first then radiation and hormone therapy or only radiation and immune therapy. She is the best mom and has been apologizing to her family for “inconviencing” us with this news. She would love to win something like this and I’d love it for her, too. She deserves something positive.
Katie Hewes says
I would like to nominate one of my best friends Tara’s mom, Mrs. Leigh. She is battling brain cancer and they just found another tumor and she had another surgery on Saturday. She is a grandma of 4, a loving wife & mom of 3 and an inspiration to us all. She is keeping her spirits up with her “I got this!” Attitude but she needs tons of prayers! I know that she would be truly blessed by a blardigan and it would help her through her cancer treatments!
Heather Lilyquist says
I would like to nominate a sweet friend, Susan. Every day right now has been a gift as she battles cancer, no longer with treatments, but with her fierce will to live and to make the most of each day He continues to give her.
Kayla Laginess says
I would like to nominate my sweet mama, Amy Duncan, who radiates positivity and faith in Christ even through the toughest of appointments. She has stage 4 renal cell carcinoma that has metastasized in the bone, basically covering her spinal column and hips. We fear the unknown, but have faith that God is still good. I know she would LOVE this blardigan, since she gets so cold while she’s at the hospital. Blessings on you and your sweet friends, Shay!
Cathy says
I watched all the live streams and cried. What a beautiful tribute to such a beautiful girl.
I lost my son to brain cancer. He was in Children’s Hospital for 11 months. It is such an evil disease. Now, my cousin is battling it. She found a lump on her breast and the dr told her to wait 6 months because he was sure it wasn’t a tumor. In that time it had spread. She now has cancer in her breast, hip and spine. I know that a blardagin would be so comfy for her and it would be an honor to let her know that she would receive it in Mandas honor
Knowing that Manda knew Jesus in such a big way and had a heart to share her faith was beautiful. She is with Him now and I know without a doubt that you sweet girls will see her again som day.
Praying for peace for all of you and for her family
Nicole Dowd says
Nominating my dearest friend, Deana, who is battling breast cancer. She is blessed beyond measure with a loving family and six amazing children. She had a double mastectomy and is now starting chemo.
Kim Dimmig says
My best swim mom friend, Megan Hewett, asked just last week about my Blardigan. She wanted to order one as she just learned she must undergo chemo as part of her treatment after breast cancer surgery. She is always so stylish and would LOVE to be cozy at the same time. Megan had her first chemo only one week ago but was at the pool all weekend cheering on not only her 2 children but the whole team at our Championship Meet! She is a high school Guidance Counselor by day, helping so many kids, and swim team organizer, full time mom and wife all the other hours of the day 😉 Megan is handling her diagnosis and treatment with such strength and grace and is an inspiration every day.
Valerie Patton says
I am nominating my friend and co-worker, Alicia Allred. She was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago and begins chemo on March 20.
As a breast cancer survivor, I am thrilled you are honoring women who are fighting against stupid cancer. Every little gift and kindness means SO much when you are in the middle of the fight. Thank you for doing this!!!
April Bryan says
I would like to nominate a teacher I work with. Her name is Amy and she is battling cervical cancer. She is very dedicated to her job as a teacher and her two teenagers and their activities. She does not miss school unless she is traveling to Austin get treatments which was once a week for awhile. She is almost at the point in her journey where her hair is about to fall out and it has been a struggle for her. I think the blardigan would be a blessing to her while she is traveling from Waco to Austin for treatments weekly and something to keep her comfortable each day while she is at work teaching her students.
Caitlin Hollenbeck says
I would love to nominate Emily. She is a young mama to a 5 years old and 1 year old and was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia last week. She began chemo immediately and hasn’t been able to see her sweet kids. I know this would put a smile on her face! What a sweet and tangible way to honor your friend.
Ali laws says
Shay I love that you are honoring your friend in this way! I am a breast cancer survivor and would like to nominate my sweet co-worker Janet she was diagnosed in June with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I walk the Susan G Komen 3-day every year in Dallas and walk in her honor. I would love for her to receive some extra special love and attention.
Mindy Lara says
My cousin Kathy is battling leukemia. She has been in the hospital for chemo and bone marrow Pulls for about three months now. She has not been able to go outside at all. I know she said the one thing she’s looking forward to Is fresh air and the sun on her face. This would help keep her warm when she’s able to do this. We have all been praying really hard that this day will come soon.
Ashley Morgan says
I’d love to nominate my sweet friend, Amanda, who at the age of 30 was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Courtney says
I would love to nominate my friend Chrissy. She is a physical therapist, wife, and momma of two precious boys. She is battling stage 2 breast cancer and has the best attitude. The cozy blardigan would sure bless her during this time.
RoseMary N says
I would kike to nominate Rachel Milliet from my church in TN. She is a wife, and the mother of 2 sweet young girls and is battling breast cancer. She still finds the energy to teach PRE (Parish Religious Education) on Sun. even when she is going thru chemo. She is very active in the parish and esp. during the summer for Vacation Bible School. She is a joy to know and always is so positive. Christ shines through her.
Susan B says
I would like to nominate Kathy Hawkins, a single mom who is fighting Brest cancer. Kathy recently lost a friend who she has taken care of for 20ish years. She cares for her Mom and her adult daughter who is unable to care for herself. Needless to say this is a very strong woman and a woman of great faith. My husband and I should know because we are the recepients of adopting her granddaughter because the Lord told her to do it. Talk about faith. We are blessed to have an open adoption so she can see and spend time with her Granddaughter. Please consider blessing her in the midst of her time of need. Thank you!
Kelli G says
I’m entering for my friend, Ashley Watford. This is such a special way to honor Manda! I love it!
Kristie McConney says
I would like to nominate a friend, Shauna. She is battling brain cancer.
Alesha Hoppes says
I would love for my friend Missy to have something nice and warm to wear during her chemo treatments!
Elizabeth Stephens says
I’m nominating my friend Katherine Couvillon. Nearly six years ago, she got a brewst cancer diagnosis and found out she was BRAC1 positive. She fought hard, but less than fours later, she was diagnosed with mestatic breast cancer that has manifested in her bones. She is continuing to fight and bravely share her story, but she will never be cancer free again. She will always be undergoing treatment and fighting. She has blessed me as a friend, and I’m amazed at her faith in all of this. She is thinking first of others always. I’d love for her to be blessed with something for herself.
Monica Baker says
Would like to nominate my mother who was just diagnosed with liver cancer. She moved from Guatemala where she is from to Baltimore for treatment. She is not used to the weather and is always cold. The blardigan would be perfect for her.
Naomi Carpenter says
I’m nominating my best friend’s mom…we just found out she has brain cancer and I’m sure she would love the blessing of a blardigan! Continuing to pray for Manda’s family and friends as I’m sure the grief is still so strong. xox
Vanesa says
I would like to nominate my friend, Shari Bisquera. I met her about 4-5 years ago when our boys played high school volleyball together. Our boys are now away in college and we remain good friends. She was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in October and she has been soooo great and inspiring to my friends and I. She will make jokes, laugh and will not be beaten by cancer!!!! She started chemo in October and finished about a month ago. She had a party to say “TA-TA to her TA-TAs” a week before her surgery on March 9th. She had several complications after her surgery, but she is recovering now. She is such an inspiration to me!!! Love her to pieces, so I would like to nominate her for the blardigan….
Julie Estes says
I would like to nominate Mary Jane Johnson. She works across the street from my school at a little cafe and is always so sweet. She is undergoing chemo, as her cancer has returned a second time. I’d love for her to be blessed with a cardigan.
Julia Condict says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend Ashley Stift, who is fighting Hodgkins Lymohoma for the second time! She has a husband and two young adorable boys, and will have to be away from them for a month or more while in the hospital for a stem cell transplant. She could really use something comforting like this while in the hospital!
Rebecca Haynie says
First of all, Happy 13th Anniversary Shay & Andrew!! Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us, and the love shown for each other and your 4 children is wonderful to see.
I am continuing to pray for Manda’s family, for you and all of her close friends. I had the opportunity to view her celebration of life service, and she was honored very well. I know she is smiling down from Heaven, she is completely healed, seeing her Savior face-to-face. Heaven is certainly better with her in it! Check out the song by Christian Artist, John Waller- Heaven Just Got Better! It has given me some comfort.
The day before Manda passed, I lost someone very special to my heart. My grandmother, Jane Tomlinson, passed peacefully, she was 92 years young! You had posted the verses on 2 Timothy 4:6-7, on February 25th, the day she finished her race on earth. I want to thank you for posting that- it was exactly what I needed to see. It helped to remind me while I am so heartbroken and missing her here, I know her life’s purpose was accomplished, she was a faithful christian, and I will see her again someday! God Bless you on this 13th year and all the rest of your years!
Eva Wattenburger says
I’d like to nominate my mom, June Emerson, who is battling metastatic breast cancer.
Christin says
I would nominate my friend Betty who is battling cancer for the second time.
Shannon says
My best friend’s mom is battling breast cancer. After taking care of everyone else, Jackie Oslick so deserves something special! Thank you!
Sarah @ Foxy's Domestic Side says
Glad to have you back. I nominate my cousin Christy J. She actually just wrote this on her FB page today…she is just an awesome person and so upbeat and cheerful. She deserves something nice to happen to her. This is what she wrote:
March 13, 2009, 8 years ago today, I was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. Chemo, radiation, 17 surgeries, 6 brain procedures. After all that, I still believe laughter is the best medicine! Now I’m managing stage IV metastatic breast cancer in my brain and liver, but I refuse to ever give up or feel sorry for myself! I didn’t get through this on my own, not even close! I am blessed for all the support I’ve been given from my friends, family and even strangers who NEVER left my side! They are my strength, they are my hope, they are my belief, they are my faith, they are my laughter and most importantly they are my LOVE! I wouldn’t be here today without them! ?
Thank you so much for doing this! Glad you are back!
Casey says
I would like to nominate my amazing friend Caroline. She recently learned she has a brain tumor and has been battling with such strength, grace and love that it has been incredibly inspiring to everyone who reads her story. She has 2 young sons and lives in chilly Washington so I know she would love to receive a blardigan!
Stacie Young says
I would like to nominate my longtime friend Nicole. Nicole was diagnosed with colon cancer over three years ago and now has had it spread to her brain. Through it all,she has been the most upbeat person,her faith in God never wavering.
Laurie says
I would like to nominate my friend’s mom, Jerry, who is currently battling breast cancer.
Kendra says
What sweet friends y’all are! I would love to put a smile on Rene’ Bailey’s face since she just found out she has cancer! She is my Husband’s cousin’s wife’s mother. What a sweet and loving lady she is! Thank you and Happy 13th years y’all are too cute and look like you were made for each other! Hugs
Brooke Hamilton says
This is such a kind gesture in honoring your sweet Manda. I would like to nominate my dear friend Stephanie. She is 38 & battling breast cancer for the 4th time. Her Aunt & her sister fought the same fight with the same cancer and both passed away before turning 40. Stephanie is married & has a 9 year old daughter. She has been recommended by her doctors to start a drug trial but it takes place at a hospital 6 hours from her home & family. Having this blardigan would be some comfort.
Jen Fosnight says
I would like to nominate my sister-in-law Janet. She is battling multiple myaloma. She has been fighting it for more than 5 years. She has fought so hard so she could see her children get married and welcome grandchildren into this world. She and my brother-in-law are the best team! They have also navigated his heart attack last year. They take care of each other and serve each other like no other. She is such a fighter, and they are the picture of a great marriage.
Loren says
Reading through these stories makes my heart heavy. I wish I could gift everyone of you a blardigan. God Bless you and all women and families reading this.
Andrea Munding says
Wonderful thanks! 🙂
Kelsey King says
I would like to nominate my mom Barb King! She is currently battling stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
Michelle says
Manda’s Celebration of life was just beautiful!!! I think I cried through 75% of it. What an inspiration she is. Her life was purposeful in many ways, but to think of how many complete strangers have been touched by all of this and may begin their walk with Jesus because of it is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the video Shay – I was indeed blessed by watching it!
Jen says
I want to nominate my dear, sweet neighbor Jackie. Her 3 year old daughter had been battling brain cancer since she was 4 months old. This time around, she’s been in the hospital since August. She is the strongest, kindest person I know.
Staci Otten says
I would like to nominate Kristen porter. She is a mother to 3 boys- 2 biological and 1 they are fostering
Allison says
I would like to nominate my friend Sue. She is currently fighting breast cancer and would love the cardigan. Thanks girls! 🙂
Meg says
What a wonderful tribute and gift! I have to say that I am counting my blessings that I don’t have anyone to nominate. Thoughts and prayers for all those that do!
Kasey says
I would like to nominate Abbey Shoenfelt
Jeanie says
I would like to nominate my friend Jan to receive a blardigan. She has been battling a rare genetic form of cancer since I first met her about 15 years ago. As a matter of fact, last week her brother had the identical surgery for it that Jan had last August.
Jenny says
My wonderful MIL ego is battling brain cancer. Praying for all of the other fighters out there! ?
Kimberly says
I would like to nominate my friend Shannon who is 33 years old and battling breast cancer!
Joy Albrecht says
I would like to nominate my sister in law Ruth. She was diagnosed with breast cancer at 32 years old. She has been battling it now for almost 7 years- it’s spread all over her body and in her brain and, at this point, they are just trying to maintain the cancer so it doesn’t spread more. She has 4 wonderful children (youngest is 4) that she is trying to see grow up before she leaves this earth. I’m sure winning a blardigan would lift her spirits.
Heidi says
I nominate my childhood friend, Jeni Cornelius, who has been battling cancer since 2010. She is a wife and mother of one beautiful, kind boy. She is a beloved fourth grade teacher and has worked consistently through her fight. She has the brightest inner light (but is so uncomfortable being the center of attention – too bad, say her supporters in #teamjeni). She has somehow always, always managed to put others’ needs and feelings first, in spite of the cancer. Cancer picked the wrong person to fight. She is a true love warrior and blesses all who know her.
Tammy Steve Duhon says
I would like to nominate my friend Tamara Castaldo who is currently fighting stage IV colorectal cancer.
Kami says
I would like to nominate a young lady from my community. She’s the daughter of a fireman & teacher, her name is Kelsey Hanlin and she is battling ovarian cancer. Kelsey just passed her state boards and is eager to start work as an OB nurse! This young girl could use some blardigan love right now.
Great giveaway-Manda is smiling I’m sure. ❤
Carrie says
Since I saw a few non cancer nominations I thought I would nominate my friend Alicia who is on a long road to recovery from a brain tumor. A few weeks ago she went to the ER for what she thought was a relentless migraine only to discover that she had a brain tumor the size of a tennis ball in her brain. The head of the department of neurosurgery at University of Penn performed her surgery a week later. She has a 3 young children and a very long road ahead of her for recovery. She is in a rehab clinic right now, but if anyone can make a full recovery Alicia can!! A couple months ago she did the Disney Marathon and I have no doubt she will one day do another one.
Delaney Lykins says
I want to nominate my mom, Marcy Lykins! She is beautiful and strong even in the eyes of an unforseen future. She has so many of the qualities that you say Manda had. I am blessed by her faithfulness to the Lord everyday! <3
Liisa Rogers says
I would like to nominate Kimberly Chase of Austin, a sweet mom I met this past week when my son was doing a play with a Christian theater group. She has been battling cancer for some time now, and has been through a great deal recently, enduring a major operation and resulting complications.
Sandy says
I nominate my friend and former neighbor Lois.
Katie says
I would like to nominate my sweet friend, Elise Bethel. After having twins prematurely, her sweet baby boy fought cancer. A few months after he got a clean bill of health, she was diagnosed with stage four metastatic breast cancer. All along Elise and her family have given praise to God for how far He has brought them. In fact, she started a company, Fight Apparel that helps bring hope to people in their darkest times. She is truly a fighter and an inspiration to everyone who meets her!
Amanda Barham says
I’d like to nominate Anna Webb Willis. She’s currently battling breast cancer.
Allison mullins says
Wendy Johnson–while she isn’t personally battling cancer, she is fighting everyday with her 6 year old daughter who has cancer.
Donna says
What a blessing you are. I would like to nominate my Aunt Deanie who has been battling lung cancer off and on the the past several years. We lost her two sisters, one my mom, to cancer and she has demonstrated such faith to her family and her Lord as she battles this disease. Thanks for all you do! I would love to send her a blardigan to wrap up in after chemo to comfort her and show her how many people are battling with her.
Christy Emde says
I would like to nominate a sweet, strong soul Shannon Zeeman.
Jasmine Figg says
I would like to nominate my friteam be Elizabeth, a young mother of two who is currently in the fight of her life against stage4 colon cancer. She is a wonderful teacher, mother and friend.
Sharon says
I would like to nominate my friend Cathy who was diagnosed and is fighting breast cancer. She would love to have a blardigan to wear and sit in front of the fire im sure!
Kristin Dunn says
I’d like to nominate my mom, Claudia Dunn, who has been battling ovarian cancer for 13 years!! She is amazing!
Meg Yarkosky says
I would like to nominate my coworker, Dawn. Dawn has been battling colon cancer and is coming up on the two year anniversary of the beginning of her battle. Not only is Dawn an amazingly strong person, but a fantastic teacher and friend. She teaches middle school band and manages to maintain a positive attitude and outlook while receiving treatments. Dawn teaches an adaptive music class for my special needs students and makes them all feel like rockstars. She is so so loved by all of her students (and coworkers, friends, and family)!!
Tamra says
What a beautiful tribute to your friend, Manda. I didn’t know her but you, along with her friends, have allowed us to witness what a blessing she was and always will be to her family and friends…
My aunt has been diagnosed with cancer for a second time and now has cancer in three other areas of her body. I would love to give her a blardigan as I know she has a long road ahead.
Thank you and your friends for honoring Manda as well as others suffering such a horrible disease.
Patrice Bennett says
Thank you for this opportunity. Our prayers continue for Amanda’s family and friends like you.
My friend Brandi is fighting Lukemia. Last year her body went septic and as a result she lost her legs and several fingers. She has gone through all kinds of treatment including stem cell transplant which requires her to be isolated from other people. I would love to bring her the joy of a blardigan to lift her spirits. She is so courageous and gracious through this whole journey and I feel so helpless.
Wishing you a lovely anniversary!
Blessings, Patrice Bennett
Nilda MacLean says
This is so amazing! You girls are blessing so many families! I would like to nominate my dear friend Kellie Daly https://www.facebook.com/kellie.l.daly/posts/10211468046915103
She is battling an aggressive form of Colon Cancer. She has been at the ER since last Sunday 3/5. The doctor’s can’t find her infection so she is not being able to return home or come back to her treatments. She is in so much pain because her tumors are growing constantly. Kellie wants to go home because she really misses her little kids and husband. She is so young and positive! Always smiling and praying for everyone!
Mckenna Jeffery says
Hello! I love that you are doing this. I nominate my best friend, Whitney. She has recently been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She has had a double masectamy last week and starts chemo within the next two. She is an amazingly kind and beautiful person.
Mckenna Jeffery says
I nominate a friend from college named Robyn. Robyn is 29 years old and went to the ER for chest pains and immediately moved into the Huntsman Cancer Institue with acute lukemia. She started chemo right away but will be in he hospital for weeks and away from her babies.
Sally says
I would love to nominate my assistant principal who has been battling breast cancer. She comes to school every day with a smile on her face and has such a positive spirit and through it all…she’s always thinking of others. She would have loved Manda!
GiGi Turner says
I wanted to say thank you to you and your blogger pals for honoring Manda in such a beautiful way. I continue to pray for all of Manda’s friends and family as you continue to grieve and as you continue to share the love for Jesus she had. I have nominated someone on another post for a blardigan. I have missed your blogs, so I am glad you are back. Happy anniversary to you and Andrew!
Christine Wilken says
I would like to nominate my friend and beloved kindergarten teacher at my kids school, Robin Carrier. She is batteling cancer for the 2nd time.
Robin says
I’d like to nominate Taylor. She’s a young mom who is currently undergoing chemo for a very rare and aggressive form of ovarian cancer.
Kim Osborne says
I would love to give one of these to my sweet friend, Emily. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. What a wonderful tribute to Manda.
Amy says
I have to nominate my best friend Amanda. We call her Amanda the Brave. At the age of 30 she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, just 6 months after giving birth to her second boy. Her kids are now 2 and 4. She’s such a blessing to my life and many others, and she has been fighting like crazy.
Jean says
My cousin Katie was diagnosed with breast cancer at 26 with no family hx. 9 days before her wedding she got the results that her cancer was now terminal. We are Canadian so we don’t qualify for the contest but if anyone could pray for relief from her pain, depression, anxiety and guilt she feels for her husband that would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Rachel says
I would like to nominate my husbands aunt. She was diagnosed with lymphoma right after the holidays. She is an amazing woman with unimaginable strength and hope and has overcame so much. She lost a son due to meningitis about 20 years ago, he may have been three or four and watched her mother battle cancer. We always pick that she is the best dressed patient when she goes for chemo and she loves a good blardigan. I admire you ladies for sharing Manda and continuing her legacy, can’t wait to see what great things y’all do in memory of her.
Sarah Fleming says
My dear friend Karin should be wrapped in a blardigan as she begins chemo treatment this week. This girl is a fighter. She has fought and beat! cancer before and now it is back with a vengeance. Her friends and family hug her daily, but the warmth and comfort a blardigan provides is like a hug from angels.
Emily says
I would like to nominate my sister, Holly. At 40 years old, she was diagnosed with breast cancer just one week before they moved across the country for her husbands new job. They have two small girls, 5 and 8. One blessing is that they’re move brought them back to Ohio and closer to family. She’s in the middle of chemo right now and expected to complete treatment and be cancer free!
Emily says
I would like to nominate my sister, Holly. At 40 years old, she was diagnosed with breast cancer just one week before her family moved across the country for her husbands new job. They have two small girls, 5 and 8. One blessing brought on by their move, they are back in Ohio and closer to our family! She’s in the middle of chemo right now and expected to complete treatment and be cancer free.
Britt Nisly says
I would like to nominate a friend of mine, Sara. While Sara herself does not have cancer, their world was rocked just this past weekend when they found out that their sweet, three year old little boy had a tumor on his brain and spine. Sara has another almost two year old at home so, to say she has her hands full (and heart) would be an understatement. They have a long journey ahead with their son, Ryder, and the blardigan would be put to great use for the long days hanging out with Ryder at the hospital.
Angi Robertson says
What a great idea to honor Manda! Wow what a testimony and impact she had on so many. I would like to nominate my grandmother, who has been battling pancreatic cancer. I can only imagine how comfy a blardigan would make her feel while at her chemo treatments and resting at home.
Ashley says
I would like to nominate my momma, Terri. Treatment has made her body temperature always freezing and a blardigan would help keep her warm! She is battling lymphoma and through it all she has still been there for me as I get ready to deliever my first baby. I can only pray that I can be as good of a momma to my little girl as she has been to me. What a beautiful tribute to your friend!
SueR says
I’d like to nominate my friend Melissa who is battling breast cancer and has been in Chemo for the past few months and going to weekly treatments this week. Chemo makes her exhausted and with a 7 year old daughter a blardigan would be nice way to rest up.
Kathleen Dean says
I’m so sorry about your friend, Manda, and know your community of friends will be there for her young family going forward. I would like to nominate my mother, Rita, as she battles lung cancer. She’s a non-smoker, and so we were shocked when she received her diagnosis after testing done once she noticed that she became short of breath fairly often. She’s been the quiet rock of our family and is stoic in her fight. She’s also of a generation that doesn’t like to talk about personal battles publicly, and so my brother and I are trying to gently have some very serious conversations with her and my father about what the future holds.
Elizabeth says
Thank you so much for doing this! I’d like to nominate my precious little sister who was diagnosed with an incredibly rare cardiac carcinoma. Unfortunately it has metasticized all over the place and she is undergoing intense O2 and proton therapy. She would love to have a blardigan to snuggle up with during her treatments!
Holly says
What a beautiful way to honor Manda. I love how you said “in Honor of….”. A friend of mine started her first Chemo treatment years ago for breast cancer. She was given a beautiful blanket with a card attached saying “this blanket is donated in memory of ……who passed away from breast cancer”. She said the gift was beautiful but the card saying in memory of someone who passed away from the condition she was just starting to fight made her sad.
Manda sounds like such a beautiful and wonderful person that I am sure will be honored in many years to come.
Jen Weber says
I’d like to nominate my friend, Becky. On November 4, 2015, Becky and her husband welcomed into the world a beautiful little girl, Nina. Nina is the youngest to two older brothers. While in the hospital the lactation nurse noticed something abnormal and Becky was immediately referred to a radiologist. Five days later, on November 9th, Becky received confirmation that she had breast cancer. FIVE DAYS with her new baby and now she had to start battling this awful disease. Since that time, she’s done multiple rounds of chemo and radiation and had surgeries. First, prayers for her continued healing are welcome and a blardigan would just be the cherry on top :).
Carla says
Hi Shay, so happy you’re back and hope you and your sweet family enjoyed the time off. ❤️ Happy Anniversary to you and Andrew may you celebrate many more happy and healthy years together with your four sweet kiddos!!! ❤️
Monica B. says
I would like to nominate my Strong, Fearless, Amazing Mother who is undergoing Chemo for the 4th time. Dialysis is coming up, but I pray she will face this with the grace and courage she has impressed us all with. Lymphoma is trying to steal her away from us but she is fighting with all her might! I am forever grateful that she is my mother!
Stephanie Jennings says
I would like to nominate my sweet, courageous friend, AnnMarie. She is battling cancer (multiple Myeloma), and has two sweet children and a loving husband. She is strong and brave and they have so much to deal with. At the end of the month, she has to spend a month away from them receiving treatment for this dreaded disease. I pray for her and all your readers.
Mary Beth Allen says
I don’t know anyone personally who is battling cancer. However, I do know of another thoughtful gesture for ladies battling the disease and undergoing treatment. My friend Meagan is a Keep Collective director and is putting together beautiful bags to donate to ladies who go are undergoing chemo. They contain little gifts to just give the ladies something to smile about. The bags range from $20 – $40. The link to her online store is https://www.keepcollective.com/with/meaganmeier . They will be donated to a local treatment center and will be personalized with the donor’s name. If you’d like to send one to someone you know, you can do that too.
Kara says
I’d love to nominate my sister in law Grace. Five years ago at 30 she was diagnosed with colon cancer. With chemo and surgery she improved, but it’s recently returned in multiple places and is now stage 4. She is a mom of a 2 year old (an unexpected blessing as she was told after cancer treatments she would be unable to have children) and a 2nd grade teacher. Through all of this she’s kept a smile on her face and her typical sense of humor. She’s a fighter and my hero.
Kristi Reneau says
Hi Shay!
First, thank you ladies for the opportunity to bless one of our family or friends. Second, thank you more for the prayers that will be sent up for all battling cancer….such a huge blessing for all!
I would love to nominate one of my dearest friends, Brandye, who has been on a journey for over 2 years fighting an aggressive form of breast cancer. She is a true inspiration and has stayed the course thru a double mastectomy, aggressive chemo and radiation. 2 weeks after her final radiation treatment she was on a business lunch and suffered a severe brain bleed and was not expected to live but that strong girl pulled thru and has fought the good fight every single day to reclaim and relearn everything we all who are well can tend to take for granted. She is a light that shines daily in the lives of all who have the privilege to know and love her!!! Many blessings to you and your tribe!!
Thank you again!
Amanda Childers says
I’d like to nominate my friend, Joy. She is in her early 30s, married and has a one year old daughter. She recently found out she has cancer on her spine and pelvis, so she has started chemotherapy. This has taken her away from her daughter for at least a week, sometimes two weeks a month. She also is an amazing Kindergarten teacher and has had to take a leave of absence. Joy has such a loving heart and is always thinking of others. Even through such a tough trial, she has managed to stay positive and still put others first. I know Joy would love a blardigan to cozy up in while spending time reading books with her sweet daughter.
Denise B. says
I nominate my co-worker, Debra.
Celeste Clark says
I want to nominate a friend that is battling cancer along the side of her husband while raising four children, Alison Despain. Her husband was diagnosed in September and I have included her recent post below. She was a friend in Utah and she now lives in Texas. I think any tender mercy that she receives is heaven sent. I can’t imagine what she is battling every.single.day knowing that there is nothing more that she can do.
Here’s her post:
Alison Despain
March 10 at 8:59pm · Little Elm, TX ·
You are stronger then you know, braver then you think Jonathan and more loved then you can imagine!
Together we have fought this cancer since you were diagnosed on September 6th, 2016 with very little success. The cancer has spread from the original two places of the pancreas and liver to the lungs, intestinal wall, t7 vertebral, sacrum (tailbone) both femur and thousands of small lesions throughout your entire skeletal frame. We have tried and exhausted all medical options as well as alternative options in an attempt to literally buy more time. With the first treatment /injections the cancer doubled, second form of treatment you coded and stopped breathing, with the third form of treatment each round of oral chemo you have become more sick and more nauseated as the cancer has continued to spread. You have continued to work and provide all while fighting for your life with very little success.
Through countless prayers we have decided to stop all treatments. Jon is choosing quality of life over quantity. The Dr’s have given Jon 6 month’s. We are holding onto to every single day knowing it’s one less day. I can’t begin to tell you how proud I am of you Jonathan! You are my best friend! I couldn’t of asked for a more perfect partner or father. So many people love you!!
We want to say thank you for everything everyone has done along this difficult journey. We are so grateful for all the prayers, fasting and financial help we have received. As we move forward please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers
Valarie says
My heart is so broken by the amount of people that are suffering from this horrible disease. I have had 2 family members taken from me and now my husband is battling stage 4 brain cancer. I am so sorry for your loss. I find it truly inspiring that you are doing a giveaway in her honor. I have always been a fan of all things cozy and I am now buying all things cozy for my hubs (which is no easy feat in the men’s department!)
Kristin S says
I nominate my friend and co-worker Cindy. She’s a wife, mom, and grandmother and is battling an aggressive form of breast cancer and recently tested positive for the BRCA gene. Her faith is strong but she has a long battle ahead.
Sara Veldman says
I would love to honor and nominate my dear friend, Meredith. She’s was diagnosed over 22 years ago with GIRD a stomach cancer – she has beaten many odds and has the best outlook and insight on life. I have learned much walking this path with her and truly see her as an inspiration that cannot be gifted/encouraged enough! xoxoxo
Stephanie Walter says
I would like to nominate a sweet mom who I have seen from afar fighting cancer. She is the mom of two boys that go to my son’s school. She has gone through and continues to go through such a hard, hard time…but seems to do it with positivity, happiness for her family and grace. I would love to bring just a little bit of joy into her life by showing her that not only her friends and family are rooting for her, but myself, whom doesn’t even know her very well, but does see that she is fighting for her life so she can continue to be a mommy and wife to her family! She is such an inspiration to me…and she doesn’t even know it! Her name is Kristel Baffa.
Thank you!
Susan says
I’d like to nominate my friend Tracy Brown…battling stage 3 cancer. Prayers for all facing this challenge and prayers for Manda’s family and friends.
Felicia Nguyen says
I would like to nominate my best friend Tuyet Pham. Last year she found out that she had breast cancer..went through chemo, surgery, double mastectomy then reconstructed surgery. After a couple discover the lump again.. come to realize that the doctor forgot the mass and didn’t remove it. Now she is back at CHEMO nad radiation again. Please keep her in your prayers
Lauren S says
I would love for Tarah to have a blardigan! She is battling metastatic breast cancer while still loving on her 2 little ones!!
Lori Duncan says
I would like to nominate Jess Howe who is a stay at home mom of four children. She is to have a double mastectomy then reconstruction afterwards soon. She has many responsibilities with her family and definitely thinks she deserves this. Jess always puts her family first and definitely deserves to be rewarded. Keep her in your prayers.
Renee Georget-Isley says
I would like to nominate my sweet cousin who has gotten so far in her teaching career and now principal role recently then spattered with this terrible news. I pray that her surgery goes well today, along with all her treatments. She has 2 kids and this is so hard on the family. She still has great spirits and a strong faith! That can go far!! Thanks for all your support in your blogs!
Allison Faiman says
I would like to nominate my mother Bonnie, who has been battling renal cell cancer for ten years. She is the STRONGEST woman I know. I am certain she would love a blardigan because she is often cold. That is a wonderful tribute in honor of your friend Manda!
Julia Lockhart says
I’d like to nominate my friend Amy. She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer a little over a month ago and is on her 2nd round of chemo. She and her husband have 4 adopted kids! I’d love for her to have a cozy blardigan for the rough days of chemo.
Sarah L says
I would like to nominate my lifelong best friend’s mother Susan who is like a second mother to me and currently battling breast cancer. She recently tested positive for the BRCA gene and is scheduled to have a double mastectomy next week.
Ann Marie says
I would love to nominate a dear friend, fellow Coppell high school alumni cheerleader, Frisco ISD teacher, Ashley Cook Moore! She has been battling strong- always turning to the Lord for guidance and strength on her journey. Praying for her sweet family during this time! #teamashley
Amanda says
I would like to nominate my friend Kim’s mom Mrs. Betty! She is going through intestinal cancer and having chemo and radiation. She is the sweetest lady to everyone and is such a servant to all and especially to her grandkids… all 10 with more on the way!! She never wants to be fussed over and just is such a great lady!!
Jenny says
I would like to nominate my dear friend and coworker, Charlotte. She is fresh back to work after surgery and treatment for colon cancer. She is a beautiful single woman who has the support of her grown daughter, friends, church friends and prayers of many. I’d love to be able to gift her with the big hug of a blardigan.
Jas says
I would like to nominate my friend Lisa Black. She has been nothing positive and uplifting through breast cancer. She always looks on the bright side and finds the happy moment in even the not so happy times! I am so proud to call her my best friend!
Jessica Moulder says
I have just the friend to nominate who could use some comfort and support. What a sweet way to honor your friend’s memory…