Hey, hey, it’s Show & Tell Tuesday!
Twice a month, Andrea hosts a link up where we show and tell you something. Today’s topic: A trip down memory lane.
So, this link up is kind of a blank canvas. Her prompt says to show and tell favorite childhood stuff, so everyone brace yourselves for a trip down the 1980s and ’90s memory lane…
Cabbage Patch dolls were to me what American Girl is to my girls. They were my everything. I always asked Santa for one and then carried them/loved on them/took care of them 24/7 after that. My mom is not sentimental, and didn’t keep most of our stuff from when we were little…but she did keep two of my Cabbage Patch dolls. Now, my girls play with them at her house. Is it weird that I still remember what I named them? Because I do 😉 .
Yes, yes, YES!!!!! I was obsessed with New Kids on the Block! My mom took me to their concert in 1989 and even though I was only 8, I remember it vividly to this day. I wore a black t-shirt that I had used neon puff paint to decorate with their names. I used to sleep in a t-shirt with Donnie Wahlberg’s face on it. I loved them!
Okay, do they still make Sam & Libby flats? They were a BIG deal to me growing up! I wanted my foot to grow so badly so that I could wear them (they didn’t come in kid sizes). I remember my friend Julie got a pair and I was so jealous of her and her big foot 😉 .
Neon. Everything. I mean…I used to wear neon from head to toe. I’m pretty sure I glowed in the dark. Anyone else? When I recall a memory from childhood, I am always in neon. Always.
I was Lisa Frank obsessed. I had her folders, her binders, her notebooks and of course, her stickers. They looked great with my neon wardrobe 😉 .
And I was also obsessed with this…
…my Trapper Keeper! The best part about school starting in the fall was a new Trapper Keeper for all of my elementary school stuff. I loved those things!
I was in love with Calico Critters and right now, Kensington is too. Did they go away and come back? Or have they always been around? I don’t know??? All I know is that I collected them when I was eight and now, my eight year old does too. Loved these little guys!
I’m pretty sure that everyone that is my age is going to have Saved by the Bell as a part of their memory lane…but how can we not?!?! I was in LOVE with Zach Morris. In. Love. When they did the college years spin-off and then the wedding movie special, I about died. I don’t even remember what else I watched growing up…this show is the only one I seem to recall.
There are a few things from my memory lane. Okay, if you’re around my age (born 1981ish) then what are some things I’m missing? Remind me! Let’s all reminisce together!
To see what’s coming up on Show & Tell Tuesday, look below…
Next time, we’re sharing our best and worst trips!
To see my Show & Tell from February on My Loves, click HERE.
To see my Show & Tell about Prom, click HERE.
To see my Show & Tell about My Favorite Grownup Party, click HERE.
And to see other Show & Tell posts from last year or the year before…
2015’s Show & Tell Tuesdays HERE
And from 2016:
Don’t forget that tomorrow is this…
…Workin’ It Wednesday! Make sure you blog and link up! Tomorrow’s topic is all about how we work at planning our summer vacations.
Have the best day!!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Calico critters? Are they the same as Sylvanian Families? Because I loved those!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Liz says
Sylvanian Family – omg!! I loved those! Played for hours and hours.
Leslie Z. says
Lisa Frank and Saved by the Bell were life! Huge news over on my blog today!!
Rachel Zimm says
Cabbage Patch Dolls and Lisa Frank– they definitely take me back! 🙂
Kelly K says
This post made my day!!! The smell of a new trapper keeper!!! Is it weird I still remember it?
Kelly says
I still have my cabbage patch kids, Sheri Michelle and Andrew Dominic, they were the best!
Calico Critters? Pretty sure they are the same as Sylvanian Families, that’s what they’re called in Australia. I loved the 90s so much 🙂
Adrienne says
Oh this post made my heart happy Shay! I was obsessed with my caboodle, Polly pockets, and my jelly shoes!
Beth says
I was born in the 90’s and still loved Saved by the Bell!!
Brooke says
My grandmother took me to babyland general hospital where the cabbage patch babies are born and it was the greatest day of my life. Also, hypercolor t-shirts and my pink/purple caboodle. I also got a water bed for my 13th birthday. Love this post ❤
Alexis deZayas says
This made me laugh! You have me missing Lisa Frank this morning 🙂
Sheaffer Sims says
The biggest thing that stands out for me is an outfit I wore in 7th grade. It was a pair of skinny stonewashed jeans with two little zippers up the back that had denim bows at the top of the zipper….and then I had a denim jacket that matched with cut outs on the back, with denim bows at the top of each cut out. I. WAS. FANCY.
Courtney says
I still enjoy watching Saved by the Bell today. It will never get old! Also, I’m not sure when Full House was popular but I LOVE that show as well. Have you watched the new spin off, Fuller House? It’s a must see! 🙂
Sandy says
Yes, yes, yes!! Love this walk down memory lane. I was born in 1980 and my list would look just like this one! The only thing on the list that I don’t remember were the flats. I don’t think those were a thing where I lived! On my feet were scrunch socks or multiple colors of neon socks with my jeans tucked in to them!! Oh the pictures I have are hysterical!
Ashleigh Bielecki says
They sell Sam and Libby flats/shoes at Target!
Leah says
Lisa Frank was everything to me. And apparently that stuff is still around??? Our little neighbor girl brought May Day baskets for our 2 girls, and each basket had a sheet of Lisa Frank stickers! I think she might have stuck those in there for me…I was way more excited about them than anyone else in our house!
Lesley McFarland says
New kids in the block ???. I go to their every.single.time they come to town. May 23rd!!!!!
I love me some cabbage patch kids and trapper kippers. But big thing was strawberry shortcake. My parents even bit put up starberry shortcake wallpaper ALL over my room.
Michele C. says
I love this post. As I was reading it I was actually opening a special gift for my sister I ordered from a vintage toy store-a care bear, Secret Bear to be specific with a string in the back you can pull and make him talk. She used to carry Secret Bear everywhere she went. When I found it I knew she would love it. There is something so magical about seeing things from your childhood. I also remember Popples, Rainbow Brite, and Sticker books. Everyone had a sticker book and trading stickers was definitely a thing.
Jen says
Even being born in 1988 this trip down memory lane was fun!! I was ALL about Lisa Frank! How did I forget about her? We weren’t allowed to have a trapper keeper until sixth grade and they were called magic notebooks at my elementary. The were SUCH a big deal to have!
Beth Miller says
Living the dream of my youth and going to see New Kids in concert next week!!!! It’s the fourth time since I’ve been an adult and they seriously get better every time! I had a Danny poster and a button on my Jean jacket. ?
Emily Winchester says
I was telling someone the other day after I ordered my new ErinCondren Life Planner that the excitement that. brought me was only matched by my new Lisa’s frank trapper keeper each year. EC is the adult version of Lisa Frank ????
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I was born in 1987–obsessed with my trapper keeper! I’m sure it’s part of why I’m so organized with everything today ha! Did you watch The Wonder Years? That was my favorite show to watch! I did like to watch Saved By the Bell too!
Narci Dreffs says
So fun!!! Oh, this was a great list! I was at that NKOTB concert too! And, Lisa Frank was the best!!
Claudia Garcia says
Rainbow Brite and My Little Pony were my fav! ?
Dana says
These posts are such a fun idea! I would add Kissin’ Coolers in peppermint twist and Lip Smackers chapstick in Dr. Pepper. That, and those plastic necklaces with plastic charms and then chinese jacks? I don’t know if other people had those, but they were little plastic rings that hooked together and we played jacks with them. And slap bracelets and keds. My best friend wore a 7 in 5th grade and I thought the same thing about Sam and Libby- the coolest!!
Stacy says
Loved this post— such fun memories– I remember in middle school when the WB was big with Dawson’s creek and Felicity !!!
Julianne says
Sam and Libby shoes are at Target! I have them on my feet as we speak!! 🙂
Queila says
I am so glad you mentioned New Kids on the Block! I will never grow out of my NKOTB love. I was born and raised in Brazil so I never got to see them when I was young but I have fulfilled my childhood dream now that they started touring together again. So. Much. Fun!
Brooke Richardson says
I loved all of these and totally remember all of them!!! I also collected “Precious Moment” figurines. Did you???
Mix and Match Mama says
Yessssssssss!!!! I still have all of them!
Brea says
Ahh. I’m a little younger but loved saved by the bell. Would wake up early for school just to watch. Mr. Belding was at a local baseball game here and was able to see him. It brought back so many memories.
Nikki - Speak at Home Tonight says
YES! Saved by the Bell was everything to me too! Zack Morris forever! <3
Tracy says
I’m a bit older than you but I loved Cabbage Patch Dolls. My high school boyfriend bought me one as a gift! LOL! Somehow I ended up with a couple of them and still have them! Also, Sam & Libby shoes were my favorite! I had all the colors and wore them with everything. I think Target tried to bring them back a few years ago but I’m not sure how well they went over or if they still sell them (I should check and get a pair!).
Camille | The Mom Goods says
Love this post! Brings back so many good memories growing up – yes to Cabbage Patch Kids, New Kids (I loved using puffy paint to decorate shirts too completely forgot about that) & Saved by the Bell! Plus scrunchies & jellie shoes/bracelets that smelled like strawberries. A few years back they had a tv special called the Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story and I enjoyed it more than I probably should have ?
Elaine says
Caboodles ! I so wish I still had mine!!
Kristy says
Good ol’ trip down memory lane today! Punky Brewster was a memorable part of my 80s childhood. Along with the California Raisins!
Amanda says
Jelly shoes! I LIVED in these 🙂 Also was in love with my panda Trapper Keeper 🙂
Jenna says
I love that Lisa Frank has made a come back. A lot of my girl students have Lisa Frank everything and I love it! It was like a blast from the past the first day of school this year for me.
Kristy Best says
Oh my! We loved all the same things!! Weren’t the 80s/early 90s the best?!
Sarah M. says
I’m a 1981 baby too. I forgot about some of things you mentioned, not sure how I could forget New Kids on the Block!! I remember getting the tape (!) for Valentine’s Day in Grade 3 and taking it to school to play for our class party. It was pretty special. I also had a Jon doll to go along with my Barbies.
Brooke says
I loved Saved by the Bell! I actually taped the wedding special on tv when it came on and rewatched it over and over again! One of my all time favorite “movies”! Up until some years ago, it would come on early in the morning (on TBS) and I loved re-watching episodes as I got ready for work.
I also loved Lisa Frank! Back to school shopping was my jam because of that stuff!
I was not a NKOTB fan though. I was born in the later half of the 80s so I think I was a little young to listen and appreciate them. I was a Backstreet Boy fanatic when I was a teenager though (But that was like early 2000s). Such a great list!
Rebecca Jo says
I still have my Smurf Trapper Keeper. How these havent come back in rotation, I’m not sure.
Darbi says
Ok, just wanted to add something about Saved by the Bell! Our kids are 12, 10, and 8, and we have the entire series, including the wedding (not college years yet!), and I am surprised by how CLEAN they are! Some of the stuff we watched back in the 80s and early 90s is not something I’d let my kids watch! But this is really good family stuff that my kids know all the words to! And…my 12 year old might have written “Kelly Kapowski” a letter and she sent back a signed photo. 😉 And…my son might have been Zach Morris for Halloween this year… Raising ’em right!
Jess at Just Jess says
I loved my Cabbage Patch doll. Target still sells Sam & Libby flats! Jess at Just Jess
Kelly says
I gave my niece a Cabbage Patch Doll for her 3rd birthday last week – she loves it! They are on the comeback 🙂
Brooke says
Hypercolor shirts and Swatch phones would go on my list too!!
Dawn Scheurich says
Love your reminiscing. My daughters were born in 1986 and 1990, so I remember these things! My sister is 10 years younger than I and Cabbage Patch were HUGE for her!! As a grown woman, I might have had one or two myself–just sayin’… And speaking of Sam & Libby shoes, at some point they made little sizes because my girls had matching pale pink ones!–so adorable!!
Laci says
Yes to ALL of this!!!
heidi says
I’m a tad bit older than you and I wanted a cabbage patch doll so bad but they were hard to get a hold off in England. . You bet both my daughters got them when they were young and I think that first day I played with them more… sad but true lol
Melissa says
They sell Sam & Libby at Target! And also have some of the cutest sandals right now for Spring that look similar to Jack Rogers and the Sam Edelman bow slides!
Keisha M Dawson says
Oh my goodness! YES to all of this! Being an 80’s child has lots of great memories!
Sarah says
Oh my word…I had no clue that Sam & Libby flats were somewhat vintage! They sell them at Target and they are honestly the most comfortable flats ever!
Lauren @ Oh Hey! I Like That! says
Omg it’s like we lived the same childhood!!!
Amber says
What about Caboodle’s!! What girl that age wasn’t obsessed with them?
Bethany says
Yes! I was going to add caboodles!!
Kathryn Madison says
I’m a 1979 baby but wow!!! Some of the things listed were my favorites back then. California Raisins, NKOTB (and the huge clock around the neck), jellies, Sam & Libby, caboodles, slouch socks, high waisted jeans (yuck), Keds, shoulder pads, scrunchies, Z Cavaricci’s, Aqua net hairspray, flavored chapstick, leg warmers, Mr. T, Hammer pants and overalls with one strap attached. AND to think some of these fashion trends are coming back!
Katie Lahrman says
Saved By the Bell was my favorite! If you happen to be planning a Chicago trip, we have a pop up of The Max! It’s amazing – they play the songs, Mr. Beldings office is there, the lockers….I couldn’t stop smiling and the food is even really good! It was super hard to get into for a while but I think it’s slowed down…check it out at least for the pictures! savedbythemax.com
Allison Campbell says
Sam Edelman shoes is the same “Sam” from Sam & Libby!
Mix and Match Mama says
No way?!?!
Katie says
I came down here to comment that too! I love my Sam Edelman ballet flats as much as 8 year old me loved my knock-off Sam & Libbys!
Brittany Hensley says
We are still big CPK fans here at the Hensley House. Nataleigh is playing with a couple of my CPKs now, and I need a new caboodle! 🙂
April Bryan says
I was born in 1982 and remember:
Trolls, Rainbow Brite and CareBears, Teddy Ruxpin, Growing Ups dolls (with your number on the breakable doll). Do you remember the store Sanrio Surprises with Hello Kitty – obsessed!? Girl Talk – Date Line board game or Mall Madness. Did anyone have a Pocket Rocker? Miss those days!
Leiah Fuselier says
I loved my Sam & Libby ballet flats! I must have had them in five different colors. My daughter was 3 or 4 when, as my Mawmaw would say, I liketa died when I found them in her size! They were just like the ones for women but had an elastic strap across the foot. Hello! Matching footwear for Easter and Christmas. And I’m much older than you but I still remember my Chrissy doll with the ponytail that would grow if you pushed the button in her belly or get shorter by turning the knob on her back. My favorite doll though was Mrs. Beasley. I looked for one the other day and they now sell for upwards of $150!
Ella says
I trapper keepers, my parents made us earn them. And those clips that we wore in our hair, and jelly sandals.
Hannah Morrison says
Look up the Cabbage Patch Hospital in GA! It’s still there and seriously one of my favorite childhood memories! Nurses and doctors rush in and “deliver” the dolls from giant cabbages. We adopted a baby and got the birth certificate and little hats and face masks that the Dr wore. I’m sure it’s less dramatic as an adult but my 6 year old self thought it was the best!
Kristen says
What a fun post! The wardrobes back then we’re something to never, ever, repeat, haha! Here are some things I remember that you do not see anymore: Swatch watches with the color guard, Giant Pop- Watches, Espirit Bags, Popples (oh I loved them!) and Munch chi chis just to name a few. Ahhh….memories ?
Francesca says
I was about to say Esprit Bags — only the coolest kids had them!
Kristin says
All the things you listed, but cant forget Full House and TGIF!
Sara says
I was born in 1981… what about Fashion Plates? You could set up these plates in different outfits and then you put paper over it and took the sides of crayons and rubbed the design onto the paper. I loved those! I saw some recently at a boutique, a newer version obviously. 🙂
SS says
My cousin had those. Lol. She also had a like Barbie head you could use water to put make up on & do her hair. Lol. She’s a hairstylist now. Lol.
Angela Ellingson says
Cabbage Patch dolls, Lisa Frank, Saved by the Bell… yes, yes, yes! I hadn’t heard of Calico Critters when I was growing up, but my kiddos love them now!
Staci Patyrak says
First of all…I love your blog and read it religiously! Second…yes to ALL of this. My mom still vividly remembers the fights at stores between parents trying to get Cabbage Patch Dolls. I remember the New Kids on the Block concert. Joey was my fave! I’m pretty sure I still no all of the words to most of those songs. Saved by the Bell was my jam! Where I seriously LOL’ed in this post though was the Sam & Libby shoes! I am wearing those SAME. EXACT. SHOES. today!!! Well…in black! I LIVE in these shoes. So comfortable. Basically they feel like I’m not wearing shoes. I have a friend that also has them in multiple colors. I’ve had mine a couple of years and aside from minor wear and tear, they are still in good shape. Got mine at Target. Their website shoes 6 colors. So FUN! Thanks for sharing your world with us!
Heather says
Okay, almost everything on this list has a great memory attached to it. Aah, Sam and Libby flats! So fancy! However….what the heck are these calico critters?? Literally have never heard of them!
Shannon says
Guess jeans, Esprit, and The Wonder Years!
Erin says
Oh man! The memories! Hair scrunchies, slouchy colorful socks, big bangs, swatch watches and tight rolled jeans. Those were the days ?
Sara Floyd says
Jelly bracelets, tshirt ties, banana clips, Tretorns, Exclamation perfume, Coca Cola Sweaters (weird, but it was a thing where I lived) and lastly, Swatch watches AND Swatch phones!!
Leanna Nelson says
All of your favorites were mine growing up except I was in love with Jordan. Do you remember those plastic charms? They were called Flash Charms and I always wanted a Caboodle.
Alicia from AZ says
Jelly bracelets, plastic charm necklaces, jump ropes, Guess jeans, Esprit anything, jelly shoes, definitely Saved By the Bell, Saturday morning cartoons, Michael Jackson, breakdancing, Madonna, leg warmers, perms and AquaNet, I could probably go on. I’m a few years older than you, but that’s a few other things I remember from the 80’s.
Jennifer Smith says
Jellies, My Little Ponies, and Pound Puppies
Lacey says
I love this! Born in 88′ here and I remember in the late 90’s I was at Nordstrom with my mom and they had this black velvet vest that I NEEDED so bad. I even remember it was like $40 or $45 and I knew she wouldn’t buy it for me. It took a few trips there to convince her how bad I needed it and she finally bought it for me. I wore it to school the next day and thought I was on top of the world. LOL when I look back that vest matched NOTHING and was so ugly hahahaha. Also watched Boy Meets World and love NSYNC 🙂
Angie says
Sam and Libbey! I always loved those shoes. Also, Paula Abdul was pretty high up on my playlist, in my tape deck of course.
Sara Young says
LOVE This post! I remember and loved all of it, except Calico Critters…not familiar. I still have my cabbage dolls, and so hoped to pass them down to daughters, but I have boys! So I am saving them for granddaughters. My favorite was a little bald head boy baby…which makes perfect sense now, since I had two bald head baby boys:) Okay so funny, funny story. You know how your cabbage patch baby came with a birth certificate??? Well Christmas morning when I opened up that bald head baby boy, my mom read the name off the birth certificate…wait for it…Dick Link. Yep the company name him Dick Link. My sweet, sweet mama’s face went blank and she said, “Why don’t we call him, Bud?” BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Christina says
Mickey Mouse clubhouse, the wonder years, growing pains, who’s the boss….we had these things that held our big hair ties, like a plastic circle that we tied our shirts up with and the hair tie went in the circle? I have no idea what they’re called. And lots of neon bike shorts 🙂
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
This is so fun!! I was obsessed with Cabbage Patch Premies. I would cry if my brother dropped one or threw it across the room like it was REAL! And they were all named Michelle for some reason because I thought that was the MOST beautiful name ever! I may have to blog about this in my Wednesday post since I missed it today. Love this topic!
That Inspired Chick
Cindy says
I was 16 back in 1981 and for me it was a trip down memory lane. My nieces were born in the 80’s and had just every thing mentioned on your blog. For me aqua net was a big thing. Saved by the Bell for sure, Wonder Years, jelly shoes with ankle socks with pom pom’s. Over alls with t-shirts with boy bands on them, boom boxes by the pool, walkmans, the Go Gos, bandanas, I think it was the best decade ever. Lot’s of trends, lot’s of good items probably worth alot just like the 70’s items.
Erin says
I loved Punky Brewster!
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
OK, so Calico Critters… were those the same things as Maple Town?? Do you remember Maple Town? They were my FAVORITE toys ever when I was little and NOBODY remembers them. I talked about them in my post today!
Karen says
Ha ~ my oldest was born in 1984 so all of these things brought back memories for me ? I have to say Donnie was my most unliked Kid……ha but I guess I didn’t know him very well because after seeing him with Jenny I really really love him ~ ~ what a sweet guy ? Do you watch their show?
Lauren Austin says
Yes!! All of it, yes!! This made me laugh because every single bit of it was a part of my childhood too!! I haven’t thought of Trapper Keepers in forever…which made me think of Caboodles! It went to every slumber party!! I too was decked out in neon at all times, I think some tie-dye was in my wardrobe too. Remember the hyper color shirts that would change colors??? So fun!
Corbie says
Omg! My cabbage patch kid was a premie with a pacifier named Faye and she was always in my nighttime prayer chain and funny enough- she still is! She is still added in there by accident but it is so funny to me that I kept her there! Trapper Keeper! I still remember the smell of them brand spankin new. And the stickers- Lisa Frank and remember the smell stickers? I STILL HAVE MY STICKER BOOK!! How hilarious is that! This was awesome. Loved this!
Sara says
Yes to all of these! I second the caboodles and those plastic necklaces with all the plastic charms. Also, Esprit anyone? Big cotton Esprit bags were huge, as well as Swatch watches. Debbie Gibson and Madonna were pretty big. I saw NKOTB OPEN for Tiffany when I was in grade school. That was right before they hit it big and no one knew who they were yet. Also remember watching After School Specials on tv??? I miss the innocence of those shows so much. What do our kids have comparable now?? Babysitter Club books, Pound Puppies, banana clips, Garbage Pail Kids (my mom hated those things!). Also, those little round clippy things you put on your t-shirt to kind of cinch it? And denim everything – purses, shirts, etc. I could go on and on!!!! LOL
Amy Johnson says
Add to the list snap bracelets, Hello Kitty (when I was more like 5), MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice!
Rachel says
I was born in 1979 and my sister was born in 1983, so we are right there with you! My walls were COVERED in NKOTB pictures, loved Jordan! I don’t remember Calico Critters, but my sister had something like those. Add the Baby-sitters Club books, Strawberry Shortcake, and that’s my childhood!
Kristin Tate says
Clear Jelly Bean shoes, banana clips for my shirt tail, wind suit with tapered legs, stonewashed purse…to name a few!
Heather L says
Loved Saved by the Bell. I also remember watching Snick and being scared of but also loving Are You Afraid of the Dark? I still remember this weird leprechaun episode giving me nightmares…
I remember those Starter jackets being super popular and everyone had one with their favorite team. I was so proud to get one for Christmas one year, HA!
Jessica Torgerson says
Target totally sells Sam and Libby flats. In fact, I have about 6 pairs now! They’re my favorite! The 80s/90s are back. 😉
Bri says
Great list!
I also remember:
He-man and She-Ra
Girbaud jeans
Keds sneakers
Girl talk
Pogo Balls (anyone remember those?!)
Milli Vanilli
Neon bracelets (the rope ones?)
Garbage Pail kids
Sarah says
Swatch Watches and then the Swatch phone and Espirit bags
Megan Butler says
Trapper keepers rule!!! Love picking out a new one each year!! And we doodled the big S with the lines a lot. Do you know what I’m talking about??! And we loved playing mash!!
Whitney Pegram says
Girl! Lisa Frank was my jam!! And I totally forgot that we called them “trapper keepers”!!
Melinda says
Maybe my all time favorite topic for Show and Tell Tuesday!! The 90’s were a great time to grow up. This post brought back tons of memories. I would agree about Zack from Saved by the Bell..biggest crush on him.
Heidi menges says
I remember pound puppies, caboodles, jelly shoes, tretorns
Kacy says
Omg Lisa Frank! I still have my pencils and big eraser heads attached to them. And I still have my Cabbage Patch doll I named Sally.
Melissa says
Guess jeans, buttons on your jean jacket, scrunched in your hair, keds, bubble skirts, zippers on the side of your pants, caboodles, jellys, NKOTB, Cabbage Patch of course, rainbow brute….I could go on. Oh yeah, the plastic mask Halloween costumes! Lol
Patty Richey says
Do any of you know if they still make the Trapper Keeper and if not why? I still think it’s one of the best organization tools out there! I would so love to get one for my guy who is about to enter middle school. Here’s to hoping for a relaunch of the Trapper Keeper!
Ashley says
I was born in 1981 and I collected troll dolls! ?
Shelly says
Have you been to a NKOTB concert since they reunited back in 2008? If not, you should definitely go – grab a group of your girlfriends and go, and I’m telling you – it will be the night of your life! SO MUCH FUN! I think they’re even better now than they were back then! They are touring this summer!
Lizzie @ This Happy Life says
We are about the same age so this is just awesome to read!! NKOTB was my very first concert and I was super young too, I barely remember it but I love being able to say I went ha ha. And Lisa Frank, everything was Lisa Frank!!
Erin says
I had front row seats to new kids on the block when I was 8! It was awesome! Still have some of the confetti they shot off at the end of the concert!
Detroit Duchess says
Love this! Donnie was my favorite too!