Happy happy Tuesday!
Guess what today is????
Madeley’s first day of preschool!!!!
Today, Ashby starts Pre-K and Madeley starts preschool and they’re both so excited!! Miss Madeley has been dying to use her new nap mat and backpack. Her sweet friend Libby is in her class and together, they’re going to conquer their little two day a week program 🙂 . I’m going to miss having this little nugget with me 24/7…but let’s be real…she is so READY. This kid is SOCIABLE and the life of the party…she is going to LOVE school! (And let’s also be real…I’m going to love a little time to work/run errands/enjoy Starbucks by myself too 😉 .) So, I’ll post a few pics of the girls today on Instagram and then some more pictures later this week. It’s a big day at the Shull’s house!
Every year, the kids and I come up with a bucket list of things to do during the fall and then we try and mark off as many of them as we can. On Saturday morning, we got out the butcher paper and crayons and decided to decorate a sign with our favorite fall things and then as we colored, I typed a “fall to-do list” on my phone so that we had it handy all season long. They would shout out suggestions and I would write them down. We tend to do the same things every year, so we would LOVE some new suggestions!! Please comment and share your ideas with us too! We hit fall hard around here…we realllllly try and make the most of the season, so if you have some new ideas of things we could do, we would really appreciate it!! Here are a few pics of the kiddos from Saturday morning…
This picture made me laugh so hard! Does anyone think that Poppy wants Kensington to play with her?! Hahahahaha! She just laid her dragon right up on Kensington and stood there hoping she would throw it to her.
And then we finished up our list…
I had to veto a few suggestions (like Ashby saying “go on a cruise”), but for the most part, I thought their ideas were spot on.
And then when we were done, we got ourselves dressed and ate lunch at our favorite diner on the square before looking around a bit. We have a fantastic ski shop on our square (that people from all over DFW come to visit) but it’s only open seasonally and on Saturday, it reopened for the season. It’s one of our favorite spots, so we strolled around it for a little while.
Okay…what are your ideas for fall? We covet any and all suggestions!!
Now, I’m off to send two precious girls to school for their first day!! And then, I’ll probably get a Pumpkin Spice Latte after that…because…’tis the season, friends!
Bernadine says
Dont forget Madeley’s gotcha day ? Sweet kiddos! xo
Carly M says
Shay, although I love your blog all year long. Fall doesn’t feel like Fall without posts like these. Cheers to the season! Hope the girls have a wonderful first day 🙂
Hillary says
How about apple picking? Or is that not available in Texas??
Lindsay Luton says
I was going to say the same, especially with the yummy apple recipes post 🙂
Francie says
Lots of great ideas on your bucketlist! Ashby might be on to something, a cruise in fall is a great idea.
Jen says
We do a Hayride (or a few..?) every year. We live by a farm so it’s easy enough to do. It’s so much fun! Another thing is a corn maze!
Bethany says
I LOVE these! Baking new pumpkin treats for sure!
Natalie says
How about a corn maze, apple orchard (not sure if y’all have those there), making caramel apples, and have a “Pumpkin Dessert Throw Down” where every week one of the kiddos gets to make a pumpkin type dessert one-on-one with their mama and then at the end, everyone votes for their favorite! The winner can be served at Thanksgiving!
Tara G. says
You could always pretend you’re on a cruise with a dinner & show at home. 🙂
Elspeth Mizner says
Wow what a great list! I hope the girls have great days at school. A few suggestions to add to
Your list: fall bonfire with friends, go on a hike/ walk to see all the leaves change, and go apple picking! Have a great day Shay and enjoy some time for yourself!
Narci says
What a great list, friend!! Bring on, Fall!!!
Erika Slaughter says
Ooh!!! I like that suggestion….hay ride sounds like fun and let’s be real-will be even more fun with friends! 😉
Kristen Hardison says
Last year we did a Halloween Hunt by @laurakellydesigns that I saw on her IG page. She posted it last year on 10/23. It’s a free download! The boys wore their pumpkin pjs and we ate pumpkin sugar cookies and drank milk from cute Target Dollar Spot Halloween cups with straws. We drove around looking for all the Halloween stuff on the Halloween Hunt – very much like looking at Christmas lights! The boys LOVED it and I did, too! This year we are also packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child with our Sunday School class as a way to get the kiddos involved in missions at a young age.
Eileen says
We love apple picking. Also, our zoo has awesome fall/Halloween stuff – it’s called Boo at the Zoo. Maybe yours does too. It’s always on our fall fun list!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
S’mores and hot chocolate sound perfect in fall! Bet the kids would love those. Such a great bucket list!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
KimW says
Homemade applesauce, going for a walk in the metroparks to look at the beautiful leaves, come up with a menu for college football or NFL game and host party at our house, make a homemade apple pie!
Sheaffer Sims says
ALL 23 of your kids in school! MY GOODNESS! It’s a banner day for you!!!!!! And I have to admire Ashby’s lofty goals. Way to try to sneak “go on a cruise” on a little list. 🙂
Bernadine says
Oh Sheaffer, you always make me laugh!!! 23 kids – LOL!!
Angela Cooper says
Gotta love Sheaffer! Especially on Book Club review day, bahahaha!! SS you’re the best!
Susann says
This made me LOL!!
jamie says
enjoy all the things today, shay! i’m feeling #allthingsfall today! it is our first day of school here in michigan for my 8th grader! cue all the bittersweet tears. my granddaughter starts kindergarten tomorrow {just orientation today}. i cannot believe how fast her little life has zoomed so quickly to this moment. i’ve watched her full time {while her mama worked} since she was four weeks old so it’s like sending my own child off to school! looking forward to seeing your photos documenting this great day in the shill household!
Tami says
We love: going to apple orchards and picking apples, in MN – we also have the worlds largest candy store that is super fun to visit, corn mazes, watch Halloween movies and read Halloween books, and of course cook/bake the fall essentials like chili, apple crisp and pumpkin bars ???
Melissa Hefner says
After reading this, we are going to try a fall bucket list this year. Maybe a high school football game? Jump in a pile of leaves?
Good luck to your girls in their first day. My oldest starts 4K Friday! ?
Tara Smith-Vera says
We love to go apple picking, do a corn maze, take a wagon ride. Then come back home and make a ton of apple pies. Happy 1st day of school to your littles!
Kate says
Growing up, these were some of my favorite fall activities-I now do them with my husband and children
-go for a family mini hike and take a picnic lunch
– make a scarecrow
– tailgate at and go to local HS football game (the littles never make it past halftime but they love it all the same)
– make 2 yummy fall treats-one for us and one to take to a neighbor
Happy Fall!
Lizzie @ This Happy Life says
It’s my youngests first day of preschool today and my middles first day of pre-k tomorrow! Ahh good luck to your girls!! And what a fun list!
Amy Heinl says
Short little cruise sounds perfect but I would suggest Carmel apples, apple picking, little fall party for kiddos where you dunk for apples and watch movie outside..maybe Hotel Transvania, scavenger hunt, corn maize, our local amusement park has Freight nights but the do a kid friendly not scary time from 5 to 8 pm.
Bre says
Fun list!! We also do a trip to the apple orchard for apple picking & bake a homemade apple pie, bake pumpkin treats & bonfire/hayride! Enjoy your alone time today 🙂
Alexis deZayas says
This has me so excited for fall! I’m putting out all the fall candles and soaps today 🙂 Good luck to your girls on their first day of preschool!
Sarah says
Fall isn’t complete without friday night lights!! Support one of the many high school football teams and go to a game 🙂
Kim Bacon says
I think fall is the perfect time to hit the drive in 🙂 Not sure if your kiddos are all movie watchers, but it’s so fun if they are! Hope your littles love school!!!
Erin Port says
Happy First Day of School to your sweet 2 gals :). I hope they have the best day! We love fall too and just wrapped up our summer bucket list with a trip to the drive in movie with friends. We love to go to the apple orchard, ride on a ray ride, pick pumpkins, go to college football games, and enjoy the season! We have a birthday to celebrate in our house too! Xoxo ERIN
Marie Claas says
Up in New York, a favorite Fall activity is apple picking, which any age can enjoy. Then we bring all those apples home snd make apple pie, caramel apples, etc. Also corn mazes are fun to go to.
Cheri says
A pumpkin hunt (kind of like easter egg hunt) using small pumpkins (gourds) and then use them for decorating.
sydnee says
The house will feel strange without the noise of kids. But I think you’ll get used to it rather quickly…lol. Hope the girls have a great first day!
Melissa-Finding My Mojo says
I love your fall bucket list and I hope you throughly enjoy your latte this morning! I love the Halloween Hunt idea one of your readers mentioned above!
Sarah says
Great list!!! We plan to do much of the same!! Another thing we like to do is get hot chocolate and drive around in the evening looking at fall decor on people’s houses LOL!!! Not quite as excited as Christmas, but beautiful none the less!!
Hope your girls have a fantastic first day of school!!!
-Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com
Angelique says
This post has me all warm and fuzzzy! As another person said, I’m now pulling out my fall soaps and candles too! I’m trying to rack my brain for other ideas but I think you’ve covered everything we can do in a Texas. Maybe add family photo shoot since that’s typically done this time of year?
Alys says
We always do apple picking, a Sunday where we stay home in our pjs and make alllll the pumpkin and apple recipes, visit a pumpkin farm, corn maze, haunted hay ride, and lots and lots of college football games! Happy fall!!
Sandy says
I was going to suggest the high school football game too. What if you go on a family camping trip? Our falls have been so busy with sports and other kid activities that we have not been able to enjoy fall things as much. This year we have a little bit of a breather, so I am hoping to squeeze in a few things.
Amanda Wilson says
What about making cider?? We also ALWAYS go to a corn maze not sure if there are any around you??
TOday is our first day back to school up here in Alberta Canada….it’s such a mix of emotions!
Brooke Richardson says
Go on a cruise!!! LOL!!!! That’s awesome! I hope the girls have an awesome first day, Libby is excited and ready as well!
Rosie says
Watch a Halloween movie! I reccommend It’s The The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown or ParaNorman!
Sandy says
Many churches and schools have fall carnivals.
Jen says
For my family it’s all about going to college football games…but a couple of my kids are a little older than yours ? But I must say even my littlest loves it!!
Jennifer says
One of our favorite fall activities is setting up a tent in the backyard and camp for a night. We do the bonfire, hotdogs and s’mores thing too! When my daughter was 4, she came up with the idea and we’ve enjoyed it ever since. If you want to really go for it, you could sit on hay bells and tell “spooky” stories or sing around the campfire. ?
Agnes says
Love Fall and all the things you can do…the weather is good and the ideas are endless. Now that my children are grown I really dont plan that much – but there are a few things I manage to do with the grandchildren….apple picking has always been my favorite – and then making apple pies!
Laura says
Apple picking, apple cider, apple pie, apple sauce. Those are all things that I love about fall.
Crystal says
Both of my kids are in school full time this year, it is quite an adjustment! I miss them, but I sure do get a lot more done. You’re Fall bucket list sounds great. We like to have apple cider, roast pumpkin seeds and do a corn maze at our local pumpkin farm.
Carly says
Football!! Go to your a home game at your HS!!
Amanda says
Hmm, definitely some apple picking/hay ride type event would be so much fun, and then baking something with those apples! Also, a cozy movie night with pumpkin treats and Halloween movies. Love how much your family celebrates the seasons. Giving me great ideas for when I have kids!
Lauren says
I’m feeling guilty that our dog doesn’t have a dragon to play with…
Shawna says
Great idea to make a bucket list! We only do this for Summer but makes so much sense to continue the excitement into Fall! Totally doing this with my kids! We do many of the same things but also enjoy going on hikes, going on drives to look at the beautiful leaves (we are in Ohio where the leaves are amazing in mid-Oct!), go to our HS football games, apple picking, eat lots and lots of apple dip, corn mazes, fall festivals, eat homemade cinnamon sugar donuts and drink apple cider, make pumpkin cookies!
Tina says
I wish we had fun festivals where we live! If I lived in Texas, I would definitely add the October Silobration in Waco to my list.? Some other things we enjoy are hayrides, backyard camping (with roasted hotdogs and s’mores) and our church Fall Festival. Volunteers from our church decorate their trunks/back hatch of their vehicles and we do “trunk-or-treat”.
Laura says
Love this post and all the comment suggestions! On my fall bucket list I have many of the same things + make Mix & Match Mama fall recipes (seriously), attend my husband’s alma mater’s HS football game, football Sunday (with all football-watching treats, hanging out cozy on the couch), take a family photo, play Clue, read a story in Sherlock Holmes, and go on a hike!
Christina says
I love fall!!! Looks like you have a lot of fun things planned!
A few other suggestions:
Painting pumpkins – a twist on carving them
Trying some new pumpkin recipes (or apples, ect as long as it’s fall)
Making apple cider
Find a hay ride/corn maze!
Julie says
Hope all your kids had a great back to school! Two years ago, we started a new Fall tradition that we all love. My kids take all their leftover Halloween candy (except for a stash of their favorites) and we mail it to the troops via Operation Gratitude. We even got our whole neighborhood involved last year. The kids were psyched to come home each day and find that neighbors had left candy at our front door for the troops. We sent about three huge boxes filled with candy, and the kids were so proud and loved getting a thank you letter from the troops.
Just signed up for more information on Operation Gratitude! Looks like something our family would really enjoy! Thanks for the lead!
Sara F says
Do you guys have a projector? We love to project a fall/Halloween (non-scary… we just are not scary movie people) themed movie on our garage door and get out our lawn chairs and watch from our driveway! You can make seasonal snacks and get cozy with a blanket. It is so fun!
Sara says
Mainstay Farms is a wonderful place for the kiddos during Fall. Not sure where you’re located in DFW, but it’s in Cleburne. About 45 minutes form Fort Worth. They have tons of pumpkins to choose from, hayrides, mazes for the kids to run through, sand pile, several playgrounds, a huge slide, etc…etc…. They also have a Christmas tree farm in December. It’s definitely worth the drive! Our other favorite pumpkin patch is in Flower Mound.
Misty P says
I think I recognized the pumpkin farm you went to last year from the pic you posted on Instagram. It’s been our favorite for years! Our most favorite part is the hayride…it’s an absolute must!!! Feeding the donkeys and cows right at sunset is fun experience and makes for our most favorite pictures of the year. It can be a little tricky to get tickets sometimes which can be a pain but it’s worth it. Love this post! Thanks for sharing. WAIT! Is the State Fair part of your fall family tradition?!
Mary McCoy says
Love your blog and your family. I have to ask, what color/type is your wood floor in your house? It is gorgeous.
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Love all of these!! Happy first day to the girls!! Madeley is gonna run that show! 😉
That Inspired Chick
Kelly says
My boyfriend and I create bucket lists each season! This fall we have pumpkin patch, haunted house, pumpkin carving, Halloween party, football game, tailgate, bonfire, corn maze, hike, watch the stars, watch Halloween movies, take a cooking class, visit a nearby city (done! We went to Chicago for the long weekend), winery, cook dinner together, take a brewery tour, and go camping. 🙂
Hope Ashby and Madeley have the best first day!!
Ashleigh says
Hayrides, Apple picking, corn maze, bobbing for apples, hot apple cider,fall scavenger hunt. I live in the Northeast, though, so not sure if all of these things are available to you in TX or not!
Abigail Leggate says
I LIVE for your Fall posts… those and your life lately’s! I am sooo excited to watch what you guys do this fall! You inspired me to start my blog and I am having so much fun with it. So thank you! You are serious mom goals 😉
heidi says
What a fantastic list! .. one thing I do every year in the fall is a ‘ thankfull tree’ .. I make the trunk and then cut out leaves.. when we are thankful for something we take a leaf and put it on the tree. It reminds us how fortunate and blessed we are. I also want to incorporate some community service this fall with my kids too.maybe volunteer at a soup kitchen or something.
Monica says
Bob for apples!
Andrea in MN says
A local high school football game??? Our kids are ten, and last year we hosted a kid pre-party before our high school homecoming game, then trucked the kids to the game. Last year I was strapped for time, and the kids menu was a big pile of McDonald’s cheeseburgers and fries.. and it was a TOTAL HIT!!!!! All this kids were BEYOND thrilled. Kids are already talking about this year’s party! This year we will each need to drive a vehicle to get them there.
Meg says
We always do a family fall drive…my husband and I started doing it when the kids were super young…they would sleep half the time and he and I would talk about life. The kids don’t sleep anymore, but we drive through our beautiful canyons, drink a PSL, get out and about for some exploring/pictures and talk about life (where we are, dreams we have, where we want to be in the next year). It’s honestly one of my absolute favorite things to do each year. We also have make Halloween cookies and a small family fall trip (during the kids fall break) on our list. Happy Fall!!
Andrea in MN says
Like other comments – Minnesotan’s also make a trip to the apple orchard. While there, we ride the hay wagon, do the corn maze, drink apple cider, eat apple donuts, etc. Funny how you don’t actually “pick” apples at the apple orchard!
Lisa D says
Do you have a place to go apple picking and ride in hay wagon? My kids always loved to do that in the fall.
Liz McCracken says
When you make smores, use the fudge striped cookies to squish the mashmallows instead of the traditional way. Super delicious and easier too!
Anna S says
Fall scavenger hunt at a local park, build a leaf fort (not sure if you you get many leaves on the ground there), visit a local farm, make fall/halloween cards for loved ones, make crockpot applesauce, visit the children’s museum, make homemade play-dough and dye it fall colors.
Gabrielle Storey says
Sounds like it is going to be a fun fall! What lucky kids! I hope Madeley and Ashby have a great first day… I’m sure they will, can’t wait to hear about it! Happy fall!!!
Abby R says
LOVE this post !! Even if you can’t do apple picking in your area you can bob for apples right in your backyard (always a favorite, especially with kiddos with wiggly teeth!) Bobbing for donuts is also always so fun!
Check out Yesterland Farm in Canton! My kindergarten team had gone there for years for a fall field trip & it is the best! It’d be a bit of a drive for you, but worth it.
Angela Ellingson says
Love your traditions! Great list of fall ideas. 🙂 I love Ashby’s suggestion!! LOL We were making our summer wish list and my then 3-year-old suggested we add “ride a real whale” to the list. Hilarious!! Hope you’re enjoying your moments of quiet.
Karen says
I saw another reader referenced a Halloween Hunt and where it was posted on Instagram. Sounds so cute!
So, I went on a “hunt” for it… Here is the link for those also curious about it, so it’s a little easier to find! Looks like it would be easy enough to create your own as well. 🙂 Especially if you wanted to focus on fall and not spooky or vice versa… May use with my sweet nieces. http://www.meandmyinklings.com/index.php/2015/10/03/halloween-hunt-printable/
SS says
Picking apples, making applesauce, it is also Pear season so we do the same with pears as well. Raspberry season here as well. We collect leaves and graph them (the colors). We do a whole outdoor school lesson with leaves outside. We also make pumpkin treats. APPLE CIDER & DONUTS a must here. Warm cider…. YUMMY!!! We go watch the horse races at the fair. We decorate the outside with some fall stuff. We also have to hit our favorite pumpkin patch. We always get the mini pumpkins for the house and buy squash to eat!!!
Deb says
How about making fall cards / things to post (pumpkins, etc) for a nursing home? You could make special placemats for each resident. It gets the kids into volunteering and also brings great joy to those in nursing homes. Often they have no visitors from friends and family, so maybe your kids could dress up in their Halloween costumes and deliver smiles to the elderly. Just a thought!
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
You need to go apple picking!! We went for the first time last year and WE HAD A BLAST. It was my favorite fall thing that we did last year! Here’s my post for what we accomplished on our fall bucket list last year. Lots of ideas for you!
Nadine says
Love your ideas and love your photos. The one thing that popped out at me today? Ashby’s arm looks fabulous!
Don’t forget the fresh apple cider!
Ashley says
Your pics on instagram were too cute. I laughed too hard at Madeley’s, she just looked SO excited! I wonder how she will like sleeping on her mat! haha! Are they they there for full days, or half days?
Katherine says
My favorite fall activities include playing in the leaves, making applesauce, making pumpkin cookies and a hayride!
Whitney Herrera says
It’s just the best time of year!! A hay ride? But dang does Smith have a six-pack? I need his workout plan!! lol
Brittany says
There is a super cute pumpkin patch out in canton. They have a few smaller fair-type rides:, giant slide to slide on a burlap sack, small train, small Ferris wheel and roller coaster. They have a fun corn maze and at Christmas it turns into a tree farm where you can cut down your own tree. It really is a lot of fun
Annie Gruetzmacher says
Hi! Love the post! I’d love to see how your summer bucket list panned out – did you hit all the targets? Add some new things as the summer progressed? Same for fall when it’s over – this is just such a fun idea and it would be so fun to see how everything shakes out at the end of the seasons!
Jordan Griffith says
I say a picnic outside once the leaves turn and the weather cools off 🙂 you could find a really neat nature park of some sort nearby. I know Erwin Park in McKinney will probably be gorgeous during the fall. I do my photo shoots for my website there and you can find some cool spots for a picnic! You could have a fall theme meal to take as well! You could buy some fresh apples and do a candy apple bar one night for the kiddos. Make Carmel and let them put their fav toppings on… choc chips, marshmellows, m&m’s, etc. 🙂 kinda like an ice cream sundae bar, except with apples 😉 Sept. 22-24th Plano is having their hot air balloon fesitival which your kids would probably LOVE!!! It’s so cool! Maybe visit the Dallas or Ft. Worth zoo once we have cool weather? Also if you haven’t taken your kids to the Frisco Safety Town there’s some fun activities going on this fall – and that whole little area is just precious! There is also the Frisco rail yard right now the road from there and they have live music, food trucks, and fun stuff for kids. One other thing, I would see what Kylde Warren Park and the Dallas Arboretum have going on this fall!
Jeanie says
I love that you always do such fun things with your kids. I also love that Poppy got in a couple pictures this time. How ’bout doing a post on her one of these days? I mean, if you’re ever at a loss as to what to write about. 🙂 I think us dog lovers would really enjoy that.
Jean says
Such fun Fall is! I miss those little kid days….. I have one thought. I heard on the radio today that the “pumpkin spice” thing is old news…. the new go to Fall flavor is going to be Maple. Could you do a post on Maple recipes?
Have a fabulous season enjoying your family!
Mix and Match Mama says
I have several maple recipes!! Both savory and sweet 🙂 . If you search “maple” in the search bar, they’ll pop up!
Sarah says
We have someone who decorates their yard big time for Halloween. You can get out and walk through it. Most of it is lod friendly. Do you have anyone or anyplace that does something like that? Haunted houses might be a little much I suppose!
Karen says
Love your list! Great additions are roasting pumpkin seeds & participating in a “you’ve been booed”! Lots of suggestions on Pinterest to do with neighbors, but we typically just make up a boo box for one cousin that lives away from us. (Fall cupcake decorating stuff, stickers, glow sticks, etc-) I think we might start a tradition of doing a fall puzzle as a family that we will keep & frame to pull out with our fall decor each year. We just sat out our fall plate with the kids hand & footprints that we made after seeing the ones you have for different seasons! I’ll cherish those little spider handprints & Frankenstein feet for decades! Happy Fall!!
Misty Frank says
In our neighborhood, the kids enjoy “booing” each other (like egging each other at Easter but for Halloween). Candy, glow sticks, silly string (several cans so they can have a silly string war), etc. left on the door step. Knock and run (or drive)!
Kacy says
Smith looks like he has 6 pack abs in that one pj pic HA!
Caitlin Monty says
Corn Maze!
Jayne says
We are on the east coast of Canada so we cherish our summer, then fall temperatures before the snow comes! Besides apple picking, raking our beautiful maple leaves and horseback riding, in season lobster rolls and anything Halloween/ boo at the Zoo and corn mazes, we try to get in some last morning sunrise or sunset walks in on the beach, maybe take some coffee or hot chocolate and a blanket and watch the birds fly over the ocean in V-formation getting ready to migrate south (probably to where you are!!) it is a beautiful sight! We also “fall clean” for charity! Put aside all the mittens/coats/scarves we are in abundance of and give to “coats for kids” charities. All summer towels/blankets/bedding we don’t need we donate to the local animal shelter as they are always in desperate need (and walk a dog or 2 when we are there!) I also set aside as much time as possible for pumpkin or maple lattes (priorities)
Amanda says
Some of our fun fall traditions are
-roasting pumpkin seeds! We usually save the seeds when carving and a day or a few days later, invite friends over (everyone brings their harvested seeds from pumpkin carving!) & we make multiple different types of pumpkin seeds – you can find lots of recipes online and most use simple seasoning/ingredients from home
-Apple orchard & caramel apple making – again you can make this into a fun friends day and offer bowls with different toppings (nuts, m&ms, marshmallows, chocolate chips, Reese’s pieces…)
-leaf hunt to see the leaves changing… gather as many different types of leaves as you can and make ‘leaf prints’ with crayons/paper :).
-Making your own scented candles… fall always brings out the candles and yummy fall scents at our house!
Enjoy & happy fall!
Elizabeth says
The Great Pumpkin movie night with popcorn and candy corn mixed in! ?? Happy Fall! ?
Deanna Zehr says
Corn maze, bonfire and painting pumpkins. Much more fun for little than carving! Love fall!
Emily says
They forgot to shout out “mommy’s birthday”! October 25th is the best day of the year! (From a fellow birthday twin) You deserve a spot on that bucket list too 😉
Andrea R says
My family and I always loved getting Boo’d and Boo’ing other families. I found this blog post describing how it works, although ours were always just candy bags. I’m sure your kids would love it!
Tess says
Some of my favourite things to do in the fall are apple picking then baking lots of yummy treats, and going to a corn maze/ halloween attraction. We have lots of options here for fall/halloween themed amusements!
Christina says
Don’t forget Spookily the Square Pumpkin, my kids love this movie. We watch that and drink hot cocoa
Kait Josselyn says
A corn maze is a super fun thing to do with kids!
Robin says
Cider mills and corn mazes are at the top of our list. They are both big in Michigan. Do they have them in Texas?
Ashley says
– Make sock puppets and put on a puppet show
– Take a craft class at JoAnn’s
– Take one of the kid-friendly workshops at Home Depot
– Make stained glass
– Go to a drive-in movie
– Go to one of the popcorn shows at Pocket Sandwich Theater (the audience gets to throw popcorn at the actors and each other during the performance…it is SO much fun!!)
– Face painting
– Learn the Monster Mash dance
– Build indoor forts and have a slumber party
– Go watch planes take off and land at the Addison airport. Bring warm cider and cookies.
– Go to a petting zoo
– Adopt an Angel from the Salvation Army
– Grab some friends and volunteer to make a meal at the Ronald McDonald House
– Ice skating
Erin McGuire says
One of our very favorite Fall traditions is to go on a drive to see all the pretty leaves and colors changing. Living in Iowa we also like driving around trying to spot combines in the fields picking corn and beans.
Loretta says
Yesterland in Canton, Tx. I think your kids would enjoy it. Check it out on their website.