Today’s post is really just a random mix of things. It’s fall. The weather finally feels fall-ish here in North Texas, and I’m basically giddy.
Here we go, first of all…
…thank you SO MUCH for all of your enthusiasm yesterday!!! I shared the photos from guest bath now that it’s been given a facelift (thanks to you, stupid flood) and your encouragement and enthusiasm was exactly what I needed. One room down, a few more to go…and even though I have had many sad days, I’m trying to make lemonade out of lemons, so THANK YOU for supporting that!
Speaking of my house (and fall!)…
…the front porch as been cleared of construction and debris (that’s been moved around to the side and back), so I could put out my stone jack-o-lanterns and pumpkins. They make me SO HAPPY!!
What else makes me happy this fall???
The Hallmark Channel has their Fall Harvest movies out now! Who else is watching?! Friends, it’s 2020…we need all of the cheesy, predictable, light and fluffy Hallmark movies in our lives. My girls and I get so excited to sit down and watch them together.
As I mentioned earlier, we’ve had some fall-ish weather lately here in North Texas, so I pulled out my sweaters for…
…sweater weather!! Whoop! Whoop! I posted this pic on IG yesterday and had several questions. This is that Amazon sweater I’ve been showing you lately. I have had so many people ask me if I’m sure if I really bought it in Tea Rose or not and the answer is YES! I’ve gone back and double-checked my order and this is what Tea Rose looks like. It’s so soft and comfy, friends! I do not want to take it off!! Of course, I paired it with that easy little white tee I’ve blogged about before and then this necklace. The perfect Monday outfit!
If you need the perfect Tuesday outfit…
…look at this sweater from Target! Guys, I’m having a moment with some of Target’s tops. I stopped by last week for a binder and left with this sweater. It runs TTS (I bought an xs).
One more little first day of fall find…
…I’m such a sucker for a light little jacket and this one from Amazon blew me away! I loved it so much that I immediately told my mama to buy it too!
It comes in 39 COLORS (YES!! 39!), but this olive was my personal fave 🙂 . I’m wearing it with those camis I love so much too!
We’ve been enjoying all the fall around here too…
…with the weather cooler in the mornings, we can play outside before we head off to school. Smith has LOVED being the big kid at school and seeing his little sisters from time to time. This will be the only time he’s ever in the same building as Madeley, and he’s eating it up 🙂 .
Too early for jack-o-lanterns on our clothes? I think not! These are from Matilda Jane and all of the spooky little details make my heart so happy!!
We’re so thankful for fall sports right now! We have enjoyed getting outside and cheering on our football player…
…and our soccer player too!
Anyone else spending their weekend watching football? From K-State to the Dallas Cowboys, I feel like it’s been football, football, football watchin’ over here. I rounded up my FAVORITE FALL FOOTBALL WATCHING SNACKS for you to enjoy during the big game!
And finally…
…tonight is our annual Scarf Exchange (now it’s really an anything-fall exchange!) which is one of my VERY FAVORITE fall traditions. If you want to see how it works/read the rules, click HERE to read last year’s post. I love this picture so very much because Manda looks so amazing here. If you and your girlfriends want to make these kinds of memories too, make sure you click HERE to read my post!
That’s it for this first day of Autumn! I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday! xo
Erika Slaughter says
I wanna make ALL of those football-watchin’ snacks! And wear one of those cute sweaters as I’m doing it! Happy FALL, Friend!
Alexis deZayas says
Oh I love that olive jacket!! Happy fall!
Elspeth says
I love all this fall in today’s post! Especially the outdoor decorations! So happy you are still able to enjoy some normalcy in the chaos.
Sheaffer Sims says
So ready for tonight!!! And I LOVE that little jacket!!!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
What? How is it already fall? I swear, this year has just flown by! Excited for your fall content though! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
polly pover says
I usually do something similar to scarf exchange (socks and mitts), but couldn’t figure out how to make it fun with social distancing and masks. Suggestions?
Mix and Match Mama says
I think you could do it virtually on a Zoom call and give e-gift cards to cozy fall places (like coffee shops or book stores!).
Kat says
I spy an extra jack-o-lantern this year! Could there be another Shull in the works?!
Mix and Match Mama says
On my front steps? No, that’s the same we’ve always had. The place where we bought them burned down last year, so it’s a good thing I bought like 10 when I did!
kathy says
Happy first day of fall!
Cynthia Thurlow says
Can you share your jeans?
So grateful your home renovations are moving along so nicely
Mix and Match Mama says
They’re oldies but goodies from J Crew! Their toothpick jeans!
Sheila says
I’m never excited for fall, I live in the north so I know what’s coming next. I’m a summer girl, love the hot weather.
I suffer from SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, it’s no fun. Lucky me I’m heading south for the winter this year.
Mix and Match Mama says
I hope you have a WONDERFUL winter in the sunshine!!!
Neera says
Love that Amazon jacket! Would you say it runs TTS? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought a small!
Lisa D says
Love seeing the pics of your beautiful bathroom makeover! But where is the fall/pumpkin wallpaper? ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Wouldn’t that be AMAZING?!
Peg says
Love the jacket. How does it run size wise? What size did you get?
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought a small and it fits great. I’m typically an xs but bought the small since that was the smallest size and to me, it fits like an xs. (Did any of that make sense?! Ha! My answer was wordy!!)
Susan Matthews says
Ashby’s pearls….
Mix and Match Mama says
She loves her jewelry 🙂 .
Sarah says
I’m hosting a scarf exchange next month and my girlfriends are looking forward to this idea!! So fun
Mix and Match Mama says
I hope you have the most fun!!
Joanne says
Oh no… now I must head back to Target and check for that sweater! 🙂 We are in full on fall here with high only in the 60’s this week (and downright cold nights and mornings in the 40’s!)
Mix and Match Mama says
Jan says
HI Shay! I love the olive jacket! It looks great in Khaki too. Thanks for the find! I was in the military for a number of years, and I find that I am drawn to those two colors, even now. Just proves, I think, that you can take the girl out of the Army, but you can’t take the Army out of the girl. ; )
As an aside, even though I now live in Minnesota, I love Texas as well. I was stationed at Ft. Sam for 3 years. The people, and the food were always amazing.
Thank you so very much for all the time, and love you put into your website. You are fantastic, and we readers love you all so much! We feel as though we are extended family members. Much love, and many hugs to y’all. : )
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my gosh, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SERVICE!!! Words cannot adequately express how grateful I am for you. God bless you!
Katie says
Beautiful new photo on the top of your home page! So gorgeous!
Also, so sweet about Smith and Madeley. My older sister was the oldest in the school the year I was in kindergarten and she was such a protective big sis. She loved an excuse to walk by my classroom and peek to see what I was up to.
Mix and Match Mama says
AWwwww! Thank you!!! He is EATING IT UP!!! 😉
SC McKay says
Aww.. all the happy faces and pumpkins!!! Happy Fall to you!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Happy happy happy happy FALL!
Amy says
Where are your slippers from?
Mix and Match Mama says
Just blogged about them on Friday! They’re super comfy!!
Chrys says
How did you walk into Target and only leave with ONE sweater? Tell me your ways haha. We are having our Fall Gift Exchange over Zoom. We are dropping the gifts off to each other along with a fall snack/dessert we cooked and we’ll eat and open gifts together over Zoom. Have to make the best of it!
Liz Thorson says
Happy Fall fun is clearly blooming at your home! We are truly missing fall spirts here in the PNW! We have no Pac12 football, professional baseball, soccer, football and basketball all being played with no fans in person, schools almost exclusively virtual… I will enjoy Fall through your sweet family and wonderful McKinney!
Yoga Girl says
Even though I don’t have a fall scarf exchange with friends, I look forward to hearing about yours every year and seeing the smiling faces of your friends and the nice time you all have together. Hope you will some share some details. I enjoyed the suggestions for a virtual event you made in the comments too. Thank you so much for always brightening my day and sharing such wonderful recipes and ideas!
Deborah Kopetski says
Well…I’ve now ordered three of those jackets today. Two are for me and one is for my daughter. Can’t wait to get them!
Kristy Moore says
Andrew is just beaming in that photo with Smith at football. Such a proud Dad moment! Hope you had a great first day of Fall!
Kristine G. says
Love the jacket! Just wondering how many olive jackets are too many to own. ? #askingforafriend ?
Kathleen says
This Pittsburgh girl loves Smith’s football team name!!!! <3