Hey there, Thursday.
Here’s a little look at life lately…
Sometimes, they all want to match. #andiloveit
Little Miss Madeley has started dance! Oh my goodness…and she LOVES it! After watching her two big sisters dance, she was begging to do the same, so we signed her up this semester for a little tap and ballet combination class and she can’t get enough.
Eeeks! Look how sweet she is!!
Ashby and Kensington can’t get enough of her either. They think it’s the sweetest thing when she goes to dance 🙂 .
We were Wednesday-ing hard.
On the 18th, this kid turned EIGHT! Oh my word!! When did he get so big?!
He wanted Italian food for dinner and specifically requested Maggiano’s, so my parents, Catherine and Samuel met us there (Uncle Seanie was out of town). My parents bought him this for his room (Jeter’s last at bat), and Smith was pumped! They also bought him an air hockey table and oh golly gee…all three big kids cannot get enough. They play air hockey all the time now. And by the way, Smith told me that I was the best air hockey player in our family. #goals Hahahaha!
Samuel and Kensington took a dinner selfie 🙂
We ate a ton of food and then he blew out his candle. Eight!
Sweet Catherine! We can’t wait for baby #2!!
This past week, we’ve been snuggling a lot around here.
These two have been just plain cute.
Well, at least he was cuddling with me.
It’s funny how my girls are different. Kensington has always been into stuffed animals, Ashby wants #allthebarbies and Madeley loves her babies.
And this is how they sleep now 🙂 .
That’s just a little look at life lately. See you tomorrow. xo
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Aww, the girls are so cute in their dance costumes! It’s great that they all love the activity! 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Elspeth Mizner says
I love your life lately posts, great to see what everyone is up to! Have a great Thursday!!
Janette @ The 2 Seasons says
Do you have an idea where we can get an Asian doll baby? My little granddaughter is adopted from Thailand, and we would love for her to have a doll that looks similar to her. We have been to Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Singapore, and have even gone to toy stores in those countries, and you know what? The doll babies are not Asian. They look like American kids. Any help would be most appreciated.
Mix and Match Mama says
We’ve found them at places like Target and even American Girl!
Allison says
Amazon has some….https://www.amazon.com/Corolle-Premier-Bebe-Calin-Yang/dp/B01APNZ5ZQ
Carly says
I searched, and Amazon has some! I also found this one at Target:
Narci says
Aw!! So sweet! Madeley’s smile when she’s heading to dance is the cutest thing ever! Love this!
Sheaffer Sims says
Madeley at dance makes me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. And I love that her sweet sisters are so proud of her in class!
Erika Slaughter says
Madeley in that ballet outfit-I cannot get enough! So stinkin’ CUTE!! And Shay-maybe you’ve found your competitive sport…air hockey! 🙂
Amy says
So many sweet pictures, where are their blankets from that are shown in the last picture? Hope your feeling better!! ?
sydnee says
Madeley in her dance costume, so adorbs!!!
x S | Design by Sydnee ?
Alexis deZayas says
That picture of your littles kissing each other is SO sweet! And so excited for little miss Madeley to get to start dancing!!
Angela Ellingson says
Thinking of you this morning! Madeley in her leotard is just too much. I can’t handle the cuteness!
Bri says
Oh my gosh. It is a cold Thursday morning and I just want to be as warm & comfortable as Madeley and Ashby look in that last pic!!
Kelly says
Loving life lately!:) Praying for your stitches removal today!
MinShien @ Joyous Apron says
Madeley in her ballet outfit – CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!
Nicole says
What an awesome picture Smith got for his birthday! My boys love Jeter and we enjoyed watching his last game. It’s cool he has that framed! Jeter is a great role model for kids(and adults), which is hard to find these days!! Smith’s dinner looks amazing also!!
Jenny says
So much sweetness in this post! Love it!!!
Tracy says
Madeley is the cutest little dancer!
Theresa M. says
Such a sweet family! Blessings to you all!
Anna S says
Sisters sleeping together. <3 The beauty of adoption in a picture.
Deb Weber says
Love the ballet pictures! Hope things go well for you today and you finish healing quickly!
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Sure hope you’re feeling better, sweet friend! Madeley in that little leotard is just the cutest thing ever!! That Inspired Chick
Lauren says
Hi Shay!
You have such a sweet family! Madeley’s cheeks though. How sweet! I have been following your big for a few years now and I can’t believe how old your son is. Crazy how time flies by! I hope your recovery is going well!
Prudence says
The picture of your two littlest ones is so sweet! Kensington and Smith are getting so big; time flies! Thank you for allowing us to see your beautiful family. Keeping you in my prayers today as you get your stitches removed.
Alexandra says
Do Ashby and Madeley always sleep in the same bed? Where does Kensington sleep?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s always different! Right now, they’re on a “little two sleep in the same bed” and “Kensington and Smith sleep in Smith’s bed” kick. It changes though 😉 .
Detroit Duchess says
How cute is Madeley in that ballet leotard?!! Also – I might need Jeter’s last at bat in my bedroom too – that is an awesome gift! Happy Birthday Smith!
Shelly J Janac says
Oh my gracious she is just the cutest little dancer!
Lisa D says
All the matching clothing for your girls…. Too cute!
Jenn says
I LOVE that your kids love sleeping in the same bed, sleeping on your floor, etc. How do you do this? I mean, how are they actually sleeping???!!!! I would love for my girls to share a room, but I can’t get them to actually sleep! Any tips???
Mix and Match Mama says
Hahahaha! Yes, they’re actually sleeping! They giggle and talk a bit, but then they go to sleep.
Christina says
Can you just post hundreds of Madeley-at-dance photos? (Serious.) They make me so happy!
She’s getting older — looks mature in that denim jacket.
Your Life Lately posts are always among my favorite.
Kerri says
PRECIOUS!!! Such a sweet family! Thank you for sharing your pictures and life!
Lizzie @ This Happy Life says
OMG Madeley at dance is just the CUTEST!!! All your kids are so sweet Shay!