I have a lot crammed into one post today!
If you’re looking for last minute Valentine’s recipes, click right HERE. Seriously, from drinks to pink hot cocoas, desserts, breakfast ideas, what you should make for dinner tonight and everything else, I have it HERE.
Okay, random thoughts to start:
#1: Thank you so much for your love and support with the podcast yesterday. Erika and I know it’s a work in progress, so we appreciate the kindness even though it was a bit of a mess. I don’t quite understand how it works, but it records us separately (through our own individual mics and earbuds) and then plays us simultaneously except our problem was that we were “off”. We were suuuuper off when we began the post-editing and then got it better, but Erika and I were cringing as we listened yesterday because it still sounded like I was talking over her and then that it took her an extra 15 seconds to answer everything (weird delays). If you know anything about Zencastr and want to email me some tips, we’d appreciate it. We were speeding each recording up and then slowing each one down while putting it together (after it was recorded), but it was so weird how it was so off. Anyway, we’re a work in progress, but THANK YOU!! Hopefully, next time, you’ll hear our voices in real time and not weird time.
#2: Since Andrew has been gone this week, I decided to watch some Oscar-related movies at night after the kids went to bed. So far, I have finished Judy 🙂 . Have you seen it? I really liked it! I thought it was really interesting and put together really well. It made me very, very sympathetic to Judy Garland. Okay, what should I watch next???? I don’t think I’ve seen any of them, so you tell me.
Andrew and Smith are gone this weekend snowboarding with my dad…well, at least my dad and Smith are snowboarding…it was really poor timing for Andrew to hurt himself before he finished snowboarding season. #sigh I’m home with my girls have a cozy Valentine’s night and excited about that too! In the meantime, today, I’m sharing another “day in the life” post but this time, it’s our SUNDAY!
I have done so many of these posts over the years, but I don’t think I’ve ever chronicled our typical Sunday before. Now, of course, this one ended up not being typical, but I do think you’ll get the main idea. Our Sundays have a rhyme and routine each week, so this is kind of “day in the life” and “routine” squished together.
A day in the life of us from Sunday, February 9th…
My alarm went off at 5:30 AM, and I immediately headed to…
…coffee and my quiet time 🙂 .
After that, I went into my office…
…for a little Sunday work.
I worked and watched one of my very favorite movies until it was time to get the kids up…
…Andrew left early on this morning with about 15 other guys from our Sunday school class for a guys ski weekend, soooo…he’s not pictured. Boo.
Because he was going to be gone, we let the kiddos sleep in our room the night before for fun. Here they all are piled in our room.
Breakfast was two pieces of gluten-free toast (from Trader Joe’s!) with peanut butter and homemade jam!
I got my peeps all up and fed before church.
I always make breakfast for my Sunday school class each week, but this was the second Sunday of the month when all of the ladies in our class volunteer in other places throughout the church and then all of the men were skiing, so I didn’t make breakfast this particular week.
Everyone was ready to go at 8:45.
Every other week, I teach with these ladies right here! Andrea and I have been teaching a three year old class for like 14 years now!
Erika was home with Britty who wasn’t feeling well, so I told her that I would drop her big kids off after church and lunch. When I asked them what they wanted to eat, they said “BBQ” 😉 .
On Sundays, Smith’s sweet, sweet, sweet violin teacher comes over. We ADORE her!! While they were practicing the violin, I…
…did my grocery pick up for the week! I typically do this on Tuesdays, but decided to do it early this week. Gosh, how I love grocery pick up!!
I came home, unloaded the groceries and got my act together for the week. I always make sure my office is nice and tidy and then write out my to do list for the next day. I do this at the end of every work day so that when I roll in there the next morning, I’m organized and ready to hit the ground running.
I did some laundry and then…
…it was pouring outside, so we turned on Crazy Rich Asians (again, I know!) and made more Salty & Sweet Heart Mix!
We had this to do too 😉 .
Kensington helped me make our treat, enjoy our movie and…
…watch it pour outside!!
These cuties were in there too!!
Next, it was time for dinner! We made my Simple Sausage, Peppers and Onions because it’s easy and the kids all love it.
After that…
…I dropped her off at a 5th grade girls social for church. When did she get so big?!?!
The rest of us came home, showered and then I read while these three watched Free Willy for the first time. True story, I remember seeing this in the theater when I was little and my dad may or may not have teared up at the end and my brother may or may not have teased him mercilessly for like a year. No one cried during this viewing 😉 .
After I tuck the kiddos into bed each night, I carry down the little girls’ clothes for the next day. This way, they’re already picked out and downstairs so that I can help them get dressed/fix their hair.
I finished off my night in bed reading my book.
That’s (sort of!) a typical Sunday in the life of the Shulls!
A few other things, we always “reset” on Sunday nights. Anyone else? I like to go to sleep on Sunday night knowing the dishwasher is empty, the laundry is put away, lunches are packed and ready to go for Monday, my desk is tidy, the toys are cleaned up…all of that stuff. You too? I always feel flustered on Monday mornings when I didn’t “reset” Sunday night. Do you have a Sunday night routine??? What do you do??? Sundays really are our most “chill” day. If the weather is not pouring rain (like this one), we are typically outside most of the afternoon and even eat dinner most Sunday nights on the patio. I also love to squeeze in a Hallmark movie on Sunday afternoons too when I can.
I’m off to my kiddos’ Valentine’s Day parties at school and then tonight, we’re making homemade pizzas and watching rom-coms. We miss our boys, but we’re going to have a great night too! I hope you guys have a great weekend and a wonderful Valentine’s Day!! xo
Lauren says
What a cozy and relaxing Sunday!! Sounds like a dream.
Jessica says
I highly recommend Parasite!! It was sooo good.
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Looks like everyone had an enjoyable day! You guys get up to so much on Sunday! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Erika Slaughter says
I’ve never realized how nosy I am until I understood my love of a day in the life post! My favorite! Thanks again for taking my crazies to lunch!
Gina says
If you haven’t seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, it is very good. I had just listened to the Young Charlie podcasts and did not realize how close Charles Manson was intertwined with several Hollywood people (Charlie trying to get in the business that is…) I did not expect to like it as much as I did and was glad Brad Pitt won because his character was so good. Crazy Rich Asians is one of my all time favorites! Loved the books and can’t wait for the next movie to come out.
Mix and Match Mama says
I love Brad and Leo! Should I wait for Andrew for this one or just watch it and enjoy it on my own?
Corinne says
Definitely wait for Andrew, my husband loved it and thought it should have beat Parasite for sure.
I was traveling yesterday and your Instagram post led me to watch “To all the boys I’ve loved before” Too Cute!
Have fun with your girlies!
Gina says
I bet Andrew would like it, but I would go ahead and then watch it again. ?
Tracie says
Probably with Andrew. It’s kinda long, and I thought midway through this is not as violent as I was expecting. Then holy cow, the wheels fell off and the ending was ?! I couldn’t watch.
Marla says
I would wait for Andrew . I think he will enjoy it . My husband and adult sons did .
Ahna @ Hammers N Hugs says
I love the idea of “resetting.” Notice I said the idea of it. Ha. We definitely don’t. Our Sunday evenings are always spent with either Zach’s extended family or my extended family watching football, playing games, eating tons of food etc. ALL of our grandparents are still living and have their families over every Sunday so we just rotate. Sometimes a Hallmark movie would be more relaxing though! Haha. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Narci says
I love a day in the life. It looks like you had a super cozy day!
Sarina says
Parasite is next on my list! (But I had to finish the 2nd movie in To all the Boys I’ve loved before first ha!)
Mix and Match Mama says
I have heard so much about that one!! People say it’s an experience (not just a movie!).
Deb says
Happy Valentines Day! Do you have a list of all the romantic movies the readers recommended? I think that needs to be on the agenda tonight.
Mix and Match Mama says
I don’t have a list but To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before was the top pic, 27 Dresses, 13 Going on 30, and How to Lose a Guy were all the top recs!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
Happy Valentine’s Day! Grocery pick up is the best thing ever and K is looking so grow up in all the pictures!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Mary Kate says
What a relaxing Sunday! Thanks for sharing!
When packing lunches for the kids on Sundays, is that just a special treat for them? I thought they packed their own. Do you still pack hot lunches? How does that work the night before? Sorry for all. the. questions!
Mix and Match Mama says
By that, I mean…they pack, I supervise. Ha! Yes, they still get a hot lunch every day but that doesn’t happen until the next morning. They pack their snacks and other “stuff” themselves.
Alexis deZayas says
I usually make an egg dish on sundays to heat up for breakfast all week! I’m always so glad I did!
Mary says
Love day in the life post! Can you link your sweater please? It looks like a Loft sweater. Thank you and Happy Valentines Day!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s a sweater dress from Loft but no longer there!
Sheaffer Sims says
Well, that looks like a perfect little Sunday to me! I love K’s wrap around cardi. She looks so cute in it!
Leslie Heape says
You need to watch Younger on Hulu! It’s so good!! 20 min episodes so quick! It’s about a 40 year old women going through a divorce who can’t get a job from being out of the working world so long so she pretends she’s 26 and bam gets a fun job at a advertising/publishing company! For upcoming good books!
You’ll love it!!!!!! Each season gets better and better! Trust me.
Kim says
I saw JoJo Rabbit last week and loved it! I can’t stop thinking about it – I’ve been watching cast interviews on YouTube all week and can’t wait to buy it!
Amanda Wilson says
How did you get away with no sports?!! I feel like my Sunday’s are very full. Church and sports….
Sometimes I swear my weeekends are harder then my weekdays!! 5 kids in competitive sports has me going all over all weeekend long….
Mix and Match Mama says
Right now, we’re in competitive volleyball season but don’t have tournaments every weekend. Baseball season starts at the end of March…and that’s another story!
Rachel says
For as long as I can remember Sunday was wash sheets day. I continue it now. It’s always nice to get into a freshly laundered bed with the work week looming ahead!
Mix and Match Mama says
That’s my Friday!!!
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
I watched Judy a couple of weeks ago! Renee Zellweger is outstanding but I wanted to see more of her life as a kid too! I watched Marriage Story on Netflix when it came out and hated it. I was so surprised it was nominated for all these awards but typically when I don’t like a movie it means the critics do. ???
That Inspired Chick
Samantha Williams says
Great post, but are you not doing Friday Favorites anymore?
Mix and Match Mama says
I am! This week, I didn’t have as many faves, so I posted this instead 🙂 .
~B~ says
Yes!! Resetting on Sunday nights is a must for me. On the occasion we are gone and I am unable to, I feel like my whole week is off kilter! As always, thanks for sharing all that you do!
On a side note :), I keep wanting to mention, when you do a “How I…” post, I would love to see how you wash/dry your sweaters. This time of year I feel like they pile up in my laundry room, as there is only so much room to lay them flat to dry. Would love to hear your routine with them. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Urg! That’s so hard!! I put them together in my washer on the gentle cycle and then allow them to lay flat and dry. Sweaters are tough!
Memorie says
Your background pic on your phone is so much JOY. What a beautiful family.
Kristin Wilkerson says
I love day in the life posts! My husband is a minister so Sundays are a bit crazy and not so relaxing. ? So Saturday nights are typically spent at home, being cozy and resetting for the week.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my gosh! I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE!!!!! God bless YOU!
SS says
For the kiddos don’t forget Zombie’s 2 PremEars on Disney tonight…..of course you can catch it every day after that for the next week. LOL!!!!
Susan Crivella says
Don’t know if your kids like Disney movies and watched Zombies but Zombies 2 comes out tonight on Disney Channel!
Mix and Match Mama says
They loved the first one! Thank YOU!!
SS says
Great Minds Susan!!! LOL!!!
Christie says
Your Sunday sounds like a dream! Also, I’ve been following along for a few years and throughout this whole post I was saying “when did Kensington grow up?” I don’t even know her personally but it still broke my heart because if she is growing up and not matching with the little girls anymore and looking more and more beautiful (and like her mama) every day, that means my kids are also growing up and that is just not ok!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
It happened over night 🙂 .
Kelsey Taylor says
Watch Marriage Story next! Raw and very good! Really brilliant performances by Adam and Scarlett in my opinion. You can watch it on Netflix ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Okay, I think I will!!!
Monica says
Moonstruck is one of my all time favorite romance movies!!!
Oh! And if you have a Lidl grocery store in McKinney you HAVE TO TRY THEIR GF BREAD! It tastes just like fresh SOUR DOUGH BREAD! It’s amazing! ♥️
Heather says
You should watch Marriage Story, it’s on Netflix. Great acting!
Marla says
Shay, do you have grocery delivery in your area? Pick up is great but delivery is fabulous. We have Instacart which lists a few grocery stores plus Target, Sams and CVS. It’s around $100 a year for unlimited deliveries of $30-$35 from each store per order. Walmart is not included in ours but they have their own delivery service which works the same way with their own annual fee for approximately the same cost . I love it and wish they had offered it when my boys were little . I just downloaded the Instacart app on my iPhone and tried the 2 week free trial. I was hooked. Happy Valentines Day!
Mix and Match Mama says
I am sure we do, but I haven’t done it yet!
Laci says
I love a day in the life post! Resetting on Sunday nights is a great way to start the week.
jordan says
love this post! just curious, are you still doing bsf? your thoughts on it? thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Not this semester. For me, it was really time consuming each week (it was a three hour commitment when you factored it all in including driving to and from), and I didn’t love it enough for that kind of a commitment during my work day.
kat says
Does your whole family eat gluten free all the time? Just curious. My daughter has celiac but the rest of the family eats regular bread, cookies, cake, pasta, etc.
Mix and Match Mama says
At home, yes!! Their school lunches are all g-free too (except for Ashby’s because she eats in the cafeteria). At restaurants/other people’s houses, my other three don’t eat g-free.
Beth says
I do a similar recipe to your sausage and peppers. I throw in potato’s cut up and don’t do the tomato sauce, but then do eggs over the top. It’s so good, but am going to have to try your recipe. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! Like a hash!! Andrew loves that too!!
Courtney says
Have you found a good gluten free pizza crust? How do you make it now? I’d love suggestions! We usually go out for it but haven’t found a good mix for homemade.
Mix and Match Mama says
We really like Trader Joe’s!
Alexandra says
Will the podcast be in podcast feeds like apple/spotify or stay as it was yesterday as just a recording more than a podcast? As an avid podcast listener, sound quality is the number one thing that will get me to turn off a pod even if I’m really interested in the subject matter. The best bet would probably be to rent space in a local podcast studio (there should be several in the Dallas area) and a producer.
Mix and Match Mama says
They should be! We have to factor reality into the situation and for us, these podcasts will be for fun and we won’t take them super seriously…so they can’t be time consuming…you know? We’re going to figure the sound thing out…or at least realllllly try!!!
Alexandra says
Gotcha! I didn’t know if this was something y’all were planning to monetize with like Patreon/advertisers or just for fun like your bestie call series.
Mix and Match Mama says
Just for fun!
Donna says
Maid in Manhattan is a good rom com if you’re still looking for recommendations! Love your blog btw!!
Julia says
Do you always wake up at 5:30 or do you sleep in on some mornings?
Mix and Match Mama says
That is me sleeping in 😉 . I wake up at 5:00 on Saturdays and then 4:10 every other day!
Hallie says
Do you have a link for the sweater you are wearing this day? So cute!
Mix and Match Mama says
I wish I did! It’s an oldie!!!
Jeanine says
I really enjoyed your podcast yesterday, but did wonder about the delays. I’m not techie at all, so I can’t help you there, but maybe Big Mama and Boo Mama can?
When I was reading this post, I kept thinking how much you deserved a good Sunday afternoon nap!
Patty says
Yes, even when I was single I really needed a Sunday routine or else my week would not go as smoothly.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Becky says
It is still in theaters so you can’t watch it at home yet, but Little Women is so good!
Kalie B says
Interesting to read you did grocery pickup while Smith had lessons. Who was watching the other kids? Do you have a regular babysitter or nanny? I’m amazed how you can do it all yourself, especially with Andrew out of town!
Mix and Match Mama says
The violin teacher told me to leave and grab them since she knew Andrew was gone and the other kids were otherwise occupied. I don’t have a nanny but don’t need one as they’re all in school five days a week!
kathleen says
1917 was very well done. I didn’t know a lot about WW1 and the story line is very good.
Lauren @ Bookmark Lit says
My fiance and I made it a project to watch all of the Best Picture nominees before the show and ended up watching all of them except Little Women and Marriage Story! I highly recommend Parasite, which won, because it was amazing and completely deserved it. 1917 was also GREAT. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Jojo Rabbit were so FUN and entertaining to watch, and Ford vs. Ferrari was pretty gripping and fun too. The Irishman was my least favorite but if you like mob movies and those actors, you really can’t go wrong.
Dana says
Love these posts! I don’t know how often you think of your readers and what’s going on with them when you’re doing your posts, but your blog really can be such an encouragement. My husband’s grandpa (more like a father figure for him) passed away early this morning and it has maybe been the saddest day of our lives, especially since we are so far from family. Reading your blog today has been one of the brightest spots in my day and a sweet reminder that the Lord will get us through this and we will have happy little days again. Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Dana, I’m stopping to pray for you and your family right now. I am so very sorry. xo
Jenn says
I’m in search of a new Bible. What type is in the picture?
Mix and Match Mama says
That’s a Beth Moore Bible Study. I love hers so much and have done several multiple times!
Tish Ferry says
Love a Day in the Life! Curious, what time are your kids’ bedtimes now? And what time do you and Andrew go to sleep? We are reviewing bedtimes for our kiddos and trying to decide what works best because we also like to have “our time” together after kids go to bed! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Our kids go to sleep at 8:30 on school nights. Andrew and I go to bed around 10!
lauren says
I am crazy about having resetting on Sundays!! All my laundry, groceries, cleaning, everything has to be done or else my whole week is off. I don’t have kids , yet 😉 , but will definitely always do this!! Love this post!! Also, can you show us the layers of your bed and how you make it so perfect. Looks like a magazine bed!! I need help lol!
Mix and Match Mama says
Awe! Thank you! I could do that!
Crystal McDonald says
Shay are you still in BSF or doing a study on your own? I was going back and forth at the beginning of the semester and decided to do a study on my own. I landed on I AM by Lydia Terkeurst.
Mix and Match Mama says
I am not doing it this semester.
Mandy says
Wish more people could be like you!!! I love how you addressed the podcast and asked for help and knowledge. You know it wasn’t perfect and that is ok!! I really enjoyed it – especially the bathing suit BAD!! Such a great lesson to teach everyone that we don’t know everything and it is ok to ask for help!!!
Kacy M says
Sunday’s I either go to church, watch sports and then eat dinner with my grandpa, or if I miss church that week, it’s watch sports, run errands/do chores, and then eat dinner with my grandpa.
Samantha Harris says
I love these day in the life posts. It was especially fun to see a Sunday. ? Happy Valentine’s day!
Jenna says
I’ve been following you for several years now and i reading your “Day in the Life posts!” They are my favorite! I am also a momma of four. I’m also a first grade teacher. I was wondering…. When do you get your cleaning done? Do you have a schedule for it or do you do it a bit each day? Have an amazing weekend!:)
Mix and Match Mama says
When I opened my travel agency, I realized I needed help with the cleaning, so she comes in and helps with the big stuff like mopping, dusting, etc and then we clean as we go every day throughout the week.
Ruth says
God bless all 3 year old Sunday School teachers?. Your Sunday looks so calm and peaceful and yes, I love resetting on sundays, too. My whole week seems more stressful if I don’t. Also, random question: do you keep your Bible studies when finish them and refer to them when you do the study again? I just remember you commenting that you’ve repeated them before.
Marti says
I try to reset on Sundays as much as possible. I am a teacher so it’s important for me to have some calm before the storm. We are (almost) empty nesters–our kids are 20, 22, 27 plus a son-in-law–and all the kids come to our house on Sunday afternoons to hang out, watch sports and have a family dinner.
Rita says
It just shows you how different we all are- I would not recommend Parasite to anyone.
jaime says
hey shay I have a quick question is wild rice the same as regular rice or is it something specific??
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s something different. The package will specifically say it.
Kristy says
Shay, your makeup was so pretty on Sunday morning! Can you share what you use on your eyes or do a makeup tutorial!?
Mix and Match Mama says
Julie says
Are there Hallmark movies all year or do you just save the Christmas movies and watch throughout the year??
Mix and Match Mama says
There are! They’re all seasonal too!!
Nancy says
Ok, I love that you did Sunday edition!
Also if I had a dollar for every time you watched Crazy Rich Asians I would be so rich!! Haha
You should watch Parasite, it won 4 Oscars and is really good!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I would be crazy rich 😉 .
N says
So…”everyone was ready to go at 8:45″ – Smith doesn’t normally wear shoes to church?!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
They’re in the garage on the rack! This way, he grabs them as he gets in the car.