Happpppppppy FRIDAY!
I feel like I have a lot of random and fun stuff to share with you today!
The sun is shining and the weekend is ahead…not too shabby if I do say so myself 🙂 .
As always, I’m linking up with my friends Andrea and Erika and wishing you have the happiest weekend!
First up…
…look at my sweet Smith!! He and my parents left on Tuesday for his grandparent trip (that’s a year delayed!) and are having the BEST time! Where Kensington wanted to go and sit on the beach, Smith wanted to kayak, fish, zipline, hike…do #allthethings in nature, and my parents are EATING IT UP! I have LOVED getting all of the pics this week of my super happy boy spending time with my parents.
Speaking of trips…
…we made our annual pilgrimage to San Antonio last weekend for three glorious days at the JW Marriott with our framily. It is seriously one of the BEST things we do all year. We love, love, love just hanging out with the Slaughters for three days. A little road trip, a lot of great food, sunshine, some rest and lots of laughs.
One of my very favorite parts was on the way down there. We split up the kids and Andrew and I had the four oldest while the Slaughters had the four youngest. Well, the four big kids were laughing, talking and watching iPads, so Andrew and I turned on the Crime Junkies podcast…fast forward almost five hours, and all six of us were so invested. Bahahaha! We had the BEST time listening and trying to solve the crime. When an episode would end, they would shout “turn on another one”. It was really such a fun moment with those four BIG kids!
Love this girl and her family so much!! (Psssst: My swim top is sold out, similar top HERE!) My coverup is HERE.
Yay!!! So many of you have been sending me pics of your braids!! It just makes me smile BIG to see all of the emails and DMs of your braids too!! If you missed my braid tutorial it’s right here…
…in my ULTIMATE BEACH TRIP PACKING LIST post!! There is a video to demonstrate how I do it (spoiler alert: it’s super easy!).
It was time to change out my running shoes for a fresh new pair (for fresh new miles!).
How cute are these…
…aren’t they pretty? New athletic shoes always inspire me to get out and run (or walk!) more!
I bought mine in “sail ocean pink crimson” but they come in other colors too! They run TTS. Also, you know how much I love these shorts too! They also come in a bazillion colors!
Speaking of love…
…I’ve worn my new romper twice this week as a coverup…
…it’s so comfy! I can run errands in it or wear it to the pool. (Psssst: My swim top is HERE!)
Um, how cute are these little cupcake plates?! My sweet friend Lori surprised us and dropped them off on our porch. Aren’t they adorable?!
I wanted you to see the size, so I added one of Madeley’s pieces of “cake” to a plate for comparrison. These would be the CUTEST gifts to give kiddos in your life! Right?! How adorable would it be to send them one right before their birthday?! I love this idea so much!! Lori has so many unique and custom designs to make the perfect piece for your family too. You can find Lori on FB or you can email her too at loriclark413@gmail.com . She does ship, so you don’t have to be local to shop!
Finally, one of my most popular posts each and every summer, it’s my SUMMER SLOW COOKER RECIPES! You do not have to wait until fall to pull that slow cooker out. I have so many easy and delicious ways to make dinner fast (and keep your kitchen cool!) right HERE in this post. Trust me, you’re going to want to check it out!
That wraps up this week! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! xo
Erika Slaughter says
What a fun week of faves! I’m not sure who’s having more fun this week-Smith or your dad! They both look so happy!! And I loved our little getaway! Let’s go back soon!
Elsperh says
So many fun things this week! Have a great weekend!
Annaliese says
Do you have a link to your bikini top? If not, what brand is it?? Love it!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh yes!! I’ll add it right now!!
Jennibell says
Love that cake plate and the other one she has on her FB page. Thanks for sharing – have a great weekend!!!
Jane says
That romper looks soooo comfy!!
Ralinn says
Smith sure looks happy! Great picture. I love summer. There is so much to do and so many places to visit.
I can’t get Loti’s FB link to work. What is her site name? Cheers to Friday!
Mix and Match Mama says
Really? You can email her too! loriclark413@gmail.com
Laura C says
I love your braids!! But I do not see the link to click on the tutorial!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s at the bottom of the linked post! I share a video tutorial!
Ralinn says
Smith sure looks happy! Great picture. I love summer. There is so much to do and so many places to visit.
I will definitely be ordering a cup cake plate stat! Cheers to Friday!
Patty Crimmings says
Where did y’all stay in San Antonio!
Where is Kensington t-shirt from?
Mix and Match Mama says
the JW Marriott!
Jennifer Atmore says
What kind of things do you do on your annual SA trip? We’ve been many times, but could use new ideas!
Mix and Match Mama says
We do nothing. It’s glorious. We sit. We chat. We enjoy the water. It’s three days of poolside laziness.
Kelly says
The Crime Junkies Podcast sounds great! Going on a road trip with our college age sons next month, will try that for sure! Happy Friday!
Jennifer Atmore says
Random tidbit… we stopped at Buccee’s in Temple on the way home from Austin/Lake Travis on Monday and it was the busiest I have ever seen it! The line for the women’s restroom was all the way out past the front registers!
Sheaffer Sims says
That pic of Smith! He is BEAMING!
Nicole says
Happy Friday! Where did Smith go for his outdoor adventures? Looks beautiful where he was. ?
Mix and Match Mama says
Alison says
Those birthday plates are adorable! And, I wish we had a Bucee’s near us in Georgia. Actually, they are building one about an hour away from us! Can’t wait to check it out! Have a great weekend! 🙂
Melinda says
The next several years with Kensington and Smith are some of most fun and frustrating years that you will have with them! It goes by fast! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Shavon says
How do you decide on your running shoes? Currently, I make a visit to our local running company and do a walk assessment and then they recommend several pair, I try them on, find what I like best and $1,000,000 later, I have a great pair of shoes. I feel like there has to be a more affordable way! HA!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh gosh, I feel like since I run so often and change them so frequently that I use a variety. This particular style is great and I’ve purchased it the last three pairs in a row.
Carrie says
Hi! You are right to go to a running store and get fitted. I am a distance runner and 100% not a good idea just to buy based upon design or preferred color. What you could do however is if you find a shoe that works at the store, go and shop around. After a few months look for it on clearance. If you run more then 2 or 3x a week, invest in a few shoes. They will actually lengthen the amount of time you can wear your shoes. By running on the same shoes often they break down faster, the foam actually needs 24 to 48 hrs to decompress. I have shoes for recovery runs, speed, trail and tempo. Your running shoes should also be a size up from your normal shoe size.
Sarah Schutte says
Which crime podcast do y’all like best? When I search, there are lot of “crime junkie” podcasts! Thanks! Love your blog and family!
Mix and Match Mama says
The podcast is actually called Crime Junkie. They have several hundred episodes!
Joanne says
JW Marriott is on our list! Would love to see a comparison of the JW Marriott resort and the Hyatt Lost Pines! Which would be best for little kids, what activities are available, etc!
Mix and Match Mama says
I would a million times over say the Marriott over Lost Pines!
Susy says
What product do you use for a sunburn to repair the skin?
Mix and Match Mama says
I love coconut oil!!! Just basic coconut oil from the grocery store.
Amanda Wilson says
Your BBQ chicken Rice bowls are on repeat at my house!! So delicious and the perfect summer time meal!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness!! Thank you, thank you!! Happy Friday!
Brittany Redding says
I purchased a Father’s Day plate from Lori and it was SOOO cute!! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
YAY! I’m so thankful you supported her!!
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
I hate that our kids are getting older but then it’s also fun that they can listen and watch stuff like Crime Junkies now too! Mason and I watched the Tomorrow War together and hone he’s pumped for more of those end of the world shows. ?
That Inspired Chick
Maquelle says
HI Shay, we love the JW. I think, I commented that I saw you guys there. Anyways, just wondering if you guys eat anywhere other than the hotel? It gets pricey eating all the meals there. Have you tried any local restaurants around there? Have a great weekend.
Mix and Match Mama says
We don’t when we go to the JW. We love to just settle in there for a few days and stay.
Carly says
Love the braids Shay, you look so cute for summertime! For another fun trip JW Marriott Scottsdale anytime year(maybe not Dec- Jan lower temps). You can do it by driving as well. 15 hr LONG drive which we did many times to our vacation home there. Alternatively you can divide it and stop to check out a college visit in Texas on long the way. Kensington is not to young to get a feel for college campus, size, etc. It really helps kids think about what they like/dislike when they visit colleges. That way when they get to junior/senior year there isn’t this intense pressure to decide where they fit in. Plus I am a HUGE proponent of kids not going to college near home so that requires alot of planning and trips years ahead to start looking.
SS says
Love the update!!!
My sister is the master braider in this family. I think my face has stayed tight from the years she would braid my hair for sports. She told me not too long ago… the tighter the braid the madder I was at you or if I had a bad day your braid was extra tight!!! LOL!!! We were on a trip and she braided my hair in like 8 french braids from bottom up to top of my head and then braided the ends in to a bun on top of my head. It was all a little wet. Let’s just say when I took them out that night I looked like Monica from friends in Jamaica and it hurt. LOL!!! We still laugh about that!!! She has done so many different braids it is crazy. She does circle french braids… that is my favorite.
Don’t forget Virgin River Season 3 is out today on Netflix!!! LOL!!
Have a GREAT weekend!!!
Ashley says
I have been loving the braids! I am the worst about just throwing my hair into a bun to keep cool when it’s hot outside. I feel so much cuter with this simple style! It makes me very happy that there is a “sisterhood” of women wearing the same hairstyle this summer!!! So fun!
kristen says
Thanks for the crime junkies rec – nothing too graphic in them? Just want to make sure before I listen with my older kids. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Read the description of each episode to find out what it’s about. I was picking ones that seemed “less horrifying” for a kid to listen to (so no sex violence episodes in the car or anything like that).
Mary S. says
how was the JW ? we LOVE it but haven’t been there in several years. was it very crowded?
Mix and Match Mama says
It was suuuuuper crowded this time…but it was July 4th weekend.
Deena says
Fun times! We listen to Crime Junkies also when traveling although I also listen to podcasts when walking, including yours You might want to try Moms & Murder also. They throw a little humor in.
Hayley says
The link to Lori on FB didn’t work…can you link it again please?
Mix and Match Mama says
That’s weird! You can email her too! loriclark413@gmail.com