Hello, friends!
I have had so many questions lately about my kids and their “quiet time” routine, that today, I thought I’d share.
Full disclosure: Sometimes, we have a sweet little morning and everything is coffee, Jesus and sunshine. Sometimes, I make them all cry, yell at Andrew and cuss out the dogs. It’s balance, y’all. Don’t worry if my *goals* for a peaceful morning make your morning look crazy…they often make my mornings look crazy too. Buuuuut…since so many of you have been asking, I’ll share a little.
I’ve blogged extensively about my own personal quiet time many times before. You can read my most recent post on the subject HERE.
In a nutshell, I started having my own Bible reading/Bible studying/prayer time every single morning when I was 15, and twenty five years later, it’s continued.
Do I always do it as soon as I wake up? Yes.
Do I sometimes miss it on vacations? Also yes.
Does Jesus know my heart? YES.
I married a man who also did a daily quiet time every morning, so that transition was easy. I often get asked if we do it together and the answer is no. Andrew and I often pray together and discuss what we’re studying in the Bible together, but that time in the morning is all about Jesus and me and Andrew and Jesus. We are both up at the same time studying God’s word (early, like 4:00 AM!), but not “together”.
Since we both love starting our day with some time in God’s word, we want our kids to do the same but at the same time, we know they’re kids and we would never want to push/insist/make them do something they don’t want to do, so we lead by example and pray they too develop a heart for Jesus (which is exactly what both sets of our parents did for us).
Right now, I would say almost every single morning, Ashby and Smith wake up early and study their Bibles. Smith is our early riser, and each morning at 6:00, his alarm goes off, he makes himself a cup of tea and settles in upstairs to read the Bible and pray (he’s currently working his way through Romans by using old notes passed on to him by my grandfather…a former pastor). He’s very self-sufficient and self-motivated. He’s also the child “most like his parents” so an early morning and good routine is his jam. Ashby started doing her quiet time about six months ago. She told us one Sunday that she was bored during “big church” (a.k.a. worship with the whole church where our very not-boring pastor preaches), so we told her to bring a notebook and start taking notes (to make it less boring and more engaging). THIS REVOLUTIONIZED ASHBY’S CHURCH EXPERIENCE! Ashby asked for a “big” Bible for her birthday (we bought her this one) and each week she takes her Bible, a notebook and pencil to church where she takes copious notes. Then, she comes home and all week long she “studies” Pastor Sam’s sermon notes (stopping to ask us questions along the way).
Always with a dog at her side, Ashby spends about 10 or 15 minutes now every day reading her Bible and working through Sam’s sermon.
I would say that Smith really started consistently doing his quiet time during the quarantine last spring (small blessings from big problems, no?). Now, he does it early, before school and on his own.
And there’s our sweet Kensington doing her quiet time. Here’s the thing I’ve had to learn as a parent…one size does not fit all. (But geez wouldn’t it be nice if it did?!) Kensington is our night owl. She loves the Lord and I would say is the most active Shull at our church, but waking up early to study her Bible and pray is just not her thing. Do I think that’s how she should start her day? Yes. Does she think it’s better for her to do it at night before bed? Yes. Is that better for her? YES! In (my) ideal world, we would all do our quiet times first thing in the morning, but honestly, that’s just not Kensington. She wants to get cozy at night and settle in with her Bible and prayer journal, so that’s what she does. I love that she does it.
And now for Madeley…
…she will be seven next week and really shows zero interest in doing a quiet time (which is absolutely fine!). About two weeks ago, she told me she was going to take her notebook, Bible and pencil over by Ashby and do her quiet time at the same time. I got all happy on the inside and thought perhaps this will be the beginning of a great habit for her that draws her closer to the Lord, but when she was done, she showed me a sketch she had drawn of a “fancy girl” in a “party dress”. God bless.
Basically, our family is still a work in progress 🙂 .
Quick thoughts/facts/answers to DMs before I share some resources:
1: Andrew and I always try to lead by example, but at 4:00 AM, my kids are asleep so there is no “leading”. Because of this, we talk to our kids about what we studied in our Bibles that morning, what we were praying about, etc so that they’re reminded that in the wee small hours, Mom and Dad are reading God’s words. I have started to leave my Bible, Bible study and prayer journal on the kitchen counter (open) during their breakfast so that they can see it out. I honestly think one out of every three days or so, at least one (if not more) of the kids will ask me what I studied which will prompt a good conversation. Just having the Bible in front of them seems to be working really well…which leads me to…
2: We are obsessed with the YouVersion Bible app over here. If you don’t have it, you should get it. I use it multiple times a day, I often do their Bible studies off of it, I connect with my church on there, it’s so user-friendly and AMAZING. Our pastor uploads his notes each week, so that you can follow along on the app while he preaches and even take notes on there too. It’s so amazing. Buuuuuuuut…about a month ago, Madeley asked me why Andrew and I “played games on our phones during church”. Ouch. We were not playing games, we were following the sermon and taking notes, but when you’re in first grade, it appears like you’re playing a game, so I stopped using the Bible app in church and only use my actual Bible now so that Madeley can see. Just food for thought. Andrew is stubborn, told Madeley that’s not what he is doing, showed her the app and is not changing his ways… 😉 .
3: We don’t insist/make/shame our kids into studying God’s word and/or praying. I honestly think our kids just see how important and effective it is for us to study the Bible, pray and live in peace, that they want a piece of that too. We also go to an amazing church that encourages kids to read their Bibles each day too.
4: Hi, my name is Shay and I don’t really love “praise and worship” music. I love Jesus…I don’t really love the radio stations that play contemporary Christian music all day long. I’m sorry. Again, I do love Jesus though. When Smith was about three, he could sing an entire Katy Perry song. I was so proud. And frightened. Clearly, what I was listening to in the car was getting into my baby’s head, so I better start filling it up with the Lord. I try really hard to play those contemporary Christian radio stations in my car as I’m driving my kids around because they do prompt SO MANY GREAT CONVERSATIONS. I also love how my kids can sing the lyrics to almost all of the songs. It is a special, special time that I’m hoping is making a forever difference in their life. (FYI: as soon as they exit the car, I do change the station to something else 😉 )
5: We stopped turning on the TV in our house before school a few years ago, and that’s helped out so much. My kids are so much more calm, the house is quiet, they accomplish so much without the distraction of the TV, basically everything is better with the TV off. EVERYTHING. I cannot stress how much this has helped our mornings.
So, there’s a little look at our kiddos’ quiet times and routine. Here are some of the references that have helped us over the years…
If your girl is creative, she’ll love this devotional!
Smith completed this one and loved it!
This is the Bible we bought for Kensington (in 2016) and Ashby (this year), and they love it!
This is the Bible that Smith and I both use. It’s always the one I recommend!
I’ve worked through this The One Year Bible two years and love it!! If you’ve ever wanted to read the Bible from beginning to end, this is what I suggest!
Here’s the YouVersion app that we love 🙂 .
Every holiday season, I like to do an Advent-style study, and this year, I’m going to do this one! I will begin Our Hope Has Come right around Thanksgiving, so if you want to join me and do it too, I would love that!!!
And finally, you’ve seen me talk about this Prayer Journal for Women approximately 400 times. I love it. I’ve gifted this to so many people! I think you’ll love it too!
Whew! So, thoughts? Ideas? Tips? Suggestions? I’m all ears, friends! I love that this community can come together and encourage each other to create homes where Jesus comes first!! xx
Dawn Timmons says
More things are caught than taught! ?
Your kids are watching and “catching” on. Well done, Shay and Andrew! I will pray WITH you that it will continue and others will be inspired to lead by example too.
Erika Slaughter says
I just ordered Lifeway’s newest Advent this week! I’ll be doing it too!
Elspethb says
This was such an informative post! I love reading about daily habits and routines!
Natasha says
One thing our church does, which I love, is that when kids start Jr Youth, Bibles are purchased for each child. Then everyone at church has an opportunity to highlight their favourite verse and write a short note to the youth. My son got his this past year and it is so cool to see what verses and encouragement, people chose to share with him. When I know the kids well, I pick a verse specifically for them.
Speaking of modelling behaviour, I think it’s really important that if churches have a giving time, that you give physically and not just through an e-transfer. Our kids KNOW we think giving to the church is important because they deposit the cheque in the offering plate for us every week, and they’ve seen us doing it (and have been a part of it) for years.
Doreen says
Our church gives bibles to 3rd & 7th graders. We do the same thing, highlight your favorite verse and make a note. When my granddaughter received her Bible she spent days going through it to see what verses were important to others.
Kara says
I love this post, thank you! ❤️ I have 2, 5, and 7 year old kiddos so I am working on trying to incorporate quiet time but it’s tough! The beautiful chaos of life right now seems to not lend that extra 15 minutes? thanks for the good tips!!
Sarah Anikpo says
This is beautiful, Shay! Thanks to much for sharing. What a joy to send your littles out into this pretty scary world with the actual words of God hidden in their hearts. I also love that you and Andrew share the same family history. So much evidence that His promises to children and children’s children are true in your family. Thanks so much for your boldness in Christ to your big audience of women! My husband, Yed, is a native of the Ivory Coast. His business, Lyfebooks, makes beautiful Bible journals for women and this is his passion and ministry. He is near release of “The Perfect Sermon Notebook”. You can see his products on Amazon now or at Lyfebooks.com. I think your readers would love to see you feature his products/hear his testimony…it doesn’t hurt that he’s easy on the eyes like Andrew and Tab ? I’m sure Yed can figure out a financial incentive, but featuring diversity on your beautiful blog for your black Christian readers could go a long way. The quality he puts into his products is second to none. Thanks for reading and for entertaining me every morning!
Jane Lemoine says
This is such an impactful post! Thank you! Great reminder that our littles are ALWAYS watching!
Sarah Anikpo says
Sorry…it’s lyfebooks.co to view his products! About 1300 5 star reviews on his website and rapidly growing 5 star reviews since Amazon launch a few weeks ago.
Amanda wilson says
I loved this blog post!!
Lisa says
I’m not a fan of contemporary Christian stations either. I love Jesus but it’s just not my thing. And I also didn’t want to listen to whatever with kids in car so we found Spotify playlists for Childrens church songs and my kids love it. We listen to Lifeway kids channel, inspiration for kids, and this is yancy.
Lynn says
I recommend this: https://studybibleforwomen.com/
I also recommend these: https://store.faithgateway.com/collections/journal-the-word-bibles
Merideth says
Thanks for the suggestions! We also love the Bible for Kids challenge edition that the One Year Bible folks put out. It gives them a page of Scripture from the New Testament and then a snippet from the Old Testament as well as a short thinking part that ties the two together. A very quick but impactful way to start my boys’ days when we’re on our game! I actually have an hour drive to work each morning, so I listen to the One Year Bible on Audible.
Lisa D says
Going to look at ‘Doodle Devotions for Girls’ for my 8 year old granddaughter. Thanks so much for sharing your family’s quiet time routine.
Libby says
YES! YES! YES! Turn the TV off in the morning. It makes a huge difference in the morning routine.
Alisa Zimmerman says
I’m with Kensington! I felt kinda guilty about not having morning quiet times until a professor shared tips on having quiet time including “choose a time to be alert.” As long as we’re consistently spending time with Jesus, the time of day doesn’t matter. We all function better at different times.
Ginger says
Great post! Thank you so much for taking the time to document!
Sheaffer Sims says
Beautiful post with some great tips!
Mary says
Yes, I love this, Shay! Nothing brings a bigger smile to my heart than walking by my son’s room in the morning and seeing him reading his Bible. ? “The Ultimate Boys’ Book of Devotions” by Ed Strauss is a great one for his age (11yrs).
Christy says
I absolutely love blog posts just like this!!! Also a great reminder that our kids are always watching!! That’s how they learn best. ❤️ Have a great day!!!
Tracy W Doubts says
Wonderful blog post Shay, thank you. My kids are all grown and gone, this post certainly gives me great ideas for my grandchildren. By the way…….loved, loved Tuesday’s Bestie Breakdown with Tab and Andrew.
Erin Smith says
Love this post and these ideas. Thank you!
Michele says
Quick question. Does your church have children’s church or are all the kids in big church every Sunday? We have a children’s church up until middle school and then for middle and high school it’s Sunday school and “big” church. I was just wondering. I’ve worked in Children’s church most of my life and I think it’s such a wonderful part of the church . NO JUDGEMENT at all regarding your church, I’m just curious how different churches handle their kids ministry. Also, you and Andrew continually amaze me as parents. I don’t have children but if I did I would certainly try and model my home after you and Andrew. Have a great day Shay!
Mix and Match Mama says
Our church has children’s church (with a short message and some songs) while we’re in Sunday school (as adults) and then they go back to their Sunday school classes for a snack/craft/to elaborate on what they heard in Children’s church. If they’re kindergarten or younger, they can stay both hours and continue the fun, but 1st grade and up only stays one hour (and then goes home or can attend “big church” with their parents).
Jennifer says
Just last night I was looking at devotions or A Bible study for my 9 year old! When I saw the title of your post I knew it was God’s timing to pick one so she can start! Thank you!
Rhonda Nichols says
Those pictures of Ashby reading her Bible. Precious
Victoria Pena says
This was so good! Have you ever thought about leading a women’s Bible study for your online community? I would love to be a part of that, if so!
Brittany Nason says
A resource I’d like to recommend is the “God’s Big Story” podcast. I listen to it with my 5 year old on the way to school. He LOVES it and has learned so much.
Megan Bowen says
Thank you for sharing this. Our family is diligent in our faith through church, the lives we live and prayer but not great on studying the bible individually. I have tried studying the bible many times but have always been overwhelmed and never found a good fit. I am excited to explore your resources to try and find something that might work for me individually or our family together.
Meredith says
100% agree on no tv in the morning, makes such a HUGE difference. For small kids we don’t even do TV after 4pm most days. I learned that during many deployments, it just isn’t productive and makes the kids crazier. Send them outside!
Darcy says
Thank you for such an encouraging and thoughtful post. I enjoyed reading “Loving My Actual Christmas” by Alexandra Kuykendall during the Advent season last year based on your recommendation and look forward to now picking up “Our Hope has Come”. So appreciate your recommendations and sharing such an inspiring and authentic post.
Laura says
YouVersion is great. My husband has written a 30 plan on Legacy Leadership that many people have loved.
Rachel Shafer says
Love this post! You are both doing an awesome job leading by example. I have 2 devotionals on the YouVersion Bible app – One is titled “Expect God” (based on the book you endorsed for me :)). And the other is titled “Tune My Heart.” Just thought I’d share if anyone is looking for a place to start.
Michelle says
Literally laughed out loud at the part about cussing out the dogs and making the kids cry/yelling. So relatable.
Ramona Puckett says
Thank you so much! You gave us a lot of great information and it was such a great post! Thank you ?? ♥️
Heather says
Do you have any suggestions for 14 year old boys?
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve heard this one is good!
Bethany says
Loved this post!❤️I love the Dwell app. You do have to pay for it, but you can choose different voices to read scripture. Great for when you want to pick a particular verse or it’ll read specifically grouped scriptures for certain themes, if that makes sense. I love it! Also, I love She Reads Truth. They always have a beautiful Advent book at Christmas! Thanks for sharing a peek into how your family “waters their roots!”
Charlotte Chibnick says
This could not have come at a more perfect time! I’ve been needing more youth-friendly bibles for my two kids, and I’ve just ordered the one you recommended that Kensington has. I also ordered two of the devotionals- one for my mom for Christmas and one for me now! Thank you so much- this was definitely the Lord working through your blog.
K. K. says
I LOVE this. All of this!! Thanks, Shay.
Stephanie Snyder says
So good! You inspired my quiet time, which I started daily last Christmas season with the same Advent study you did. I now wake up early and start my day with two devotionals and a bible study, and prayer. I listen to Today’s Top Worship pretty much all day long, and am a huge lover of worship music, but also other music too. My kids have been watching me and listening to the same music, and both boys, ages 3.5 and almost 7 have asked for bibles and know when I am doing my bible reading/quiet time, and they ask what I am writing and praying about. I hope that by watching me, they will also develop good habits, that include their own quiet time with the Word and prayer. Thank you for being such an inspirational Christian role model.
Allison says
I don’t love the Christian radio stations or a lot of the contemporary Christian songs and my husband is a pastor ? I would HIGHLY recommend listening to Cityalight! Their songs are so worshipful and better than anything on the radio.
Kacy M says
I use the “Cultivate What Matters” journals! Different colored/each have a theme/Bible based/beautifully made quiet time books.
Debbie Hibbert says
Thank you for this post today, Shay! I found it so encouraging, and so full of great stuff, that I actually read through it twice! I’ve added the girls Bible and doodle devotional to my Amazon cart … both will be excellent Christmas gifts for my 9 year old niece. I’ve prayed for your family today, I’m so glad you KNOW that your Mimi is with Jesus today.❤
Aimee Keiffer says
These were such great ideas. Thank you!! Also, I love love love Jesus but don’t always love the contemporary Christian music stations either. Jesus is my jam but some of those songs just aren’t. ? I love to listen to the Hillsong Young and Free station on Pandora and have even created my own playlist of some of my favorite worship songs on my Amazon music app. Some of the songs are recorded live and you can truly feel the Presence of the Lord just coming through my radio into my car. My kids have learned the words to many of my favorite songs and we even sing some during our church service. They get so excited when they recognize one from church earlier in the week. ? I do too! ? Maybe y’all would enjoy that station too and find some songs that prompt your very own hands raised, voices loud worship services in your car. I’ve been amazed at how encouraged I stay throughout the day when I listen to my worship playlist. I’m so excited to see another family raising their kids by example to love Jesus and seek His influence in their daily lives. The world needs the next generation to spread His hope and love too! ?
Marie says
Good for you, girl! Of all the things you post, these posts that glorify Jesus are the best!!
Have you checked out Maverick City Music? Not poppy sounding. And soooo anointed.
Julie says
Shay, I just want to tell you that because of you and your suggestion of that One Year Bible a few years ago, I bought it. It basically sat around in my house with good intentions but not much reading. BUT, this past January 1st, I looked over, there it sat beside me, and I said hey-it’s January 1st, I think I’ll start reading it-perfect day to start. I committed to it, made it a goal I determined to stick to, and here we are in mid-October. I am over 3/4 of the way through the Bible! I have grown so much in my faith and it has been a joy and life-changing for me. I want to say a big THANK YOU-I wouldn’t have done this without your faith posts and the recommendation. I recently also ordered the women’s prayer journal. That’s another ball-game..finding it hard to dig deep and write my most personal thoughts on paper. But going to work on it. Love your blog and read daily even though I don’t often comment! ❤️☺️
Laura m says
This post was so helpful! My husband and I also do our quiet times early before our kids are up, so they never see it. I love the idea of leaving my prayer journal or Bible out on the counter!! We just started “family worship.” We aim for 3 nights a week- we take turns singing a song, reading a kids devotional, praying and learning a verse together. (We serve overseas and don’t have real access to church at this time.) It takes us about 15 minutes. I’m surprised that my 4 year old is the best at memorizing scripture. ?
Addison says
This is so encouraging! What a great example you are setting for your kids. I am currently loving the Bible Recap!
Liz says
This is amazing! Lead by example is where it’s at! Love reading your blog since you brought Ashby home the first time! Can’t believe time has gone this fast!
Thank you for your sweet and inspirational blog!
Dana P says
I love this! So many thoughts, but first of all, just wanted to say I’m praying for you. Even though you had a wonderful, long journey with your Mimi, it still hurts so much to lose someone who is such an important part of our lives. I pray you find the comfort of Christ while you guys grieve and look forward to when you will see her again. ?
2. I started taking notes at church several years ago because my mind wanders so much! I cannot tell you what joy it brings me to see my big girls doing the same, completely unprompted.
3. I feel the same about contemporary Christian music for the most part. But there are some really good, powerful songs from Shane and Shane, City Alight, Sovereign Grace Music, and Andrew Peterson. I love to listen to those when we’re getting ready in the morning. But now you’ve gotten me hooked on standards the rest of the day, too! And I’ve been throwing in a little autumn jazz lately. When did I turn into this little old lady?! ??
Praying for you, Shay. ?
Jennibell says
So, interestingly, my 20 year old daughter and I had this conversation yesterday. I asked her how she stays connected to the Lord at school. She told me it is through podcasts. She is a runner and so that is when she listens to sermons from some of her favorite pastors. She told me she listens to Sadie Robinson‘s podcast, apparently Liberty University has a podcast, RUF, and many more. I asked her to share some links with me and will try to make a point of listening to some of the same ones she does so we can have conversations about it when we had the opportunity to see one another.
Brooke Carson says
I have found a great way to begin getting into God’s word with our 8 yo daughter is to Bible journal. She has a special note book that she uses so they are all together. We chose a scripture and draw what in might mean to us or how we see it using art supplies. It is something we can do together, discuss as we draw, and allows for her to be creative. It’s also great for memorizing scripture! And, often we draw different pictures, so it opens up conversation. We may add prayers or a story on the back of the page. The journals have become a keepsake for us and we can look back on our journey.
Amy R says
I love everything about this post! Thank you for sharing so many facets of your life so openly and honestly. It makes you and your family so relatable.
Rachel Kazmier says
Being fellow travel lover myself May I suggest putting this on your tv in the morning during quiet time? I keep them going ALL DAY LONG in my classroom. YouTube: the search 4K Switzerland or 4k Italy etc….it always has relaxing music and amazing scenery. Once you watch one then you’ll be directed towards all of the others!
Nicole Boivin says
Thank you so much for sharing your post on your kids quiet time routine. As well as for providing so many helpful resources for reading the bible and prayer time. This post is so helpful! I have been thinking about reading the bible myself but have not known where to start and wanted to purchase The One Year Bible that you and Smith both read. I was just wondering if it would still be a good read if I start it in Oct/Nov opposed to January, which is how the book is laid out to start? Thank you so much for your insight! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
I would start it on January 1st even if you start it another time of the year. You DO NOT have to follow the actual calendar, but I would follow the dates and go in order from the beginning. I hope you love it too!
Brittany says
Love this post! Thank you for sharing! I have a TV question… we have gotten into the bad habit of allowing one show in the morning (started bc I am not a morning person and wanted something to occupy them while I got going). Do you have any tips for breaking that habit? How do I make it seem like it’s not a punishment because then I worry they’ll resent God if I’m trying to have a quiet time replace that show.
Mix and Match Mama says
I think the best way is cold turkey. You won’t be their favorite person for a hot minute, but in my opinion, it’s the easiest/fastest and most effective way of doing it. Good luck!!!
Allie says
Love this! Thank you! Any suggestions for a seven year old boy? I would really like for him to do a devotional in the morning but it has to be engaging and quick because our mornings are short (bus comes at 7:20)! Nighttime just won’t work as well–we are all tired and worn out and I want his mornings to start with intention. Would love suggestions. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Sarah Young has a Jesus Calling for kids. I think that devotional would be a great place to start!
Tara G. says
Kay Arthur has great studies for kids- start with the “How to…” These are also very good for new believers.