Awwww! It’s Thursday!
I was ready for Thursday 🙂 .
Lately, I have had more and more questions about what my daily quiet time looks like. I did a post six years ago that I still love and reference when I talk about my morning time with Jesus, but because of the number of new inquiries, I thought I’d share my thoughts and resources again for any of you who are wanting to learn more about what my time looks like.
My routine has looked the same for pretty much the last 25 years. I started having a daily and consistent quiet time (that’s what I call it but you can call it something else) when I was 15, and it’s continued today. I think just like all good things that you need to do every day (drink water, exercise, eat your veggies) it takes discipline and consistency to become “just a way of life”. I don’t think you can go from doing nothing to something and expect to have the same routine that I do. I do it every single day because it’s just like drinking my coffee and brushing my teeth, it’s something I’ve always done and now, always happens.
I love to have my quiet time first thing in the morning because it starts my day off on the right foot, I have fewer distractions first thing in the morning (the kids are asleep, my phone isn’t ringing or beeping) and because it sets the tone for my entire day. So, I have mine right away.
Here’s what I do…
1: I like to always start by reading God’s word.
For me, reading the Bible is so important for my quiet time. I love devotionals (Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling is my favorite), but actually opening up God’s word and reading the Bible, studying it and how it applies to me, memorizing scripture and meditating on the verses is a must for me. There are so many ways to do this, but often, I think people quit/don’t enjoy it/ don’t remember it because they’re not doing it in an organized fashion. I need some sort of outline or Bible study to keep me on task and organized.
For two years in a row, I did the One Year Study Bible. It’s broken up into daily readings (one Old Testament, one New, a Psalm and a Proverb). If you were to get that Bible right now, I would start with January 1 and go from there no matter what day it is.
Another way I do my Bible reading is through Bible studies. I feel like I’m the queen of Bible studies because I always, always have one going. I’ve done so many over the years by so many amazing authors, but Beth Moore has always been my favorite. Her studies are typically around 10 weeks long (but do them at your own pace, don’t feel pressured to rush through them) and always have a video that goes along with them. I rent the videos off of Lifeway’s site when I need to watch one (one video plus five daily lessons makes up one week). I seriously think I’ve done every study she’s ever written (many twice!), but when asked which one someone should start with, I always say Breaking Free.
2: I spend time in prayer
I personally love to write down my prayer requests. I have spiral notebooks where I write them down and then can go back later and cross things off, add to them, and change them up. I think once you start writing down what you’re praying about, it becomes even easier to see how God is answering prayers all the time (BECAUSE HE IS!!). It also helps keep your thoughts and prayer organized (for instance, I have one page dedicated to people I know with cancer, one page dedicated to people I know who have lost their jobs/had a really hard time with Covid, etc). I have a page for each kid, a page for Andrew and our marriage…it’s all very organized (hello, me!) but helps keep me focused as I pray, more intentional with my prayers and organized with my thoughts. I have a page for YOU guys too (because I love praying for this community!), so there are a lot of ways you can organize your spiral. I just think no matter how long you’ve had a prayer life, it’s great to keep them documented.
A few other things people have asked, this right here…
…is my favorite Bible app. I love to read the Life Application Study Bible in the NLT (that’s the actual physical Bible I read), but I use my Bible app so much too! There are so many things you can do on there: daily verses, free Bible studies and videos, plus, every translation of the Bible in multiple languages is available too. You can “highlight” and make notes, share your thoughts…seriously, the app is AMAZING!
My little girls don’t have a set “quiet time” yet. We pray together several times throughout the day and talk about God and how much He loves them, helps them, is there for them many times throughout the day too, but at this point, I think they’re too young to sit down and have an official quiet time. My big kids however, are already having them daily and what has helped are some really great devotionals geared for kids…
…Smith has been using this one and Kensington…
…has been using this one. There are so many specifically for kids, pre-teens and teens and that has really helped my kids get excited about waking up every morning to dig into God’s word.
Okay, I think that about covers it! If you have other ideas and resources for a daily quiet time, I’d love to hear them! Also, if you want to read more about my faith and what it means to me, you can always check out this post HERE or email me at For me, there is no better way to spend a few minutes of my day than with the Lord.
Taylor says
I love this post Shay. Have you ever done any Lysa Teurkerst studies? She has a lot of great ones. Her book Uninvited is a favorite of mine. Also, I love that you raise your kids to know & love Jesus. My parents aren’t perfect but they instilled strong faith values in my sister and me from the very beginning and I’m so glad they did.
Mix and Match Mama says
I have! I enjoy her books and studies too!
Ahna @ Hammers N Hugs says
Love this post. When I was 7 I asked my dad how I could know that Jesus was actually real. He told me that I should start asking Jesus to answer prayers in such a way that could only happen if He showed up. Well, I did. And He did. Ever since then I have kept a prayer journal. I now have a huge box filled with notebooks of my conversations with the Lord for the last 27 years that are the greatest testament to His presence in my life. How He used that sweet Ashby to lead us to adoption and our journey since fills some of the more recent pages ;-). Being a woman who spends her morning with God is a legacy that you will pass down to your children and even grandchildren. Ah . . . this post makes me so happy. XO Happy Thursday!
Erika Slaughter says
I always set aside time in the morning too and having extra time because I’m not immediately going somewhere else has been the biggest blessing during the last seven weeks.
Amy says
Yes, yes, yes, to reading the actual bible. I think we as women especially can sometimes believe the lie that we are not smart enough or whatever enough to understand the Bible, so we settle for what someone else says about it, or read a one verse devotional and call it a day. We are capable! We can understand and lear from actual scripture!
I also highly recommend using Jen Wilkin’s bible studies. She does such a great job of helping women read and learn from the Word and truly is such an amazing bible scholar.
Also, the prayer journal from Val Marie Paper has been a game changer for me the last few years. It helps you organize your prayer requests by topic (family, friends, world, community, etc) and at the end of every month you reflect on how God has answered your prayers. It’s splice an amazing thing to look back and see God’s faithfulness to answer the things you are praying for and such an encouragement to continue in prayer.
Alissa says
I can attest to Jen Wilkin! She goes to my church and I am blessed to be able to attend her studies in person. She is a phenomenal teacher of The Word and I always walk away from her studies feeling like I have a better understanding of The Word and who God is! You won’t be disappointed in her studies, Shay!
Emily says
I second Jen Wilkin’s studies! She focuses on “Bible literacy” and her studies have truly changed the way I read scripture. She’s fantastic and her studies are wonderful – I personally loved her 1 Peter study and both Genesis studies.
Beck says
“Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.”
I love this post. Thank you for always pointing to Jesus. You exemplify Proverbs 31 and are a wonderful example to so many of us.
Kerrie Hofstad says
I love this, Shay! I have been wanting to start my days like this so bad but I have to leave my house by 6am to be at work by 6:30 and that’s always my excuse. I’m going to HAVE to make this work, though. Thank you for the encouragement!
Em says
Fabulous post! Thank you for sharing your faith and inspiring us all. What a great opportunity you use to take this platform to share The Word and your faith always so openly. Thank you for being a light to us all!!
Tracy says
So inspiring.
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
I love that you set out time to reflect and think! I think we should all do that, whether or not we have a faith. 🙂
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Dana says
I would also add Look at the Book by John Piper. He takes sections of Scripture and explains them while writing little notes in the margins. I watch it on YouTube and think it’s really helpful. It keeps my brain busy looking at the verse and hearing him read/explain it so that it doesn’t wander. 🙂
Maria T says
Hi Shay. Love reading you blog! How long is your usual quiet time? And do you do it when you are traveling?
Mix and Match Mama says
At home it can be anywhere from 20 minutes to 45…on vacations, it’s more condensed and I use the app instead of bringing everything else with me.
Laura Drury says
those pictures of Smith and Kensington studying God’s word are precious!
Bethany S says
One of my most favorite habits I have picked up from you! Life changer!
Debbie says
Thank you for this post! It’s probably one of my favorites you’ve done. I’m going to order Breaking Free!
Tracy Doubts says
Thank you for this post Shay. I love your idea of writing down your prayer request. I think that will be very helpful.
Joy says
I loved this post! Every morning I have my bible time with devotional and prayer before the kids get up. It really does set the tone for my day. Thank you for the pre teen recommendation! I’m definitely going to look into this for my 9 and 11 year old girls.
Danielle says
Great timing Shay! I just searched for the old quiet time post last week to see what version of the Bible you read and get some ideas. Thank you!
jamie says
SHAY! i loved all this information. yes— i’ve read your quiet time ideas in the past but i don’t recall you mentioning renting the video for beth moore’s bible studies. i love that genius idea. i just bought jamie ivey’s {your story matters} bible study. i haven’t started it yet ??♀️ i need to! and just as i was wondering “i wonder if shay’s kids have a quiet time, you answered that question! i have two devotionals that i’ve read through with my son that we love. i’ll get you those titles later, i highly recommend them!
Mix and Match Mama says
Just got them!! Thank YOU!!
Amie says
I think this COVID time, more than ever, has made us realize how busy we make ourselves and how we don’t spend enough time doing the things, like this, that are really the very most important. Beth Moore is one of my favorites as well. Thank you Shaye!
Amie says
So sorry I threw an ‘e’ in there..Shay
jamie says
one god, one plan, one life {max lucado}
triple dog dare {jeremy v. jones}
jamie says
HAHA did i reply with these book titles on someone else’s comment instead of my own ??♀️??♀️ how’d that happen?!?
Jamie K Needham says
Do you have some examples of what Andrew does in quiet time? Devotionals, books, etc? I know you’ve shared his routine before – but super helfpul for father’s day gifts, etc!!
Mix and Match Mama says
He has been reading the Bible through but instead of using the physical Bible like I have in the past, he reads through it on that YouVersion Bible app. They have a “one year Bible” study called 365 Reading (I think that’s what it’s called) that you can use. He has done through several years in a row.
Beth Valenta says
I love Jesus Calling as well. It sets up my thoughts for the day and who I am praying for. I am such a list maker that I love the idea of logging who I need to remember. Going to start that and be more intentional.
Natalie says
I have been doing the one year bible with Tara Leigh Cobble and listening to the daily podcast with it. First, it is chronological order, which I love. And I have learned a lot from the podcast about the Bible and I considered myself a pretty seasoned Christian before I started it. Check it out!
Julie says
Love seeing your kiddos in the word!! I struggle with doing mine when the kids are sleeping or when I am on break at work so my kids don’t see me in the word. I kind of hate that. They know I do of course but I wish they could see it more. I have a prayer binder that has a section for each kid, husband, myself, family, church family, friends, along with sections on favorite quotes, sermon notes that stood out that I don’t want to forget, etc. I love being able to highlight and write down dates where God has answered prayers for either myself or others. Sometimes of course he doesn’t answer the way we hope but that is where our Faith steps in and we remember He knows and does what is best. Thank you for sharing!
Anna says
Loved this post and would love to start a similar routine! This might be a beyond dumb question, but I have never really had a prayer practice before, so I’m curious: How, exactly, do you pray? Like, what do you say in your prayer? That has strangely been such a barrier for me getting started!
Mix and Match Mama says
I think that’s a great question! In the Bible, Jesus gives us the basic outline for prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. He says to start with recognizing who God is, give Him thanks (acknowledge and praise Him for being God), then present your requests (things you’re praying about) followed with asking for forgiveness (things you have messed up/done wrong/wish to do better) and ask Him to go forth with you during the rest of your day. This all sounds so formal, but your relationship with God can (and should!) be personal, so I think it’s okay to just “talk” to Him. Tell Him your heart and ask Him to speak to you throughout the day. I pray constantly. I sit down and pray over people in the morning, but geez, I throw up 10 second prayers all day long. I really feel like I’m always communicating with him even if it’s not in a “formal” way every time.
Julie says
Thank you Anna, for asking this question, and thanks Shay for your response. I just posted a separate comment asking you if you would consider doing a whole post on prayer. I think it would be awesome!
jamie says
i AGREE— i’m talking to God all the live long day. your response to this question is such a beautiful reminder! thank you.
Paige E says
Hi Shay, thanks for sharing. Any tips on how to get your kids started? I have two boys, 14 and 10, and especially since we aren’t attending church right now, I’ve struggled keeping our spiritual lives healthy. My boys don’t care for reading. I’d love to encourage them to have a more personal relationship with Jesus. Any tips are appreciated!
Mix and Match Mama says
I personally don’t like to push my kids. I set the example by doing it myself and then try to provide resources for them based on their personalities. Smith’s devotional has a lot of sports references and K’s has places every day to “doodle”…both speak to them. If your kids are into podcasts, I might start there! If they’re into watching videos, Youtube has so many for kids and faith. I wouldn’t push, I would just make sure you’re giving them options that fit who they are.
Elspeth says
I love this! Always trying to make more time for Jesus in my life and I love reading about how you make it a priority in your life.
Sandra says
I’m not a super believer, but as I get older I think about life and g-d more. Can I ask that you add my daughter to your prayer list…..she is going in for her 5th EEG to see if she is still having seizures. My mom heart breaks that I can’t do anything to help her other than be there for her. Do you know of any bible(Torah) studies for Jewish women?
Mix and Match Mama says
I am adding her to my list RIGHT NOW! I am so sorry you are both going through this! The Old Testament is actually my favorite part of the Bible (I mean, I love it all but I really get excited studying the OT). The first three ladies that popped into my head were Hannah, Rebecca and Esther. All three had to have faith in God working through very hard events in their lives.
Debbie says
Wonderful, encouraging post! One highlight of this lockdown has been more time for quiet time! I’m thankful for that!
Grace says
I’ve been a fan of your blog for years but this is the first time I have felt called to comment. I recently started a new job and with that came the opportunity for a new routine. These past couple of weeks I’ve fit in my quiet time when I could, but I never made it a priority. I’ve told myself I was going to, but just never have. Opening your blog post up today was certainly a nudge from the Lord to carve out this time. Thank you so much for allowing Him to speak through you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Well God bless YOU, Grace! I’m so happy the Lord spoke to your heart this morning.
Amy Baker says
Loved this Shay! I have a quick question – I feel like you discussed highlighters you use with your bible that do not bleed thru? Maybe my memory is serving me wrong? My husband has been highlighting his bible and I told him I would ask LOL! 🙂 Thank you for your time Shay! Your blog makes my day!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve used pens (not highlighters) from Amazon, but for the most part, I use whatever is in my hand/near me and it bleeds a bit.
Jill says
Do you have any favorite bible verses?? Mine is Isaiah 41:13
Mix and Match Mama says
My very favorite is Jeremiah 29:11 🙂 .
Mary says
Same!! Jeremiah 29:11 was on a pillow staged in the house we now live in? He loves to guide us.
Laura W says
Okay this is for those who are always go on the go – The Echo Prayer App (it’s green).
This prayer app has you Track prayers and you can assign reminders throughout the day or week to remind you to pray for something/someone. You can also join groups or share a prayer request with a friend.
My favorite part is once your prayer has been answered you can move it to the answered list and it’s SO COOL to go back and see how the Lord has worked in your life.
I also really love it because when I’m out and about and I tell someone I am going to pray for them, I am actually able to jot it down in my app and then it will remind me about it. I feel more intentional about praying for others that way.
Mix and Match Mama says
Andrew uses that with his group of guy friends!!! YES!
Kelly says
Thanks for sharing. A great reminder to us that we need to be in the word every day. Your blog and Insta has been a bright spot during the quarantine. I appreciate you so much.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Kelly!
julie says
I love that you do this! I have been so inspired by your blog and your morning routines. On the few days I was ever able to get up early and exercise, meditate, etc before the kids were up, I had the BEST day ever. Unfortunately I’m naturally a late sleeper and night owl, so it takes some work to get me up early :). Do you ever meditate? I started a few years ago and now begin each day with ten minutes. I actually love the Peloton mediation app. Thanks for praying for us! I love coming to your blog each morning to start my day with a community of like-minded positive people 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I do sometimes! I’m meditating on scripture I’ve read or prayers I’m focusing on (especially when I’m specifically asking God to do big things like heal people I know who are very ill).
Tiffany Buhr says
Would you mind sharing if you have any sort of system for underling/highlighting/marking up your Bible..or if typically you just make your notes in the Bible Study guides themselves?
Mix and Match Mama says
I don’t have a system, but I almost always use a pen and underline things and/or write notes in the margin, and then sometimes I highlight too. I love to write notes in my Bible and then put the date next to it bc it’s neat to read it later and see how God has used that scripture over time in my life.
Debbra Weber says
LOVE this post! I would love to hear from anyone who has suggestions on bible studies for high school (16) and college aged guys (19). I have introduced my boys to Rick Warren’s bible studies but was wondering if anyone out there has other suggestions.
Tiffany Buhr says
I am super interested in knowing this as well! Thanks for asking!
Lori says
I love this habit I picked up from you years ago! It makes my days so better when I have my quiet time with Jesus! I always go back to Jesus Calling. It was a great recommendation & I have gifted it too many times to count. Thank you, Shay!❤️
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so happy to hear that, Lori!!
Robin says
I woke up this morning with “Give me Jesus” in my head – loved opening this post and seeing it here too! I always start my day with Tim Keller’s “Songs of Jesus” on the Psalms to prime the pump – bite-sized pieces of gold 🙂 I love Beth Moore studies but lately have felt the Lord calling me to try sticking with just the Bible as my text, so I’ve been trying to step out more in that too. Reading Jen Wilkin’s book “Women of the Word” has been a game changer for giving me practical tools to study the Bible on my own. I highly recommend it!
Our big kids have been using Indescribable by Louie Giglio (my almost 10 year old boy) and Love Does for Kids (my 8 year old girl) – they LOVE these as well as Thoughts To Make Your Heart Sing by Sally Lloyd Jones. My 5 year old sees everyone else having their QT and doesn’t want to be left out, so she looks at the pictures of one of our children’s bibles (she especially loves The Beginner’s Gospel Story Bible and the Jesus Storybook Bible). I love this peaceful start to our mornings. Thanks for praying for us!! I love that!
Betsy says
Thank you for sharing your quiet time with the Lord! I started this a few years back and it has made such a difference in my life. Starting the morning with my devotions and praying each day on the way to work ( before Covid) really helps me meet the challenges of my day. My daughter who is also a teacher does the same.
Carrie says
Have you heard of the Bible project? It’s a great one for families!! They’re on YouTube, Instagram and have a podcast now. Also, did you guys watch The Chosen series? You can find it on YouTube. It’s kind of historical fiction that takes scripture and the creator imagines the gaps, really bringing the gospels to life. So so good!
Mix and Match Mama says
I haven’t!! Thank you!!
Leslie S says
I love this post SO much!!. Thank you for being true to your faith and being brave in consistently sharing God on your blog. Thanks for the kids devotions suggestions! Checking those out now. My 7 year old son is doing Indescribable by Louis Giglio with my oldest daughter (10) and he loves the ties to science. Thank you for posting about renting the Bible study videos! I’m definitely going to try those!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I love Louis Giglio!!
Karen Cochran says
Where can I find the one year bible study with Tara?
Mix and Match Mama says
With YouVersion? You can search that as one of their studies in the search bar!
Vicki says
It’s The Bible Recap with Tara-Leigh Cobble 🙂
Tracy says
Love this! I sometime struggle with daily quiet time (just being real!). Joining with other women in Bible study groups helps me with that. Does your church have an active Women’s Ministry and are you involved there as well?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!!! I should have mentioned that! Yes, yes, yes!! Okay, so that’s what got me into Beth Moore in the first place, a woman’s Bible study group through church 16 years ago. I think that’s a great place for women to get plugged in and stay active with other Christian women. I’ve done so many over the years through my church. YES!!
Sandra Roberts says
I think it was Narci that posted on her stories once to not feel guilty if you miss a day – and I have never heard anyone say that before, but it totally made me realize to not beat myself up if I forget. I just get back into the groove the next day. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Mix and Match Mama says
100%! I think the same thing about exercise too. You can’t be too hard on yourself. You have to show even yourself grace.
Stef says
How long do the Beth Moore studies take you each day? Do you get the bundle of videos from Lifeway or rent each one individually?
Mix and Match Mama says
I rent them individually when I’m ready to watch. I would say that sometimes, I can do an entire “day” in 30 minutes and then other times, I split them up and it can take me 2 or 3 days to do one “day” because I will open my commentaries are really dig in instead of trying to just finish.
Julie says
Love this post!! Thank you so much for sharing your faith and how you do things. Like you, I have to do it in some sort of organized fashion or I just sit there and my mind it off in 20 different directions! I was raised as, and have always considered myself a Christian, but it wasn’t until I started reading your blog about 5 years ago that I really got into Bible study and prayer. You inspired me! I do have one request for the future…would love it if you did a post strictly on prayer. You answered some of my questions in this post, but I think a lot of people have the same questions that I do. Do you just keep adding to the lists? How do you know when to take people off? How do you know how much time to devote to different people on the list (to pray for everyone on my list would take forever, but I don’t know how to decide how to divvy if up, it that makes sense). Anything else you can add would be SO appreciated. I have been meaning to request this, and this post today was so timely. Thank you!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes, I can! I clearly am no expert on prayer, but I could elaborate a bit more on my specific prayer life.
Julie says
Thank you! That would be awesome! And BTW, yesterday was my first time commenting in all these years, so clearly, I love your posts about quiet time, prayer, etc. I think you are such a leader and set such a great example for readers of all ages. So thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU, Julie!!! xo
Meredith says
I love the blue letter bible ap and online version. I have been doing a group study where there is no formal plan. We just read a chapter, study and meditate on it and do our own independent digging deep then as a group discuss verse by verse what we loved, learned etc. BLB has tons of text references, commentaries, etc. it’s a great for reference
Em says
I love reading this post, Shay! As I shared on Instagram, Andrew’s SOS method has been so helpful for me the last few days, too. I use my Write the Word journal most days (, which helps me get right into scripture. Your kiddos might like the WTW Kids version, too – I’m excited for my 4-year-old to be a few years older so she can try it!! ( Thanks for all you share! 🙂
Debbie Hibbert says
What a great post, Shay!! I had no idea that you could rent Bible study videos from Lifeway … thank you for sharing that. I went to their site, but couldn’t find any info on how you access them – is it phone, tablet, computer, TV??? You inspire me in so many ways!♥️
Mix and Match Mama says
For instance, I’m doing Beth Moore’s A Woman’s Heart study right now, so I go to their website and search “beth moore woman’s heart session 1 rent” and it pops up all of the videos. You rent them one at a time. I believe their $5 for each rental. Checkout (like you’re buying a physical product) and then your rentals are there.
Carol w says
Love this post! I like anything from daily grace co, she reads truth, or well watered women. Tons of great resources for digging deeper into the Word and memorizing scripture ?
Tiff says
I love your idea about having a different page of your spiral for a specific prayer topic! Why didn’t I think of that before?!?!
Thanks so much for sharing this Shay. Always so encouraged by your blogs and how you unashamedly talk about Jesus.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Tiffanie!
Julie Long says
Thank you so much for always being so inspiring to me. I am going to start a prayer journal too! Take care and thank you so very much for your blog! ❤️
Louisa says
Thank you for posting this!
My husband and I both have quiet time in the morning before the kids wake up. Then we do family devotion at night before bed but we really want the kids to start having a quiet time themselves (especially our son who is 9). The devotion book Smith is using looks perfect for our Harrison!
Kathleen says
Thank you for being a light!! Your morning routines have encouraged me to get up by 4:15 every morning to have intentional time studying Scripture and taking a Systematic Theology class!
Heather says
We are watching The Chosen. It is amazing!!! I think your family would love it (especially the older kids). All of them would love episode 3….Jesus and the children.
Sheaffer Sims says
“You kept me busy kid.” I love that.
Mix and Match Mama says
Me too 🙂
Cassie Douglas says
Thanks for sharing these resources! Have you heard of The Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble? It’s a chronological reading plan and podcast and it is phenomenal. Totally life changing!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I haven’t?! Looking it up right now!
Stacy Moulton says
Jamie Ivey did a few podcasts with Tara Leigh, so so good!
Angela Ellingson says
Love this Shay! Thanks for the encouragement!! I am loving the Read Scripture app. It has super well done videos throughout the scripture reading that has really help tie the whole story of the Bible together and connect lots of dots.
Andrea J McAnally says
Such a great post, friend!
Kristal Strong says
Yes! Starting my day out with the Lord is essential for me, too! I appreciate and use the Bible app, too, but there is something sweet and intimate in holding the Word and keeping notes in my “old school Bible.” Have you ever done any Kelly Minter studies?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! I really like her too!
Mary says
I also have had a quiet time every morning for the last several years. Can you give me some tips to I can encourage my 12 year old to do this? How do you get your kids to be willing to do it without making it seem like a chore?
Mix and Match Mama says
I think it helped when I met my kids where they are. Smith’s devotional is sports related and K’s is about doodling (both things they like). If your son isn’t into reading or sitting still like that, would he listen to a podcast? Or watch a Youtube video? There are so many tween and teen ones out there for kids and their faith! I also think their quiet time can start small…even if it’s just three minutes at the beginning, that’s the start of a lifelong routine.
Bethany says
I love the Dwell app! It reads scripture but Playa music along with it. I love to have the hymns playing in the background and you can choose the voice that will read to you. Just playing the Psalms as I clean up the kitchen at night calms my heart!
Bethany says
*but plays music. Oops!
Mix and Match Mama says
Well, now I need that app!!
Rhonda says
Shay, thank you for sharing this post. Of all the ways that you can be an “influencer” I can’t think of any way that is more valuable than sharing your love for Jesus. I was so touched that you pray for all of us! I was wondering if you and Andrew have had an opportunity to go to Israel? My husband and I went with another couple from our church last November. It was more beautiful than I even imagined and I can’t wait to go back. We didn’t go on a tour. Instead we researched, had a rental car and traveled on our own. It was amazing!!! I think you and Andrew would enjoy seeing Israel that way too. The Sea of Galilee was my absolute favorite place and as for hotels (we stayed in several) you can’t beat The King David in Jerusalem. Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us in such sweet ways.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Rhonda. I love you guys! I even love the ones that comment and aren’t super sweet…I love them too and can’t imagine how much they’re hurting, so I pray for them, for you…for anyone that needs it. Israel is on our list FOR SURE!!! Andrew’s parents went a few years ago and LOVED it!
Christie says
Love this and love you and your precious family! Can you give us an example on Instagram or in your blog preferable what your prayer journal looks like?!
Mix and Match Mama says
I could make a “faux” page to share, sure!
Angela Patterson says
Oh, Shay! I just love this post and how you shine bright for Jesus!! Thank you for sharing about your quiet time. I started my first Beth Moore study over 15 years ago with ladies in my church and now, Bible studies are my favorite way to stay plugged in to God. Getting up to read the Word and spend time with Him is the BEST way for me to start my day! Would you please pray for a Bible study I’ve written? It’s in the editing stages of the publishing process. My biggest prayer request is that God will work mightily in all of the readers’ lives and draw them closer to Him! Praying for you, sweet friend! You are such a blessing! xo
Danielle says
Does your quiet time look differently when you’re on vacation or on a trip?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! I do it from my phone (there are studies on there you can easily access and then the Bible is there too), and it’s typically a bit abbreviated depending on the day.