Happy Monday, friends!
Okay, I’m starting off my week with something different that I hope you think is fun too. Andrew and I listen to The Musers on The Ticket (a Dallas sports morning radio show) every morning and they often play Top Five, Bottom Five with certain categories. We always think this is fun and discuss our own Top Five, Bottom Five of whatever the category is later that day…which typically leads to funny/heated/I can’t believe you conversations…and today, I thought we could play it too 🙂 .
On Thursday night over dinner, we were talking about our Top Five, Bottom Five MOVIES which led to a big discussion/disagreement, and I thought it would be fun to hear what you think about my picks. Now…full disclaimer, for this category, we all know that my top favorite movies are: Bridget Jones’ Diary, Something’s Gotta Give, It’s Complicated, The Holiday, When Harry Met Sally, Crazy Rich Asians, and Love Actually. I’m not including any of those “typical” Shay picks. We are talking about my TOP FIVE favorite movies that are perhaps a bit under appreciated but super fantastic and then my BOTTOM FIVE movies that so many people love that I think are overrated and not that great.
Make sense?
I, OF COURSE, want your feedback in the comment section and your Top Five, Bottom Five MOVIE selections too!! I am so curious about where you guys stand on this!
You ready?
Here we go, in reverse order here are my TOP FIVE, BOTTOM FIVE MOVIE picks…
When was the last time you watched this movie? I just love it! First of all, Brad Pitt’s acting is BRILLIANT. He plays both of his characters so well. He goes from uber adorable “typical” Brad to you know…a quirky guy so seamlessly. I love Anthony Hopkins (I always love Anthony Hopkins in any movie!), I love the set, I love the score, I love the supporting cast. I love the story…I love it all. This one here is totally in my TOP FIVE!
You guys, if this movie on on TV, I’m stopping and watching it. When was the last time you watched this one??? The cast is HUGE! Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Kieffer Sutherland, Kevin Bacon, Kevin Pollack, Demi Moore, Cuba Gooding Jr and Noah Wylie. If TOP FIVE means that I cannot not watch it if it’s on TV and/or I can quote it line for line, then this is in mine.
Go ahead and say Twelve and Thirteen too. Hi, my name is Shay and I only have one movie saved on my iPhone…and it’s this one. I love this movie. I could gush for days. The writing is so clever and witty. The characters are so nuanced. The music is fun. The setting is Vegas. If I had to name my favorite of Ocean’s 11, I don’t know that I even could?! I love Rusty and Danny’s chemistry. I love how pitiful and yet adorable Linus is. I love the Utah brothers. Andy Garcia…geez, I have a crush on him. Andrew and I flip this (or the other two) on all the time when we just want something random/easy/fun to watch. Our kids all love these movies too. Why is this the only movie saved to my phone? It’s just always a good idea 🙂 .
#2: ARGO
I mean…this movie did win the Academy Award for best motion picture, so it’s clearly not just one of my favorites, but many other people’s too, but I love Argo. I have seen this movie too many times to count and yet, I STILL GET ANXIOUS EVERY TIME I WATCH IT. Every time. Every. single. time. Anyone else? If you don’t know, this movie is based on real events, and I promise you, you will be on the edge of your seat the entire time. Everyone in the cast is phenomenal, but I have a big ole soft spot for John Goodman in particular. If it’s been awhile since you’ve seen this one, watch it tonight!
And my #1 MOVIE PICK…
#1: The Martian
Yeahhhhhh! I love this movie! Who agrees with me that this is a FUN MOVIE?! We watch this movie all the time over here! I still remember my dad calling and insisting we go see it in the theater when it first came out. I love the music (LOVE IT!), I love the entire cast, I love how smart and clever the storyline is, I love how Matt Damon does a great job of carrying so many scenes by himself while still being super entertaining, and I love the ending (it wraps up so nicely!). Love, love, love!
So, that’s my TOP FIVE…but you know, I think the scandalous part of this post might come from which movies I think are highly overrated and land in my BOTTOM FIVE…
It’s just so dumb. I like sports movies and can cry with everyone else during Rudy or cheer loudly during Hoosiers or The Blind Side, but geez, this one is lame to me. Anytime I see a “top sports movies of all time” story on the internet, I’m astonished when people name this one IN THE TOP FIVE. What? No thank you. I love me some Kevin Costner, but nooooo! I find this one slow and boring too. Plus the plot is just lame to me…and I really don’t get how it’s this big “sports movie”?! I just do not get this one’s appeal. This movie was easy to name in my bottom five.
Um, no thank you. My holiday cheer takes a nosedive anytime Andrew wants to watch this movie. I used to indulge him and sit through it with him, but now, I don’t even do that. When the pharmacist hits him in the head? What? There’s nothing wonderful about that! I think this movie is just so sad. So very sad. Why watch this when you can watch something like Christmas Vacation or The Holiday or basically any other holiday movie. I know it’s like the #1 Christmas movie of all time, but it’s a big no thank you for me. (And please, like Donna Reed wouldn’t have had a line of men waiting to marry her should Jimmy Stewart not have been around?! #yeahright)
Why? Why? Why? This is one of Andrew’ favorite movies. Talk about creepy and disturbing. I do not get the draw. Even as a child, I was like “what is happening here and why am I watching”? I mean…I’m actually kind of speechless right now over my disdain for this movie. It’s just bizarre and wrong…and weird and long. I just don’t get it. I do not get it. I’d rather watch It’s A Wonderful Life, so that’s saying something.
Don’t hate me, but this next one was the very first movie I thought of when I heard this topic because I find it highly overrated…
Yup. Is his acting brilliant? Absolutely. Is it like the longest and slowest movie of all time? Yes, it is. I swear this one is like 4 hours long. I mean…I get that the premise is good and the moral to the story is great, but the fact that I want to scratch my eyeballs out halfway through should tell you that I find this one highly overrated. It’s just so long. It’s so long and the story just keeps going and going and going and I’m just not that into it. I love me some Tom Hanks, but I find this particular movie not up to the hype.
And I’m fully prepared to be hated for my #1 BOTTOM PICK…
I don’t get it. Everyone loves this movie but me. There are a million chick movies/rom coms out there that I find waaaaaaaay more entertaining than this one. Every time I see a list of the Top 100 movies for women/romantic movies/Valentine’s Day movies/best movies this is like #1. Why? What is your appeal? I need someone to explain the appeal. Also, I think it’s pretty slow too. And a little boring. And (I’m bracing for the anger that’s about to come my way), but I don’t see the chemistry between these people at all. I don’t enjoy the ending. I don’t enjoy any of it. Why do so many of you like this one SO MUCH?! I really just don’t get it.
Ha! So, what did you think? At dinner on Friday night, Andrew and I played this with my parents and my dad and I agreed on so many…my mom and I only a few. I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on my TOP FIVE, BOTTOM FIVE and I would really, really love for you to leave yours for me to check out!
That’s it for this Monday! You guys make things so much fun. Love you all! xx
Carrie says
I’m dead. I thought I was the only person in the world who CAN NOT STAND Forrest Gump!
Mix and Match Mama says
I feel so validated right now.
Jill says
Same! Did not like this movie AT ALL and have never understood the appeal. Yay us!
Cheri says
Happy Monday! I totally agree with your bottom 5, with exception that Field of Dreams has been my son’s favorite movie since he first saw it-he’s 37 now. 😊. Did not have any desire to see the Notebook. Add The Bridges of Madison County to my bottom 5; along with Dances With Wolves-another plot that was too long.
Have not seen Argo or Martian-historically we are not big movie people; but my all time favorite is Shawshank Redemption. It just barely surpasses A Few Good Men. Enjoy your day!
Mix and Match Mama says
YES!!! Dances with Wolves was one I contemplated for my bottom five too! I do not understand its appeal at all! AND Andrew and I both said Shawshank was a good contender for Top 5! You and I are on the same page!!
Kristin says
Oh yes, I HATE Dances with Wolves!! Too long, the poor animals, I’ve only liked Costner in Silverado….
Carole says
Great topic!! We have a vacation this summer with 2 other families and we are going to play this and see how big a fight we can get into. LOL I’m with you for sure on A Few Good Men, would add Shawshank Redemption and Hitch to my top 5. And whoever said make this a podcast topic – I agree! Would be so fun!!
Elspeth says
This was such a fun post to read! Your explanations are so accurate and honest! More Top and bottom five posts please
Erika Slaughter says
I haven’t watched a single movie in your top five. Not sure if that says something about me or you. 😂😂😂 I’m gonna disagree with you in person over a couple of those bottom five movies!
Lisa N says
Kaycee says
Can this please be a Bestie Breakdown episode? 😅😂
Julie Bradford says
BAHAHAHAHAH I AM DYING RIGHT NOW!!! I love y’all’s friendship!!! 🙂
But Erika.. How have you not watched any of the Ocean’s 11…12 etc or A Few Good Men…?
But I will say The Martian I don’t think I have even heard of… Argo I vaguely remember..
however.. I do love the Notebook hheheeheh Forrest Gump .. my girls watched for the first time last week.. they asked why it was SOOOOOOO LONG!!!! hahahaha
Wizard of Oz is just creepy though… I might be the only person who has never seen the entire movie.. I think as a kid I watched maybe 15min of it and was like no thank you 🙂 Field of Dreams I was not a fan either 🙂
this was fun Shay!!!!
sandi says
Julie… I’m the other person who has not watched The Wizard of Oz from start to finish. I’ve probably seen about 45 minutes total but from different parts. It’s just awful!
Lauren says
I actually haven’t watched many in your top 5. I totally disagree with a few in your bottom 5, with the exception of The Notebook. It’s not that I dislike it…I don’t understand why it’s one that people LOVE. I am CERTAIN there are a ton of people that would list it in their top 5…and I don’t get that. It is not the best movie ever or even CLOSE.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! That’s me! I don’t hate it, but if it weren’t in everyone’s Top Five list, I wouldn’t even remember that I saw it. I just don’t even think it’s memorable. I do not understand the appeal at all!
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
Okay I whole heartedly agree with you about the Martian! I bought it on Prime so I can always watch it 😂 but I disagree with most of your bottom five! 😬 I’m not a huge fan of Wizard of Oz or It’s a Wonderful Life but Forest Gump and The Notebook have always been a go to movie to watch on a Friday night when I was growing up!
Debbie Hibbert says
I HATED the Bening/Beatty movie “Love Affair” … worst movie ever! “It’s A Wonderful Life” is terrible too, can’t stand it. I loved the BOOK, “The Notebook”, and was so excited about the movie … AWFUL, and agree 100% about the chemistry of those two.
And I really can’t give a reason, and no one agrees with me, but I love “Castaway” with Tom Hanks. I can’t stop myself from watching it every time I see it’s on! A recent favorite, and I’ve already watched it a half dozen times, “Redeeming Love”. I wasn’t a huge fan of the book, but I love the movie.
Such a fun topic Shay!
Michalina Peterson says
I LOVE Castaway! I always watch it when it’s on also, and I cry like a baby at the end, and my family just rolls their eyes. Lol
Kim says
Saw the funniest meme that said many people don’t know that the actor that played Wilson in Castaway is the same actor in the volleyball scene in Top Gun 🤣
Mix and Match Mama says
That made me LOL!!!
Debbie Hibbert says
Kara says
It would be fun to compare Andrews answers on some of this series!! Fun! 😊
Jess says
Yes!!! The Notebook is so bad!!!
Jeanie says
Top 5
You’ve Got Mail
It’s Complicated
Shawshank Redemption
SkyFall (James Bond)
Bottom 5
Sleepless In Seattle
Wizard of Oz
Any Adam Sandler movie
The Blind Side (I think all the acting is unbelievably awful)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Mix and Match Mama says
I mean, I’m not going to disagree with The Blind Side’s acting and YES to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!
Jenn says
I think we are soul sisters, Jeanie, even though I don’t know you! My list is almost identical to yours. I would add “Father of the Bride” to my top five:)
Andrea Hooper says
Ok but try the Hustle that just came out from Adam Sandler. It’s not his typical comedy and we liked it!
Alicia H says
I will make another comment with my Top 5 / Bottom 5. I just want to speak to on The Notebook. As you ask for someone to explain the appeal and why people are so passionate about it. For “me” it is part of the human condition. Regardless of the actors and the chemistry or lack thereof it is the idea that when a woman knows that one day she will not know who the love of her life is so she is creative enough to write a “love story” in a “Notebook” and she tells him when you read this I will try my best to come back to you….and she actually does that is just thee absolute most beautiful thing. Although I enjoyed the acting, the setting, the time period and such it is the storyline for me that is so powerful because Alzheimer’s is such a thief and robs loved ones of precious memories. That is all from my little comment section . (Smile)
Jennifer Goodwin says
I HATE It’s A Wonderful Life! I’ll take White Christmas any day over that movie.
Katie Stewart says
Your comments on Argo made me LOL! I love Argo! I’m the one who, every single time is going “HURRY! Answer the phone! Answer the phone!” 😂 I have to disagree with “The Notebook” but I can tell you why everyone (ahem, me) loves it… it’s the chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Still upset that they didn’t make it as a real life couple! 🤷🏼♀️
One of my top 5 would definitely be “The Pistol.” I’m a sports girl movie through and through. Also really love Draft Day with Kevin Costner, and It Could Happen To You with Bridget Fonda! 🤦🏼♀️😅
Mix and Match Mama says
I have watched that movie a million times and still get SO ANXIOUS when they’re at the airport!
Julie says
Hi Shay – I could not agree more with It’s a Wonderful Life and Wizard of Oz. I always thought I was the only one – my own family considered banishing me (especially over Oz). I’ve never seen a few of your top 5 so I now have something to look forward to watching! Love the top/bottom topic – so many fun debates to be had!
Laura says
The Martian is so good! So’s the book it’s based off of! And oceans 11 casting is so perfect. I haven’t seen it in a while, but I do remember how fun it is, and how much Brad Pitt is eating in it 😆
Alysha Rooks says
Top 5:
Top gun: maverick
It’s complicated
About time
The holiday
Family stone
Extra: (because I said so,catch me if you can, oceans 11)
Bottom 5:
Anything stupid funny (ie: Napoleon dynamite)
Dances with wolves
The goonies (I don’t get it)
Titanic….it’s long and depressing
Lord of the rings movies
Taylor says
Bottom 5 for sure that everyone will disagree.. the original Top Gun 😬
Alysha Rooks says
I hate the original top gun too! So much so that I dreaded seeing the new one and it’s one of my favorite movies of all time 😬😂
Kiley says
The Wizard of Oz has always given me the ick. Same with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Both give off the same weird, sketchy, slightly-might-be-a-little-bit-evil, vibe and I *will not* watch either one. 😂
Paige says
I TOTALLY agree with. your bottom 5 except for Forest Gump haha, that one I loved. But Field of Dreams!!! #fallasleep. I laughed when you listed The Notebook since you like chicklit books and feel redeemed. I always thought this movie was tooooo dumb haha when others loved it. Fun topic 🙂
Jill says
LOVE Oceans Eleven, etc! They are underrated! Mean Girls is definitely in my Bottom Five. I just don’t get it! Also, don’t hate me, but Princess Bride – is it just because I didn’t watch it growing up? It’s weird!
Dianna says
Where you put the Notebook is where I would put When Harry met Sally. It just is NOT romantic but hey, could be that we just didn’t see these movies at a time in our lives where they would be our favorites.
Debbie says
I LOVE The Notebook! Probably one of my top 5.
Another one of my top 5 would be A League of Their Own. All time favorite movie.
Bottom 5 would definitely include Love Actually. I thought it was just terrible. 😬
Shannon says
A League of their Own is one of my all time fav movies!! Never ever gets old.
Jen says
This was a fun topic and now my husband and I will have to compare lists! I agree and disagree with you all at once!
Yes to a few good men and a YESSS to oceans 11! (No no no to Fargo). But…wizard of oz bottom 5?? I’m with Andrew- one of my childhood favs despite its creepiness! Lol
Erin Springer says
Shawshank Redemption and Armageddon are in my top 5 but I agree with Ocean’s 11!!!
Carissa Davis says
Your descriptions of your bottom 5 made me laugh 😂 I’m going to have to watch The Martian! I liked the book “The Notebook” much better than the movie, and the book has a different ending. Though I like the movie I don’t understand why it’s people’s favorite, it’s not even my favorite Nicholas Sparks book/movie. Forrest Gump is definitely too long. Field of Dreams and It’s a Wonderful Life do not live up to the hype. Wizard of Oz wouldn’t be in my top 5 but it definitely wouldn’t be in my bottom 5 either!!!
Erin says
Shay, no. Just no. 😂 I can’t with The Martian.
I do agree that The Wizard of Oz is terrible.
Tosha says
I can agree with bottom 5, but your top 5 is terrible. 😂😂😂
Cathy says
I 100% percent agree with you; The Notebook is a terrible movie and I don’t get the love for it.
Danielle Rigg says
The notebook….Book was sooo much better! Also, different ending then the movie.
Joanna Steinmetz says
Hilarious!!! I LOVE Forest Gump!!! 🤣🤣🤣
My fave movie of all time is Remember the Titans. I love everything about it!!!
I would after with Its a Wonderful Life. It’s terrible.
Lauren says
I cannot CANNOT stand Star Wars lol!!!! I can’t do Jurassic Park (I literally just figured this out when I fell asleep in the newest one haha), Harry Potter, basically any where you have to watch a bajillion movies in one series lol, is a NOPE for me!!!!
Lori Tradup says
We are literally bottom 5 twins! Tom and I honestly got married over our shared distaste for Field of Dreams. We left that theater asking how on earth anyone could confuse Iowa with Heaven. And the tragic humiliation of Burt Lancaster succumbing to a role that left him declaring “the little girl was choking on a hotdog!” No…just, no.
And don’t get me started on Forrest Gump.
Mix and Match Mama says
This is why you’re my soul sister forever 😉 . xx
Robin says
Top 5:
Dan in Real Life
Crazy, Stupid Love
She’s the Man
It’s Complicated
The new Top Gun Movie
I am with you on ALL of your bottom 5 especially The Notebook. Love both of them as actors but I’m sorry, I just don’t get it! I didn’t see their chemistry and couldn’t get past her choosing him over James marsden 😂 And we also are a house divided on Its a Wonderful Life. BORING!!
Lisa says
Meet Joe Black is pure torture.
Rachel says
Bottom 5 Movies that come to my mind quickly:
Dirty Dancing and West Side Story.
Why did every girl in my high school days love these movies!?!??! I never understood.
GIGi says
As far as Dirty Dancing is concerned, 2 words, Patrick Swayze! Although, I loved it for other reasons too, the music being a big one.
Sheaffer says
Well. I’m now prepared to fight you over your hatred of Forrest Gump and Field of Dreams. I will full on THROW DOWN at dinner tonight. You better watch your back.
Mix and Match Mama says
I am coming fully prepared to talk trash right back at ya 😉 .
Lisa D says
Great blog topic! So much to consider…
I completely agree with putting It’s A Wonderful Life and The Notebook in the bottom 5 category. But leave The Wizard of Oz alone please 😉
Alexandra S says
The Martian!!!! YES! I remember seeing this in theaters too. It’s on TV a lot and I always stop to watch. I still cry every time!
Michelle says
Did you read the Martian. The book is so much better. Also he has a new book which is also being picked up for a movie. Loved it even more. Project Hail Mary. I am not into sci-fi but so good. Listen on audio if you can.
Traci says
I’m with you. I love Argo, Oceans Eleven and A Few Good Men and have to watch them every time they are on. My husband’s favorite movie is It’s a Wonderful Life and I can’t stay awake through it. Yes, Forrest Gump is long and boring. Hard agree.
Maggie says
Gone with the Wind is the WORST.
Mix and Match Mama says
It is SO LONG!!!!!!
Nicole DiDonato says
Oh my God. The Wizard of Oz and The Notebook? I literally stopped walking when I saw them on the list! Lol
Kristin says
I haven’t watched The Notebook. I think I started it and had to stop pretty darn fast, and think Nicholas Sparks must be one of the worst writers out there. Totally agree on Field of Dreams and It’s a Wonderful Life. Have watched Oz many times, but I wonder WHY, because we are devoted to the books in this household, and they are infinitely better than the movie. I think Gump was a “watch it once, that’s cute” movie, but it sure as heck won’t stop me in my tracks if I’m walking through the room. Loved A Few Good Men & the Martian, meh to Argo as I’m not a huge fan of Affleck (I should probably give it another try), and i haven’t seen the other two. It would take me a long time to figure out my top and bottom five as it’s not something I regularly think about. But I loved reading yours!
Molly says
Father of the Bride (both parts) is the best movie of all time!! 😀
Laura says
I agree!!! My top 2 movies ever!!!
Lindsey says
The Martian BOOK is excellent!!!! Even better than the movie! You should read it. Then add Project Hail Mary to your list. Same author.
Maria says
Top Five:
A League of Their Own
Kill Bill
The Thomas Crown Affair (Pierce Brosnan version)
The Family Stone
Girl Interrupted
Bottom Five:
Sense and Sensibility
Sixteen Candles
The Help
Mission Impossible
Alicia says
I don’t understand how anyone can hate It’s A Wonderful Life?!?! There is so much redemption and truth in the movie. I cry every time I see the ending. Every. Time. It is probably in my top 5. You’ve Got Mail, Pride and Prejudice(with Kiera Knightly) Cinema Paradiso, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. I LOVED Coco, and also cry at the end, every time. All top 5. Bottom 5 is any of the Matrix movies, Gangs of New York, Titanic, The Fast and the Furious franchise….
Marcy Norman Cox says
completely agree with your choices .. especially Titanic in bottom 5.
Lorelei Boyett says
Ok somewhat agree with your top five, but bottom five….no way!! Field of Dreams, yeah I’ll give you that one😏 but Forest Gump???? And The notebook, no way!! I love those two!!!! This was fun, we need to do more!!😃💕
Jamie says
I JUST had a conversation with a group of friends about how much I CAN’T STAND Forest Gump. I find it depressing and uncomfortable. I was totally on an island with my opinion, so I’m glad to see there are others like me.🤣🤣🤣
Leah says
Top 5:
Stranger than Fiction
That Thing You Do
Brother Bear
Bottom 5:
The Godfather
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Notebook
All Starwars
Claire says
Finally, someone else who loves The Birdcage! ADORE!
Sarah DeWald says
Give me any Hallmark Christmas movie over It’s A Wonderful Life!!
One of my top 5 is Apollo 13. I get nothing done when it’s on. My husband says, maybe they won’t get home this time and I’m like yeah, maybe not, I better keep watching. haha
Hannah says
I am absolutely flabbergasted when i see love actually as a favorite of people. The story lines are absolutely awful and stupid!! On the topic of the notebook, the fact that this man is so devoted to his wife that he would choose to spend it in a home with her even when she doesnt remember him most of the time is so amazing to me!
Alisha says
Hannah, we are the same LOL! I cannot stand the movie love actually. I don’t understand people who recommend it. And omg his love for her is all that matters in the movie, and the ending when his kids are trying to get him to go on living his life. gets me every dang time. I hope my husband would show up for me like that!!
Tina says
I definitely agree with your bottom five except Forrest Gump. It’s a great movie. The other movie I would put in the top 5 is Remember the Titans. I watch it eve time it comes on. Also, A Few Good Men is probably my all time favorite.
Kathy says
Well, I agree with you about Wizard of Oz. When I was a kid, it really stressed me out to watch this movie. I found the witch, flying monkeys, the fear for Toto’s safety etc very unsettling. After a while, I decided I didn’t want to watch it again, and haven’t. One day, this came up at work and one person chimed in that his wife felt the exact same way about it.
Leslie S says
Top Five
White Christmas
Sound of Music
When Harry Met Sally
PS I love you
Oceans 11
Bottom Five
Eyes Wide Shut
Any horror/slasher movie
Dances with Wolves
Mix and Match Mama says
I support all ten of these!!!
Kelly S says
I agree with all of your top 5. A movie that is way on the bottom 5 for me is:
The Princess Bride. People freak
Out over this movie and love it. I can’t stand it. So dumb.
Emily says
YES TO THE MARTIAN! We always turn it on when it’s on TV! I can also never say no to a Harry Potter movie when they’re on. It’s just good background noise more than anything- but I also really love the music (former cello player :)).
I cannot stand any of the Back to the Future movies or Coming to America. Mostly because it seems like they are always on when nothing else is. Those two movies are probably the biggest point of contention in my marriage because my husband loves them haha. Last one… I hateeeee The Breakup. Love Jennifer Anniston but that movie frustrates the heck out of me!
Meagan Ruse says
Who even are you? Haha!
Cindi says
Julie Psurny says
I agree with Wizard of Oz being creepy, but have you watched with the sound off while Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon is playing? It’s a Halloween tradition at our house!
Two movies that I have to stop and watch no matter what are The Sound of Music and Silence of the Lambs. Very different from each other but both fabulous movies!
Ann says
Have you read Project Hail Mary? Andy Weir (who wrote The Martian) wrote that one as well and it’s being turned into a movie now. Rumor has it Ryan Gosling will star in it. Wonder if it will place on your list?
When my book club read PHM, I emailed the author to ask for food suggestions to go with our discussion and, shockingly, he wrote back a really funny reply – quickly! And when I sent him a message with a picture of all our food, he replied again. In my opinion, authors who take time to reply to their readers are super classy.
My top quotable movies are My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the 1980s Anne of Green Gables movies (only the first two – the third one would be on my bottom five for sure), The Sound of Music, and Napoleon Dynamite (although the last one isn’t on my favorites list, it’s just one I’ve seen a million times). 🙂
Linda Henderson says
Agree on several of your top five picks. Never tire of the Ocean movies (have you seen the original with Sinatra and the Rat Pack?) and like all of the Nancy Meyers movies. Do you like Baby Boom?
Katie says
I must say, my mouth dropped open when I saw The Notebook as #1 bottom. I love everything about it 😆 BUT, I am excited to add a few of your top 5 to my watch list even if my trust in your movie taste is a tad bit in question now 😜
Janelle says
Shawshank Redemption!!!
Lauren says
I loveeeeee A Few Good Men and Argo! But I also love Forrest Gump and the Notebook 🙂
Cara says
Return to Me with Minnie Driver is one of my favorites. I think it’s because it hits all of your emotions I was crying and then belly laughing! Steel Magnolias is another one! I also love watching Denzil Washington in any of his movies
Stacey says
Such a great post!! I love Top 5 Bottom 5 that Junior does on The Ticket!! PS — not sure if you listen to the E-Brake on Friday mornings, but my husband is the Fake Natalie Maines! LOL. Happy Monday!
Kate Koyak says
The Notebook! I thought I was the only person that hates it! I love both actors. I do not love them together.
Gail says
Have only seen ONE of your Top 5 (The Martian) and it was just Meh…. Love some of your bottom 5. My all time favorite is still “Officer and a Gentleman”. 🥰
Johannah says
This post is hilarious; love it! FYI, if you haven’t read it, The Martian is a great book, too, and different enough from the movie to be worth reading.
Beth Valenta says
TOP 5: Crazy Stupid Love (my plane watch), Draft Day, Pretty Woman, Casino Royal, Fever Pitch! (Go Boston)
Bottom 5: The Notebook (I completely agree on chemistry), It’s A Wonderful Life (I am so glad you put this out there), Castaway, Elf (I am just not a Ferrel fan), and How to Lose a Guy in 10 days…UGG
Honestly, I will watch Field of Dreams when it is on….Kevin is simply my favorite.
Love this Idea and Agree we need to hear Andrews and Erica’s. 🙂
KK says
Oh Shay!! I love this series!!! And you’re right. There’s going to be a lot of comments, I’m sure. I am so excited Meet Joe Black is in your Top 5. I absolutely love that movie, and I don’t know anyone else who likes it. Love the acting, the sets are magical, and the character transformation is beautiful.
(I really want to defend It’s a Wonderful Life, but I’m kind of okay that some of us love it – me!, and some of us don’t.)
My Top 5 (that are under-rated):
1. Meet Joe Black (worth a reiteration here!)
2. Spy Game (Brad Pitt again, Robert Redford – intense and intelligent plot; watch and tell me that that’s not a great movie!)
3. Dave (just so feel good and funny)
4. House Guest (yes, with Sinbad, but I swear – though silly – it’s still one that has me cracking up)
5. In the Good Old Summertime (with Judy Garland, and plot based on the same origin movie/story as You’ve Got Mail; so cute and sweet)
My Bottom 5 (that I don’t like, but “everyone” does):
1. Princess Bride (I hate to EVER bring it up, but everyone seems to love it, and I just somehow missed the boat!)
2. Rocky Horror Picture Show (I know this is a throwback, but still sticks around. I just don’t get it. Strong dislike.)
3. Love Actually (don’t hate me! I’ve tried and tried – and don’t get it… People cheating, porn industry, etc.)
4. Almost any movie about someone in a made-up band, and I’m out… (excludes bio pics – love those, but I can’t get on board with a made-up music group)
5. Any animated film that looks like the animators went the easy way (ex: not Disney or Pixar; But do not want to see any animation like Sponge Bob, etc… Just looks sloppy; the storylines don’t help either)
This was fun, Shay! I’m building a list of summer “must see”s from the comments section and your list!
Whitney Herrera says
Top 5
The Italian Job
The Holiday
The Proposal
Shawshank redemption
The shooter
Bottom 5
The princess bride (ugh)
Matrix (any of them)
Star Wars (anything space related)
Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter (give me all the universal studios HP fun though lol)
Mix and Match Mama says
I love The Italian Job!!!!!!
Leslie H says
I haven’t seen It’s a Wonderful Life, and I feel the same about the Notebook. I didn’t enjoy the movie at all, but Shay, Forrest Gump? Ha ha. It’s a favorite around here. 😀
Rebecca Kick says
I so agree about the Wizard of OZ – everyone loves it, I hated it as a child and won’t watch it as an adult. The whole movie starts with a tornado and her losing her family – I grew up in tornado land and that traumatized me! Ugh!
Alison says
Lol. You really came down hard on a lot of classics! With the exception of The Notebook. It’s not a classic, but I find it to be a good movie. I think the appeal for many is that Nicholas Sparks does a beautiful job with his books when he captures the unlikely romance and sees it through as the happily ever after. It’s much more relatable for many viewers and gives women validation that their Prince Charming doesn’t have to be who everyone else thinks it should be. The ending is sad, but it’s also sweet and it speaks to a lot of longtime relationships when Alzheimer’s comes into play. It’s a devastating disease. But Noah not leaving Alli’s side is the real romance of it all. At least that’s my personal take. 🙂
Thanks for sharing! Would love to hear Andrew’s picks. Aside from Wizard of Oz. 😂
Jen C says
I was shocked and mad at first with your “bottom 5” picks……then got to The Notebook and I forgave you for the others! hahaha!!!
Michalina Peterson says
I’ve only seen 1 of your top five so I’m going to have to watch the others asap! My top five: Crazy Stupid Love, Castaway, A Quiet Place, You’ve Got Mail, & How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Bottom five: The Wizard of Oz (creepy flying monkeys, no thank you), Peewee Herman’s Big Adventure, The Matrix, Fargo, & Vanilla Sky.
Paige says
Brooke Richardson says
Okay Shay! Your bottom 5 have me scratching my head over here. Nobody talks bad about The Notebook! Hahahahah
KK says
I agree with you on a LOT of these! I’m not a huge movie person but I thought the Notebook was garbage lol. I read the book before I went and saw the movie (and I was a 16 year old girl at the time so I was prime demographic) and he book was AMAZING! (also loved the follow up, The Wedding) and so I think the movie was just a big let down and I didn’t feel the chemistry either.
On The Martian note, the same author wrote a book called Project Hail Mary and I LOVED it! It’s science-y and has an alien and is totally NOT something I thought I’d enjoy but I ignored my assumptions and read it based on the reviews alone and couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed it! Maybe a book rec too 🙂
Kara says
Totally with you on the bottom five, good choices. Long movies like Gump and Oz, I am out too. This was really a entertaining post, loved it and will be using this with my family while on vacation!
Malorie F says
Based on the movies you mention you have on in the background during the day I did NOT expect those to be your Top 5 :). Also, definitely a theme with the 90s heartthrob boys as well. Loved and laughed right along with this post today.
Trina Owens says
Bottom 5 addition – Dirty Dancing. Don’t get it. Not chemistry with the stars and Jennifer Grey as a rom com heroine. Eh, not so much. Lol.
EW says
*Gah* Knife through my heart from the commenter who said Dirty Dancing would be in her Bottom 5. Seriously, I need a moment to recover. I think I was 12 when that movie came out and my 12-year-self is still all ‘Baby and Johnny FOREVER’.
Julie says
Agreed! I loved Dirty Dancing. Went to see the musical too. “no one puts baby in the corner” LOL
Amy Owens says
I have to totally agree with your bottom five, with the exception of The Wizard of Oz. That one doesn’t bother me. The other day my 12 year old said, “I’ve never seen Forrest Gump. I feel like we should watch that.” I was like, “noooo, it’s really long. Let’s think of something else.” 🥴
Carlin says
Thank you for Its a Wonderful Life!!! So depressing! I don’t get why people love it!
Patty says
So with you on A Few Good Men. Probably the Best ensemble movie of all time.
So NOT with you on Wizard of Oz. Probably my favorite movie of all time.
This was a fun post. I may do this over on Goodbetterbestfood.blogspot.com but credit you of course!
Kim says
Loved the book The Notebook but hate the movie! My top five would have to be About Time, Almost Famous, Fever Pitch, The Break Up and When Harry Met Sally. Bottom five anything that’s six-fi, scary, has fake dinosaurs like Jurassic Park etc. I recently rewatched the original Top Gun and loved it all over again before seeing the new one which I loved!
Casey says
About Time is incredible-I almost never see anyone talk about it but it’s great. So underrated and just 👌🏼👌🏼
Karla Seymour says
ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Brilliant commentary!!!
Lea says
Oh, yessss top 5 are all so great! Love them! The bottom 5 movies I haven’t seen but I trust you – I won’t. 😉
Kassidy says
I never understand the obsession with The Notebook!!!
Top 5:
Father of the Bride 1 and 2 (does this count as 1 pick 🤣), A League of Their Own, and The Santa Clause.
Jaren says
Okay, so I need to get to my movie watching! I’ve never seen any of your Top 5, but I know my husband does enjoy those too. And I LOVE Forest Gump!!! Absolutely love it! LOL!
Deb says
I have always disliked It’s a Wonderful Life and Wizard of Oz. Shawshank is one of my favorites as are most of the Bourne movies.
Kimbrough says
I couldn’t agree more with IAWL. It’s a terrible movie and I don’t get why soooo many people think it makes their Christmas season. Forget bells ringing, I think those people need a hug. I mean. I don’t wanna be the one to do it, but I think they need one!
Toni Richardson says
Totally agree with Forrest Gump! My hubs loves it and I’m like 🥴🥴.
Keely says
I COMPLETELY agree with you on The Notebook. Ugh. Actually, I don’t care for Nicholas Spark’s books at. all. They’re all the same story with little variation and they’re written like a man thinks he knows what women want. Bor-ing!
Robin Lewis says
Don’t hate me people, but I would add Titanic in bottom five.
Marcy Norman Cox says
Absolutely agree
Nicole Wilder says
I agree with you on It’s a Wonderful Life..hate it but my husband wants to watch it on Christmas Eve every year and I just usually fall asleep to it. I hate The Notebook as well!
Rachel says
Totally agree with you on Ocean’s 11, It’s a Wonderful Life, Forest Gump, and The Wizard of Oz! People look at me like I’m crazy when I say I can’t stand FG or Wonderful Life, but I just don’t get either one! It’s been a long time since I’ve watched Meet Joe Black and I’m adding your other top five to my watchlist now!
Maria says
Shay, this topic reminded me of a book “I’ll have what she’s having” by Erin Carson. It’s about the making of Nora Ephron’s iconic rom-coms. You would enjoy it!
Em says
Shay, if you love the Martian, you have to read Project Hail Mary! It’s by the author of the Martian and it was an incredible read 🙂
Gina says
Agreed! One of my favorite books of this year! I wasn’t expecting to like it so much, but I loved everything about Project Hail Mary. I think they are also making a movie out of it.
Em says
Leslee says
Yes! I read this when it came out and loved it! I still think about!
Susan says
I have only one movie on my dvr that I won’t erase. I watch it repeatedly. Sometimes, I’ll put it on for background noise, sometimes I watch it. It’s THE MARTIAN. So happy someone else feels the same about this great movie! Matt Damon is just perfect in this role.
sandi says
Top Five:
A League of Their Own
Runaway Jury
Top Gun: Maverick
Last Holiday
Any Molly Ringwald movie from the 80’s and anything starring Meg Ryan
Bottom Five:
The Wizard of Oz (I have never made it through the whole thing)
The Notebook (my mother in law and I saw it when the other family members were seeing an action movie… we almost walked out, so slow)
Any Star Wars movie
Dumb and Dumber
Scarlett Spangler says
I am cracking up at your list. I LOVED the Notebook when it came out (I was 16), but in my 30’s I no longer find it quite as romantic as I did in my teenage years.
I need to think about my list, but I just watched the original Top Gun for the first time and it’s horrible! It is definitely number 1 on my bottom 5.
Amy says
I COULD NOT AGREE MORE WITH YOUR BOTTOM 5! Hate It’s a Wonderful Life and The Notebook with a passion! Love this post. 🙂
Jessica says
I don’t hate The Notebook, but I do agree it’s overrated. The book was so much better (isn’t it usually?). I think most movies with Will Ferrell are overrated, too. I mean, sure he plays the part well, but it’s usually nails on a chalkboard for me.
Lori L says
I 100% agree with both of your lists! When I tell people that I don’t like Forrest Gump and Wizard of Oz, they look at me like I’m crazy!
Amanda says
Bottom 5:
Princess Bride
Princess Bride
Princess Bride
Princess Bride
Princess Bride
Mix and Match Mama says
this has me laughing out loud!
Allison Scranton says
I was looking for this one in her bottom five also! 😂
Jennifer says
I second that! It annoys me if it is on.
Hannah says
Totally agree!
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
Hahahaha. YES, girl! THE ACTUAL WORST!
KK says
Yes, yes, yes!! I thought I was the only one!!
Amy says
Totally agree about the Wizard of Oz! Not sure why I watched it multiple times as a child. It’s totally weird and disturbing! My kids have never watched it and I don’t encourage it!
Joanne says
I have never seen Argo… I do love Forrest Gump even though it can feel like a long slog at certain parts and while I really don’t enjoy The Wizard of Oz it does have that nostalgia factor for me since we used to watch it every year as kids (and apparently I cried every time as my mom and sister like to tell me since I was afraid of the witch) but then my 4th grade class put on the play and I have such fond memories of the screenplay. I thought the Notebook was just Okay but not a rom/com I’d watch over and over again. And I think It’s a Wonderful Life is so depressing and rally should have been named something else.
Andrea says
I haven’t actually seen all the movies in your top five, but I absolutely love all of your top five all time favorites so I apparently need to see The Martian and Argo ASAP! You NAILED the bottom five. I couldn’t agree more, especially if you had thrown in The English Patient for honorable mention! 😂
Shannon Garrison says
A League of their own is my all time #1 movie!
In my top other 5, it would also include The Holiday, Sister Act 2, Newsies, Beauty and the Beast and Titanic. I always think of my fav movies being ones I can watch over and over and never get tired of it. I also love Remember the Titans and The Sound of Music.
In my bottom 5 would be A Green Mile, Castaway, any Star Wars or Lord of the Rings movies, It’s a wonderful life/A Christmas story.
I literally gasped when I saw the notebook, field of dreams and wizard of oz in your bottom. I thought— oh wow that is controversial 🤣haha!
Beth says
My favorite movie of all time is The Incredible Mr Limpet starring Don Knotts & Carol Cook.
Michelle says
Agree with top 5 — except I haven’t seen The Martian. I will watch soon! Agree with your bottom 5 — FOD (weird to me), IAWL – I’ve never watched the entire thing, WOO — scary to watch as a child, FG — pointless, The Notebook — don’t like the relationship dynamics but I always tell my husband I want us to die together in our sleep. Bahaha!!
Bea says
IAWL is my all-time favorite Christmas movie . It’s just not Christmas without watching. And Family Man (modern twist; same story) is also a favorite.
Meagan Layer says
Shay REALLY!!!! How is Wizard Of Oz, Field Of Dreams and Field Of Dreams in your BOTTOM 5 MOVIES?!?!
Tina says
Not even sure I can name five top or bottom movies but here’s a couple I feel strongly about…
1.Captain Phillips (edge of my seat every time!)
2. Terminator 2 (not the first one…hated that one)
No idea for numbers 3-5!
Least Favorites:
1. Avatar (blah! Just don’t get the hype on this one)
2. Fifty First Dates (what a sad concept)
Numbers 3- infinity go solidly to Where the Red Fern Grows. Same goes for the book. This movie/book seriously scarred me for life)
K.K. says
OOh, yes on 50 first dates — so sad, hate it!!
MelanieL says
Your description of Field of Dreams had me laughing out loud at work, ha ha!! This was a fun little game and gave me a couple ideas on what to watch/download (I have only seen 1 of your top 5!!) so thank you! 🙂
Maddie says
WHAT?!?!? Forrest Gump is the greatest movie of all times!!! You could teach a US History course around it!
Casey says
Top 5:
Steel Magnolia
Father of the Bride
League of their Own
The Holiday
A Few Good Men
Honorable Mention: The Sound of Music
Bottom 5:
Dumb and Dumber
Forest Gump
Star Wars
Back to the Future
Jen says
I consider myself quite the movie person, but I don’t think I’ve actually ever seen a few of your top 5! now I have to do some movie watching.
and also… I hated the notebook movie too. I like the book, but really, eh..
top 5…
princess bride! Goonies, last holiday… hmmm this is hard!
and there’s a lot I don’t like, soo…. lol
Ginger says
Field of Dreams is easily in my Top 5! Even made a little detour in Iowa to stop by and see it…people will come, Shay!
WhittyWife (Lindsay) says
I’ve decided we can’t be friends. The Notebook?! 🤣🤪
My bottom 5:
-Napoleon Dynamite
-Lord of the Rings movies
-Princess Bride
-Matrix movies
-Christmas Story (yes, I know this is when you agree that we can’t be friends, haha!!)
My top 5:
-The Vow (sooooo good!!!)
-Mean Girls (stupid funny… but so hilarious)
-How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
-Phantom of the Opera (the newer one with Minnie Driver)
Melissa says
AGREE on most of your bottom 5 especially the Wizard of Oz which I despise. Was not expecting those to be your top 5!!! A fun surprise.
Melissa Henne says
THANK YOU – I don’t think I have ever come across another person who does not like “The Notebook”. I have tried to like it but it’s a no from me.
Terri Zemlicka says
Have y’all seen Edward Scissorhands, because that is still to this day the worst movie I’ve ever seen?!?! Why???
Jennifer says
And first I was like “whoaaaa” for those bottom five but honestly if any of them were on tv right now I wouldn’t watch them. And I probably haven’t seen any of them all the way through so yeah that means they weren’t really good.
Rene' Pingel says
Oh my gosh! I don’t like It’s a Wonderful Life either. My husband loves to watch it during Christmastime, and I think it is so SLOOOOOOOOW!
Christy says
Totally agree with your bottom 5 but have not seen 3 of your top 5 ! They are now on my summer movie list ! Can’t wait to watch ARGO !
Kimberly says
You know that gif of Michael Scott being like “NO! NO! NOOOOOOO!!!”? (if not please look it up). That was my reaction when I saw you put The Notebook lol… I will say, I stop watching the last few minutes cause I hate the ending too. But love the other 97%! It’s about how true loves find their way Shay!!!
Natalie Lyles says
Hahaha!!! That was my reaction when I saw she put Its a wonderful life. That gif cracks me up!
Colleen says
Wow. this is the bravest post I have seen #braveshay 🤣❤️ Your bottom 5 movie list do not mess around! I disagree about Forrest Gump except you are correct that is does feel like the longest movie but the soundtrack is awesome. I love Meet Joe Black! Your top 5 was unexpected too 😍 I thought there would be way more rom com’s.
Mix and Match Mama says
I took my kids to the pool today and was met with an unhappy friend who was shocked/saddened and disappointed by my bottom five. Bahahaha!
Michelle says
Meet joe black one of the best! And Argo, agree 100%
Barb says
I think for anyone who has lost their father, especially way too young/early, “Field of Dreams” means something very different for them.
SS says
Barb,. I have loves this movie and think of my Gpa who loves baseball. Having recently had my dad pass I haven’t watched it… But I would probably be a mess!!!
Yvonne says
OMG, I love Argo! It was filmed at the airport I work at and even though I recognize it in the movie…I am still stressed out….get that plane off the ground!!! Lol!
Some of my fave movies are Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley, While you were sleeping with Sandra Bullock, You got mail with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Loved Shawshank…Andy Dufresne and Red were great characters! Another favorite is Good Will hunting!!! Totally agree with It’s a wonderful life….so depressing!!! Give me Last Christmas any day over that movie!
Kim says
Oh my gosh – how cool that you work at the Argo airport! I saw it in the theatre when it first came out and loved it, but I was so stressed out! I was telling myself, this is a real story, I know how it ends, but I could still hardly take the tension! And You’ve Got Mail is my all time favorite!
Kristin says
I am WITH YOU on It’s a Wonderful Life! It’s just such a sad movie – no thanks! Give me Elf or Christmas Vacation any day!
Christie H. says
Meet Joe Black agreed. Totally disagree with the other 4. Give me As Good As It Get, The Proposal, Something’s Gotta Give, Sweet Home Alabama.
I can agree with The Wizard of Oz but not Forrest Gump.
Did you write this post just to stir folks up? Lol!
Courtney williams says
Hhmmmmm you had me til the notebook. I’m all about this one! The draw for me is Ryan gosling for starters and their somewhat immature relationship in the beginning and then their once in a lifetime enduring kind of love. I had butterflies, i cried, i laughed….. All the things!!!
Julie says
I mean. This is a great post! I love an ‘unpopular opinion.’ I do love the “Notebook’ because I think R. McAdams is JUST SO ADORABLE. I love her confidence in this movie. Her charm! But honestly, I really do see why people could hate it! I get that.
Top Five:
-CLUEEEEELESSSSSS! It holds up! It’s a take on “Emma!” Alicia Silverstone! How cute is Paul Rudd?! ALLLLL the things.
-Father of the Bride-Steve Martin’s version
-The Blind Side
-When Harry Met Sally
-I love the Royal Tannenbaums. JUST SO FUNNY. To me?!
Bottom Five:
-Sorry! But I don’t think Austin Powers had the same effect on me as so many others? 🙁
-The movie where the green things grow out of the boys body? EWWWW. Sorry. EWWWW
-ANY superhero movies
We need a list of top five books that need to be movies! Daisy Jones?! The Book of Lost Names. The Paper Palace!
Sara says
Ok, Meet Joe Black has fantastic acting?!?!? Bahahahaha! I think that is the WORST acting ever by Brad Pitt. It’s SO embarrassingly bad. I am with you with The Wizard of Oz, though. It is a horror movie to me. I am creeped out by every aspect of it and cannot watch it. I can watch true horror movies no problem, but Oz is terrifying and I can’t do it.
Mix and Match Mama says
Ohhhh that coffee shop scene at the beginning? Quintessential adorable and perfect Brad Pitt 😉 .
Sara says
False. LOL
K.K. says
100% with you, Shay!!
Beth says
I love the idea of top 5/bottom 5 but sure don’t have the same likes and dislikes as you. It’s fun to get this conversation going though! I hope you’ll do more. Thanks.
Tricia says
Wizard of Oz is SO creepy. Thanks a lot..now “Ding dong, the witch is dead” is on repeat it my head 🙂
I’d also add Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to a bottom 5 list. So weird!
Kate Pinckert says
I totally agree with you about Forrest Gump – thought I was the only one!
Now I totally disagree about the Notebook! I read the book first but love that movie! Watched it the night before my grandfather passed away and he and my grandmother were living it so that makes it have a special place in my heart.
Amanda says
Ugh…I’m with you on It’s a Wonderful Life. I find that to be a total snooze fest. Meet Joe Black though? WHAT? Ugh. I’d forgotten about Argo…that was on recently and even though I knew how it played out, I was still so stressed until the plane lifts off the ground.
My top five (movies I can’t not watch if they come on:
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
The Martian
The Proposal
My bottom five:
Blazing Saddles
It’s a Wonderful Life
Anything superhero
John Wick
Lord of the Rings
Karen in Virginia says
Groundhog Day. WORST. MOVIE. EVER.
Followed by Forest Gump.
Mix and Match Mama says
Erika told me that was her #1 Bottom 5 too!
Julie says
Groundhog Day is the wooooooooooooooooooorst! And What About Bob.
Alicia H says
**Note: I sent this response early this morning but somehow I commented as a reply to someone else’s comment. Sorry.
**My Original Comment 😉 I will make another comment with my Top 5 / Bottom 5. I just want to speak to on The Notebook. As you ask for someone to explain the appeal and why people are so passionate about it. For “me” it is part of the human condition. Regardless of the actors and the chemistry or lack thereof it is the idea that when a woman knows that one day she will not know who the love of her life is so she is creative enough to write a “love story” in a “Notebook” and she tells him when you read this I will try my best to come back to you….and she actually does that is just thee absolute most beautiful thing. Although I enjoyed the acting, the setting, the time period and such it is the storyline for me that is so powerful because Alzheimer’s is such a thief and robs loved ones of precious memories.❤️
Jennibell says
I love your spin on The Notebook. I do not have strong feelings one way or the other about it but will keep this in mind if/when watching it again. I remember reading years ago that someone getting Alzheimer’s said, “one day I might not remember Jesus but He will always know me”. That truth gives me comfort.
Randi J Rooks says
Giiirrlll !! I can’t even with you today !!!!
I always thought we could be the best of friends if we lived close and you’ve ruined it !!!!! 🤣
I love love love The NoteBook and It’s a Wonderful Life !!!! Those are in my top 5.
Girl I’m just here shaking my head at you 😁
Chera says
I never hear music in movies, I’ll have to go back and watch the Martian again and listen for it! Although we did see top gun twice and I definitely heard the music in that movie!
Emily says
I agree a wizard of oz is my least fave movie. I don’t get it at all- it is the equivalent of torture so i don’t ever watch it. My husband? It’s in his top 5🙄 sigh!
Jenn says
A Few Good Men hands down! Like you I can watch it again and again no matter what I am doing! Similarly to A Devil Wears Prada! They are for sure my top 2.
Olivia Young says
I also love The Martian! Such a great movie. I can agree with all of your bottom 5. Don’t care to ever watch any of those movies ever again! So slow!
Tisha says
How are Steel Magnolias, Pretty Woman, and Top Gun not in your top 5?!?!
Julie says
👍🏼 Those are some of my fav’s too!
Amanda says
I agree with you about the bottom movies until you got to the notebook. I ADORE that movie, and think their chemistry is off the charts! I mean, they did date for a good long time after that!
It’s just so sad and happy and funny and ahh I can’t believe you don’t like it
Sara says
I have never been more entertained by your comment section! Just hilarious! Please do more Top 5/ Bottom 5 posts.
Mix and Match Mama says
Me either! 😉
Kathy says
Wow ! I so agree with four of your bottom five! I never liked the Wizard of Oz. Ever. It could never sustain my attention as a kid, and It’s a Wonderful Life is just depressing, long, and sad, and I know it ends well, but still…sad. And Field of Dreams..just no please. I did like Forrest Gump though, but absolutely did not get the popularity of The Notebook.
Another movie that is considered a “classic” that I never did enjoy was the original Willy Wonka. Just…weird. And the newer one too-kinda weird.
I agree with all your top five except The Martian. It was not a favourite for me. I would replace it with Ocean’s Twelve and Thirteen:)
Oh by the way, my husband detests ” A River Runs Through it”. Thoughts on that one? I did not hate it but I know it was not a favourite.
Ashley Schilling says
This is a great idea! Love it!!! I am shocked by your dislike of Forrest Gump, but it has special meaning to my dad and I. Your descriptions are amazing! Here are mine:
Top 5
Singin’ in the Rain
Memoirs of a Geisha
The Martian
Bottom 5
Original Toy Story
Original Jumanji
Tropic Thunder
Most Star Wars
Wolf of Wall Street
Jenn says
I have been on board with you for over a decade… supporting your every post, buying your every suggestion, reading your every book… you have LITERALLY never steered me wrong. Sometimes I even feel like we’re the same person.
Until today.
I love all your bottom five movies.. LOVE.
My heart is broken.
Mix and Match Mama says
Bahahahahaha! I mean…I’m trying to just share my truth here 😉 !
Theresa Richardson says
Totally agree about Wizard of Oz. It creeps me out and I’ve never understood it’s popularity. Scary for kids if you ask me. But…The Notebook…one of my faves! Such a love story!
Michelle says
As wonderful life is a classic and a feel good. Should make you feel good and appreciate your life! I’m shocked you don’t like this!!!!
Ahh the notebook- what’s wrong with you Shay?!? ;). It’s a love story and the chemistry is off the charts. I do not see your side at all on this one LOL
Connie says
Oh my gosh, I have a crush on Andy Garcia too!! I love him!! HAHAHA
Jessica says
I’m with you on the Noteboom. I HATE that movie!!!
Julie says
Where are my Pearl Harbor lovers???? Shay?!?!? Others in my top 5: The Patriot, Armageddon, Just Friends (makes me die laughing every time), and I can’t pick a 5th!! Maybe I will come back to it.
Julie says
OH I know my top 5th movie now. Knocked up and/or This is 40!!!
I also find Forrest Gump super depressing.
Marcy Norman Cox says
Shay, you said Forrest Gump kept going on and on, what about Titanic .. James Cameron wanted his movie to be at least as long as it took the ship to sink .. 2 hr 40 mins.. I felt like he just kept dragging out the story to fill the time and then there is the fact that we all knew how it was going to end . Bottom 5 for sure
Sue M. says
I love all your favorite movies! One of my all-time favorite movies is Crazy Stupid Love with Ryan Gosling.
I also love the Wedding Planner, Out of Sight with George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez, No Way Out with Kevin Costner and Wedding Crashers.
Katie says
I’m with you on the Notebook as well. Beyond overrated!
As a Canadian, I can’t watch Argo and enjoy it since they downplayed the role of the Canadian Ambassador – so I’ll have to disagree on that one. 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
I just lol! He really doesn’t get the credit he deserves…BUT…on the flip side, the Canadians got to take credit for the entire extraction until it was declassified many years later 😉 .
Katie says
How fun!!!
Totally agree with you on some of these!
My top 5: The Proposal, The Greatest Show on Earth, Gone With the Wind, LaLaLand, and Molly’s Game
My bottom 5: The Wizard of Oz (scary!), E.T., any marvel/superhero movies
Becky Carl says
Favorites are Bridesmaids and Always (old Holly Hunter-Richard Dreyfuss movie), Sybil with Sally FIelds, anything with Melissa McCarthy, The Shack and the Jeeper Creeper movies (scariest monster ever).
I don’t care for Western or most War movies.
This was fun Shay!!
Emily says
I think what makes me cry and makes the movie It’s a Wonderful Life is the clear depiction of grace. At the end, when all his friends show up and give abundantly. It reminds me of Christ’s love and the overflowing grace. That’s honestly why it’s on of my favorites and pulls at my heart strings. We don’t get what we deserve and God gives above and beyond what we could imagine. ❤️
Emily says
It’s a Wonderful Life’s ending gets be every time. It’s a depiction of Christ’s love— all the people showing up and giving abundantly. He doesn’t get what he deserves or what the world says, instead he is given more than he could imagine. Reminds me of God’s love. ❤️
Sheri says
How did August Rush not make your top five list?? It’s a must-see family movie!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve never even heard of this one!
Beverly says
If you like the movie The Martian, read the book!!!
ryan says
OMG!!! There is NO WAY that I can pick ONLY 5 for my Top movies! And, I am soooo disappointed that so many people are not fans of It’s A Wonderful Life. :'( I know it seems sad at face value, but the underlying message about how many peoples’ lives you make a difference in. How many lives you touch in your day to day. How many people love you and want the best for you. How many people we have in our corner and don’t even know it. It’s about the good man that George Bailey was and how he showed kindness, no matter his struggles…he did the right thing for others and was rewarded by it, with an outpour of respect and support. #georgebaileyliveson 🙂