You guys, 15 years ago today, I started a blog.
Fifteen years.
I’m going to try not to cry as I type this but let’s be real, there’s no way that’s possible.
Blogging has changed my life.
Fifteen years ago, I was in a very sad and dark place in my life. I had just had a miscarriage after a year of trying to get pregnant. I was full of hormones from injectable medicines. I worked in a job I didn’t love. I didn’t have a community. I was new-ish to our town and hadn’t really found “my people” yet. I was lonely. I was 25 years old and now, looking back, that all seems like a crazy place for a 25 year old woman to find herself in, but that’s where I was. I needed something to do for me. I needed a hobby. An outlet. Something to inspire me. On August 3, 2007, I opened, created an account and started a blog about me. I talked about my tiny little dog. My new carpet. Maybe a family birthday party. I had no plan. No direction. I just knew that when I blogged, I felt joy.
Fast forward fifteen years and without a doubt, I would say that when I look back on my life (no matter how long I might live), this community here will be one of the most significant relationships in my entire life. Not blogging, but this community has changed me. I can confidently say that without YOU out there, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. I wouldn’t be the mother I am. I wouldn’t have the marriage I do. I most certainly wouldn’t have the career I’m in (blogging and my travel agency!). I think back to that 25 year old girl and want to hug her. I want to let her know that she’s sitting down to write a blog post that will turn into one of the best things she ever does. Saying I’m thankful to this blog and this community simply isn’t enough. You guys have changed me. You’ve watched me mature as a woman. You’ve corrected me when I’ve been wrong (and boy, I have been WRONG!). You’ve given me the absolute best advice and counsel. You’ve encouraged me. You’ve motivated me. YOU’VE PRAYED FOR ME. I am undeserving of your time each day, but please know I do not take it for granted. You are all busy. You are all inundated with social media. The whole world is trying to get your attention and for whatever reason, you give me a few moments of each day. Thank you. Thank you all so very much. I am so blessed by YOU.
In honor of two big anniversaries this summer (today being my 15th anniversary blogging and then in June, I celebrated 10 years owning my travel agency!), I thought there was never a better time than right now to share a few of my tidbits for starting your own business.
These are, of course, are just my little pieces of advice and a few nuggets to share in case any of you out there have a passion and just don’t know if you can actually turn it into a viable business or not. Maybe though you don’t want to start your own business? Maybe you have always wanted to be a nurse. Or a teacher. Or a flight attendant. Or work in an industry where you’re not “the boss”, but it’s completely new and not anything you’ve done before. If that’s you, my tips might not all apply (as I’m going to talk specifically about starting a business), but I hope you’re encouraged nonetheless to pursue your passion. Please take these all with a big ole grain of salt. It’s just a few thoughts…not a business plan 😉 .
I’m so fortunate to be surrounded by women who have turned their hobbies into careers. My mom always loved decorating her home, so when I was in the second grade, she went back to college and studied design. She graduated four years later and created the most amazing interior design business for herself that lasted 30 years. My sister-in-law created a stationary line and concierge gifting service using her talents and passions. My cousin Casey created a hairbow company that is now a booming business. My cousin Brooke created a custom outdoor pillow business because she loved fashion design but wanted to incorporate her love of the patio with staying home with her three little boys. Friends, if you have a hobby that you love…something that gets you excited and makes you lose all track of time, and you’ve always wanted to do it fulltime but just don’t know how, I hope this post inspires you to keep going.
Enough chatting, here are my little tidbits (hopefully, encouraging!)…
#1: You don’t mind doing it even if you’re not getting paid. Don’t get me wrong, I really like getting paid for working, but in my opinion, when you really love something, you’re doing it because you love it and not just for the paycheck. As someone who worked in insurance for 12 years, trust me, I would NOT have done that job for free. #nothankyou Blogging though was a hobby. I did it early in the morning, later at night after work and on weekends. I did it because I loved it…not because I was getting paid to do it (and for YEARS, I didn’t make a penny). I think when you really love something, you don’t mind doing it in your free time (while maybe also working your 9-5). You’re always excited to sit down and do it. You’re thinking about it when you’re not doing it. You’re motivated to do it. It doesn’t feel like a chore. If you have a hobby you look forward to doing in your free time, that’s a great step towards finding a career you’re truly passionate about. Like any job in sales, I don’t get paid for vacations until after the product has been delivered which means…I often do a lot of work on trips well before I ever get paid (or if they end up not going, I never get paid for that work and time). I love talking about vacations so much though that it doesn’t bother me when something falls though because just talking about the trips inspires and motivates me to try again with someone else. I just think that if you’re really into making patio pillows and don’t care if only your friends and family enjoy them and you make zero dollars but looove to make them, you might have a business in the making.
#2: You don’t care what others think. We joke about this now 15 years later, but I remember standing in my mom’s kitchen when I told her I had started a blog and she said something to the effect of “that’s dumb; no one wants to read that”. Ha! I mean…it wasn’t quite that harsh, but I did burst into tears. Then…the very first time I photographed a dinner (I remember the exact recipe!), Andrew told me it was stupid to take pictures of our food and that no one would care. (Again, maybe not quite that harsh, but I cried again.) And you know what? I didn’t let them stop me. The joke is on both my mom and Andrew now (and trust me, I love to tease them both about it!), but I knew it was important to me. It was important enough to me that even when my two biggest cheerleaders didn’t cheer, I kept going. Don’t let anyone tell you your dream is stupid. You want to go back to school and become a kindergarten teacher but you’re 55 and have never worked outside the home? Who cares? I know you can do it.
#3: You’re okay working another job and only doing this on the side. I mean, if you would have told 25 year old me that writing about her life, recipes and booking vacations could be her fulltime gig and she could stop explaining people’s insurance bills to them or hear them yell at her because the adjuster didn’t make it to their house on time…I would have happily signed up for that job. Buuuuuut blogging and travel didn’t pay for years, so I just kept workin’ that job I didn’t exactly love until I could confidently stop. Looking back, I learned so many valuable lessons that made me the business owner I am today by working in another industry. What I learned doing that job made me SO MUCH BETTER at doing my current job. No time was wasted doing this on the side.
#4: You’re constantly thinking about it. Even to this day, I cannot stop thinking about blogging. When I read something, see something, watch something, visit Trader Joe’s, see a new drink featured at Starbucks, find a new show on Netflix, the first people I want to share it with is you! My brain is constantly thinking about this because it’s my passion. What can you not stop thinking about?
#5: Read magazines and books about the field you love and listen to podcasts too! I love to surround myself with inspiring writers, influencers, bloggers, authors, podcasts…I am like a sponge over here. I do not rely on myself for motivation and inspiration, I seek it out! I love to follow people who are doing what I am aspiring to do but then I also love to just follow inspiring people that perhaps aren’t in my industry at all. If they’re energetic, motivating and encouraging me to do what I love, then I want to absorb their material.
#6: Connect with people in the same community. No matter what you love, make friends with people who love it too! Whether you get together in real life or you just join a Facebook group, DM someone in your perspective field, follow people who follow similar accounts as you…however you do it, find people with similar passions. I don’t look at is as my competition, I look at these people as my comrades. Be vulnerable. Ask questions. Have real conversations with people who are pursuing or living the dreams you have.
#7: You get excited to get up every day. Fifteen years later, and I STILL get giddy to get up and blog. I get asked sometimes when I’m going to stop blogging. My answer? When it stops being fun. Why would I stop doing something I love? Who stops doing things they truly get excited to wake up and do. My alarm goes off really early in the morning, and I still get just as motivated and excited to hop up and see what you guys are up to each day in this world. I still get excited to write a blog post. And…after my one millionth conversation with someone about an Alaskan cruise? Well, I’m still just as excited to talk to the next person. Find that *thing* that makes you excited to hop out of bed each morning. No matter how silly or small it is, think about how you can turn that passion into a profession.
#8: Do a little bit every day. Let’s say you’ve always wanted to be an author but you’re currently a florist. My advice would be to set a timer and write 10 minutes every day. Don’t sit down on a Wednesday afternoon and start writing a whole book…but just do a little bit at a time. If you want to open an Etsy shop but have a fulltime teaching job, my advice would be start small and do a little each day. My worst enemy is always me biting off more than I can chew. I’ve learned the very hard way that a little bit adds up to a lot as long as I consistently do “a little bit” every day.
So, fifteen years later and look at me acting like I know what I’m doing. Bahahaha! I know nothing. I started this journey completely blind and have thankfully come to where I am today via the grace of the Lord coupled with…a lot of consistency and hard work. I think my advice boils down to this…there will be a lot of people probably more capable/talented/better at whatever you want to do, so just outwork them, friend! Be consistent, don’t let others discourage you, get excited, turn to communities/influencers/podcasts that inspire you and seize the day. Don’t look back and miss it because you were scared.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so grateful for each of you!!!! You are all such a blessing to me! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for letting me do this over the last fifteen years. xx Shay
Before we go, a little 15 years by the numbers 🙂 …
15 years
5,413 published blog posts
2,419 recipe posts
101 bundt cakes
577 posts where I mention the word “pumpkin”
172 posts where I talk about Jesus
196 posts where I talk about adoption
4 kids
2 adoptions
7 appearances on The Bachelorette or The Bachelor
2 Facebook groups for people to connect
29 countries visited
458 books reviewed
6 published cookbooks
3 moves
1 time it rained in my house
1 podcast
1 travel agency
1 very blessed blogger 😉 xx
Vicky says
This is so inspirational! Congratulations on 15 years – and here’s to many more!
Amy says
Hi Shay, Vicki and all! Well said, Vicky and I agree. Thank you, Shay! You are a beautiful writer— with a beautiful family, a beautiful home and a beautiful heart. There is so much about you and your family and your interests and talents —and your life that draws us/me in for those few minutes each day. For me, being here reminds me of “home” and family, even though I grew up in a western suburb of Chicago, and all the love and beautiful things that have been in my life. It is good to return to those reflections through your inspiration each day. All the treasures. Your blog is a treasure- please keep writing. Congrats on 15 years! Glad you aren’t sad anymore!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Amy!
Dawn Timmons says
WOW! Those are some incredible numbers! Congratulations, Shay! Thank you for the time you put into this blog. It would be neat to see but impossible to calculate how many ways you have influenced and affected others through this blog. One day, you’ll know! 😉🙌🏻 I have personally been inspired in many ways from you, your faith, your family, your friends, your travels, and your life. Keep on keepin’ on! I hope to keep reading for many more years. Big Hugs!
Kathy says
Congratulations!! I’m glad you started blogging! You are a bright shining light and I love seeing you and your family each day.
Elspeth says
I absolutely love this post!!! Congratulations Shay! Reading your blog is a favorite part of my day! Here’s to 15 more, thanks for beholding this beautiful community!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU for always being a bright spot in my day, Elspeth!
Lori says
Congratulations on 15 years! That’s amazing. 🥳 You say that your blog readers changed your life and have done that for us as well. I lost my husband years ago and needed a routine of something that didn’t involve dealing with the aftermath (raising my baby alone. Feeling like an outsider bc of being a young widow and no one understanding). I’d read your blog off and on since Sean’s bachelor days and after his death I was watching the bachelor and remembered your blog. So I opened it up and felt like I had a friend talking to me. I know it sounds insane but reading your post gave me something light to read for a few minutes to escape. That was years ago now and now life has joy again and is wonderful. I’m still reading daily bc I want to see what my friend Shay is up to! Guess you can’t get rid of me now. 😉. Thank for for being someone who helped me even though we haven’t ever met! ❤️ Enjoy you anniversary!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Lori, I want to hug you. Thank you for your kind message. Sending YOU so much love!!
Dana P says
I love this! It was the same for me (obviously not to the same degree though-I’m so sorry you had to go through that 💙) when I was having a really hard time living overseas with a bunch of kids, including a toddler and baby and I was so very lonely. Shay, I bet there are a lot of women out there who are so grateful for you bringing a little bit of happy into their lives during some dark days!
Anna Was says
This was such a fun read this morning! I can feel your passion thru the writing of this blog post. Thanks for being you and inspiring all of us in a small way. Here’s to 15 more!
Jennifer says
Thank you for this post!!! I have been wanting to start a business for years now and the timing hasn’t been quite right, but this fall all my kids will be in school for the first time. As much as I have been saying that all I needed was the time to do it, I realized that as the days tick closer to school starting, I am petrified of actually having nothing in my path to stop me except… ME. I don’t know if I can actually do it, if anyone will want what I have to offer, if I’ll be able to figure out how to actually run a real business, etc. So this post really touched my heart. Thank you, Shay.
Mix and Match Mama says
Girl, you can do it!!! Please get back to me a year from now. I would LOVE to know what has transpired after a year of you working on YOU!
Taylor says
Congratulations, Shay! 🥳🤩Your post is very inspiring! Your blog has been a bright spot in my day for the past 10 years!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!
Susan Jeffries says
Congrats! God has placed you exactly where you should be! I have been following along with you since you were a family of four. I have enjoyed your blog immensely. Enjoy!
Jami says
Congrats Shay. You are by far my “first blogger” to check every single morning ◡̈ you continue to bring positive vibes & relatable content. Prayers for 15 more!! Cheers!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!!!! Thank you, thank you! xx
Jodie Kingsbury says
I started reading your blog after seeing you on Sean’s season of The Bachelor. I’ve got to say it is the best blog that I read and the first one I go to every morning. It is informative and fun. Love all the giveaways even if I haven’t won one yet. I love following you on FB and Instagram too.
Texas is on my bucket list because your town sounds so cool. Hope to get there one day
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwwww! Thank you, Jodie! Maybe one day, I’ll run into you on our square!
SS says
Happy Blog-iversary!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so very much!!!
Jennibell says
Oh, Shay, there is so much to say here! Thank YOU for being vulnerable with us and honest with us, for sharing your life with us. You inspire me so very much. Sometimes I feel “crazy“ to refer to you as if I know you (and people who do not have online communities do not understand this :/). It’s just that you are such an inspiration in my life – you motivate me to be a better person, better wife, better at sharing my faith, and now, after this post, to dream.
I know you did not write this post for accolades or to receive the love that I am sure you are receiving today but it is genuine and true. Please receive it in the spirit that it is meant…the hard work, the long days, the “I need to push through and get this done“ made a difference to someone. The Lord is using you every day and I thank Him for you and your words.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Jennibell! You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank YOU!!!!! xx
Meg says
I could cry! I’m going back to teaching after being at home for the last ten years raising my babies. I’m scared to death and feel so overwhelmed. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I needed them this morning! Congratulations on 15 years!!! I started following 11 years ago!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Girl, YOU HAVE THIS!!!!! I’m so excited for you!!!!
Laura says
“Don’t look back and miss it because you were scared.”
I’m finally starting an MBA program in 3 weeks at the largest public university in my state (NC State). I am scared to death…I have 4 teenagers, work full time, will turn 45 this Fall, etc…but I’m also determined. I have family & friends cheering me on.
Mix and Match Mama says
GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!! Laura, I cannot wait to hear how this unfolds for you!!
Jenn says
Before transferring to ECU, I went to NCSU for my first 2 years of college!!
After beating breast cancer 3 years ago, I decided to return to school (after 23 years) to get my doctorate in occupational therapy. I was 47 at the time. After getting a second chance at life and enduring surgeries, chemo, & radiation, going back to college did not seem scary as it once did, haha. I graduated with honors in May at the age of 49!!! All of that to say girl YOU’VE GOT THIS! I’m wishing you well and sending a big high-five for taking the leap! Go Pack:)
Mix and Match Mama says
Jenn says
Aww thanks, Shay! I feel like a real-life superhero after beating cancer💗 I am so incredibly blessed.
Jennibell says
You’ve got this!!! Good for you 🙂
Debbie Hibbert says
I’m sure I won’t be alone when I say, “THANK YOU”, right back at you!🙂 I am definitely old enough to be your mother, but I find inspiration, encouragement, motivation, recipes and plain old enjoyment from your blog. I read a few blog posts each day, but I always save your post for last … because it’s my favorite! It was you sharing about your Bible reading that was just what I needed to FINALLY read the entire Bible through … and I enjoyed it so much that I did it in just over three months. I have continued on, but at a slightly slower pace!😁 You’ve definitely made a difference in my life, Shay. Thank you so much for sharing yourself and your sweet family❤
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Debbie! This means so much!!! xx
Cindi says
I’m also an “old enough to be Shay’s mother” reader and I agree: Shay is an inspiring woman who I truly believe God is using to impact others for His glory! It goes to show that “age” is just a number and whatever season in life we’re in, we can learn from, encourage and love one another!
Thank you, precious Shay! And as one of your “blog world mamas”, I’m so proud of you! ❤️
Bev says
I, too, am old enough to be your mother, Shay, but I enjoy reading your blog each day and want to thank and congratulate you on this 15 year milestone. You are the entire package, so real, articulate, funny, well-rounded etc. etc. Best wishes for continued all-around success! 💖
Kim Harrigan says
Congratulation, your the first blog I read every morning. I’m a mom of high school and college age kids but still love to come back every morning.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Kim, thank you so much!! xx
Beth Knecht says
Congratulations, Shay! 🎈
It is such a joy to wake up and read your blog each day! I’m so glad you get as much enjoyment out of creating it as we doing reading it!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Beth!!! xx
Marla says
We love you Shay !
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Marla, you know you have a VERY special place in my heart. I am so thankful that our relationships with Jesus brought us together.
Susan says
Congratulations on 15 years! Living one’s passion is a gift! Thank you for sharing all of you with all of us.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Susan!!!
Melissa Terry says
Congratulations on a big milestone!!! Your recipes and book suggestions are so fun, but your adoption posts encouraged me/us more than you will ever know and we are eternally grateful. Thank you for being a bright spot each morning for me and so many others xo
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Melissa!!!
Cyrielle says
Happy 15 years Shay! I started reading your blog in January 2015 and I still get excited every morning to open your blog and read what you’re up to as I’m enjoying my coffee. Grateful for you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh thank you so much!
Erika Slaughter says
Happy FIFTEEN, Friend! We should celebrate BIG today!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Don’t get too excited, we’re going to figure out how to put our podcast studio back together when you’re here. Bahahaha! Agh!
Dana P says
Aww…this is so sweet! I think I’ve been reading your blog for about 8 years now and it’s still a highlight of my day! I love hearing the behind the scenes, too. It makes sense that you still love it because it’s never grown old even after all these years. 💖
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much! I’m so blessed by readers like yourself. xx
Gail Prowant says
Congratulations! I look forward to reading your blog every morning. You bring joy to many people everyday. May God Bless you and your family!
Mix and Match Mama says
God bless YOU!! xx
Amy Heinl says
Congratulations on such a huge milestone. You should be so proud of this beautiful little community you created here for all of us to enjoy. Happy Anniversary
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Amy! I always appreciate your comments!
polly pover says
Wow! Congratulations to you! What an important milestone!! Curious—do you ever go back and read your blogs?
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom about becoming a successful entrepreneur! So important that women support women in their endeavors–business, family, community—and you do that so well. Again, congrats on your success!! To many more years!!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s funny, I do sometimes but it’s always the ones about my kiddos. I’ll read old “a day in the life” or “life lately” or “shay everyday” posts because geez, it goes by fast. Thank you, Polly!
Mary Ellen says
Congratulations~what a great post to celebrate 15 years! Thank you for your writing! It is a part of my every day!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!! xx
Dianna says
I found your blog when I was 25 so you must just give off that 25 year old energy! Happy to have spent half your blogger time with you (can’t believe I’ve been stopping here for 7 and a half years every morning already!). Happy anniversary!
Mix and Match Mama says
The ultimate compliment, no? Thank you, Dianna!! xx
Pamela says
Your blog brings so much joy and happiness. I have read every blog post for about 11-12 years and have bought the cookbooks and listened to the podcast etc and my life is better for it! Congratulations on 15 years and THANK YOU for all the hard work you do for us! I love starting my day with Jesus and Shay, Erika, and Andrea’s blogs 😀❤️
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwwww! Pam, thank you so much!!!!
Laurie says
Congratulations!!! Love following along each day with you. You are definitely the bright spot in the lives of many people each day. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Laurie! xx
Kay says
I love this post-thank you so much for sharing with us! You do such an amazing job of being upbeat and happy. This post is a great reminder that a lot of work goes into living your best life! I’m in real estate so like you, much of my time may not make me money in the end. But it all seems to work out, doesn’t it? I just have to remind myself that I’m not meant to work with EVERY SINGLE CLIENT who crosses my path. Some, I’m just there to have a helpful phone call with and that’s it! I just try to help. Whatever that means!
Thanks for sharing your life with us and for inspiring us all each day!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s doing what you love, right?! I’m so thankful for women like you who take time out of their very busy days to spend a few minutes with me. Thank you!!
Kelly McNellis says
Congrats, Shay!! You are such an inspiration and I can feel your passion for life through that post. Thank you for opening up your life to your readers on a regular basis. I look forward to reading for another 15 years!! 💗
Mix and Match Mama says
Kelly, thank you so much!! xx
Robin says
CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so glad I found your blog. You definitely “influence” my life and I am grateful FOR YOU! I mean, 172 posts where you mention Jesus and 577 pumpkins all rolled up in the same person…
What is not to love?!??!!! Congrats, again! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌟🌟🌟🌟
Mix and Match Mama says
This entire comment made me chuckle! Thank YOU!! xx
Sara says
Yay Shay! I love your blog and I love these inspiring tips! I turned my candle hobby into a small business last year and it was the best thing I could’ve done. I love watching it grow! And it may be hotter than heck outside – but I’m prepping for the holiday surge so my house smells like pumpkin and I’m ok with that!
Wishing you another great 15 years!
Mix and Match Mama says
You did?! That’s amazing!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Sara says
Yes! Scary to do it but reading inspiring blogs like yours gave me the courage to do it. And I know you’d love my pumpkin candles! 😉
Elizabeth says
I have read your blog for years and watched your family grow. Your outlook on life and positivity even in the toughest situations inspire me all the time. Thank you for sharing your life, advice, style and joy with us. God has put you exactly where you should be. Take care.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Elizabeth, thank you so much!!
Julie says
Congratulations Shay!! Your blog has encouraged me on some dark days, helped challenge me to grow in my faith, helped me want to be a better Mama, and one of my favorite things to read when I first wake up. God is using you for His Story. That’s pretty awesome too! Thanks for letting us all be along for the ride. 💜
Mix and Match Mama says
Julie, you made my morning. God bless YOU!
Lori says
Wow congratulations Shay! I’m sure I’m one of many of your followers that due to the Bachelor happened upon your Blog. I’m so thankful I did. Your blog is the first thing I l read in the morning. I do like to read your daily updates, but I also go back to a recipe or two that I want to make at any given time. I love your positive outlook on life, so much so that it helps me get motivated to push through whatever I’m going through. Like many others we have come to love your sweet kids and pray for your family. I vicariously live through your travel experiences and get to see other parts of the world. So thank you for blogging and becoming a part of my life. It’s made a huge difference. Again congrats and here’s to many more years doing what you love.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Lori, thank you! You just don’t know how much this means to me!
Kathy says
Congratulations on 15 years! It’s a BIG milestone and your passion for what you love to do is evident and inspiring to many!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Kathy! You’re one of my all time faves!
AJ says
Thank you for showing up here each week day! I don’t take your consistency for granted; it’s such a blessing to be able to count on a post from you each day. I get excited to read your blog each morning, so I wonder if there’s a way I can get paid for that!
Mix and Match Mama says
You’re so sweet! Thank you for stopping by each day!!
Sheaffer says
15 YEARS! WOW!!!!! Who in the world would have thought it would have turned into THIS INCREDIBLE SPACE! Congratulations, friend! You should be so very proud!!!! Now I’m going to need you to send me your first post.
Mix and Match Mama says
You’re one of my favorite “co-workers” in blogger world! I am so thankful for YOU, Sheaffer!
Jordan says
Congratulations!! I still remember when I started following you TEN years ago! Your recipes have been such a blessing to my growing family, so thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so honored. Thank you!
Nicole says
You’re my favorite and the first thing I read every morning!! I look forward to you 🫶🏼
Mix and Match Mama says
Nicole, you’re so sweet! Thank you!
Amber says
Congratulations and Happy 15th Anniversary Shay! I am so thankful to be part of your online community.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m thankful for YOU!!!
Donna C says
Your passion for what you do shines through! I love how you share your life so openly talking about everything from your travels, home decorating, recipes, family, fashion and your love of the Lord! I look forward to your blogs each morning and love to watch your IG stories. You provide inspiration, motivation and encouragement to so many my friend!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Donna, thank you! xx
JoAnn says
Congratulations Shay! You’re thanking us, but I’m thanking YOU!!! You have motivated me so much in my life…my studies with Jesus, traveling with my family, working out…just to name a few!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, friend!!!! xx
Lisa says
Congratulations on 15 years!!! Reading your blog post every morning is a favorite of mine!! You are amazing!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank YOU!!
Barb says
Hi Shay! Congratulations!! I love your spot in my day. As a 66 year old grandmother of two little ones I love reading your blog and it is a source of inspiration and ideas for me. I think I started reading some time around when Sean was the bachelor and you have also lead me to Sheaffer’s, Andrea’s and Erika’s blogs AND I listen to your podcast. Keep it up. I would certainly miss you if you weren’t here!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Barb!! xx
Stacie says
Congratulations!! I love the advice you have given. I just started out blogging this summer and I really enjoy it. Started out of boredom lol. I love your blog and I hope you keep sharing your life with all of us! By the way, all of your travel packing tips are the bomb! I just went to Vegas and started using packing cubes…life changing!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!!!!! They will change your whole travel world!! xx
Susan S says
Congratulations! It’s a pleasure getting up daily to read your blog. I would certainly miss it if it weren’t here! I remember when you celebrated 10 years! Time sure flies.
Mix and Match Mama says
It certainly does!! Thank you!!
Krista says
Happy 15 years!! I can’t believe you mention “pumpkin” in only 577 posts 🙂!!
Mix and Match Mama says
It did make me chuckle that I mentioned it exponentially more than Jesus though. Agh! 😉
Kristi says
Loved this article – it’s one of my favorites that you have written. I started following you because I love travel and I loved your travel tips. And I love that you turned into one of your passions – a travel agency (btw, I would love to see how you decorated your office – I’m trying to decorate my home office and you are a big source of my inspiration). Thank you for the inspiration. You always responded to my emails when I had a weird travel question, lol.
Mix and Match Mama says
I have a post on my office!! Thank YOU for stopping by!! You have no idea how much that means to me!
Ruby Huling says
Happy Anniversary to you and birthday for me…you started your blog on my 58th birthday!! I began following you several years ago but I’ve read every blog posted. Even though you are much younger than myself, you inspire me to be a better person, a better mom to my adopted 8 year old, and a better cook!! I also love seeing pics and reading about the amazing trips you take with your family! Keep inspiring all of us!❤️
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh wow! Happy birthday, Ruth! I hope you have the best year!!
Sara says
Congratulations Shay! I have read your blog everyday for around 10 years! If I miss a day, I go back the next day and read it. You have felt like a friend I ‘chat’ with every morning. Thank you for being relatable, inspiring, honest, and the queen of consistency:) I have learned so much from your words and ideas. Now if only you could tell me what my passion is….BAHAHA!
Mix and Match Mama says
That is the ultimate compliment! Thank you!!
Carole says
Congrats on 15 years! I look forward to your blog. This post, as many of yours are, is so inspiring! You’re so positive and fun, it’s just a bright spot in a sometimes dark world. Thank you for starting all those years ago!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so very much!!
Tracy Doubts says
Congratulations Shay and thank you for being my inspiration, not just today, but on many days over the years!!
Mix and Match Mama says
That means so much, Tracy!!
Cara Hughes says
Aweee so happy for you! Congrats on all of your success and thank you for the motivation!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Cara!! xx
Brandye says
Congratulations Shay!!! I cannot tell you how many times I’ve recommended your blog to people, sometimes it’s for a recipe, sometimes it’s for travel, and even more often it’s for your posts on adoption. Those posts often move me to tears, and I pray my now adult children consider it.
Wishing you many more years. My father always told me to find a job/career that you’re passionate about, and you will never work a day in your life. You’re doing a great job!
Mix and Match Mama says
Your father was so right! Thank YOU!!
Ashlie says
Love reading your blog daily with my cup of coffee! You are an inspiration–and just a fun read! Thanks for sharing your life and family with the rest of us!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you for stopping by!!
K.K. says
CONGRATULATIONS, SHAY!!! Thank you for your posts and inspiration! It’s a warm way to start my day most mornings. I get to work at my desk 5 minutes early to read here.
“1 time it rained in my house” – ha ha ha… Oh my goodness! It was not funny, but what a journey.
And please, keep on blogging (as long as it’s fun) – maybe go ahead and grab “Mix and Match Granny”?? 😉
You are loved!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I mean…it needed to be documented today, no?! Hahaha! Thank you for letting me be a part of your morning routine!! xx
Kara says
Congratulations! This post embodies why I read your posts every day – positive, inspirational and consummate writing! So grateful for your posts and community, thank you for doing what you are doing, you were meant to share!
Mix and Match Mama says
Kara, thank you so much!
Elizabeth Whisler says
Such a wonderful post. My favorite part was when you said when your two biggest cheerleaders didn’t cheer, you didn’t let it stop you. That is so encouraging! And I agree with all the others, you and your blog are a bright spot in my day! I read first thing every morning. I love hearing about your family, inspired by your faith, inspired by your ability to maintain such close relationships with girlfriends, what you bought at Trader Joe’s, all the house projects, and everything else! Congrats on 15 years!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU!!!
Nat says
Agreed! The part abt biggest cheerleaders didn’t cheer. I’m currently at that spot and although mine is not a “paid job” but homeschooling. I quit my FT job in physical therapy to stay at home with my girls to homeschool and be a part of our co op. My now 6th grader, I’ve been homeschooling since 2nd, has loved every bit of it. I ask her every year would she rather go to school and the answer is always no. My rising 1st grader didn’t love kindergarten (I’m thinking bc of the curriculum) so I felt like a big time fail and mother in law and hubby are like maybe they just need to go to school etc. They are both very much matter of fact when all I want is encouragement especially feeling like the Lord has led us here. They love being at home with me. They love their co-op one day a week etc but there is the money part too where they’d like this or that and we have to be tight bc obviously don’t get paid to stay home and teach ..oh how I wish there was some way. Thanks for the encouragement Shay … love ya and have followed since those bachelor days too! Sean always reminded me of my own brother.
Chrys says
I laughed at “1 time it rained in my house.” Not because it was funny, but because that was ROUGH! I remember feeling so bad for you, but realizing how brave you were to acknowledge that people have it so much worst (it’s hard when we are in the middle of a rough patch to realize how incredibly blessed we still are). I LOVE waking up and reading your Blog every morning with my cup of coffee. So thank you for taking the time to do it. We appreciate you! Congrats Shay!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much! xx
Rosemary Davis says
This is so inspirational! Thanks for sharing your journey!
Distinctly Southern Style
Maryann says
Such an inspirational post, Shay! Thank you for being such a bright spot in my daily routine for so many years. I’ve loved following along on with your vacations, your adoptions, your home renovations, your career path… the list goes on! I’m confronting a new stage in my life here in a week or so as both of my kids will be leaving for college. We’ll be empty nesters! 😳 I keep throwing around different ideas of hobbies to pursue, because I feel like for the first time, I’ll have the space to focus on me. And that’s scary and exciting all at once. Thank you for this push to do it anyway, even if it’s new and scary!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh sending you so much love as you start this new chapter!! xx
Meg says
What a sweet post, congratulations!
Kristin Tate says
I’ve been with you for 10 of the 15 and you have surely inspired me to have my own business. I sat behind a desk staring out of the window 5 years ago working for someone all the while I had a tug in my chest that I could do this on my own. I moved to a new city and would you know, opened my own INSURANCE AGENCY, lol! My passion is showing up to talk about the things others despise, praying for my clients who stand in front of a burning home, and saying “yes, your spouse did have life insurance” when they call and say the other has passed. Thank you for following your dreams, the rest of us were given the courage to follow ours through it.
Mix and Match Mama says
Eeeeeks! Kristin!! That’s so inspiring!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!
Amy Owens says
Congratulations! I’ve been reading for many years- I feel like our kids have grown up together! In fact your blog is really the only one I read. It’s just one of the ways I start my morning! I love your recipes. I loved my family’s Italian vacation to a family wedding that Clare and your agency so wonderfully planned three years ago. I just love this little spot in the world each morning. Thank you.
Mix and Match Mama says
Ammmmy! Thank you, thank you!!
Laura Farmer says
Wow Shay!! You are awesome!! Thank you for being the person you are and for sharing your life. You are an inspiration.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Laura, thank you!!
Lora Bracci says
Learned about TMJ myofascial therapy which enormously helped my sister relieve her pain. Thanks
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh this makes me so happy!!! Thank you for sharing!
Maria says
I’ve been a silent follower/fan for many, many years! I love your blog and always look forward to reading your posts. Congratulations on 15 years! Those numbers are very impressive 🙂 thank you for being sharing your life with us, for being real and authentic and being a positive light in this space!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you for following! It means more than you know!
Sara says
Incredible numbers!! Thank you for bringing so much joy and inspiration to my life!!! I love reading your blog first thing in the morning before the craziness of my day starts!!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU!!!
Mary says
Happy 15 years Shay!! Still remember your first blog post that I read….Kensington’s British Bash.😊 I’ve enjoyed reading ever since! Thank you for always being a bright spot and inspiring in so many ways…health, fitness, home, family, faith! I’ve found countless tips, ideas, recipes, and lots of cute clothes (ha!) thanks to all your wonderful posts. Congratulations! Xo
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my goodness, that was such a long time ago! I believe she was six, right?! Thank you, Mary!!
Traci m says
Happy 15 years!!! Such a happy place in my day!! Thank YOU!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you for letting me be a part of your day!
Mary says
Congratulations! You are an inspiration to so many!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Mary!!
Kelly Sites says
Hard work pays off. Nothing is handed to us. You have worked hard. I LOVE your blog and look forward to it. I’m happy for you when you take a break or day off, but sad for me 🙂 You radiate joy in your blogs. That is rare.
Thanks for an awesome ride. Keep it coming.
Bless you,
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh bless YOU!! xx
Haley S says
Love it! And I’ve been following along for most of them. Thanks for all you share and do!! You’ve made our lives brighter!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU!!!!
Suzanne says
Congratulations on so many accomplishments! I’ve followed you for a long time. I love all your posts, but especially your travel, exercise and book reviews. Thank you for sharing!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much! I’m so grateful for readers like you!
Sarah M. says
I started my blog because of you! It’s just a hobby and not a business but I do love it. Thank you for doing what you do!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m so excited to hear that!! Good for you!!!! xx
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
Congratulations on 15 years, Shay!! You are a bright light in this blogging world, and as I see many other bloggers throwing in the towel, it makes me happy to know that you’re not one of them! I, too, love blogging – it’s my passion as well! – and I haaaate it every time I hear someone say that blogging is a dying industry. I beg to differ, and it’s people like you who are proving those people wrong every single day! Keep it up, lady! You’re the GOAT!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh wow! Thank you so much! I am so touched by YOU, Lindsay! I am always so happy to hear from you. xx
Terri Venman says
Well done, Shay! Congratulations on so many years in the blogging universe! Numerous members of our family and friends follow you and we have frequently asked each other, ‘Did you read/see Shay . . . ‘
We have shared and made countless recipes of yours, seen you on TV, been influenced with terrific products, enjoyed your tips on life, followed along on some pretty terrific trips/vacations, enjoyed your podcast with your ‘bestie,’ Erika. Love that you share about God and importance of your relationship with Him, your parenting tips, Q & A’s with Andrew and Shay . . . and on and on! Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! You are just too sweet for words! Thank you!
Kathy says
I’d love to see the first blog post
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s still here! Head to the sidebar and scroll all the way back through the archives to August 2007. It’s here!
Dana says
Congratulations on 15 years! Your the one blog I come back to religiously daily. Your so inspiring and authentic and when I talk about your posts to others I mention my friend because even though we never met I feel like we are friends because that is how you portray yourself! So thank you for being you and being a bright spot in my day 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
The ultimate compliment! Thank YOU!!!
Aileen says
Hi Shay! I have been reading your blog since the fall of 2012… almost 10 years! I can’t believe that, the time has really flown by. When I first started reading I was in grad school, living with my husband in a small condo, no kids but hoping to have them soon (and unknowingly would go through a season of infertility too), and trying to figure out next steps in general. It was so helpful then (and continues to be) to see someone a little “ahead of me” with a young family and see how you organized your home, food recipes, focused on your faith as a family, etc. Now I am a little more grown up (ha ha), we’ve moved a few times, the Lord has blessed us with two young kids and a happy and healthy family. I don’t comment very often but just want to say THANK YOU for your online friendship and all you have shared over the years. I look forward to following along for the next 15! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Aileen! You are just so kind!
Kelli says
Congratulations!!🍾🎉 What a milestone and testament to your hardwork and dedication! I’m thankful for you being a part of my morning each day! ❤️ Annnnd, asking for a friend…what job could they do that allows them to read undisturbed all day? 🥴🤣
Mix and Match Mama says
Bahahahaha! I don’t know but if you find it, let me know. I’m assuming this job doesn’t allow children in the building, right?! Ha!
Erica says
Shay, this was one of my favorite posts you’ve published! As a 26-year-old who often has felt that same way you did when you were my age, it’s inspiring to know you found your “hobby” and have turned it into your passion over the last 15 years. Great reminder that there is light at the end of the tunnel! Thank you for always being such a bright spot on the internet – cheers to 15 more blog years!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you! I’m so honored and blessed by your words!
Lizabeth Kaiser says
Congratulations, Shay! I have been reading your blog for about 12 years now and I, too, have had a lot of life changes as well! When I started reading your blog, I was a college freshman studying business, flash forward 12 years and I’ve: completed said business degree, worked 3 years an auditor, completed a pre-medical program, applied to medical school, gotten married, had a baby, start nursing school, and bought a house – and as crazy as it sounds you have been there for all of it! From providing my family with delicious recipes, parenting advice, to giving me just 10 minutes of alone time to sit down and read your blog – you have made me into the person I am! I will complete nursing school this Spring – while medical school was my plan, I am so thankful that “life” got in the way and lead me to nursing.
I hope that anyone who wants to make a change in their career knows they can do it – you just need perseverance and patience!
Thank you, Shay, for sharing your life with us! It has (and continues to be) such a blessing:)
Mix and Match Mama says
Holy cow! That is amazing!!! I’m so grateful for busy women like you stopping by to read my blog. Thank YOU!
Claudia McConnell says
Hey Shay! Congrats on 15 years! Wanted to say, you are an inspiration to me as a mom, wife, Christian woman and friend. I get so many great ideas from you and just adore your outlook and attitude on life! So thank you for being a great influence in my life! I started a blog this year and you absolutely had everything to do with my decision. Keep being you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Good for you!!!! That’s wonderful!
Angela Shields says
Happy anniversary. I love your blog. It’s one of my favorite things every morning. I have learned so much from you. You even make me want to read as a pastime 😂 I love watching your sweet family grow, pictures of how you decorate, your favorites post (always the cutest clothes), your skincare, how you spend time with Jesus… they all inspire me. Thank you for being a bright light in this world 💗
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Angela! I’m so grateful!
Alison says
Loved this! Thank you for sharing a piece of how you got here and the words of encouragement for your readers. I find them very inspiring and a small dose of personal motivation that I was actually looking for in my current phase of life. (I sure do love it when the Lord speaks to me through others!)
ALSO, “1 time it rained in my house.” LOL 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
I mean, it needed to be noted 😉 . Thank you so much for your love and support!
Ashley says
7 years ago when I went to college for the first time, I was miserable. I found your blog and would read it first thing every morning. It was the only thing I looked forward to and made me smile immediately. I would go back and read all the old blog posts for fun. I was your biggest fan! To this day I still look up to you, and now I’m 25. 😊
Mix and Match Mama says
I am grinning from ear to ear! You just don’t even know! Best wishes to YOU!!
Amy says
I started reading 12ish years ago today and you are just a part of my day! I love having watched your family and career grow. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us and I can’t wait for 15 more!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Amy! I’m so grateful for you!
Dana says
Congratulations on 15 years!!! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!! From recipes, book reviews, devotionals, what you’re wearing, great travel ideas and so much more I look forward to seeing what my “friend” Shay is up to each day!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Dana, thank you!!
Heather S says
Congratulations on 15 Years, Shay🥳🥳
So thankful you’ve let us all get a small glimpse in the Shull life for the past decade and a half!! Pop some bubbly with that handsome Hubs of yours and enjoy the day🥂
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Heather!!!! xx
Bonnie says
Hi Shay, I love this post so much! I can say, I started to follow your blogs when I was also in a dark place in my life and feeling very lost. Your posts have motivated me in so many ways to get back up on my feet and start a healthy routine for not only myself but my family as well. Thank you for everything you share about your life each and every day! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Bonnie! Thank you! I am so honored to be a part of your daily routine.
April Parrish says
Congratulations on 15 years!! I’ve been around for about 9 of those 15 years and I still look forward to your blog posts and I stalk you on social media. Praying you continue to love it for the next 15 years!
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwww! You’re just so kind! Thank you!
Nicole H says
I have been reading your blog for many years and it’s one of my favorite things to do each and every day. You have changed my life in so many wonderful ways! Thank you for your consistency and dedication to your blog- thank you for sharing your heart! Wishing you blessings always.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so very much, Nicole!!!
Danna F says
Congratulations on 15 years!! I remember your 10 year anniversary like it was yesterday. Time flies! I first turned to reading your blog when listening to the news every morning was too depressing. I have enjoyed your posts about faith, food, shopping and travel so much. I really needed this post about doing something we enjoy even when we are afraid. I too have been told my idea was dumb or given the look of “you wanna do what”?
Here’s a virtual hug of thanks for sharing your beautiful family and life with us. Looking forward to many more posts!
Mix and Match Mama says
Do it, Danna!!! Whatever it is, do it! Do it for YOU!! xx
Alysa says
You’re so inspiring Shay! And I’m so thankful for this blog (I look forward to it every day) and your travel agency company. I have loved working with Clare for the past few years and I am constantly recommending others to use you! Can you please let me know which Facebook groups you have? I’d love to join.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!!!! I’m so happy to hear this!! Yes! I have a group for G-Free families and another one for people considering adoption or in the adoption community 🙂 .
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
Congratulations Shay!! I’ve been reading your blog for about ~11 years and you definitely got me through my years of miscarriages and infertility! Most of the positive changes I’ve made in my life in the past 11 years have been because of you, because of your motivation (intended or not!🙃) but today I am the happy mother to 5 kiddos (6 and under! 🤪) and if it hadn’t been for you I don’t know that we would have made it this far! Thank you for showing up everyday for us!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my word, how do you have time to read my blog?! I am so impressed (and blessed!!) xx
Michalina Peterson says
Oh Shay, I am so happy and blessed that you started this blog 15 years ago. I have not been following along for that long, but I have been following you for several years. You’re always a highlight of my day. I love your love for your family, Jesus, and all the fun things that you share. Thank you for being a bright light in the world of social media.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!! Sending you much love!
Laura says
CONGRATULATIONS!! I loooooooooooove reading your blog and following you. You’re a ray of sunshine in my day! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!
Anna Jones says
I just want to THANK YOU for being an encourager on my own career journey! A few years ago I randomly emailed you for a little advice about becoming a travel agent… and you wrote back with info and encouragement! You’ll never know how much that meant to me. Now, I’m a travel agent in my small hometown (as well as a realtor), and have a few years under my belt. A client recently told me they love that I seem as excited about their trip as they are.. and I said, “Well, I am!” haha. You’re right, do what you love, and keep pushing through!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness, thank YOU, Anna!! Best wishes!!
Kay says
Shay – Congrats on 15 years! I can’t tell you how much I look forward to reading your blog everyday and seeing what is happening in your life whether it’s your family happenings, fashion, food, travel or whatever. You really are a bright spot in my day! Side note: I just returned from my 1st trip to Boston/NYC and had my 1st “Lobsta roll” and loved it. Loved Boston as well. Now I know what you’re talking about . . . lol! Here’s to 15 more years!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwwwwww! I love that!!!! Sending you much love!!!
Anne says
Congrats on 15 years and thanks for your time and effort. You are such a bright spot on the internet. Love seeing your beautiful family!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Anne!!! xx
Kaylee F. says
Reading your blog is on my daily to do list! It brings me joy! 💙
P.S. Can you link your top and Erika’s in the group photo? Not sure if it’s a recent pic or not.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!!!! And that top is one of my Abercrombie bodysuits!
Stacey M. says
Congratulations Shay! I’m so glad that you love what you are doing, it shows in your posts! I love reading what you are up to and you are a bright spot in so many people’s day. Thank you for sharing your ideas and family with us.
And the count of how many times you mention pumpkins, 577 – love it. Ha!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Stacey!! I mean…it’s my favorite word 😉
Melanie M says
Thank you for your 15 years of dedication to this blog. You have blessed so many people with what you share on here. To be honest with you, your blog is really the only one I faithfully read every day!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Melanie!! I am so blessed by readers like you!
Megan Bowen says
Congratulations on this huge accomplishment. I look forward to your blog posts and enjoy the perspective you give. I admire so much the way you recognize the little things in life and make the most of every day.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Megan!!!
Diane says
Thank YOU for inspiring us and for being such a faithful prayer warrior. August 3 must be a special day because it is also date of my mom’s unexpected passing in 1997 at the young age of 63 and a few years later one of our fur babies passed away on that date (I know you are a huge dog lover!). Big hugs and congrats from Waco!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Diane, I’m so sorry! I wish I could hug you. Thank you for letting me be a part of your day. xx
Judy Sain says
You are my absolute favorite blogger! I enjoy reading it every time! Congratulations!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Judy!!
Chrissy says
Congratulations on 15 years!!! I’ve been around for over 10 of them and love watching you and your family grow! We are the same age and have similar tastes and yes, it’s like having a close friend chatting along with advice and stories of their days. Thank you for being you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Chrissy!
MelanieL says
Oh, I’m trying not to cry but I am fragile today, it’s the first day of school for my SENIOR and junior! Shay, you have enriched MY life more than you will ever know! From reading to fashion and travel and giving me recipes my kids will request for years to come, I am truly grateful for you. Congratulations on 15 years!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh mama, what a bittersweet day!!! I wish I could give you a hug!
Beth says
Congratulations! Reading your blog changed my life – literally! It’s how I first heard of a place called McKinney TX. When faced with divorce and needing to start my life over I decided to take a leap of faith and move to a town in TX I’d only read about and didn’t know anyone in. Five years later I’m so glad I did so thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my gosh, Beth! I could cry!! That is so incredible!!! I hope to run into you one day soon!
Rachel says
Congratulations on 15 years! What an accomplishment! I read several blogs, but I always start with yours because it’s my favorite😊
Mix and Match Mama says
That means so much, Rachel!!!
Alisha says
Wow! I think this post really shows how many of us are reading daily, but not always commenting! We love you, Shay. Thank you for sharing your life, passions, and family with us. I love reading every morning and your positive outlook has helped me become a better mother! Happy 15 years!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, thank YOU!!!
Carrie says
Add me to the list of readers that love you and your blog. I find so much inspiration on food, fitness, family, fashion, faith…that’s a lot of F’s. Your blog makes me laugh, makes me smile, makes me think harder about things, makes me feel good. I could go on and on. It inspires me to be the best version of me. Thank you for sharing your life with us. So much love and blessings to you and your family.
Mix and Match Mama says
Blessing back to you, Carrie!! Thank you!!
Amie P says
Congratulations on 15 years!!! I have been reading along for a little over 10 of those. I also started following along during infertility issues. Now we have a 6 year old via IVF and a 16 month old that was FREE! haha The Lord new we needed that extra little brother. I am so thankful for you and your blog. Over the years you have brought my family many meals and tips and tricks for all sort of things all while being an inspiration!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my goodness! God is so good!!!!
Marie says
Happy Anniversary Shay and congratulations on a big milestone. Thank you for putting yourself out there for people like me to look up to. You truly have given me hope on my personal life.
God bless you and to your beautiful family.
Mix and Match Mama says
God bless YOU!!!
Jaime Surrett says
Congratulations! Your blog is a bright spot in my day and an inspiration. Every morning I pour my coffee and, after I spend time in the Word, turn to your blog to begin my day. It’s such a happy way to begin and a joy to read. I pray you have many more fun and blessed years blogging!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!!!! xx
Ryann says
Congratulations on 15 years!! I am personally VERY thankful you started this blog because I’m positive I wouldn’t have even considered adoption without your (and the Lord’s) prompting and wouldn’t have my daughter. (Or be planning my 2nd international vacation 😉) Much love!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my word!!!!!!!!! I could just sob! Thank you, Ryann! God is SO GOOD!
Sharon says
When we planned a trip to Texas a couple of years ago I told my husband that one thing I wanted to do was drive to Mckinney and eat lunch at Spoons Cafe. So we did and I took a picture of my food too, That experience was right up there with a vist to The Silos in Waco and the Pioneer Woman’s Mercantile in Pawhuska, OK. Your blog is the first one I read every morning. Most of the bloggers I used to follow just post on Instagram now. But you’ve been blogging for 15 years. That’s amazing.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh wow! This is so special! Thank you!
Sara McQueen says
Going through one of those sort of “sad” times right now myself as a newish Mama to a 14 month old. Kind of, maybe, looking for my own sort of creative outlet? And this is JUST what I needed today. Thank you, Shay!!! Thank you for being here! I’ve been here almost ten years and am better for “knowing” you! Truly!!!! I’ve told you before, but if I never get to on earth, I’m going to squeeze your neck when we get to Heaven one day!!! Happy 15 years!!! Xoxo
Mix and Match Mama says
Sara, you’ve got this! I just know you do!
Emily Weldy says
Thank you for sharing your world with us, Shay! We are all so blessed by you. I look forward to reading your posts all the time. They are so inspiring and encouraging. I always feel like you embody who God calls us to be. I know you’ve had to bring so many people to Jesus over the years. Add that with everything else you share and we truly are fortunate to share this space you. Congrats on 15 years and many more to come. God’s blessings to you always!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Emily!!
StephC says
Great advice, Shay!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you!
Christie says
Congratulations on 15 years! I found your blog when Sean became the bachelor, but I’ve stayed because of you! You are my Regina George when it comes to reading- “Shay once suggested this book, so I read the book” 😂
Your family is precious and I admire your faith and how you unashamedly share it! Thank you for taking us along for the ride!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you. Your kinds words mean just so much.
Martie says
Congratulations on 15 years! A milestone that is a testament to your hard work and perseverance.
I’m older than you by about 18 years (!) but I learn so much from you and I read your blog for my daily dose of motivation, positivity and sisterhood in our love for the Lord. Many times you have said just the thing I need to hear and I know it is a God thing.
Best wishes for many more years of blogging!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you, Martie! God bless YOU!
Alysha O’Neill says
I started reading your blog 8 years ago, when I had my first baby and was on maternity leave. I was trying to learn how to cook and discovered your recipes and blog. Looking back to that special time with my newborn, I always associate your recipes also, especially ghoul-ash which I still make every Halloween. 🙂 Happy 15!
Mix and Match Mama says
I just smiled! I’m so honored that you make Ghoul-ash too!! Thank you!
Janet says
Congratulations! Happy to say I have been a follower for a majority of those years. Cheers to many more.
Mix and Match Mama says
Cheers! Thank you, Janet!
Gianna says
Shay – you have been apart of my daily routine for so many years now! Your page is the first thing I visit every morning. I talk about you like you are my friend, I value your opinion so much and you are such an inspiration in so many ways. You truly radiate positivity and when faced with a challenge, you handle it with such grace. Just know that you have changed so many lives as well. So lucky to be apart of your community and I cannot wait for what’s in store for the next 15 years!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness, thank you so much!! Sending you much love!
Andrea Conrad says
What a huge accomplishment Shay! You’ve inspired me in so many ways, but I’ll just tell you about 2 here. First, you inspired my family to adopt two amazing boys from China. I really don’t think we ever would have done that without you. Second, you inspired me to get skin checks. This morning I had to have a pre-cancerous mole removed. I probably never would have gotten skin checks without your encouragement. My entire family is so thankful for you ❤️
Mix and Match Mama says
This means the world to me. Thank you!
Mary Dollar $ says
Our Sweet Shay!!! Any and every time your name comes up…I always say that’s my sweet friend! Even though we don’t get to hang out, I’m with my friend every day right here! You’re the best encourager (very important to me) and I only wish I knew you when my 43 y/o son was growing up. Your ideas and recommendations are so helpful. Your BLOG Community is grateful for you and that includes ME!!! ♥️
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh Mary! I’m just so thankful for YOU, friend!!!
Jennifer S. says
Congratulations, Shay! I found your blog at the beginning of the pandemic and in many ways it saved me. Your blog is a wonderful way to start the day – thank you for all of your ideas and inspiration! Here’s to the next 15!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much!
Paula says
Congratulations on the 15 year anniversary! I’m certainly happy to have found you here and stop in every couple of days to see what you’re up to. I love reading about family, food, adventures, clothing and anything else you may write about. Though we have never met in person, and likely never will, this blog is like the friend sharing interesting bits about their day. Warm wishes to you and yours from Nova Scotia, Canada.
Mix and Match Mama says
I have always wanted to visit Nova Scotia! Maybe one day, I will. Thank you so much!
Kami says
Congratulations on 15 years! What a milestone. I saw you on The Today show years ago and have been “your friend” every day since. I admire so much about you and can confidently say you’ve inspired me in so many ways. You are a ray of sunshine for so many people!
Mix and Match Mama says
Really?! That means the world to me! Thank you!
Mindy says
Happy 15 Years!! Just wanted to let you know that your blog is the first thing I open on my phone every morning after my eyes lol I have been following you since Ashby came home. I’m sure my husband would like to thank you for the numerous shopping inspirations which is equally balanced by some delicious recipes 😋
Thank you for sharing your life with the blogging world. You’re an inspiration to many!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh gosh! Thank you so much!
Claire says
I want to give a big thank you to YOU, Shay!! You are the bright spot on my phone everyday and you never fail to be an encouragement, give me a good laugh, or inspire me to try something new. This community you started 15 years ago has shaped me into who I am today, and I’m so much better because of it. I wish I could also go back to your 25 year old self and tell you that starting that blog will touch hundreds and hundreds of hearts across the world. 💕 This post is exactly what I needed today as I have a passion for interior design, but don’t know where to start. Your mama has also been an encouragement for me in that industry. I can’t thank God for you and this community enough. Hope you celebrate 15 wonderful years of blogging today, and many more wonderful years to come! xo
Mix and Match Mama says
God bless YOU, Claire! Thank you!
Sarah says
Congratulations of 15 years! I truly enjoy reading your blog every day and I can feel the joy you put into it.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Sarah!!
Robyn Gregory says
Congratulations and Happy 15 year anniversary!!! Thank you so much for inviting us into your world, your family and your home! The vacations are nice too! 😉
I have been following for years now and always look forward to your posts, stories and recipes! Tell Andrew to take you back to Nantucket to celebrate!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
We should really be boarding a flight right now don’t you think? 😉 xx
Stephanie Sanders says
Shay I am 11 years older than you and I still look forward to readying your blog every day! You’re my favorite blogger and I so enjoy your recipes, book reviews, vacation posts, all of it! I’ve been following you since Sean was the bachelor. We really don’t have much in common except our love for Jesus, but isn’t that what makes the world so amazing? Congratulations Shay!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Stephanie!!
Tracy Robinson says
Congrats and thank you for sharing your life with us! Reading your blog is something that I look forward to each day, and I am glad that you are still having fun writing it. Please don’t stop 🙂
My family just returned from a little road trip through Texas, and McKinney was one of our stops because of you. We had a great time shopping at the square on Saturday morning, and we had a delicious lunch at Harvest. None of that would have ever happened with you sharing your life in this way. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness! I’m so excited you stopped by!! Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
E.W. says
Happy Anniversary!
I acknowledge you for showing up here consistently and with purpose. I read a post you wrote years ago where you said your goal was to keep this little part of the internet a happy place to be. You’ve done that; you continue to do that and that’s a big deal. Congratulations on this milestone.
[Please pause here to take in the collective standing ovation for the Comments on this post!]
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwww! Thank you so very much!!!
Randi J Rooks says
Yay! So amazing! Thank you Jesus!
Shay I have loved following you and you have been a part of my day for so many years!!! 🙂 Like over a decade. It will be so fun to reminisce about this and meet in person in eternity !
This advice you gave here today SO speaks to me . Thank you. :).
I love you! Pray for you often ! Keep shining 🥰
Mix and Match Mama says
You simply have no idea how much this means to me. You have blessed ME!! xx
Ramona Puckett says
Congratulations 🎊🎉🎈 and thank you so much for all you do! Everyone’s already said what I was going to say so I just wanted to join in and say Happy Anniversary ❤️
Lisa D says
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I found your blog when I went looking for a chicken and green chile recipe! (Yours is delicious btw). It was when you were adopting Ashby and I have loved following along with your sweet family since then. Thank you for your positive outlook and all the hints and tips. Your blog is a bright light for many. 💜
Margaret says
Hi Shay – Congrats on 15 years! I am a mom of 4 with my youngest heading off to college in three weeks. We are from St. Louis so love that you married a Missouri boy ( my oldest played football in state finals against Webb city 🙂 I found your blog after Sean was on the bachelor and have really enjoyed it especially your adoption journey. It is just amazing how God worked to bring you all together and for you to share with all of us. I was always showing pics of your girls to my 21 year old daughter who has always said she wants to adapt one day and now she follows you as well. We bond over Shay Shull ..haha
After reading your blog today, I decided to go read your very first post and got the biggest kick out of it and the cute comments from Andrew and your dad. It is truly amazing to see how far you have come in 15 years and your kids will love to have this documentation of their life. I look forward to following you for another 15 years plus..
Lori says
Congratulations on 15 years!! I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past 6-7 years. It has been inspiring and uplifting. I enjoy your love for fashion, travel, food, and most of all your faith. It feels as if we have been friends for a lifetime!
My bestie and I were able to meet you one weekend in McKinney and I will have to say you are just as sweet in person!! You have such a wonderful impact on this community! Here’s to 15 more!!!! ❤️
Becky Carl says
I wish I could remember what made me find you Shay! But I’ve been following you since 2010 or 2011. A long time! The world of blogging was so new back then and I followed many, but you have always been my constant. Watching you and your sweet family grow makes me feel like I know you in person. In fact, I’ve been trying to get to McKinney all these years and may finally get to visit in September. Your little town sounds so perfect. And going through Kensington and Smith’s life and the adoption of Ashby and Mades feels like you are family. All of my children and grandchildren live far away so it’s nice to hear the daily news of yours. Your faith is so uplifting as well. Thank you for keeping on filling our lives with adventure. Many blessings to you and your sweet family.
Amanda says
I look forward to reading your blog every morning. I love the recipes, house tours, travel recaps, tutorials, life lately updates, exercise tidbits, family and friend stories, BOOK REVIEWS…all of it! I hope it keeps being fun for you for a long while! xo
Jaren says
So my whole family knows how I feel about you and your blog because I’ve constantly talked about stuff on here for the past 9 years! You inspire me all the time, and your blog is just a happy place to be!!! I’ve enjoyed watching your beautiful family grow too. Thanks so much for your dedication and hard work being a light in this world 😁 Just love ya!!
Laura Holmes says
Congratulations! I read your blog every day and love following along. You deserve all your success. Here’s to 15 more!
Melissa says
Thank YOU so much! As so many others, I too come here every day to see what is happening in your world and to be inspired. Thats what you do every day. You inspire. Today’s post is just what I needed. I pray you feel all the love!
Kelli Mosher says
Shay- I am currently 25, but have followed you for probably close to 4 years now. I know I am by no means your target market lol BUT I really look up to the woman you are in all of your identities. It feels like I’m looking into the future at a version of me I hope to become. This post RESONATED with me today- such divine timing. Lots of love and gratitude that 25 year old you followed your heart- I plan to follow in those steps.
XO 🙂
Bethany says
Happy 15 Years! I have tagged along for probably the last six years! It’s been my daily routine to lay my youngest down for a nap after lunch and then I plop down on my bed and read your blog! Now he’s starting school this fall so I’ll have to find a new rhythm! Thanks for a fun blog!
Jen says
Your blog was the first one I ever read. Now, I read 10-12 blogs a day…and because of you, I finally started a blog…3 years ago tomorrow! 15 years! Congrats!!
Katie Compton says
I honestly don’t remember how I stumbled upon your blog. I believe it started with Googling a recipe! Fast forward many years later and I’ve made and shared SO many of your recipes! I just made your chocolate toffee bars for my fellow teachers as we started back to work today!! The recipes led me to reading every day, getting the BEST book reviews, and enjoying getting to “know” you. Shay… your are my most favorite person I’ve never met. 😊 Congrats on 15 years!
Debbie says
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations! Long time reader who has often been encouraged and inspired by your posts! Keep them up!
Stephanie S says
Congratulations! And cheers to the next 15 years!
Marcy Norman Cox says
Congratulations on 15 years… I look forward to many, many more. I have read your book recommendations, cooked & baked your tasty recipes, shopped the Nordstrom sale and Amazon with you and you even sold me on the Apple Watch (1,2,3,4,6 &7)🤣 thank you for all the fun!
Janet says
Congratulations! I loved reading the numbers on the various things. That’s a lot of pumpkin! I somehow stumbled on your blog several years ago and still look forward to reading it each time you post.
Keep up the inspiration and happy posts.
Lovely says
That’s amazing! Congratulations on 15 years of blogging and also on 10 years of your travel agency. Thanks for these tips.
Shan says
Shay, you are by far my fave blogger and the only one I make sure to read every single day for the past several years. So many of my best beauty/fashion/recipe/travel finds came from you!
I love that through all your success, you are still so relatable, down to earth and genuine- just thought you should know that. Cheers🥂 to 15 years ! 🎉
Alison says
I love love love this! Thank you so much for inspiring me every day! I started blogging after getting inspiration from reading your blog for a few years! Thank you for sharing your life with us! God Bless you and your family and all you do for your audience!
Amy Baker says
Congratulations Shay! I enjoy reading your blog every single day (and have for the past 11 years). You bring SO MUCH light and joy to those that surround you. You have opened my eyes up to so much – bundt cakes, traveling and Jesus (to name a few). My family still laughs at me because I speak about you as if you are my friend (not just someone i “follow”) LOL 🙂 You deserve all the accolades you are receiving – you are many people’s “friend”!! Thank you for being that and so much more! Cheers to many more blogging years ahead! You are very special Shay!
Jan says
Shay, thank you for being such an encourager! You inspire me! You make me better! Wishing you and your family a blessed school year!
Patty says
Congratulations! And I have to say, my blog changed for the Better when I started linking up with you four and a half years ago for What’s Up Wednesday.
I remember not even knowing how to link up correctly and I emailed you the first day. I remember thinking, am I doing this right, will these girls be mean to me? Nope! This has all been such a blessing!
Valerie Allen says
Congrats on your 15 years! I just wanted to say “thank you” for starting your blog. It is something that I look forward to daily.
Amy says
Congratulations on 15 amazing years and here’s to many more! I’ll never forget getting the chance to meet you in person at the Nashville Wild For Planners Go Wild conference. 🙂
I’ve been a reader for a long time and I need to get back into getting better at commenting.
Katie says
Ah! CONGRATS on 15 Years! That is such an accomplishment! I started reading/following about 13 years ago, as totally clueless 22 year old, have not stopped! You provide so much inspiration, motivation and encouragement to me over the years and I am so thankful for this little part of the world. Thank you for continuing to show up and share your life with us – it means more than you know! I can’t wait to see what the next 15 look like! Again, thank you!
Kim N. says
I’m catching up on some blog reading today, so a bit late, but Congrats on 15 years! That’s amazing! Your blog is one of my favorites to read, probably my very favorite. It is always so positive, but also feels real, not fake, and I appreciate all of the time and energy you put into it! I love the advice in this post. Bookmarking it both for myself, as I consider what I might do in my next career chapter after years of staying home with kids, and also for my kids, who are getting older and starting to think about what they might want to do career-wise one day. Also, after reading your recent packing post, I just finally bought the packing cubes on Amazon – the black and grey ones were both about 50% off today. I do that type of packing sometimes (mixing between suitcases) but have used big ziplock bags in the past, so this will be an upgrade!
Leslie says
Thank you Shay! You are a ray of sunshine to my day! You are the one blog I religiously follow! I may not know you, but you feel like a friend and I thank you for that! God bless you!
Shelby Ratterman says
I have read your blog since college and now I’m a mama of three. You have met me in every season, and I can’t imagine my days without your blog! I refer to you as my “blog friend Shay” to my husband. Thank you thank you!
Kourtney says
Hi Shay! I’ve been reading your blog for about 7 years, since I was in college! I’ve always been inspired by your faith, your adoption journey, your tips, recipes and your cheery and positive attitude! I’ve always enjoyed reading about your family and things you do for your kids, even when I wasn’t even close to being in that stage of life. Now I’ve recently become a mother myself & love referencing your posts. I also share a love of fall and all things cozy, I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait for September! Thanks for sharing with us!
Kristal Strong says
Thank you for opening yourself, family and life up to us each day. I enjoy keeping up with you & your blog (even if I rarely comment) and feel like I’ve got a friend in McKinney.
Do you have favorite travel accounts you follow-whether podcast, Instagram, whatever. I’m still growing my business and love learning from others.
Mix and Match Mama says
Head to our MMT IG account! I follow all of my favorite travel accounts there. Best of luck to YOU!!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
You are awesome, Shay!!! I’m behind reading blogs this week because first week back to school as a teacher = #tired LOL
I have been reading your blog for about 8 years now! I remember reading about your adoption of Ashby and telling my coworkers about it each update you gave. It was your blog posts on adoption that first planted that seed in my heart. I had no idea how that would help me through years (and multiple IVF cycles) of infertility to adopt our son from TX and now we are pursuing our 2nd adoption in TX! I hope you blog forever 🙂
Debbie says
I’m behind on your blog….I recently changed jobs and haven’t had as much ‘free’ time….I wanted to hop on here though and say THANK you…..I’m an ‘older’ lady that enjoys reading your blog….your blog is the only one I read most everyday…..I do appreciate your words, wisdom and your heart as expressed here….so openly and freely, so much so, that I braved it one day and wrote a request for prayers for my darling Rachel….KNOWING that you and many of your followers would be praying for my girl. Rachel is doing quite well….she even has started growing her hair back and looks as though she has a fashionable cute short hair cut! 🙂 I can’t express how much it means, just knowing I could come here….completely unknown, and have prayer warriors praying over MY daughter…..THANK you does not seem enough……I appreciate your heart, and prayers….
Laci Murray says
Your consistency to this community does not go unnoticed!! Thank you for always showing up for us, giving us your time. Congratulations!
Kacy M says
Happy anniversary to the blog! I’ve been following you since before both adoptions and look forward to reading the blog every morning. Love you and the fam so much!