Happy Tuesday, friends! I have PART FOUR today from our Mediterranean cruise in July!
If you missed the other parts, catch them below:
And today…we arrived in beautiful Portofino 🙂 .
We woke up on this morning so excited to disembark in Santa Margherita! Once again, there are multiple things you could do/see/visit from this port of call, but we decided to head to Portofino. When Andrew and I were here in 2013, we walked from Santa Margherita to Portofino (it took about an hour and was a beautiful walk!), but this time, we went in a boat instead…but first…
…our guide for the day met us where we got off the ship and took us on a stroll of Santa Margherita. She was born and raised in this town and super knowledgeable about all the ends and outs of this area.
After a little morning tour, she had tickets for us to board the public boat that takes you from this town around the corner and over to Portofino (about a 30ish minute boat ride)…
…we arrived and didn’t want to leave. This town is just so CHARMING!
We had a few hours here before our next boat ride, so the six of us headed off to explore. All three girls got jewelry from a little shop. We stopped for a treat and drink and just took it all in…
…the buildings, the streets, the laundry out the window, it just feels Italian here 🙂 .
We stopped for lunch and had a table by the water…
…we people watched…
…ate delicious (and for Kensington, gluten-free!) pasta…
…and apparently, took a selfie. Ha!
After lunch…
…we did a little more shopping and looking before meeting back up with our guide and boarding another boat…
…Portofino, next time, I’m coming and staying here for days. You are lovely.
How big does she look?! Everyone had swimsuits under their clothes because there were moments when we could hop in the water along the way.
These two were pretty inseparable on this trip.
The guide had a boat for us to hop from Portofino over to La Spezia but first, we had to stop at this tiny little spot and switch boats. How cute is this place?! We didn’t stay long as we ran from one boat to the next, but I thought it was super cute.
Back on another boat now to head to La Spezia.
Look how cute?!
We arrived and our guide took us on a tour exploring this gem.
Granita for the win!
We were going to stop and swim here but decided to do our swimming back in Santa Margherita instead before we boarded the tender to head back to the Beyond.
We were just having too much fun exploring to stop.
A giant frying pan! They actually have an annual festival where they use a giant frying pan to cook!
When our time in La Spezia was over, our guide had a van there waiting to drive us back (instead of taking the boats all the way back) to Santa Margherita where we could take a dip before boarding the ship…
…and then of course, since we were in our suits, we just boarded and headed straight to the pool too.
A total of five boats (two tenders and three from Santa Margherita to La Spezia) which meant a full day of viewing Italy’s gorgeous coast. We showered and enjoyed…
…dinner later that night 🙂 .
That’s it for this Tuesday! I’ll see you guys back here tomorrow! xx
Erika Slaughter says
The views look gorgeous!! 😍😍😍
Sheaffer Sims says
Great pics today! My favorite was the one of Madeley on Ashby’s back with the beautiful background! That’s a framer for sure!
Elspeth says
What a packed full but fun day! Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait for the next day!
Laura says
I LOVE all of your kids’ relationships…it’s really special. I’ve especially noticed Ashby’s confidence lately, even in still pictures. Her little poses are absolutely adorable.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much! She’s really maturing and coming into her own.
Laci Murray says
Stacie says
Now I want to go!! What a beautiful little town!
Anne says
I have sort of a weird question. I’ve never been on a cruise, but I’ve heard that it’s common to see swimwear that’s very revealing. Do you think that’s the usual case, and if so, is it somewhat embarrassing when your son or husband are there?
Mix and Match Mama says
I would say that’s not typical on a cruise (any more than going to a public pool/water park)…buuuuut I will say that’s why we didn’t visit the beach by our hotel in Barcelona…tops were very optional. 😉
Anna-Liisa says
Just stayed in Costa Brava coast (Catalonia, Spain) for a week with my husband and two sons. Main focus was the beach. Yes, a lot of women didn’t wear bikini tops, but it didn’t feel weird at all. It’s not trashy or sexual, it’s just a cultural thing and one point of the travelling is to learn about different cultures.
Amy says
I am loving Ashby’s poses! I’m also just thinking that I may have died on that many boats and it sounds like you get more motion sick than I do. Was it difficult for you??
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes. Ha! I was trying to be a trooper, but it wasn’t easy for me. Everyone else in my family was fine, but geez…boats are not for me.
Alissa says
Hi Shay! I was wondering if your tour guides in each city is something you arrange personally or is included as an excursion from the ship? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s something we arrange here at our travel agency independent of the cruise line.
Joanne says
What lovely little seaside towns!
Anna says
Ins* and outs 😀
Barb says
Loved all the beautiful pictures. Thanks so much for sharing.
Leslee says
I would love to know if you tip each guide, boat driver, etc. if so what’s your standard tip rate? Also, do you tip US dollars, euros, combo? Or so you include tips at booking?
Mix and Match Mama says
We do! We always tip them in the currency of where we are at the time, and it’s always at least 20%.
Anna-Liisa says
It’s acctually insulting in some European countries to leave tip. I’d suggest to google before you go to learn the tip policy in certain country.
Arika says
Do you have a link to Madeley’s shirt?
Mix and Match Mama says
The little pink striped one? That’s J Crew!
Carol says
Love this! Is Kensington (GASP!) taller than you now?
Mix and Match Mama says
I know!!!!!
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
Such beautiful little coastal towns! Thank you for sharing!
I love how you can see each one of your kiddos personalities come out in pictures!! They are growing up! 😭
Courtney B. says
Hi Shay!
I have been following your crew since I was on 6 months of bedrest with my third who is now 8! Love your faith and family.
Random question, as a mom of a teen girl as well, I am trying to navigate the waters…did you have any hesitation with K wearing cropped shirts?
Mix and Match Mama says
Ohhhhhh! Thank you so much for sticking around so long!!!! I appreciate it more than you know! As for the crop tops…I feel like it was a natural progression for her. She loves to play around with clothes and definitely has developed her own style, so I try to be supportive. She’s almost 14! How in the world did that happen?!
Courtney says
❤️Great approach. Thanks for sharing and responding. God bless.
Brooke says
It looks beautiful! Will you share what shoes Kensington is wearing at the beginning of the post, the white hightops? I have an almost 14 yo daughter that might like some. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! They’re Converse!