Friends, you made me cry yesterday! Oh my word, THANK YOU!!! I just don’t even have the words to adequately express how much your comments meant to me. I’m just so thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me celebrate 15 years here. I am truly so blessed!
Okay, here we go, today is the first of about 405 posts I’m going to do on our vacation. Agh! I apologize in advance for the length of this one, but I am trying to minimize how many posts I have on this one vacation so I grouped four-ish days into one post today. PLUS, I always get grief for sharing the wrong things, so I basically am just going to share everything. Some of you love the family pictures. Some of you hate them. Some of you want more scenery. Some of you couldn’t care less. Some of you like food references. Some of you don’t.
Bahahaha! I’m doing my best!
A little backstory before we begin…on Saturday night, we arrived home from an amazing two week vacation to the Mediterranean. This was the third Mediterranean trip and cruise for Andrew and me (we went when I was pregnant with Kensington and then again in 2013), but our kiddos’ first time to this part of Europe. We had the best time (so many pics to follow showing that!) and truly loved it…BUT…for those of you who are interested in details like this, this wasn’t our planned vacation for 2022. Or 2021. Or 2020. Sigh.
Way back at the end of 2019, I planned an amazing vacation for the summer of 2020 based on a destination Kensington had always wanted to visit…Poland.
And then COVID happened.
I re-booked that vacation for November 2020.
I re-booked that vacation for July 2021.
I then saw that travel was going to be open in Europe for 2022, so at the end of 2021, I booked Poland for July 2022.
And then the war in Ukraine started.
Sooooooo, needless to say, later this spring, we sat in the car between Kensington’s volleyball games and Andrew, K and me started coming up with another option…so we landed on this 9-night cruise sailing out of Barcelona on a brand new Celebrity ship. I cannot tell you how much we look forward to the day when we can visit Poland. It’s been a dream of our family’s for years now. This wasn’t the year, but my prayer is that one day, I get to take my girl and experience that beautiful country.
In the meantime though…
…we packed up on Sunday morning, July 17th and headed to Barcelona, Spain!
…one minute, you’re all smiles at the airport about to board your flight…
…and some 18-ish hours later, you’re still all smiles but it’s Monday morning around 8:30 AM and you’re in Barcelona! We all tried to sleep as much as we could on the flight over since we knew we would be arriving and have a full day ahead of us, but you know…we were still tired. We arrived at our hotel for the next three nights, Hotel Arts, checked in…
…and grabbed some breakfast. After a quick meal…
…we all showered, Andrew went to the gym and I set a timer for the kids to sleep two hours (not too long or else the jet lag would just continue). While they slept, I did my quiet time, read and then took a little nap too. When the alarm went off, we all got up…
…put on our swimsuits and headed to the hotel pool. This was a bonus day for us. On Friday night around 10:30, American Airlines sent us a text saying our original flights had been cancelled, so we scrambled and rebooked this flight which got us in much earlier in the day. Since we didn’t have plans and were trying just to stay awake to ward off jet lag, we spent this day poolside.
The resort pool was up high, so we had a great view of both the city and the sea.
After lunch and swimming, we went back and put on our dry clothes to walk to dinner…
We had asked the hotel concierge where we could get an authentic Spanish meal within walking distance that had gluten-free options. After about a 10 minute walk, we arrived at the cutest restaurant in this courtyard…
This place checked all of our boxes!! After dinner, we walked back to the hotel and crashed for the night.
The next day, we had a private tour of Barcelona!
We absolutely loved our guide!! We walked all over the city learning about its history, culture and traditions. It was PERFECT for a day in Barcelona!
We all learned so much as we explored!
Barcelona, you are oh so cute! I was happy to be back 🙂 .
A new country for my boy! We counted and I believe this was country #26 for both Smith and Kensington!
One of my favorite spots was the Picasso Museum…
…I learned this fact when I visited 9 years ago, BUT you want to hear the coolest thing (in my opinion) about Picasso? He was born on October 25, 1881…and I was born on October 25, 1981. Your mind is blown, right? Mine too. Bahahaha!
We asked our guide to please suggest both a lunch and dinner spot for us that day (gluten-free, of course!) that she loved. For lunch, she took us to another part of town…
…which I love…
…and sent us to Harry’s which is an Italian yet g-free friendly place to eat with mega atmosphere…
…twinkle lights aplenty along with delicious pasta! This was a GREAT MEAL!
After lunch, she picked us back up and…
…we headed here 🙂 . She had purchased tickets in advance for us, so we didn’t have to wait in line to enter
Side note: when you have a tour guide, it helps because occasionally, mom can also be in the pictures 😉 !
It blows my mind to enter places like this. How unbelievably amazing is this architecture and design?! It’s just incredible!
That light!
We loved it!
After our tour, we said goodbye to our guide and toured a little on our own the rest of the afternoon…
Later that night though, it was time for dinner, and we stopped by our guide’s dinner spot…
Why do I not have pictures?! I’m not sure. I shared a video on Stories that day, but no pics. This was a Spanish meat house of sorts. We had a totally delish dinner before heading back and crashing.
The next morning…
…all smiles at our hotel breakfast before another big day!
Are you guys as excited as I am to see Madeley win her first Golden Globe for Outstanding Performance in a Comedy Series?
So by now, it’s Wednesday, and we have more of the Barcelona region to explore on our last full day…
…we had another private tour to that monastery waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there. Can you see it? It’s way at the top there. We drove out to see the very epic (and active!) Montserrat Monastery. After parking, we took…
…a cable car way up to the top!
The views alone were spectacular, but guys…
…there’s a whole little town up there! I was so surprised! From the ground, it looks so tiny, but at the top, there is the monastery, of course, along with a hotel, museum, stores, restaurants, a post office and grocery store. It was so charming!
We had tickets to go inside the monastery and see what it’s most known for (outside of the boys choir and school)…
…the Black Madonna is the special piece here that people come from all over the world to see. It’s a spiritual pilgrimage for many. It was very cool to see in person!
After seeing the Black Madonna, we had tickets…
…to the art gallery where we were allotted 45 minutes to explore. We lasted about five. My kids love churches. They’re great with museums. They could care less about art galleries though and zipped right on through. No worries though because our next stop was lunch…
…in this adorable coastal town! Our guide dropped us off for lunch at this restaurant in Sitges on the water and then we spent the rest of the afternoon exploring and eating gelato 🙂 .
So cute, right?! We just loved Sitges!
It was a FULL DAY!!! At the end of the day though, our guide suggested we head back to Barcelona and enjoy our last dinner here at this restaurant by the water…
It was very adorable inside! This is Velissima, and we loved it 🙂 !
And that’s a wrap on Barcelona!! We packed in A TON, learned a lot, ate delicious food and got over our jet lag just in time for the second act in our trip…coming up next, we board the Beyond 🙂 !
Before I head out today, if you missed my HOW I PACKED FOR OUR MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE post, make sure you catch that! I go into great detail on how I packed us all for this two week adventure.
If you’re curious about other European cruises we taken as a family, I have those posts for you too! You can find details on our BALTIC CRUISE and NORWEGIAN FJORDS cruises on my blog too. Plus, don’t forget that Andrew and I went on a GREEK ISLES cruise too!
For more information on how Mix and Match Travel Agency can help you plan your next vacation, please visit our website! We would love to help you too!
I’ll see you back here tomorrow! xx
Erika Slaughter says
YAY!!! Can’t wait to see all these pics! The first part looks fabulous!
Elspeth says
I’ve been waiting for this post and can’t wait to read more! What a great trip!
Beth Vogt says
History, food, art, scenic views… could it be any better…
Andrea says
The correct phrase is “couldn’t care less”. If you say “could care less” that implies that someone does actually care.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh well look at me and my typos! Agh! Thank you!
Laura says
For the record I always love your vacation posts! 🙂 If I am heading somewhere I know you have been I always search back through your posts and read them again too!
Katie says
Congrats Shay! I have been reading for 10 years! What!! Every day! Crazy!!!!! I love coming here every morning. I was just a young 21 year old girl & now am married with 2 babies and I have learned soo much from you over the last 10 years. Your quiet time & the way you start your mornings, recipes, your family, and so much more. You’ve really made an impact in little ways every day. Your advice today was great and so true, you’re proof! Congrats again on the success 🙂
Becky says
I noticed K’s cute neon green top and skirt on Instagram. Where are they from?
Mix and Match Mama says
Heather says
I lived in Barcelona for 5 years and moved a year ago to Budapest. I can not tell you how many friends and family have cancelled visits to me because of the Ukraine war. Those of us that live in these areas like Hungary and Poland really have not noticed any difference at all in our day to day life and so I really encourage you to still visit Poland which is a beautiful country and still just as safe as ever. I don´t think your trip would have been disrupted at all, but of course a Mediterannean cruise is a great consolation trip!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s so nice to hear this!!! Thank you!!
Amylynn says
I agree! My husband works for the government so spent a long time right after the outbreak working on the Poland/Ukrainian Border. We wouldn’t have stayed where he was ON the border, but in hindsight he wishes we’d (me and our baby) have flown over to visit Krakow and other areas while he was there. I think yall would be totally fine to go, so hopefully soon! We love the Polish even more after how they’ve handled caring for the effects of this war!
Dana P says
Wow, that took me back! We went to Barcelona for a conference in 2012 with a 5 week old and no a/c. It was traumatic! But seeing your pictures helps me remember the good parts, too. 😊 We went to Cadaques for a conference in 2019 and that was amazing! If you haven’t been, you should check it out. Also, your kids (and you!) might enjoy 2 songs about Barcelona-one by Ed Sheeran and the other by George Ezra. Our family loves them! I’m not a big traveler, but it’s fun to live vicariously through you!
Sara says
The flight cancellations in 2022 have been the WORST. Glad you were able to make the most of it!
Jaren says
I’m always up for a travel post!!! Love that y’all got guides, and mom could be in pics too! Just curious, how did you get so lucky that a room was ready for you guys for your early arrival?
Mix and Match Mama says
One of my tricks for traveling to Europe (when you land early in the morning) is paying for an extra night of hotel stay so that you can immediately check in and go straight to shower and nap.
Beth Knecht says
This was so fun! I always love the little details like you didn’t plan this trip in advance yet you ended up here because of unfortunately not being able to visit Poland.
Joanne says
Looks like it was so much fun!
Beverly says
Would you possibly be able to recommend who you used for the private tours? Thank you so much we are headed there soon!
Mix and Match Mama says
I would love to, but we keep all of our tours for our clients. I wish I could have helped you with your trip! For future travels, please reach out! I’d love to work with you!!
Beverly says
Thank you! I wasn’t aware you booked international cruises! I’ll check next time!
Kris says
Hi, I am going on a cruise end of Aug. Did you feel safe on cruise, did you have to wear masks? Any covid outbreaks?
Mix and Match Mama says
We did not have to wear masks on the ship, and I felt totally safe! Have a great cruise!
Dana P says
Just to answer her, my parents are currently on a cruise in Canada and quarantined since my stepdad tested positive on the trip. He’s fine and my mom continues to test negative, but they are stuck in Canada for 10 days and if my mom tests positive, it will be 10 more per Canadian law. I would personally recommend avoiding Canada until their laws change if someone is concerned about it. My mom said she’s heard there are about 100 people that have been positive, but we’re not sure if that’s true. But even France doesn’t have those strict standards anymore, so maybe just save Canada for later. I can’t imagine what they would do if they weren’t retired! (Not hating on them, but there is a reality to not getting stuck somewhere!)
Kristen says
Thanks for your honest reply! I was very curious to hear if there are still outbreaks!
Jessica says
I’m so excited to read about your cruise! My family and I are going on a Disney cruise to the British isles in September. It will be all of our first time in Europe, so I’m a little nervous. Beyond excited though!! I’m hoping to learn some tips from you!
Cheri says
I live vicariously through you and your vacations, they are wonderful. I noticed that Ashby’s hand looks terrific, all those surgeries are paying off.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you so much, Cheri! She’s such a trooper!!
Kate says
I love these posts! I never get tired of seeing your sweet family ❤️❤️
Sydney says
I follow Beyond’s Captain Kate on TikTok. She’s awesome!! It’s great to see a woman in that position.
Spain is on my travel list, and this just makes it worse…or better however you want to look at it!
Angela says
Is Madeley’s pink shirt from the first day from J.Crew kids? I think I have the exact same one in blue that I bought in an XL for me because it’s just so darn adorable!
Mix and Match Mama says
It is!!!!! 🙂
R says
I have loved reading your posts since your brother Sean was on the Bachelor!
Your love of Jesus shines thru in your blog and it helps me develop in my faith!
I wrote you for prayers when my nephew committed suicide last December. He was only 37 and he left a beautiful wife and now 6 year old daughter and 4 year old son. You offered words of comfort and prayers and you will never know how much they were appreciated and needed!
Thank you again Shay and may GOD continue to bless you & your family!
Hayley says
Hi, I know you struggle with getting motion sickness- I do too! I’ve tried cruises before and still get sick on those. Do you have any tricks you use for motion sickness on a cruise? Thanks!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve only ever gotten really sick on one cruise and that was years ago. I don’t know when you went on yours or where it is, but I send just so many people on cruises each year and it’s so rare to hear that someone got sick. So far in 2022, I haven’t had any clients report getting sick. In 2019 (the last ‘normal’ year before COVID), I only had two.
Alisa says
I have a coworker that finds patches helpful for cruise motion sickness.
Andrea says
You may have done this before, but I would love a post on your thoughts, pros/cons of a cruise versus staying in hotels and traveling to different locations. We’ve done several cruises, and I’ve just never been a fan, but your love for them makes me think I must be missing something!
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwwww…it’s so hard because I truly love both. I would say that “land” vacations are my favorite, but I do always enjoy a cruise too. The last time we went to Europe (pre-COVID) with the kids was 2018 and that was a land vacation to Ireland and Scotland. It was one of our favorites. 🙂
~B~ says
Hello, Shay! So many comments to share! First, I didn’t comment yesterday and meant to – congratulations on 15 years! Thank you for all you share. Reading your blog posts and viewing your IG pages are moments of my day I look forward to! I just returned from vacation myself and it was so fun to know I had many posts to come home and catch up on.
I never take for granted and appreciate all you share with us, out here! While I know that for a blog to be successful the writer keeps in mind what their readers like to see…I always keep in mind when reading a blog that this is your “album” shall we say, where you keep your memories. So, when I read your comment “always get grief for sharing the wrong things” my initial thought was to make a frowny face 🙂 and become defensive for you! It’s YOUR blog, I’m happy you share what you want! (I will never get over people’s initiative to critique another. Don’t like what you read? Move along then!)
Have to ask – what cathedral was that in Barcelona? That light through the windows, so beautiful!
Again, thanks for all you share and I continue to look forward to following along with your family.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness, thank you so much! You are too, too kind. I am so thankful for sweet readers like yourself! That is the very famous (and still not complete!) La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.
Hope says
Loved this post and everything else the past 15 years. You are very genuine and relatable even to someone several years older. Congratulations on 15 years blogging!
Jessica says
Hi! You’ve traveled with your two oldest when they were younger…I have a almost one year old and three year old…how long would you wait before attempting a European trip?
Mix and Match Mama says
Well…I took my kids for the first time when Kensington was 1.5 and Smith was five months old. Yup…I took two babies together on their first trip over and it was fabulous! They went back the following year together (1 and 2) too. I think if you can, take them! Why not? It’s an adventure you’ll always remember!
MelanieL says
I can’t wait for all these posts!! What a great way to see the city with the guides! Can I borrow Madeley for my next vacation? She seems to be EXTRA happy all.the.time! 🙂
Jamie says
Love a travel post! That pic of Madely & Smith in the hotel pool is too cute!
Kristin Lyngaas says
What a beautiful and educational experience for your kids. They are beyond lucky! Can you put in your blog how you got your guide? Was it preplanned or did you get one scheduled by the hotel concierge? I don’t think you told us. Also was it expensive? If so I’m sure it was well worth it! Thanks for answering! 😊
Mix and Match Mama says
We always book excursions (with guides when necessary) in advance. That’s a part of the vacation planning process here at my travel agency!
Debra says
Do you book all of your tours through the cruise line? On another note, Ashby has the cutest little poses in all the pics and Madely’s silly faces are hilarious. Adorable family.
Mix and Match Mama says
It depends! On this trip, we only used private tours. And THANK YOU!!!
Karen says
I agree! I love your travel posts and it’s so personal to see pics of you and your family having fun. What a beautiful gift of memories you are giving to your children. I want to travel with y’all!!
Sheaffer says
Wow! What a great start!!! Can’t wait to follow along for the rest of the vacation!
Ginny Belousek says
Not related to this current post, but I saw this online and thought of you!
Heidi says
I love it all. Love all the details, too! Would love to see how you set up in your stateroom/hotel rooms – like where does the stuff go and how do you unpack and store things and keep things tidy? I mean, let’s face it, that’s the ugly side of travel – fitting in a tiny room and dealing with EVERYONE’s STUFF EVERWHERE.
Nicole Wilder says
Hi Shay, we are Mississippians who have lived in Belgium the last 2 years. We have four kids as well. We have traveled extensively through Europe in the last year since everything opened back up. One of our favorite places in the last year has been Wrocław, Poland. When you finally get to go to Poland, you need to include Wrocław…you can hunt gnomes throughout the city and we had the best time doing that! We have 4 teenagers and they all got in on the fun. 😊
Jessica Pawlowski says
Love this post! I just want to say that I already loved you and your family but hearing that the destination you’ve been wanting so badly to go to is Poland, it really touched my heart! My husband is from Poland and we have gone about every other year since we’ve been married but covid and the war has prevented us from going for the last couple years. It is such a beautiful country with so much to enjoy. I have been preaching to family and friends about Poland since 2012. For some reason it’s not a popular destination for Americans but you will love it! We go to krakow and Zakopane where my husband is from and has family. Great destinations for a family vacation! I know you’re a travel agent but reach out if you need tips when you finally get to go!
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh goodness! Jessica, thank you for this!! You have no idea how much I appreciate it!
Alisa says
I think I need to just go live in Europe for at least a year – so many people I know went this year and I love seeing all the photos! And you really can’t please everybody – I found out today one of my coworkers doesn’t like avocados.
Mix and Match Mama says
Your coworker is just so wrong. 😉
Carly says
Shay, I’ve been traveling for business and haven’t been able to comment on such an amazing week of posts! Congratulations on 15 years of blogging! I can say without a doubt, your blog has changed my life. From small tips, motivation, travel inspo, feeling like I have besties when I’m lonely and of course getting me to have a stronger connection with the Lord.
Also, I wanted to add Cover Story to your book list. 3-3.5 stars until…the last two pages. Major major jaw drop ending!
Keep allllll the travel posts coming!
Lauren says
I am a bit selfish to say that I am glad your trip got switched to Plan B. Had it not I wouldnt have had the opportunity to meet you and your gorgeous family in person in Rome. My sister actually flew back with y’all on your first leg from Barcelona. After our enthusiastic hellos in Rome she thought to leave the Shull family in piece. You truly are as wonderful and authentic in person as you are on the blog You, Andrew, and all the kids were so kind. Thanks again for the selfie and letting me fan girl hard!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwwwwww! You guys were ADORABLE!!! I’m so sad we didn’t connect on that flight home. Seriously, your family was too sweet for words. It was such a blessing meeting YOU!
Julianne says
We actually stayed at Montserrat years ago – very simple accommodations but it was a really unique way to experience the monastery.
I’m curious – what is the draw to Poland?
Mix and Match Mama says
She started researching Marie Curie many years ago which lead to her studying about Poland.
Katie says
Love this post!! Yay for travel posts, I always love seeing the adventures your fam gets up to! Is there a particular reason Kensington is so interested in visiting Poland? I became super interested in Russia when I was around her age, and ended up moving there after college for a year to teach English. That area of the world is beautiful, but…I agree, not the time to be going there right now.
Looking forward to following along on this Mediterranean trip! Hope you enjoyed some sangria 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
She studied Marie Curie quite a bit in the fourth grade and then just started studying more about Poland.
Katie says
Ahh, forgot Marie Curie was Polish! Love that it was a powerful, smart woman who first piqued her interest in the country!
Kaitlyn Mofford says
We are going to Barcelona in October and my husband and I are gluten free. Do you have restaurants you loved while you were there and which dish did y’all like?
Mix and Match Mama says
Every restaurant you see me post had GF options (and were all recommended to us by guides and/or the concierge!). Have a great trip!
Anna says
My husband and I were also going to Poland this summer for our honeymoon and ended up switching our plans as well. We did Italy instead! It would have been my second trip to Poland. You will love it there. Make sure you get to Gdansk and Zakopane. Both are beautiful!!! And also get to Auschwitz. So so sad but a great learning experience.
Cynthia Solomon says
Loved seeing these beautiful photos of everything!! So glad y’all had tons of fun…can’t wait to see the cruise photos!
Ani Martinez says
What a great couple of days in Barcelona! Thank you for sharing your trip with us!
sandi says
I’m just catching up with all of your posts this week… It’s great to hear of the wonderful GF options in other countries. Our family of six has a gluten allergy, soy/dairy allergy and the youngest has a sensitive tummy. It is so much easier to eat at home and control what goes into the food (even if its the amount of salt and butter). We have tried to travel and stay in cabins/homes with access to kitchens, which really makes it less of a vacation for me when I have to think about preparing food at the end of the day. Has anyone in your group had a bad reaction to food (throwing up/diarrhea) and how do you handle that when on a tour or a boat?
We have three in college and one at home. Two of the college students do not have the same winter break as our high schooler. I’m trying to talk my husband into taking two weeks off… one week to take a trip with kids #2 and #4 and the other to take a trip with #1 and #3. Even better would be if our high schooler could go on both so she can have fun with all of her siblings. The joys of planning things as kids age. We would love to take a trip exactly like the one here next summer with all of us. Our oldest was chosen to attend a soccer academy in Barcelona during August 2020 and then COVID, ugh. We still want to give him a Barcelona experience without the soccer part.
Thanks for sharing your trips with us!
Mix and Match Mama says
Kensington is the only one who cannot have gluten, so she’s the one I worry about when it comes to cross contamination or accidentally consuming gluten. With this trip, she didn’t have any outbreaks that would lead us to believe she consumed it. We try really hard to avoid it at home and when we travel and had a lot of success with this trip.
Michelle O says
Oh Shay!!! Such beautiful pictures…I can’t even imagine how beautiful in person. Thank you for this trip to Barcelona! Can’t wait for our next destination! LOL!
I too have always wanted to go to Poland. I have relatives there and the country is so beautiful. Let’s see who gets there first. LOL.
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
Hi Shay!! I absolutely love all of your blog posts and especially your vacation posts! This one was fun to live through!!
Charlene Cunningham says
I always enjoy your travel stories!
Do you have shoe recommendations for a lot of walking?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes, yes, yes! Head to Friday’s post to see my faves from this trip:
Charlene Cunningham says
Ohh..I read this post before that one! Thank you!
Amy Androff says
Shay! What great pics! Maybe I missed it but what was the name of the church you visited? Thx
Mix and Match Mama says
The one that is still under construction is the Sagrada Familia.
Susy says
Heartbroken as an art museum professional to hear your children have not learned to explore and live art. Dallas has some amazing art museums with great children’s programs that teach children to explore and u ravel artworks. It’s not too late to develop these skills and live of art! Art tells us about history, perspectives on our world! Hopeful!
Mix and Match Mama says
Of course! Continuing to expose them will hopefully encourage that as they get older.
Blaire says
When traveling do you bring like a “day bag” when you guys go out and about or just a purse? always curious of logistical stuff hah! I always like to make sure I have everything I could need but then sometimes my purse gets too heavy lol! Could you also do an updated whats in my purse video/post?
Mix and Match Mama says
We did when the kids were little, but now, we don’t. I bring very little: credit card, passport, sunglasses and lipstick.
Karleigh Johnson says
Hi Shay! Do you have a link to this exact cruise? I have tried to find this itinerary through Celebrity Cruises and can’t find it.
Also, is there a benefit to booking a cruise through a travel agent? I think I should be hearing from Claire soon, but I’m nervous our dream itinerary will sell out before then. For reference we’re aiming for May or June 2023.
Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
This ship and itinerary isn’t sailing in 2023. And yes! Cruise lines want you to use travel professionals which is why they allow us to book through their systems giving you the exact same rates, promos and discounts. It makes the experience much better for all parties involved.
Kelly Gerads says
What is the weather on this cruise like in early September? How about the seas?
Mix and Match Mama says
I have so many clients that sail in the spring and fall on the Mediterranean and love it. Less crowds, better weather, the seas are calm. My in-laws did it in April/May and had the best time!