Happy Monday, friends!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Over here at our house, things were very “spring weekend normal” except…it was Andrew’s birthday yesterday 🙂 !
We have sprinkled in birthday fun since Thursday, so I thought I’d share a few pics on this Monday morning.
But first, I saw this and laughed out loud to myself as THIS IS ANDREW SHULL…
…I’m telling you, this is my man. Bahahaha!
Okay, first up…
…Thursday night, we gathered with this crew and had a delicious birthday dinner at Local Yocal here in McKinney (it’s delish if you’re ever in town!). Where’s Mia? I’m 99% sure under the table.
Love these people!
On Friday…
…the four of us headed to a very windy stadium in McKinney to watch K run track! We do not have any photos from said track meet but do have the video of her running the 100 hurdles which I’ve been told is off limits from posting. BUUUUUT…she did great this track season, and we are SO PROUD OF HER!
Andrew and I crack up about our oldest kiddo. She is the most chill/introverted/doesn’t talk a ton at home/happily does her own thing kid who LOVES nothing more than sitting in her pjs on the couch with her dog eating candy and binge watching TV. If you walked through our home on any given day, you would see three kids bouncing off the wall and one kid in full hibernation mode eating Sour Patch Kids, BUT she loves participating in anything and everything at school. If there is a sport, she wants to play (no matter how early/late the practices are). FCA? Yes! Sign me up even though I have to go to school early most days for it. Cheer? Um, I’ll take that please and work on my tumbling after school four days a week. I’m telling you, she is the most low-energy family member inside our house but offer her a sport to play or club to join and she’s there. And probably leading it. Love this almost high schooler of ours.
On Saturday morning…
…I dropped off Smith at rowing in Dallas just as the sun was coming up. It was a BEAUTIFUL morning at the lake. I snapped this one and only pic of the crew team out to run before getting on the water.
From crew, I drove straight back to McKinney where…
…this nugget had an 8:00 AM volleyball game (and a 10:00 AM game too!)…
…Andrew sure loves coaching his kiddos.
We divided up after volleyball and Andrew headed back to rowing while I…
…went to watch Miss Ashby defy all the odds at soccer. This kid is such a force. She’s playing forward this year and DOING FANTASTIC!!! I don’t know that a game goes by where I don’t get a bit emotional. I just am in awe of her.
The Shull fam all met back up for an afternoon at home. We had a violin lesson, three of the kids hung out with friends while the fourth napped (cough, cough Mades), Andrew and I read outside in the sun (it was BEAUTIFUL!!!) and then…
…went downtown to The Yard to enjoy a gorgeous weekend with pretty much all of McKinney. It was crazy down there because the weather was so nice. We had a great dinner at Cadillac and (why didn’t we take a picture?!), dropped off the kiddos and met up with Tab and Erika to hear a local band at a wine bar by our house. No matter how busy our weekend was (and between eight kids, it was CRAZY BUSY), we got together for a bit and laughed the entire time we were there.
Church, lunch, family time, tacos and a chocolate cake were on the menu for Sunday. That’s how Andrew wanted to officially celebrate 42 🙂 .
Those are our weekend happenings!
This morning, sweet Ashby and I are at the hospital for an MRI to determine her next surgery. If you wanted to send us a little prayer, this mama would certainly appreciate it.
Until tomorrow, so much love. xx
Erika Slaughter says
It sounds like the perfect spring weekend! Praying big for Ashby girl this am!
Anne Gotschall says
Prayers for Ashby and family.
Elspeth says
What a busy but fun weekend! Happy Monday!
Beth Knecht says
I can’t get over how much like you Kensington is looking! So sweet! Prayers for sweet Ashby and the mental fortitude to contemplate another surgery! Bless her soul!
polly pover says
How difficult is it to strike a balance between letting Ashby do all the things that make her happy (like contact sports) and the worry about being on a blood thinner and bleeding/bruising? Is it scary for you every singe time? Kudos to you for all you do–she is amazing-and prayers to her in her journey…
Mix and Match Mama says
It is extremely difficult, but right now, her team of doctors are all encouraging us to allow her to do these things. We do not know what the future holds, so right this minute, they say let her be an active ‘normal’ kid as much as possible.
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
This gives me hope that we can handle our 5 kids activities as they get older! 😆
Praying for sweet Ashby this morning!! (And for you!)
Amy Heinl says
Sounds like a wonderful weekend surrounded in love and treasured moments. Lifting sweet Ashby in prayer
NancyK says
Praying for Precious Ashby and Mama. I was sure looking for Mia and didn’t see her. I chuckled when reading “where’s Mia?”.
Happy Birthday Andrew.
Sheaffer Sims says
Stopping to pray for Ashby right now!!!
traci says
Happy birthday to your hubby and big big prayers for miss Ashby!!🙏🏻
Melissa Terry says
Praying for y’all right now xo
Mary T Straus says
Hi Shay,
Hello. I applaud you for your energy. Kudos to you and a busy weekend.
So this comment has nothing to do with your blog, but your love of 🎃 like I do.
I about fellover Did you see the collection that louis vuitton released Friday with that Japanese artist. It’s Flippin pumpkins. Happy shopping.
Mix and Match Mama says
Who knew someone could ruin my two favorite things in life?! Bahahaha!
Mary T Straus says
Hi Shay,
My apologies in my previous post, but I will pray big for Ashby today as well.
Leslie S says
Andrew is my bday twin 😀 What an awesome weekend spent making memories.
Praying for Ashby today!!
Pamela says
Praying for Ashby!
sandi says
Prayers going up for your sweet fighter. Hope the news is good.
Kelly says
“Normal” is such a blessing- loved seeing your weekend, and found myself smiling as I read. Reminds me of so many similar weekends with my girls when younger:-) Praying for Ashby- and you.
SS says
Sounds like a crazy busy weekend. I played vball in highschool (they didn’t play it in middle school…yes I’m old) and soccer was my thing when I was Ashby’s age. Tell her I played on a travel team in which we played indoors in the winter…there weren’t any other girl teams, so we played boy teams every weekend in the winter!!! I did track one yr ..sprinter .. no legs for hurdles. Lol.
Of course sending lots of hugs and prayers to you and Ashby!!!
Carol says
Prayers for sweet Ashby, God Bless the Shull Family! I’ve been following since since early days, can’t believe how big the kids are now, Exciting times 🙏🏼❤️
Elizabeth Whisler says
LOL! My son was the same way as Kensington…Full on high energy leadership roles in school…there by 6am for a practice for one sport and there till about 5pm for a different practice…and immediately turned sloth mode as he crossed the threshold of the house. He’s still sort of like that when he comes home from college!! All while his sister is bouncing off the walls and running her mouth 24/7!!
Yolanda McLean says
Prayers for sweet Ashby and you all too! That pic of Mades, she looks like a pro!
Marie Wyatt says
Do you think being a naturally tidy person keeps you from being consumed with house chores all weekend?
Maybe its because I’m in the toddler years right now, but I struggle with resting/enjoying the weekend vs getting all the house chores done!!
Prayers for you and Ashby!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
One, the struggle is real in the toddler years. This too shall pass. You’re playing in a different league right now than me. But YES I think because we’re tidy all week, we don’t have to spend a lot of time over the weekend doing chores. On Sunday nights though, we always “reset” for the week ahead.
K.K. says
Prayers for you and Ashby today!! Thanks for sharing your weekend. 🙂
Stacie says
What a fun weekend! Happy belated birthday Andrew. Sending prayers Ashby’s way today!
Jeanne says
Praying for your brave girl & her team of doctors as well!
Keisha Dawson says
Looks like a packed full fun weekend! Prayers for your momma heart and sweet Ashby as you go through these next steps.
Diane says
Sending prayers from Waco and the peace that passes all understanding that only our Lord and Savior can provide.
Liz Thorson says
What an incredibly busy, active, fun filled weekend of sports, friends, family and the celebration of Andrew’s 42 nd! Much positive support and care vibes sent to you and Ashby today and always!
Michele says
Are your two older kids completely done with their braces now?
Keeping your sweet Ashby in our prayers today…
Mix and Match Mama says
Kensington is done, but Smith has one more set that I *think* he’ll get next school year.
Kara says
I loved the insight on K. I know you have be sensitive in what you post about the children, especially teens, but I love to hear about their personalities and daily likes/dislikes.
Madeley’s determination with her serve is the best!
Michelle O says
Prayers for Ashby!
Beth Valenta says
Sending prayers for your sweet girl!
Olga says
Looks like you all had a beautiful Spring weekend. ♡ Sending prayers to your brave, girl Ashby. A happy birthday to Andrew!
Deena says
It looks like you all had a great weekend and birthday for Andrew! That’s so great that Ashby can take part in sports that she loves! She seems like such an active kid. Prayers that things are going well for for her now and in the future!
Barb says
Prayers for Ashby.
Hope you have a blessed Easter!