Happy Wednesday, friends!
I’m interrupting our fall content for a minute because a blog post idea popped in my head that I really wanted to discuss with you as well…
…feel free to insert “coworker” or “roommate” in this sentence, but for the love, I live with a bunch of little thieves 😉 .
Last week, two of my kiddos were fussing/complaining/tattling about the other “stealing” things from them, and I was like, “UM, HELLO, YOU PEOPLE ‘STEAL’ FROM ME ALL THE TIME!”. I found the whole thing amusing, and it hit me that you too might live/work with people you love that somehow always manage to run off with your things.
So, I made a little list of items most frequently “stolen” from me at home, and of course, I would love to read your list too.
Here is my little list of RANDOM THINGS MY FAMILY STEELS FROM ME 😉 .
I feel like I live in a house with stacks of random paper covering every surface, but for some reason, my peeps like to take the paper out of my printer. My printer is in a cabinet behind my desk in my office which is no where near anyone or anything living in my home and yet, so often, I hit “command P” to print something only to find that it’s out of paper. What are they doing with all of this paper? I’ve yet to figure that part out.
I buy rolls and rolls and rolls of Scotch tape knowing it will be taken from my desk, the kitchen drawer and/or the bag where I keep the wrapping paper supplies and yet, THERE IS NEVER ANY SCOTCH TAPE. It’s maddening! I will go to Hobby Lobby and buy those “packs of 10” and by the end of the week, all 10 are empty. How do I know they’re empty? Because heaven help them if they throw away the empty tape dispenser…nope, they use the the tape and leave the empty dispense (a.k.a. trash).
Speaking of which…
Scissors are the hottest commodity inside our home. It doesn’t matter where I hide them, they are found, used and relocated to some distant location never to be seen again. With the amount of Scotch tape and scissors stolen in our home you would think all four of my kids moonlight as elves in Santa’s workshop.
I don’t exactly understand how it works, but my kids aimlessly walk off while holding the TV remote so often that now, I immediately just look for it in their room instead of on the coffee table.
I don’t even know why I bother buying mints. I buy them. I put them in my bag. I put my bag on a shelf in my closet. I remove the bag and go somewhere. I put my hand in my bag for a mint only to find an empty container.
My family loves to take the batteries out of something (like the remote they’ve stolen) and use them for something else.
I keep buying my kids cups and yet they keep walking off with mine.
We keep the toilet paper upstairs on a shelf directly across the hall from the bathroom by my office. Every day, I go to use said bathroom only to see it is without toilet paper. These people I cohabitate with take the roll from the bathroom instead of turning around, walking two feet and taking the roll from the shelf when they need to replace a roll somewhere else. This one is absolutely maddening to me. It’s right there. Take it from the stack when you need to replace a roll and not from an actual bathroom. It’s right there!
#9: PENS
Why use any of the 4000 pens we have scattered all over our house when we can go up to mom’s office and take the one she has on her desk?
And those are 9 random things my family steals from me.
Okay, I need to know if I’m alone or if your family does this too! Please comment and make me feel better about my family 😉 .
Now don’t forget…
…yesterday, we kicked off the month with MY OCTOBER GIVEAWAY!! All of the details and how you enter to win (it’s easy!!) are HERE!
Also in case you came for some pumpkin in your life (because it’s October, aren’t we all looking for pumpkin?!), I am sharing one of THE MOST POPULAR RECIPES IN THE HISTORY OF MY BLOG TODAY…
…it wouldn’t be October without a reminder to make these 3 INGREDIENT PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS!
Make them, take a photo, tag me, and share it on IG! I want to see your family enjoying them too!
Happy October 2nd! I hope you guys have the BEST day! xx
Deb says
I love this post – had me laughing out loud!
Katherine Darlington says
My family steals my phone charger the most. I keep
One in the kitchen in my car my room and the family room. When I need one it’s gone!
ann dyke says
Charging cords. When my sons were living at home, they randomly went missing every day I took to hiding them in my lingerie drawers, knowing full well they would not go looking for them there!
Kim m says
This made me laugh! Now that my kids are grown and out of the house I don’t have this issue (other than the toilet paper. Mine is under the sink. In the bathroom. Where you can just easily grab and replace the empty roll!)
Remi Konrad says
Phone chargers
Amy says
Wow!! Literally all those things go missing from me, especially the scissors, tape, paper, and mints. This made me LOL while I was reading. I’ll usually also find a pile of scrap paper and my scissors on the floor in another room where they were creating something🙃.
Dana K says
#1, 2, &3…It’s like you are in my house! And we only have 1 kid! Look, I’m glad she’s crafty/likes to draw/create random things…but omg, can you not take my stuff?!
Lorraine says
Gum!! I cannot keep gum anywhere in my house. But the tape is what drives me the most nuts. It’s always right before a kids party when I’m frantically wrapping a present that I notice it’s gone.
The food item is nut thins. I don’t eat a lot of snack food but nut thins with hummus are my favorite. And sometimes my little stinkers don’t even leave me one cracker. So rude.
Marcy says
Yes ! The scissors !! And this includes taking the ones from my manicure drawer in the bathroom. Also, black Sharpie markers, we seem to buy them all the time but never can find when needed.
Sheila says
It’s the remote for me too!!! 🙄 My son walks off with it as well!! 🤣
Stacy says
We have an AirTag on our remote!
Marcy says
Oh my gosh.. this is awesome.. so going to do this..thank you
Elspeth says
This post made me laugh out loud! People in my house always take lighters to light candles and never put them back, tissues are always missing and the worst is food, when people finish off a snack or meal and they leave the box empty! Haha!
Vesta says
Charging cords! Drives me crazy!!
Ashley Cookson says
Like you are reading my mind! 🤣
Kelly Brannan says
I live with tape and scissor thieves, too! Seriously, we keep 4 pair of scissors in the kitchen (in different drawers), and none of them are EVER in there when I need them. The other most stolen ‘thing’ is my clothes and shoes – my 17 year old daughter is always raiding my closet after I’ve left for work.
Andrea says
This couldn’t be more accurate. Where do these scissors go?!?
Jess says
I feel seen lol! Blankets are our hottest item though. It doesn’t matter that there are three more just as cozy within arms reach, the one mommy has must be the coziest.
Susan Jeffries says
I am glad to see that we are not the only ones(: I wouldn’t mind the stealing if they replaced what they stole. lol
Diane Moore says
Hahaha! This is a fun post!
My 3 year old granddaughter (who I watch two days a week) is my thief. Not only does she steal my plastic storage containers, pretty napkins, scarves, but she then is outraged if I take one back. “Why are you using my _____? I need that!”
Lorraine says
This is so cute and funny.
Eliza says
The biggest steal in our family is red pens. They need one for school, even me as I’m a teacher. The red pens are supposed to be kept in a drawer for easy access. But every time I need one, the drawer is empty. So I add more bc somehow we’re out…and the cycle continues. It’s gotten to the point where I keep 1 hidden in a particular spot no one knows about…bless them, it drives me crazy though🤪
Erika Opperman says
Those muffins are on repeat in our house🤍🍁!!
Mandie says
My kids steal my water all the time! We will be going on a field trip(we homeschool), I will tell them to fill a water bottle up in case they get thirsty. They will tell me that they don’t need a water bottle, they will be fine. We get to said field trip, and while I am not looking, they will sneak sips out of my Stanley. THEN when I am thirsty, my water bottle(the one that I took the time to fill) is bone dry! It is maddening!!
Amy Owens says
This is my life! Every single day! 😂
Natasha says
Besides the Scotch Tape and the scissors, my family DRIVES ME NUTS because, when we go on a walk, I always say, “Grab water and Kleenex” as I grab my own. Guess who ALWAYS has to share their water and Kleenex?!?! It’s not necessarily stealing but I TOLD YOU to get it. (Can you tell you’ve hit a sore point?!?!?! Hahahaha!!!)
I might have to sign up for WalMart+ just for a weekly delivery of Scotch Tape!
Beth Rowlett says
My charger! Always.
Amy Heinl says
I love this and can so relate. In my house it’s pens, scissors and my snacks. Everytime I get groceries I ask them specifically what they want for their snacks and yet somehow my snacks are always gone . When I ask who took my xxxxx, they all say not me. I am convinced they must be a relative to the sock thief that lives in my dryer….lol
Cyrielle S says
My freshly turned 2-year old has entered the stage of taking all the band-aids out of the box and using them all. And tampons for some reason have also become a very fun toy!
Alicia says
All of the above…and my phone CHARGER!! I have one I use all the time and there are chargers all over the house and everyone grabs my one charger. Every time. Every day.
Josie says
Um, you forgot the absolute most obvious one- phone/ iPad chargers!! And if you tell me your kids don’t take yours I want to know your secret!!
Erika Slaughter says
Where do they take the scissors?! They’re always missing!
Bonnie says
My Post It notes!!!! I bought a value pack at Sam’s, but where are they??!!!
Amie says
iPhone chargers! I bought everyone their own chargers with their initials on them and mine is now my husband’s! Like where’s yours I bought you? And when my boys were younger all the time my chargers were missing!
Britt says
Fix them a basket for their bedrooms with tape, scissors, pens, paper. When they are out it’s their responsibility to tell you. 🤪 kids!
Jeanne says
The remote and phone charger are always missing from the bedroom!
Amy says
As for the water bottle get them an owala they will not want to steal yours I love mine!
Lisa D says
My daughter would steal my nail polish. She had her own in many cute colors but for some reason she would rather use mine.
My son would steal any candy in the house.
Jamie says
The tape! Ahhh!! I pretty much know that if I need tape for something I will have to buy a new roll for it because my kids have already used up any tape I may have had leftover from a previous roll! They also always take my phone charger!!
Toni :0) says
This is hilarious and maddening at the same time, good grief, why????? LOL, I got nothing for ya, well maybe except tape. That would probably be the issue in my house, especially taking it and moving it to who knows where or using it until it’s gone and then not letting me know it’s empty. 🤦♀️
Sara says
Taking batteries out of something else THAT ALSO NEEDS BATTERIES is a classic. That would drive me absolutely mad. LOL!
Jennifer P. says
I’m replacing family with coworkers – how difficult is it to put the label maker back on my desk?! 🙂 I have even gone as far to put a label ON SAID LABEL MAKER that kindly gives the instruction to put back where you found it. The toilet paper one is the worst though. I will never understand not replacing the TP 🙂
Sheila Haines says
Only one thing. Phone charger. 🙄
Melissa Terry says
Our oldest son goes to the University of South Carolina and when we went to parent’s weekend last week I asked him if there was anything I could make to put up in his freezer and one of the things he asked for was these muffins. Thank you for sharing the recipe all these years. They are a fall staple in our house and it makes me so happy to know he can grab a few here and there even though he’s 1000 miles away!
Nicole says
Shay, this hits to the CORE!!! I would like to know how many pairs of scissors I have purchased in my 19 years of parenting and yet we still can’t find them. Tape…need I say more. Don’t purchase the mega pack of hair bands because they must grow feet and just walk off, oh the magical powers. Batteries get taken out of random things to go in ps5 controllers. Tape measures are never in my household drawer when I need one. Toothpaste gets taken out of my cabinet when I store all the fresh, new tubes literally 5 more feet away in my bathroom. Whenever my husband is missing something, he always starts looking in our daughter’s bedroom. She may be the smallest in the house, but she is single handedly the lead thief.
SS says
Shay… Love this list!!!! We say this all the time.
In no particular order
-Sharpies- they end up in every where, except in my drawer (we were at Sam’s, so I bought some while they were on sale)
– charging cords get moved to cars, rooms, all over
– pencils – I feel like I am school when my pencils disappear
– chocolate/ mints- I like either after a meal and they always seem to run low
– pony tail holders- the color I look for always gone.
– hubby would say tools
Have a great rest of the week
Katherine says
When my daughter was younger she stole my socks all the time! Didn’t matter that I bought her the exact same socks—somehow the ones in my drawer were preferred. 🤦🏼♀️ Mints always disappeared from my purse too, and my granddaughters have followed in her footsteps! 😂
Sarah DeWald says
HAHAHAHA – all those things go missing at my house and office
Meredith says
☺️I feel seen!! Scissors, tape, batteries, pens, toilet paper…yes!! Not alone!
Kim Harrigan says
My family steals my expensive cutco kitchen scissors. They usually end up in the garage.
Kacey says
PENS!!! Why is it always the pens LOL! Also, I think this is just me to myself, but bobby pins and hair elastics. Where the heck to they disappear to?!
Christine Munoz says
For the love … why do they insist on using my charger and my favorite blanket? Every time I’m ready to cuddle up on the couch my blanket is missing! And I find it on my youngest son’s bed.
Becca Hefley says
I can totally relate to the printer paper and the scissors!!! It is maddening!
Kristin says
I’m trying and failing to remember what my kids stole from me, but I DID often put Scotch tape in their Christmas stockings because they used so darn much of it. That and cute band aids ( the clear ones with bugs were a fave), because someone ALWAYS “needed” a band aid.
Ashley says
Paper from the printer! Always!
Rebecca Scott says
This post made me laugh out loud!!
Debbie says
I laughed out loud at this one….so many truths in this post!!! Can I tell you I was also missing my 1/2 loaf of bread the other day…accused hubby of ‘moving’ it or eating it…found it 2 days later…hidden by the new kitten in our home behind a chair upstairs in our bedroom! 🙂
Torrey says
Sweatshirts! My teenage daughters love to steal my sweatshirts! 😂
Abby says
Mom life 😜 I feel like I could have written the exact same post! But I can tell you 90% of the tape, scissors and paper are used for crafts around my house- I find those everywhere too ha
Michelle Paradice says
This is recipe that lead me to your blog years ago! and I can never find my phone charger. It is always missing from home and work. I work in IT where we have hundreds laying around and they always take mine!
Lori Whittington says
My daughter steals hair products! If I am missing something 9 times out of 10 it is upstairs in her bathroom. For the love I don’t want to walk upstairs to get my hair spray, when in fact she has her own. LOL 🙂
Kelley Marsh says
My ‘little thieves” always take my cell phone chargers (in addition to the things you mentioned!).
Grace says
Shay! I am laughing so hard. I grew up with an older sister so I get all the “stealing”. I will say the toilet paper one is pretty hilarious. Now I just store toilet paper under neath the sink-so easy access. When I was younger I would travel the house with the remote because I did not want to let go control of the tv and what I was watching🥴.
Ashley Rowe says
Definitely not alone! For me, it’s always the phone charger. And if not the entire charger then at least the block that the cord plugs into. We have SO many of each and can never find one when we need it.
S says
Wow-not sure why I needed this post so much! Yes to all of these. Happy to know that paper is scattered throughout your house and that every single Lifesaver mint is consumed by a child, too! I will add my phone charger to the list.
Paula R. says
Good Morning, Shay.
Your list is spot on! #thestruggleisreal
I might suggest you take extreme measures as I have before and buy everyone rolls of scotch tape and scissors and label them their with names and put them in their Christmas stockings. I even ended up writing names on the scotch tape rolls and on the scissors with a sharpie “kitchen tape or kitchen scissors” and see where they ended up, ha! Literally, I buy extra rolls of scotch tape or blue painters tape and add them to my son’s stocking each year. He uses industrial amounts of scotch tape.
Also, I bought myself a super cute pair of good scissors with a decorative handle for my gift wrapping station-maybe a Pioneer Woman floral print… that way everyone knows you CANNOT use the decorative scissors for anything but for cutting wrapping paper. That simple move has been so helpful for me.
I kept waiting to read that your eldest would steal your fabulous wardrobe pieces or shoes! I would if I was a member of your household. Ha!
Sandra Miller says
Yes! I would love to “play” dress up in Shay’s closet❤️
Laura Holmes says
Love this. I would add phone chargers to this list. For some unknown reason, they are always disappearing! It doesn’t matter that I buy packs two at a time from amazon. It doesn’t matter that everyone has their own charger and we have communal chargers in various location throughout our home (car, kitchen, office etc). They STILL disappear!! I think they’re eating them at this point. There’s no possible explanation…
Heather says
I love all your posts but this one cracked me up so much. My little thieves have flown the nest but they were regular offenders. It didn’t stop at our house either as our daughter would go “shopping” regularly in her local grandparents pantry. lol!!
Michelle Etheridge says
Ha this is too funny! Scissors and tape are definitely hot commodities in our house as well.
Heather says
My daughter steals my curling wand, hair products, occasional makeup and random clothes. (And everything is always missing when I’m in a rush getting ready!)
Faith Kapp says
Yes! When all 3 daughters lived at home full time, I would be missing things often. Mostly office/craft supplies, hair products, etc. I mean my youngest was home from school a couple of weeks ago and borrowed a styling tool. That Monday I went to get ready and couldn’t find it. It was in her bathroom – thankfully she didn’t take it with her 😆
My husband steals my water out of my Stanley. I’ll go to drink out of it knowing full and well I filled it and it is gone!
Annie says
Omg! This! Paper from printer, hair brush, tweezers, ponytail holders, food!
Tamarah says
Hair products, makeup remover pads and airpods- all stolen items at our house! And like you they have their OWN supplies- yet mine are ALWAYS for the taking!
Nichole says
My snacks. What I’m eating is always infinitely more interesting than what he is eating, even if he also has a snack.
Jamie K Needham says
anything hair supplies – hair spray, hair brush, pony tail holders, headbands!
Rachel says
Chargers! They are ALWAYS stealing my chargers 🤣🤣
Lindsay says
Brooke Allen says
I relate SO MUCH to this!! The paper and tape are always gone, what in the world?
Michelle says
Charging cords/portable chargers!!! My kids and their friends don’t even live at home anymore yet when they visit (along with their friends) these always go missing or are moved to random parts of the house!
Bev says
Good morning, Shay! Some of these made me chuckle but I wouldn’t laugh if it was me! 😂 The worst would be the TP! “It’s right there!” 😂 Maybe they like knowing your loving hands have touched these items first! 🤷🏼♀️ It’s just me & husband now and we don’t steal from each other. Have a wonderful day.
p.s. that purse giveaway is lovely!!! 🤞🏻
Kate says
Those my are my exact 9 too!!!! It drives me bananas.
Kait says
Ours are water bottles. Actual plastic water bottles. I will take a drink from one, and it will go missing 3 minutes later. 🤦🏻♀️
Sheaffer says
I’m laughing how passionate people are about this topic!
Tina says
You’re definitely not alone!😄
Printer paper…grrr! I buy them drawing pads and, within 24 hours, they’ve drawn on every single page and returned to stealing paper from my printer. I give. lol
Scotch tape has to be hidden so well that I can’t even find it when I need it.
Everyone steals the kitchen scissors…but my husband is the one who takes them OUTSIDE and leaves them there. (Along with aaaallll the lighters. We once had to light birthday candles with a full blown torch because we couldn’t find any of the 4,000 lighters we’d purchased.)
Snacks and drinks might be the most maddening for me. I absolutely love it when I discover a snack that no one else in my house likes. 😂
In their defense, I do remember my mom getting frustrated with me for stealing her stuff and being like, “But you’re my MOM???”. Ha!
Jennifer Speer says
My 16 year old daughter takes my travel sized products. I go to pack for vacation and she has them in her bag. 🙂
Linda says
I loved this post! It tickled me to the core this morning 🙂
My little ones must be elves too because our tape stash and 10 pack of scissors are ALWAYS missing. I’ll find the scissors in the couch cushions along with the tv remote! If you ask them where these said items are, they’ll have no recollection. But if you ask them about the halloween candy I ate from them, they can name which candies, how many, and date and time smh
Madison says
GIRL! I feel you on ALL of these! It is so maddening haha! The tape is probably my number 1 – why can I never have tape??
Misty says
This is great and so true!!! Mine is the charger (most commonly in the car) and scissors. I mean borrow fine, but put back…NOPE!!! Mine is a little different when it comes to pens, tape, batteries…they will use and take, but instead of putting back in drawer where they belong they just leave it out on counter :).
Lauren says
Yes, plus nail clippers, hair brush, chocolate 🍫😂
I have hiding places for all! lol
leslie Maxey says
My scissors. My Pen. My charging cords…. and dont get me started about how they never return to the place they found them!
Carly Weatherford says
This makes me think that in your future you and Andrew will be the funny videos of parents visiting their kid’s first houses and making things like on your post disappear or relocate to a really hard place to find.
Melinda Brightwell says
My good tweezers, scissors, my phone and watch charger and any candy I buy for myself! I’ve even started buying things that I think no one else will like to see if they take it and they do!
Gracie says
Yes, yes yes to all of those!! Haha I just had a talk with my kids about the printer paper and how they are not to take it out. Also, I have my favorite pair if scissors hidden that if I die, someone will be very confused about where they find them 😂
Julie says
It’s the tape for me. HOW do they go through SO much tape?!? It’s maddening how often I have to buy more rolls. I feel you on this one!
Leanne says
My self tanning drops, I don’t even look for it in my drawer anymore, I go straight to my daughters bathroom when I need it!
Lauren says
This hits home! I started labeling my chargers, scissors, tape, all the things, with my label maker….It makes a huge difference! They see that name and know they better return it !
Deb says
My kids are older than most of your followers so it’s different thievery! Tools every visit we no longer have a lawn mower or power washer. My daughter “borrows” my shirts especially sweatshirts!
Eryn McNearney says
Scissors…oh so true! Now, they even take the kitchen scissors. Charging cords, I buy them all the time, yet someone always takes mine. The other one in our house, if I happen to have gone out for dinner the night before and bring home leftovers…there is no way they are there the next day for lunch. Teenager or husband intercept them! Great post!!
Darcy Sexson says
It’s a good thing we love our people. Haha!
Scissors are a hot commodity at our house, but rather than things being taken….I feel like our house is more of a “why is this here” (insert kids toy, tool for working cattle, random magazine/catalog, etc) place. The kids and my husband are much more of “droppers” than “takers”. 😂
Peggy says
Yep, especially the scissors! We have at least 10 pair, and I can never find any because they never put them back. I am constantly telling our daughter to stop wasting the printer paper. She will take a piece of printer paper, use it to solve one math problem and throw it away. I save scraps of paper for that, and she knows it!
hammondzoo says
I totally agree with scissors and tape. I am surprised you didn’t mention makeup. 🙂 I am constantly reaching into my makeup bag for mascara or lipstick, only to find that it is gone, only to walk over to my daughter’s bathroom to find a stash of my stuff. Sometimes I’m like, oh, I forgot I even had that. 🙂
Charlie Myers says
Phone chargers! My hairbrush and my socks… my girls (WHO ARE (ahem) 24!) seem to leave with a pair of my socks, a hairbrush and my phone charger when they stop by. WHY????
Becky B says
Yesssss!!! Always the scissors lol. Somehow they always run off with my hairbrush and any hair bands I have too.
Katie says
Oh my gosh, the scotch tape and pens, all the time! We just refilled our main “pen” cup and I went to grab a pen this morning and there were like 2 left in there. And the tape, I don’t remember in my entire childhood using the amounts of scotch tape that my children go through lol!
Kerry says
You are not alone. My scissors vanish often and will turn up in the most obscure locations…hello closet shelf??? And that’s if they even turn up. On top of that…for the love don’t take my sewing scissors to cut construction paper.
Penny Giesecke says
It is PENS, PENS, PENS!! My husband is the thief. I buy multiples or packages of our very favorite and they disappear. I do find them in his vehicle, random places. I re-collect! I have an obsession with scissors … they are safe for now.
erin rich says
my scissors and phone charger. I have even labeled them! HA!
Julie says
I. Feel. Seen. This post is something every mom can relate to!! 😂😂
Erin H says
I’m putting tape on my 5 year old’s birthday list. Never knew we (she) would go through tape the way she does. And she ALWAYS walks around with the remote and drives me crazy. Then she’ll ask ME where it is. Gah! These dang kids!! Ha.
Becky Powell says
I buy scotch tape in bulk during the after Christmas sales, they are half off and my kids steal it so often I need that much! haha
sandi says
Razor blades are a hot commodity in our house. Twice a year (January and July) I place an order with Athena to stock up for the next six months. For the guys dollar shave club comes once a month.
The solution is to ship them off to college… with only one in the house full time things stay pretty much where they are supposed to.
K.K. says
Oh how funny! I had to call my husband after searching the entire kitchen, and I couldn’t find our can opener (the handheld kind with the crank is what we use)… He said (sort of bashfully) that it was out in the yard – and I “might want to wash it”! ah ha ha ha ha! What?! Why?!
Lisa Casey says
Omg the tape!!! For the love…. what do they do with all the tape?! 🤦♀️
Krista S. Steenbergen says
Computer,phone and kindle chargers! My kids don’t even live at home anymore and sometimes they magically steal my chargers!
Becky G says
Tape!!, Tape is always missing. Charging cords for sure. And not just any pens, those stay laying around, but my special pens, those always seem to walk away. And no one remembers to bring water/fill water, but mom always has some so they drink all of mine. Fun topic!
Lindsey D Smith says
Phone chargers! And the water that is in my Stanley!!
Jen C says
Taking toilet paper from someone’s bathroom is just evil!! I can relate to the scotch tape one for sure!
Dana Danaher says
My family steals my lip products! Chapstick, laniege, all of them…
Sammie says
The water bottle!! Every day!
Lisa Elliott says
I’m laughing out loud – the life of a mother!
Laci says
Scissors! They are never where I put them, NEVER!!!
Laura Koziak says
Charging cords!!! My nephews steal them from
my sister and brother in law constantly.
Kellie says
Paper, tape, scissors and chargers!!
Jennifer says
Mine steal my skincare!!! My expensive skincare to use on their perfectly young faces. But at least it’ll pay off in the future:)
Allys says
OMG, are you at our house?! I go to do bookwork in my office and we are always, always, out of paper in the printer and they’ve run off with my stapler.
Kacie Ireland says
This is so spot on I literally laughed out loud. My 2 youngest must be natural artists or something because they use more paper and tape than I ever thought was humanly possible.
Then I read it with my 14 year old daughter and she said what about her make up because I steal yours 😂. She’s also a huge fan of stealing my shave gel, I get in the shower to shave and it’s no where to be found, just bring it back haha🤣
Alyssa Cuellar says
Scissors. Always the scissors.
Dana Jackson says
This one made me laugh!! It doesn’t stop as they get older either!! We have a large storage closet and it’s like they think it’s their own personal Costco 😂 they “borrow” paper towels, TP, toothpaste, etc!! Also I like to cook for them and always tell them to bring a small cooler to take food home and they NEVER bring one…even though I have bought them ones to keep in their cars! So then mine get stolen!! I mean where do they keep all of these said small coolers in their apartments?!? It’s maddening!! 🤪😂
Scissors, nail clippers, chargers, dry shampoo, and randomly mascara vanishes out of my makeup bag. I’m always dreading when I get a new pair of shoes that she’ll love them and I’ll see her wearing them one day. I usually hide new shoes until the newness wears off.
Debbie Hoover says
Mine take…steal my phone charger.
Beth Valenta says
Love this post! My daughter comes to eat dinner at our house at least 2 times a week, and there go all my tupperware, my Nike shorts and tops (so she can change into my comfy clothes). And lately, I am not at all sure why I meal plan with a list on our fridge, when my hubby eats all of an item each night that goes with my recipe. Where is the pound of swiss cheese? where is the chicken sausage? where is the chicken salad for my lunch? UGGG. Full on hiding in compartments now.
Krista says
My guess is that Mades steals the paper, scissors, tape, and pens to do something crafty!! What if your kids really ARE Santa’s elves?? I mean with the amount of cheer that goes through the Shull house every Christmas I wouldn’t be surprised lol!
Rahel says
So many of these are true for my family too!!
Shannon Proctor says
I love your list! I agree with tape and scissors. You can’t find them anywhere when you need them most!
Laura says
It is phone chargers, AirPods (which gross I don’t want to share) and nail clippers
Tami says
Drybar blow dryer brush and curling tools, all of which she has plenty of!!!
Samantha Carroll says
Haha yes!! All of those things “go missing” from around our home and my home office! And when our 16 year old daughter “steals” something… it officially goes into another dimension, never to be seen again!🤣
Marina says
YES!!!!! Why oh why do they always take the paper out of my printer paper tray! And the scissors, tape, and pens!!! I keep buying more and yet they all disappear!!!!!
Kayla says
Yes, scissors! It drives me crazy, put them back where you got them!!!!
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
Cracking up at these! I have three daughters and they all have at least one hair brush yet they always come for the two in my bathroom! 🤪
Robyn Beers says
Ha, ha, ha! I love this! What is it with TP? Same thing used to happen when my boys were little! And, cartons and containers are still left empty and not thrown away. It is only my husband and I now, so everyone totally knows who is not throwing away empty cartons and containers.
Also, my biggest pet peeve at work is people taking my tea bags out of a drawer in my classroom and not closing the drawer. Drives me nuts! Maybe, they just want me to know they stopped in to visit? 😉
Elizabeth S says
There are just two of us home now but when the kids were younger it was paper from the printer. In there defense, it was in a common room but there was some in a package under the printer, why not get that…
Sara Mayo says
3 INGREDIENT PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS, my first and most favorite recipe, I have shared you and your recipe to sooo many people. And now we all follow and love you. I even visited McKinney cause you make it sound so fun!! We loved it!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay!!!!!!! Thank you, thank YOU!!
Lisa says
My kids are all grown but when they’re home for breaks and visits they steal those things and more! Charging cords, pillows and, even though I supply q-tips & cotton balls for each bathroom, they come in my bathroom to specifically take my q-tips & cotton balls. Why??? I[‘m happy I’m not alone! 🙂
Suzanne says
All of this and spoons!!! How do I have 82 tables knives, 30 forks and THREE spoons at any given moment?! And how did I end up with 82 tables knives are you trading them for my spoons?!!!
Jan says
I live alone and my spoons are always missing!!!!
Sil says
Hahahahaha! This post was the best!! Thanks so much! I loved this!! So true!!
Christina says
This is hilarious! Yes Scissors and hair ties here. I never knew how many pairs of scissors I would end up owning.
Wendy says
Tape is something I never thought I’d have to hide but those “art projects” use ALOT! Hahahaha
Katie says
Yes! This is amazing! My husband got so tired of the Roku Tv Remote going missing he got on amazon and bought a glow in the dark silicon thing that wraps around it so it cant fall between the cracks of anything and it glows when missing! Is it ugly? YES! Have lost the remote recently? No! 🙂
Jennifer says
My littlest steals my sparkling water. My older two don’t like because it has no sugar, but my youngest loves it and I often find an empty box in the pantry.
Julie Lienemann says
The Stanley-yes! But God forbid I borrow one of theirs 🙂
Kim Carberry says
hahaha! This did make me chuckle, my family always steal from me too, most of these things as well. Phone chargers cause the biggest arguments here, my girls are forever taking mine!
Jaime Surrett says
Too funny and so spot on! My daughter takes my dry shampoo and purses ALL. THE. TIME. The thing that we are constantly looking for though is the lint roller. I mean, really? Although the thing she steals the most that really drives my husband crazy is my Target card – LOL. 😂
Mare says
Pens, always with the pens LOL
Alyssa Norman says
Oh MY. 1,2,3 and the printer paper are probably the top 4 reasons I yell at my kids lately. The number of times my husband and I have said the phrase “You cannot just take stuff that’s not yours without asking” is uncountable 😂 so funny and really just makes me feel better that I’m not alone- maybe my kids aren’t actual thieves, they are just being kids like everyone else’s!
Happy Hump Day
Kay says
Oooh-this is such a fun post! I also have three teens. THEY TAKE MY CASH! I’m always mortified when I go to pay for something, am so proud of myself for having cash, and then I open my wallet and it’s empty. Or there’s ONE dollar. My daughter also always takes my shoes? She spends every last dime she earns at her jobs on her own shoes, yet she needs to borrow mine? And lastly, the “steal” my clean sink! My husband and I like everything put away right away, like you and Andrew. But so often, we go back to our previously clean sink and there is what looks like the pots and pans for a twelve course meal? And it’s 10pm? And the dishwasher is NEXT TO THE SINK?
Becky says
Growing up, I was always blamed for taking the scissors (only child problems). It wasn’t me, which she finally realized once I left for college! We ended up tying them to the desk drawer handle with a long piece of yarn so you’d have to stay there to use them.
In my house, it’s my slippers and sandals that keep getting stolen. Too bad I can’t tie those down.
stacy says
All of these are relatable. I’d add my favorite shampoo and conditioner. And not realizing it’s missing until I get in the shower.
Elizabeth Bartlett says
Fun post & great comments! Where do all the scissors and tape goooo?!?!
Pat says
The REMOTE!!! They walk with it in their hands, and then no one can find it!
Paula McKaughan says
Nail Clippers!!!!!!!! UGH!!! I mean, just put them back where you got them!!! LOL 🙂
Sandra Roberts says
The one thing drives me crazy is when the lighter I use to light candles is gone! It’s my husband! He takes it to light the fire pit , burn papers outside, and other outside stuff. He has probably 6 in a basket on his dresser!
Lauren says
Phone. Chargers – wall AND portable. Freakin’ constantly
Deb Weber says
This is so funny! I am seriously laughing and tearing up from laughter at my office right now. I have the same thieves in my home who also ALWAYS put the empty milk container back in the frig instead of the trash.
Laura says
Pens! When my son was waiting tables he took one everyday. Buy your own or reuse the ones in your car. How hard is that?
Kim says
Scissors, tape and iPhone charging blocks. The cords remain but the blocks disappear! Makes no sense! Very relatable post! Also-going to a different bathroom where there IS toilet paper instead of replacing it. Makes me crazy!!!
Stephanie says
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! This is the best post !!! 2 years ago when our youngest daughter left to go into the Marines I cannot even begin to tell you the amount of tape and scissors I found in her room and in our toy room !!! It was like every roll of scotch, masking, and blue painters tape had relocated to her room !! I also found scissors from elementary days along with every ruler we have ever owned !! Now tape lasts forever since we have no kids at home!!
Amanda says
pens and sharpies and lighters (for candles). I’ve never been able to figure out why the sharpies are a hot commodity among almost grown people!
Lori says
Ha ha, All of those go missing in my house, too! But my chapstick is in my number one slot! And we loved the blender pumpkin muffins! I made them yesterday to try instead of our favorite 3 ingredient pumpkin muffins!
Karah Stracener says
This post made my morning. Tape and scissors are the top 2 things that get stolen out of my desk drawer. For the love my kids have scissors in their desk drawers in their bedrooms but they refuse to use them. My husband also steals my scissors for yard work. It drives me batty. I will also add hair rubberbands. I buy a huge pack and they are gone within a week. Where did all the hair ties go??
Megan says
Phone chargers, the colored pens from my desk, the blanket off my bed.
Jan says
I’m laughing so hard..I’m on the floor laughing and I’m 84 years old…Now I can’t get up!!! I lived through these thefts with my own sons and now see it happening with their families. I live alone now so if I can’t find anything, I probably hid it and don’t remember why or where. Can anyone help me off the floor?
Paula McKaughan says
Oh Jan, now I’m on the floor!!! Bless your heart, this was the BEST comment. xoxo from East Texas 🙂
Lisa says
Oh Jan I hope someone helped you get up! Your comment made my day!
Adrienne N says
Growing up, we had The Sewing Scissors that you shouldn’t even think about touching, much less using. Did we still sneak them when mom wasn’t home to cut paper? We sure did, because they were the only pair that were never lost. But we sure as heck put them back exactly where they belonged so she wouldn’t know we used them! 😂
Jen says
This post is so relatable. I laughed so hard at the comment about their secret jobs as elves in Santa’s workshop. Exactly!
Stephanie Platt says
Scissors and tape are always missing in our home.
Jorie Matheson says
I LOVE this post. Haha it’s so random and yet everyone can relate!
Kelsie says
My water! Lest my children drink from their own water cups 😂
Heather says
Body Armor (every time!!!!) , water and phone chargers! For the live, where do they all go?!
Elizabeth Maricle says
Totally agree on ALL ITEMS! And the standard answer when asked….”Not Me”. I promise I thought I had a kid named “Not me” for the longest time!
Jessica says
Oh my gosh, this post had me cracking up. My kids are always stealing my scissors. I finally ending up purchasing a 3 pack of scissors with red handles. Everyone in our family knows they are mine and mine only. Anyone caught using red handled scissors outside of their designated homes (ie the kitchen, my office, etc) will face consequences. (please note I have no idea what those consequences would be…. scissor jail maybe?)
I’m happy to report no one touches them anymore and suddenly everyone knows where their own pairs are.
Alison says
This! I purchased some purple scissors and deemed them MINE and all the kids and husband were made aware that they were not to be used outside of my office. I don’t want sticky gunk on them, food from opening a pack of something, or grease and dirt from the garage. Because the husband is just as guilty of this as the kids. “What’s mine is mine and what’s mom’s is mine.” That feels like my household’s mantra. LOL
Carissa says
Wow! I thought this was only a my kids my house problem but yes the scissors and paper and remote are always disappearing! We even have a scissor drawer in the kitchen for the 7 pairs we have and somehow they are always gone when I need them! Such a relatable post! Other items that get stolen here: hair elastics, aquaphor and fuzzy socks!
Jill says
My husband steals my Chapstick and for some reason my son always walks off with the ketchup bottle.
Christa L says
I could not relate more to this post! My daughters are always taking our printer paper. It drives me NUTS! Thanks for the laugh today! 😁
Bianca K says
My scissors, dry shampoo, hair spray, post its, Stanley cups, and charging cords. Thieves all around me 😉
carolyn becker says
My husband steals all the reading glasses, we must have 10 pairs scattered around the house.
Sara Jones says
My husband has been stealing my pink “wet brush”, headphones, and garmin watch charger for all of his business travels lately. I made him put my headphones on my charger and pull my hairbrush out of his bag before he left yesterday. 😂
He has his own of ALL 3. (Well just a regular hairbrush, I guess he likes the pink “wet brush” better)
My 7 year old son steals my slippers almost daily. He has 3 pair.
And my Stanley is basically just a community Stanley at this point. Even though everyone has their own.
Thanks for the laugh!
Rhoda Watson says
My daughters have flown the nest but definitely “took” all those things you mentioned when they were school age, Now, when they visit they mainly “borrow” lip gloss, cardigans, jackets and food from the freezer lol.
A Stone says
Oh my goodness! My shoes, clothes, sharpies, tape, charging cables….. the list goes on!! Great post!!
Colleen T says
Scissors and hair brushes are CONSTANTLY disappearing never to be seen again despite me buying more and more. It’s maddening.
and one of my friends recommended that we put an AirTag on our remote and it has been life-changing. I highly highly recommend it. It will save you so much aggravation and the kids have to search for the beep.
My kids steal my drink. I am constantly yelling do not drink from my drink! I don’t want their back to school bugs. and I just want my water for me!
Amy Landreth says
I am happy to know I am not alone! I would add post-its to my list.
Maddie says
Oh my goodness, the toilet paper cracked me up! Growing up, I would steal everyone’s hangers🤣
Kelly says
HAHA! The toilet paper!! Yes, my family does the same thing.
Jill says
They steal the front seat in the car! I secretly love it though. Ha! Maybe I ought to kick the seat and throw random cups and food at them like they did when they were littles!
Paige says
LOL!! I often say I the toilet paper fairy. Every bathroom I enter has an empty roll. My Stanley is always empty because my family says Mom’s water is the best. My daughter steals all my tshirts and sweatshirts!!
My family loves your pumpkin muffins!!
Jaci says
The mints, tape, toilet paper, and gum!!!!! Oh how I can empathize!! lol!!
Lisa says
It’s always the scissors in our house
Roberta Schwandner says
I think that every family has their little thieves. My kids are grown now so enjoy it.
Alison says
My thief is 16 months old, and he likes to steal the remote (and hide it in the bathroom trash), as well as the coasters from the coffee table.
Marisa Patel says
My list is the same minus the mints and the Stanley. Add charging cords, tweezers, makeup, jewelry and the absolute worst is when they take my debit/credit cards without telling me and I end up at the store without them-this is why I had to give in and learn how to use the digital wallet…HAHAHA
v says
Phone chargers! I’ve bought so many it’s ridiculous.
Karen in Virginia says
Is it possible to steal from yourself? It’s just me and my fiance and I can never find the scissors! I swear I put them back in the drawer and they’re not there. I then find them randomly somewhere else in the apartment. I’m the only one that uses them. This is after I have gone bananas trying to figure out what happened. LOL
~B~ says
Chargers! Everyone has a charger, but where do they go?? And flip-flops/sandals. Mine seem to walk away! 🙂
Lorraine says
I asked my daughter and she didn’t even hesitate. 1. Blankets. 2. My phone (I’m the only one with a smart phone). 3. My love, which warmed this mom of a 13 year old daughter’s heart!!
Rhoda Watson says
too sweet!
Natalie Meekins says
Thank you for this! This post speaks to me on so many levels!! Lol.
“Where is the remote?” is asked more times than I can count! AND the toilet paper!!! Why is it so hard to replace the toilet paper when it runs out?!? So glad I’m not alone!
Ali B says
Charging bricks, spoons and forks. We start out with an adequate number of each and then slowly they just disappear into the air never to be seen again?!
Kathy says
They steal my airpods ALL. THE. TIME…even though they have their own! I don’t get it! Also, toilet paper disappears from the house constantly, as well as batteries-they will take them out of anything they can find-my candles, the remote, you name it, batteries are constantly disappearing. Also glasses from the cupboard-where do they go??? Oh my word and spoons!!!! We never have enough spoons! I get spoons and poof they are gone!
Katie Stewart says
The scotch tape!!!!! Yes! What in the world?
What are we taping? It’s everywhere. Except where I put it! 😅
I have three daughters. They’re constantly stealing my perfumes/body sprays. And snacks.
I’ve actually hid my snacks in the most random spots, in hopes they don’t find them! And I might even sneak into the laundry room to eat said snacks, in the dark!
Kelly W says
Your pumpkin chocolate chip muffins are my family’s favorite!!! ❤️
Brooke says
I thought of another one! Laundry baskets! Why are all 4 of my laundry baskets in their rooms when I need them? I have 2 teenagers.
Kaylee F says
I am literally laughing out loud!! But really, where does all the tape go?! I have a 4 year old with the same obsession!
Rebecca says
I’ve got two growing boys and they steal my restaurant leftovers. I finally had to resort to writing my name on the box so it wouldn’t disappear during the middle of the night. If they ask I normally say yes, but it drives me crazy when I go to pack my lunch and it’s MIA.
Kelly says
My hair ties! And scissors and tape. It never fails that I have to search for all three of these
Joy says
I Loved this post! My kids ages 18-7 years old steal (all of the things you mentioned) from me too! It’s so annoying ! But I tell myself when they are out of the house, I will miss them
And their little snatching hands.
Mollie Wilson says
Chargers, travel size toiletries, and for some reason, my socks are better than the ones in their drawers.
Angela says
My children must also moonlight as elves. This made me LOL. I put sticky “tiles” on our remotes to help make them play a sound when they’ve disappeared. Total game changer.
Alison says
This post is great…. and it’s so true! Why do they walk off with the remote? Why do they steal the scissors and tape? Where does my copy paper go? Haha! Thanks for the laugh today.
Jen says
What does my 13 year old daughter NOT steal? My sweaters, t shirts, shoes, chapstick, hair ties!
Amanda Wilson says
YES!!!!!!! Phone chargers are the worst we bought locks for them that you screw on because I was losing my mind. Tape, scissors,and nail clippers allllllll 💯. Remote controls…..the struggle is so real. Allllll I want to do is sit down and watch a little show….clearly it’s the end of the day and I am exhausted and it’s rare I get to do that…..and then my blood is boiling because I can not find the remote!!!! I just had world war 3 in my house over a lip gloss….now that I have 2 teenage girls and a preteen….the lulu clothes are a constant fight……sz4 and sz6 are actually interchangeable when you are in a hurry and all your clothes are on the floor of your room…..so why not grab your sisters. Nike socks to….I have to divide them up evenly count them and hand them out in each persons hand so they can proceed to hide them….I keep buying more but there keeps never being enough…..
Ashley Rodriguez says
This is hilarious! I have one that no one has listed…..but here are the most common:
My “thieves” take: gum, chargers, blankets, postit notes, printer paper, nail products, hair products, my shoes and socks, and the icing on the cake….. MY UNDERWARE! WHY? BECAUSE FOR THE LOVE, THEY (OLDEST DAUGHTER) IS LAZY AND DIDN’T GET HER LAUNDRY DONE! LOL
Anneka says
We homeschool, so I always keep a pair of scissors and a set of markers in the school cart. Except they get borrowed and not returned frequently, lol.
Lauren Bev says
This post had me laughing out loud! Phone chargers…for the love! It doesn’t matter how many of them there are…they disappear never to be seen again.
Morgan says
The Scotch tape struggle is REAL! the culprit is always my 7yo.
Susan McKain says
When my daughter was a toddler, she would draw one random line, at varying locations, on each sheet of paper in a stack, if permitted. An art minimalist, I guess.
MacKenzie says
I can relate to all of these!!! Ugh!!!!
Jade says
I about choked on my snack when I read literally the first one because i just had a talk THIS WEEK with our 9 year old about taking printer out of my office printer… hahaha
Amy B says
Scissor pack on sale at Costco! Yes I bought them.
Hair tools.
Slip on shoes
Neosporin 😂
I laughed at the band aids. My kids went through a huge band aid phase
Michele says
The dogs brushes. I am the only one brushing our 2 Great Pyrenees everyday but yet where are the brushes going? What are they being used for? There is no way they can be used to brush human hair but Amazon must think I have 500 dogs at this point
Susan says
OMG love this topic – granola bars every time I go to grab one it’s just an empty box. scissors and tape always go missing over here.
Tressa H says
My water cup, my favorite pens, scissors, my hairbrush, my tweezers, scotch tape, phone chargers, and scotch tape…just to name a few.