Awwww, you guys, our Smith William turned FIFTEEN on Saturday!
I don’t know how it’s possible that we went from this precious baby to a man overnight, but it happened.
Here are just a few pics as I sob my way down memory lane…
…it all went by fast, y’all.
It went by oh so fast.
I could blog for days about my boy.
He is Renaissance Man who has many different hobbies and interests. From snowboarding to football, playing an instrument, hunting, surfing…the list is long. He is a man of many interests and talents, he loves his summer jobs…he’s just really happy doing and learning.
He loves school, he loves his friends, he is all three of his sisters favorite sibling, he adores our dogs, he is sweet with his grandparents, he loves the Lord…Andrew and I are just truly so proud.
This year for his birthday, he wanted to go camping with four friends, so we celebrated with him on Saturday morning before Andrew took them off to camp. They came home on Sunday stinky, dirty and VERY happy.
I asked Andrew if he took any pics, and this is what he sent me…
…they grilled sausages for lunch, steaks and potatoes for dinner, and eggs and bacon for breakfast.
This was as close to a pic of “people” as I could get out of him. They needed a mom there to document the trip!
Basically the exact same picture. Sigh. I would have volunteered to go and take pics but camping pretty much describes everything I don’t like in life…plus it was 20 degrees to boot. #nothankyou
They shot skeet, ate a ton, and it sounds like they had a great time celebrating FIFTEEN.
Fifteen years with our sweet boy.
We love this kid. We are so incredibly blessed to call him ours. xx
Elspeth says
Happy birthday Smith!
Diane Moore says
Happy Birthday to Smith! It sounds as if he had a good one!
May God continue to bless him.
Susan Jeffries says
Happy bday to your Smith! He is your twin(: I have enjoyed watching your kids grow over the years. Hope its a great day!
Paula Hobbs says
Happy Birthday, Smith!
Kristin says
Happy birthday to Smith! I love the choices he makes for celebrations. They always seem to involve being outside, with family, and really reflect well on him. Love that he chooses adventures and memories over things.
Bernadine says
Shay, when were the family photos taken in your “About Me” page? Smith still looks like a baby in them, but I feel like they were taken only 2 or 3 years ago. Now, he’s all grown up, almost an actual MAN! Happy birthday, Smith!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s all happening too fast!
SS says
Happy 15th Smith!!! Keep working hard!!!
Are you driving too???
Mix and Match Mama says
He gets his learners permit this week! He is oh so excited 🙂 .
Angela says
Happy Birthday Smith!!!!🥳🎂🥳
Carol says
How can Smith be 15 already! He was just a baby/little boy when I first started following and has grown into a handsome fellow whom I have enjoyed watching grow up over the years. Wishing the best for him for years to come. Hope he had a great time camping. Time goes way too fast. Seems like yesterday that my boys were 15. They are now grown young men, but will forever be my sweet little boys.
Kate says
Happy birthday Smith!!
Beth Valenta says
What a sweet relationship! I loved that he picked camping.
K.K. says
Happy birthday, Smith!! I just can’t believe it!!!
Sharon says
Happy birthday to Smith!! There is a special bond between moms and sons.
Amy Rae D. says
Happy 15th birthday, Smith!
Erika Slaughter says
Nixon came home and took a 4.5 hour nap after church yesterday! He had so much fun! Happy Happy Birthday Smith! We love you! XO
Sheaffer says
15!!!!????!!! How can it be?!? Happy Birthday, Smith!
Jeanette says
Happy Birthday Smith!!! I love the documentation of the celebration, LOL.
Heather says
Happy Happy Birthday to Sweet Smith!
Bev says
Smith sounds like such an interesting, well-rounded young man! The fact that he’s the favorite of all his sisters speaks volumes! Wishing him a happy 15th year!
~B~ says
Happy birthday to Smith! I am reading this where it is currently -2 and headed to -14 so my thought was “It must be so much warmer in Texas to go camping!”. And then I read where you said that it’s 20 degrees, so I guess not! 🙂 What a great birthday weekend, can’t believe and feel honored to have been reading for so long now, because I could swear he was just a little guy yesterday!
Ashley Kuczynski says
Oh, I love this post! How extraordinary your sweet Smith is truly shines through in your writing! I hope he had the happiest of birthdays.
Rita says
Happy 15th Birthday to Smith.
Karah Stracener says
Happy Birthday to your boy. Man he has grown up fast. I love the birthday celebration pics. haha.
Elizabeth says
“camping pretty much describes everything I don’t like in life” 🤣 Me too, Shay! Me too.
Happy birthday, Smith!
Mix and Match Mama says
I mean, NO THANK YOU to camping.
Dana S. says
Happy Birthday Smith! Time flies!
Detroit Duchess says
Happy Birthday Smith! OMG he is an adult! When did that happen?