Happy Monday, friends!
After a long Christmas break and two snow days, it’s our first “normal” day back since mid-December. I’m not going to lie, as much as I have loved all of this extra down time and family time, I am excited for the routine of normalcy.
In September, I started a new seasonal blog series based on this quote that I used to have taped in my room as a teenager…
…I still love it and think about it just about every day.
I was reflecting on this quote and inspired by a daily reading out of The Road to La Papillion which lead to this series.
First, I shared THE SIMPLE THINGS I LOVE ABOUT FALL and now today…
I think there can be joy in every season if we stop and appreciate the little things.
Now, I fully understand that some of us “winter” while others WINTER. I totally get this because I live somewhere part of the year that “summers” and then the other part of the year, I live where we SUMMER, and with that comes a lot of work/grief/irritation/annoyance/etc. Today is about the light/happy/positive/simple things I personally love about this season and whether you live in a faux-wintery place like me or a hardcore wintery place, I hope you share a few of the simple things you love about it too.
In no particular order, here is my list:
Call me crazy, but I like it when the days are a bit shorter and the nights are longer. This 100% has to do with my type-A/go, go, go personality, but when it’s full sun outside, I feel like I should be “doing”. The longer nights make me feel like the day can officially be over, I can turn off my brain, relax my body and just rest. I have a hard time doing that at 7:00 PM in July.
I’m sure this varies depending on what activities your kiddos are in, but for us, winter means the calendar is much less crazy which is oh so nice especially after the holiday season. My kids all participate in sports that are typically outdoors (football, cheer, soccer, rowing, etc), so this time of year, we don’t have practices or games. Plus, on the heels of holiday parties and get togethers, we don’t find ourselves doing much over the weekend or after work like we did in December which gives us oodles more time.
My daily “uniform” the majority of the year is basically a tank top and shorts…but I adore layering in the winter. Sweaters, coats, scarves, hats, gloves…give it all to me.
Bring it on. Give me all the roasts and briskets, stews and soups and many, many nights of slow cooking. I am positive that by spring and summer, I’ll list food as something I love during that season too (lighter, from the grill, fresh, etc) but right now, I want mashed potatoes and brisket please. I want to walk in the door and smell my slow cooker simmering away. I want to wear sweatpants and eat hearty.
My favorite word of all time is “cozy” and everythinggggg just seems cozier right now. My little lamps (which stay on year around) are cozier. My office in the early morning? Cozy. Candles? Of course, they’re cozy. Even my cup of coffee feels cozier. This is the season that oozes coziness.
I love a good throw blanket year around, but I especially love one right now. I like to have one while I sit and work. I like to cuddle up in them at night while I read or watch TV. My kids are pulling them out left and right, and it makes me happy to see them all snuggled up in them on the couch. ‘Tis throw season.
I always read more books and watch more TV this time of year. With the longer nights and relaxed schedule, I have more time to get cozy under my throw and either binge something or read. It’s probably my favorite thing about winter.
You know we love sleeping in flannel sheets year around (yup, even in the crazy hot summer months), but we discovered this love and leaned into it during the winter when it’s optimal flannel season. They are the coziest and softest way to sleep. I always love traveling, but I also always miss my flannel sheets. I always buy THESE sheets.
The universal symbol for winter, no? I get giddy when it’s time to finally turn our fireplaces on. I also get giddy when I visit any restaurant, hotel or outdoor area with fireplaces during the winter. It not only adds warmth, it adds winter ambiance!
You know I love my fall and holiday decorations. I LOVE THEM…but come January, I also love when they’re down. After four solid months of “extra” around my house, I savor the simplicity of not having any decor.
When I am home in the evenings in the summer, I am still pretty “dressed” at 7:00 PM (because that darn sun is still out). But in the wintertime? By 4:30, I’m not wearing actual pants. Sun goes down, comfy clothes go on.
Those are just a few of the simple things I love about winter 🙂 .
I started listening to this on Spotify last week…
…and I really, really liked it. It was perfect background music for my day.
Don’t forget, you can also check out my:
I cannot wait to read the simple ways you love winter in the comment section.
Have the BEST start to your week! I’ll see you tomorrow. xx
Elspeth says
What a great list! I love the act of slowing down, the cozy and warm drinks and the time to reset!
Kim Bacon says
I think the possibility of a snow day is such a gift every year! They don’t always come, but when they do, an unexpected day off is so special. =-)
Melissa Terry says
YES! Give me all the cozy nights, hearty food and extra time together. I’m a big believer in looking for the good stuff in every season and winter has goodness for sure!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
Yes yes yes to the coziness–I love it when I get to turn our fireplace on! I think I also enjoy just the slowness of winter. Don’t get me wrong, the hots months are my favorite because I love being outside, but winter just feels like a time to slow down since it gets dark so early, and I really appreciate that! Happy Monday!
Sheaffer says
The flannel sheets are still mind blowing to me. I just don’t understand how you don’t get hot. Somebody needs to explain the science to me. Haha! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
You just need to come over and have a sleepover with me to see how amazing they are in the summer 😉 .
Natasha says
Where we live, we get WINTER so I try to embrace it by enjoying things outside — skating, skiing, playing in the snow. It doesn’t always work when I’m shovelling snow for the eleventh day in a row or trudging to work in the cold, but I try. And living through winter helps me appreciate spring even more!!!
Polly Pover says
I live in a place that is hard core winter, but lacking snow this year! I love Winter for the “uniform”–Bean boots, hooded parkers, socks, and scarfs for sure. But, my winter world was rocked when I discovered fleece bed sheets!!! I thought they were flannel when I bought them, but they are a 100 times better and cozier!
Leslie says
So glad you shared the playlist. I was just thinking the other day “What am I going to do without Shay’s Christmas instrumental playlist?!”
Mix and Match Mama says
I hope you listen! I really, really love it. Andrew walked by my office on Friday and said it would put him to sleep. Hahaha!
Natasha says
See, I’m already listening to your Spring Break playlist to keep me going through our winter. I need spring-y music now — not winter!!!
Laci says
I adore slowing down in the Winter months.
Emilee says
Yes, yes, yes! I love how January doesn’t seem as busy as the months of November and December, and how the early evenings allow lots of family time.
Becky G. says
We live in Michigan, so we WINTER and “summer”. While most people complain about the cold and dark (Michigan has some of the gloomiest winters), I’ve learned to embrace each season. So a few things I love about WINTER – when it first snows, it just seems to create a quiet and calm and everything is beautiful. The plow trucks and mud quickly make that go away, but during that quiet time, it reminds me of the beauty of God. And SNOW – we get a lot of it and have learned to enjoy every outdoor activity that involves snow – sledding, skiing, hiking, tubing, snowmobiling. There are so many! A hint for those who don’t know – the proper WARM clothing makes the cold and snow so much more enjoyable! Many of our cities (like Plymouth) have ice festivals where people carve sculptures out of ice and there are food trucks and all sorts of activities. Embrace the season you are in!
Mix and Match Mama says
I love this so much! Thank YOU for sharing!
S says
In Atlanta, so definitely SUMMER and I love it! Quick question/blog post idea for Wellness Wednesdays: what are your thoughts on animal protein every day/most days? We have some sort of meat/poultry/fish every day, and I feel like our family should cut down a bit. However, I worry that without some form of animal protein, my kids and husband would be hungry 5 minutes after dinner. Would love your thoughts on this!
Mix and Match Mama says
Of course, this is totally bio individual, but I feel the very very best when my diet is mostly animal protein. I’ve played around with a lot of other options and nothing (for me) compares. Obviously talk to your healthcare professionals about your specific diet for your health and wellness, but I am leaning into animal protein and loving it.
K.K. says
Oh, Shay — I love winter, and I think it’s mostly because – NO PESKY MOSQUITOES. I can go outside, and I feel like I’m free!
Mix and Match Mama says
I should have lead with that reason 😉 .
Melissa says
This was a nice reminder to embrace the season you are in!
Having lived in places that winter and also places that WINTER, I’ve learned a few lessons to make it more enjoyable. Wearing the right clothes makes a huge difference and it’s my mantra on cold days now (There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing choices!) When we lived in the North, we got all the proper gear and now I love to get out in the snowy weather.
In January, I find myself spending extra time curled up under a cozy blanket with a hot tea, reading more than normal or just contemplating all the things. The calmness of this season allows me to reset with intention. I love that part of it.
Winter is not my favorite season, but there’s a lot of good in it!
Katrina Goodman says
Yes! Winter with a fire forces me to slow down because I cannot waste a fire! I read a few books in January already sitting by the fire.
I think you may like Pictures of You (author who wrote The Last Love Note), The Sicilian Inheritance, and Did She Really Go Out with Him?
Faith says
Wow, I can’t believe you use flannel sheets even in the summer, but you did say Andrew keeps the house cold. Of course I am also the one that likes to sit under a blanket year round. I love coming home after work putting on cozy clothes and staying in for the rest of the night as I once read I’m no longer interested in driving at night, leaving the house at night, driving in the winter or leaving the house in the winter. Another funny that I read is that if the temperature is younger than me, I’m not interested in going. At 51 years old. I feel this.
I’m thankful where I live I winter not WINTER.
Lisa D says
I live in Colorado and we have cold, snow and also lots of sunshine! I love seeing snow in the pine trees. I love making cookies on a snowy day. I love turning on the gas fireplace in the early morning. And then I am very ready for warm days after many months of winter! ❄
Lindsay says
You will love Wyndham Hill Winter Solstice albums for wintery instrumentals!
Valerie says
You inspired me! I am turning into less and less of a winter person as I get older and decided this fall that I wasn’t going to complain about the cold or winter this year. I live in a very rural mountain community with lots of nordic ski trails. So, to support my self in being successful with this decision I decided on a few intentions. I will ski a variety of trails each week so I’m not getting bored with the same 1 or 2 every day, AND I will choose to do other activities like hiking or snow shoeing. I will also give my self permission to do extra work outs inside if it’s single digits or negative temps. I’ve been doing all of these and feeling much more positive about these cold dark months. After reading your post this morning I realized that there is a lot I appreciate about winter! So here’s my list….The coziness, the quiet peacefulness when I’m out for a ski or a hike, the crisp air I feel in my lungs as I’m skiing, how exhausted I feel after a long ski, feeling the warmth from our wood stove, lots of cooking, an excuse to be inside working on my quilts, watching the snow fall hour after hour, walking in the deep fresh fallen snow, feeling the snow hitting my face, cozying up with my husband to watch a movie, and having no Holiday decorations out! Thank you for this Shay! It’s been a great winter so far and having this list will help me enjoy each winter moment a little more without constantly dreaming about summer. 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
I am positive it comes with its own challenges, but I LOVE that you live somewhere with a real winter 🙂 .
Beth Valenta says
Winter makes me slow down as well. So nice to get home from school and change into comfy and make soup. January is boring compared to the previous chaos, but I need that time to re-group and just organize my home. My favorite winter sign is definately the fire. It brings me joy in the dark chill. Oh, and cute beanie hats are a second. LOL
Madison says
I find it hard to think about coziness and winter amidst all the tragedy occurring in California right now. I would love to see you use your platform to share how you have been helping and ask what else needs to be done. I know you’ve talked about your corner of the internet being a happy place but I’m sure you have readers in the LA area who could share what’s most helpful right now.
Debbie Hibbert says
I’ve been a lover of early winter darkness since I was a young child. Something about being “in” for the night (except it’s still early), is pretty much at the very top of my cozy list!
Steph says
Oh my gosh I started listening to Cozy Winter Instrumental last week when we started getting so much snow and I LOVE it! It’s so relaxing. Happy Monday Shay!
Jessica says
While I don’t love having to get out on the roads in snow and ice, nor do I particularly enjoy being cold, I like that winter forces us to slow down a bit. Like you, we are still “doing” at 7pm on a July evening. If it’s light out, we feel like we should be doing something – outside if it’s warm enough. We still have activities in the winter as we do have a child in a winter sport and another child with a January birthday, but most evenings are a littler freer, and we get more down time to spend with each other and our kids. I always look forward to that.
Erika Slaughter says
As I’ve gotten older my mind set has shifted, give me ALL THE WINTER with more time at home, cozy nights with my family, comfort food, and less on my calendar!
sandi says
What I Love About Winter: breathing in the crisp cold air, snow weighing down tree branches, the crunch of snow as you take those first few steps. For a while, everything is quiet and clean. One night last week it started snowing around 10PM and the kids wanted to walk on the beach… until they walked out on the deck and realize how bitter the wind was so they just watched from the window. Over Christmas when the three college kids were home every blanket in the house made its way to the family room. Why do we have 17 blankets for 6 people? Deep cleaning the kitchen was the first thing I did when they all drove away this past Saturday. The second was to remove all unnecessary blankets from the family room. It instantly looked so much better. And who doesn’t love putting on flannel jammies before dinner?!
Welcome back, Shay!
Emily says
“I want to wear sweatpants and eat hearty.”
I feel this in my bones 😂
MelanieL says
This post has me thinking back to Friday when the Indianapolis area got around 3 more inches of snow on top of 7 that had fallen the previous Monday…anyways, I left work at 1 pm and by 2 I was in my comfy clothes with my cozy little lamps lit, having a hot chocolate and a donut…LOL! My favorite thing about winter is NOT being out driving in snow!
Nicole says
Hey Shay!! I’m so curious about IF and the one thing holding me back is black coffee!! Are you sure it’s as cozy?! That it doesn’t take away the “experience” of coffee? My digestion has been so off, and IF seems to be the number one suggestion EVERYWHERE. I’m nervous to take the leap! What is your morning routine? And what do you break your fast with? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
I feel like if you really love a little something in your coffee, then add it and don’t stress. I truly don’t mind the black coffee now at all and don’t even think twice about it…but if it’s a big deal breaker for you, then I’d just drink it the way you want. I wouldn’t let coffee hold you back. I need to do an updated morning routine post. I typically break my fast at lunch with my creatine or my AG1 (or both!).
Nicole says
Yes, please!! 😇
Bev says
Nicole, I felt the same as you, how would I drink black coffee after years of using creamer! To my surprise, the first cup tasted good! Now I only use creamer if we’re out or have special, seasonal creamer for guests. Try it, you might just like it, too!
Laura JeanS. says
I 100% agree with all your cozy vibes. And I love it when you add what you are listening to on Spotify. It’s a nice touch! One thing I also love this time of year is changing up my makeup and hair routines. It’s a small thing, but I love switching to plum lipsticks and dark nail polish. I even darkened my hair to it’s natural color this year ~which I hadn’t seen in years .. HAA!!! Stay cozy~
Holly says
Making bread is the best in winter!
Chase says
Hi Shay. Unrelated to this post but saw your story. Your ring is gorgeous. Is that new. I recall it looking a lot different. Different cut and band. Yes? Love it!
Also, deets on Kensington’s designer shades on your trip in Australia? Christmas gift? Lastly, your LV boots I couldn’t find them on the LV website. Where did you get them? They are adorbs. Thanks!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Lots of questions! I’ll try and send you links if you’ll email me. Which boots specifically so I can grab the correct link?
Chase says
Hi Shay… your black lv boots in your pic with the fam at the yard. I can’t find them anywhere on the lv sight and I adore them. Also Kensingtons sunglasses in one of your pics from Australia they are black and gold. Very cool. And her channel bag? Your kids are very blessed. Loved it all were they all Christmas gifts ?
Thank you so much!
Mix and Match Mama says
I just looked at the pic and those boots are oldies but goodies 🙂 . None of those other items were Christmas gifts.
Chase says
Thank you, darn. I want them haha. How about it your diamond ring? It looks like a different shape. Did you upgrade it again? It’s beautiful!!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Cris says
I’ve become a heating pad person in the winter!
Rebecca says
I am so willing to give this a shot. What brand of flannel sheets do you like?
Mix and Match Mama says
Land’s End! They are amazing!