I was so excited when Candace emailed me this recipe!! It is right up my alley…slow cooker, easy, no browning required, ready just minutes after you get home from a busy day. Perfection! Thanks Candace! Shopping List 4-6 chicken breasts…
What we’ve been up to…
…potty training. On Thursday, I began the 3 Day Potty Training method with Smith. I didn’t leave his sight for three straight day. It was “Mommy and Smith” time 24/7. By Saturday, he totally had the hang of it. I…
G’s Fruit Salsa
My sister-in-law Gretchen made this dip for us at Christmas and it was love at first bite. It’s fresh, tart, sweet…everything you’ll love combined. I could have eaten it with a spoon…so delish. Thanks Gretch! Shopping List 2 Granny Smith…
Dinner Tonight: Brisket Tacos
Oh my heavens…these tacos are so good. Because of this blog, I really don’t repeat many meals in our house but this recipe…will be repeated often. Very often. Plus, this is a slow cooker dinner, so it was pretty much…
Bundt Cake #22: Almond with Strawberry Jam
I made this cake for some old my oldest and dearest friends. Quite frankly, he is my oldest and dearest friend. Period. And his wife and I have developed a super close relationship too over the past decade. A rich…
What Smith did on his birthday…
…Mommy and Daddy woke him up with lots of singing and loudness. He has this “my parents are so weird” look on his face. And he has his Buzz Lightyear pjs on. We thought it best to start his…
Dinner Tonight: Chicken and Black Bean Rice Casserole
Well…I found this recipe off of Pinterest and modified it just a tiny little bit. It’s so easy that you’ll feel like you’re doing something wrong. Trust me…it’s that simple. More importantly though, it’s really, really yummy. I really liked…
French Toast Casserole
Yum. Yum. Yum. My mom made this very dish on Christmas morning. It was soooooooooooooooo yummy! I think Kensington could have eaten the whole thing. You’ll love this on a cold and cozy Saturday morning. Shopping List 1 loaf French…
Happy Birthday Smith William!
Today, my sweet baby boy turns two years old! It just seems like yesterday that I went to the hospital not knowing if I’d be bringing home a Smith William or an Ashby London. I always say Kensington is our…
Coconut Pecan Whoopie Pies
These little guys are super simple to make! The store bought coconut pecan frosting is the key. If you love coconut, you’ll love these whoopie pies. Shopping List 1 box white cake mix 1/2 cup veggie oil 2 eggs 1/4…
Smith’s Ski Lodge (Part 2)
It just seems like yesterday we had Smith’s First Par-Tee and now we’ve already had his second! The first post, was all food and decor, here are a few pictures of the actual birthday boy on his party day… My…
Dinner Tonight: Chicken Caesar Lasagna
A lasagna that tastes like a chicken Caesar salad? And simple enough to make on a week night? My kind of recipe. I found this recipe flipping through Better Homes and Garden’s One-Pan Magazine. It was really simple and tasted…