On Saturday, my sweet husband turned the big 30!! Here we are having lunch at Spoons (yummmmmmmy!). An attempt at a group picture. So bad. The kids were way more interested in the giant planter Kensington was standing on than…
All cozy
If you recall this post, Kensington is absolutely obsessed with Dancing With The Stars. She gets so excited when it comes on and sits really still absorbing it all. On Monday night, she hopped up on our bed, tucked herself in…
Happy Monday!
Then and Now
Smith, 7 months Smith, 14 months
It was a zoo out there!
Wow! What a super fun weekend!! (And we still have one day to go!) My one and only picture from Friday night. The 4 of us went to dinner and then went to Willow Bend Mall for the kids to…
Boy Mom
I love being this boy’s mom.
Happy Anniversary Baby!
Today is our 7th anniversary :). I guess I need to mention that before I post other random pictures from yesterday. Happy Anniversary baby! I love you! Yesterday, while out shopping and enjoying the gorgeous weather, Andrew and I…
Here are just some random things about my kiddos these days: 1. I’m trying to drop Smith’s morning nap and just do one big nap in the afternoons. He’s not happy about this. At 11:30 today, he was crying and…
Remember her?
This is Tulip. She weighs 3.4 pounds. She is the cranky old woman who lives in our house. Occasionally, I do hold her. Occasionally. Usually she’s too busy trying to eat the two small children that live here too.
Red Sox Birthday!
Tomorrow is my sweet Dad’s birthday :). We celebrated all day yesterday with two parties! The second party was at my Grandmother’s house and of course, the theme was Boston Red Sox. The theme was a surprise to my dad,…
Dinner with Landry
The Shull family missed Landry’s second birthday party because the roads were super icy, so we made up for it with dinner last night. We got together and ate some very yummy BBQ with our sweet friends the Smiths. All…
So, on March 13, Andrew and I will be celebrating our 7th anniversary. It has gone by sooooo fast! It’s hard to believe that 7 years ago today I was finishing off the last details for the big day. Recently,…