Well…after two years, 7 months and 16 days of being a mom, I finally got my first sick kid. I know, I know, I know…it was time, right? Of course, this was the one Sunday morning when Andrew had to…
Prince William and Princess Kate go to the zoo
Well, sort of…this morning, as Andrew and I watched several hours of the Royal wedding on TV, he pointed out that our kids were Smith WILLIAM and Kensington KATE. Since we chose their name specifically because they were British names,…
Every boy needs…
…a cool hat! Thanks Lovie and Papa Jay!
Easter! Easter! Easter!
We had a fantastic Easter! Here are some moments… Little bow tie Smith with his Papa Jay Me and my girl, Brooke! Uncle Seanie matched my kiddos 🙂 Aren’t they cute together?! Lovie and Paisley The girls The boys…
Kiss me!
Tonight after dinner, we went to Home Depot to grab a few things. I said, “Kensington, why don’t you give Smith a kiss?”. And she did…. Well, little did I know that Smith would become a kissing MACHINE! I…
Meet Bob
Our new BOB duallie stroller that is! With sadness, my kids finally out grew my Phil and Ted’s stroller. I have pushed them hundreds of miles in that thing but it was finally time to retire it. A neighbor unexpectedly…
Petting Zoo Fun
On Saturday, we headed to our neighborhood’s annual Easter extravaganza. It was a beautiful morning for a petting zoo, train, bounce house and friends. About to head out. Checking out the donkeys. A few of our favorite friends joined us: Ebby…
Shay’s day (well…the first half at least)
My day so far… I am the quintessential morning person. I’m up at 5:30 ready to do some work before the kiddos wake up (Andrew is up at 4:50, so he even beats me.). After a little work, I pick…
House divided.
I have a sad confession to make. I live in a house divided. You see…me and all my wisdom, cheer and support the Boston Red Sox while my sweet (and slightly ignorant) husband Andrew loves the New York Yankees. I know…it’s…
Kensington with two of her best friends, Ebby Lee and Molly. They’re such sweet girls!
Lately, we have been outside A LOT! In fact, if we’re home, we’re outside. After lunch today, we went out back to play until nap time. My two little ducks following each other around. (FYI: Kensington did have leggings on…
Batting 1.000
My sweet friend Sheaffer reminded me yesterday at lunch that I was indebted to her for all of her wonderful advice. She said she was “batting 1.000” with me. It sounds kind of cocky but I have to admit…it is…