Instead of finding me here today, you’re going to find me over at one of my favorite blogs, Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hour! Click on over and see what I’m up to! Happy Friday!
More than food…
I’m mixing and matching more than food today! Get Pin-spired with us today over at the Mama’s Family Blog! Happy Friday!
Linky Party next Friday!
Don’t forget! Next Friday, over at the Mama’s Family Blog, we’ll be linking up with our friends Sheaffer and Mel for a Pin-spired Linky Party! Click here to read the details! Come join the fun and get Pin-spired with us!…
Get Pin-spired!
Happy Friday! Today, I’m sending you back over to my family blog to see what’s cookin’… It’s time to get Pin-spired! Click below… I’ll be back here on Sunday with Bundt Cake #73!
Mollee V Giveaway!
What better way to kick off the New Year then to win a free tank or shirt from the fabulous Mollee V? I first heard of Mollee when my brother started wearing some of her WWJD tanks. I just love…
Christmas Ideas #5
Today is my last installment of Christmas Ideas for 2012. Like I’ve said before, I just really, really love introducing women to each other who create and inspire. These last 3 ladies totally fit the bill and all 3 offer…
Christmas Ideas #4
Today’s Christmas Ideas post is for moms and daughters. I just love how many daughters wanted me to feature their sweet mamas. I had a very sweet daughter submit her mom’s Etsy site for today’s post on Christmas…
Easy Thanksgiving
Can you believe Thanksgiving is here? It came so fast this year! In case you’re not prepared…I’ve got you covered. Whether you’re in charge of one dish or the whole spread…here are my ideas for an easy Thanksgiving. Sit back, relax…
Christmas Ideas #3
Happy Friday everyone! I’m in love with these two ladies today…both have such huge hearts and both are passionate about orphan adoption. Courtney is the proud mama of one sweet boy from Uganda and Jillian is in the process of…
Christmas Ideas #2
I mentioned last month that I want to feature some awesome women in November who have blogs, etsy sites and/or Face Book pages selling and promoting their wonderful businesses. I absolutely love supporting other women trying to pursue a passion and make…
Christmas Ideas #1 Sassy & Southern Giveaway!
OK…you guys know me by now. I’m not anything if I’m not sassy and southern. So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to be contacted by the people at Sassy and Southern about their adorable photo necklaces. I was…
Baked Pumpkin Donut Holes
I’ve told you before that sometimes…Pinterest just makes me do it. In fact, like my friend Sheaffer’s awesome blog…sometimes, Pinterest just flat out tells me to. And this time, I just couldn’t say no. A baked pumpkin donut hole?! I…