If you know me, you know that I am a jewelry junkie. J-U-N-K-I-E I’m often mocked for the number of bracelets I wear on one arm at a time (I wear a minimum of 8 and up to 15 on…
Christmas ideas!
It’s only October 15…but do you know what that means? In Mix and Match Mama world, we’re getting ready for Christmas over here. Christmas food is on the menu, Christmas cookbooks are a top my desk, and Christmas music may…
Slow Cooker Love over at A Nation of Moms!
I have another recipe featured today over at the A Nation of Moms blog! Today it’s one of my favorite slow cooker recipes, just in time for fall weather! Not familiar with A Nation of Moms? It’s a blogazine, created…
Tips and Tricks: 3 favorite things to do with chicken
I’m doing an entire post on chicken? What? Yup. I am. I love my tips and tricks on Fridays and Sheaffer over at Pinterest Told Me To loves her 3 Favorite Things…so this Friday, we’re uniting…for the good of fashion and food….
White Chocolate S’mores Bars
Um, hello?! These are so stinking fantastic! I bet you wish I had the recipe listed here, don’t you? Well…I don’t…if you want to find today’s recipe, you’re going to have to check out my guest post over at Pinterest…